Bias Angle I I Columbus' Proposed Slum Clear Committee, Were Not Present When Thomas Perkins, ,49
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 19S1 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3 PACE 2 THC OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1951 THE LOCAL SCENE URBMRE5T I •• • NO PARKING PROBLEM AT Funeral Services For Mr. Magwood, '.Miimro*!a9 rKWDLcm M I y I Resident 28 Years, Held Saturday -Bias Angle I I Columbus' proposed slum clear committee, were not present when Thomas Perkins, ,49. 187 Ftevcnson, 19, was convicted off thc .Greyhound bus "station al By RUTH M. BLAIR a.nd Mrs. Louis Johnson, Mr. and ance program, which has the sup measure was adopted. Lexington av., known also as murdering a woman employee at I Cleveland. Council will hold '• special Mrs. Robert Corry, Mr. and Mrs. port of Mayor Rhodes' adminis • • • "Begging Slim," was bound to ii.ccting Thursday, Dec. 2©, at 5 Charles E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. tration, received endorsement of Mrs. Minnie* Jingles, Ohio the grand jury under $5000 i. in. at Urbancrest school. Couu- Milo Dobbins. Mayor and Mrs. W. rity council Monday afternoon Sentinel representative, was the ball in police court Tuesday on ril's regular meeting will be held H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Willian: but at edition time it was not re speaker during a meeting at tha charge ' of carrying con u Wednesday, Jan. 2. Elected offi Lynch. Mrs. Matilda Daniels, Mr. vealed whether a non-discrimina 1st Baptist church, Charleston cealed weapons. was cials must have their certificate*: and Mrs. John Nichols, Mrs tion clause, is included in thc W. Va,, Sunday morning. She arrested Dec. 16 at 762 £. Long of election with them.
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