Curriculum vitae of Jonathan Gelbord Massachusetts Institute of Technology Phone: (617) 253-3319 MIT Kavli Institute, NE80-6091 FAX: (617) 253-8084 77 Massachusetts Ave. E-mail:
[email protected] Cambridge, MA 02139 Web: Degrees Ph.D. in Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, 2003 “Probing Circumnuclear Material in Seyfert Galaxies with X-Ray Spectroscopy” M.A. in Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, 1998 B.A. in Astronomy, Yale University, 1994 Scientific Interests Active galaxies and AGN unification models Quasar jets X-ray spectroscopy Multiwavelength surveys Grants and Observing Programs Recently funded programs: XMM-Newton observations of a sample of nearby Seyfert galaxies (PI, cycles 4 & 5) Deep Chandra imaging with joint HST observations of 5 quasar jet systems (PI, cycle 6) Very deep Chandra, HST, and VLA observations of 4C 19.44 jet system (Co-I, cycle 7) Spitzer IRAC imaging of 6 quasar jets (Co-I, cycle 2) EPO grant for Chandra After-School Astronomy Project (Co-I, cycle 6) Approved observations without funding or past programs: PI on observations with the Magellan 6.5m telescopes in Chile Co-I on Chandra, XMM, ASCA, HST, Magellan, ATCA, and LBA observations Positions Held Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Kavli Institute, 2002-present Multiwavelength studies of quasar jets with Herman Marshall; X-ray grating analyses of AGN Graduate Research Assistant, JHU, 1997-2002 X-ray spectroscopic studies of Seyferts with Kim Weaver and Tahir Yaqoob Graduate Research Assistant, STScI, 1997 Modeling accretion disks in AGN with Mario Livio and John Cannizzo Graduate Research Assistant, JHU, 1995, 1996 Velocity mapping of the central kpc of M31 with Tim Heckman and Gerhardt Meurer Graduate Teaching Assistant, JHU, 1994-1997 Intro.