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International Textile and Apparel Association 2007 Design Exhibition: “On the Edge” Table of Contents: Page: Juror Descriptions: 2 Curatorial Statement: 3 Special Thanks: 3 Fiber/Wearable Art Category: Undergraduate Student Fiber/Wearable Art Category 4 Graduate Student Fiber/Wearable Art Category 14 Professional Member Fiber/Wearable Art Category 22 Target Market Category: Undergraduate Student Target Market Category 35 Graduate Student Target Market Category 47 Professional Member Target Market Category 50 Members of the ITAA Design Exhibition Committee: Curator and ITAA Mounted Exhibit Chair: J.R. Campbell, Centre for Advanced Textiles, Glasgow School of Art Assistant Curator: Melinda Adams, University of the Incarnate Word Design and Aesthetics Committee Chair: Sherry Schofield-Tomschin, Kent State University Lectra/ITAA Live Gallery Chair: Penny Collins, Woodbury University Submissions Chair: ShuHwa Lin, University of Hawaii at Manoa ITAA Executive Director: MaryAnne Bobrow Vice-President for Scholarship: Nancy Owens, California State University - Northridge Conference Chairs: Karen Robinette and Nancy Owens, California State University - Northridge ITAA Mounted Exhibit Committee: Melinda Adams, University of the Incarnate Word Rebecca Davis, California State University – Los Angeles Lectra/ITAA Live Gallery Committee: Susan Koziak Steven Stipelman Liaison: Sandra Keiser, Mount Mary College Copyright 2007 held by the International Textile and Apparel Association, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means- graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information retrieval systems- without written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-1-885715-05-0 There were 283 entries in the ITAA Design Exhibition (mounted exhibit and live gallery): 95 by faculty/professionals, 60 by graduate students, and 128 by undergraduate students.
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