
Pony Reins Craft (Ms. Heather, Cherry Blossom kindergarten) ​ Giddyup, pony! Whoa! Trot! In the kindergarten, we have a few sets of “pony reins” in our classroom. When the weather is fine, we bring them outside with us and the children love to take turns being the “pony”. Your child (or children) can take turns being the “pony”, and a sibling or caregiver can be the “rider”. This project will make use of a long rope of fingerknitting.

Materials: ● Piece of cut into a 4”x 12” rectangle ● 85” long fingerknitted rope (made with thicker , if possible) ● thread and needle or machine ● Bells

The first step, of course, is to have your child to fingerknit a long length of “rope” that is at least 85” long.

On the short sides of the felt piece, over the edges to make a 1 ½” channel on each end.

Pin in place and 1” from the fold (if your rope is thinner, make the channels narrower). ​ Your child can hand sew these stitches, using a running stitch and keeping the stitches small.

2. Attach a large safety pin or paperclip to one end of the rope and use it to guide the rope through one channel. Continue pulling the rope through the other channel, so that you have a loop on top. This is the loop that will go over your child’s head, with the felt panel in front.

3. Adjust the free hanging ropes on each side so they are equal, making sure the top loop measures 26”. Tie a in the rope at the bottom of each channel, to keep the rope in place.

The hanging ends are the reins- you can leave these hanging or tie them together.

4. Stitch the bells wherever you’d like onto the felt panel. ...and now your pony reins are ready to take for a ride!