Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 ABOUT YOUR INSTITUTION Name of federal institution: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada Name of person responsible for approving submission (on behalf of your institution): Patricia Vincent Title: Executive Director, Total Rewards, Disability Management and Compliance Address: 181 Queen Street, Suite 409 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1K9 Telephone number: E-mail address: 613-288-6025
[email protected] Contact person (responsible for submission): Jovane Drouin Title: Advisor, HR Compliance and Compensation Address: 181 Queen Street, Suite 409 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1K9 Telephone number: E-mail address: 613-288-6047
[email protected] Name of Multiculturalism Champion (if one has been appointed): CBC/Radio-Canada currently does not have a Multiculturalism Champion. STATISTICAL INFORMATION Total number of employees at your institution (as of March 31, 2014). Permanent employees: 7,094 Temporary employees: 343 “Employees” is defined as the total number of indeterminate and term Contract employees: 881 employees (i.e., the number of employees, not an equivalent of full-time employees): CBC/Radio-Canada 2013–2014 Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act Page 1 SECTION 1 REFLECTION OF CANADA’S MULTICULTURAL REALITY IN FEDERAL INSTITUTIONS Please refer to the Submission Guide for general information on the purpose of each section. YES NO Does your institution’s vision, mission, mandate or priorities statement include Q. 1.1 √ a reference to multiculturalism or cultural diversity? If yes, please provide the relevant section. If the reference to multiculturalism was first introduced during the 2013–2014 reporting period, please highlight the change.