Tales from the BATTLEFRONT By: Laser921 and Wodiquix a Long

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Tales from the BATTLEFRONT By: Laser921 and Wodiquix a Long Tales from the BATTLEFRONT By: Laser921 and WodiQuix A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . It is a period of civil war. Across the galaxy, the GALACTIC CIVIL WAR rages, an explosive conflict between the evil forces of the GALACTIC EMPIRE and the freedom fighters of the ALLIANCE TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC. Striking quickly and decisively, the ALLIANCE has managed to win a decisive battle on the volcanic planet of SULLUST, shutting down the mighty factories driving the powerful Imperial war machine. But the EMPIRE is far from defeated. Retaliating with awesome force, the EMPIRE has driven the ALLIANCE into the farthest reaches of known space, determined to crush their foe once and for all. Barely managing to evade their pursuers, the rebel ships have temporarily bought time for the brave leaders of the ALLIANCE to plan their next move. Aboard the rebel star cruiser INVINCIBLE FAITH, the brave soldiers and leaders of the ALLIANCE hatch a daring plan to cripple the EMPIRE even further . Dramatis Personae: Jevin Corso, Human male: Hailing from Carida, Corso made his mark early in the galaxy. In his late teens to early twenties, he had a stint as a bodyguard, eventually having lucrative contracts protecting high-level executives of corporations like BlasTech, Sorosuub, and Kuat Drive Yards. During a job, he received word his parents were brutally murdered by the Empire during a peaceful protest on Carida. After this, he joined the Rebellion, becoming a captain in Leia Organa’s Honor Guard. Wodi Quix, Human male: An orphan from Breental IV who saw his parents killed in a pirate attack, Wodi Quix started out in a local resistance group, eventually making his way to the Rebellion. Here he would show promise as a special forces soldier and would eventually end up in a squad along with his friend Amminius Sinan commanded by a soldier of some repute, Jevin Corso. Wodi received his nickname “Wishbone” after banging his head on a Y-wings jet engine. Amminius Sinan, Human male: Born on Dantooine, Sinan worked as a freight hand at a local spaceport. After discovering a cache of supplies and a crate of BlasTech E-11s, along with several suspicious characters, Sinan followed them to a secret rebel base on the planet, where he learned of the Rebel Alliance. Joining their ranks, Amminius would soon befriend Wodi Quix and later serve in a special forces squad alongside him commanded by Jevin Corso. Cade Valdarin, Human male: A child from Chandrila and the son of two survivors of the Jedi Purge, Cade Valdarin was raised by his Jedi parents until shortly before the Battle of Scarif, when Vader tracked them down and killed them. Cade was secreted away by a Bothan friend of the family and eventually found his way to his aunt, Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Rebellion. A powerful Force user, Cade trained himself to become the Jedi his parents wanted him to be. Sid, Sullustan male: Joining the Alliance with his fellow gun runner, Nien Nunb, Sid would realize his passion for being a chef and serve a special forces squad as its cook. A soldier and gifted chef, Sid would be instrumental to the morale of Jevin Corso’s squad. Jevin Corso - Aboard the Alliance MC80 Liberty type star cruiser Invincible Faith, Outer Rim Territories We've done it, we've taken Sullust. The battle was long and arduous. Many friends were lost along the way, but the galaxy burns brighter for their sacrifice. Princess Leia personally fought on the field and as squad leader of Honor Guard Unit Alpha, we were in the thick of the fighting to take the Imperial hangars. Our other forces targeted the factories and barracks, trying to keep the stormtroopers off balance. Now that we've taken a key manufacturing planet from them, the Empire is all the more determined to root us out. Our fleet barely managed to evade their Star Destroyers. We’ve lost them near the Salin Corner hyperspace route when our captain took a clever detour. We’re regrouping inside a large asteroid cluster, restocking on supplies. Our officers are expecting a coded transmission to come in any day now from High Command, giving us our new orders. I’ve heard rumors of Imperial forces tightening their grip over Tatooine and Daxam IV, Outer Rim worlds near the Rimma Trade Route. We’re going to do something about it. And to have control of a major trade route would give us a greater edge against the Imps, allowing us to push into the Core Worlds, where we can really do some damage. Soon, Admiral Ackbar will launch a strike on the Imperial ships over Tatooine, while Alpha Unit and the Forty-First Fury Battalion rush in and storm the planet groundside. We've reached a turning point in the war, I can feel it. Jevin Corso - Aboard the Alliance MC80 Liberty type star cruiser Invincible Faith, Outer Rim Territories Alpha unit has returned from their recon on Bespin. It's worse than we thought, the bounty hunter Dengar is with the Imperials there. He's leading them in some gas siphoning operation. For now, High Command is having us wait on the intel. The next big push in the war is being aptly named: Operation Wookiee's Fist. The goal is to punch a huge hole in the Imperial lines at Tatooine and Daxam IV in order to have access to the Rimma Trade Route before further pushing into Imperial space. Being closer to Tatooine, Alpha's being moved there. We are to move in along with the Fourth Army, the unit that helped us secure Sullust. Several other notable soldiers are joining the assault. Vresrei, a Zabrak and excellent soldier and able tactician, will be heading recon. One of our ace pilots, Kaelara Starlight, is leading our fighter support: Blue and Green Squadrons, in the skies. Another top soldier in the Fourth Army, Wodi Quix, is going to lead a commando team, Rancor Team, to give us fire support. There are many others, far too numerous to name, but they are all heroes, every one of them. Chancellor Mothma is about to deliver the briefing as we speak . Jevin Corso - Jundland Wastes, Tatooine, Outer Rim Territories We've been cut off from Rancor Team. The Imps have an amazingly brilliant tactician among them. Rumor from the ranks is it’s a Shadow Guard, an elite royal guard and Force user, no less, if the rumors are to be believed. A portion of the Imperial forces managed to pin us down at Mos Espa. All looked lost until one voice stood up among us. Through the dust and blaster fire, we heard a determined shout, "Our friends are counting on us! Push them back!" And there she was, Princess Leia, standing tall among the soldiers. And seeing her fierce determination, we joined her. As captain of Alpha unit, I ordered the men to move forward no matter the cost. Wodi Quix was counting on us! We managed to push the Imps back and into a retreat. Then we began moving out towards the Jundland Wastes, where the bulk of our forces were. Along the way, Commander Starlight and the remains of Green Squadron came just in time to bail us out of trouble. TIE interceptors were harassing us as we fought. Green Squadron, combined with Blade Squadron’s B-wings gave us heavy cover; they even managed to take down a Star Destroyer by knocking out its engines! After that, we came into the Wastes and joined up with a cluster of ragged-looking soldiers holding off stormies with a couple of turrets and E-webs. I got on the comm as fast as I could: "Sergeant Quix, this is Captain Corso, come in!" Nothing comes back but static. I lower my comlink in mild annoyance. Seeing my expression, Leia smiles. “What? You want to live forever? Let’s go get ‘em!” And with that we join in the fray, finally meeting up with Rancor Team, together pummelling the Imperial lines . Wodi "Wishbone" Quix – Jundland Wastes, Tatooine, Outer Rim Territories What's left of our division has just landed outside of the strike zone. The Imps threw their big guns at us right off the start. Heavy armor: AT-ATs, AT-STs, and TIE interceptors, plus a full battalion of stormtroopers. Their heavy turbolasers knocked out one of our troop transports before it even broke atmosphere. It crashed somewhere in the Dune Sea. I heard garbled transmissions about survivors, but I can’t be sure. Blue Squadron is being sent on a rescue mission. Our reconnaissance force went dark at 09:00 hours. Before the transmission cut off, I heard someone yell something about black-armored stormtroopers. Green Squadron took a pretty bad hit, with most of their Y-wing bombers out for the count. Thankfully Kaelara Starlight made it out. Her and Green Three are back at base along with the remainder of their pilots, restocking supplies and dressing their wounds. Me and my guys are holed up in our depot, fending off sandtroopers. Luckily, we have a few E-webs at our disposal that aren’t damaged. We had to fall back from the uplinks due to superior numbers. The Imps have most likely destroyed them. It's relatively quiet now; the only constant sound being the Imperial walkers’ thunderous footsteps a few kilometers away. Kriff, it’s dislodging dust from the ceiling. I fear that they may be massing for another attack. I’m scared, but also grateful for the peace and quiet, at least for now.
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