Tales from the BATTLEFRONT By: Laser921 and Wodiquix a Long
Tales from the BATTLEFRONT By: Laser921 and WodiQuix A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . It is a period of civil war. Across the galaxy, the GALACTIC CIVIL WAR rages, an explosive conflict between the evil forces of the GALACTIC EMPIRE and the freedom fighters of the ALLIANCE TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC. Striking quickly and decisively, the ALLIANCE has managed to win a decisive battle on the volcanic planet of SULLUST, shutting down the mighty factories driving the powerful Imperial war machine. But the EMPIRE is far from defeated. Retaliating with awesome force, the EMPIRE has driven the ALLIANCE into the farthest reaches of known space, determined to crush their foe once and for all. Barely managing to evade their pursuers, the rebel ships have temporarily bought time for the brave leaders of the ALLIANCE to plan their next move. Aboard the rebel star cruiser INVINCIBLE FAITH, the brave soldiers and leaders of the ALLIANCE hatch a daring plan to cripple the EMPIRE even further . Dramatis Personae: Jevin Corso, Human male: Hailing from Carida, Corso made his mark early in the galaxy. In his late teens to early twenties, he had a stint as a bodyguard, eventually having lucrative contracts protecting high-level executives of corporations like BlasTech, Sorosuub, and Kuat Drive Yards. During a job, he received word his parents were brutally murdered by the Empire during a peaceful protest on Carida. After this, he joined the Rebellion, becoming a captain in Leia Organa’s Honor Guard. Wodi Quix, Human male: An orphan from Breental IV who saw his parents killed in a pirate attack, Wodi Quix started out in a local resistance group, eventually making his way to the Rebellion.
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