INDEX of NAMES (Pages Containing Biographical Notices Or Full Treatments Are in Heavy Type)
INDEX OF NAMES (Pages containing biographical notices or full treatments are in heavy type) Abati,]. B. 123 Barner,]. 31 Abich, R. A. 493,618,636 Baron, H. T. 54, 57-8, 71-z, 236 Abilgaard, P. C. 554 Barron 508 Accum, F. C. 54 1, 8z7 Barth,]. 41 Achard, F.C. 325,458,S9Z-4,699,704 Bartholin, E. and T. 160 Adet, P. A. 107, 274, 482-3, 495 Basse 583 Aeneee 584 Basil Valentine 109 Afzelius, ]. 182, 198, zoo, 555, 57<)-80; P. Basso, S. 7 183 Bauderon, B. 8 Aikin, A. and C. R. 699;].9° Baudrimont, A. E. 698 Alberti, M. 59 Bauer,]. F. 172 Albertus Magnus 168, 177 Baume, A. 75, 80, 82, 86, 88, ~5, 96,99, Alcenius, G. 235 112, 230, 378-9, 383, 443, 462, 522, Alembert,]. Ie R. d' 117 568,607,636 Alexis ofPiedmont 4, 16 Baup,S.555 Algarotti, V. 23 Bayen, P. 73, 75, 83, 377, 394-eJ, 403-4, Allen, B. 49, 478; W. 43 1, 53 1, 699, 714, 419,539,614,617-18,648-9 822 Beale,]. T. 725 Alston, C. 136, 379 Bealey 561 Alstromer, ]. 175 Beaumont 109 Amontons, G. 426,771 Beccaria,]. B. 4°1, 546, 618 Anderson,]. 153,723; T. 707, 717 Becher, J. J. 51, 59, 77, 87, 9 1 , 98, 363, Andreae,]. G. R. 145 558-9,562,584,6°5,636 Andrade 554 Becket 254 Andre, F. 33 Beddoes,T·97,482,495,601,736,747 Anfrye 104 Beguin, J. 1-4,26 Anger, D. 594 Belchier, J. 7 I ApIigny-see Le Pi leur d'ApIigny Bellaing, Count de 507 Appleby 123 Belon, P.
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