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Page references in bold indicate tables; those in italic indicate figures.

abacavir (ABC), 650 , 49 PCP , 1151–1152, abdominal infections. See intra- pregnant patients, 618 See also Pneumocystis jirovecii abdominal infections viral hemorrhagic fevers, 1246 pneumonia (PCP) Abiotrophia spp., 1042 Achromobacter spp., 1046 pregnant patients, 616 A. defectiva, 247 A. denitrificans, 1046 progressive multifocal A. xylosoxidans, 1046 leukoencephalopathy abdominal, 367–369 clinical syndromes, 1046 association, 529–531 diagnosis, 367 epidemiology, 1046 treatment, 533–534 treatment, 367–369, 380 , 1045–1046 splenic abscess, 372 brain. See brain abscess multidrug resistance, 1046 toxoplasmic encephalitis, 1279–1280 breast, 620 nosocomial infections, 1045 Acrobacter, 810 coccidioidomycosis, 1144 pneumonia, 222 acrodermatitis chronica atropicans, cranial epidural, 500–501, 501 Acinetobacter spp., 1044–1046, See also 1062 dental, 64,66 Acinetobacter baumannii Actinomyces spp. (actinomycosis), 829 HACEK organism-associated, 904, catheter-related infections, 721, 723 clinical presentation, 829–830 906 epidemiology, 1045 abdominal disease, 830–831 iliopsoas. See iliopsoas abscess (IPA) meningitis, 477 CNS disease, 831 intraperitoneal, 366, 375, 380 post-transplant infection, 576 disseminated disease, 831 lacrimal sac, 116 sepsis, 15 musculoskeletal disease, 831 liver. See liver abscess urinary tract infection, 723 oral–cervicofacial disease, 830, macular, 113, 114 acquired immunodeficiency 830 orbital, 118–119, 119 syndrome (AIDS). See also human pelvic disease, 831 subperiosteal, 119 immunodeficiency virus (HIV) thoracic disease, 830 pancreatic, 366, 601 brain abscess, 498–499 diagnosis, 831 pelvic, 418, 420 CNS lesions, 497 , 452, 831 pericolic, 362 cryptococcal infection pathogenesis, 829 perinephric, 434, 435, 436, 437–438 meningitis, 1130–1132, 1131 sialadenitis, 72 diabetic patients, 588 therapy, 1130–1132 treatment, 831–834 peritonsillar, 35 cytomegalovirus infection antimicrobial therapy, 831–832, renal, 434–437, 435, 436 retinitis, 102, 1164–1165 832 retroperitoneal, 367 therapy, 1164–1165 co-isolates, 832–833 retropharyngeal, 35 esophageal infections, 324–325 home therapy, 832 salivary gland, 69 gastroenteritis, 337 immunocompromised hosts, 833 spinal. See spinal epidural abscess evaluation, 339 refractory disease, 833 splenic, 371, See splenic abscess management, 340 surgery or percutaneous thyroid, 43, 45–46, 46 human herpesvirus 6 infection, drainage, 833 tubo-ovarian, 418 1201 Actinomyces spp. (actinomycosis) Acanthamoeba spp., 93, 805 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 1203 A. israelii, 117 keratitis, 88, 93–94, 94 lympadenopathy, 189 Actinomyces-like organisms (ALO), 833 treatment, 94 mucormycosis, 1120, 1122 acute disseminated encephalomyelitis waterborne infections, 804, 805–806 Mycobacterium avium complex, (ADEM), 134, 518 acetaminophen 1020 diagnosis, 518 chickenpox, 1229 therapy, 1025 acute glomerulonephritis (AGN), Epstein–Barr virus infection, 1187 parvovirus B19 infection, 1218 1000, 1002


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acute mountain sickness (AMS), 783 adefovir, 1355 pancreatitis, 601 acute otitis externa (AOE). See otitis adverse effects, 1355 , 599–600 externa drug interactions, 1355 pneumonia, 597–599 acute otitis media (AOM). See otitis hepatitis B infection, 1355 anaerobic, 598 media pharmacokinetics, 1355 gram-negative, 598–599 acute respiratory distress syndrome adenoviruses pneumococcal, 54–55 (ARDS), 221 , 81 tuberculosis, 599 acute retinal necrosis (ARN), 99, 105, diagnosis, 82 alkylating agents, 564 105–106 gastroenteritis, 337 allergic bronchopulmonary HIV-infected patients, 685 , 260–263 aspergillosis (ABPA), 1117 treatment, 105 adult inclusion conjunctivitis, 86 allergic fungal sinusitis, 62 acute retroviral syndrome (ARS), 1186 adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD), allergic reactions. See hypersensitivity acute (ARF), 1000, 455, 457 reactions 1000–1002 adverse drug reactions (ADRs), 1371, altitude sickness, 783 diagnostic criteria, 1000 See also hypersensitivity reactions; amantadine, 1355 primary prevention, 1001 specific drugs influenza, 1208 secondary prevention, 1001–1002 aerobic exercise, chronic fatigue chemoprophylaxis, 1209 therapy, 1001 syndrome management, 29 amebiasis. See Entamoeba histolytica acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST), 42 Aerococcus spp., 1042–1043 amebic liver abscess, 787, 1318, clinical manifestations, 44–45 A. urinae, 1042 1318–1321 diagnosis, 45–46 A. viridans, 1042 clinical presentation, 1318–1319 fine-needle aspiration, 46 , 791, 805 diagnosis, 1319–1320 imaging, 45–46 aerosolized red tide respiratory treatment, 1320, 1320–1321 management, 46 irritation (ARTRI), 809 aspiration, 1321 microbiology, 43–44, 44 African eyeworm, 1261 amikacin, 1336 pathogenesis, 42–43 spp., 904, See also Mycobacterium abscessus, 1026 acyclovir, 1353–1355 HACEK organisms Mycobacterium avium complex, adverse effects, 1354–1355 albendazole 1024–1025 chronic fatigue syndrome, 29 anisakiasis, 1257 Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 cytomegalovirus ascariasis, 1252 Mycobacterium tuberculosis prophylaxis, 1165 Baylisascaris procyonis, 1266 (tuberculosis), 1018 drug interactions, 1355 cutaneous larva migrans, 1266 , 952 encephalitis, 492–493, 683, 1198, 1354 cysticercosis, 1276 , 967 Epstein–Barr virus, 1188, 1354 echinococcosis, 1277–1278 amino acid abbreviations, 667 esophageal infections, 329, 331 filariasis, 1261 , 1336, See also specific prophylaxis, 329 giardiasis, 808, 1314 drugs herpes simplex virus, 617, 1198 gnathostomiasis, 1266 , 867 genital herpes, 410, 1197, 1354 hookworms, 1253 children, 868 hepatitis, 293 loiasis, 1262 cholangitis, 311 herpes labialis, 1196 Microsporida, 1317 dialysis-related infection, 624, neonates, 613, 1198 toxocariasis, 518, 1265 627 meningitis, 485 trichinellosis, 1259 elderly patients, 603 myelitis, 515 trichuriasis, 1252 , 897 nosocomial pneumonia, 224 Alcaligenes faecalis, 1047 enterococcal infections, 897 pharmacokinetics, 1354 Alcaligenes spp., 1046–1047 iliopsoas abscess, 467 post-transplant infection, 581 A. faecalis, 1046 neonates, 609 pregnant patients, 617, 620 clinical syndromes, 1047 perinephric abscess, 438 retinitis, 105 epidemiology, 1047 peritonitis, 376 varicella-zoster virus, 493, 620, 683, alcoholic patients, 597, 598 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 1354 bacteremia and sepsis, 600–601 resistance, 1336 chickenpox, 1229 diphtheria, 601 sepsis, 18 herpes zoster (shingles), 677, endocarditis, 601 splenic abscess, 374 1231 hepatitis, 601–602 urinary tract infection, 426 adalimumab, 569 HIV, 602 catheter-related, 725 infection risk, 569–570 immunologic defects, 597 amnesic shellfish poisoning, 344

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amoxicillin, 1334 immunocompromised patients, anaerobic infections, 835, 835, See also actinomycosis, 832 1132 specific infections anthrax, postexposure meningitis, 672, 683, 1129–1130 antibiotic resistance, 838, 842 prophylaxis, 846 dialysis-related infection, 627 beta-lactamase-producing dental infection, 66 echinococcosis, 1278 anaerobes, 838 , 912 endophthalmitis, 112, 1110 collection and transport of , 1062 esophageal infections, 327–328 specimens, 836–837 Lyme arthritis, 1064 histoplasmosis, 686, 1136 diabetic foot ulcers, 838 otitis media, 50–53, 55, 964 keratitis, 95 features of, 836 , 955 leishmaniasis, 1302, 1310–1311 female genital tract infections, 837 pharyngotonsillitis, 37 lipid formulations, 1347 intra-abdominal infections, 837 pneumonia, 963 mucormycosis, 586, 1121–1122 pleuropulmonary infections, 837 pregnant patients, 615 neonates, 611 skin and soft-tissue infections, 838 Salmonella infections, 982 neutropenic patients, 554, 557 sources of, 835, 835 chronic carriage, 983 sepsis, 20 treatment, 837–842 urethritis, 390 splenic abscess, 374 antibiotic susceptibility, 839, 840 urinary tract infection, 425, 615 sporotrichosis, 1126 types of infection, 835–836, 836 amoxicillin–clavulanate, 1334 thrombophlebitis, 274 analgesics. See also specific drugs acute otitis media, 52 urinary tract infection, 431 otitis media, 49 influenzae, 922 cystitis, 432 Anaplasma phagocytophilum, 1062, , 864 diabetic patients, 588 1098–1099, 1100 neutropenic patients, 556 pyelonephritis, 432 , 794, 1098–1101, 1099, nocardiosis, 953 renal candidiasis, 432 1100 otitis media, 52, 964 vulvovaginal candidiasis, babesiosis coinfection, 1299–1300 Pasteurella multocida, 956 398 diagnosis, 1099–1101 pneumonia, 963 zygomycete infections, 554 therapy, 1101 alcoholic patients, 598 , 1334 Ancylostoma braziliense, 1252, 1265 pregnant patients, 615 cholangitis, 311 Ancylostoma caninum, 1252, 1265 pressure ulcers, 605 dialysis-related infection, 627 Ancylostoma ceylanicum, 1252 prostatitis, 416 endocarditis, 249, 897–898 Ancylostoma duodenale, 1250, 1252 sinusitis, 60 HACEK organism-associated, Angiostrongylus cantonensis urinary tract infection, 424, 615 905 (angiostrongyliasis), 1266 wound infection enterococcal infections, 897–899 angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) bite wound prophylaxis, 957 intra-amniotic infection, 616 inhibitors postoperative, 732 , 947 aspiration pneumonia prevention, amphotericin B, 1344–1347 meningitis, 476–478, 485, 611 232 adverse effects, 1115, 1344 elderly patients, 606 myocarditis, 266 nephrotoxicity, 1344 neonates, 609–611 angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) aspergillosis, 554, 681, 1114–1115 Pasteurella multocida, 955 myocarditis, 266 aspergillomas, 1117 perinephric abscess, 438 angular blepharitis, 85 prophylaxis, 1116 pertussis, 861 angular cheilitis, 676–677 blastomycosis, 1139 agalactiae, 995 anidulafungin, 1350 brain abscess, 499 , 130 Aspergillus spp., 1114–1115 candidemia, 554, 1109 urinary tract infection, 725 candidemia, 1109 candidiasis, 1107, 1111 ampicillin–sulbactam esophageal infections, 327 chronic disseminated infection, cholangitis, 311 animal bites, 157–159, See also rat-bite 1109 endocarditis, 249 fevers CNS infections, 1110 lung abscess, 235 antimicrobial selection, 158, endocarditis, 1109 Moraxella catarrhalis, 864 159–160 respiratory tract infections, 1111 pneumonia chemoprophylaxis, 746 urinary tract infection, 1111 alcoholic patients, 598 complications, 158 coccidioidomycosis, 1146–1147 supraglottitis, 202 components of care, 157 meningitis, 1148 surgical prophylaxis, 757–758 compromised hosts, 158 cryptococcal infection wound infection envenomations, rhabdomyolysis AIDS and, 1130 postoperative, 732 and, 462, 462

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animal bites (cont.) continuous renal replacement immune reconstitution hospitalization criteria, 159, 160 therapy and, 1327, 1327 inflammatory syndrome microbiology, 157 drug interactions, 1329–1330 prevention, 666–667, 669 Pasteurella multocida infection, drug monitoring, 1330 initiation guidelines, 657–658, 658 954–955 elderly patients, 1327 integrase strand transfer inhibitors antibiotic prophylaxis, 956–957 future directions, 1343 (INSTIs), 653–655, 660 risk factors, 957, 957 inappropriate administration, 1332 laboratory studies, 663, 663–664 therapeutic failure causes, 159 new indications, 1324 new and experimental wound evaluation and care, outpatient parenteral therapy, medications, 656–657 157–159 1330–1331 non-nucleoside reverse zoonotic diseases, 791 pharmacokinetics and transcriptase inhibitors anisakiasis, 1256–1257 pharmacodynamics, 1324–1325 (NNRTIs), 647, 651–652, 659 Anisakis simplex, 1256 practice guidelines, 1326 nucleoside/nucleotide reverse anthrax, 843 pregnant patients, 1326–1327 transcriptase inhibitors bioterrorism, 208, 815, 846 prophylaxis, 1331 (NRTIs), 646, 650–651, 658–659 diagnosis, 818–819 resistance. See antibiotic resistance postexposure prophylaxis, management, 822–824 selection of, 1325–1326, 1326 664–665, 665 clinical manifestations, 845 stewardship, 1326 pre-exposure prophylaxis, 665–666 diagnosis, 847 switch (step-down) therapy, 1331 pregnant patients, 618–619, 661, clinical clues, 844 tissue distribution, 1325 661–662 cutaneous lesions, 844, 819 topical antibiotics, 1342–1343 protease inhibitors (PIs), 648, 652, epidemiology, 843–844 treatment failure, 1331–1332 659–660 inhalation, 208, 212, 819, 845 anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies regimen selection, 658, 658–660, 659 natural disease cycle, 843 (anti-CCP), 458 multidrug-resistant HIV, 660 pathogenesis, 844–845 anticoagulation therapy antiviral therapy, 1353, See also prophylaxis, 847 cardiac device infection antiretroviral therapy (ART); postexposure prophylaxis, prevention, 284 specific drugs and conditions 846–847 suppurative intracranial agents, 1353, 1402 postexposure vaccination, 847 thrombophlebitis, 502 appendicitis, 357, 890 pre-exposure vaccination, 846 antidepressant therapy, chronic diagnosis, 357–358 toxin, 844 fatigue syndrome, 29 pathogenesis, 357 treatment, 212, 845–846 antiemetics, food poisoning, 346 postoperative complications, 359, novel therapeutics, 846 antifungal agents, 1106, 1400, 359 vaccine, 824, 843–844, 846 See also specific drugs treatment, 358 antibiotic lock therapy (ALT), 624–625 drug interactions, 1349 perioperative management, antibiotic resistance, 1324, future directions, 1352 358–359 See also specific antibiotics and therapeutic options, 1345 surgery, 358 organisms antiparasitic agents, 1408 types of, 357 anaerobic , 838, 842 antiretroviral therapy (ART), 645, arboviruses, polyarthritis, 456 enterococci, 249, 895–897 See also highly active antiretroviral Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, otitis media, 54 therapy (HAART); human 1040–1041 peritonitis, 379 immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pharyngotonsillitis, 35 residents in long-term care cobicistat (COBI), 655 Arcanobacterium spp., 125 facilities, 606 comorbidities and, 660–663 artemether–lumefantrine, malaria, sepsis, 15, 19–20 , 660 1289 antibiotic therapy, 1333, See also specific hepatitis B, 662 artemisinin-based combination antibiotics and conditions hepatitis C, 662–663 therapies (ACTs), malaria, 1289 administration route, 1328 liver disease, 662 arterial infections, 274–277 adverse effects, 1327, 1328–1329 mycobacterial infections, 661–662 diagnosis, 275 diarrhea, 337, 349–350 osteoporosis, 660 pathogenesis, 274–275 allergic reactions, 1329, See also renal disease, 660 therapy, 275–277 hypersensitivity reactions compliance barriers, 658 artesunate antibacterial agents, 1384 entry inhibitors, 652–653 malaria, 616 antimycobacterial agents, 1398 fixed-dose combination pills, 654, severe disease, 1290 combination therapy, 1326 655–656 pregnant patients, 616

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arthritis. See also joint infections; prophylaxis and pre-emptive Mycobacterium abscessus, 1026 polyarthritis and fever treatment, 1116, 1116–1117 Mycobacterium avium complex, 679, acute rheumatic fever, 1000 sinusitis, 1113, 1118 1022, 1024–1025 juvenile idiopathic (JIA), 457 treatment, 1114–1116 HIV-infected patients, 694 systemic onset (soJIA), 455, 457 aspiration pneumonia. See pneumonia pregnant patients, 616 Lyme arthritis, 440, 456, 1060, 1062 aspirin prophylaxis, 694 Pasteurella-associated, 955 Kawasaki syndrome, 131 pneumoniae, 1079–1080 reactive, 454 Reye syndrome association, 524 otitis media, 964 rheumatoid, 454 asthma, 194, See also chronic airways pertussis, 861 septic, 440, 454–455, 987, 1081 disease prophylaxis, 861 HACEK organism-associated, infection role, 195–196 pharyngotonsillitis, 1001 906 Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, 963 injection drug abusers, 592 association, 1077 alcoholic patients, 598 neonates, 612 asymptomatic bacteriuria, 426–427, atypical, 209 therapy, 441 889 community-acquired, 217, 1080 Ascaris lumbricoides (ascariasis), catheter-associated, 722, 724 Legionella, 211 1250–1252, 1251 diabetic patients, 587 rectal chlamydial infection, 354 Ascaris suum, 1265 elderly patients, 604 resistance, 390 ascites atazanavir (ATV), 652, 659 , 1006 culture-negative neutrocytic athlete’s foot, 173 , 1056 (CNNA), 375, 377 Atopobium vaginae, bacterial vaginosis, toxoplasmosis, 1282 monomicrobial nonneutrocytic 398 travelers’ diarrhea, 812 bacterascites (MMNNB), atovaquone , 1096 375–376 babesiosis, 1299 Ureaplasma spp., 1083 polymicrobial nonneutrocytic malaria, pregnant patients, 616 neonatal infections, 1084 bacterascites (PMNNB), 375 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia urethritis, 389–390 aspergillomas, 1117 prophylaxis, 689 azoles, 1347–1350, See also specific azoles Aspergillus spp. (aspergillosis), 1113, toxoplasmosis, 1282 adverse effects, 1348 1113 toxoplasmosis prophylaxis, 692 esophageal infections, 327 A. fumigatus, post-transplant atovaquone–proguanil, malaria, 1289 eumycetoma, 182 infection, 577 prophylaxis, 1291 investigational drugs, 1351 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 44 Atripla, 655 resistance, 327 allergic manifestations, avian influenza, 209, 795 sepsis, 20 1117–1118 H4N1, 1206 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 398, 1108 antimicrobial resistance, 1115 H5N1, 1207 aztreonam, 1334 brain abscess, 499 H7N9, 1206 dialysis-related infection, 624 cerebral, 496 azathioprine endocarditis, HACEK organism- clinical features, 1113–1114 myocarditis, 266 associated, 905 diagnosis, 1114 azathioprine, myocarditis, 266 enterococcal colonization and, 899 endocarditis, 251 azithromycin, 1338 , 917 endophthalmitis, 113, 114 actinomycosis, 832 mediastinitis, 271 esophageal infection, 327–328 babesiosis, 1299 meningitis, 957 HIV-infected patients, 681 Campylobacter infection, 355, 871 Pasteurella multocida, 957 immunocompromised patients, cat scratch disease, 854 peritonitis, 376 545, 548 cervicitis, 399 pregnant patients, 615 invasive pulmonary disease, 1113, , 409, 922 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 1114 psittaci, 1090 wound infection, postoperative, keratitis, 1113, 1116 , 1031 732 laboratory test, 555 diphtheria, 601 myelitis, 518 epididymo-orchitis, 404 Babesia microti, 1296 neutropenic patients, 554, 560 gonorrhea, 353, 917 Babesia spp. (babesiosis), 633, 1295 orbital infections, 119 pharyngeal infection, 918 anaplasmosis coinfection, otitis externa, 57, 586 Legionnaires’ disease, 788, 807, 928 1299–1300 post-transplant infections, 577–578, Lyme disease, 1062 B. bovis, 1296 583 meningitis prophylaxis, 478, 939 B. divergens, 1297–1298, 1300

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Babesia spp. (babesiosis) (cont.) cancer patients, 560 diagnosis, 851–852 B. duncani, 1297–1298 urethral catheters, 723 management, 852, 852 B. microti, 1295, 1297–1298 clostridial, 879 henselae, 99, 853, 857, clinical manifestations, 1297 corynebacteria, 885–886 See also cat scratch disease complications, 1297 elderly patients, 606 cardiovascular infections, 855–856 diagnosis, 1297–1299 endocarditis, 7 HIV-infected patients, 686, 687 epidemiology, 1295–1296 , 891–892 immunocompromised patients, Lyme disease coinfection, 1297, enterococcal, 897–899 853 1299–1300 vancomycin-resistant prolonged bacteremia, 856 pathogenesis, 1296–1297 enterococcus (VRE), 896 , 99, 165 postsplenectomy patients, 561, 633 epididymo-orchitis, 403 bacteremia, 601 overwhelming infection, 634 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 902 cardiovascular infections, 855–856 prevention, 1300–1301 HACEK organisms, 904 immunocompromised patients, transfusion-related infection, 712 Lactobacillus spp., 1039 853 treatment, 1299, 1299–1300 Listeria monocytogenes, 945 osteomyelitis, 687, 856 , 687, 853, 857 Moraxella catarrhalis, 864 prolonged bacteremia, 856 bacillary angiomatosis and , 935 Bartonella rochalimae, 853 parenchymal overwhelming postsplenectomy Bartonella spp. () (BAP), 853, 857 infection, 631 See also cat scratch disease; specific bacillary peliosis hepatitis, 853 Pasteurella multocida, 955 species bacille Calmette–Gue´rin (BCG) peritonitis and, 377 cardiovascular infections, 855–856 vaccination Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 969 HIV-infected patients, 687 epididymitis and, 403 Salmonella spp., 979–980 immunocompromised patients, HIV infected patients, 694 HIV-infected patients, 355 856–858 Bacillus anthracis, 208, 843, 844, , 980 treatment recommendations, 854 See also anthrax Shigella, 1004 zoonotic infections, 854 diagnosis, 818–819 spinal epidural abscess and, 505 Baylisascaris procyonis, 1266 pre-exposure vaccination, 846 splenic abscess and, 374 B-cell function virulence factors, 844, 845 staphylococcal, 15, 20, 281, 434, cancer patients, 561 Bacillus cereus, 847–848 505, 720, 989 evaluation, 546, 546–547 clinical manifestations, 848 therapy, 552 rituximab effects, 567 gastrointestinal disease, 335, 342, suppurative thrombophlebitis, 273 bedbugs, 169–170, 170 848 transfusion-related, 712 clinical features, 170 Bacillus spp., 847–848 viridans streptococci, 998 etiology, 169–170 catheter-related infections, 720 Bacterial Contamination of Blood treatment and control, 170 clinical manifestations, 848 Products (BaCON) study, 712 Behc¸et’s disease, 140 endophthalmitis, 110 bacterial vaginosis, 392, 394–395 epididymitis, 403 epidemiology, 848 probiotic benefits, 1368 bejel, 1058–1059 treatment, 849 treatments, 395 Bell’s palsy, 520 Bacillus thuringiensis, 847 bacteriuria, asymptomatic. See benznidazole bacitracin, 1342 asymptomatic bacteriuria adverse effects, 1305 hypersensitivity reactions, 1381 Bacteroides fragilis trypanosomiasis (), bacterascites antibiotic resistance, 842 1305 monomicrobial nonneutrocytic colorectal surgical prophylaxis, 757 benzodiazepines, tetanus, 877 (MMNNB), 375–376 liver abscess, 315 Bergeyella zoohelcum, 1050 polymicrobial nonneutrocytic peritonitis, 377 beta-blockers, myocarditis, 266 (PMNNB), 375 travelers’ diarrhea, 810 beta-lactam antibiotics, 1333, See also bacteremia, 14 Bacteroides spp. specific antibiotics alcoholic patients, 600–601 aspiration pneumonia, 230 anaerobic infections, 842 Bartonella, 856 neutropenic patients, 552 cross-reactivity among, 1379–1380 brain abscess and, 495 Balamuthia mandrillaris, 805 hypersensitivity reactions, 1371, Campylobacter, 870 Balantidium coli, 1315 1373 catheter-related, 552, 623, 699, 891, treatment, 1315 management, 1378–1379 See also catheter-related , 850, 851 skin testing, 1375–1377 infections clinical manifestations, 850–851 osteomyelitis, 450

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overwhelming postsplenectomy viral hemorrhagic fevers, liver abscess, 315 infection, 634 825–826 meningitis, 484, 937 perinephric abscess, 438 bismuth subsalicylate (BSS) peritonitis, 376 pneumonia gastroenteritis, 339 sepsis, 15 alcoholic patients, 598 travelers’ diarrhea, 811 splenic abscess, 372 community-acquired, 217–218 prevention, 811 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 959 elderly patients, 605 bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis thrombophlebitis, 274 surgical prophylaxis, 753 of the jaw (BRONJ), 833 transfusion-related infection, 715 urinary tract infection, 424 bite wounds, 157, See also animal bites; viridans streptococci, 997 catheter-related, 725 human bites bloodborne pathogens, 704–708, viridans streptococci, 998 chemoprophylaxis, 746 See also specific pathogens Bifidobacterium spp. See probiotics components of care, 157 exposure management, 703 bile, bacteria in, 309 hospitalization criteria, 159 guidelines, 707, 708 biliary tract procedures, surgical therapeutic failure causes, 159 initial management, 703–704 prophylaxis, 757–758 treatment algorithm, 160 exposure prevention, 703 biofilm BK virus, post-transplant infection, risk of transmission to healthcare cervicitis, 398, 400 582 workers, 703 CSF shunts, 536 Blastocystis hominis, treatment, 1315 bocavirus, 219 intravascular catheters, 623–624, Blastomyces dermatitidis boceprevir, 303, 1355–1356 717 (blastomycosis), 1138, 1139 adverse effects, 1355 rhinosinusitis, 59 diagnosis, 1138–1139 drug interactions, 1355–1356 urinary catheters, 722–723 esophageal infections, 327–328 hepatitis C, 1355 biologic therapies, 567 HIV-infected patients, 679 antiretroviral therapy lymphocyte-depleting therapies, myelopathy, 518 interaction, 662 567–569 TNF-α inhibiting therapy pharmacokinetics, 1355 TNF-α inhibiting therapies, 571 association, 570 body cavity-based lymphoma (BCBL), biopsy treatment, 1139–1140 1202, 1203 brain, 492 blepharitis, 83, 85, 116, 1195 body lice. See pediculosis corporis corneal, 90 blood and blood products Boerhaave’s syndrome, 269, 271 endomyocardial (EMB), 265 bacterial contamination frequency, liver, 293–294, 303 712 clinical manifestations, 859–860 lymph node, 187, 190, 190–191 storage-related, 713 diagnosis, 860 interpretation, 191 contamination sources, 715 epidemiology, 859 technique, 190–191 erythrocytes, 712–713 pertussis toxin, 859 prostate, 416 plasma and plasma-derived prevention, 860, 861 skin, 124, 139, 148 products, 714 immunization, 764, 771, 861 ulcer, 139–140, 145 platelets, 713–714 postexposure prophylaxis, 771, esophageal, 330 viral hemorrhagic fever 861 bioterrorism, 208, 795, 815, 816 management, 1244 travelers, 780 anthrax, 208, 815, 818–819, 846 whole blood, 712–713 secondary infections, 861 clinical presentation, 815 blood culture-negative endocarditis. treatment, 860, 860–861 diagnosis, 815–818, 817 See culture-negative endocarditis Bordetella spp., 859, See also Bordetella Bacillus anthracis, 818–819 (CNE) pertussis botulinum, 820 blood cultures B. bronchiseptica, 859, 861 , 819–820 aspiration pneumonia, 229 B. hinzii, 859 smallpox, 820–821 Capnocytophaga canimorsus, 1048 B. holmesii, 859, 861 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 821 cardiac device infection, 280–281, B. parapertussis, 859, 861 , 819 283 boric acid, 396 epidemiologic characteristics, 822 community-acquired pneumonia, Bornholm disease, 1176 management, 821–826, 823 215 Borrelia burgdorferi, 99, 1060, anthrax, 822–824 Enterobacteriaceae, 891 See also Lyme disease botulism, 825 enterococci, 897 antibody responses against, 1062 , 208, 824–825 fever of unknown origin, 7 heterogeneity, 1060 smallpox, 821–826 HACEK organisms, 904 joint infection, 440 , 208, 825 iliopsoas abscess, 466 meningitis, 481

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Borrelia burgdorferi (cont.) brain biopsy, 492 pulmonary infection, 743–744 myocarditis, 261 brainstem encephalitis, listerial, suppurative thrombophlebitis, 744 neuroborreliosis, 521 945–946 wound infection, 743 therapy, 1064 Branhamella. See Moraxella bursitis, 445, 445 polyarthritis, 456 breast implant-associated infection, diagnosis, 446 Borrelia duttonii, 1068, See also 739 therapy, 445–447, 446 relapsing fever borreliosis Brill–Zinsser disease, 1095 butoconazole, vulvovaginal Borrelia recurrentis, 165, 1068, See also bronchiectasis, 194, See also chronic candidiasis, 398 relapsing fever borreliosis airways disease bot fly, 166 infection role, 197–198 Calabar swellings, 1261 botulinum toxin, 335, 873 bronchiolitis, 193, 1076 camptothecin, progressive multifocal antitoxin, 875 bronchitis leukoencephalopathy, 534 vaccine, 875 acute, 193–194 Campylobacter enteritis, 355 botulism, 345, 521–522, 873 causative agents, 193 Campylobacter fetus, 870 antitoxin, 825 chronic, 194, 864 clinical presentation, 871 bioterrorism bronchopleural fistula (BPF), 237 , 870 management, 825 clinical features, 238 clinical features, 870 clinical presentation, 874–875 etiology, 238 food poisoning, 343 diagnosis, 820, 875 investigations, 238 sexually transmitted enteric epidemiology, 873–874 therapy, 240, 240 infection, 355 foodborne botulism, 873 Brucella spp. (brucellosis), 795, 866, 867 travelers’ diarrhea, 811 iatrogenic botulism, 874 B. abortus, 866 Campylobacter spp., 870, See also specific infant and adult enteric B. melitensis, 866–867 species botulism, 874 chronic fatigue syndrome clinical features, 870–871 inhalational botulism, 874 association, 517 diagnosis, 871 wound botulism, 874 clinical manifestations, 866–867 epidemiology, 870 infant, 522 acute brucellosis, 866 gastroenteritis, 337, 341 manifestations, 521–522 chronic brucellosis, 866–867 prevention, 872 pathogenesis, 874 subacute brucellosis, 866 prognosis, 872 therapy, 346, 875 epididymo-orchitis, 403 sexually transmitted enteric wound infection, 522 neurologic complications, 517 infections, 355 bovine spongiform encephalopathy, therapy, 867–869 therapy, 871–872 541 adults, 867–868 antibiotic resistance, 872 brain abscess, 495 children, 868 travelers’ diarrhea, 810 amebic, 1322 pregnant patients, 869 zoonotic diseases, 795 causes, 495, 495–497 steroids, 869 canaliculitis, 72–73, 117 clinical presentation, 496, 497 travelers, 787 cancer patients. See neoplastic disease diagnosis uveitis, 100 patients imaging, 497, 497 Brugia malayi, 1259 Candida albicans, 1104, 1104, See also laboratory findings, 496–497, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, Candida spp. (candidiasis) 497 1261 catheter-related infection, 718 HIV-infected patients, 683 budesonide, croup, 200 dialysis-related infection, 626 listerial, 946, 946 bundles. See infection control endocarditis, 251 nocardial, 951 buprenorphine, 595 endophthalmitis, 110 pathogenesis, 495 Burkholderia cepacia, 973 esophageal infections, 324 pathogens, 496 immunocompromised patients, intra-abdominal infections, 368, 368 prognosis, 499, 499 548 onychomycosis, 176 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 970 Burkholderia pseudomallei, 805 pancreatitis, 321 therapy, 497–499 burn-injury patients, 741, 741 post-transplant infection, 576 antimicrobial therapy, 498 chondritis, 744 septic emboli, 124 approach, 498 inhalation injury, 742 thrombophlebitis, 274 corticosteroids, 499 injury pathophysiology, 741–742 urinary tract infection, 422, 430, immunocompromised patients, prevention of infection, 742–743 See also candiduria 498–499 Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, catheter-related, 723 viridans streptococci, 998 972 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 397–398

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Candida glabrata, 1105, 1108–1109 perinephric abscess, 437 management, 281–283, 282 urinary tract infection, 430 peritonitis, 377, 379, 1110 prevention, 283–284 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 397 post-transplant infection, 578, 583 risk factors, 280 Candida krusei, 1105, 1109 renal, 430–432 cardiac infections Candida parapsilosis, 1109 respiratory tract infections, 1111 risk factors, 285 Candida spp. (candidiasis), 179, sepsis, 15, 20, See also candidemia , 255, 258 1104–1105, 1105, 1106, See also neonatal, 608 cardiac device infections specific species, See also candidemia; splenic abscess, 372 microbiology, 280–281 candiduria; specific species thrombophlebitis, 274 hominis, 904, See also acute suppurative thyroiditis, 44 urinary tract infection, 422, 1111, HACEK organisms bone and soft-tissue infections, See also candiduria carditis management, Lyme disease, 1111 cystitis, 430, 432 1064 myelitis, 518 diabetic patients, 588 carotid artery erosion, 78 brain abscess, 496, 499 pyelonephritis, 430, 432 Carrion’s disease, 851 cancer patients, 560 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 397–398, management, 852 cardiac device infection, 284, 1110 1107–1108 caspofungin, 1350 catheter-related infections, 720 classification, 1108 Aspergillus spp., 1114–1115 central nervous system infections, probiotic benefits, 1368 prophylaxis, 1117 1110 Candida tropicalis, 1104 candidemia, 1109 cholangitis, 311 candidemia, 1108–1109, See also dialysis-related infection, 627 cholecystitis, 309 Candida spp. (candidiasis) esophageal infections, 327–328 chronic disseminated infection, catheter-related, 720 neutropenic patients, 557 1109 neutropenic patients, 553–554 cat bites, 791, See also animal bites; chronic mucocutaneous treatment, 1108–1109 zoonotic diseases candidiasis, 1106 candiduria, 430, 1111 cat scratch disease, 86, 853–855 cutaneous candidiasis, 1105–1106 clinical features, 430–431 clinical manifestations, 853–854 diabetic patients, 1105 management, 431–432 epidemiology, 853 endocarditis, 1109–1110 asymptomatic candiduria, neurological, 855 endophthalmitis, 110, 112, 1110 431–432 ophthalmologic, 855 esophageal infections, 324–327, cystitis, 432 parenchymal, 856 327, 681, 1106–1107, 1107 pyelonephritis, 432 uveitis, 99 clinical presentation, 325, 1107 renal and disseminated catheter-related infections, 717, complications, 325 candidiasis, 432 See also cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diabetic patients, 587 urosepsis, 432 shunt infection diagnosis, 325–326 predisposing factors, 430 bloodstream infection (CRBSI), drug resistance, 327 prognosis, 431 244, 245, 623–624, 717, 720 prophylaxis, 327 Capnocytophaga canimorsus, 157, 791, definition, 718 treatment, 326–327, 1107 1047–1048 diagnosis, 718 gastrointestinal candidiasis, overwhelming postsplenectomy management, 720 1110–1111 infection, 632 prevention, 719 HIV-infected patients, 676–677, 681 capsid-binding inhibitors, 1181 cancer patients, 560 prophylaxis, 692 carbapenems, 1335–1336, See also clinical presentation, 717–718 immunocompromised patients, specific drugs diagnosis, 718 545, 1105–1106 anaerobic infections, 838 dialysis patients. See dialysis- injection drug abusers, 595 gonorrhea, 917 related infection intra-abdominal infections, 368, peritonitis, 376 infection control bundles, 699 368, 1110–1111 pneumonia, alcoholic patients, management, 719–721, 720 liver abscess, 315 598–599 neonates, 609 neonatal infections, 611 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 neutropenic patients, 552 neutropenic patients, 553–554, resistance, 1335–1336 pathogenesis, 717 560 spinal epidural abscess, 507 preventive strategies, 718–719 prophylaxis, 555–556 , 143 thrombophlebitis, 273 oropharyngeal infections, 676–677, cardiac-device infections, 280 treatment, 274 1106–1107 Candida spp., 1110 urinary catheters, 699, 722, 722 otitis externa, 57 diagnosis, 281 asymptomatic bacteriuria, 427

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catheter-related infections (cont.) Haemophilus influenzae, 921 arthritis, 1064 bacteriology, 722–723 meningitis, 475–477, 611, 938 ocular, 1065 Candida, 430–431 neonates, 611 meningitis, 475–477, 937–938 diagnosis, 723, 723–724 peritonitis, 376 prophylaxis, 478, 939 elderly patients, 605 pneumonia, 963 Moraxella catarrhalis, 864 morbidity and mortality, 723 renal corticomedullary abscess, 437 neutropenic patients, 556 pathogenesis, 421, 722, 722 sepsis, 601 nocardiosis, 952 presentation, 724 supraglottitis, 202 otitis media, 964 prevention, 726, 726 Vibrio spp., 1032 overwhelming postsplenectomy treatment, 724–726, 725 cefotetan infection, 634 cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis iliopsoas abscess, 468 , 258 (CST), 119, 501 surgical prophylaxis, 757 peritonitis, 376 cefaclor, urinary tract infection, 424 cefoxitin pharyngotonsillitis, 39 cefadroxil, 1334 anaerobic infections, 842 pneumonia, 963 urinary tract infection, 424 enterococcal colonization and, 899 alcoholic patients, 598–599 cefazolin, 1334 Mycobacterium abscessus, 1026 postsplenectomy patients, 561 bacteremia, 989 surgical prophylaxis, 757 pregnant patients, 615 cardiac device infection cefpodoxime, urinary tract infection, prostatitis, 415 prevention, 284 424 renal corticomedullary abscess, 437 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection pregnant patients, 615 shigellosis, 1006 prevention, 540 ceftaroline, 1335 spinal epidural abscess, 507 diabetic patients, 589 community-acquired pneumonia, supraglottitis, 202 endocarditis, 247 218 surgical prophylaxis, 757 perinephric abscess, 438 endocarditis, 247 toxic shock syndrome, 130 peritonitis, 376 ceftazidime, 1335 urethritis, 389 postoperative wound infection, cholangitis, 311 urinary tract infection, 425, 615 732–733 , 788 Whipple’s disease, 382 renal cortical abscess, 434 meningitis, 477, 970 cefuroxime, 1334 spinal epidural abscess, 507 neutropenic patients, 556 diabetic patients, 589 surgical prophylaxis, 753, 758–760 nosocomial pneumonia, 223 Lyme disease, 1062 toxic shock syndrome, 130 perinephric abscess, 438 meningitis, 477 trauma-related infection, 736 pregnant patients, 615 pneumonia, 963 cefazolin–metronidazole sepsis, 601 supraglottitis, 202 surgical prophylaxis, 757 Vibrio spp., 1032 surgical prophylaxis, 758 cefdinir, urinary tract infection, 424 ceftizoxime , 149, 149–152, 987, 994 cefepime, 1335 actinomycosis, 832 causes, 150 brain abscess, 498 anaerobic infections, 842 cesarean section wound site, 619 dialysis-related infection, 624 ceftobiprole, 1335 clinical manifestations, 149 enterococcal colonization and, 899 , 1335 complications, 149 meningitis, 477 actinomycosis, 832 crepitant, 588 perinephric abscess, 438 anaerobic infections, 842 diabetic patients, 588–589 peritonitis, 376 brain abscess, 498 diagnosis, 149–150 pneumonia, alcoholic patients, 599 cervicitis, 399 differential diagnosis, 150 pregnant patients, 615 endocarditis, 246, 249, 856, 897 floor of the mouth, 65 prostatitis, 416 HACEK organism-associated, microbiology, 149–150 trauma-related infection, 736 905–906 necrotizing, 589 cefixime enterococcal infections, 897 neutropenic patients, 552 cervicitis, 399 epididymo-orchitis, 404 orbital, 117, 117–118 epididymo-orchitis, 404 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 903 preseptal, 117, 117–118 gonorrhea, 353 gonorrhea, 353, 916–917 rapidly spreading, 125 cefonicid, surgical prophylaxis, 760 conjunctivitis, 918 therapy, 150–152 cefotaxime, 1335 disseminated infection, 918 Cellulosimicrobium spp., 1039–1040 brain abscess, 498 Haemophilus influenzae, 921 central venous catheters, 717, See also endocarditis, HACEK organism- , 1073 catheter-related infections associated, 905 Lyme disease, 1064 infection control bundle, 699, 699

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cephalexin, 1334 cephradine, postoperative wound opportunistic infections, 688 burns patients, 742 infection, 732 travelers’ diarrhea, 811 pharyngotonsillitis, 1001 cercarial dermatitis, 802, 804 chickenpox, 773, 1226–1230, See also postoperative wound infection, 732 cerebritis, listerial, 946 varicella-zoster virus urinary tract infection, 424 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis antiviral therapy, 1229 , 1334–1335, See also encephalitis, 491 complications, 1227, 1230 specific drugs meningitis, 472, 483, 483–484 diagnosis, 1228 anaerobic infections, 842 progressive multifocal immunocompromised patients, brain abscess, 498 leukoencephalopathy, 532 1230 catheter-related infections, 720 syphilis, 1056 symptomatic therapy, 1229 cervicitis, 399 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt transmission, 1231 cholangitis, 311 infection, 536 chikungunya virus, 100, 454, 456, 787 endocarditis, 247, 249, 897 clinical presentation, 536–537 children HACEK organism-associated, diagnosis, 537 acute disseminated 905 meningitis and, 540 encephalomyelitis (ADEM), enterococcal infections and, 897, outcomes, 539 518 899 pathogenesis, 536 acute rheumatic fever, 1000 , 993 prevention, 539–540 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 42, gonorrhea, 917 therapy, 537–539 44–45 disseminated infection, 918 antimicrobial therapy, 537–539, appendicitis, 357 Haemophilus influenzae, 921–922 538 asthma, 195 , 143 continuing management, 539 babesiosis, 1297 Lyme disease, 1064–1065 initial approach, 537 treatment, 1299–1300 mediastinitis, 271 surgery, 539 bite wounds, 161 prophylaxis, 270 cervical cancer, 1211 brucellosis therapy, 868 meningitis, 475–477, 938, 963 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia cat scratch disease, 853 neonates, 609 (CIN), 1212 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, overwhelming postsplenectomy cervicitis, 392–393, 398 537, 539 infection, 634 diagnosis, 398–399 chickenpox, 1226–1227 Pasteurella multocida, 955, 957 follow-up, 400 management, 1228–1230 peritonitis, 376 treatment, 399 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1086 pharyngotonsillitis, 39, 1001 cesarean section, 619, 661 classic exanthems, 133 pneumonia, alcoholic patients, 599 surgical prophylaxis, 758 conjunctivitis, 82, 84 pregnant patients, 615 cestode infections, 1274, See also specific croup, 199–200 pressure ulcers, 605 infections cryptosporidiosis, 1315 prosthetic joint infection Chagas disease. See Trypanosoma cruzi; cytomegalovirus infection, 1161 prevention, 444 trypanosomiasis dacryocystitis, 72 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 chalazion, 116 dengue, 1168 relapsing fever borreliosis, 1069 , 1053 Elizabethkingia meningoseptica renal , 434, 437 anorectal, 354 infections, 1048 resistance, 399 trypanosomiasis (sleeping enteroviruses, 1173–1174, 1176 shigellosis, 1006 sickness), 1306 mucocutaneous syndromes, skin and soft-tissue infections, 151 chancroid, 406, 408 1177–1178 splenic abscess, 374 clinical presentation, 408 respiratory tract disease, 1180 Staphylococcus infections, 985 diagnosis, 922 fever and rash causes, 125 subdural empyema, 500 genital ulcer disease, 406 fifth disease, 1216 supraglottitis, 202 treatment, 410, 922, 923 food poisoning, 346 surgical prophylaxis, 753, 760 Charcot’s triad, 311 gastroenteritis, 334, 337 trauma-related infection, 736 chemical exposures, recreational Salmonella spp., 979 urethritis, 389 water use, 809 head lice, 163–164 urinary tract infection, 424–427, chemoprophylaxis, 746–750, See also hepatitis A virus, 287, 775 615 prophylaxis; specific infections vaccination, 287 vaginitis, 396 chronic, 749 hepatitis B virus, 289 Vibrio spp., 1032 controversies, 750 herpes simplex virus, 1193 cephalothin, surgical prophylaxis, 753 indications, 746, 747 oropharyngeal infection, 1194

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children (cont.) peritonitis, 375–376 Chlamydia psittaci, 1089 human herpesvirus 7, 1201 pertussis, 859 antibiotic therapy, 211, 1090–1091 immunizations, 764–770, See also pharyngotonsillitis, 33–35, 38 atypical pneumonia, 205, 208, 219, immunization; specific vaccines pneumonia, 212, 214, 217, 219 1089 catch-up schedule, 766 aspiration, 228 clinical syndromes, 1089–1090 recommended schedule, 765 Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP), diagnosis, 1090 impetigo, 143 1152 Chlamydia trachomatis influenza, 1206–1207 polyarthritis, 457 cervicitis, 392, 398 insulin-dependent diabetes , 1096 treatment, 399 mellitus, 1177 rat-bite fevers, 975, 977 conjunctivitis, 84–86 Kawasaki disease, 129, 131 Reye syndrome, 524–525, 1207 diagnosis, 354 keratitis, 91 prevention, 527 epididymitis, 402, 404 laryngitis, 203 roseola, 136–137, 1199, 1201 epididymo-orchitis, 402 Lyme disease therapy, 1062 roundworm infections, 1250 genital ulcer disease, 406 lymphadenitis, 1020 enterobiasis, 1255 diagnosis, 408 , 185, 188 trichuriasis, 1252 pelvic inflammatory disease, 418 malaria, 1289 rubella, 135–136 proctitis, 353–354 malignancy, 457 , 993 screening, 391 measles, 133–135, 134 shigellosis, 1006, 1006 trachoma, 86 meningitis sinusitis, 60 treatment, 354 aerobic gram-negative bacilli, spinal epidural abscess, 506 urethritis, 386 477 splenic abscess, 374 chloramphenicol, 1342 enteroviral, 1174 staphylococcal scalded skin anaerobic infections, 842 Haemophilus influenzae, 477, syndrome, 124 anthrax, 824 920–921 supraglottitis, 201–203 Chlamydia psittaci, 1091 immunization, 963 tick-borne disease, 798 meningitis, 475, 477, 485, 938, 957 pneumococcal, 963 tinea capitis, 171–172 Mycoplasma hominis, 1084 prophylaxis, 478 tinea faciei, 173 Pasteurella multocida, 956–957 streptococcal, 475–476 toxic shock syndrome, 128 relapsing fever borreliosis, 1069 treatment, 475–477, 921 trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease), Rocky Mountain , Microplasma pneumoniae, 1076 1305 124, 1095 Moraxella catarrhalis infection, 863 tuberculous sialadenitis, 72 tick-borne disease, 798 mumps, 71 tularemia, 1007–1008 tularemia, 1008 Mycoplasma pneumoniae typhoid fever, 982 typhus, 1095–1096 therapy, 1080 viridans streptococcal bacteremia, Ureaplasma spp., 1084 myelitis, 517 998 Whipple’s disease, 381 myocarditis, 260, 265–266 shock syndrome, 998 chlorhexidine, 1342 nontuberculous mycobacterial visceral larva migrans, 1265 catheter-related infection infection, 1020 Chinese restaurant syndrome, 343 prevention, 718 ocular larva migrans, 1265 Chlamydia spp. See also specific species infection control, 700–701 osteomyelitis, 448, 452–453, 981 epididymitis, 402 mediastinitis prophylaxis, 270 otitis externa, 56–57 joint infection, 440 surgical prophylaxis, 759 otitis media, 48, 964 postpartum endometritis, 619 chloroquine, malaria, 1287, 1290 complications, 55–56 prostatitis, 415 pregnant patients, 616, 1292 diagnosis, 48, 48–49 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1086–1087 prophylaxis, 1291–1292 microbiology, 49, 53 antibiotic therapy, 209–211, 211, resistance, 1285, 1287, 1290 recurrence prevention, 53–55 1087–1088, 1088 cholangitis, 310–312, 890 treatment, 49–53, 52 carriage, 1086 bacteriology, 311 PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune culture, 209, 1087 diagnosis, 311 neuropsychiatric disorder laboratory diagnosis, 1087 toxic, 310–311 associated with group pharyngotonsillitis, 36 treatment, 310, 311–312 A Streptococcus), 1001–1002 pneumonia, 1086 cholecystitis, 308–310, 309, 890 parvovirus B19, 294 atypical, 205–206 acalculous, 308 pericarditis, 254, 256 community-acquired, 217 bacteriology, 309 periocular infections, 117–118 elderly patients, 605 diabetic patients, 587

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diagnosis, 308–309 human herpesvirus 6, 1201 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1087 treatment, 309–310, 310 human herpesvirus 8, 1204 diphtheria, 601 cholera, 1030 pharmacokinetics, 1356 drug interactions, 1330 laboratory diagnosis, 1032–1033 post-transplant infection, 582 Helicobacter pylori, 912 prevention, 1033 progressive multifocal impetigo, 143 therapy, 1031 leukoencephalopathy, 534 Legionnaires’ disease, 807, 929 vaccine, 811 ciguatera fish poisoning, 344, 344, Mycobacterium abscessus, 1026 cholera toxin, 1030 346–347 Mycobacterium avium complex, 679, chondritis, burn-injury patients, 744 Cimex lectularius, 169, 170 685, 1022, 1024–1025 chorea, acute rheumatic fever, 1000 ciprofloxacin HIV-infected patients, 694 Chromobacterium spp., 1048 anthrax, 824, 845 prophylaxis, 694 C. violaceum, 548, 806, 1048 postexposure prophylaxis, 846 Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 chronic airways disease, 194, See also Bacillus spp. (non-anthrax), 848 Mycobacterium marinum, 1027 specific diseases Campylobacter infection, 355 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 1079 acute exacerbations, 194–195 chancroid, 409 otitis media, 964 impact reduction, 195 cholangitis, 311 pharyngotonsillitis, 1001 chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 24–25 cholera, 1031 pneumonia, 963 definition, 25,25 corynebacteria, 887 atypical, 209 diagnosis, 27–28 C. jeikeium, 886 community-acquired, 217, 1079 epidemiology, 25 drug interactions, 1329 toxoplasmosis, 1282 genetic predisposition, 27 endocarditis, 251 clenched-fist injuries (CFIs), 161 pathophysiology, 25–27 HACEK organism-associated, clindamycin, 1340 treatment, 28, 28–30 906 actinomycosis, 832 controversial treatments, 29–30 meningitis, 477 adverse effects, 1299, 1328 empircal treatment of prophylaxis, 478, 939 anaerobic infections, 842 symptoms, 29 neutropenic patients, 556 anthrax, 824 principles, 28 nosocomial pneumonia, 223 babesiosis, 1299–1300 therapies with demonstrated otitis media, 55 bacterial vaginosis, 395 efficacy, 28–29 perinephric abscess, 438 brain abscess, 499 chronic granulomatous disease peritonitis, 376–377 bursitis, 446 (CGD), 548 plague, 1035 dacryocystitis, 73 chronic inflammatory demyelinating prostatitis, 415–416 dental infection, 66 polyneuropathy (CIDP), 521 prosthetic joint infection, 443 dialysis-related infection, 626–627 chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 968 diphtheria carriers, 884 1106 renal corticomedullary abscess, 437 enterococcal colonization and, 899 chronic obstructive pulmonary resistance, 478, 812 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 903 disease (COPD), 194, 863–864, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, gas , 879 920–921 1095 iliopsoas abscess, 467–468 acute exacerbations, 195 Salmonella infection, 355 impetigo, 143 exacerbation frequency, 195 chronic carriage, 983 lactational mastitis, 620 infection role, 196–197 sepsis, 601 Lactobacillus spp., 1039 injection drug abusers, 592 shigellosis, 355, 1006 Lemierre’s syndrome, 274 treatment, 921 spinal epidural abscess, 507 lung abscess, 235 chronic suppurative otitis media trauma-related infection, 736 malaria, 616, 1289 (CSOM). See otitis media travelers’ diarrhea, 812 mediastinitis, 271 Chryseobacterium spp., 1048 tularemia, 825, 1009 Mycoplasma hominis, 1083 C. indologenes, 1048 typhoid fever, 982 neonatal infections, 1084 cidofovir, 1166, 1356 urinary tract infection, 424 , 155 adverse effects, 1166, 1356 Vibrio spp., 1032 neonates, 611, 1084 cytomegalovirus, 294, 1162, 1165 Citrobacter spp. osteomyelitis, 450–451 HIV-infected patients, 1164 perinephric abscess, 437 pharyngotonsillitis, 1001 post-transplant infection, 1165 urinary tract infection pneumonia, 989 retinitis, 104, 1164, 1356 catheter-related, 723 alcoholic patients, 598 drug interactions, 1356 clam digger’s itch, 802 aspiration, 231 esophageal infections, 331 clarithromycin, 1338 community-acquired, 218

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clindamycin (cont.) cloxacillin, 1334 condylomata lata, 1053 postoperative wound infection, 732 bursitis, 446 congenital rubella syndrome, 135–136 postpartum endometritis, 619 coagulation modulators, viral conjunctivitis, 81, 864, See also pregnant patients, 616 hemorrhagic fevers, 1245 Parinaud’s oculoglandular intra-amniotic infection, 616 cobicistat (COBI), 654–655 syndrome pressure ulcers, 606 Coccidioides immitis, 1141 acute hemorrhagic (AHC), 83, skin and soft-tissue infections, 151 peritonitis, 377 1180–1181 spinal epidural abscess, 507 post-transplant infection, 577 acute otitis media and, 52 splenic abscess, 374 Coccidioides posadasii, 1141 bacterial, 83 supraglottitis, 202 Coccidioides spp. (coccidioidomycosis), acute, 84–85 toxic shock syndrome, 130, 994 1141, See also specific species chronic, 85,85 toxoplasmosis, 499, 1280–1282 chronic pulmonary infection, chlamydial, 85–86 ocular, 105 1142–1143, 1143 adult inclusion conjunctivitis, prophylaxis, 692 diagnosis, 1144–1146 86 trauma-related infection, 736 disseminated infection, 1143–1144, clinical features, 81 vaginitis, 395 1144 etiology, 81 wound infection risk factors, 1142 hyperacute, 83 postoperative, 732 HIV-infected patients, 679 neonatal, 83–84 clofazimine prophylaxis, 693 prophylaxis, 84 adverse effects, 934 meningitis, 1145 onchocerciasis, 1263 , 933–934 myelopathy, 518 treatment, 83, 85 Mycobacterium avium complex, 1025 primary infection, 1141–1142, viral, 81–83, 83, 1180–1181, 1195, clonazepam, Creutzfeldt–Jakob 1142 1198 disease, 543 prophylaxis, 1149 constipation, probiotic benefits, 1367 clonorchiasis, 1271–1272 TNF-α inhibiting therapy contact lens wear, 88, 93, 95 clostridial myonecrosis. See gas association, 570 contact precautions, 700 gangrene treatment, 1146–1149, 1147 continuous renal replacement therapy Clostridium botulinum, 521, 873, disseminated infection, (CRRT), antibiotic considerations, See also botulism 1147–1148 1327, 1327 diagnosis, 820 meningitis, 1148 convalescent plasma, viral food poisoning, 345 primary uncomplicated hemorrhagic fevers, 1245 Clostridium difficile, 835 infection, 1146–1147 postexposure prophylaxis, 1247 diagnosis, 17, 338, 349 progressive pulmonary Cordylobia anthropophaga, 166 diarrhea, 552–553, 836 infection, 1147–1148 corneal infection. See keratitis neutropenic patients, 552–553 rheumatic disease patients, coronaviruses, 219, 795 post-transplant infection, 576 1149 corticosteroids, 563–564, See also treatment, 349, 349–350, 350 cochlear implant-associated infection, specific drugs Clostridium perfringens 738–739 acute rheumatic fever (ARF), 1001 bacteremia, 879 cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), brain abscess, 499 food poisoning, 342, 879 chronic fatigue syndrome, 28–29 brucellosis, 869 gallbladder infection, 879 colchicine, pericarditis, 258 croup, 199–200 , 155, 878 colistin, 1341 cysticercosis, 1276 Clostridium septicum, 155, 878 meningitis, 477 encephalitis, 493 bacteremia, 879 spinal epidural abscess, 507 hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like Clostridium sordelli, 836 colorectal surgical prophylaxis, lung disease, 1028 Clostridium spp., 873, See also specific 755–757 immune reconstitution species mechanical bowel preparation, 757 inflammatory syndrome, 669, diabetic patients, 587 community-acquired pneumonia. 671 postoperative wound infection, See pneumonia immunosuppressive effects, 563 729, 732 complement system evaluation, 549, mechanisms, 563 Clostridium tetani, 522, 875, 875, 549 infection risk and, 563–564, 564 See also tetanus Complera, 655 infectious mononucleosis, 1188 clotrimazole Comprehensive Unit Safety Program complications, 1188 oropharyngeal candidiasis, 1107 (CUSP), 701, 701 Kawasaki syndrome, 131 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 398 condyloma acuminata, 1359 keratitis, 92

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Legionnaires’ disease, 930 meningitis, 479 zoonotic disease, 795 meningitis, 921 myelitis, 515 culture negative endocarditis (CNE), eosinophilic, 1266 myocarditis, 261–263 7, 251 pneumonia pleurodynia, 1176 antibiotic therapy, 251 aspiration, 230 respiratory tract disease, 1180 Bartonella, 855–856 Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP), cranial epidural abscess, 500–501, 501 CURB-65 score, 214, 962 679, 1153 C-reactive protein (CRP) cutaneous larva migrans (CLM), 1265, retinitis, 105, 1281 sepsis biomarker, 17 1265–1266 schistosomiasis, 1271 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) Cyclospora cayetanensis, 808, 810, 1316 sepsis and septic shock, 21 clinical symptoms and signs, 542 food poisoning, 343 shingles, 1231 differential diagnosis, 542–543 treatment, 1315 therapeutic actions, 563, 564 epidemiology, 541–542 cyclosporine toxoplasmosis, 1281 variant, 541–542 myocarditis, 266 ocular, 105 crofelemer, 812 gangrenosum, 146 tuberculosis, 1018 croup, 199–200, 200, 201 cystic fibrosis, 969, 973, 1046–1047 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 1245 therapy, 199–200, 201 associated mycobacterial afermentans, 887 crowned dens syndrome (CDS), 457 infections, 1027 Corynebacterium aquaticum, 887 cryopyrin-associated periodic cysticercosis, 1274–1276 Corynebacterium bovis, 887 syndromes (CAPS), 457 cystitis, 422–425, 889 Corynebacterium diphtheriae, 881, Cryptococcus gatti, brain abscess, 496 Candida spp., 430, 432 See also diphtheria Cryptococcus neoformans, 1128 complicated, 424–425 diagnosis, 882 HIV-infected patients, 683, diabetic patients, 587 myocarditis, 261 1128–1129, 1131 diagnosis, 422–423 pharyngotonsillitis, 35 meningitis, 683, 1128 pregnant patients, 615 transmission, 881 AIDS and, 1131 recurrent, 427–428, 428 Corynebacterium equi, 1041 relapse prediction, 1130 prophylaxis, 428 Corynebacterium haemolyticum, 1040 therapy, 1129–1132 Salmonella spp., 981 Corynebacterium jeikeium, 886 post-transplant infection, 583 therapy, 423–424 clinical features, 886 pulmonary disease, 1128 cytokines therapy, 886 varieties, 1128 cytokine storm, 14 Corynebacterium minutissimum, 886 Cryptococcus spp. See also specific species sepsis pathogenesis, 13–14 Corynebacterium pseudodiphthericum, Cryptococcus spp. (cryptococcosis) cytomegalovirus (CMV), 1161, 1162 887 clinical presentation, 1128–1129 diagnosis, 1161–1162 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, HIV-infected patients, 1130–1132 drug resistance, 330, 1165 886–887 prophylaxis, 693 encephalitis, 488, 492–493, 683 Corynebacterium spp., 885–886, See also immune reconstitution treatment, 493 specific species inflammatory syndrome, epididymo-orchitis, 403 catheter-related infections, 720 671–673 esophageal infections, 329–331, nondiphtheric species, 885–887 myelitis, 518 681 clinical features, 886 therapy, 1129, 1129–1132 diagnosis, 330 epidemiology, 886 immunocompromised patients, prophylaxis, 331 therapy, 887 1132 treatment, 330–331 Corynebacterium striatum, 887 normal hosts, 1129–1130 gastrointestinal infections, 682 Corynebacterium ulcerans, 886 with AIDS, 1130–1132 hepatitis, 294 , 1096, See also Q fever Cryptosporidium spp. HIV-infected patients, 681–683 antibiotic therapy, 212 (cryptosporidiosis), 1315–1316, prophylaxis, 694–695 atypical pneumonia, 205, 207, 219 1316 therapy, 1164–1165 Coxsackie viruses. See also C. hominis, 1315 immune reconstitution enteroviruses C. parvum, 1315 inflammatory syndrome, acute lymphonodular pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, 335 673–674 1178 HIV-infected patients, 1315 immunocompromised patients, diabetes role, 1177 sexually transmitted infection, 356 545, 1161 epidemiology, 1174 travelers’ diarrhea, 810 mononucleosis-like syndrome, hand-foot-and-mouth disease treatment, 1315 1186 (HFMD), 1178 waterborne infection, 807, 807–808 myelitis, 514

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cytomegalovirus (CMV) (cont.) dialysis-related infection, 624, diaper, 1105 neonates, 613, 1161–1162 626–627 infective, 514 treatment, 1166 endocarditis, 247, 898 Pseudomonas, 801–802 neuropathy, 520 enterococcal infections, 898 seborrheic, 178, 677 nosocomial pneumonia, 224 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 903 Dermatobia hominis, 166 post-transplant infection, 575, meningitis, 477 dermatophytes, 171, See also specific 577–578, 580–581, 1165–1166 MRSA bacteremia, 989 conditions prevention, 1165 neutropenic patients, 552 treatment, 174 treatment, 1165–1166 osteomyelitis, 450 topical antifungal agents, 175 primary prevention, 1167 spinal epidural abscess, 507 dermatophytid reactions, 174 retinitis, 102, 102–104, 683, 1162 toxic shock syndrome, 130 descending necrotizing mediastinitis. treatment, 102–104, 1164–1165, trauma-related infection, 736 See mediastinitis 1356, 1358, 1364 viridans streptococci, 999 desert rheumatism, 1141 sialadenitis, 71 darunavir (DRV), 652, 659 desferasirox, mucormycosis and, 1122 therapy, 1162–1167, 1163, 1364 deep neck infections, 75 dexamethasone AIDS patients, 1164–1165 anatomy of deep neck spaces, 76 croup, 199 antiviral agents, 1166–1167, 1358 carotid artery erosion, 78 endophthalmitis, 112 congenital infection, 1166 complications, 77 meningitis, 473–474, 921, 938, 963 post-transplant infection, danger space, 77–78 meningococcemia, 123 1165–1166 lateral pharyngeal spaces, 77 typhoid fever, 983 thyroid infection, 44 Lemierre’s syndrome, 78,78 diabetic patients, 585 TNF-α inhibiting therapy management, 76, 78 candidiasis and, 1105 association, 571 antibiotics, 77 coccidioidomycosis, 1143 uveitis, 99 pathogens, 76 common infections, 585 cytomegalovirus hyperimmune prevertebral space, 78 diabetic foot, 589–590 globulin (CMVIG), 1166–1167 radiologic testing, 76 empirical antibiotic therapy, cytoplasmic antineutrophil retropharyngeal space, 77, 78 589 cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA), submandibular spaces, 76 osteomyelitis, 452, 589 458 DEET, 799 usual flora, 838 cytosine arabinoside, progressive delayed-type hypersensitivity (DHT) enterovirus role, 1177 multifocal leukoencephalopathy, response testing, 547 gastrointestinal infections, 587 533 Demodex mites, blepharitis, 116 mucormycosis, 586, 1119, 1121 cytotoxic agents, 564–565 dengue, 787, 1168, 1169, See also viral otitis externa, 586–587 infection risk and, 564–565 hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) predisposing factors to infection, mechanisms of action, 564 case classification, 1170 585 clinical manifestations, 1168–1169 probiotic benefits, 1369 dacryoadenitis, 73, 117 convalescence phase, 1169 renal papillary necrosis, 438 dacryocystitis, 72–73, 116–117 critical phase, 1168–1169 respiratory infections, 585–586 acute, 73, 116, 117 febrile stage, 1169 skin and soft-tissue infections, 588 chronic, 73 diagnosis, 1169–1170 deep necrotizing infections, dalbavancin, 1339 differential diagnosis, 1170 589–590 dalbovancin, 1339 management, 1170–1171 superficial necrotizing danger space, 77–78 neurologic complications, 516 infections, 588–589 dapsone, 1340 prevention, 1171 urinary tract infections, 430, adverse effects, 689, 934 dengue shock syndrome, 1168, 1170 587–588 leprosy, 933, 1340 dental infection, 63, 64 vascular graft infection, 278 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia anatomy, 63–64 dialysis-related infection, 622 prophylaxis, 689, 1153 diagnosis, 65 access device types, 622, 622–623 toxoplasmosis prophylaxis, 692, 1282 emergency considerations, 65 peritoneal catheter infections, 625 dapsone, 1388 pathophysiology, 64–65 microbiology, 623 daptomycin, 151, 1339 therapy, 65–67 therapy, 625, 625–626 adverse effects, 462, 552, 1328 antibiotics, 65–66 peritonitis, 626–627 bursitis, 446 drainage, 66 microbiology, 626 cardiac device infection, 281 dermatitis therapy, 626–627 catheter-related infections, 720 cercarial, 802, 804 tuberculosis, 627

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vascular access device infections, diagnosis, 882, 883 atypical pneumonia, 211–212 623 differential diagnosis, 884 bacillary angiomatosis and microbiology, 623, 623 epidemic management, 885 parenchymal bacillary peliosis therapy, 623–625, 624 epidemiology, 881 (BAP), 858 diarrhea, 334, See also gastroenteritis; immunity, 881 Bartonella bacteremia, 856 travelers’ diarrhea laryngeal, 203, 882 brucellosis, 867 antibiotic-associated, 337, 349 pharyngeal, 882 cat scratch disease, 855–856 diagnostic studies, 349 prevention, 885 cervicitis, 399 treatment, 349–350 respiratory, 881 chlamydial infection causative organisms. See also therapy, 883–884 C. psittaci, 1090 specific organisms antibiotics, 884 rectal, 354 evaluation, 337–339 antitoxin, 883–884 cholera, 1031 food poisoning, 342–343, 346 carriers, 885 donovanosis, 410 HIV-associated, 681–682 supportive measures, 884 , 1101 management, 339, 339, 340, 346 tonsillar, 881 endocarditis, 856 probiotics, 1367 toxin, 882 epididymo-orchitis, 404 neutropenic patients, 552–553 vaccination, 885 filariasis, 1261 tropical sprue, 382 immunization schedule, 764, gonorrhea, 353, 917 zoonotic diseases, 795 771 leptospirosis, 1073 diclazuril, Isospora belli, 1316 travelers, 780 Lyme disease, 1062, 1065 dicloxacillin, 1334 diphyllobothriasis, 1277 arthritis, 1064 impetigo, 143 Dipylidium caninum, 1277 tick-bite management, 1065 lactational mastitis, 620 dirithromycin, Mycoplasma , Dientamoeba fragilis, 1256, 1316 pneumoniae, 1079 410 dietary considerations Dirofilaria immitis, 1264 malaria, 1289 gastroenteritis, 339 disseminated intravascular prophylaxis, 1291 diethylcarbamazine (DEC) coagulation (DIC), viral melioidosis, 788 filariasis, 1260–1261 hemorrhagic fevers, 1239 meningitis, 485 loiasis, 1262 management, 1244 onchocerciasis, 1263 neurologic complications, diverticulitis, 361, 890 plague, 1035 1262 diagnosis of infection, 361, 363 postoperative wound infection, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, management, 361–365, 363 732 1261 generalized intra-abdominal postpartum endometritis, 619 diethyltoluamide (DEET), 1292, 1300 sepsis, 364–365 prosthetic joint infection, 444 adverse effects, 1301 intravenous antibiotics, 364 Q fever, 1097 diffuse unilateral subacute oral antibiotics, 364 relapsing fever borreliosis, 1069 neuroretinitis (DUSN), 1266 pericolic disease, 362–364 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, dihydroepiandosterone (DHEA), peridiverticulitis, 362 124, 1095 chronic fatigue syndrome therapy, preoperative preparation, 364 sepsis, 601 30 dobutamine, hantavirus syphilis, genital ulcers, 409 diloxanide furoate, Entamoeba cardiopulmonary syndrome, 1191 tick-borne disease, 798 histolytica, 1314, 1321 docosanol, 1357 typhus, 787, 1095–1096 diphenhydramine, chickenpox, 1229 dog bites, 791, 1047, See also animal urethritis, 390 diphenoxylate-atropine bites; zoonotic diseases Vibrio spp., 1031–1032 gastroenteritis, 339 dolutegravir (DTG), 656–657, 660 Whipple’s disease, 382 diphtheria, 521, 881, 883, 885 donovanosis, 406 Dracunculus medinensis alcoholic patients, 601 clinical presentation, 408 (dracunculiasis), 1264 anterior nares diphtheria, 881 treatment, 410 therapy, 1264 antitoxin, 881 doripenem, 1335 drug abuse, 591, See also injection drug biotypes, 881 doxycycline, 1337 abusers clinical features, 882 actinomycosis, 832 management issues, 595 complications, 882 adverse effects, 789, 1328 drug desensitization, 1377 myocarditis, 882 anaplasmosis, 1101 oral, 1379 peripheral neuritis, 882 anthrax, 824, 845 parenteral, 1379 cutaneous, 882 postexposure prophylaxis, 846 drug provocation tests, 1377

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, 1004, See also Shigella spp. Ehrlichia canis, 1098 cytomegalovirus, 488, 492–493 (shigellosis) , 1098–1099, 1100 diagnosis, 490–492 amebic, 1313 , 1098–1099, 1099, 1100 brain biopsy, 492 travelers, 812 Ehrlichia muris-like agent (EMLA), cerebrospinal fluid analysis, 491 dyspepsia evaluation, 911 1098–1099, 1099, 1100 electroencephalography, dysplasia, human papillomavirus ehrlichiosis, 794, 1098–1101, 1099, 1100 490–491 associated, 1211, 1212 diagnosis, 1099–1101 imaging, 491 treatment, 1213 therapy, 1101 pathogen-specific assays, dysuria, 386, 388 , 904, See also 491–492 cystitis, 422 HACEK organisms enteroviral, 494, 1175 elderly patients, 603 epidemiology, 489, 489 E1210 antifungal agent, 1352 antibiotic use, 603, 604, 1327 Epstein–Barr virus, 490, 493 eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), 794 bacteremia, 606 etiology, 487–488 Ebolavirus, 1239, See also viral bite wounds, 161 nonviral causes, 488 hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) deep neck infections, 75 viral causes, 488 echinocandins, 1350–1351 erysipelas, 148 herpes simplex, 488, 490, 492, 501, candidemia, 1108–1109 hepatitis B virus, 290 1196, 1198 candidiasis, 1110 meningitis, 472, 606 HIV-infected patients, 683 chronic disseminated infection, osteomyelitis, 448 prophylaxis, 689–692 1109 otitis externa, 57 Japanese, 487, 787 renal, 432 parotitis, 68 vaccination in travelers, catheter-related infections, 720 pneumonia, 208, 214, 220, 605 782–783 coccidioidomycosis, 1146 aspiration, 227–228 JC virus, 494 esophageal infections, 327 pressure ulcers, 605–606 brainstem, 945–946 intra-abdominal infections, 368 residents in long-term care measles virus, 493 keratitis, 95 facilities, 606 outcome, 494 mucormycosis, 1122 septic emboli, 124 pathogenesis, 488–490 neutropenic patients, 554 sialadenitis, 70 postinfectious, 490 peritonitis, 379 tuberculosis, 605, 1012 therapy, 492–494 pyelonephritis, 432 urinary tract infection, 603–605 antiviral therapy, 492–494, 493, therapeutic uses, 1351 Whipple’s disease, 456 1198 echinococcosis elephantiasis, 1259 supportive care, 492 alveolar, 1278 Elizabethkingia toxoplasmosis, 689–692, 1279–1280 cystic, 1277–1278 E. meningoseptica, 1048–1049 varicella-zoster virus, 488, 490, 493, polycystic, 1278 epididymo-orchitis, 403 1229 Echinococcus granulosus, 1277–1278 Elsberg syndrome, 520 Encephalitozoon intestinalis, 1316, 1317 Echinococcus multilocularis, 1278 elvitegravir (EVG), 654, 660 treatment, 1317 Echinococcus oligatrus, 1278 drug interactions, 654 encephalopathy, Lyme disease, 1065 Echinococcus vogeli, 1278 mycobacterial therapy interactions, endarteritis, 273 echoviruses, 1177, See also 662 syphilitic, 1054–1055 enteroviruses empyema, 229, 237, 237 endocarditis, 243 meningitis, 479 Candida spp., 1111 alcoholic patients, 601 respiratory tract disease, 1180 clinical features, 238 Candida spp., 1109–1110 , 146 definition, 237 culture-negative (CNE), 7, 251, 251, , 124, 139, 969 etiology, 237–238 855–856 Edwardsiella lineata, 803 investigations, 238 diagnosis, 245, 591 efalizumab, progressive multifocal subdural. See subdural empyema Duke criteria, 245, 245 leukoencephalopathy association, therapy, 238–240, 239 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 902 530 antibiotics, 239 fungal, 251 efavirenz (EFV), 651, 659 decortication, 240 HACEK organism-associated, 249, mycobacterial therapy interactions, fibrinolytic therapy, 240 250, 904–905 662 tuberculous, 238 prognosis, 906 pregnant patients, 661 emtricitabine (FTC), 650, 707 intravenous drug abusers, 245, 246, eflornithine, trypanosomiasis encephalitis, 487 591–592, 969 (sleeping sickness), 1306 clinical manifestations, 489, 490 Lactobacillus spp., 1039

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Listeria monocytogenes, 946 Entamoeba dispar, 1313 Enterococcus faecium, 895 marantic, 7 Entamoeba histolytica, 1313–1314 antibiotic resistance, 552, 895, 896 mycotic aneurysms, 275 amebic dysentery, 1313 endocarditis, 249 native valve, 243–244 diagnosis, 1313–1314 sepsis, 15 nonbacterial thrombotic (NBTE), gastroenteritis, 335 Enterococcus gallinarum, 895 243 genital infection, 1322 Enterococcus spp. (enterococci), nosocomial, 244–245 liver abscess, 787, 1318, 1318–1321, 895–897, 995, See also specific species Pasteurella multocida, 955 1319, 1320 antibiotic resistance, 249, 895–898, prophylaxis, 251, 251–252, 252 pericarditis, 1321–1322 See also vancomycin-resistant regimens, 252 peritonitis, 1322 enterococcus (VRE) prosthetic valve, 244 pulmonary disease, 1321 detection of, 897 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 249, sexually transmitted infection, antimicrobial susceptibility rates, 969–970 355–356, 1322 898, 899 Q fever, 1097 splenic abscess, 1322 arterial infection, 275 rat-bite fevers and, 977 treatment, 1314, 1314 bloodstream infection, 897–899 splenic abscess association, 370 urinary tract infection, 1322 VRE bacteremia rates, 896 Staphylococcus aureus, 244, 989–990 entecavir, 1357 carriage, 899–900 subacute bacterial (SBE), 7 adverse effects, 1357 cholecystitis, 309 therapy, 245–251, 591 drug interactions, 1357 endocarditis, 248–249, 249 enterococcal endocarditis, hepatitis B, 290, 300, 662, 1357 therapy, 250, 897–898 248–249, 249, 250, 897–898 pharmacokinetics, 1357 hospital-acquired infections, 895 HACEK organism enteral nutrition, pancreatitis, 321–322 liver abscess, 315 endocarditis, 250, 905–906 enteric fever. See typhoid fever neonatal infections, 610 staphylococcal endocarditis, enteritis, 352 neutropenic patients, 552 247–248, 248 Enterobacter spp. pancreatitis, 319 streptococcal endocarditis, catheter-related infections, 721 prostatitis, 414–415 246–247, 248, 249 neutropenic patients, 551 therapeutic challenges, 900 surgical indications, 252, perinephric abscess, 437 urinary tract infection, 422, 899 252–253 pneumonia, alcoholic patients, 598 ventricular assist device infection, viridans streptococci, 997–998 sepsis, 15 284 endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), 265 urinary tract infection, 421 enterocolitis endophthalmitis, 97–98, 107 catheter-related, 723 neutropenic, 551 Candida spp., 110, 112, 1110 Enterobacteriaceae, 888, 889 staphylococcal, 128 catheter-related infection, 720 antibiotic resistance, 552 Yersinia spp., 1035–1036 clinical features, 107–111, 109, 111 antimicrobial therapy, 892–894, 893 Enterocytozoon bieneusi, 1316 diagnosis, 111–112 aspiration pneumonia, 230 enteroviruses, 1172 endogenous, 110, 113, 114 bacteremia, 891–892 acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis exogenous categories, 110 bone and joint infections, 891 (AHC), 1180–1181 incidence, 107 CNS infections, 891 classification, 1172, 1173 intravitreal injection related, 111 endocarditis, 249, 892 clinical manifestations, 1174, 1175 postoperative, 97, 107–110, 109, 112 gastrointestinal/intra-abdominal diagnosis, 1181 delayed-onset, 107–110 infection, 889–890 encephalitis, 494, 1175–1176 prevention, 113–114 pneumonia and pleural space epidemiology, 1173–1174 pseudophakic, 738 infections, 890 meningitis, 479, 1174 trauma-related, 110 sepsis, 892 mucocutaneous syndromes, treatment, 112, 112–114 skin and soft-tissue infections, 1177–1180 algorithm, 108, 113 890–891 acute lymphonodular endotoxin, 13 thrombophlebitis, 274 pharyngitis, 1178 endotoxin activity assay (EAA), 17 urinary tract infection, 889 hand-foot-and-mouth disease endovascular aneurysm repair Enterobius vermicularis (enterobiasis), (HFMD), 1178–1179 (EVAR), 277 1250, 1255–1256 herpangina, 1178 end-stage renal disease (ESRD), 622, Enterococcus casseliflavus, 895 myelitis, 515–516 See also dialysis-related infection Enterococcus faecalis, 895, 995 myocarditis, 260, 1176–1177 enfuvirtide (ENF), 652 endocarditis, 249 paralytic disease, 1174–1175 adverse effects, 653 peritonitis, 600 pathogenesis, 1172–1173

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enteroviruses (cont.) pregnant patients, 615 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, pericarditis, 1176–1177 prostatitis, 415 536 physical and biochemical surgical prophylaxis, 757 cholecystitis, 309 properties, 1172 erysipelas, 148, 148–149, 993, 993 colorectal surgical prophylaxis, 757 pleurodynia, 1176 clinical manifestations, 148 dacryocystitis, 116 prevention, 1181 diagnosis, 148–149 food poisoning, 342–343 respiratory tract disease, 1180 differential diagnosis, 149 gastroenteritis, 335–337, 889, 889 transmission, 1173 microbiology, 148 serotyping, 338 treatment, 1181 therapy, 150–152 iliopsoas abscess, 465, 468 Entomophthoramycosis, 1119 , 901, 901 immunocompromised patients, epidemic arthritic erythema, 975 therapy, 902 549 epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 791, 901 liver abscess, 315 81–83 diffuse cutaneous disease, 902 meningitis, 891 epididymitis, 401 localized cutaneous infection, 901 neutropenic patients, 551, 560 tuberculous, 402–403 systemic infection, 902 pancreatitis, 319 BCG-induced, 403 therapy, 902, 902–903 perinephric abscess, 437 epididymo-orchitis, 401 erythema, 146 diabetic patients, 588 anatomy, 401 erythema infectiosum, 294 peritonitis, 375–377, 600 clinical features, 403–404 erythema migrans (EM), Lyme post-transplant infection, 576, 578 diagnostic work-up, 404 disease, 125, 1061, 1061–1062 prostatitis, 414 differential diagnosis, 404 therapy, 1062 renal corticomedullary abscess, 435 epidemiology, 401 erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL), renal papillary necrosis, 438 etiology, 402, 402–403 932 sepsis, 15 infectious, 402–403 , 886 neonates, 608 noninfectious, 403 erythromycin, 1338 transfusion-related infection, 712 predisposing factors, 401–402 actinomycosis, 832 travelers’ diarrhea, 810, 889 treatment, 404–405 acute rheumatic fever prevention, vaccine, 811 epidural abscess, 504, See also cranial 1001 urinary tract infection, 421, 423, 889 epidural abscess; spinal epidural bacillary angiomatosis and catheter-related, 723 abscess parenchymal bacillary peliosis diabetic patients, 587 epiglottitis, 920, See also supraglottitis (BAP), 858 vaginitis, 395 treatment, 921 cervicitis, 399 zoonotic diseases, 795 epinephrine, croup, 200 chancroid, 409 esophageal adenocarcinoma, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 1183, Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1087 Helicobacter pylori relationship, 912 See also infectious mononucleosis Chlamydia psittaci, 1090 esophageal infections, 324, 324 chronic fatigue syndrome corynebacteria, 887 bacterial infections, 332 association, 24 diphtheria, 884 Mycobacteria spp., 332 dacryoadenitis, 117 carriers, 884 diagnosis, 326 encephalitis, 490, 493 prevention, 885 fungal infections, 324–328, See also treatment, 493 Legionnaires’ disease, 928 Candida spp. (candidiasis) hepatitis, 293–294 Lyme disease, 1062 diabetic patients, 587 immunocompromised patients, lymphogranuloma venereum, HIV infected patients, 331, 681 545 410 treatments, 331 laboratory testing, 1185 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 1079 Trypanosoma cruzi, 332 management, 1187–1188, 1354 otitis media, 964 viral infections, 328–332 myelitis, 514 pertussis, 861 cytomegalovirus, 329–331, 1165 oral hairy leukoplakia, 678 pharyngotonsillitis, 39 herpes simplex virus, 328–329, pathology, 1183 pneumonia, 963, 1079 330 post-transplant infection, 577, 581 atypical, 209 HIV, 331 prevention, 1189 relapsing fever borreliosis, 1069 human papillomavirus, 332 ertapenem, 1335 surgical prophylaxis, 757 varicella-zoster virus, 331 iliopsoas abscess, 468 Ureaplasma spp., neonatal etanercept, 569 pneumonia infections, 1084 ethambutol alcoholic patients, 598–599 Mycobacterium avium complex, 679, community-acquired, 217 bacteremia, 600 685, 1022, 1024–1025

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Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 farmers’ lung, 1117 enteric fever, 786–787 Mycobacterium marinum, 1027 fascioliasis, 1272 hepatitis, 787 tuberculosis, 1012, 1015 Fasciolopsis buski, 1273 investigations, 786 dialysis patients, 627 favus, 172 malaria, 633 pregnant patients, 616 febrile neutropenia, 20, See also physical examination, 786 ethionamide, tuberculosis, dialysis neutropenic patients rickettsial infections, 787 patients, 627 empiric therapy, 556, 556–557 uncommon febrile conditions, etravirine (ETV), 651, 660 female genital tract infections, 837, 787–789 eumycetoma, 180, 180, 182 See also specific infections viral fevers, 787 clinical features, 180 fever, 268–269, See also febrile rheumatic, 35 diagnosis, 181–182 neutropenia; Q fever; rat-bite scarlet fever, 993 histopathology, 181 fevers; polyarthritis and fever; transfusion-associated, 715 imaging, 182 relapsing fever borreliosis fibrinolytic therapy, empyema, 240 laboratory diagnosis, 181 cancer patients, 558 fidaxomicin, 1338 differential diagnosis, 181 dengue, 1169 Clostridium difficile-associated epidemiology, 180 differential diagnosis, 184 diarrhea, 350 etiology, 180 filarial, 1259 fifth disease, 1216–1217, 1217 management, 182 hospital-acquired, 709–711 filariasis, 1259–1261 medical treatment, 182 infectious causes, 709 diagnosis, 1260 surgery, 182 noninfectious causes, 710 lymphatic, 1259–1260, 1260 exanthems of childhood, 133, See also infectious mononucleosis, 1184 therapy, 1260–1261 specific conditions lymphadenopathy and, 184 fine-needle aspiration (FNA) exchange transfusion malaria, 1285 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 46 babesiosis, 1300 of unknown origin (FUO), 2 lymphadenopathy, 190 malaria, 617, 1291 causes, 2, 3 fish poisoning, 344, 344 exercise, chronic fatigue syndrome diagnostic approach, 2–7 fish tank granuloma, 806 management, 29 history, 4 fluconazole, 1347–1349 exophytic condylomata. See genital nonspecific laboratory tests, aspergillosis prophylaxis, 1117 warts 7–8, 8, 9 blastomycosis, 1139 Exserohilum rostratum, 518 physical examination, 2, 4 candidemia, 553, 1109 extracorporeal membrane sign and symptom focused candidiasis, 1106–1108, 1110–1111 oxygenation (ECMO) testing, 10 chronic disseminated infection, hantavirus cardiopulmonary therapeutic considerations, 1109 syndrome, 1191 8–12 CNS infections, 1110 neonatal sepsis, 611 rash and, 122, 122 endocarditis, 1109 eyelid infections, 116 approach to seriously ill prophylaxis, 692 chalazion, 116 patients, 123 respiratory tract infections, hordeolum, 116 common causes, 125 1111 marginal blepharitis, 116 emergent conditions, 122–123 urinary tract infection, 1111 exanthems of childhood. catheter-related infections, 720 faldaprevir, hepatitis C, 304 See also specific conditions coccidioidomycosis, 1146–1148 famciclovir, 1357 meningococcemia, 123 meningitis, 1148 adverse effects, 1357 rapidly spreading cellulitis, 125 prophylaxis, 693, 1149 drug interactions, 1357 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, cryptococcal infection, 693 esophageal infections, 329, 331 123–124, 1094 AIDS and, 1130 prophylaxis, 329 septic emboli, 124 immunocompromised patients, herpes simplex virus serious rash characteristics, 123 1132 genital herpes, 410, 617, 1197 toxic shock-syndrome, 124 meningitis, 672, 1130 herpes labialis, 1196 toxic shock-like syndrome, 124 prophylaxis in HIV-infected meningitis, 485 uncommon causes, 125, 125 patients, 1132 pharmacokinetics, 1357 returning travelers, 785–786 pulmonary infection, 1130 post-transplant infection, 581 amebic liver abscess, 787 dialysis-related infection, 627 pregnant patients, 617 causes, 785 endocarditis, 251 shingles, 1231 comprehensive history, endophthalmitis, 112, 1110 familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), 457 785–786 esophageal infections, 326–327

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fluconazole (cont.) peritonitis, 376 post-transplant infection, 582 intra-abdominal infections, 368 pneumonia, 605, 963 retinitis, 685 leishmaniasis, 1311 alcoholic patients, 598 fosfomycin, 1342 neonates, 611 atypical, 210 urinary tract infection, 423–425 neutropenic patients, 553, 557 community-acquired, 217 pregnant patients, 615 prophylaxis, 555, 560 pressure ulcers, 606 Francisella philomiragia, 548 onychomycosis, 178, 178 prostatitis, 415–416 Francisella tularensis, 35, 185, 794, 1007, peritonitis, 379 prosthetic joint infection, 443 See also tularemia pityriasis versicolor, 179 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 968 antibiotic therapy, 212, 825 splenic abscess, 374 resistance, 91, 399, 424, 812, 872, atypical pneumonia, 208 sporotrichosis, 1126 1337 diagnosis, 819–820 thrombophlebitis, 274 Salmonella infections, 355, 982 rhabdomyolysis, 461 tinea capitis, 172 shigellosis, 1006 waterborne infections, 807 urinary tract infection, 431 spinal epidural abscess, 507 fumagillin, microsporidia, 1317 cystitis, 432 surgical prophylaxis, 758 fungal sepsis, 17 diabetic patients, 588 travelers’ diarrhea, 812 fungal sinusitis, 62 pyelonephritis, 432 prevention, 811 furazolidone renal candidiasis, 432 tularemia, 1008 giardiasis, 808, 1314 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 398 typhoid fever, 982 Helicobacter pylori, 913 flucytosine, 1351 Ureaplasma spp., 1084 furuncles, 143 candidiasis, 1109–1110 urinary tract infection, 424–426 Fusarium spp., keratitis, 95 cryptococcal meningitis, 672, 683 catheter-related, 725 fusidic acid endophthalmitis, 1110 Vibrio spp., 1031–1032 osteomyelitis, 451 urinary tract infection, 431 folinic acid, toxoplasmosis, 1280–1282 fusidic acid, osteomyelitis, 450 cystitis, 432 pregnant patients, 1283 Fusobacterium necrophorum fluid resuscitation. See also rehydration , 143, 801–802, 972 Lemierre’s syndrome, 78 therapy Malassezia, 178 pharyngotonsillitis, 36 appendicitis, 358 fomivirsen, cytomegalovirus retinitis, Fusobacterium spp. See also sepsis, 21 104 Fusobacterium necrophorum viral hemorrhagic fevers, 1243–1244 food poisoning, 342, 343, 879 aspiration pneumonia, 230, 598 fluoroquinolones, 1337, See also specific Bacillus spp., 848 drugs botulism, 522 gallbladder infection. See cholecystitis adverse effects, 1329, 1337 presentation and diagnosis, Gambierdiscus toxicus, 344 anthrax, postexposure 342–345 gammopathy, 7 prophylaxis, 846 reporting, 348 ganciclovir, 102–103, 1358–1359 brucellosis, 869 therapy, 346–348, 347 adverse effects, 1166, 1358 Campylobacter infection, 871 fosamprenavir (FPV), 659 cytomegalovirus, 294, 682–683, Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1087 foscarnet, 1166, 1357–1358 1162, 1165, 1358 Chlamydia psittaci, 1091 adverse effects, 1166, 1358 HIV-infected patients, 694, 1164 endocarditis, 249 cytomegalovirus, 294, 683, 1162, neonates, 613, 1166 HACEK organism-associated, 1165 post-transplant infection, 1165 905 HIV-infected patients, 1164 prophylaxis, 694, 1165 epididymo-orchitis, 404 post-transplant infection, 1165 retinitis, 102–103, 684, 1164, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 903 prophylaxis, 1165 1358 gastroenteritis, 340 retinitis, 104, 1164 drug interactions, 1358 Haemophilus influenzae, 922 drug interactions, 1358 encephalitis, 493, 683 Helicobacter pylori, 913 encephalitis, 492–493, 683 Epstein–Barr virus, 1188 keratitis, 91 Epstein–Barr virus, 1188 esophageal infections, 329–330 Legionnaires’ disease, 211, 807 esophageal infections, 329, 331 prophylaxis, 331 meningitis, 476–477, 938 herpes simplex virus human herpesvirus 6, 1201 Mycoplasma spp., 1080, 1084 hepatitis, 293 human herpesvirus 8, 1204 neutropenic patients, 555 human herpesvirus 6, 1201 meningitis, 485 osteomyelitis, 450–451 human herpesvirus 8, 1204 myelitis, 515 overwhelming postsplenectomy myelitis, 515 post-transplant infection, 580, 582, infection, 634 pharmacokinetics, 1358 1165

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resistance, 330 genital warts, 1211–1212, 1212 Gonyaulax tamarensis, 344 VZV-associated retinitis, 685 therapy, 1213, See also human gout, 457 Gardnerella vaginalis papillomavirus (HPV) Gradenigo’s syndrome, 56 bacterial vaginosis, 398 , 1336 Granulicatella spp., 247, 1042 cervicitis, 398 atypical pneumonia, 212 granuloma, 190 urethritis, 386 Bartonella bacteremia, 856 gray patch ringworm, 172 vaginal microbiota, 393–394 brucellosis, children, 868 green nail syndrome, 972, 973 gas gangrene, 153, 155–156, 878 bursitis, 446 griseofulvin clinical presentation, 879 dialysis-related infection, 626 tinea capitis, 172 diagnosis, 879 endocarditis, 245–247, 249–250, griseofulvin, tinea capitis, 172 pathogenesis, 878 856, 897 group A streptococcus. See predisposing factors, 153 HACEK organism-associated, Streptococcus pyogenes therapy, 879 905 group B streptococcus. See gastric cancer, Helicobacter pylori and, enterococcal infections, 897 Streptococcus agalactiae 907 Gemella spp., 1042 group C streptococcus, 995 gastritis gonorrhea, 917 group D streptococcus, 995 atrophic, 912 intra-amniotic infection, 616 group G streptococcus, 995 Helicobacter pylori and, 907–909 Lactobacillus spp., 1039 Guillain–Barre´ syndrome (GBS), gastroenteritis, 334 meningitis, 485, 611 520–521, 871, 875 clinical syndromes, 335, 335–337 neonates, 609–611 gumma, 1055 epidemiology, 334 perinephric abscess, 438 gunshot wounds, 735, 737 evaluation, 337–339 plague, 1035 Gymnodinium breve, 344, 809 clinical presentation, 336 postpartum endometritis, 619 gynecologic procedures, surgical fecal leukocytes, 338 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 prophylaxis, 758 host defenses, 334 Streptococcus agalactiae, 995 Listeria monocytogenes, 947 tularemia, 219, 825, 1008 HACEK organisms, 904, 904 management, 339, 339–341, 340,1031 geohelminths, 1250 bacteremia, 904 pathophysiology, 334–335 German measles. See rubella clinical features, 905 Salmonella spp., 337, 341, 979–980 Gerstmann–Straussler–Scheinker diagnosis, 904–905 diagnosis, 981 disease, 542 endocarditis, 249, 904–905 therapy, 982, 983 Giardia lamblia, 808, 1314, 1314–1315 antibiotic therapy, 250 Vibrio spp., 1030–1031 sexually transmitted infection, prognosis, 906 virulence factors, 335 355–356 therapy, 905–906 waterborne infections, 807 Giardia spp. (giardiasis), 795, See also nonendocardial infections, 906 gastroesophageal reflux disease, specific species recommended antibiotics, 905 Helicobacter pylori relationship, 912 gastroenteritis, 335 , 922–923 gatifloxacin, 91 travelers’ diarrhea, 810, 1314 antibiotic resistance, 409 Gemella spp., 1042 treatment, 1315 chancroid treatment, 409 genital herpes, 406, 1193, 1195 waterborne infections, 808, 808 genital ulcer disease, 406 clinical manifestations, 407–408, Globicatella sanguinis, 1042 diagnosis, 408 1194–1195 glomerulonephritis Haemophilus influenzae, 632, 920 diagnosis, 408 poststreptococcal acute (AGN), alcoholic patients, 597 recurrence, 1194 1000, 1002 antibiotic resistance, 921 transmission, 1195 Glucantime, leishmaniasis, aspiration pneumonia, 230 treatment, 410–411, 1197–1198, 1310–1311 clinical manifestations, 920–921 1354 glucocorticoids H. influenzae type b, 921 genital ulcer disease (GUD), 406 toxocariasis, 1265 nontypeable H. influenzae, 921 clinical presentation, 407, 407–408 trichinellosis, 1259 endophthalmitis, 110 diagnosis, 409 glycopeptides, 1339 epidemiology, 920 algorithm, 410 Gnathostoma spp. (gnathostomiasis), H. influenzae type b, 920 approach, 410 1266, 1266 nontypeable H. influenzae, 920 laboratory diagnosis, 408–409 G. spinigerum, 1266 epididymo-orchitis, 403 etiologies, 406 golimumab, 569 immunocompromised patients, geographic variation, 406 gonorrhea. See 545 treatment, 409–411, 411 Gonyaulax catonella, 344 meningitis, 474, 477, 920

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Haemophilus influenzae (cont.) bundles, 698, 698–699 prognosis, 306 osteomyelitis, 452 chlorhexidine bathing and treatment, 299–302 otitis media, 48, 921 dressings, 700–701 injection drug abusers, 592–593 treatment, 51–53 Comprehensive Unit Safety travelers, 787 overwhelming postsplenectomy Program (CUSP), 701, hepatitis A virus (HAV), 287–289, 288, infection, 631–632 701–702 See also hepatitis pericarditis, 254 contact precautions, 700 diagnosis, 288 pharyngotonsillitis, 35 hand hygiene, 699–700 drug abusers, 592 pneumonia horizontal versus vertical immunoglobulin prophylaxis, 288, alcoholic patients, 599 strategies, 698 775, 781 community-acquired, 215, 217, neonates, 698 pregnant patients, 620 921 nontuberculous mycobacteria, therapy, 288–289 postsplenectomy patients, 561 1028 travelers, 787 preseptal cellulitis, 117 Helcococcus kunzii, 1042 vaccination, 287, 289, 775 prevention, 922, See also Hib , 355 combination HAV/HBV vaccine Helicobacter fennelliae, 355 vaccine, 773 respiratory tract colonization, 920 Helicobacter pylori, 337, 907 immunization schedule, 775 sinusitis, 59, 921 clinical course and outcome, travelers, 781–782 supraglottitis, 202–203 908–909 hepatitis B virus (HBV), 289–291, 290, therapy, 921–922 diagnosis, 909, 909–910 296, See also hepatitis H. influenzae type b, 921, 921 false negative tests, 910–911 alcoholic patients, 601–602 nontypeable H. influenzae, indications for testing, 910 antiretroviral therapy and, 662 921–922 discovery of, 907 chronic infection, 296–298, 297 Haemophilus parainfluenzae epidemiology, 908 prognosis, 306 endocarditis, 246 eradication indications, 911–912 cytotoxic agent effects, 565 pharyngotonsillitis, 35 gastroesophageal reflux disease diagnosis, 290 Haemophilus spp., 904, See also HACEK relationship, 912 serologic test interpretation, organisms; specific species pathogenesis, 908 297 conjunctivitis, 84 transmission, 907–908 immune reconstitution Haff disease, 344 treatment, 912–913, 913 inflammatory syndrome, 674 haloperidol, Sydenham chorea, 1001 confirmation of cure, 914 injection drug abusers, 592–593 hand hygiene (HH), 699–700 probiotics, 1367 joint infection, 440 hand-foot-and-mouth disease salvage therapy, 913–914 occupational exposure, 704–705, (HFMD), 1178–1179 heliox therapy, croup, 200 705 Hansen’s disease. See leprosy helper T-cell defects, 560–561 phases of infection, 296–298, 298 hantavirus cardiopulmonary hematopoietic stem cell transplant pregnant patients, 620 syndrome (HCPS), 208, 795, recipients, 578 prophylaxis, 306–307 1190–1191 hemodialysis. See dialysis-related postexposure, 704–705, 705 antibiotic therapy, 212 infection rituximab effects, 568 diagnosis, 1191 hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), therapy, 290–291, 299–302, 301, epidemiology, 1190 336, 795, 890 302, 1355, 1359 treatment, 1191–1192 hemophagocytic lymphocytic goals of, 300 virology, 1190 histiocytosis (HLH), 548 treatment algorithm, 299 hantaviruses, 1190 hepatitis. See also specific hepatitis treatment end points, 300 atypical pneumonia, 208 viruses TNF-α inhibiting therapy epidemiology, 1190 acute viral, 287–295 association, 571 Haverhill fever, 975 cytomegalovirus, 294 travelers, 787 head lice. See pediculosis capitis diagnosis, 288, 290 vaccination, 291, 306–307, 773–774 health insurance, travelers, 784 Epstein–Barr virus, 293–294 combination HAV/HBV healthcare-associated infections herpes simplex virus, 293 vaccine, 773 (HAIs), 698, See also hospital- parvovirus B19, 294 healthcare workers, 704, acquired infections; transfusion- therapy, 289 774 related infections; specific infections alcoholic patients, 601–602 HIV-infected patients, 643 diabetic patients, 590 chronic, 296–307 immunization schedule, 764 infection control, 698 prevention, 306–307 travelers, 781

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hepatitis C virus (HCV), 291, 291–292, clinical presentation, 407–408 localized pulmonary/self- 296, See also hepatitis diagnosis, 408 limited infection, 1134 alcoholic patients, 602 recurrence, 1194 progressive disseminated antiretroviral therapy and, 662–663 transmission, 1195 histoplasmosis, 1135, 1135 chronic infection, 302–303 treatment, 410–411, 1197–1198 diagnosis, 1135, 1135–1136 prognosis, 306 hepatitis, 293 epididymo-orchitis, 403 diagnosis, 291 diagnosis, 293 esophageal infections, 327–328 immune reconstitution treatment, 293 HIV-infected patients, 679, 686 inflammatory syndrome, 674 herpes labialis, 1194, 1196–1197 prophylaxis, 693 injection drug abusers, 291, 593 herpetic , 147, 1195 late complications, 1134 occupational exposure, 705 HIV-infected patients, 677, 681 post-transplant infection, 577 post-transplant infection, 582 prophylaxis, 695 TNF-α inhibiting therapy pregnant patients, 620 HSV-1 and HSV-2, 1193 association, 570 prevention, 306–307 immunocompromised patients, travelers, 788 postexposure prophylaxis, 705 545, 677, 1196, 1198 treatment, 1135–1136, 1136 sialadenitis, 72 keratitis, 92–93, 1198 HIV. See human immunodeficiency therapy, 291–292, 303–306, meningitis, 479 virus (HIV) 1359 mucocutaneous infections, 677, hookworms, 1250, 1252–1253 agents under development, 1193, 1195, 1198 cutaneous larva migrans, 1265 304–305 myelitis, 514 hordeolum, 116 hepatitis D virus (HDV), 292, See also neonates, 612–613, 1196 hospital-acquired fever, 709–711 hepatitis treatment, 1198 infectious causes, 709 chronic infection, 298–299 neuropathy, 520 investigation, 709–711 diagnosis, 292 nosocomial pneumonia, 224–225, noninfectious causes, 710 injection drug abusers, 593 225 hospital-acquired infections, 895, therapy, 292, 302 ocular infection, 1195 See also healthcare associated hepatitis E virus (HEV), 292–293, oropharyngeal infections, 1194, infections (HAIs); postoperative See also hepatitis 1194 wound infections; transfusion- pregnant patients, 620 pathology, 1193 related infections; specific infections therapy, 293 post-transplant infection, 577–578, enterococci, 895 travelers, 787 581 fever and, 709, 709 hepatitis G virus (HGV), 294 pregnant patients, 617 Legionnaires’ disease, 928 herpangina, 1178 retinitis, 105 pneumonia, 221 herpes labialis, 1193, 1194 traumatic herpes, 1195 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 966 treatment, 1196–1197 urethritis, 386 varicella-zoster virus, 1232 herpes neonatorum, 293 uveitis, 98 hot tub lung, 1027 herpes simplex virus (HSV), 1193 herpes zoster. See shingles; varicella- human bites, 160–161, 904 antiviral therapy, 1197 zoster virus (VZV) antimicrobial selection, 159 central nervous system infections, herpetic whitlow, 147, 1195 chemoprophylaxis, 746 1195–1196, 1196 Heterophyes heterophyes, 1273 components of care, 157 cervicitis, 392, 399, 1195 , 632, 922, 922 human granulocytic anaplasmosis treatment, 399 immunization schedule, 922 (HGA), 1098, 1099, 1100 conjunctivitis, 82, 1195, 1198 postsplenectomy patients, 635 human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), neonatal, 84 supraglottitis and, 202–203 136–137, 1199–1201, 1200, diagnosis, 1196 highly active antiretroviral therapy See also roseola encephalitis, 488, 490, 492, 501, (HAART), 102, 324, 645, 1315 complications, 1199 1196 progressive multifocal diagnosis, 1201 treatment, 493, 1198 leukoencephalopathy and, 529, immunocompetent patients, epidemiology, 1193–1194 531, 533 1199–1200 esophageal infections, 329, 330, 681 high-molecular-weight hydroxyethyl immunocompromised patients, diagnosis, 328–329 starch (HES), 21 1200–1201 prophylaxis, 329 histamine fish poisoning, 344, 344, 347 myocarditis, 260 treatment, 329 Histoplasma capsulatum post-transplant infection, 581–582, genital herpes, 406, 1193–1195, (histoplasmosis), 1134 1200–1201 1195 clinical manifestations, 1134–1135 shedding, 1199

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human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) (cont.) hepatitis C coinfection, 301–304 pregnant patients, 616, 618–619, treatment, 1200, 1201 history taking, 638 660–661 human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7), 1199, allergies, 641 progressive multifocal 1200, 1201–1202 medical history, 641 leukoencephalopathy post-transplant infection, 581–582, medications, 641 association, 529–531 1201 pets, 642 treatment, 533–534 treatment, 1200 social history, 641 replication cycle, 645–650, 650 human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), 189, travel history, 641–642 rhabdomyolysis, 460 1199, 1200, 1202–1204, See also HIV cholangiopathy, 683 Salmonella coinfection, 355 Kaposi’s sarcoma HTLV-2 coinfection, 593–594 Shigella coinfection, 355 detection of infection, 1203 human papillomavirus infection sporotrichosis and, 1124 epidemiology, 1203–1204, 1204 and, 1212 syphilis coinfection, 354, multicentric Castleman’s disease iliopsoas abscess, 465 1055–1056, 1058 (MCD), 1203 immune deficiency and, 549 T-cell function, 547 post-transplant infection, 582 Isospora belli infection, 1316 therapy. See antiretroviral therapy transmission, 1204 laboratory studies, 643, 643 (ART) allografts and blood products, purpose of, 642 TNF-α inhibiting therapy and, 571 1204 lymphadenopathy and, 189 toxoplasmosis, 685, 689–692 treatment, 1200, 1204 meningitis and, 479, 683 primary prophylaxis, 689–692 human immunodeficiency virus multidrug-resistant HIV, 660 travelers, 788 (HIV), 638, See also acquired mycobacterial infection tuberculosis association, 594, 641, immunodeficiency syndrome association, 616 679, 693 (AIDS) Mycobacterium avium complex therapeutic implications, 1017 actinomycosis and, 833 therapy, 1025 uveitis, 100 acute retroviral syndrome (ARS), neuropathies, 519–520 vaccinations and, 617–618, 644, 1186 etiology, 514 689, 775, 1208 alcoholic patients, 602 Nocardia infection association, 951 MMR vaccine, 771 clinical presentation, 638 occupational exposure, 705–708 vacuolar myelopathy, 516 cardiopulmonary risk factors for transmission, human metapneumovirus (hMPV), manifestations, 640 706 community-acquired pneumonia, gastrointestinal manifestations, opportunistic infections (OIs), 676, 219 640 676, See also specific infections human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME), head, ears, eyes, nose, and diarrheal illness, 681–682 1098, 1099, 1100 thoat, 639 disseminated infections, 685, human papillomavirus (HPV), 1211, lymph nodes, 639 685–687 1211, 1212 musculoskeletal gastrointestinal infections, cervical cancer association, 1211 manifestations, 641 681–683, 682 cervicitis, 392 neurologic manifestations, mucocutaneous infections, diagnosis, 1213 640–641 676–678, 677 epidemiology, 1211 skin, 638, 639 neurologic infections, 683–685, transmission, 1211, 1213 urogenital manifestations, 640 684 esophageal infections, 332 cryptococcal infections and, 683, prophylaxis, 688, 689, 690, 691 genital infection, 1211–1213, 1212 1128–1129 pulmonary infections, 678, HIV-infected patients, 1212 prophylaxis, 693 678–681, 680 immunity, 1214 cryptosporidiosis and, 1315 PCP pneumonia and, 678–679, oropharyngeal carcinomas, cytomegalovirus infection and 1151, See also Pneumocystic 1212–1213 retinitis, 104, 1164–1165 jirovecii prevention, 1215 therapy, 1164–1165 pericarditis, 254 therapy, 1213–1214 deep neck infection and, 75 pharyngotonsillitis, 36 vaccination, 770, 1215 epididymo-orchitis and, 403 physical examination, 638 immunization schedule, 776 esophageal infections and, postexposure prophylaxis, viral genome related to 324–325, 681 664–665, 665, 706–708 carcinogenesis, 1214, 1214 esophageal ulcers, 331 recommended regimens, 706 human T-cell lymphotrophic virus follow-up guidelines, 644 pre-exposure prophylaxis, (HTLV) hepatitis B coinfection, 301 665–666, 746 HIV coinfection, 593–594

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HTLV-1 associated myelopathy, hyponatremia, Shigella infections, 1005 diagnosis, 669 510–514 hypopyon, 89, 97–98, 107, 109 management, 669–670 injection drug abusers, 593–594 hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal paradoxical (p-IRIS), 669 human tetanus immune globulin (HPA) axis pathogen-associated (HTIG), 877 chronic fatigue syndrome, 26–27 manifestations, 670, 670–674 hydrocephalus, 611, 1148 hysterectomy, surgical prophylaxis, 758 cryptococcosis, 671–673 hydrocortisone cytomegalovirus, 673–674 chronic fatigue syndrome, 30 ibuprofen hepatitis viruses, 674 septic shock, 21 otitis media, 49 JC virus, 672–673 hydrops fetalis, 1217, 1217–1218 pericarditis, 258 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 674 hydroxychloroquine idoxuridine life-threatening manifestations, malaria, 1290 keratitis, 1198 672 hydroxychloroquine, malaria, 1289 smallpox, 825 tuberculosis, 670–671, 673 hydroxyzine, chickenpox, 1229 iliopsoas abscess pathogenesis, 675 Hymenolepis diminuta, 1277 CT features, 467 prevention, 669 Hymenolepis nana, 1276 iliopsoas abscess (IPA), 464 risk factors, 669 hyperbaric oxygen anatomy, 464 unmasking (u-IRIS), 669 anaerobic infections, 837 associated conditions, 465 unrelated to HIV, 674–675 gas gangrene, 837, 879 clinical signs and symptoms, immune recovery uveitis (IRU), 673 mucormycosis, 586, 1122 466 immunization, 763–764, See also necrotizing fasciitis, 155 CT features, 466, 466, 467 vaccination; specific vaccines osteomyelitis, 451 diagnosis, 466–467, 467 adults, 770–771 hypersensitivity reactions, 1371, 1372, epidemiology, 465–466 healthcare workers, 771 1376 etiology, 464–465 childhood and adolescence, assessment, 1374–1377 outcomes, 469 764–770 decision about further testing, pathogens, 467 combination vaccines, 770, 770 1375–1376 primary, 464 recommended schedule delayed-type hypersensitivity risk factors, 465 adults, 772 (DHT) response testing, 547 secondary, 464 catch-up schedule, 766 drug provocation tests, 1377 treatment, 468, 468 children, 765 history taking, 1374–1375 imidazoles. See azoles; specific drugs travelers, 779–783, 780 immediate-type reactions, imipenem, 1335 immunocompromised patients. 1375–1377 actinomycosis, 832 See also acquired in vitro tests, 1377 anaerobic infections, 842 immunodeficiency syndrome nonimmediate reactions, 1377 breast implant-associated (AIDS); human immunodeficiency physical examination, 1375 infection, 739 virus (HIV) skin testing, 1375–1377 corynebacteria, 887 actinomycosis, 833 burden of, 1373 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 902 acute suppurative thyroiditis, clinical features, 1373–1374, 1374 iliopsoas abscess, 468 43–45 epidemiology, 1373 listeriosis, 948 alcoholic patients, 597 management, 1377–1381, 1378 melioidosis, 788 Bartonella infections, 853, 856–858 alternative approaches, meningitis, 477 brain abscess, 496, 498–499 1377–1379 nosocomial pneumonia, 223 cancer patients, 559 beta-lactam hypersensitivity, Pediococcus spp., 1037 B-cell defects, 561 1378–1379 peritonitis, 376 helper T-cell defects, 560–561 oral desensitization protocol, 1379 pressure ulcers, 605 neutrophil dysfunction, 560 parenteral desensitization urinary tract infection, 605 candidiasis, 545, 1105–1106 protocol, 1379 imipenem–cilastatin cholecystitis, 309 multiple drug allergy syndrome Achromobacter xylosoxidans, 1046 coccidioidomycosis, 1142 (MDAS), 1381 nocardiosis, 952 conjunctivitis, 82, 85 relative risk of, 1373 imiquimod, 1359 cryptococcal infection treatment, type I, 1371 genital warts, 1213 1132 type II, 1371 immune reconstitution inflammatory cytomegalovirus infection, 294, type III, 1371 syndrome (IRIS), 533, 666–667, 669, 1161 type IV, 1371 671, 1132, 1152 retinitis, 102

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immunocompromised patients. (cont.) surgical prophylaxis, 760 bundles, 698, 698–699 elderly patients, 603 toxoplasmosis therapy, 1281–1282, central venous line bundle, 699 encephalitis, 487, 493 1282 urinary tract infection bundle, endophthalmitis, 113 Ureaplasma spp., 1084 699 esophageal infections, 324–325, vaccination and, 775 ventilator-associated 327–329 varicella-zoster virus pneumonia (VAP) bundle, gastroenteritis, 340 chickenpox, 1230 699 hepatitis B, 289 exposure management, chlorhexidine bathing and hepatitis C, 302 1231–1232 dressings, 700–701 hepatitis E, 293 shingles, 1227 Comprehensive Unit Safety herpes simplex infection, 1196, immunoglobulin deficiency, 546–547 Program (CUSP), 701, 701 1198 evaluation, 546 contact precautions, 700 human herpesvirus 6, 137, immunoglobulin therapy. See also hand hygiene, 699–700 1200–1201 monoclonal antibodies horizontal strategies, 698 iliopsoas abscess, 464–466 anthrax, 824 vertical strategies, 698 immunodeficiency evaluation, chronic fatigue syndrome, 30 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 545–546 encephalitis, 494 1247–1248 B-cell function, 546, 546–547 hepatitis A prophylaxis, 288, 775, infectious mononucleosis, 1183–1185 complement system, 549, 549 781 chronic fatigue syndrome IL-12/23 pathway, 547 hepatitis B virus, 290 association, 24 innate immune signaling, 548 Kawasaki syndrome, 131 clinical presentation, 1183–1184, natural killer cell function, meningitis, 485 1184 547–548 myocarditis, 266 complications, 1184, 1184–1185 neutrophil function, 548, necrotizing fasciitis, 155 laboratory testing, 1184, 1185 548–549 rabies prophylaxis, 1223 management, 1187–1189 recommendations, 549–550 replacement therapy, 546 non-EBV causes, 1185–1189 T-cell function, 546–547, 547 toxic shock syndrome, 130 infectious polymyositis, 460, See also injection drug abusers, 594 varicella-zoster immune globulin rhabdomyolysis keratitis, 95 (VZIG), 1229 infectious thyroiditis. See acute Legionnaires’ disease, 928–929 exposure management, suppurative thyroiditis liver abscess, 315 1231–1232 . See endocarditis mediastinitis, 269 pregnant patients, 1232 inflammation. See also specific Mycoplasma spp., 1084 immunomodulatory therapy, inflammatory conditions myelitis, 515 myocarditis, 267 Helicobacter pylori infection nontuberculous mycobacteria, immunosuppressive therapy, 563, pathogenesis, 908–909 1020 See also corticosteroids; sepsis pathogenesis, 14 onychomycosis, 174 immunocompromised patients inflammatory bowel disease, probiotic otitis externa, 57 brain abscess and, 496 benefits, 1367 parvovirus B19 infection, 1218 cytotoxic agents, 564–565 infliximab, 569 Pediococcus spp., 1037 lymphocyte-depleting therapies, infection risk, 569–570 pericarditis, 254 567–569 pyoderma gangrenosum, 146 pneumonia, 211, 219–220 myelitis, 514 influenza vaccine, 774–775, 1208–1209 Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP), myocarditis, 266 acute otitis media management, 54 545, 1152 post-transplant infection available seasonal vaccines, 1209 progressive outer retinal association, 950 chronic airways disease and, 195 necrosis, 99 TNF-α inhibiting therapies, 571 contraindications, 1208 retinitis, 105 transplant immunosuppressants, hepatitis and, 307 sepsis pathogenesis, 14–15 565–566 HIV-infected patients, 644, 695, 1208 septic emboli, 124 post-transplant infection immunization schedule, 764 sialadenitis, 69 association, 573–575 pregnant patients, 617–618 sinusitis, 60, 62 impetigo, 143–146, 146, 987, 993 travelers, 781 skin and soft-tissue infections, 143, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators influenza viruses, 1205 148–149, 151 (ICD), 280, See also cardiac device avian influenza, 209, 795 skin ulcer, 139 infections H5N1, 1206–1207 splenic abscess, 372, 374 infection control, 698 H7N9, 1206

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chemoprophylaxis, 1209 hepatitis C, 292, 303–307 irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome drug abusers, 593 postinfectious, 810 association, 24 hepatitis D, 302 isavuconazole, 1351 clinical manifestations, 1206 hepatitis E, 293 isoniazid complications, 1206–1207, 1207 interferon alfacon-1, 1360 Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 diagnosis, 1207 interferon-α2a, 1359 tuberculosis, 1012, 1015 antigen testing, 17 interferon-α2b, 1359 dialysis patients, 627 epidemiology, 1205–1206 interferon-α3n, 1360 HIV-infected patients, 694 antigenic shift and drift, myocarditis, 267 pregnant patients, 616 1205–1206 progressive multifocal prophylaxis, 694 transmission, 1206 leukoencephalopathy, 534 isoprinosine, encephalitis, 493 immunology, 1206 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 1245 Isospora belli, 1316 pandemic preparedness, interferon-gamma pathway, 547 sexually transmitted infection, 1209–1210 interleukins 356 pneumonia, 1207 IL-12/23 pathway, 547 treatment, 1315 atypical, 208 sepsis pathogenesis, 14 itraconazole, 1347, 1349 community acquired, 219 intestinal fluke infections, 1273 adverse effects, 178, 1348 pregnant patients, 618 intestinal protozoa, 1313, 1313, aspergillosis, 1114–1115 Reye syndrome, 524, 1207 See also specific infections allergic bronchopulmonary, rhabdomyolysis, 460 intestinal roundworms. 1118 therapy, 212, 1207–1208, 1360, See roundworm infections aspergillomas, 1117 1365 intra-abdominal infections, 367, 367–369 prophylaxis, 1117 virus structure, 1205 Candida spp., 368, 368, 1110–1111 blastomycosis, 1139 inhalation injury, 742 diagnosis, 367 candidiasis, 1106 injection drug abusers Enterobacteriaceae, 889–890 coccidioidomycosis, 1146–1147 bone and joint infections, 592 Pasteurella multocida, 955 meningitis, 1148 endocarditis, 245, 246, 591–592, 969 treatment, 367–369, 368 prophylaxis, 693, 1149 fungal infections, 595 usual flora, 837 cryptococcal meningitis, 1130 hepatitis, 592–593 intra-amniotic infection (IAI), 615–616 endocarditis, 251 hepatitis B, 592–593 intraocular lens-associated infection, esophageal infections, 326, 328 hepatitis C, 291, 593 738 eumycetoma, 182 hepatitis D, 593 intravascular device infection, 892, histoplasmosis, 686, 788, 1136 human T-cell lymphotrophic virus, See also catheter-related infections prophylaxis, 693 593–594 intravenous drug abuse. See injection mediastinitis, 272 immunologic abnormalities, 594 drug abusers neutropenic patients, 556–557 management issues, 595 intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) onychomycosis, 177, 178 mucormycosis, 1120 enterovirus infections, 1181 pityriasis versicolor, 178 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia Kawasaki syndrome, 131 sporotrichosis, 1126 (PCP), 594 myocarditis, 266 tinea capitis, 172 pulmonary infections, 591–592 necrotizing fasciitis, 155 ivermectin skin and soft-tissue infections, 592 toxic shock syndrome, 130 cutaneous larva migrans, 1266 spinal epidural abscess and, 505, intubation, croup, 200 filariasis, 1261 507 iodoquinol, Entamoeba histolytica, 1321 gnathostomiasis, 1266 toxoplasmosis, 595 iritis, 97 louse infestations, 163, 165 tuberculosis, 594 clinical presentation, 97 myiasis, 166 viral infections, 595 diagnosis, 98 onchocerciasis, 1263 integrase strand transfer inhibitors infectious etiologies, 98, 98–100 scabies, 162 (INSTIs), 653–655 cat scratch disease, 99 strongyloidiasis, 1255 regimen selection, 660 endophthalmitis, 98 Ixodes scapularis, 1297 interferon therapy, 1359–1360, herpes viruses, 98–99 See also peginterferon HIV, 100 Japanese encephalitis, 487, 787 administration route, 1359 Lyme disease, 99–100 vaccination in travelers, 782–783 adverse effects, 1359 rare diseases, 100 Jarisch–Herxheimer reactions (JHR), encephalitis, 493 syphilis, 99 1069 hepatitis B, 290, 301–302 tuberculosis, 99 jaw osteomyelitis, 452

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JC virus, 568 risk factors, 88, 94–95 Lactobacillus spp., 1039, encephalitis, 494 treatment, 90–95 See also probiotics immune reconstitution adjunctive therapy, 92–95 L. iners, 394 inflammatory syndrome, administration routes, 90–91 vaginal microbiota, 393–396 672–673 empiric therapy, 91, 91–92 Lactococcus spp., 1042 post-transplant infection, 582 keratoconjunctivitis, 81–83, 1198 lactose intolerance, probiotic benefits, progressive multifocal ketoconazole 1367 leukoencephalopathy, 529–530 eumycetoma, 182 lamivudine, 650, 1360 jet lag, 783–784 histoplasmosis, 788 adverse effects, 1360 joint infections, 440–442 pityriasis versicolor, 178 drug interactions, 1360 coccidioidomycosis, 1143 kidney infections. See renal infections HIV infection, 301 diagnosis, 440 Kikuchi disease, 186 pharmacokinetics, 1360 Enterobacteriaceae, 891 spp., 904 laparoscopy, surgical prophylaxis, 761 injection drug abusers, 592 K. kingae, osteomyelitis, 452 Laribacter honkogensis, 810 prognosis, 442 , genital ulcer laryngitis, 203–204 prosthetic joints, 442–444, 987 disease, 406 therapy, 203–204 diagnosis, 442–443, 443 , traveler’s diarrhea, laryngotracheobronchitis. See croup microbiology, 442 810 laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)- prevention, 444 , 890 related keratitis, 88, 90 risk factors, 442 catheter-related infections, 721 management, 92 therapy, 442–443, 443 liver abscess, 315 laser therapy sporotrichosis, 1125 lung abscess, 234 retinitis, 105 Staphylococcus aureus, 987 otitis externa, 586 laser therapy, retinitis, 104 therapy, 440–442, 441, 441 peritonitis, 376 Lassa fever, 787, 1239, See also viral tuberculous, 1012 pneumonia, 229 hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) alcoholic patients, 598 therapy, 826 kala-azar, 788, 1307, 1309 nosocomial, 221 lateral sinus thrombosis, 501–502 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 1202, 1202–1203, splenic abscess, 372 leflunomide, post-transplant infection, 1359 transfusion-related infection, 712 582 immune reconstitution urinary tract infection, 723 , 924 inflammatory syndrome, 674 Klebsiella spp. See also specific species , 807, 924, transplant recipients, 577 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, See also Legionnaires’ disease Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes 536 (legionellosis); virus (KSHV), 674 cholecystitis, 309 antibiotic therapy, 211, 211 Katayama syndrome, 803 neutropenic patients, 551 atypical pneumonia, 205–206 Kawasaki syndrome (KS), 129 perinephric abscess, 437 diagnosis, 209, 928 clinical criteria, 129 peritonitis, 375 Legionella spp., 924, See also differential diagnosis, 131 prostatitis, 414–415 Legionnaires’ disease long-term management, 132 renal corticomedullary abscess, 435 (legionellosis); specific species monitoring for cardiac renal papillary necrosis, 438 control of in hot water systems, 928 complications, 131 urinary tract infection, 421 pneumonia-associated, 924 treatment, 131 kuru, 541 diagnosis, 216 aspirin, 131 Kuttner’s tumor, 70 rhabdomyolysis, 461 evaluation, 132 Kyasanur Forest disease. See viral Legionnaires’ disease (legionellosis), intravenous immunoglobulin, hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) 206, 807, 924, See also Legionella spp. 131 diagnosis, 928 steroids, 131 Laboratory Risk Indicator for epidemiology, 924–925 keratitis, 88–89, 89 Necrotizing Fasciitis (LRINEC), extrapulmonary manifestations, 927 Acanthamoeba, 93–94, 94 154 infectious syndromes, 926–927 Aspergillus spp., 1113, 1116 labyrinthitis, 56 nosocomial infection, 928 clinical features, 89–90, 90 lacrimal system infection, 72–74, pathogenesis, 926 diagnosis, 90 116–117 risk factors, 925 fungal, 94–95, 95 treatment, 73 transmission mechanisms, 925–926 herpetic, 92–93, 1198 lactate clearance, 16 travelers, 788, 925 onchocerciasis, 1263 lactational mastitis, 619–620 treatment, 211, 211, 928–930, 929

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Leishmania spp. (leishmaniasis), 1302, Legionnaires’ disease, 211, 788, foodborne infection, 943, 948 1302, 1307–1311 807, 929 immunity, 944 cutaneous, 1302, 1309, 1309, 1310, neutropenic patients, 555 microbiology, 942 1311 pneumonia, 598 pathogenesis, 943–944 diagnosis, 1310 postoperative wound infection, 732 post-transplant infection, 577 mucosal, 1307, 1310, 1311 prostatitis, 415–416 prevention, 948, 948–949 transmission, 1307 prosthetic joint infection, 443 treatment, 947, 947–948 travelers, 788 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 968 neonatal infections, 610 treatment, 1302–1304, 1303, spinal epidural abscess, 507 listeriosis, 795, 942, See also Listeria 1310–1311 travelers’ diarrhea, 812 monocytogenes AIDS and, 1311 urinary tract infection, 424 liver abscess, 890, See also pyogenic relapse, 1311 lice liver abscess visceral, 1302, 1307, 1308, 1310 body, 165 amebic, 787, 1318, 1318–1321, 1319 Lemierre’s syndrome, 78, 269, 273 head, 163–164 clinical presentation, 1318–1319 diagnosis, 274 pubic, 164–165 diagnosis, 1319–1320 management, 78 linezolid, 1339 treatment, 1320, 1320–1321 therapy, 274 adverse effects, 552, 1328 liver disease leprosy, 519 bursitis, 446 antiretroviral therapy and, 662 classification, 932 cardiac device infection, 281 tuberculosis therapy and, 1018 clinical presentation, 932–933 dialysis-related infection, 624, Loa loa (loiasis), 1259, 1261–1262, 1262 diagnosis, 933 626–627 therapy, 1262 epidemiology, 931 drug interactions, 1330 Loeffler’s syndrome, 1253 lepromatous, 932, 932 endocarditis, 249 loperamide ocular, 100 lactational mastitis, 620 gastroenteritis, 339 pathophysiology, 931–932 meningitis, 477 travelers’ diarrhea, 812–813 reactional, 932 Mycobacterium abscessus, 1026 lopinavir (LPV), 659 transmission, 931 neutropenic patients, 552 Lucio’s phenomenon, 932 treatment, 933, 933–934 nocardiosis, 953 Ludwig’s , 65–66, 76 reversal reactions, 934, 934 osteomyelitis, 450 lumbar puncture tuberculoid, 932 pneumonia, 989 epidural spinal abscess, 506 Leptospira interrogans, 1072 community-acquired, 218 meningitis, 472–473 leptospirosis, 795, 1072 postsplenectomy patients, 561 sepsis, 17 diagnosis, 1072–1073 skin and soft-tissue infections, 151 lung abscess, 233, 233 epidemiology, 1073 spinal epidural abscess, 507 anaerobes isolated, 234 laboratory findings, 1073 toxic shock syndrome, 130 aspiration-related, 229 pathogenesis, 1072 trauma-related infection, 736 diagnosis, 233–234 symptoms and signs, 1072 viridans streptococci, 999 therapy, 234–236 therapy, 1073, 1073 Linuche unguiculata, 803 antibiotics, 234, 235, 235 travelers, 788 Listeria monocytogenes, 942 drainage, 235–236 uveitis, 100, 1072 clinical manifestations, 944–947 duration, 235 waterborne infections, 806 bacteremia, 945 Lyme arthritis, 440, 456, 1060, 1062 Leuconostoc spp., 1037–1039 brainstem encephalitis, therapy, 1064–1065 leucovorin 945–946 Lyme carditis, 1064 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia cerebritis and brain abscess, Lyme disease, 794, 1060 prophylaxis, 689 946, 946 babesiosis coinfection, 1297, Toxoplasma gondii prophylaxis, 692 endocarditis, 946 1299–1300 leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD), febrile gastroenteritis, 947 clinical manifestations, 1060–1062 548 localized infection, 946 early disseminated disease, leukomyelitis, 510 meningitis, 471–472, 477, 606, 1061–1062 levamisole, brucellosis, 868 945, 946 early localized disease, 1061 levofloxacin neonatal infections, 945 late disease, 1062 Campylobacter infection, 871 pregnant patients, 944–945 epidemiology, 1060 cervicitis, 399 diagnosis, 947 neuropathy, 521 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1087 dialysis patients, 627 ophthalmic symptoms, 99–100 Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, 1049 epidemiology, 942–943 post-Lyme syndrome, 1066

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Lyme disease (cont.) M2 inhibitors, influenza, 1207 Mansonella perstans, 1264 prevention, 1066 macacine herpesvirus 1, 515 Mansonella streptocerca, 1264 rash, 125, 1061, 1061–1062 macrolides, 1338, 1338–1339, See also marantic endocarditis, 7 therapy, 1062–1066 specific drugs maraviroc (MVC), 652–653 arthrtis, 1064–1065 acute otitis media, 52 adverse effects, 653 early Lyme disease, 1062–1063 adverse effects, 1328 resistance, 653 early neurologic disease, 1064 community-acquired pneumonia, Marburg fever, 787, See also viral guidelines, 1063 218 hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) late neurologic disease, 1065 diphtheria, 601 marginal blepharitis, 116 Lyme carditis, 1063–1064 drug interactions, 1330 mastitis, lactational, 619–620 ocular disease, 1065 gastroenteritis, 340 mastoiditis, 55 pregnant patients, 1065 Haemophilus influenzae, 922 with periostitis, 55 seropositive patients with Legionnaires’ disease, 211, 807, 928 maxillary infection, 63 nonspecific symptoms, 1066 Mycobacterium avium complex, measles, 133–135, 134 tick bites, 1065–1066 1022 complications, 134 tick vectors, 1060 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 1079 diagnosis, 133–134 travelers, 788 pharyngotonsillitis, 39 encephalitis and, 493 vaccine, 1066 pneumonia, 963 epidemiology, 133 Lyme encephalopathy, 1065 community-acquired, 217, 1079 treatment, 134–135 lymph node evaluation, 185 resistance, 39, 210, 399, 1338 vaccination, 135, See also MMR HIV manifestations, 639 Ureaplasma spp., 1083 vaccine lymphadenitis macular abscess, 113, 114 contraindications, 135 acute suppurative mediastinal, 186 Madura foot. See eumycetoma travelers, 781 children, 1020 Madurella grisea, 181 virology, 133 histiocytic necrotizing, 186 Madurella mycetomatis, 181 mebendazole nontuberculous mycobacteria, mafenide acetate cream ascariasis, 1252 1020 burn injuries, 742 echinococcosis, 1277–1278 lymphadenopathy, 184–185 magnesium sulfate, tetanus, 877 giardiasis, 808 axillary nodes, 187 malaria, 1285–1286 hookworms, 1253 diagnostic approaches, 189–191 children, 1289 toxocariasis, 1265 excisional biopsy, 190–191 clinical aspects, 1285–1287 trichinellosis, 1259 fine-needle aspiration (FNA), diagnosis, 1287 trichuriasis, 1252 190 distribution, 1286 mechanical ventilation, viral differential diagnosis, 184 postsplenectomy infection, 633 hemorrhagic fevers, 1244 generalized, 188–189 pregnant patients, 786, 1287, 1289, mediastinitis, 268 HIV manifestations, 189, 639 1292 clinical presentation, 269–270 localized, 185, 185–188 prevention, 1291–1294, 1292 descending necrotizing, 269, 271 abdominal and retroperitoneal chemoprophylaxis regimens, pathogenesis, 269 nodes, 187, 188 1293 evaluation, 270 axillary nodes, 187 returning travelers, 633 from contiguous thoracic cervical nodes, 185–186, 186 therapy, 1287–1291, 1288 infections, 270–272 inguinal nodes, 187, 188 severe disease, 1290–1291 from mediastinal structures, mediastinal and hilar nodes, supportive care, 1291 269–271 186–187, 187 transmission, 1285 postoperative, 268–269, 271 supraclavicular nodes, 186 Malassezia folliculitis, 178 epidemiology, 268–269 Mycobacterium avium complex, 1025 Malassezia furfur, 178, 677 outcomes, 269 lymphatic filariasis, 1259–1260 malathion, louse infestations, 164 pathogenesis, 268 lymphedema, filariasis, 1259 malignancy, as cause of fever of prevention, 270–271 lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), unknown origin, 7 risk factors, 268 406 Malta fever, 866 treatment, 271–272 clinical presentation, 408 malt-workers’ lung, 1117 antimicrobial therapy, 271–272 genital ulcer disease, 406 mandibular infection, 63–64 surgery, 271 diagnosis, 408 secondary mandibular spaces, 64 mefloquine rectal infection, 353–354 mandibular osteomyelitis, 452 adverse effects, 1290–1291 treatment, 410 Mansonella ozzardi, 1264 malaria, 1290

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pregnant patients, 616, 1292 coccidioidomycosis, 1144, 1146 brain abscess, 498 prophylaxis, 1291–1292 treatment, 1148 burn-injury infection, 743 meglumine antimonate, leishmaniasis, cochlear implant-associated, 738 bursitis, 447 1310 cryptococcal, 683, 1128 cellulitis, 149 melarsoprol immune reconstitution community-acquired pneumonia, adverse effects, 1307 inflammatory syndrome, 219 trypanosomiasis (sleeping 671–672 deep neck infection, 75 sickness), 1307 relapse prediction, 1130 dialysis-related infection, 624, 627 melatonin, chronic fatigue syndrome therapy, 1129–1132 iliopsoas abscess, 464–465 therapy, 29 elderly patients, 606 impetigo, 143 melioidosis, 788, 805 Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, 1049 infection control issues, 986–987 Mendelson’s syndrome, 226 enteroviral, 479, 1174 intra-abdominal infections, 368 meningitis, 487, 936 eosinophilic, due to helminth lactational mastitis, 620 aseptic, 479, 1174 infection, 1266 mediastinitis, 269 diagnostic work-up, 481, HIV-infected patients, 683 necrotizing fasciitis, 155 481–485 neonates, 609, 611, 981 neonatal infections, 609 etiology, 479–481, 480 sporotrichotic, 1126–1127 otitis externa, 57 history, 482 meningococcal infection. See Neisseria pharyngotonsillitis, 35 laboratory data, 483–485 meningitidis postoperative wound infection, 733 physical examination, 482–483 meningococcal vaccine, 939–940 spinal epidural abscess, 506–507 therapy, 485 immunization schedule, 764 surgical prophylaxis, 759–760 bacterial, 471–478, 891, See also postsplenectomy patients, 635 trauma-related infection, 736 specific causative organisms recommendations, 940 waterborne infection, 801 adjunctive therapy, 473–474, 938 travelers, 782 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aerobic gram-negative bacilli, meningococcemia, 123, 471, 935–936, epidermidis (MRSE), 985 477 936 methylprednisolone antimicrobial therapy, 473, chronic, 936 histoplasmosis, 1136 474–478, 475, 476, 921, meningoencephalitis, 487 Kawasaki syndrome, 131 937–938, 938, 961, 963 primary amebic (PAM), 805 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, clinical presentation, 471–472 syphilitic, 1054 1153 diagnosis, 472–473, 960 trypanosomiasis (sleeping pyoderma gangrenosum, 146 Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, sickness), 1306 metronidazole, 1340 1048 meropenem adverse effects, 1320, 1340 Haemophilus influenzae, 477, 920 brain abscess, 498 amebic liver abscess, 787 initial management approach, iliopsoas abscess, 468 anaerobic infections, 838 473 listeriosis, 948 aspiration pneumonia, 231 Listeria monocytogenes, 477, 945, melioidosis, 788 bacterial vaginosis, 395 946 meningitis, 476–477, 938, 957 Balantidium coli, 1315 long-term sequelae, 938 nocardiosis, 953 brain abscess, 498 Lyme disease, 1064 Pasteurella multocida, 957 cholangitis, 311 Moraxella catarrhalis, 864 peritonitis, 376 Clostridium difficile, 553 Neisseria meningitidis, 476–477 pneumonia diarrhea, 349 Nocardia spp., 951 alcoholic patients, 598–599 Clostridium difficile-associated Pasteurella multocida, 955 pneumonia diarrhea, 350 prevention, 478, 938–940, 939 nosocomial, 223 dental infection, 66 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 970 pregnant patients, 615 dialysis-related infection, 627 Salmonella spp., 981 prostatitis, 416 dracunculiasis, 1264 Streptococcus pneumoniae, urinary tract infection, 605 Entamoeba histolytica, 356, 1314, 475–476, 960, 963 Whipple’s disease, 382 1318 syphilitic, 482, 1054 MERS. See Middle East respiratory brain abscess, 1322 tuberculous, 1012, 1017 syndrome liver abscess, 1320 viridans streptococci, 998 Metagonimus yokogawai, 1273 giardiasis, 356, 808, 1314 Candida spp., 1110 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Helicobacter pylori, 912 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection aureus (MRSA), 19, 985–986, hypersensitivity reactions, 1381 and, 540 See also infection control Lemierre’s syndrome, 274

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metronidazole (cont.) lymphocyte-depleting therapies, mycobacteria. See also specific species lung abscess, 235 567–569 dialysis-related infection, 624 mediastinitis, 271 mononeuropathy multiplex, 520 epididymitis, 402 neutropenic patients, 553 mononucleosis. See infectious HIV-infected patients, 679 osteomyelitis, 451 mononucleosis prophylaxis, 693–694 pressure ulcers, 605 mononucleosis-like syndrome, 1185 immunocompromised patients, 545 spinal epidural abscess, 507 diagnostic studies, 1187 keratitis, 88, 90 splenic abscess, 374 differential diagnosis, 1186 neutropenic patients, 555 subdural empyema, 500 Moraxella catarrhalis, 863 nontuberculous (NTM), 1020 surgical prophylaxis, 757–758 clinical syndromes, 863–864 antibiotic susceptibility testing, tetanus, 878 community-acquired pneumonia, 1021 trauma-related infection, 736 217 children, 1020 trichomoniasis, 396–397 diagnosis, 864 cystic fibrosis-associated, 1027 vaginitis, 395 epidemiology, 863 dissemination, 1020 wound infection otitis media, 48, 863 emerging infections, 1027 botulism, 875 pathogenesis, 863 extrapulmonary disease postoperative, 732–733 sinusitis, 59, 863 diagnostic criteria, MGCD290 antifungal agent, 1352 therapy, 864 1021–1022 micafungin, 1350 Moraxella lacunata, blepharitis, 85 healthcare-associated disease, Aspergillus spp., 1114–1115 Morbillivirus, 133, See also measles 1028 candidemia, 1109 Morganella morganii hypersensitivity pneumonitis- esophageal infections, 327 transfusion-related infection, 712 like disease, 1027–1028 miconazole, vulvovaginal candidiasis, urinary tract infection, 723 lung disease diagnostic criteria, 398 moxifloxacin, 91 1020–1021 microsporidia, 1316–1317 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1088 therapy, 1022, 1023 sexually transmitted infection, 356 meningitis, 476 post-transplant infection, 579–580 treatment, 1315 Mycobacterium avium complex, pregnant patients, 616 Microsporum audounii, 172 1025 rapidly growing (RGM), 1020 Microsporum canis, 172 Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 Mycobacterium abscessus, 679, 1020–1021 Middle East respiratory syndrome pneumonia, 598 breast implant-associated coronavirus (MERS-CoV), 209, 219 trauma-related infection, 736 infection, 739 miltefosine, leishmaniasis, 1304, 1311 urethritis, 390 therapy, 1026 minimum inhibitory concentration mucormycosis, 119, 1119, 1121 Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), (MIC), 753 clinical manifestations, 1120–1121 1020 minocycline cutaneous, 1121–1122 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 44 catheter-related infection diabetic patients, 586, 1119, 1121 antibiotic resistance, 1024 management, 719 diagnosis, 1121 disseminated disease, 1025 leprosy, 933 endobronchial, 1120 esophageal infections, 332 nocardiosis, 953 pathogenesis, 1119–1120 HIV-infected patients, 679, 685 prosthetic joint infection, 444 pulmonary, 1119–1121 AIDS and, 1020 mirtazpine, progressive multifocal renal, 1120, 1122 prophylaxis, 694 leukoencephalopathy, 534 rhinocerebral, 119, 1119–1121 therapeutic implications, 1025 MMR vaccine, 764, 771–773 treatment, 1121–1122 lymphadenopathy, 1025 contraindications, 771 multicentric Castleman’s disease pregnant patients, 616 healthcare workers, 773 (MCD), 189, 1202, 1203 respiratory infections, 1020 HIV-infected persons, 771 multiple drug allergy syndrome hypersensitivity pneumonitis- immunization schedule, 771 (MDAS), 1381 like lung disease, 1028 rubella, 136 mumps, 71, See also MMR vaccine treatment, 1022–1025 travelers, 781 orchitis, 402 therapy, 1022 molluscum contagiosum, 82, 83, 678 mupirocin, 1342 Mycobacterium boletti, 1021 HIV-infected patients, 677 mediastinitis prophylaxis, 271 Mycobacterium chelonae, 679, 721, 1026 monobactam antibiotics, 1334 surgical prophylaxis, 759 Mycobacterium fortuitum, 679, 721 monoclonal antibodies, 567, See also mushroom poisoning, 345, breast implant-associated immunoglobulin therapy; specific 346–348 infection, 739 antibodies mycetoma, 62, 180, 951 therapy, 1022

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Mycobacterium kansasii, 679, 1020 community-acquired, 216 giant cell (GCM), 260, 264 disseminated infection, 1026 elderly patients, 605 Marburg criteria, 265 pulmonary disease, 1025–1026 Mycoplasma spp., 1076, 1079–1085, parvovirus B19 association, 1219 therapy, 1022 See also specific species pathogenesis, 261–264, 263 Mycobacterium leprae, 519, 931–932, bacterial vaginosis, 394 prognosis, 267 See also leprosy cervicitis, 392 treatment, 266–267, 1177 diagnosis, 933 joint infection, 440 antiviral therapy, 266 Mycobacterium marinum, 807, 807 mycotic aneurysms, 273, 275, 275–276, guideline-directed medical therapy, 1022, 1026–1027 276 therapy, 266 Mycobacterium massiliense, 1021 therapy, 275–277, 276 immunomodulatory therapy, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 99, 594, myelitis, 510–519, 511 267 See also tuberculosis acute disseminated immunosuppressive therapy, acute suppurative thyroiditis, 44 encephalomyelitis (ADEM), 266 chemoprophylaxis, 750, 750 518 myositis, 994, See also rhabdomyolysis community-acquired pneumonia, brucellosis, 517 fungal, 461 219 dengue, 516 parasitic, 462 dacryoadenitis, 117 diagnosis, 515 myringotomy, 49–50 esophageal infections, 332 enteroviral, 515–516 iliopsoas abscess, 464–465 fungal diseases, 518 Naegleria fowleri, 805 lymphadenopathy, 187, 187 herpesviruses, 514–515 nafcillin, 1333 mediastinitis, 272 HIV-associated vacuolar bacteremia, 989 myositis, 462 myelopathy, 516 catheter-related infections, 720 pericarditis, 257 HTLV-1-associated myelopathy, dialysis-related infection, perinephric abscess, 437 510–514 624, 626 peritonitis, 377 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 517 endocarditis, 245, 247, 250 post-transplant infection, 580 schistosomiasis, 517–518 erysipelas, 993 TNF-α inhibiting therapy syphilitic, 516–517, 1054 meningitis, 477 association, 570 Toxocara spp., 518 neonates, 612 Mycoplasma amphoriforme, 1076 tuberculosis, 517 pericarditis, 258 Mycoplasma fermentans, 1076, 1085 West Nile virus, 516 perinephric abscess, 438 Mycoplasma genitalium, 1081, 1082 myiasis, 165–166 peritonitis, 376 antibiotic resistance, 390 prevention, 166 renal cortical abscess, 434 cervicitis, 398 therapy, 164, 166 spinal epidural abscess, 507 treatment, 1083 myocarditis toxic shock syndrome, 130 urethritis, 386–387, 390 acute rheumatic fever, 1000 nalidixic acid, 1336 Mycoplasma hominis Bartonella, 856 Nanophyetus salmincola, 1273 antibiotic resistance, 1082 chronic, 265 Naprosyn test, 8–12 diagnosis, 1082, 1082 classification, 265, 265 natalizumab genital tract infections, 1080–1085, clinical presentation, 264 progressive multifocal 1081, 1083 Dallas criteria, 260, 265 leukoencephalopathy treatment, 1082–1085 definition, 260 association, 529–530, 533 neonatal infections, 1081 diagnosis, 264–265 treatment, 533 treatment, 1084, 1084 electrocardiography, 264 natamycin pelvic inflammatory disease, 418 endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), keratitis, 95 pharyngotonsillitis, 36 265 natamycin, keratitis, 1116 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 1076–1080 histology, 265 natural killer cell function evaluation, antibiotic therapy, 209–211, 211, imaging, 264–265 547–548 1078–1080, 1079 diphtheria and, 882 Necator americanus, 1250, 1252 resistance, 1078 enteroviral, 260, 1176–1177 neck masses, causes, 45 culture, 209 epidemiology, 264 necrotizing enterocolitis, 611 diagnosis, 1077, 1077–1078 etiology, 260–261 probiotic therapy, 1367 myelitis, 517 infectious causes, 261 necrotizing fasciitis, 125, 128, 129, 153, pharyngotonsillitis, 36 noninfectious causes, 262 994 pneumonia, 1076–1080 fulminant, 260, 264 classification, 153, 153 atypical, 205–206 future directions, 267 dental infections, 66–67

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necrotizing fasciitis (cont.) immunization, 939–940, 940 infection epidemiology, 558–560 diabetic patients, 588–589 serogroups, 937 neutrophil deficits, 560 diagnosis, 153–154 therapy, 937–939, 938 pneumonia, 559 predisposing factors, 153 Neisseria spp., nonpathogenic, 940–941 viridans streptococcal bacteremia, treatment, 154, 154–155 Neoehrlichia mikurensis, 1098–1099, 998 antibiotic choice, 155, 155 1099, 1100 nephritis, acute bacterial, 435–437, hyperbaric oxygen, 155 neomycin, 1336, 1342 See also glomerulonephritis; intravenous immunoglobulin, surgical prophylaxis, 757 pyelonephritis 155 neonates neuraminidase inhibitors (NI), surgery, 154 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 45 influenza, 1207 topical negative pressure, 155 characteristics of infections, 608 neuroborreliosis, 521 Vibrio vulnificus, 1031 congenital rubella syndrome, therapy, 1064–1065 necrotizing myositis, 128 135–136 neurobrucellosis, 517 Negri bodies, 1220, 1222 conjunctivitis, 81, 83–84 neurocysticercosis, 1275, 1276 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 915–916 cytomegalovirus infection, 613, neuropathy, 512, 519–523 cervicitis, 392, 398 1161–1162 bacterial toxin-associated, 521–523 conjunctivitis, 83, 915 treatment, 1166 classification, 519 neonatal, 84 dacryocystitis, 72 diphtheria-associated, 882 systemic treatment, 83 Elizabethkingia meningoseptica herpesvirus-associated peripheral diagnosis, 353, 916 infections, 1048 neuropathies, 520 disseminated infection, 916 enteroviral infections, 1181 HIV-associated, 514, 519–520, epididymitis, 402, 404 myocarditis, 1176 640–641 joint infection, 440 epidemiology of infections, inflammatory demyelinating, pelvic inflammatory disease, 418 607–608 520–521 pharyngitis, 915 hepatitis B infection, 306 leprosy, 519 pharyngotonsillitis, 35 herpes neonatorum, 293 mononeuropathy multiplex, 520 proctitis, 353, 915 herpes simplex infection, 612–613, polymorphic neurologic sites of primary infection, 915 1196 syndromes, 513 therapy, 39, 353, 399, 916–918 treatment, 1198 syphilis-associated, 520, 1054–1055 antibiotic resistance, 392, 399, hospital-acquired infections, 698 neuroschistosomiasis, 517–518 916–917 listeriosis, 945 neurosurgical procedures, coinfections, 917 meningitis, 609, 611, 981 prophylaxis, 758 disseminated infection, 918 Mycoplasma hominis infection, 1081 neurosyphilis, 1054–1055 extragenital disease, 918 treatment, 1084, 1084 follow-up, 1058 nonstandard therapy, 917–918 necrotizing enterocolitis, 611, 1367 neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), sexual partners, 917 parvovirus B19 congenital 344, 344–345 standard therapy, 917, 917 infection, 1217–1218 neutropenic enterocolitis, 551 urethritis, 386, 915, 915 pneumonia, 612, 994 neutropenic patients, 551 Neisseria meningitidis, 935, 936, See also viral, 613 adjunctive therapy, 557 meningococcal vaccine Salmonella gastroenteritis, 980, 982 antifungal prophylaxis, 1116 carriage, 935 sepsis, 607, 877, 994 brain abscess, 496, 499 clinical features, 935–937 adjunctive therapy, 611 cancer patients, 560 close contacts, 939 empiric therapy, 608–611, 609, causes of infections, 551–555 conjunctivitis, 83 610 anaerobes, 552–553 culture, 937 microbiology, 607–608 fungi, 553, 553–555 laboratory studies, 937 sialadenitis, 68 gram-negative organisms, meningitis, 476–477 skeletal infections, 612 551–552 overwhelming postsplenectomy tetanus, 877 gram-positive organisms, 552, infection, 633 Ureaplasma infection, 1081 552 pericarditis, 254 treatment, 1084, 1084 cytotoxic agent effects, 565 pharyngotonsillitis, 35 urinary tract infections, 612 empiric therapy, 556, 556–557 postsplenectomy patients, 561 varicella-zoster infection, 613, 621 febrile, 20 prevention, 938–940 neoplastic disease patients, 558 gastroenteritis, 336 antimicrobial B-cell defects, 561 meningitis, 472 chemoprophylaxis, 939, 939 helper T-cell defects, 560–561 prophylaxis, 555–556

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neutrophil function. See also norepinephrine, hantavirus candida, 176–177 neutropenic patients cardiopulmonary syndrome, 1191 diagnosis, 176, 176 cancer patients, 560 norfloxacin, peritonitis, 377 distal subungual, 174 evaluation, 548, 548–549 norovirus proximal subungual, 176 nevirapine, 651 food poisoning, 342 treatment, 176–178, 178 niclosamide gastroenteritis, 337 white superficial, 176 Hymenolepis nana infection, 1276 travelers’ diarrhea, 810 opisthorchiasis, 1271–1272 intestinal fluke infections, 1273 waterborne infections, 808, 809 opportunistic infections, 1156, 1156, Taenia infections, 1274 nosocomial infections. See healthcare- See also human immunodeficiency nifurtimox associated infections (HAIs); virus (HIV); immunocompromised adverse effects, 1305 hospital-acquired infections; patients; specific infections trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease), specific infections diagnosis, 1156–1158 1305 nucleoside/nucleotide analogs prevention, 1159 nikkomycin Z, 1352 hepatitis B, 299–301, 302 therapy, 1157, 1158–1159 nitazoxanide progressive multifocal optic neuritis, 97 cryptosporidiosis, 808, 1315 leukoencephalopathy, 533 oral hairy leukoplakia, 678 echinococcosis, 1278 nucleoside/nucleotide reverse orbital infections, 117–118, 118 Entamoeba histolytica, 1314, 1321 transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), abscess, 118–119, 119 fascioliasis, 1272 646, 650–651 fungal, 119 giardiasis, 808, 1314 regimen selection, 658–659 orchitis, 401, See also epididymo- nitrofurantoin, 1342 resistance, 650–651 orchitis enterococcal infections, 899 side effects, 651 mumps-associated, 402 urinary tract infection, 423–425, 427 nystatin , 1096 pregnant patients, 615 candidiasis, 1106 oropharyngeal carcinoma, 1212–1213 Nitzchia pungens, 344 chronic fatigue syndrome, 29 Oroya fever, 850 Nocardia asteroides, deep neck vulvovaginal candidiasis, 398 oseltamivir, 1360–1361 infection, 75 adverse effects, 1361 Nocardia spp., 950, 950–951 obesity, probiotic benefits, 1369 community-acquired pneumonia, brain abscess, 951 obstetric procedures, surgical 219 cutaneous nocardiosis, 951 prophylaxis, 758 influenza, 212, 1207, 1360 epididymo-orchitis, 403 Ochrobactrum spp., 1049–1050 chemoprophylaxis, 1209 HIV-infected patients, 681, 951 O. anthropi, 1049 pregnant patients, 618 immunocompromised patients, ocular larva migrans (OLM), 1265 pharmacokinetics, 1361 545, 548 therapy, 1265 osteochondritis of the foot, 971, 971 meningitis, 951 ocular medicamentosa, 86 osteomeatal complex (OMC), 59 mycetoma, 951 oculoglandular syndrome. osteomyelitis, 448 post-transplant infection, 580, 950 See Parinaud’s oculoglandular actinomycosis and, 452, 831 pulmonary nocardiosis, 951 syndrome acute (AO), 448 systemic nocardiosis, 951 odontogenic infection. See dental antimicrobial therapy, 449–451, risk factors, 950 infection 450, 892 therapy, 951–953, 952, 953 Oerskovia spp., 1039–1040 duration of therapy, 450 sulfonamides, 951–952, 952 ofloxacin intravenous agents, 450 traumatic nocardiosis, 951 cervicitis, 399 oral agents, 450–451 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase Chlamydia psittaci, 1091 Bartonella quintana, 687, 856 inhibitors (NNRTIs), 647, 651–652 leprosy, 933 Candida spp., 1111 drug interactions, 652 otitis media, 55 chronic (CO), 448 regimen selection, 659 Oligella spp., 1050 clinical follow-up, 452 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Omsk virus. See viral hemorrhagic diabetic foot, 452, 589 (NSAIDs) fevers (VHF) diagnosis, 449 immune reconstitution Onchocerca volvulus (onchocerciasis), Enterobacteriaceae-associated, 891 inflammatory syndrome, 669 1259, 1262–1264, 1263 future directions, 453 leprosy, 934 diagnosis, 1263 HACEK organism-associated, 906 pericarditis, 258 therapy, 1263–1264 injection drug abusers, 592 nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). ondansetron, food poisoning, 346 jaw, 452 See mycobacteria onychomycosis, 171, 174, 174–178 microbiology, 448–449

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osteomyelitis (cont.) endocarditis, 245, 247, 250 parainfluenza viruses, croup, 199 outcomes, 453 iliopsoas abscess, 467 paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), pathogenesis, 448 meningitis, 477 344, 344–346 pediatric, 452–453 neonates, 612 parapneumonic effusion, 237, 239 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 592, 971 pericarditis, 258 classification, 237 sacral, 452 perinephric abscess, 438 drainage, 239 Staphylococcus aureus, 448, 452, 987 postoperative wound infection, 732 parechovirus, 219 surgical therapy, 449 renal cortical abscess, 434 paresis, general, 1054 vertebral, 451 oxazolidinones, 1339–1340 Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome, osteoporosis, antiretroviral therapy oxygen therapy 86, 99, 185, 855 and, 660 anaerobic infections, 837 causes, 86 otitis externa, 970 croup, 200 paromomycin acute (AOE), 56–57 hantavirus cardiopulmonary amebic liver abscess, 787 diagnosis, 56 syndrome, 1191 Balantidium coli, 1315 necrotizing, 57 mucormycosis, 586, 1122 cryptosporidiosis, 1315 therapy, 56–57 necrotizing fasciitis, 155 Entamoeba histolytica, 356, 1321 diabetic patients, 586–587 osteomyelitis, 451 giardiasis, 1314 malignant, 970, 971 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 1244 leishmaniasis, 1311 swimmer’s ear, 802, 970 oxytetracycline, brucellosis, 867 parotitis. See also sialadenitis otitis media, 48, 921 acute bacterial, 68, 69 acute (AOM), 48–53, 863, 963–964 pacemakers, 280, See also cardiac acute postoperative, 68 complications, 55–56 device infection chronic bacterial, 70 diagnosis, 48, 48–49 pain, herpes zoster, 1227 chronic juvenile recurrent, 70 microbiology, 49, 53 palivizumab, 1361 mumps, 71 recurrence prevention, 51–55 respiratory syncytial virus parvovirus B19 (PVB19), 1216 chronic suppurative (CSOM), 48 prophylaxis, 1361 associated conditions, 1219 cochlear implant-associated, 738 pancreatic pseudocysts, 322 congenital infection, 1217–1218 prevention, 922 pancreatitis, 317 epidemiology, 1216 recurrent (ROM), 48 alcoholic patients, 601 fifth disease, 1216–1217 treatment, 49–53 biliary, 312 hepatitis, 294 antimicrobial therapy, 49–52, classification, 317–318, 318 mononeuritis multiplex, 520 51, 52, 53, 921 diagnosis, 320, 890 myocarditis, 260, 1219 pain management, 49, 50 computed tomography, 317–318 persistent infection, 1218, 1218 outpatient parenteral antibiotic fluid collections, 318, 322 post-transplant infection, 582 therapy, 1330–1331 infection prevention, 321 pregnant patients, 619 overwhelming postsplenectomy microbiology, 319 hydrops fetalis and, infection (OPSI), 629 natural history, 318 1217–1218 babesiosis, 633, 634 nutritional support, 321–322 transient aplastic crisis, 1217 Capnocytophaga canimorsus, 632 pathogenesis, 318–319, 319 vaccine development, 1219 diagnosis, 631 predictive factors for infection, parvoviruses, 1216, See also parvovirus Haemophilus influenzae, 631–632 319–320 B19 (PVB19) malaria, 633 prognosis, 317 Pasteurella multocida, 157, 791, 795, 954 Neisseria meningitidis, 633 severity predictors, 317 clinical presentation, 954–955 presentation, 630–631 treatment, 320, 320–321, 321 respiratory infection, 955 prevention, 634–635 PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune bite wound infection, 954–955 antibiotic prophylaxis, 635 neuropsychiatric disorder invasive or disseminated education, 635 associated with group infection, 955 vaccination, 635, 635 A Streptococcus), 1001–1002 prophylaxis with bite wounds, risks, 629–630 Panola Mountain ehrlichia, 1098 956–957 , 633 panuveitis, 97 risk factors for wound infection, Streptococcus pneumoniae, 631 papillary necrosis, diabetic patients, 957 therapeutic interventions, 633–634, 587 therapy, 955–958 634 paracetamol. See acetaminophen antibiotics, 955–956, 956 timing, 630 paragonimiasis, 1272–1273 infected wound treatment, 957 oxacillin Paragonimus spp., 1266

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Pasteurella spp. See also Pasteurella in vitro testing, 1377 trypanosomiasis (sleeping multocida skin testing, 1375, 1380 sickness), 1306–1307 animal bite wounds, 157 Lactobacillus spp., 1039 Pentostam, leishmaniasis, 1310–1311 P. septica, 157 leptospirosis, 788, 1073 , Helicobacter pylori pediatric patients. See children Leuconostoc spp., 1038 and, 907 pediculosis capitis, 163–164, 164 lung abscess, 234 Peptostreptococcus, aspiration therapy, 164 Lyme disease, 1062, 1064–1065 pneumonia, 230 pediculosis corporis, 164, 165 arthritis, 1064 percutaneous injuries in healthcare therapy, 165 meningitis, 475–477, 938 workers, 703 pediculosis pubis, 164, 164–165 meningococcemia, 123 initial management, 703–704 therapy, 165 neonates, 609–610 pericarditis Pediculus humanus, 163, 163, 165 overwhelming postsplenectomy acute rheumatic fever, 1000 Pediococcus spp., 1037 infection prophylaxis, 635 amebic, 1321–1322 pefloxacin, meningitis, 477 Pasteurella multocida, 955, 957 cardiothoracic surgery and, 254 peginterferon Pediococcus spp., 1037 clinical manifestations, 255–256 adverse effects, 303 peritonitis, 376 complications, 258–259 contraindications, 304 pharyngotonsillitis, 36–37, 991, constrictive, 255, 259 hepatitis B, 301–302 1001, 1188 diagnosis, 256–258 hepatitis C, 303–307 prophylaxis, 39, 993 cultures, 256–258 HIV coinfection, 662 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 electrocardiography, 256, 256 hepatitis D, 302 pyoderma, 993 imaging, 256 peginterferon-α2a, 1360 rat-bite fevers, 977 pericardiocentesis, 256 peginterferon-α2b, 1360 relapsing fever borreliosis, 1069 enteroviral, 1176–1177 pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), renal abscess, 434, 437 epidemiology, 254 418 resistance, 38, 49, 1333, See also etiology, 254 diagnosis, 418–419 antibiotic resistance infectious causes, 254 microbiology, 418 mechanisms, 1334 noninfectious causes, 255 treatment, 419 Staphylococcus spp., 1333–1334 pathogenesis, 254–255 oral, 419 Rothia spp., 1040 treatment, 258, 1177 parenteral, 419 scarlet fever, 993 tuberculous, 254, 258 penciclovir, 1361 skin and soft-tissue infections, 151 pericolic disease, 362–364 , 1333 splenic abscess, 374 peridiverticulitis, 362 actinomycosis, 832 Streptococcus agalactiae, 995 perinephric abscess, 434, 435, 437–438 acute rheumatic fever prevention, syphilis, 354, 1056 diabetic patients, 588 1001 genital ulcers, 409 therapy, 436 adverse effects, 1328 tetanus, 878 periodontal infections, diabetic anaerobic infections, 842 thrombophlebitis, 274 patients, 587 anthrax, 824 toxic shock syndrome, 130 periorbital infections, 117–119 postexposure prophylaxis, viridans streptococci, 998 peritonitis, 365, 366, 375 846 Whipple’s disease, 382 alcoholic patients, 599–600 catheter-related infections, 720 wound infection amebic, 1322 class, 1333–1334 botulism, 875 Candida spp., 377, 379, 1110 cross-reactivity, 1379 postoperative, 733 dialysis patients, 625–627 diphtheria, 884 penicilliosis, HIV-infected patients, microbiology, 626 carriers, 884 686 therapy, 626–627 prevention, 885 Penicillium marneffei, 686 primary, 366, 375–377 endocarditis, 246, 249, 897–898 penile implant-associated infection, clinical presentation, 376 enterococcal infections, 897–898 739–740 diagnosis, 376 erysipelas, 993 pentamidine management, 376–377 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 902 adverse effects, 1300, 1307 secondary, 366, 375, 377–380 gas gangrene, 879 babesiosis, 1300 clinical presentation, 377–378 Gemella spp., 1042 leishmaniasis, 1311 diagnosis, 378 gonorrhea, 918 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, management, 378–380, 379 hypersensitivity reactions, 1371, 679 spontaneous bacterial (SBP), 366, 1373 prophylaxis, 689, 1153 375, 599, 890

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peritonitis (cont.) pressure ulcers, 605 pregnant patients, 617 tertiary, 366, 375 prostatitis, 416 travelers, 781 tuberculous, 377, 600 renal corticomedullary abscess, 437 Pneumocystis carinii. See Pneumocystis permethrin, 799 trauma-related infection, 736 jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) louse infestations, 164–165 pityriasis versicolor, 178–179 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia scabies, 162 pivmecillinam, 1342 (PCP), 554–555, 679, 1151 permethrin-impregnated clothing, plague, 794–795, 1034, See also Yersinia acute suppurative thyroiditis, 44 1292, 1300 pestis clinical manifestations, 1152 pertussis. See Bordetella pertussis bioterrorism, 208 corticosteroid relationships, 564 pertussis toxin, 859 bubonic, 1034 diagnosis, 678–679, 1152, pet ownership, 642, 790, See also diagnosis, 819 1152–1153 zoonotic diseases pneumonic, 208, 795, 1034 HIV-infected patients, 678–679, Pfiesteria, 809 antibiotic therapy, 212 1151 pharmacodynamics, 1324 bioterrorism, 819, 824–825 prophylaxis, 688–689 pharmacokinetics, 1324 vaccine, 824 immunocompromised patients, pharyngitis/pharyngotonsillitis, 33, plasma and plasma-derived products, 545, 1152 991–993, 1186 714 injection drug abusers, 594 acute lymphonodular pharyngitis, Plasmodium falciparum, 616, See also management, 679 1178 malaria neutropenic patients, 554–555 causative agents, 34 antimicrobial resistance, 1285, 1287 post-transplant infection, 577, 583 clinical findings, 36 management, 1289–1290 prophylaxis, 583 diagnosis, 36–37 complications, 786 prophylaxis, 1153–1155, 1154 etiology, 33–36 myositis, 462 rituximab therapy and, 568 aerobic bacteria, 33–35 postsplenectomy infection, 633 treatment, 1153, 1154 anaerobic bacteria, 35–36 Plasmodium malariae, 786, See also pneumonia Chlamydia,36 malaria alcoholic patients, 597–599 herpes simplex virus, 1194 Plasmodium ovale, 786, 1287, See also anaerobic, 598 mixed infections, 36 malaria gram-negative, 598–599 mycoplasma, 36 therapy, 1290 pneumococcal, 54–55 viruses, 36 Plasmodium vivax, 786, 1287, See also aspiration, 226, 229, 271, 586, infectious mononucleosis, 1184 malaria 598, 998 prophylaxis, 39, 992–993 antimicrobial resistance, 1287, 1290 clinical course, 228 therapy, 37–40, 39, 40, 991–993, therapy, 1290 diagnosis, 228–230 1001 pleconaril epidemiology, 227 acute PT, 38, 38–40 encephalitis, 494 management, 230–231, 231 reasons for failure, 38 enterovirus infections, 1181 microbiology, 230 recurrent and chronic disease, meningitis, 485 prevention, 231–232 40 myocarditis, 266 risk factors, 226–227, 227 pharyngoconjunctivitis, 81 , epididymo- atypical, 205, 207, 795, 1089 phenobarbital, Sydenham chorea, 1001 orchitis, 403 antimicrobial therapy, 209–212 phlebitis. See thrombophlebitis pleural effusion, 216, 239 clinical manifestations, phycomycosis, dialysis patients, 627 drainage, 239 205–208 Picornaviridae, 1172 fluid analysis, 238 diagnosis, 209, 210 , 1058–1059 thoracocentesis, 239 respiratory virus related, pinworms, 1255 pleurodynia, 1176 208–209 piperacillin, 1334 pneumococcal vaccine, 774, 863, blastomycosis, 1138 anaerobic infections, 842 964–965 cancer patients, 559 piperacillin–tazobactam, 1334 acute otitis media management, 49, Candida spp., 1111 actinomycosis, 832 54–55 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1086 cholangitis, 311 hepatitis and, 307 community-acquired (CAP), 205, enterococcal colonization and, 899 HIV-infected patients, 643, 695 214, 921, 960 iliopsoas abscess, 468 immunization schedule, 764, 965 antimicrobial agent selection, perinephric abscess, 438 meningitis and, 963 216–220, 217, 218, 219, 962 pneumonia, alcoholic patients, 598 overwhelming postsplenectomy causative agent identification, pregnant patients, 615–616 infection prevention, 635 215, 215–216, 216, 217

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diagnosis, 214 polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) antibiotics, 732–733 elderly patients, 605 epididymitis, 403 incisional drainage, 730–731 predictors of complicated polyarthritis and fever, 454 wound closure, 733 course, 214 diagnosis, 454–455, 455 postpartum endometritis, 619 risk scoring method, 962 demographics, 454 postsplenectomy patients, 561, See also severe disease management, fever pattern, 455 overwhelming postsplenectomy 218–219 joint involvement pattern, infection (OPSI) severity assessment, 214 454–455 poststreptococcal complications, 1000, therapeutic response, 220 laboratory tests, 457–458 See also Streptococcus pyogenes cryptococcal, 1128 radiography, 458 (group A streptococcus) diabetic patients, 585 symptom onset, 454 acute glomerulonephritis (AGN), Enterobacteriaceae-related, 890 differential diagnosis, 455, 455–457 1000, 1002 HIV-infected patients, 678, polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), 12, acute rheumatic fever (ARF), 1000, 678–679, 680, 454 1000–1002 See also Pneumocystis jirovecii polymyositis, 460, See also post-transplant infections, 573 pneumonia (PCP) rhabdomyolysis antimicrobial prophylaxis, 579 influenza virus-associated, 208, polymyxin antibiotics, 1341–1342 bacterial infections, 578–580 219, 1207 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 968 Mycobacterium spp., 579–580 Legionella-associated, 924, 924, polymyxin B, 1342 Nocardia spp., 580, 950 See also Legionnaires’ disease meningitis, 477 epidemiologic exposures, 573, 574 (legionellosis) polymyxin E, 1329 environment, 573 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 1076–1080 polyomaviruses, post-transplant screening tools, 574 necrotizing, 233 infection, 582 transplant donor, 573 neonates, 612–613, 994 Pontiac fever, 807, 926–928 transplant recipient, 573 nosocomial (NP), 221 Porphyromonas gingivalis, diabetic fungal infections, 583–584 clinical diagnosis, 221 patients, 587 Pneumocystis jirovecii, 583 empiric monotherapy, 223–224, posaconazole, 1348, 1350 parasitic infections, 584 224 Aspergillus spp., 1114–1115 Strongyloides stercoralis, 584 mimics of, 221–222, 222 prophylaxis, 1117 Toxoplasma gondii, 584 treatment unresponsive blastomycosis, 1139 Trypanosoma cruzi, 584, 1305 disease, 224–225 candidiasis prophylaxis, 692 prophylactic strategies, 579 vs respiratory secretion coccidioidomycosis, 1146 risk factors, 573–575, 574 colonization, 222–223, 223 prophylaxis, 693 state of immunosuppression, nursing home-acquired (NHAP), 221 esophageal infections, 326 573–575 post-viral, 194 eumycetoma, 182 time course, 575, 575–578 Q fever, 1096 mucormycosis, 586, 1122 hematopoietic stem cell Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, 973 neutropenic patients, 556 transplantation, 578 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 960–963 zygomycete infections, 554 solid organ transplantation, diagnosis, 959–960 possible estuary-associated syndrome 575–578 treatment, 961, 962–963 (PEAS), 809 viral infections, 580–583 toxoplasmic, 1280 postantibiotic effect (PAE), 1325 cytomegalovirus, 580–581, tularemic, 208, 212, 219, 1008 postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), 1228, 1165–1166 ventilator-associated (VAP), 221 1230, 1231 Epstein–Barr virus, 581 burn-injury patients, 743 postinfectious encephalomyelitis, 134 hepatitis C, 582 infection control bundle, 699, postoperative wound infections, 729, herpes simplex virus, 581 699 731, 752 human herpesvirus 6, 581–582, viridans streptococci, 998 causative organisms, 756 1200–1201 zoonotic, 795 cesarean section wound site, 619 human herpesvirus 7, 581–582 Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), 214 diagnosis, 729–730 human herpesvirus 8, 582 podophyllotoxin, genital warts, 1213 fever occurrence, 732 parvovirus B19, 582 poliomyelitis, 510 prevention. See surgical polyomaviruses, 582 poliovirus, 515, See also enteroviruses prophylaxis varicella-zoster virus, 581 vaccination, 773, 1181 risk identification, 754, 754–755 post-transplant lymphoproliferative immunization schedule, 764 risk index, 730, 754 disorder (PTLD), 188, 581 travelers, 780–781 therapy, 730–733 rituximab effect, 567

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potassium iodide, sporotrichosis lymphogranuloma venereum, 410 probenecid, 1166 therapy, 1126 malaria, 786, 1287 Lyme arthritis, 1064 Pott’s disease, 505, 1012, 1017 prophylaxis, 1292 probiotics, 1366, 1370 praziquantel therapy, 1289 applications, 1367–1369 clonorchiasis, 1272 mycobacterial infections, 616 allergy, 1368 diphyllobothriasis, 1277 tuberculosis, 616, 1017–1018 antibacterial effects, 1369 Hymenolepis nana infection, 1276 parvovirus B19 infection, 619 autoimmunity, 1368 intestinal fluke infections, 1273 hydrops fetalis and, 1217–1218 bacterial vaginosis, 1368 opisthorchiasis, 1272 premature rupture of fetal bone health, 1369 paragonimiasis, 1272 membranes (PROM), 615–616 cancers, 1368 schistosomiasis, 518, 1271 pyelonephritis, 425 candidal vaginitis, 1368 Taenia infections, 1274–1275 rubella complications, 135–136 cholesterol lowering, 1368 cysticercosis, 1276 Streptococcus agalactiae constipation, 1367 prednisolone management, 994–995 critical illness, 1369 croup, 200 syphilis and, 1055–1056, 1057 diabetes, 1369 trypanosomiasis (sleeping tetanus prevention, 522 diarrhea, 1367 sickness), 1307 toxoplasmosis, 617, 1282–1283 Helicobacter pylori infection, prednisone therapy, 1283 1367 allergic bronchopulmonary typhoid fever, 982 hypertension, 1368 aspergillosis, 1118 Ureaplasma spp. pathogenicity, 1080 inflammatory bowel disease, fever of unknown origin, 12 urethritis, 390 1367 immune reconstitution urinary tract infection, 427, 615 lactose intolerance, 1367 inflammatory syndrome, vaccination during, 617–618, 775 mucosal immunity, 1368 671–672 vaginitis, 392 necrotizing enterocolitis, 1367 leprosy, 934 varicella-zoster virus, 620–621 obesity, 1369 loiasis, 1262 management, 1232–1233 oral health, 1369 Lyme carditis, 1064 viral hemorrhagic fever pancreatitis infection myocarditis, 266 management, 1246 prophylaxis, 321 retinitis, 1281 premature rupture of fetal membranes respiratory infections, 1368 Sweet’s syndrome, 146 (PROM), 615–616 surgical infections, 1369 toxoplasmosis preseptal cellulitis, 117–118 urogenital infections, ocular, 105 pressure ulcers, 605–606 1367–1368 trichinellosis, 1259 Prevotella melaninogenica ideal preparation characteristics, tuberculosis, 1018 aspiration pneumonia, 598 1366 pregnancy peritonitis, 377 mechanism of action, 1366 antibiotic considerations, Prevotella spp. See also Prevotella microbes used, 1366 1326–1327 melaninogenica safety issues, 1369–1370 antiretroviral therapy, 661 aspiration pneumonia, 230 procalcitonin (PCT) antiviral drug safety, 301 neutropenic patients, 552 pneumonia severity assessment, Bartonella bacilliformis, 851 primaquine, malaria, 616, 1290 215 brucellosis therapy, 869 prophylaxis, 1291 sepsis biomarker, 17 cervicitis, 392 resistance, 1287 prochlorperazine, food poisoning, 346 cesarean section, 619, 661 primary amebic meningoencephalitis proctitis, 337, 352 coccidioidomycosis and, 1142 (PAM), 805 chlamydial, 353–354 genital ulcer disease, 409 primary effusion lymphoma (PEL), gonococcal, 353, 915 hepatitis, 620 1203 proctocolitis, 352 hepatitis B virus, 301 prion diseases, 541 progressive multifocal hepatitis E virus, 293 clinical symptoms and signs, 542 leukoencephalopathy (PML), 493, herpes simplex infection of the differential diagnosis, 542–543 529–530 genital tract, 617 epidemiology, 541–542 AIDS association, 529–531, 533–534 HIV infection, 301, 616, 618–619 laboratory tests, 542 clinical manifestations, 531 antiretroviral therapy, 660–662 treatment, 543 diagnosis, 532–533 influenza, 618 proadrenomedullin (proADM), cerebrospinal fluid, 532 listeriosis, 944–945 pneumonia severity assessment, radiology, 531–532, 532 Lyme disease, 1065 215 epidemiology, 531

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HIV-infected patients, 683 thrombophlebitis, 274 immune reconstitution urinary tract infection treatment, 967, 968 inflammatory syndrome, catheter-related, 723 urinary tract infection, 970 672–673 Proteus spp. catheter-related, 723, 970 pathogenesis, 530 cholecystitis, 309 ventricular assist device infection, pathology, 530, 530–531 perinephric abscess, 437 284 prognosis, 533 prostatitis, 414–415 water-associated infections, rituximab effects, 568 renal corticomedullary abscess, 435 801–802 treatment, 533–534 renal papillary necrosis, 438 Pseudomonas fluorescens, 715, 1049 progressive outer retinal necrosis urinary tract infection, 421, 723 Pseudomonas luteola, 1049 (PORN), 99, 106 , urinary tract Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, 1049 HIV-infected patients, 685 infection, 723 Pseudomonas putida, 1049 proguanil, malaria, pregnant patients, provocation tests, 1377 Pseudomonas spp. See also specific species 616 Pseudallescheria spp. antibiotic resistance, 552 promethazine, food poisoning, neutropenic patients, 560 cholecystitis, 309 346 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 966 neutropenic patients, 551, 560 prophylaxis. See also antibiotic resistance, 966 perinephric abscess, 437 chemoprophylaxis; surgical antibiotic therapy, 223–224, 967–968 pneumonia, alcoholic patients, 599 prophylaxis; specific infections aspiration pneumonia, 230 prostatitis, 415 primary, 688 , 969, 969 transfusion-related infection, 712, secondary, 688 burn-injury patients, 972 715 Propionibacterium acnes catheter-related infections, 718, 721 urinary tract infection, 422 endophthalmitis, 98, 108, 738 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, Pseudomonas stutzeri, fluorescens, 1049 subdural empyema, 499 536 pseudophakic endophthalmitis, 738 Propionibacterium spp. dermatitis, 801–802 Pseudoterranova decipiens, 1256 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, diagnosis, 966 psittacosis, 219, 795 536 dialysis-related infection, 623, Pthirus pubis, 164 prostatitis, 413 625–627 pubic lice. See pediculosis pubis causative organisms, 415 ecthyma gangrenosum, 139 purine analogs, 564–565 clinical syndromes, 413–414 endocarditis, 249, 969–970 purpura fulminans, 631, 935, 936 acute prostatitis, 413 epidemiology, 966 pyelonephritis, 421, 889 asymptomatic prostatitis, epididymo-orchitis, 405 antibiotic therapy, 426 414 folliculitis, 801–802, 972 Candida spp., 430, 432 chronic bacterial prostatitis, hospital-acquired infections, 966 diabetic patients, 587 413–414 keratitis, 88 pregnant patients, 615 chronic prostatitis/pelvic pain meningitis, 477, 970 upper urinary tract, 425–426 syndrome, 414 neonatal infection, 611 xanthogranulomatous, 435, 437 differential diagnosis, 415 neutropenic patients, 551 pyoderma, 144, 951 laboratory evaluation, 414–415 nosocomial pneumonia, 221, 223 carbuncles, 143 procedure, 414 osteochondritis of the foot, 971, 971 chickenpox and, 1229 recurrence, 416 osteomyelitis, 448, 592, 971 clinical presentations, 144 staging, 414 otitis externa, 56–57, 586, 802, 970, ecthyma, 146 treatment, 415 971 folliculitis, 143 acute prostatitis, 415–416 otitis media, 55 furuncles, 143 chronic prostatitis, 416, 416 perinephric abscess, 438 herpetic whitlow, 147 issues, 415 peritonitis, 376 impetigo, 143–146 nonbacterial prostatitis, 416 post-transplant infection, 576 primary, 144 prosthetic joint infection. See joint respiratory infections, 229, 968–969 secondary, 143–147 infections risk factors for infection, 966 Sweet’s syndrome, 146–147 prosthetic valve endocarditis, 244 sepsis, 15, 18 treatments, 144 protease inhibitors, 648 septic emboli, 124 pyoderma gangrenosum, 145–146 hepatitis C, 303, 305–306 sinusitis, 59 pyogenic liver abscess, 314 HIV, 652 skin and soft-tissue infections, clinical presentation, 314–315, 316 regimen selection, 659–660 971–973 diagnosis, 315 side effects, 652 spinal epidural abscess, 507 epidemiology, 314

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pyogenic liver abscess (cont.) local wound care, 1223 relapsing fever borreliosis, 165, 788, etiology, 314 postexposure, 1223 1068 prognosis, 316 treatment, 1222–1223 clinical presentation, 1068–1069 treatment, 315–316 vaccination, 1223–1224 control and prevention, 1071 antimicrobial therapy, 315–316, pre-exposure, 1224 epidemiology, 1070, 1070–1071 316 travelers, 783 reservoirs of infection, 1071 drainage, 315–316 radial keratoneuritis, 93 laboratory diagnosis, 1070, 1070 pyrazinamide Ralstonia pickettii, 1050 pathogenesis, 1070 tuberculosis, 1015 raltegravir (RAL), 653, 660 pathogens, 1068 pyrazinamide, tuberculosis, 1012 mycobacterial therapy interactions, risk groups, 1071 pyridoxine, tuberculosis prophylaxis, 662 transmission, 1069 694 postexposure prophylaxis, 707 treatment, 1069, 1069 pyriform sinus fistula, 42,46 pregnant patients, 618 Jarisch–Herxheimer reactions pyrimethamine rash, 122 (JHR), 1069 adverse effects, 789 and fever. See fever renal cortical abscess, 434–436, 435 brain abscess, 498 dengue, 1169 therapy, 436 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia enteroviral, 1179–1180 renal corticomedullary abscess, 435, prophylaxis, 689 hand-foot-and-mouth disease 435–437 Toxoplasma gondii prophylaxis, (HFMD), 1178–1179 therapy, 436 692 exanthems of childhood, 133, renal failure toxoplasmosis, 498, 1280–1282 See also specific conditions rhabdomyolysis, 462 ocular, 105 herpes zoster, 1227 tuberculosis and, 1018 pregnant patients, 617, 1283 HIV-infected patients, 638, 639 renal infections. See also prophylaxis, 692, 1282 Lyme disease, 125, 1061–1062 glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis pyuria, 389 petechial, 122–123 candidiasis, 430–432 candiduria, 431 serious rash characteristics, 123 cortical abscess, 434–436, 435, 436 cystitis, 423 syphilis and, 1053 corticomedullary abscess, 435, pyelonephritis, 425 typhus, 1095–1096 435–437, 436 urinary catheter-related, 724 zoonotic diseases, 796 focal infections, 434, 434 rat-bite fevers, 791, 975, 977 papillary necrosis, 434, 438 Q fever, 207, 795, 1093, 1096–1097 clinical presentation, 975–976, 976 associated conditions, 438 diagnosis, 1097 diagnosis, 976–977 perinephric abscess, 434, 435, 436, endocarditis, 7, 212, 1097 differential diagnosis, 977 437–438 quinidine, severe malaria, 1290 therapy, 977–978 diabetic patients, 588 quinine ravuconazole, 1351 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) adverse effects, 789, 1290, 1299 raxibacumab, 824 atypical pneumonia, 208 babesiosis, 1299–1300 anthrax, 845 community-acquired pneumonia, malaria, 1289 recreational water exposure. 219 severe disease, 1290 See water-associated pathogens elderly patients, 605 quinolones. See fluoroquinolones recurrent otitis media (ROM). See otitis prophylaxis, 1361 quinupristin–dalfopristin, 1339 media retamapulin, 1343 adverse effects, 1328 red eye, differential features, 82 retinal necrosis catheter-related infections, 720 RED syndrome, 128 acute (ARN), 99, 105, 105–106, 685 endocarditis, 249 rehydration therapy. See also fluid HIV-infected patients, 106, 685 Enterococcus faecium, 898 resuscitation progressive outer (PORN), 99, 106, cholera, 1031 685 rabies, 1221 dengue, 1170 retinitis, 97 clinical symptoms, 1221–1222 food poisoning, 346 cat scratch disease, 855 diagnosis, 1222 gastroenteritis, 339 cytomegalovirus, 102, 102–104, education, 1224 Campylobacter, 871 683, 1162 epidemiology, 1220 shigellosis, 1005 immune reconstitution history of, 1220 traveler’s diarrhea, 811 inflammatory syndrome, organ transplant recipients, 1220 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 673 pathology, 1220–1221 1243–1244 treatment, 102–104, 1164–1165, prophylaxis, 159 Reiter syndrome, 388, 981 1356, 1358, 1364

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HIV-infected patients, 683–685 postexposure prophylaxis, 1247 rifamycin, 1341 necrotizing. See retinal necrosis pregnant patients, 1246 antiretroviral therapy interactions, therapy, 103 , 1095 662 toxoplasmosis, 104, 104–105, 1280 , 165, 1095 rifapentine, 1341 therapy, 1280, 1282 , 791, 1094, tuberculosis, 1014 treatment, 105 See also Rocky Mountain spotted prophylaxis, 694 varicella-zoster virus, 685 fever (RMSF) rifaximin, 1341 retropharyngeal space infection, transmission, 1094 small intestinal bacterial 77, 78 , 1095 overgrowth, 383 Reye syndrome, 524, 1207, 1229 rickettsiae, 1093–1094, See also specific travelers’ diarrhea, 812 clinical presentation, 525 conditions and species prevention, 811 diagnostic criteria, 524 diseases caused, 1093 Rift Valley fever. See viral differential diagnosis, 527 , 1095 hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) epidemiology, 525 rifabutin, 1341 rilpivirine (RPV), 651, 659 etiology, 524–525 Helicobacter pylori, 913 rimantadine, 1362 laboratory findings, 525–527 Mycobacterium avium complex, 679, influenza, 1208 pathophysiology, 524 685, 1024–1025 chemoprophylaxis, 1209 prevention, 527 HIV-infected patients, 694 ringworm prognosis, 527 prophylaxis, 694 gray patch, 172 staging, 525, 525 tuberculosis, 1014 of the beard, 174 treatment, 527, 527 HIV-infected patients, 1017 scalp, 171 Reynolds’ pentad, 311 rifampin, 1341 risperidone, progressive multifocal rhabdomyolysis, 460 anaplasmosis, 1101 leukoencephalopathy, 534 bacterial infections, 461, 461 anthrax, 824 ritonavir (RTV), 652 drug toxicities, 462, 462 antiretroviral therapy interactions, rituximab, 567–569 envenomations, 462, 462 662 chronic fatigue syndrome, 30 fungal causes, 461, 462 brucellosis, 788, 867–868 hepatitis B reactivation, 568 management, 463 children, 868 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia parasitic causes, 462, 462 cat scratch disease, 855–856 prophylaxis, 568 renal failure, 462 Chlamydia psittaci, 1091 post-transplant viral infections, 460, 460–461 corynebacteria, 887 lymphoproliferative disorder, rheumatic fever, 35 dialysis-related infection, 626 581 rhinosinusitis, 59–60, See also sinusitis diphtheria carriers, 884 progressive multifocal Rhizobium spp., 1050 ehrlichiosis, 1101 leukoencephalopathy R. radiobacter, 1050 Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, 1049 association, 529, 568 Rhizopus spp., 1119, endocarditis, 250–251 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, See also mucormycosis Legionnaires’ disease, 929 1094 R. oryzae, 1122 leprosy, 933 Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rhodococcus spp. listeriosis, 948 (RMSF), 123–124, 461, 791–794, HIV-infected patients, 681 meningitis, 476–477 1094–1095 R. equi, 1041–1042 prophylaxis, 478, 939 alternative causes, 1095 R. tsukamurella, 1041 Mycobacterium avium complex, 1024 complications, 1094 rhomboencephalitis, listerial, 945–946 Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 diagnosis, 1094 ribavirin, 1361–1362 Mycobacterium marinum, 1027 symptoms, 797, 1094 adverse effects, 304, 1362 osteomyelitis, 448 treatment, 1094–1095 encephalitis, 493 pertussis, 861 roseola, 136–137, 1199, See also human hepatitis C, 292, 303–307 prosthetic joint infection, 443, 987 herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) HIV coinfection, 662 spinal epidural abscess, 507 diagnosis, 137, 1201 hepatitis E, 293 supraglottitis prevention, 203 epidemiology, 136–137 influenza, 212 tuberculosis, 1012, 1015 virology, 137 measles, 135 dialysis patients, 627 Roseomonas spp., 1050 pharmacokinetics, 1362 HIV-infected patients, 694 rotaviruses pneumonia, 613 pregnant patients, 616 gastroenteritis, 337 viral hemorrhagic fevers, 826, 1244, prophylaxis, 694 immunization schedule, 764 1248 typhus, 1096 travelers’ diarrhea, 810

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Rothia spp., 1040 Salmonella typhi. See also typhoid fever empiric therapy, 608–611, 609, R. dentocariosa, 1040 antibiotic resistance, 786 610 R. mucilaginosa, 1040 diarrhea, 335 microbiology, 607–608 roundworm infections, 1250 Salmonella typhimurium, 601 tetanus and, 877 anisakiasis, 1256–1257 saquinavir (SQV), 659 pathogenesis, 13–15, 16 ascariasis, 1250–1252 Sarcocystis spp., 1316 special circumstances, 17 hookworms, 1252–1253 treatment, 1315 terminology, 14 strongyloidiasis, 1253–1255 sarcoidosis, 456 transfusion-related, 712, 714 treatment, 1252 cardiac, 260, 264 platelet transfusion, 713 trichostrongyliasis, 1256 Sarcoptes scabiei, 162, 163 prevention, 715 trichuriasis, 1252 scabies, 162–163 treatment, 18–21 rubella, 135–136 therapy, 162–163, 164 adjunctive therapies, 21 complications, 136 scalp ringworm, 171 antimicrobial therapy, 15, congenital rubella syndrome, scarlet fever, 993 18–21, 19 135–136 Scedosporium apiospermum early goal-directed therapy diagnosis, 135–136 brain abscess, 496 (EGDT), 18 epidemiology, 135 Scedosporium spp. fungal sepsis, 20 treatment, 136 neutropenic patients, 560 supportive therapies, 21, 22 vaccination, 136, See also MMR Schistosoma haematobium Vibrio spp., 1031 vaccine myelitis, 517 Yersinia spp., 1036 contraindications, 136 Schistosoma japonicum, 1266 septic arthritis, 440, 454–455, 987, 1081 rubeola. See measles Schistosoma mansoni, 1269 HACEK organism-associated, 906 egg, 804, 1270 injection drug abusers, 592 sacral osteomyelitis, 452 myelitis, 517 neonates, 612 sacral radiculitis, 520 Schistosoma spp. (schistosomiasis), septic emboli, 124 salicylates 1268–1271, See also specific species septic shock, 13, 892, See also sepsis acute rheumatic fever, 1001 clinical presentation, 1268–1269 definition, 14 trichinellosis, 1259 diagnosis, 1269–1270, 1270 epidemiology, 13 Salmonella choleraesuis, 601 myelopathy, 517–518 viridans streptococci, 998 , vaccination in therapy, 1271 septic thrombophlebitis. travelers, 782 waterborne infections, 802–803 See thrombophlebitis Salmonella paratyphi. See typhoid cercarial dermatitis, 802 fever , 1096 immunocompromised patients, Salmonella spp., 979, See also specific seabather’s eruption, 803–804 545, 548 species seborrheic dermatitis, 178, 677 urinary tract infection, 723 arterial infection, 275 sepsis, 13, 892 Serratia spp. See also Serratia marcescens bacteremia, 979–980 alcoholic patients, 600–601 perinephric abscess, 437 chronic carriage, 980–983 definitions, 14 prostatitis, 415 food poisoning, 343 diagnosis, 15–18 urinary tract infection, 422 gastroenteritis, 337, 341, 979–980 biomarkers, 17–18 serum ferritin levels, 8 diagnosis, 981 blood cultures, 7 serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP), disease characteristics, 979–980 diagnostic criteria, 14 7 epidemiology, 979 fungal sepsis, 17 severe acute respiratory syndrome therapy, 982, 983 sputum cultures, 15 (SARS), 219, 795 localized infections outside of the urine cultures, 15–16 severe sepsis, 13, See also sepsis; septic GI tract, 980–981 dialysis-related, 622, shock diagnosis, 982 See also dialysis-related definition, 14 overwhelming postsplenectomy infection epidemiology, 13 infection, 633 Enterobacteriaceae, 892 sexually transmitted infections (STIs). prevention, 983 epidemiology, 13 See also specific infections rhabdomyolysis, 461 etiology, 15 enteric infections, 352–353 sexually transmitted enteric generalized intra-abdominal, symptoms, 352 infections, 355 364–365 shellfish poisoning, 344, 344–345 travelers’ diarrhea, 810 neonates, 607, 994 Shewanella algae, 1050 urinary tract infection, 981 adjunctive therapy, 611 Shewanella putrefaciens, 1050

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Shigella boydii, 1004 fungal, 62, 119 classification, 504–505 , 1004 orbital infection, 117–118, 118 clinical presentation, 504, 505 Shigella flexneri, 1004 pathophysiology, 59 diagnosis, 506 , 1004 precipitating conditions, 60 microbiology, 505–506 Shigella spp. (shigellosis), 1004, treatment, 60–61 neurologic complications, 505 See also specific species skin and soft-tissue infections (SSTIs), prognosis, 508 antibiotic resistance, 1006 148, See also specific infections risk factors, 505 bacteremia, 1004 antibiotic therapy, 150, 151 treatment, 506–508 clinical features, 1004–1005 intravenous dosing regimens, antibiotics, 506–507 diagnosis, 1005 152 candidates for conservative epidemiology, 1004 Bacillus spp. (non-anthrax), 848 management, 508 food poisoning, 343 cutaneous candidiasis, 1105–1106 surgery, 507–508 gastroenteritis, 335–336 diabetic patients, 588 spinal shock, 510 microbiology, 1004 deep necrotizing infections, spiramycin, toxoplasmosis, pregnant sexually transmitted enteric 589–590 patients, 617, 1283 infection, 355 superficial necrotizing spirillosis, 976 therapy, 1005, 1005–1006 infections, 588–589 Spirillum minus, 791, 975–976, children, 1006 differential diagnosis, 844 See also rat-bite fevers travelers’ diarrhea, 810 elderly patients, 606 diagnosis, 977 treatment, 355 Enterobacteriaceae, 890–891 Spirometra spp., 1277 shingles, 773, 1226, 1226–1228, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 901 spleen, 629, 629, See also 1230–1231, See also varicella-zoster diffuse infection, 902 overwhelming postsplenectomy virus (VZV) localized infection, 901 infection (OPSI) antiviral therapy, 1231 erythrasma, 886 hyposplenism causes, 630 diagnosis, 1228 herpes simplex virus, 1193, 1195, splenic abscess, 370, 371 immunocompromised patients, 1198 amebic, 1322 1227 injection drug abusers, 592 contiguous infection, 371 symptomatic therapy, 1230–1231 postoperative complications, 359 diagnosis, 372–373 sialadenitis, 68 predominant flora, 838 clinical findings, 372, 372 acute bacterial (suppurative), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 971–973 laboratory findings, 372–373 68–70, 69 Staphylococcus aureus, 987 radiographic findings, 372–373 parotid, 68–69 waterborne infections, 801–807 differential diagnosis, 373 submandibular, 70 skin ulcers, 139–140, 140 hematologic disorders, 372 chronic bacterial, 70 clinical presentations, 141 immunodeficiency states, 372 chronic sclerosing, 70,71 noninfectious ulcers, 140 incidence, 370 etiologic classification, 68 pyoderma gangrenosum, 145 infecting organisms, 373 granulomatous, 72 treatment, 140–141 metastatic hematogenous giant cell, 72 sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue infections, 370–371 neonatal suppurative, 68 syndrome, 29 predisposing factors, 370, 370 obstructive, 71 sleeping sickness. See trypanosomiasis rupture, 374 subacute necrotizing (SANS), 70 small intestinal bacterial overgrowth traumatic abscess, 371 treatment, 69 (SIBO), 383 treatment, 373–374 viral, 71–72 smallpox, 821, 825 antimicrobial therapy, 374 sickle cell disease, splenic abscess bioterrorism, 820–821 percutaneous drainage, 373–374 association, 372 diagnosis, 820–821 spondylitis, tuberculous, 505 silver nitrate, burn injuries, 742 management, 821–826 spondyloarthritis, 454 silver sulfadiazine, 1342 bacterial superinfection, 825 spondylodiscitis, 451 burn injuries, 742 vaccination, 825 spongiform encephalopathies. simeprevir, hepatitis C, 306 snake bites, rhabdomyolysis, 462, 462 See prion diseases Sin Nombre virus (SNV), 795, 1190 sodium sibogluconate, leishmaniasis, Sporothrix schenckii (sporotrichosis), sinus anatomy, 59 1310 1124, 1125 sinusitis, 59, 863, 921 sofosbuvir, hepatitis C, 306 cutaneous, 1125 Aspergillus spp., 1113, 1118 spectinomycin, gonorrhea, 917–918 disseminated infection, 1125–1126 complications, 62 Sphingomonas paucimobilis, 1050 epidemiology, 1124 diagnosis, 59–61, 61 spinal epidural abscess, 504 HIV-infected patients, 1124

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Sporothrix schenckii (sporotrichosis) gastroenteritis, 335 dialysis-related infection, 626 (cont.) iliopsoas abscess, 464–465 endocarditis, 244, 248–249 laboratory diagnosis, 1124 immunocompromised patients, meningitis, 477 osteoarticular, 1125 545, 548 methicillin-resistant (MRSE), 985 pulmonary, 1125 intra-arterial prosthetic device penile implant-associated therapy, 1126, 1126–1127 infection, 275 infection, 739 sputum cultures joint infections, 440, 987 sepsis, 15 aspiration pneumonia, 229 prosthetic joints, 987 surgical prophylaxis, 760 community-acquired pneumonia, lactational mastitis, 620 transfusion-related infection, 713 216 liver abscess, 315 vascular graft infection, 277 elderly patients, 605 mediastinitis, 268 ventricular assist device infection, Nocardia spp., 951 meningitis, 477 284 nontuberculous mycobacteria, neonates, 612 Staphylococcus saprophyticus 1021 neutropenic patients, 552 prostatitis, 415 sepsis, 15 osteomyelitis, 448, 452, 987 urinary tract infection, 422 tuberculosis, 1010 otitis externa, 56, 802 Staphylococcus spp., 985, See also specific squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL), otitis media, 55 species 1211 pancreatitis, 319 antibiotic susceptibility, 985–986 stab wounds, 735 pericarditis, 254 cephalosporins, 985 staphylococcal scalded skin perinephric abscess, 437 , 1333–1334 syndrome, 124 peritonitis, 600 breast implant-associated Staphylococcus aureus, 985, pharyngotonsillitis, 35 infection, 739 See also methicillin-resistant pneumonia, 987–989 cardiac device infection, 280 Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) aspiration, 230 catheter-related infections, 720 acute suppurative thyroiditis, community-acquired, 214–215 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, 43–44 nosocomial, 223 536, 539 arterial infection, 275 postoperative wound infection, 732 dialysis-related infection, 624 bacteremia, 989 post-transplant infection, 576 endophthalmitis, 738 brain abscess, 496 renal cortical abscess, 434 mediastinitis, 268, 271 breast implant-associated sepsis, 15 neutropenic patients, 552, 560 infection, 739 septic emboli, 124 post-transplant infection, 576 bursitis, 445 sialadenitis, 68 prosthetic joint infection, 443 cardiac device infection, 280–281, sinusitis, 59 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, 973 284 skin and soft-tissue infections cancer patients, 558 catheter-related infections, 718, 720 (SSTIs), 987 catheter-related infections, 721 bloodstream (CRBSI), 244, 245 cellulitis, 117, 149, 987 dialysis-related infection, 627 cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, furuncles, 143 stent infections, 892 119 impetigo, 143, 987 step-down therapy, 1331 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, spinal epidural abscess, 505 steroids. See corticosteroids 536, 539 suppurative intracranial stool cultures, 338, 352, 981 dacryoadenitis, 117 thrombophlebitis, 501 Shigella spp., 1005 dacryocystitis, 116 surgical prophylaxis, 760 streptobacillary fever, 975 diabetic patients, 586, 588 thrombophlebitis, 274 Streptobacillus moniliformis, 791, 975, dialysis-related infection, 623, toxic shock syndrome, 124, See also rat-bite fevers 625–626 127–128, 990 diagnosis, 976 ecthyma, 143 diagnostic criteria, 127 Streptococcus agalactiae (group empyema, 237 transfusion-related infection, B streptococcus), 994–995 endocarditis, 243–245, 244, 712–713, 715 erysipelas, 148 247–249, 248, 591, 989–990 treatment, 988 meningitis, 478 endophthalmitis, 107, 110, 738 vascular graft infection, 277 neonatal pneumonia, 994 enterocolitis, 128 Staphylococcus epidermidis, 985 neonatal sepsis, 608, 610–611, erysipelas, 148 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 44 994 eyelid infections, 116 brain abscess, 498 vaginitis, 395 folliculitis, 143 breast implant-associated Streptococcus bovis, 995 food poisoning, 342 infection, 739 endocarditis, 246–247, 248

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Streptococcus faecalis, 995 ecthyma, 143 Stribild, 656 pancreatitis, 319 erysipelas, 148, 993 Strongyloides fuelleborni, 1253 Streptococcus milleri impetigo, 143 Strongyloides stercoralis, 1250, 1253 empyema, 237 invasive, 994 life cycle, 1253, 1254 liver abscess, 315 myocarditis, 261 post-transplant infection, 584 lung abscess, 234 necrotizing fasciitis, 125 strongyloidiasis, 1253–1255 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 631, 959 otitis media, 55 stye, 116 acute suppurative thyroiditis, 43–44 PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune subacute bacterial endocarditis alcoholic patients, 54–55, 597 neuropsychiatric disorder (SBE), 7 antibiotic resistance, 631 associated with group subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, spread of, 632 A Streptococcus), 1001–1002 493 antibiotic susceptibility testing, 960 pelvic inflammatory disease, 418 subacute sclerosing arterial infection, 275 peritonitis, 376 panencephalomyelitis, 134 chemoprophylaxis, 749 pharyngitis, 991–993 subdural empyema, 499–500 cochlear implant-associated prophylaxis, 992–993 causes, 499–500 infection, 738 treatment, 991–993 clinical presentation, 500, 500 conjunctivitis, 84 pharyngotonsillitis, 33–35 diagnosis, 500 empyema, 237 diagnosis, 36–37 pathogens, 500 immunocompromised patients, reasons for treatment failure, 38 prognosis, 500 545 treatment, 37–38, 38, 39, 40 therapy, 500 meningitis, 475–476, 963 postpartum endometritis, 619 sulfadiazine, 952 clinical findings, 963 pyoderma, 951 brain abscess, 498 diagnosis, 960 scarlet fever, 993 Nocardia spp., 951 elderly patients, 606 toxic shock syndrome, 124, 127–129 toxoplasmosis, 498, 1280–1282 importance, 963 diagnostic criteria, 127 ocular, 105 treatment, 961, 963 Streptococcus spp., 992, pregnant patients, 617, 1283 otitis media, 48, 55, 963–964 See also viridans streptococci; prophylaxis, 692 treatment, 51–53 specific species sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine, Isospora overwhelming postsplenectomy classification, 991 belli, 1316 infection, 631 diabetic patients, 588 sulfamethoxazole, Mycobacterium peritonitis, 375–376, 600 endophthalmitis, 107, 110 kansasii, 1025 pharyngotonsillitis, 35 group A. See Streptococcus pyogenes Sulfamylon, burn injuries, 742 pneumonia, 960–963 group B. See Streptococcus agalactiae sulfonamides, 1340 aspiration, 230 group C, 995 hypersensitivity reactions, 1371 clinical and laboratory findings, group D, 995 nocardiosis, 951–952, 952 962 group G, 995 summer grippe, 1174 community-acquired, 215–217, mediastinitis, 271 suppurative thrombophlebitis. 220 osteomyelitis, 448 See thrombophlebitis diagnosis, 216, 959–960, 960 postoperative wound infections, supraglottitis, 200, 200–203, 201 elderly patients, 605 729 prevention, 203 importance, 960–963 post-transplant infection, 576 therapy, 202–203 nosocomial, 221 rhabdomyolysis, 461 suramin treatment, 961, 962–963 streptogramins, 1339 adverse effects, 1306 postsplenectomy infection, 561 streptokinase, empyema, 240 trypanosomiasis (sleeping post-transplant infection, 577, 579 streptomycin, 1336 sickness), 1306 preseptal cellulitis, 117 atypical pneumonia, 212 surgical prophylaxis, 752, 756, sepsis, 18 brucellosis, 788, 867 See also postoperative wound sinusitis, 59 endocarditis, 249, 897 infections; prophylaxis Streptococcus pyogenes (group enterococcal infections, 897 biliary tract procedures, A streptococcus). Mycobacterium avium complex, 757–758 See also poststreptococcal 1024 cardiac surgery, 760 complications Mycobacterium kansasii, 1025 clean procedures, 760–761 acute suppurative thyroiditis, plague, 1035 colorectal surgery, 755–757 43–44 rat-bite fevers, 977 general thoracic procedures, 758 cellulitis, 149, 994 tularemia, 825, 1008 guidelines, 752–753, 753

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surgical prophylaxis (cont.) treatment, 354, 1056–1058, 1057, neonatal, 877 critique, 755 1058 pathogenesis, 876 head and neck procedures, 758 follow-up, 1056–1058 prevention, 522 immunosuppressed patients, 760 systemic inflammatory response treatment, 522–523, 877–878 implant procedures, 760 syndrome (SIRS), 13, 14, 317–318, vaccination, 522, 878 laparoscopic procedures, 761 See also sepsis immunization schedule, 764, neurosurgical procedures, 758 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 771, 878 noncardiac vascular procedures, 454, 456 passive immunization, 877 760 travelers, 780 obstetric and gynecologic T-2307, 1352 tetracyclines, 1337–1338 procedures, 758 tabes dorsalis, 1054 actinomycosis, 832 pharmacokinetic/ Taenia asiatica, 1274 anaplasmosis, 1101 pharmacodynamic aspects, Taenia saginata, 1274 atypical pneumonia, 209, 211 753–754 Taenia solium, 1266, 1274–1276, 1275 Balantidium coli, 1315 Staphylococcus aureus screening, brain abscess, 496 brucellosis, 788, 867 759–760 tapeworms. See cestode infections Chlamydia pneumoniae, 1087 thoracoscopic procedures, 761 T-cell function Chlamydia psittaci, 1090 urologic procedures, 758–759 cancer patients, helper T-cell ehrlichiosis, 1101 surgical site infection (SSI). defects, 560–561 Legionnaires’ disease, 788 See postoperative wound cytotoxic agent effects, 565 leptospirosis, 788 infections; surgical prophylaxis evaluation, 546–547, 547 Lyme disease, 1062 Sweet’s syndrome, 146–147 transplant immunosuppressant malaria, 1289 swimmer’s ear, 802, 970 effects, 566 Mycoplasma hominis, 1082 swimmer’s itch, 802 tedizolid, 1340 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 1080 swimming pool granuloma, 806 telaprevir, 1362–1363 nocardiosis, 953 switch therapy, 1331 adverse effects, 1362 Pasteurella multocida, 956 Sydenham chorea, 1000–1001 drug interactions, 1362–1363 plague, 1035 synovial fluid cultures, 440, 458 hepatitis C, 303 rat-bite fever, 977 syphilis, 407, 1053–1058 antiretroviral therapy relapsing fever borreliosis, 1069 anorectal, 354–355 interaction, 662 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, cardiac manifestations, 1055 pharmacokinetics, 1362 1095 congenital, 99 telavancin, 986, 1339 skin and soft-tissue infections, 151 diagnosis, 354, 1054–1056 telbivudine, 1363 syphilis, genital ulcers, 409 CSF evaluation, 1056 hepatitis B, 301 trauma-related infection, 736 direct microscopic telithromycin, atypical pneumonia, 209 tropical sprue, 383 examination, 1055 tenofovir, 1363 tularemia, 1008 serologic tests, 1055–1056 adverse effects, 1363 typhus, 787, 1095–1096 esophageal infections, 332 hepatitis B, 290, 300–301 Whipple’s disease, 382 genital ulcer disease, 406 HIV prophylaxis, 707, 746 tetrodotoxin poisoning, 345 clinical presentation, 408 tenofovir alafenamide (TAF), 657 thalidomide diagnosis, 408 tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), esophageal ulcers, 331 treatment, 409 650 leprosy, 934 HIV-infected patients, 1055–1056, terbinafine thiabendazole, dracunculiasis, 1264 1058 candidiasis, 1106 thoracocentesis, 239 late benign, 1055 onychomycosis, 178, 178 threadworms, 1255 meningovascular, 1054 sporotrichosis, 1126 throat cultures, 36–37 neuropathy, 520, 1054–1055 tinea capitis, 172, 172 thrombophlebitis ocular, 99 terconazole, vulvovaginal candidiasis, cavernous sinus (CST), 119, 501 pregnant patients, 1055–1056, 1057 398 internal jugular vein, 78 primary, 1053 testicular torsion, 404 lateral sinus, 501–502 secondary, 1053–1054, 1054 tetanospasmin, 876 suppurative, 273–274 spinal, 516–517, 1054 tetanus, 522–523, 875–876 burn injury patients, 744 stages of infection, 1053 clinical presentation, 522, 876–877 causes, 502 tertiary, 1055 diagnosis, 877 clinical presentation, 501–502 transmission, 1053 epidemiology, 876 diagnosis, 273–274, 502

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intracranial, 501–502, 502, 502 topical negative pressure, necrotizing immunocompromised patients, pathogenesis, 273, 501 fasciitis management, 155 1281–1282, 1282 therapy, 274, 502 topotecan, progressive multifocal uveitis, 100 thrombotic thrombocytopenic leukoencephalopathy, 534 tracheitis, bacterial, 200 purpura (TTP), 336 Torulopsis glabrata, pancreatitis, 321 trachoma, 86 thrush, oropharyngeal, 677 total parenteral nutrition (TPN) transfusion-related infections, 712, 713 thyroglossal duct fistula, 43 pancreatitis, 321–322 bacterial contamination frequency, thyroid abscess, 43, 45–46, 46 toxic epidermal necrolysis, 124 712 thyroiditis. See acute suppurative toxic shock syndrome, 124, 127–129, clinical management, 715 thyroiditis 989–990 contamination sources, 715 ticarcillin, anaerobic infections, 842 diagnostic criteria, 127 erythrocytes, 712–713 tick-borne disease, 797, 798, See also differential diagnosis, 129–130 fever evaluation, 715 specific conditions initial evaluation, 130 plasma and plasma-derived clinical manifestations, 797 menstrual, 128, 128 products, 714 epidemiology, 797 nonmenstrual, 127–128, 128 platelets, 713–714 prevention, 799 prevention, 131 prevention, 715, 715–716 therapy, 797–799 streptococcal, 124, 128–129, 994 whole blood, 712–713 tigecycline, 151, 1337 treatment, 130–131 transient aplastic crisis, 1217 adverse effects, 1328 antibiotics, 130 transplant immunosuppressants, community-acquired pneumonia, intravenous immunoglobulin, 565–566 218 130 infection risk and, 566, 566 Mycobacterium abscessus, 1026 steroids, 130 trauma-related infection, 734–737, tinea, 171 supportive care, 130 See also burn-injury patients barbae, 171, 174 surgical intervention, 131 antibiotic therapy, 735–737, 736 capitis, 171, 171–172 toxic shock, postoperative wound pathogens, 734 treatment, 172 infection and, 730 prevention, 735 corporis, 171–173, 173 toxic shock-like syndrome, influenza traveler’s diarrhea, 336, 810, 1314, 1316 cruris, 171, 173 virus-associated, 1207 etiology, 810–811 faciei, 171, 174, 174 Toxocara canis prevention, 811 favosa, 172 myelitis, 518 vaccination, 811 manuum, 171, 173 ocular larva migrans, 1265 treatment, 811–813, 812 pedis, 171, 173, 173, 972 visceral larva migrans, 1265 antimicrobial therapy, 812–813 treatment, 174 Toxocara cati combination therapy, 813 unguium, 171 myelitis, 518 hydration and dietary advice, tinidazole ocular larva migrans, 1265 811 bacterial vaginosis, 395 visceral larva migrans, 1265 nonantimicrobial therapy, Entamoeba histolytica, 1314, 1318 Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis), 811–812 liver abscess, 1320 104, 594, 1279 travelers, 778 giardiasis, 808, 1314 brain abscess, 496, 498–499, 683 advice for trichomoniasis, 397 diagnosis, 1279–1280 altitude sickness, 783 tioconazole, vulvovaginal candidiasis, encephalitis, 689–692, 1279–1280 cholera prevention, 1033 398 HIV-infected patients, 685, food and water hygiene, 783 TNF receptor–associated periodic 689–692, 1279–1280 general approach to, 778 syndrome (TRAPS), 457 injection drug abusers, 595 injuries, 783 tobramycin, 1336 ocular, 104, 104–105, 1280, 1282 insect avoidance, 784 neonates, 611 pneumonia, 1280 jet lag, 783–784 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 967 post-transplant infection, 584 pre-existing medical condtions sepsis, 18 pregnant patients, 617, 1282–1283, and, 778–779 toe web infections, 972, 973 1283 fever after return, 785–786 toll-like receptors (TLRs) prophylaxis, 689–692, 1282 amebic liver abscess, 787 defective signaling, 548 education, 1283 causes, 785 sepsis pathogenesis, 13 therapy, 105, 498–499, 1280–1283, comprehensive history, tonsillitis. See pharyngotonsillitis 1283 785–786 tooth infection. See dental infection immunocompetent patients, enteric fever, 786–787 topical antibiotics, 1342–1343 1280–1281 hepatitis, 787

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travelers (cont.) Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis), toxoplasmosis, 1282 investigations, 786 396–397 prophylaxis, 692, 1282 malaria, 633 diagnosis, 396 transplant patients, 580 physical examination, 786 treatment, 396–397 trauma-related infection, 736 rickettsial infections, 787 urethritis, 386 urinary tract infection, 423, 425, 427 uncommon febrile conditions, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, 172–173 Whipple’s disease, 382 787–789 Trichophyton rubrum trisulfapyrimidine viral fevers, 787 onychomycosis, 174 ocular toxoplasmosis, 1280 health and evacuation insurance, tinea, 172–173 Tropheryma whipplei, 100, 381 784 Trichophyton schoenleinii, 172 polyarthritis, 456 health kit, 784 Trichophyton tonsurans tropical pulmonary eosinophilia immunizations, 779–783, 780 tinea, 175 (TPE), 1261 hepatitis A, 781–782 Trichostrongylus spp. therapy, 1261 hepatitis B, 781 (trichostrongyliasis), 1256 tropical spastic paraparesis, 510–514 influenza vaccine, 781 Trichuris trichiura (trichuriasis), 1250, tropical sprue (TS), 382–383 Japanese encephalitis, 782–783 1252 trypanasomiasis meningococcal meningitis, 782, triclabendazole American (Chagas disease) 940 fascioliasis, 1272 diagnosis, 1305 MMR vaccine, 781 intestinal fluke infections, 1273 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, 1306 pneumococcal vaccine, 781 paragonimiasis, 1272 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, 1306 polio vaccine, 780–781 trifluridine, 1363 Trypanosoma cruzi, 1302, 1304 rabies, 783 keratitis, 93, 1198 esophageal infections, 332 tetanus, diphtheria and neonatal herpes simplex infection, myocarditis, 260 pertussis, 780 1198 post-transplant infection, 584, 1305 typhoid, 782, 983 trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole trypanosomiasis, 1302 varicella, 781 (TMP–SMX), 952, 1340 African (sleeping sickness), 787, yellow fever, 782 adverse effects, 689, 789, 952, 1328 1302, 1302, 1306–1307 information sources, 779 babesiosis, 1300 epidemiology, 1306 itinerary and purpose of travel, 779 brucellosis, 868–869 treatment, 1302–1304, 1303 malaria prevention, 1291–1294 Cyclospora cayetanensis, 1316 American (Chagas disease), 332, trematode infections, 1268, 1268, drug interactions, 1330 1302, 1302, 1304–1306 See also specific infections Isospora belli, 1316 diagnosis, 1305 treatments, 1271 lactational mastitis, 620 post-transplant infection, 584 , 165, 856 listeriosis, 948 treatment, 1302–1306, 1303 Treponema carateum, 1058 prophylaxis, 948 TT virus (TTV), 294 Treponema pallidum, 1053, melioidosis, 788 tuberculosis See also syphilis meningitis, 477 alcoholic patients, 599 anorectal infection, 354–355 Nocardia spp., 951 antibiotic resistance, 1014, 1015 dissemination, 1053 osteomyelitis, 450–451 multidrug resistance, esophageal infections, 332 otitis media, 964 1015–1017 genital ulcer disease, 406 peritonitis, 377 rapid detection of, 1012 diagnosis, 408 pertussis, 861 therapeutic implications, 1015 meningitis, 481 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, bone and joint disease, 1012 neuropathy, 520 555, 679, 1153 chemoprophylaxis, 750, 750 spinal cord disease, 516 prophylaxis, 688–689, 1153 chemotherapy principles, 1014 subspecies endemicum, 1058 postoperative wound infection, cytotoxic agent effects, 565 subspecies pertenue, 1058 732 diabetic patients, 586 Trichinella spp. (trichinellosis), resistance, 424 diagnosis, 599, 1010, 1010–1012 1258–1259 Salmonella infections, 982 drug resistance, 1012 clinical manifestations, 1258–1259 chronic carriage, 983 extrapulmonary TB, 1012 myositis, 462 skin and soft-tissue infections, 143, latent infection, 1010–1012 source of infection, 1258 151 dialysis patients, 627 therapy, 1259 spinal epidural abscess, 507 elderly patients, 605, 1012 Trichomonas spp., 392 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia empyema, 238 prostatitis, 415 pneumonia, 973 epidemiology, 1010

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epididymitis, 402–403 tumbu fly, 166 urethritis, 386, 413, 889 BCG-induced, 403 tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), 569 clinical manifestations, 387 esophageal infections, 332 bacterial vaginosis, 392, 395 complications, 388 HIV association, 594, 641, 679, 693 sepsis pathogenesis, 14 diagnosis, 387–388, 388 latent tuberculosis infection TNF-α inhibiting therapies, differential diagnosis, 388–389 (LTBI) screening, 693–694 569–571 epidemiology, 386–387 prophylaxis, 693–694 Tunga penetrans, 167 etiology, 386, 386 therapeutic implications, 1017 tungiasis, 167–169, 168 gonorrhea, 915, 915 immune reconstitution clinical manifestations, 168–169 Mycoplasma spp., 1082–1083 inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), complications, 168–169 prevention, 390–391 670–671, 673 diagnosis, 168 recurrence, 390 injection drug abusers, 594 epidemiology, 167 treatment, 389, 389–390, 1083 miliary, 12, 1012 etiology, 167–168, 168 urinary antigen tests (UAT), 216 myelopathy, 517 Fortaleza classification, 168, 168 urinary tract infection (UTI), 421–422, ocular, 99 treatment and control, 169 See also candiduria pericarditis, 254, 258 tympanic membrane perforation, 55–56 amebiasis, 1322 treatment, 258 typhoid fever, 786–787, 980 Candida spp., 422, 1111 post-transplant infection, 579 complications, 980 catheter-related, 722, 722 pregnant patients, 616, 1017–1018 diagnosis, 981–982 bacteriology, 722–723 sialadenitis, 72 differential diagnosis, 980 Candida, 430–431 therapy, 1012–1018, 1013 disease characteristics, 980 diagnosis, 723, 723–724 chemotherapy principles, therapy, 982–983, 983 elderly patients, 605 1012–1014 vaccination in travelers, 782, 983 infection control bundle, combined preparations, 1018 typhus, 165 699 corticosteroids, 1018 louse-borne, 1095 morbidity and mortality, 723 directly observed therapy murine, 1095–1096 pathogenesis, 421, 722, 722 (DOT), 1012, 1015, 1017 scrub, 1096 presentation, 724 drug regimens, 1015, 1016 tick-borne, 787 prevention, 726, 726 extrapulmonary TB, 1017 treatment, 724–726, 725 HIV-infected patients, 1017 ulcer complicated, 421, 424–425 liver disease and, 1018 corneal, 90 diabetic patients, 587–588 monitoring and follow-up, 1018 diabetic foot. See diabetic patients elderly patients, 603–605 multidrug-resistant disease, esophageal, 329, 330, Enterobacteriaceae, 889 1015–1017 See also esophageal infections enterococcal, 899 pregnant patients, 616, 1017–1018 HIV-associated, 331 infection control bundle, 699 recent contacts, 1016–1017 genital. See genital ulcer disease lower urinary tract, 421–425 renal failure and, 1018 (GUD) diagnosis, 422–423 six-month regimen, 1015 skin. See skin ulcers recurrent, 427–428, 428 smear-negative tuberculosis, undulant fever, 866 therapy, 422, 423–424 1017 Ureaplasma parvum, 1081 neonates, 612 TNF-α inhibiting therapy Ureaplasma spp., 1080–1085, 1081, pathogenesis, 421–422 association, 570 See also specific species pregnant patients, 427, 615 travelers, 787 antibiotic resistance, 1082 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 970 tularemia, 35, 791, 794–795, 1007, 1007, bacterial vaginosis, 394 Salmonella spp., 981 See also Francisella tularensis cervicitis, 392 upper urinary tract, 421, bioterrorism, 208, 819–820 diagnosis, 1082, 1082 425–426 management, 825 epididymitis, 402 urine cultures clinical manifestations, 1007–1008 neonatal infections, 1081 candiduria, 431 diagnosis, 819–820, 1008 treatment, 1084, 1084 cystitis, 423 epidemiology, 1007 pathogenicity during pregnancy, epididymo-orchitis, 404 microbiology, 1007 1080 pregnant patients, 615 pneumonic, 208, 212, 219, 1008 treatment, 1082–1085, 1083 prostatitis, 414 treatment, 1008, 1008–1009 Ureaplasma urealyticum, 1081 sepsis, 15–16 vaccine, 825, 1009 pelvic inflammatory disease, 418 urinary tract infection, 425 waterborne infections, 807 urethritis, 386, 390 catheter-related, 723–724

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uveitis HIV-infected patients, 694, 1164 resistance, 249, See also anterior, 97 post-transplant infection, 1165 vancomycin-resistant clinical presentation, 97 prophylaxis, 694, 1165 enterococcus (VRE) diagnosis, 98 retinitis, 103, 684, 1164, 1364 skin and soft-tissue infections, 151 infectious etiologies, 98–100 drug interactions, 1364 spinal epidural abscess, 507 definition, 97 myelitis, 515 Streptococcus agalactiae, 995 immune recovery uveitis (IRU), pharmacokinetics, 1364 subdural empyema, 500 673 post-transplant infection, 580 supraglottitis, 202 intermediate, 97 vancomycin, 1339 surgical prophylaxis, 759–760 leptospirosis, 100, 1072 adverse effects, 1328 thrombophlebitis, 274 onchocerciasis, 1263 Bacillus spp. (non-anthrax), 848 toxic shock syndrome, 130 posterior, 97 brain abscess, 498 trauma-related infection, 736 breast implant-associated urinary tract infection, 604 vaccination. See also immunization; infection, 739 viridans streptococci, 999 specific conditions and vaccines bursitis, 446 wound infection acute disseminated cardiac device infection, 281 postoperative, 733 encephalomyelitis (ADEM) prevention, 284 wound infections, 146 association, 518 catheter-related infections, 719–720 vancomycin-resistant enterococcus adverse effects, 763 cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection, (VRE), 896, 896–897, 995, See also combination vaccines, 770, 770 537 infection control HIV-infected patients, 617–618, prevention, 540 bacteremia rates, 896 644, 688, 689, 775 Clostridium difficile, 553 dialysis-related infection, 624, immunocompromised patients, diarrhea, 349 626–627 775 corynebacteria, 886–887 elderly patients, 606 overwhelming postsplenectomy dacryocystitis, 73 endocarditis, 249 infection prevention, 635, 635 dialysis-related infection, 624, intestinal tract colonization, 899 pregnant patients, 617–618, 775 626–627 peritonitis, 379 recommendations with biologic Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, 1049 sepsis, 15 therapies, 569, 571 endocarditis, 246–250, 898 varicella-zoster virus (VZV), 1226 Vaccine Information Statements enterococcal infections, 898 antiviral treatments, 1230 (VISs), 763 hypersensitivity reactions, 1381 chickenpox, 773, 1226–1227 vacuum-assisted wound healing, iliopsoas abscess, 467 management, 1228–1230 necrotizing fasciitis management, intra-abdominal infections, 368 cutaneous herpes zoster, 677 155 keratitis, 91 diagnosis, 1228 vaginal microbiota, 393–394 lactational mastitis, 620 encephalitis, 488, 490, 493, 683, vaginitis, 392–393 listeriosis, 948 1229 aerobic, 393, 395–396 mediastinitis, 271 treatment, 493 trichomoniasis, 396–397 prophylaxis, 270 esophageal infections, 331 valacyclovir, 1363–1364 meningitis, 475–477, 938, 963 exposure management, 1231–1232 chickenpox exposure MRSA infections, 986 immunocompromised patients, management, 1232 bacteremia, 989 1231–1232 cytomegalovirus prophylaxis, 1165 neonates, 610 groups at risk for complications, Epstein–Barr virus, 1188 neutropenic patients, 552–553, 556 1232 esophageal infections, 329 overwhelming postsplenectomy HIV-infected patients, 677, 683, 685 herpes simplex virus infection, 634 prophylaxis, 695 genital herpes, 410, 617, 1197 pericarditis, 258 immunocompromised patients, herpes labialis, 1196 perinephric abscess, 438 1227 meningitis, 485 peritonitis, 376 keratitis, 93 myelitis, 515 pneumonia, 989 myelitis, 514 post-transplant infection, 581 community-acquired, 218 neonates, 613 pregnant patients, 617 postoperative wound infection, 732 neuropathy, 520 shingles, 1231 postsplenectomy patients, 561 nosocomial infection control, 1232 valganciclovir, 102–103, 1165, 1364 prosthetic joint infection post-transplant infection, 577, 581 adverse effects, 1166, 1364 prevention, 444 pregnant patients, 620–621, cytomegalovirus, 682, 1162, 1364 renal cortical abscess, 434 1232–1233

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retinitis, 105–106, 685 vidarabine, 1365 vitreous cultures, 111–112 Reye syndrome, 524 encephalitis, 492 voriconazole, 1347, 1349 shingles, 773, 1226, 1227–1228 keratitis, 1198 adverse effects, 1115 management, 1230–1231 vincristine, 565 aspergillosis, 554, 681, 1114 uveitis, 98 viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHF), 1234, allergic bronchopulmonary vaccination, 93, 773, 1226, 1228 1235, 1239 aspergillosis, 1118 contraindications, 773 bioterrorism, 821, 825–826 aspergillomas, 1117 healthcare workers, 773 clinical presentation, 1237, prophylaxis, 1117 HIV-infected patients, 695 1239–1240 blastomycosis, 1139 immunization schedule, 764 convalescence, 1246 brain abscess, 499 travelers’, 781 differential diagnosis, 1240, 1241 candidemia, 554, 1109 varicella vaccine, 1228 epidemiology, 1234 coccidioidomycosis, 1146 zoster virus, 1228 infection control, 1247–1248 prophylaxis, 693 varicella-zoster immune globulin contact tracing, 1247 dialysis-related infection, 627 (VZIG), 1229 hospital care, 1247 endophthalmitis, 112, 1110 exposure management, 1231–1232 postexposure prophylaxis, esophageal infections, 328 pregnant patients, 1232 1247–1248 eumycetoma, 182 vascular infection, 273, See also arterial vaccines, 1248 keratitis, 95 infections; thrombophlebitis laboratory diagnosis, 1242–1243, neutropenic patients, 554, 557 vascular grafts, 277–279, 278 1243 renal candidiasis, 432 diagnosis, 277 management, 1243–1246 therapeutic drug monitoring, therapy, 277–279, 278 antibiotics and secondary 1350 vasculitis, 97 infection, 1246 VT-1129 antifungal agent, 1351 rickettsial infections, 1093 antiviral drugs, 1244–1245 VT-1161 antifungal agent, 1351 vasopressors, sepsis and septic shock, blood products, 1244 vulvovaginal candidiasis, 397–398, 21 clinical laboratory testing, 1246 1107–1108 ventilator-associated pneumonia. coagulation modulators, 1245 classification, 1108 See pneumonia convalescent plasma, 1245 clinical presentation, 1108 ventricular assist device (VAD) fluid management, 1243–1244 probiotic benefits, 1368 infection, 283, 284 immune modulators, treatment, 397–398, 1108 management, 284 1245–1246 risk factors, 284 nutrition, 1246 Wakana disease, 1253 vertebral osteomyelitis, 451 oxygenation and ventilation, water-associated pathogens, 800–801, VFS-1, 1352 1244 See also specific pathogens , 1030, See also cholera pregnancy, 1246 activities associated with water food poisoning, 342 pathology, 1234–1239 exposure, 800 gastroenteritis, 335 sequelae, 1247 clinical manifestations, 801 sepsis, 600 viridans streptococci, 997, 997 diagnosis, 804 traveler’s diarrhea, 810 antibiotic resistance, 998 epidemiology, 800 Vibrio spp., 1030, 1030, See also specific bacteremia, 998 route of entry, 801 species brain abscess, 998 inhalation, aspiration and extraintestinal infections, 1031–1032 cancer patients, 560 ingestion, 803, 807–809 clinical manifestations, endocarditis, 246–247, 248, 997–998 skin penetration, 801–807, 802 1031–1032 meningitis, 998 treatment, 804 therapy, 1032 pneumonia, 998 Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome, food poisoning, 342 septic shock, 998 935 gastroenteritis, 1030–1031 sialadenitis, 70 Weeksella virosa, 1050 therapy, 1031 therapy, 998–999, 999 Weeksella zoohelcum, 1050 laboratory diagnosis, 1032–1033 visceral larva migrans (VLM), Wegener’s granulomatosis, 140 prevention, 1033 1264–1265 Weil’s disease, 806 travelers’ diarrhea, 810 therapy, 1265 West Nile virus, 125, 481, 494, 516, 794 waterborne infections, 804–805 vitamin A supplementation therapy, 494 Vibrio vulnificus, 804, 1031, 1032 measles, 134–135 Whipple’s disease, 381–383, 456 sepsis, 600, 1031 vitrectomy, 104 clinical presentation, 381–382 wound infections, 1031 endophthalmitis, 112–113 diagnosis, 382

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Whipple’s disease (cont.) X-linked lymphoproliferative zanamivir, 1365 treatment, 382, 383 syndrome (XLP), 547 adverse effects, 1365 uveitis, 100 community-acquired pneumonia, whipworm. See Trichuris trichiura , 1058–1059 219 (trichuriasis) yellow fever. See also viral influenza, 1207, 1365 . See Bordetella hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) chemoprophylaxis, 1209 pertussis vaccination, travelers, 782 pregnant patients, 618 Winterbottom sign, 1306 , 1035–1036 prophylaxis, 775 Wolbachia, 1259, 1261, 1263 food poisoning, 343 zidovudine (AZT), 645, 650 wound infections, 734–737, liver abscess, 315 pregnant patients, 618, 661 See also postoperative wound therapy, 1036 side effects, 650 infections transfusion-related infection, 712, zoonotic diseases, 790, 792, antibiotic therapy, 735–737, 736, 714–715 See also specific infections 957 Yersinia pestis, 794, 1034–1035, See also clinical approach, 790–791 botulism, 522 plague from animal bite or scratch, 791, burn injuries, 743 antibiotic therapy, 212, 824 See also animal bites Pasteurella multocida, 957 atypical pneumonia, 208 from arthropod bites, risk factors, 957 diagnosis, 819, 1034 791–795 pathogens, 734 therapy, 1035, 1035–1036 from ingestion, 795 prevention, 735 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 1035–1036 from inhalation, 795 Vibrio spp., 1031 therapy, 1036 systemic infections, 795–796 Wuchereria bancrofti, 1259 Yersinia spp., 1034, See also specific zygomycete infections tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, infections cerebral infection, 496 1261 gastroenteritis, 337 neutropenic patients, 554, 560

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