INDEX OF NAMES (Pages containing biographical notices or full treatments are in heavy type)

Abati,]. B. 123 Barner,]. 31 Abich, R. A. 493,618,636 Baron, H. T. 54, 57-8, 71-z, 236 Abilgaard, P. C. 554 Barron 508 Accum, F. C. 54 1, 8z7 Barth,]. 41 Achard, F.C. 325,458,S9Z-4,699,704 Bartholin, E. and T. 160 Adet, P. A. 107, 274, 482-3, 495 Basse 583 Aeneee 584 Basil Valentine 109 Afzelius, ]. 182, 198, zoo, 555, 57<)-80; P. Basso, S. 7 183 Bauderon, B. 8 Aikin, A. and C. R. 699;].9° Baudrimont, A. E. 698 Alberti, M. 59 Bauer,]. F. 172 Albertus Magnus 168, 177 Baume, A. 75, 80, 82, 86, 88, ~5, 96,99, Alcenius, G. 235 112, 230, 378-9, 383, 443, 462, 522, Alembert,]. Ie R. d' 117 568,607,636 Alexis ofPiedmont 4, 16 Baup,S.555 Algarotti, V. 23 Bayen, P. 73, 75, 83, 377, 394-eJ, 403-4, Allen, B. 49, 478; W. 43 1, 53 1, 699, 714, 419,539,614,617-18,648-9 822 Beale,]. T. 725 Alston, C. 136, 379 Bealey 561 Alstromer, ]. 175 Beaumont 109 Amontons, G. 426,771 Beccaria,]. B. 4°1, 546, 618 Anderson,]. 153,723; T. 707, 717 Becher, J. J. 51, 59, 77, 87, 9 1 , 98, 363, Andreae,]. G. R. 145 558-9,562,584,6°5,636 Andrade 554 Becket 254 Andre, F. 33 Beddoes,T·97,482,495,601,736,747 Anfrye 104 Beguin, J. 1-4,26 Anger, D. 594 Belchier, J. 7 I ApIigny-see Le Pi leur d'ApIigny Bellaing, Count de 507 Appleby 123 Belon, P. 65 Arcons, C. d' 65 Bentley, R. 113 Argand, A. 533 Benzenberg,J.F.764 Arhenius 235 Berard, J. E. 157, 563 Aristotle 8, 306, 55 I, 610 Beraut, L. V. 293,607,610-11 Arnald of Villanova 8 Bergius, P. ]. 178,"2°9, 216, 230 Arnaud, E. R. 9 Bergman, T. O. 22, 53, 55,70,75, 126, 134, Arvidson - seeAfzelius 140,168,173,176-8,179-99,200-1,208, Astruc, ]. 58, 66, 72 212, 217, 220-1, 223, 22<)-3°, 236, 251­ Athenas 563 252, 273, 299, 3°1, 398, 4°7, 424, 512, Aurivillius, P. F. 181 518, 528-9, 542, 55<)-60, 569, 586, 613, Austin, W. 5°2, 736, 744, 746, 749, 782, 618, 642, 644, 652, 657, 666, 669, 67 1, 784, 814 682, 685 Avellan, C. 179, 629 Berlinghieri, L. V. 433 Averani, G. 381 Bernhard, C. 62 Avicenna 171 Bernhardt, J. C. 290 Avogadro,A.652,726,735,797,808 Bernier, F. 33 Bernthsen, .A.543 Babbage, C. 759 Bernoulli, D. 203-4, 245,778; J. 127, 363, Babington, B. G. and W. 715 624 Bacon,F. 129, 134,3°8,516 Berthelot, M. 462 Beeck, M. 236 Berthollet, A. B. 499, 503, 596, 648; C. L. Baer, F. L. 556 86, 98, 106, 134, 140, 192, 245, 298, 324, Baeyer, A. 820 34 1,446,496-516, 517, 525, 530-1, 535, Baily 123; F. 306 540-1, 543, 555-6, 559, 565, 572, 581, Baker 561 587,596,600,619,632,641,644 f., 659, Bancroft, E. N. 90, 515, 531 662,664-5,670,675,677-8,684-5,687­ Banks,]. 353 f., 667,716 688,699,7°7,746,748,763,773-5,777, Barba,A.65 792,797,805-6,809,813,817,819 Barchusen,]. C. 39 Bertier 592 Barlet, A. 13, 88 Bertrand 33 INDEX OF NAMES Berzelius, ]. ]. 71, 108, 200-1, 218, 233, Brandt, G. 102, 166, 168-9, 172, 176, 542, 235-6, 4 12, 4 16, 465, 487, 542, 548-9, 609 555-6, 597, 643-4, 646, 65 1-4, 657-9, Brinvilliers, Marchioness de 25 676, 686,696,698,7°3,7°6-7,711-12, Brisson,]. 96,99,369,383,4°3,443 715-16,718,723,725,785,797,802,808, Brodie, B. C. 603 812,820 Brongniart, A. L. 55 I, 704, 71o Bestucheff 654 Brooke,H·J·716,725 Beudant, F. S. 710 Brosse, G. de la 4 Beunie, de 467 Broussais, F. J. V. 130 Bewley, G. 755; W. 140, 251-2, 266, 278, Brouzet 78 69 1 Browall, J. 177 Bezout, E. 369, 510 Brown,F.M·759;]·52,88,130,589 Bianchy 104 Browne, T. 60, 547 Biot,]. B. 516,761 Brownrigg, W. 117, 123-7, 176, 248-50, Bird, Golding 714 3 19 Biringuccio, V. 64 Brugnatelli, G. 108, 492, 596; L. V. 492 Birkbeck, G. 723 Brummer, V. R. 236 Bitault, ]. 8 Brunner 673, 720 Bjorksten,].].235 Bucci, A. 492 Black, ]. 87, 99, 103, 128, 130-43, 150-6, Bucholz, C. F. 493, 581, 595, 600, 659; 189,192,195,219,227,23°,248-9,274• W. H. S. 147,580 275, 284, 307-8, 312, 314, 316-17, 337, Bucquet, ]. B. M. 36, 77, 103, 152, 227, 344-5, 347, 352, 360, 387-9, 393, 395, 3°1,417,436,535,545 419-21, 426-7, 434, 43 8, 443, 44 8, 450, Buffon, J. L. R. 4, 86, 176, 185, 399, 500, 469, 475-6, 481, 483, 486, 488-9, 5° 2 , 520,522,535,568,607,616,636 519-20,539,561,568,574,591,594,599, Bullion 97 601,605,613-14,627-8,710,716,738 Buniva, M. F. 556 Blagden, C. 303, 308, 338, 352-4, 357, 358, Bunsen, R. W. 685 437 f., 450, 45 2, 479 Bussy, A. A. B. 553 Blair 298 Butini, P. 724 Blanchard, F. 133 Buttner 595 Blane, w.57,705 Blasius, G. 2 Cadet de Gassicourt, C. L. 96; L. C. 70, 73, Blegny, N. de 38 96,99,258,369,382-3,4°4 Boedeker, C. H. D. 707 Ceesalpinus 618 Boehm, M. F. 145, 148 Camerarius 98 Boerhaave, H. 33, 57, 77-8, 89, 117, 128, Candida, G. 218 135,153,155,363,422,444-5,458,460­ Canton,]. 241 462, 480, 490, 521, 523, 528, 546, 560, Carcel yjj 606-7 Cardan,]. 618, 686 Bohm 234 Cardwell 959 Bohn,].61,560 Canniniati, B. 63 Bolos Demokritos 41 Carny,]. A. 518, 563-4 Bondt, N. 466, 584 Cartheuser, F. A. 171 Bongars, ]. 1 Cassini, G. D. 22 Bonjour, F.]. 184,488,5°5, 507 Cassorin, P. 183 Bonnet, C. 281, 379 Cavallo, T. 89, 139, 248, 300, 324 Bonsdorff, P. A. 236 Cavendish, C. 307-8; H. 61,71, 121, 126, Bonvoisin, B. B. 586 140,151,189,208,226,228,245,249-50, Borel, P. 13, 22 252-5,263,268,272,286-7,291,3°2-62, Borelli, G. A. 122-3 388-9, 39 1, 393, 4 12, 4 19, 437 f., 443-4, Bormes, Baron de 94 44~50, 45 2, 45 6, 467-8, 487, 490, 5°2, Born, I. E. von 98, 185,218,571, 521, 524, 573, 637, 663, 670, 689, 697, Borrichius, o. 75,128,160-2, 379 7°5,769,792,813 Boscovich, R. ]. 296, 308 Caventou, J. B. 603 Bostock,]. 246, 55°,7°8,711,774,806 Cellio, M. A. 42 Bouillon - see La Grange Celsius, A. 64 Boulanger 2 I 4 Chabaneau 700 Boulduc, G. F. 48, 49, 54, 56, 58; S. 44 Chambon, J. 66 Boulton, M. 327,826 Chamousset, P. de 394 Bourdelin, C. 13; C. C. 66, 73 Chantrey, F. L. 759 Bournon, Count de 712 Chapman, W. 123 Boyle, R. 21-2, 36, 47, 51-2, 57, 78; 109, Chaptal, J. A. C. 101,424,45°,464-5,481, 111,117-19,120,127,134,150, 152, ~86, 497,5°8,543-4,557-60,594,652 202, 279, 281, 313, 379, 395, :461, '485, Charas, M. 27, 395 539,559,605-6,608,611,623,690,778 Chardenon,].P.377,516-17,518,610,612 Braconnot, H. 232-3, 547 Charlard, L. M. 394- Brand, H. 67, 559 Charles,]. A. C. 105, 133, 309,771 Brande, VV.Jr.545,698,825 Chastenai 37 INDEX OF NAMES Chatelet, Mme de 606 Dabit 544-6 Chaulnes, Due de 152, 250, 317 Dalberg, C. von 593 Chaussier, F. C. 95, 275,554 Dalton, ]. 158, 3°8-9, 316, 4 12, 465, 476, Chenevix, R. 273,482, 506, 510, 513, 600, 525, 578, 640, 650-2, 686, 689-90, 696, 688,700,712,784 7°1,711,719,722-3,726,728,735,742• Cheredame 551 744, 747 f., 755-822, 824 Cherubin d'Orleans 204 Dana, J. F. 827 Chevrand 467 Daniel, C. F. 613 Chevreul, M. E. 547-8,653 Daniell, ]. F. 458, 725 Children,]. G. 103,696,715 D'Arcet (Darcet), ]. P. J. 63, 73, 77, 98, Cigna, G. F. 285,387,4°1 1°4,382,384,443,467,551,563 Cioni449 D'Arejula, G. 512,539 Clare, P. 760 D'arquier de Pellepoix, A. 58, 120 Clark 123 Darracq 544 Clarke, E. D. 725 Darwin,E. 277,283,298-9,327, 548,765 Clausier, ]. L. 55 Daubenton, L. G. M. 4 Clave, E. de 7, 19 Daubeny, C. 653,759 Clayton, ]. 1°9 Davidson, G. 254 Clegg, S. 826 Davie, J. 134 Cleghorn, VV.156,426,614,626 Davies, R. 99 Clement 274, 560, 596,765, 77 1, 775, 814, Davisson, VV. I, 4-7 816 Davy, H. 106, 276, 294, 468, 476-7, 504, Clerk, ]. 128 5°8,516,541,554,6°3,639,643,651-2, Clouet, L. 103, 467 689,695-6,708,715,718,721,723,737, Cluzel597 749 f., 759, 774, 777, 781-2, 788, 792-4, Cock, T. 699 802, 8° 5, 8° 9, 822;J. 747 Coffinhal 367 Deidier, A. 58 Cole, VV. 61 Deiman, J. R. 276, 347,456,466,584 Colin 660 De la Metherie (Delametherie), ]. C. 88, Collet-Descotils, H. V. 105, 704 435,449,466,482,484,493-4,527,612, Colquhoun, H. 217 637,663,7°6 Condamine, C. M. de la 251 De la Rive, A. A. 158,707; G. 157,730 Condillac 48 I Delaroche, J. P. L. A. 157 Condorcet, M.]. A. N. C. de 368,425,438, De la Rue, VV. 603 488 De Luc, ]. A. 100, 336, 338, 348, 35 1-7, Conradi, J. L. 547 43°,438,449,482,559,597,722,73°,764 Constant 507 Demachy (De Machy), J. F. 55,99, ISO-I, Constantini 145, 576 236,380,388,5°0,5°3,587 Conway 728 Demeste,].65 Cooper, T. 239, 505, 690 Derham, VV. 776 Copeland 508 Derosne, C. 594 Copin 594 Desaguliers,]. T. 159,763 Cornette,C. M. 95, 100,29°,467 Descartes, 33-4, 52; 59,778 Corvinus, J. F. 528 Descotils - see Collet-Descotils Costiander,]. G. 236 Descroizilles, F. A. H. 507 Coulomb, C. A. 488 Desmarets 1°3 Courtanvaux, Marquis de 94,658 Desormes, C. B. 274, 560, 596, 699, 765, Courtepee 66 77 1,775, 814,816 Courtois, B. 517 Dessaignes, V. 544, 556 Cousin, J. A. ]. 488 Dexter, A. 494 Cramer, J. A. 36 Deyeux,N.98, 102,106,397,550 Cranz, H.]. N. von 148, 387-9, 591 Dick 153 Crawford, A. 156, 235, 307, 422, 427, 429, Dickinson, E. 161 432,434,463,475-6,499,524,618,625, Dickson, S. 669 629, 656, 772, 800 Diderot 73 Crell, ]. ]. L. von 599; L. F. F. von 133, Diesbach 51 235, 483, 556, 559, 575, 598-9, 635, Dietrich, Baron 101,211,814; G. S. 577 664 Dionys de Sejour 488 Crichton, A. 628 Dioskourides 660 Crohare458 Dippel,]. C. 51,75,586 Croll, 0.3 Disjonval - see Quatremere-Disjonval Cronstedt, A. F. 171, 173-5, 185,217, 378 Dixon, G. 826; H. B. 84, 251, 709 Croune, VV. 10 Dize,M·J·]·563-4,582 Cruickshank, VV. 156,272-3, 276, 293, 295, Dobereiner, ]. VV. 544, 546, 572, 6°4, 658- 53°,549,656,689,794,814,816 659,673,724, 825 Crurn,VV.515,822 Dobson,M. 124, 129,249,689 Cullen, VV. 127-30, 133-4, 140, 156, 307, Dodart, D. 37,43 4°2,420-1,481,689 Dollfuss, ]. C. 299, 5 I I, 524, 601 Cuthbertson,J. 34Z,453, 457, 584 Donovan,M.232,555,726 INDEX OF NAMES

Dossie, R. 56 I Foster 700 Draper, H. N. 94; J.W. 283 Fourcroy, A. F. de 69,75, 1° 3, 105- 6, 134­ Drebbel, C.]. 63 135, 139, 27 1, 274, 276, 381, 4 15, 423, Drummond, T. 725 465,481,488,496-7,511,517,524,53°, Dube, D. 182 535-5I, 572, 579, 590, 600, 616-17, 630, Duclos (Du Clos), D. 13, 17,47; S. C. III 632, 634-5, 64 1, 644, 649, 656, 658-9, Dufay (Du Fay), C. F. de C. 66-7, 72,515 698,7°4,711,746 Duffy 509 Fourcy, de 55, 388 Dufour, L. 718 Fourni de Villiers 383 Dufourny 517 Fournier,]. L. 176 Duhamel (Du Hamel), j.B. 9,56,281,378; Foy 508 j. P. F. G. I07, 120, 138; du Monceau, Franck, G. F. 172 H. L. 67-8, 69-7I, 72, 150 Frank,]. P. 689 Dulong, P. L. 772, 825 Franklin, B. 66, 241, 245-6, 305-6, 422, Dumas,]. B. 785 592,697,763 Dundas, Lord 563 Fraunhofer,].697 Dundonald, Earl of 134, 562-3, 601 Freind, J. 53, 59, 203- 4 Dunod 66 Fresneau 251 Dupin, A. 367 Fries,]. F. 674 Dupont, E. I. 363 Fritsche, C. J. 602,714 Dupuy,]. 65 Fulhame, Mrs E. 482, 708, 746 Durande,]. F. 106,517,521,534, 594 Funk, A. 177 Dussieux (d'Ussieux), L. 557 Fyfe, A. 714, 724 Du Tour, E. F. 79 Dz6ndi 556 Gadd, P. A. 179 Gadolin,]. I 83, 234-6, 482,493,601,628,630 Edwards, W. F. 478 Gahn, H. 212, 215; ]. G. 173, 175, 185, Ehrman, F. L. 461 190-1, 201, 208, 212-13,215, 219, 229, Eimbke, G. 483,625 236,398,599,671 Ekeberg, A. G. 236, 706 Gallon I I, 69 Eklund, C. E. 236 Garaye, Comte de La 88, 215 Elhuyar, F. and].]. De 217 Garbett, S. 561 Eller, J. T. 379 Gassendi 33 Elliot, J. 614 Gaubius, H. D. 155 Ellyott, W. 64 Gaultier de Claubry, H. F. 660 Enee 584 Gavinet 467 Engestrom, G. von 173, 179, 185 Gay-Lussac, ]. L. 464, 495, 498, 5°7, 545, Enquist, G. W. 236 549,651-2,678,7°2,713,721,748,77°, Entrecolles, d' 63 793,805-6,809 Erling,].]. 179,235,629 Geber 87 Ernest, J. A. 624 Gehlen, A. F. 234, 582, 589, 597, 687, 700 Erxleben,]. C. P. 55, 59 I, 609,613 Gehler, ]. S. T. 617 Evelyn, J. 15,17,135 Geijer, B. R. 183, 235,458 Ewart, P. 776,780, 808 Gellert, C. E. 52, 54, 100-1, 236,.~11 Gengembre,P.130,565,585,670 Fabroni, G. V. M. 545 Geoffroy, C.]. 55-7,198; E. F. 37, 4g-55, Faggot, J. 177 58, 67, 73, 88, 90-1, 97, 99, 114, 138, Fagon, G. C. 4, 50 236,461, 522,611,693;N.57 Fahrenheit, D. G. 64, 153,155 Georgius, ]. C. 232 Falconer, W. 248 Germain, C. 2 Faraday, M. 245-6, 25 1 , 305, 3°7, 686,708, Geyer - see Geijer 730,761,820 Gibbes, G. Smith 548 Fechner, G. T. 299 Giddy (later Gilbert), D. 777, 793, 798 Ferchault - see Reaumur Gilbert, L. W. 576, 675 Ferguson,]. 141-2 Gilpin, G. 343 Ferner, B. 380 Gingembre - see Gengembre Ferriar 823 Giobert, G. A. 476,491, 504 Fischer, E. G. 652, 677-8, 685;]. C. 633 Giorgi 449 Fitton, E. and S. M. 708 Giroud 563 Fizes, A. 59 Girardin, R. 324 Florentine Academicians 722 Girtanner, C. 130, 347, 367-8, 45 1, 483, Fontana, F. 140, 227, 279, 296, 320, 323, 493-4,533,589-90,631,633,67° 380,414,444-5,448-9,452-3,487,518, Glaser, C. 24-6, 28, 48 584,664,67°,729 Glass 691 Fontenelle, B. Ie B. 53 Glauber,]. R. 37, 51-2, 94, 117,672 Fordyce,G. 129, 189,479, 620, 624,6g2-4, Gleditsch, ]. C. 379 74 1 Gliicksradt, C. 2 Forster, J. R. 211 Gmelin, C. ].556; H. 703; J. F. 235,495. Fortin 45 1,640 635, 687 ; ] . G. 2°3; L. 108, 478 INDEX OF NAMES Gobel, F. A. 550 Hatchett, C. 297, 705-6 Gobet, N. 112 Hauch, A. VV. von 325,347,453 Goddard,]. 21,41 Hauksbee,F.llo-I2, 114, 120,315 Godfrey, A. 380 Haupt, F. G. 67,642 Godin, L. 10 Hausmann,]. M. 503,659,670 Goethe,]. vv. 595,604 Hautin de Villars, C. 65 Gohory,]·4 HaUy,R.].185,553,656,712,765 Gontard, ]. A. 59 Hebenstreit, E. B. G. 183,210 Goodwyn, E. 286,476 Heberden, VV.3IO Gordon, Duke of 508 Hellancourt d' 445 Gossage, vv. 565 Hellot, ]. junr. 67-8, 76, 89, 515; senr. 6 Gotding,]. F. A. 323,483,493,571,595-6, Helmont,]. B. Van 56,62,71,84,117,121, 63 1- 2 123, 137, 150, 249, 281, 298, 379,421, Gough,]. 755,773-6 559, 605, 619,669 Graa,]. 179 Hemming,]. 725 Graaf, R. de 42 Henckel, E. H. von 86, 98, 168, 190, 394, 6 I7 Graham, T. 250,722, (753), 777,821 Henderson, A. 477 Grange, E. ]. B. Bouillon la 107, 347, 476, Henry, T. 248, 283, 410, 508, 690, 823; 478,556,590 VV.124,325,555,653,713,723,750,773, Grant, A. 179 775,787,794,8°5,813,815-16,820,822• Gravenhorst, Bros. 59 I 826; VV. C. 750,753 Gray,]. 725 Henshaw, N. 121; T. 411 Greenwood, J. 3 I 5 Herckenroth 42 I Gregor, VV. 656 Herissant 190 Gren, F. A. C. 236,420,483,493,547,571, Hennann,]. M. 547; K. S. L. 660 575-7,599,620,632-6 Hermbstadt, S. F. 493, 546, 555-6, 559, Grieve,]. 448 572,577-80,587,59°,619,633,642,659, Grimaldi, F. M. 546 73° Gronland, K. A. 182 Herschel,]. F. VV. 554,753 Grossart 89, 190 Hess, G. H. 484, 589 Grosse 49, 55,57, 69, 100,236 Hewson, VV. 285 Grotthuss, T. von 63 1, 747 Hey 251-2 Guericke, O. von 42 Hiarne, U. 42,162-4, 167, 173,2°3,618 Guerin Varry 589 Hielm, P.]. 182,216,236 Guyton de Morveau 54, 57,7°,83,88,91, Higgins, B. 133, 158,244,261-2,380,417, 97, 106-7, 152, 196-7, 211-12, 218, 236, 453,5°2,511,572,601,614,693,727-36, 274, 325, 388, 404, 421, 424, 443, 448, 74°-1,747,75°,815; VV. 490,530,543, 45°,452,454,461,465,469,481,487-8, 550,640,664,693,7°9,726-7,73°,736• 497,5°2,5°4-5,516-34,563-4,568,594, 764,784-5,792,797,808,813 600,611,615-16,621,636,659,662,664, Hildebrandt, G. F. 493, 633, 638-9 669,671-3,677,699,7°4,712,746,817 Hill,]. 57,214,382 Gyllenborg, G. A. 169 Hills, T. 561 Hindenburg, K. F. 623 Haartman, C. D. von 236 Hisinger, VV. 687 Haberle, K. C. 582 Hjerta, C. D. 183 Hadfield, VV. 792 Hjelm - see Hielm Hadley,]. 114 Hoefer, F. 534 Hagen, K. G. 597 Hoff, ]. H. van't 204, 788 Hahnemann, C. F. S. 100,129,587 Hoffmann, F. 68, 93,129,137 Hain,]. P. 98 Hofmann, F. C. 555 Hales, S. 76, 78, 93, 103, 112-23, 124, 126, Holkerv L gfio 135-7, 139, 143, 151, 247, 249, 252-3, Hollenweger 564 285,315,318,387,39°,395,539 Holstius,].235 Halle,]. N. 367 Homberg, VV. 33-5 42-7, 51, 56, 128,419, Haller, A. von 62, 129, 285, 691 529,608,664 Halley, E. 3°8,761,763 Home, F. 124,141 Hamilton, H. 763 Hooke,R.64, 117, 120,462,539,722 Hanbury, D. 714 Hope, T. C. 134, 29 1, 325, 656, 721, 765, Hanckewitz, A. G. 67, 387 797 Hare, R. 707,724 Hopson, C. R. 568, 629 Harfvelin, M. 235 Hornblower,]. c. 327 Harington, R. 490 Howard, E. 554 Harrop, R. 283 Hoyer, G. R. 177 Hartmann,]. 2 Hoyle, T. 510, 541 Hartwich, H. 236 Huerlin, S. 179 Hartsoeker, N. 33, 51 Humboldt, A. von 400, 477, 493,793,8°9; Harvey, VV. 123,721 F·774 Hassenfratz, ]. H. 107, 134, 186, 274, 283, Hunter, ]. 62, 306 343,444-5,447,45°,466,475,482-3,518 Hutcheson 143, 317 INDEX OF NAMES Hutchins, T. 308 Labarraque, A. G. 509 Hutchinson, W. 126 La Faveur, S. M. 27 Hutton,]. 134,628,636,660 La Follie 561 Lamarck, J. B. P. 490 Ibn Battiita 16 Lambert, J. H. 77 1 Ilsemait~,). C. 570 Lamotte 654 Imperato, F. 170 Lampadius, W. A. 596-7, 633 Ingen Housz, J. 251, 254, 277-80, 282-3, Lancilotti, C. 27 . 3°0,3°3,324,332,434,459,469,584 Landriani, M. 140, 231, 262,323,425,44°, Irvine, VV.93, X53-4,212, 307, 614 7°4 Lane, T. 266,320 Jacquin, J. F. E. von 36, x46-7, 3°1,387-9; Langoni, J. 16o M. J. E. 133 Langrish, B. 301 Jaganus, H. 235 Langsdorf, J. W. 636 Jager, K. C. F. von 688 Laplace (La Place), P. S. de 157,307,421, Jameson, R. 705 425-6,437,443-4,45°,452,459,462-4, Jars, G. 101 472,475-6,488,5°2,5°4,617,662,772, Jeanety 699 777 Jessop 109 Larmor, J. 79 1 John,J. F. 550,60x Lassaigne, J. L. 556, 698 Johns, VV.758 Lassone (de La Sone), J. M. F. de 84, 95, Johnson, P. N. 699 100, 199, 229, 273, 320, 618 Johnstone, J. 529 Laudet545 ]oule,J.P.465,758, 765, 778, 821-2 Laugier, A. 659 Juncker, J. 88 Lauraguais, L. L. F. de 63, 94, 233 jurine, L. 475,477 Lauwrenburgh, A. 276, 347,584 Jussieu, A. de 103, 378 Lavoisier, A. L. 71, 73, 76-7,83,85-6, 93­ justi, J. H. L. von 171 94,96,99,102-4,106,116, 127,13°,135, 143, 149, 154, 157, 162, 191, 195-6, 204, Kaim, I. G. 212, 236 220-1, 228-9, 230, 235, 249, 262, 268-9, Kant, E. 674-5 270, 274-6, 280, 283, 285, 291-2, 298, Karsten, C. J. B. 575, 587,603-4, 652,660, 300, 307, 312, 322-3, 329, 331, 335-7, 699; D. L. G. 604; G. 604; W. J. G. 504 343-4,351,355,359,363-495,498,5°1, Keill, J. 58, 204 5°3,5°6,5°8,510-12,518-21,523-5,531, Keir, W. 134, 140, 225, 252,297, 309, 360, 536,539-4°,544,553,555,559,569,572, 399,482,49°,560,637 577, 579-80, 585-6, 590, 594, 601, 6° 5, Kelvin, Lord 479 614,616-20,622,627-9,631,634-5,637, Kennedy, R. 658 644, 646-7, 654, 662, 664, 666, 69 1, 704, Kerr, R. 507, 571 708, 71I, 722, 725, 729, 742, 747, 766, Kind, H. H. 589 768-9, 772, 778, 782, 784, 790, 792, 800, Kingscote 561 809,813 Kirchhoff, G. R. 297, 306 Layard, D. P. 124 Kirwan, R. 156, 188, 194, 23 I, 268, 272, Le Blanc (Leblanc), F. 816; N. 70, 559,563 280,291,293,313,334,337-8,368,415, Lebon,P.826 422,427,44°,448,461,482-3,49°,5°3, Le Canu, L. R. 548 506, 513, 518, 528-9, 565, 569, 573, 579­ Lee 823 580,609,614,617-19,621,623,629,636­ Le Fevre, N. x7-25, 3 I 637, 644, 649, 65 1, 656-7, 66o-7x, Le Fevre de Gineau, L. 409, 443-4, 452, 677, 682, 685, 737-9, 747, 753, 782, 765 792 Legay 63 Kitaibel, P. 657 Lehmann,J.G.98,168,553 Kjellstrom, P. M. 207 Lelievre, C. H. x06, 563 Klaproth, M. H. 194, 218, 297, 417, 493 Lemery, L. 34, 39, 4X-2, 51', 56, 167, 554, 553, 570-1, 587-8, 593, 597, 601, 642, 607-8,618;N. 25,27-4x,47-8, 66,71-2, 654-8,706 81, III, 128, 134, 145,395,561,643 Klettenberg, Frl, 604 Leonhardi, J. G. 126, 195,494,616-19, 624, Knape, D. H. 599 633 Knight, R. 699 Le Pileur d' Apligny 67, 515 Kohlrausch, F. 306 Le Roi (Roy), C. 308, 347,763,814 Kopp, E. 562 Leske, N. G. 662 Korsemann, G. 179 Leslie, J. 697; P. D. 614 Kosegarten, A. J. F. 108 Level, I. A. 182 Krafft, G. W. 379 Lewis, W. 137, 176, 217, 3°1, 483 Krenger 152 Lhuyart - see Elhuyar Kuhlmann, C. F. 344 Libavius, A. 4, 16, 558 Kunckel, J. 42, 44, 51, 203, 559-60, 59 1, Lichtenberg, G. C. 459, 49 1 606,608 Liebig,J·479,544,546,555-6,704,714 Kurnakow, N. S. 650 Ligerie 37 Kurz, A. 700 Limbourg, J. P. de 55,100, 607 INDEX OF NAMES Lindenmarck, j. M. 235 Maugharn, W.725 Link, H. F. 657,688; r. H. 173 Maunoir 558 Linnaeus, C. 176, 180 Maupertuis, P. L. M. 58 Lipowitz, A. 550 Mayer,]. T.493, 590, 623 Lister, M. 41, 1°9,706 Mayerne, T. de 16 Li ttlewood 123 Mayow,].34,52,109,114,118-19,123,162, Locques, N. de 26 223,249,285,299,392,418,431-2,460, Lokk 208-9 47 1,478,539, 6°5 Lombard 96 Meese, B. C. 85 Lomonosov, M. V. 201-4,4°1 Megnie 451-2 Londons 823 Meissner, K. F. W. 660 Loos, O. de 153 Mendeleeff, D. I. 685 Lorgna, A. M. 467,559 Mengaud 120 Losh, W. 563 Mennander,].H.235 Lower, R. 402 Menon, Abbe 88 Lowitz, j. T. 585-7 Menzies, R. 476 Lowther,]. 109,249,313 Merklein 550 Lubbock, R.4S9, 524, 614, 626-7, 629, 738 Mersey, M. 64 Lucretius 247 Mesue 8 Lull, R. I Meusnier, J. B. M. C. 370, 406, 435, 439, Lux 724 442 f., 445 t., 468, 533, 617 Luz,]. F. 324 Meyer, ]. C. F. 178, 188, 191, 193-4, 215, 230-1, 562, 568, 580 ; J. F. 72, 87, 92, Macbride, D. 103, 140, 142-4, 150-1,247- 145-6, 152-3, 388~, 395, 434, 519-20, 248,317,387-9,520 567, 574, 576, 587, 594, 613, 615, 618; Mac(}regor,]·508 L·479 Macie,]. L. 547 - see Smithson Michell,]. 261, 296, 306 Macintosh,~.89,91, 217, 509,553 Milles, J. 124, 705 Mackaile, M. IS Milner, I. 343 Maclean,]. 245, 272 Minckelers,]. P. 826 McNab, r. 309 Mitchell, J. 70 Macneven,W.].753,8IJ Mitchill, S. L. 254, 276, 294­ Maconius,N.235 Mitscherlich, E. 250, 478 Macquer,P.]. 31, 52, 54,63,67-8,73,77, Mitouard 78, 382, 386 So-()O, 94, 99, 102-5, 135, 138, 140, 190 Model, J. (}. 57,71,575 268,298, 300, 310, 325, 369, 381-4, 399, Mohr, K. F. 724 4°2,4°4,421-2,434,436,462,467,489, Mohs, F. 662 497, 514, 535-6, 540, 545, 578, 616, 628, Moitrel d'Element 112 630,636 Monge, G. 103, 343-4, 442 f., 445 f., 449, Magellan, ]. H. de 156, 174, 248, 254, 279, 468,488,493,497-8,510,518,53°,617, 324,444,662 662,7°4,793,816 Magnus, G. 478 Mongez,A.337,494 Maillard 383 Monnet, A. G. 54, 101, 174,230 Mairan,].]. D. de 153,420,722 Monro,D. 124,3 t o,555,559 Malaguti, F. J.698 Mons.}, B. Van 491,493, 562, 584, 590,633 Malebranche, N. 36 Monten, J. A. 235 Malherbe,]. F. M. 562-3 Montet, r. 528 Malouin, P.]. 72 Montgolfier,]. M. 105,445 Malpighi, M. 122, 279 Montigny, T. de 68, 369,4°4,4°7 Malus,]. de 65 Montrose, Duke of716 Mannecrantz, F. W. 183 Morgan,]. C. 615 ; W. 157 Mansfield, C. B. 75 Morichini, D. P. 548 Marat,]. P. 535,607 Morin, C. 176 Marcadieu 686 Morozzo (Mouroux), C. L. 127,492,774 Marcet, A. 77,597,697-8,707;].7°8 Morris, M. 124 Marchand, A. 195,615 Morveau - see Guyton Maret,H.l06,517,521,534,594 Moscati, P. 323 Marggraf, A. S. 70, 77, 104, 130, 176, 209, Moser, L. F. 548 214, 378~, 381, 387, 394, 559, 568, 592, Moslyn, R. 109 659,699 MUller, P. 3 Marherr, P. A. 55, 236 Munster, S. 66 Mariotte, E. I 1,43, 163, 377 Murdoch (Murdock), W. 824,826 Marivetz, E. C. de 482 Murry, ]. (of Belfast) 691; (of Edinburgh) Marquardt 553 71,647,651-2,666,673,687,747-8,763, Marti y Tranques, A. 325 774 Martineau, H. 708 Mushet, D. 105 Martyn,]. 124 Muspratt, ]. 564 Marum, M. Van 342-3, 456, 584,7°4 Musschenbroek, P. van 607,624 Maud,]. 109,313 Mussin-Pushkin, A. 553,699 INDEX OF NAMES Napoleon 498-9 Plisson, A. A. 555 Nash,]. 751 Plomgren, C. A. 182 Neret 815 Plummer, A. 127, 529 Neumann, c. 54, 528, 609 Pluvinet 367, 518 Newland 123 Pococke, R. 55 Newman,]. 725 Poemer, C. W. 233 Newton, I. 33, 52-3, 58-9, 104, 114, 117, Poliniere, P. 112 123, 134, 159, 236, 308, 381, 519, 522, Pomet, P. 31 624,731-2,736,761,763,765,767,778, Poppius, H. 20 79 1,808 Portal, C. 636 Nicholson, W. 490, 614, 635 Pott,].H.54,7°,378,57°,609,617 Nicolas, P. F. 712 Pouilletier de la Salle, F... P. L. 88, 547, 550 Nieuwland, P. 466, 584 Preisser, F. 603 Nieuwentyt, B. 118 Priestley, ]. 84, 94, 103, 106-7, 112, 119, Nooth,]. M. 248 122-3, 126, 130, 135, 140, 144, 151, 162, Nordenskiold, A. E. 179,207 1894)0, 194-5, 199, 214, 219-22, 237­ Norell, C. 182 3°1,3°5,311,314-15,318,320,323,325 t., Nostredame, M. de 16 336-9, 340, 342, 345, 352, 355, 35~2, 380, 387-8, 392-3, 395, 397, 399, 400, Oersted, H. C. 600 402-16, 421-2, 425, 430, 436, 44 1, 445, Ohm,P.200 448-9,459,469,471,477,482,49°,493• Opoix, C. 85, IOO,482 495, 500, 502, 520-1, 524, 539, 54 1, 584, Osburg; ]. F. 559 592, 614, 617- 18, 621, 637, 663-4, 689, 69 1, 709, 728, 730, 739, 772, 777, 781, Page,]. 56o 781,813-15 Pajot des Channes 507 Primerose.Tc aj Palissy, B. 558 Pringle,]. 124, 141, 143,249,313 Para du Phanjas 53, 490 Proust, L. G. 77, 106, 236,459,461,482,544, Paracelsus 1,6,8,19,31,58,605 546,577,580,640-51,675,678,686,712 Parker 248, 258 Prout, W. 63, 478, 556-" 697, 707, 713, Parkes, S. 707 720,724 Parmentier, A. A. 78, 89, I02, 394, 547, Proven~al477 550,557 Puymarin,]. P. C. de Marcassus de 215 Parrot, G. F. 325 Patin, G. I Quatremere-Disjonval, D. B. 96 Paulin, P. 183 Quincy, ]. 55 Paykull 162 Qvist, B. A. 216, 662 Pearson, G. 244, 457, 481, 506, 549, 603, 67°,694,698,7°4,7°8 Ragois, N. Ie 66 Peart, E. 490, 622 Raspe, R. E. 218 Peligot, E. 689 Rayleigh, Lord 341 Pelletier, B. 94, 106-7, 337, 504, 563, 565, Reaumur, R. A. f. de 60-5, 66, 69, 130 6°3, 642, 656, 670;P.]. 566,658 Reboul325 Pelshofer, J. G. 2 Regnault, H. V. 157,3°8,478,769 Pemberton 695 Reichenstein, F.]. M. von 657 Pepys, W.fI. 1°3,431,478,521,714 Reid, D. B. 722; T. 156 Percival, T. 124,283,69° Reil,]. C. 597 Perrault, P. 12, 64 Reiset, J. 478 Perreau, J. I Rettenberg 687 Perret et fils 56 I Retzius, A. ]. 77, 200, 208, 232, 570; C. ]. Perrier 518 200 Peschier, J. 633 Rey, ]. 94, 112, 386, 397, 558, 608-9, 618, Petersen, C. 171 7 15 Petit, A. T. 772; F. P. du 60 Rhades,]·]·599 Petrov, V. V. 417, 494 Ribaucourt 563 Pettenkofer, M. 792 Ribit,].1 Petzold, A. F. 172 Richmann, G. W. 420 Pfaff, J. F .653 Richter, ]. B. 173, 176, 320, 466, 493-4, Philippe Egalite 563 528,571,580,582,588-9°,63°633,635• Phillips, R. 715-16, 723 637, 64°,644,651-2, 667, 67 1 f., 674-88, Phylanthropos 152 703,712,720,797 Picardet, Mme 211, 518, 534,665,670 Riess, P. T. 548 Pickel, G. 583 Riffault,]. R. D. 719, 765 Pictet, M. A. 730 Rinman,S. 173-5,178,212,510,614 Pihl, A. 182 Rio, A. M. del 105 Pirsch - see Gren Ritter,]. W.583,697,708 Planer, J. ].589 Ritthausen, K. fl. L. 546 Plato 306 Rive - see De la Rive Playfair, L. 822 Riviere, L. I INDEX OF NAMES Robert, F. 105 Schrneisser, J. G. 320, 570 Robespierre 367, 496 Schonbein, C. F. 543 Robins, B. III Schrader, J. C. K. 234, 380, 546 Robinson, E. 755 Schrock, L. 98 Robiquet, P. J. 596 Schroder, J. C. 168 Robison, J. 132, 245, 533 Schulze, J. H. 394 Robsahn, C. G. 183 Schurer, F. L. 493 Roch Ie Baillif I Schiitzenberger, P. 543, 603 Rochas, H. de 8 Schwanhardt 2 I 3 Rochefoucauld, F. A. de la 467 Schweigger, J. S. C. 673 Roebuck,J·561, 607 Scopoli, G. A. 62, 215, 448 , 528, 5c)o, 635 Rollo, J. 530, 549 Scott, Sir W. 264; W. 628 Roloff, J. C. H. 483,660 Sebastiani, G. H. 99 Romme, C. 467 Segener, J. A. 599 Roper, R. 509 Seguin, A. 106-7, 325, 367, 37 1, 443, 452, Rose, H. 699, 706; v. 317, 416, 528, 579, 47 2 597,654,659,7°0 Seignette, E. J. and P. 48 Rothe, G. 74-5 Seip, J. P. 123, 249 Rouelle, G. F. 55, 71, 73-5, 84, 93-4, 99, Selle, C. G. 580,613 170,390,393-4,498,522,542,640;H.~. Sellin, E. O. 235 76-8, 98, 379, 382, 458, 528, 546, 549, Senac, J. B. 58 642,7°7-8 Senckenberg, C. H. 124 Roux, A. 103 Sendivogius 2 Roy, L. de 3, 380-1 Senebier,J. 255,'Z80-3, 324,434,469,495 Rozier, F. 95, 494, 557 Seneca 648 Rudenschold, U. 176 Severgin, W. M. 494 Rudiger, A. 100, 236, 615 Severinus, P. 1,7 Rumford, Count 283,7°9,718,765,823 Shaw, P. 124; T. 58 Rupp, T. L. 272 Shee, H. 564 Ruprecht, A. von 218, 571 Shelburne, Lord 241 Rush, B. 130 Shipton, J. 41 Rutherford, D. Z64, 291,388,571,722 Shirley, T. 1°9 Rutty, J. 124 Sicard, R. A. C. 55-6 Sickingen, Count von 699 Sachs, P. J. 98 Sigaud de la Fond, J. A. 105, 114, 254, 436 Sage, B. J. 73, q6-8, 99, 174, 198,236,369, Silliman, B. 247, 827 381, 386-7, 403, 434, 466-7, 47 1, 482, Simon 37; J. E. 572 565 Simpson, W. 124 Saint-Fond, F. 561 Singleton 561 Salmon, w. 41 Skey,S·561 Saluzzo (Saluces), G. A. 127,252 Slare, F. II I, 161 Sande, van den 587 Sloane, H. 7 I Sandemann 700 Smeth, D. van 149, 387-9 Saron, J. B. G. Bochart de 458 Smithson, J. 547,710 Saussure, H. B. de 134,186,323,351,763­ Smyth, J. C. 529 764; N. T. de 283-4, 324-5, 508, 787, Sodelius, G. 182 816 Somerville, Mrs M. 548 Sauvageon, G. 8 Sourander 179 Sauvages de la Croix, P. A. de 66, I 14 Souton 563 Saxholm, P. 166 Spallanzani, L. 62,476,478,591 Scaliger, J. C. 176 Spielmann, J. R. 96, 522, 528, 609 Scharenberg, J. P. 182 Spilsbury 725 Scheele, C. W. 72, 77, 88, 93, 1° 3, 106, 133, Stahl, G. E. 51, 54,62,72,74,78, 82-3, 87, 135,189,191-2,194-6,198,200-1,2°4• 91-2,117,129,135,178,191-2,2°9,236, 234,245,254,264,267,279,29°,296,310, 298, 363, 395, 418, 422, 425, 462, 480, 322-3, 325, 336, 370, 380, 4°6-7, 409, 489-9°,513,519,525-6,532,586,6°5-6, 412,43°,444,462,468,5°5,513,517-18, 609,616-17,636,746 525-6, 539, 541, 545-6, 549, 555-6, 559, Stanley, J. T. 132 562, 568-70, 577-9, 589, 593, 596, 618, Stevens, E. 62 628-30,636,642,649,670,729,747 Storr, G. K. C. 568 Scheffer,H. T. 71,175-7,188,191-2,198, Stoultz 444-5 · 586,594,609,614 Strauss 699 Schelling, F. G. J. 638 Stromeyer, F. 659 Scherer, A. N. 300, 483, 493-4, 576, 59S, Struve, H. 100 637; J. B. A. 483, 59S Stukeley, W. 113 Schiller, J. ~. 583, 633 Suersen, J. F. H. 544 Schindler, C. C. 57 Sutton, S. 120 Schlegel, J. C. T. 568 Suvigny 419 Schluter, C. A. 68 Swab, A. 173, 181 INDEX OF NAMES Swartz, E. 699 Vigani, J. F. 113 Swedenborg, E. 164-7 Vigenere, B. de 15 Swederus, M. 183, 219-20 Villaris 63 Swediaur, F. 561, 590 Villette, F. 43 Sylvander, E. V. 236 Villon, A. 8 Sylvestre 704 Vogel, F. C. 581; R. A. 72, 99, 591, 595, Sylvius de Ie Boe 62 608,61 I, 613 Syme,].89 Voigt,]. H. 615 Symmer, R. 66 Volta, A. 95, 180, 293, 326, 434, 448, 453, 518,54°,592,769,771,793,814 Tachenius, 0.57,74,145,395 Voltaire, F. M. A. de 53,606 Taddei, G. 546 Vrolik, G. 27~ 'Targioni, C. A. 381 Taylor, B. 155; T. 550,714 Wackenroder, H. W. F. 718 Teichmeyer, H. F. 88 Waldie, D. 437 Tellier - see Courtanvaux Walker, J. 124,278, 561; R. 309 Tennant, C. 508-9, 562; Smithson 105, Wall,J. 124 531,555,696,698,703-5 Wallerius, ]. G. 88, 163, 16cr7z, 173, 180, 'Thenard, L. G. 94, 274,498,514,516,544 609; N. 763 555, 582, 596, 599, 64 1, 646, 653, 67 1, Ward,].560 7°7,712,784 Wargentin, P. V. 407 Theophrastos 306 Warltire, J. 233, 258, 326-7, 330, 337-8, Thibaut, P. 26 352 , 410, 765 Thomsen, J. 462 Walsh, J. 61, 306 Thomson, R. D. 717; T. 108,482,556,581, Wasserberg, F. A. X. von 36, 574 636,646,651-2,658-9,696,701-2,716­ Watson 320, 792; H. H. 822; N. 763; R. 90, 721, 75 1, 765, 774, 776, 794, 812, 817, 344,380,426 820, 824-5;T.S·777 Watt, J. 153-4, 262, 269-70, 293, 298, 300, Thouret, M. A. 547 327, 336, 338, 344-5, 439, 44 1 f., 449, Thouvenelbros·411,466,513,559 490, 508, 561, 573,618, 813,826;J.junr. Tiedemann, F. 478 482,637,690 Tiemann, W. A. 510 Wedgwood,J. z41,297-8, 327, 346;T. 297 Tillet, M. 68, 6oc) Well,J.J.146-7,595 Tilloch, A. 699 Wenell, E. 236 Tingry, P. 280 Wertmuller, C. H. 182 Tondi (Tondy), M. 218, 571 Wetzlar, G. 298 Toumefort, J. P. de 31,41,5°,56 Whytt, R. 136 Tresfel, M. de 28 Wilcke, J. C. 155, 307, 427, 463 Triewald, M. 120, 159, 379 Wilkinson, I. 239 Trommsdorff, J. B. 483, 493-4, 575, 583, Williams, J. 142 587-9,633,635, 687;W. B.587 Williamson, J. 140-1 Troostwijk (Troostwyk), P. van 276, 343, Wilson, A. 479; W. 553 347,456,466,584 Winch 414 Tschimhaus, E. W. von 43 Winster, J. 135 Tunborg, A. N. 196,199 Winterl, 599 Tupputi, R. 688 Winzer (Winsor) F. A. 826 Turner, E. 559,717,721; J. 219, 593; of Winzler, Z. A. 826 Liverpool 241, 247 Withering, W. 299, 360 Twaddell 91 Woltersdorf, J. L. 171 Wood, C. 176 Ulloa, A. de 176 Woodhouse,J.273, 283,709 Unverdorben, O. 603 Woodward, J. 52 Ure,A·722,769,821 Woulfe, P. 96, 99, 199, 245, 286, 290, 300, 547,7°6 Vallot, A. 24 Wuttig, J. F. C. 106 Vandermonde,C.A.369,437,453,510,530 Wurzer, F. 347, 51 I Varignon, P. 60 Vauquelin, L. N. 96, 105- 6, 108, 234, 344, Yelloly, J. Y. 698 452, 476, 506, 51 I, 524, 530, 536, 541 f., Young, A. 368,451; T. 710,729,769 551-7, 588, 596, 600, 644, 649, 655-9, Yves de Michel 66 698,7°1,7°4,7°7,746 Veillard 102 Zakharov, J. 494 Venel, G. F. 73, 77-8, 189, 363, 394-5, 614, Zamboni, G. 352 621 Zantedeschi, F. 548 Vic, J. 66 Zauschner,J. B.J. 635, 637 Vicq..d'Azyr, F. 535 Zellner 553 INDEX OF SUBJECTS absolute zero 156, 235, 771-2, 801 agalmatolite 602 Academy, Denmark 159; Manchester 690; agaric 45 Paris 10, 52-3, 69; Uppsala 159; agriculture 169, 179, 366, 669 (see plants) Warrington 239, 690 agust earth 583, 588, 688 acetamide 730 air 117, 141, 144, 262, 292, 294, 300, 321-2, acetic acid 24, 40, 108, 199, 212, 233, 256, 331,351,356,413,417-18,424,495,520, 267, 468, 500, 543, 555, 572, 583, 586, 524,54°,571,576,613,618,63°,716,728; 589,596,599,643,687,712,820 absorbed by burning candle I 15; acid acetone 4, 24,40,70,77, 94, 1°4,589,712 196, 255, 26 5, 495; acts on blood 286, on acetous acid 543, 643, 693, 728 metals 190; adsorption of 492; alkaline acid(s) 27, 33, 44, 74, 82, 87, 97, 107, 163, 265 ; in animal fluids 129; bad 121 ; bodies 167, 171, 175, 192, 232, 235, 255, 262, increase in weight in 149; burnt 318; 3°9,351,377,426,486,501,525-7,576• chamber 121; in combustion 19, 252, 577, 588, 600, 6° 5, 617, 619, 630, 637, 621; composition of 105-6, 135, 196, 222, 677, 68 5, 692, 727, 797, 821; in calces 225, 228,492, 639,768,793; a compound and quicklime 5 I, 54; combine with cal­ 762, 766, 768-<} , 774 f.; condensed 122, ces 191, 230; contain oxygen 41 I, 414, by cold 426; contraction of 222, 228, 255; 42 I, 46 I, 540; dissolving metals 33, 167, conversion into 222; density of 43, 110, 193, 253, 269, 287, 313, 397,443,495; do 7 13; dephlogisticated 84, 127, 196, 254, not all contain oxygen 495,503,51 1,540, 259 f., 282, 33 1, 335, 403, 4 19, 421-2, 599,634-5; fatty 87, 233, 599; mineral 425, 449; diminished by calcination and 68-9, 95, 381; mixed 75; neutralisation combustion 118,151,252,255,385,392, of 569; of opium 1°7; organic 232, 543, 395, by nitric oxide 253, 459; dissolved 555-6, 559, 572, 577, 579, 640, 682; in water 226, 254; elasticity of 200, 204, phlogisticated 88,94; of plants 67,87,93, 6 I 3 ; an element I 17, 692; empyreal 222; 163 (see plants); of plumbago 587; expansion by heat 2°4; factitious 109, primitive 87; of sorrel 199, 232; strengths 111,114,312,323; fire 222; fixation of of45,234, 529, 569; ofsugar 198-9,232; 134, 386; fixed - see this; fluor acid 267 ; universal 97, 163, 422, 500, 6°5, 616; foul 196, 222, 280, 622; generated 116, vegetable 324; of vinegar 77; of Vosges de novo 1°9; goodness of 106,249, 252-4, 602; weights saturating alkalis 45, 317, 259,321 f., 413; from gunpowder 110-I I; 528-9,569,664 f., 67 1, 679 f., 68 5, 7°1, heavy inflammable 272, 739, 747; hepatic 7 19 229; humidity of 689; impure 495; in­ acide crayeux 1°3; ouretique 642; rosa- flammable ~55-6, 262, 267, 270-3, 276, cique 644 294-5, 300, 313-14, 318, 324, 329, 335, acidifying principle 336, 42 I, 482 356, 419-20, 424; manipulation of 112; acidimetry 723 marine acid 255, 262; mephitic 124, 142, acidum berolinense 234; perlatum 624; 247,263-4,318,418,424; a mixture 41 I, pingue 92, 94, 145, 164, 23 I, 388, 395, 413, 762; nitre in 258; nitrous - see this; 519, 567, 570, 574, 580, 59 1, 594, 61 3, passed through red-hot metal tube III; 61 5, 618 ; pinguedinis 599 phlogisticated 253, 263, 294, 306, 318, action at a distance 638 321-2, 618, 622, 625 (see nitrogen); in active mass 581, 644 plants 121-2; -pump 300; pure 495; adherence 50, 522, 595 respirable 694 (see oxygen); a solvent adiabatic expansion 765 (see cold) 149; sparking 286, 637; test of 322; adipocire 108, 547, 550, 62 5, 7 II vegetable acid 256, 267; vital 421, 425, adsorption 127, 230-1, 265, 296, 585,721, 629, 637; vitiated 222, 252, 277; vitriolic 72 9 acid 256, 266; from water 294-5; water aerial acid 189, 252, 627 vapour in 762 aestus 150 albumin 550,556,711,820 affinity 4, 35, 52 f., 59, 60, 86, 92, 99, 102, alcaptonuria 707 107, 129, 134, 138, 165, 169, 185, 235-6, alchemy 8, 13, 15,21,32,42-3, 50, 91, 160, 297, 310, 460-1, 49 8-<} , 524, 568, 574, 162, 171-2, 185,246,3°1,521,558,57.1, 576,587,603-4,615,620,626-7,631,634, 576,589,591,6°4,671,726,73° 644 f., 648, 664 f., 680, 684, 688, 693, 704, alcohol 14, 21, 39, 64, 97, 100, 161, 177, 710, 720, 735, 75 1, 764, 769, 77 1, 775, 198, 233, 468, 479, 49 2, 500, 506, 526, 801, 823; compound 747; diagrams 129, 544-5,560,569,572,577,586,589,595­ 620, 741; divellent 669; double 676, 596, 692, 726; absolute 686; combustion 694; predisposing 545, 7°4; quiescent 669 of 56,634; composition of 233,468,47°, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 819 ; density of 586-7; formula of 785; andronia, 600 and nitric acid 34, 98-9; solubility in 657 189 ; of sulphur 596 animal(s) 27, 40, 46, 61, 82, 101, 117, 121-2, alcoholometer 177, 198, 694 141,222,227,253,277,279, 285-6,449, aldehyde 233, 546 514, 556, 559, 601 ; earth 593; membranes Alexandrian blue 602,710,715 6° 3 ; oil g I; substances5°1,5°6,548,555 alkahest 59 animalisation of food 62 alkalies) 33, 44, 70-1, 135 f., 152, 161, 163, anthracite 534 169- 71, 265, 298, 308, 317, 389, 485-6, antimonic acid 23 540, 559, 561 f., 56cr-70 , 587, 593, 595, antimony 2, 6, 19, 22, 28, 31, 37, 47, 57, 597, 617- 18, 664, 669, 678, 692-3, 727, 171, 559, 57 1, 577, 625, 643; butter of 8, 8° 5 ; in calces and quicklime 5 I, 54 ; 15,23,37,60; calcination of 19, 46, 161; chlorides 582; fossil - see soda; names cup 22; glass 22; -lead ore 658; native of 134; phlogisticated 88, 94, 586; in 173; oxides 22, 646, 648; pills 22, 37; plants 67, 87, 93, 163, 487, 568; reduc­ star 37, 172; sulphides 37, 198, 642-3 tion of 582,597; saturating acids 43,317, antiphlogistians 415,482 320 (see acids); strengths of 87; vegetable antiphlogistic hypothesis 4 17, 485, 488 f., - see potash; volatile - see ammonia 499, 50 I, 507, 590, 664, 688, 694, 708, alkaligene 487 736,738 alkalimetry 723 antiseptics 143, 254 alkaline earths 134 ants44,78,164,200,579,687,693 alkaloids 566 apatite 658 alkapton 707 aphis-fly green 7 I ° allanite 7 I 8 apparatus 126-7,484,533,724,758 allantoic acid, allantoin 556 aqua regia 288, 506, 540, 591 alloys 530, 650, 701 aragonite 581,602,657,659 almonds 597 arc process 343 aloes 547 Argand lamp 35 1,533 alum 42,49,52, 102, 179-80, 191, 381,419, argol gSf 5° 1, 553, 559, 570, 591, 658, 677, 682, argon 341 8°4, 820; red 178; shale 658 aroma 546 alumina 52,68, 568-9, 582, 657, 677 arsenates 87, 5°1, 820 aluminium acetate 692; mellitate 597 37, 87, 102-3, 168, 171, 177, 190, amalgams 100, 523, 6°3, 650 196,218, 570-1, 593,602,612,618,659; amber 6, 21, 39, 67, 191, 601 ; flowers of 14 acid 88,1°3,196,218,221,310,565,568, ambergris 108, 583, 603 685; chloride 26, 37; -copper alloy 177; ambrosia 152 hydride 2 I 8, 290, 597, 642, 66o; liquor amer 547 523; oxides 582,641,685; poisoning 587, ammonia 34, 40, 84, 87, 91, 102, 138, 144, 659; in sulphur 688; in tin 394 149, 161, 163, 169, 199, 221, 523, 530, asbestos 198 562, 570, 572, 576, 579, 6° 7, 73 1; asparagine, aspartic acid 556 adsorbed by charcoal 265; chlorine and assaying 57,68,82,91, 160, 166, 186,609 5°2; combustion of 823-4; composition astringent principles 144, 151, 199,523,71 I of227,265,487,502,638,687;decompo­ astrology 32,163 sition by electric sparks or heat 265-6, atmosphere 768; composition at difft. 343, 5°2, by lead oxide 265; formed in heights 79 1-3; of fire 735,739,767,774; putrefaction 89; fumes with acids 5I, of planets 698 265; gas 265, 416; hydrate 541; liquid atomic models 78o; theory 139, 158, 296, 532; from nitrogen 747; oxidation 343, 603, 638, 650, 680, 686, 693, 696, 701-3, 642; by reduction of nitric acid or nitric 708, 716, "'19, 740, Dalton's 782 f., 786, oxide 288, 5°2-3; -soda process 565; vols. 798, 802; weights 7 I 3, 720, 726, 744, combining with acid gases 267; in water 747-8, 784 (first table), 789, 801 f., 808 f., 3 19 812 (standard); atoms 13, 33, 134, 522, ammonium acetate 199; amalgam 723; 600, 693, 70 1-3, 727 f., 749 f., 767-8 amidosulphite 266; carbonate 138, 265, (repulsion), 783, 791, 796, 798, 802 821; chloride 562, 564, 569, 73 I; (compound), 806, 822 cyanide 234; fluoride 267 ; nitrate 93, attraction 52,55,60,62,117,122,138,168, 100, 142, 255, 343, 5° 2, 584, 638, 687, 184, 297, 521-2, 653, 693, 727 f., 735, 794; polysulphide 3, 92 ; salts 34, 723; 741,751,771,774,801,8°7,823 sulphide 585; tartrate 3 I 2, 5°°; urate aurora 761 698,714 aurum album, paradoxicum, problemati- amnic acid 556 cum 657 amniotic liquor 6° 3, 714 Austral sand 297 amphoteric bodies 599 auto da fe 49 I analysis 82, 142, 177, 185-6,319,551,553­ Avogadro's hypothesis 780-1 554, 573, 581, 588, 601, 64 1, 658-9, azote 424, 48 I, 486-7, 560 671 f., 694, 713, 721-2, 801, 827; in­ direct 685 baking 72, 102, 178 anatase 554 balance 133, 201, 518,710 INDEX OF SUBJECTS balloon 105, 133, #5, 517 brain 551, 603 barilla 312, 562 brandy, 40, 100,177-8,248,299,571,575, barium 571, 596; compounds 104, 134, 170, 577,585 186,191,212-13,271,291,297,299,458, brass 56, 101, 166, 168, 171, 176, 583 532,54°,553,559,568,571-2,582,586• Brazil wood 186 587,658-9,686-7,712,721-2 brewing 720 barley 643 brick-making 198 barometer 3°7,758 briquettes 587 barote 532 brochantite 716 532, 559 bronze 568 baryto-calcite 7 I 6 brookite 716 basalt 198, 658 bryony 45 bases 70, 74, 87, 424, 486, 576, 588, 600, burette 507 677,797; strengths of 529 burning 466; glass 19, 258; mirror 43, 5 I bayonets 510 butylene 820 Beckmann thermometer 307 beehive shelf 250 cacao butter 44 beer 349-50 cacodyl 96 beeswax 603 cadmium 602, 6°4, 660, 715 belladonna 556 cajeput oil 570 bell-metal 566 calamine 44,166,670,710 benzoic acid 3, 14, 16, 78, 108, 232, 544, calc spar 570, 581 577,583,588-9,6°3,723 calcareous acid 298 benzoin 3, 16,21 calces 51, 54-5, 83, 94, 127, 186, 19'6, 225, Berthollide compounds 650 247, 390, 422, 5° 1, 570-1, 573, 599 beryl 553, 588; beryllium 553,657, 685 (acidic), 6°7, 61 I f., 617-18, 622, 629, bezoar 16, 19, 550, 6°3; bezoardic acid 550; 637; reduction by hydrogen 268, 663 bezoardicum minerale 3, 23 calcination 54, 83, 107, 118, 170-I, 235, bile 324, 550, 587 255,264,27°-6,285,291,294,399,415, binary compound 785-6,802,807 422, 434, 457, 461-2, 466, 49 1, 518-19, bird excrement 7 I 3 523,605,612-13,618,622,626,629,634, birdlime 108 636,663, 684 bismuth 8, 14, 21-2, 38, 55, 91, 170; calcite 657 compounds 534; magistery of 23, 26, 38, calcium acetate 583; arsenate 190, 310; 4 1 bicarbonate 319-20; borate 57I; car­ bismuthates 660 bonate 28,72,582,7°5; chloride 23, 43, bitter spar 657 49, 586, 740; fluoride 548; hydroxide bittunensI71,191,547,705-6 (solubility) 291, 822; nitrate 319; oxalate black ash 564; lead 44 189, 579, 698; oxide - see quicklime; blaze 730 phosphate 216, 236, 291, 588, 6°3, 642, bleaching 66,91,127,129,141-2,497,514, 712; phosphide 670, 695, 7°5; quinate 57 I, 577-8, 591, 669, 692; by chlorine 579; salts 139; separation from mag­ 2 I 3, 497, 507 f., 692; liquor 5°7; powder nesium 582; sulphate 49,378,657,712; 5°9,589,657,723,821 sulphite 329; tartrate 3I I; thiosulphate blende 101, 168, 177 329; tungstate 217 blood 77, 104, 123, 129, 143, 227, 285, 299, calculi 114, 121, 178, 199, 248, 320, 511, 300, 472 f., 51 I, 599, 626, 638, 689, 714; 549, 583, 6° 3, 641, 690, 695, 698, 7°7, coagulation of 550; colour of 291, 4°2, 711,713-14,737 418; colouring matter of 548; converted calico-printing 692 into bile 746; heat capacity of 157, 429; calomel 3, 8, 15, 22 (names), 38-<), 91, 193, serum, soda in 708 231,577,601,649 blowpipe 133-4, 171, 173-5, 178-<), 185, caloric 377, 421, 462, 465, 482, 485, 539, 201, 229, 450, 458, 533, 593, 698, 707, 576, 598, 615, 620, 628, 634, 636, 729, 715-16, 724; hydrogen-chlorine 725; 736, 774, 778 (atomic - see Vol. II, p. oxyhydrogen 725 749), 800, 823 ; engine 327 boa constrictor 7 I 3 calorific value 435 body fluids 707, 7 I I calorimeter 155-'7, 426 f., 432, 686, 730, boiling-point 308, 592, 775 800 Bologna stone 34, 42, 44; vial 567 camphor 41, 266, 534, 555, 575; artificial bone(s) 580,639,7°5; black 294; earth 571; 597 growth of7 I; phosphate in 215 camphoric acid 108,583 borax 34, 42, 55-6, 70-1, 82, 93, 96, 134, candle burning in air 223, 247, 252, 316, 169, 171, 178-<), 568, 575, 587, 719; 318,418, 693; flame 694 beads 185, 19°,23° cane 603 boric acid 34, 44, 56, 67, 71, 91, 134, 171, cannon 104, 517 261, 534, 567-8, 590, 593, 705; green cantharides 5I 3, 690 flame of 56, 67, 171 caoutchouc 251, 300, 555, 583, 723; botany 16o, 590 mineral 658, 706 Boyle's Chell' 22, 595; law 103, 298, 324 capillarity I I I, 230, 308 2B P.H.C·3 INDEX OF SUBJECTS carbides 584 chloracetic acids 586 carbon 424, 637, 695 (in carbonates), 709 chlorates 213, 510, 589,601, 619, 712 (reduction by); in steel 746, 822 chlorauric acid 98 carbon dioxide 78, 84, 103, 117, 123- 4, 127, chlorides 659 136 f., 140, 143, 152, 178, 189, 194,216, chloric acid 51 1 227, 230-1, 235, 247, 25 1-2, 264, 279, chlorine 208, 212-13, 232, 279, 290, 462, 283,298,3°8,312,315-16,320,323,356, 483,569,571,577-9,619,639,693,721, 393,418,424,434,472,532,544,577-9, 723, 745; action on alcohol and ether 601,618-19,623,659,667,670,683,689, 506, on alkalis 510; bleaching by - see 691,693,7°4 (carbon from), 792 (in the bleaching; combustion in 540-1, 572, atmosphere), 8°7, 816; acidic properties 59 1, 634; dioxide 54 1 , 7 12, 721; dis­ 138, 140, 189, 25 1, 4 17, 434, 593; anti­ infection with 530, 723; an element 7 I 8; septic properties 143, 248-9, 58o; explosion with hydrogen 530, 59 1, 669; assimilation 277 f., 282 f.; in coals 670; hydrate 504, 565; preparation of 507 formed on burning hydrogen 329, 739, chlorochromic acid 718 on burning charcoal 141, in digestion chlorophyll 78, 227, 281 477, 7 1I, in respiration (see this), on chocolate 102 sparking air 286, 340, in transpiration choke-damp 68, 109, 126 475; poisonous 470; reduction to mon­ cholesterol 547, 577 oxide 492 chromates 602, 718; chromic anhydride carbon disulphide 276, 554, 596, 7°7; 533; chromium, 553, 657, 659, 68 5, 688, monoxide 84, 95, 106, 199, 229, 270 f., compounds 7 18, oxide 553 273, 293, 318, 356, 420, 424, 435, 447, chrome ironstone 718 469, 482, 499, 539, 794, 8° 7, 813, 816, chromyl chloride 718 824 chrysophanic acid 547 carbonates 189, 4 18, 649 cinchona bark 106, 546, 556, 601 carbonic acid - see carbon dioxide; oxide cinnabar 15,38, 106, 170,567,650,658 8 I 6 - see carbon monoxide cinnamon 39 carbonous acid 434 citric acid 200, 233, 643, 686-7, 693 carburetted hydrogen 584, 787, 789, 795 f., classification 6,21,27, 32, 87, 127, 135,235 8°4, 806, 813 f., 824 claws 61, 169 carminic acid 603 clouds 764 carnallite 707 club-moss 583 carthamus 44 coal 163, 534, 561, 575, 587, 601, 658, 670, cartilage 7°5 705 (Bovey); gas 110,252,499,724,825 f. casein 233, 643; caseic acid 643; caseous cobalt 21, 55, 68, 91, 102, 168, 171, 178, oxide 643 190, 230, 582, 59 1, 595, 602, 642; cassia 589 burning in oxygen 531; magnetism of catechu 45 712; oxides 646; solution 173; test 201 causticity 46, 87, 93-4, 148, 152, 500-1, cochineal 44, 199,603 520; causticum 587, 618; caustification cod-liver oil 690 34,87,94,127,136,138-9,142,145,693 coffee 690 cawk 299 cohesion 143, 645, 801 eedar tar and water 172 cohobation 595 celestine 656 coke 135,561,587,591 cement 179,345,728; cementation 64,291, cold an alkali 421; in animals 479; pro­ 612 duced by adiabatic expansion 129, 195, cendres clavellati, gravelees 7 1, 559, 595 765, 777, by dissolving salts 686, by ceraunocryson diaphoreticum - see , evaporation 129, 300, 307, 4°2, 592, 689 fulminating colloids 178,187,547 cerebro-spinal fluid 707 colocynth 45 cerin 603 colour(s), animal 492 ; blindness 759; due to cerium 554, 657 phlogiston 85, 100; of flowers etc. 179, chalk 1°3,136,147,271,29°,417, 681 492; vegetable 71o; see dyes chalky acid 1°3,416-17,420,425,434 columbite 602, 706; columbium 706 chamber crystals 229 columbo root 690 chamaeleon 714 combination 91, 640, 731 f., 743, 802; of charcoal 127, 14 1, 162, 167, 235,255, 264, acids and alkalis 664, 73 I f. 270, 337, 349, 383, 523, 53 1, 540, 585, combining proportion or weight 7 I I, 726, 587, 637; block 173, 185, 247; gas 275, 798; volume 806 469; heat of combustion of 430-I; of combustibles 85, 422, 494, 632, 636, 720, metals 584; phlogiston in 197, 229 776; combustion 47, 107, 116, 119, 135, cheese 560, 643 141, 154, 156-7 163, 194-5 222-3, 225, chemistry definition of 7, 9, 19, 28, 46, 135, 228, 235, 521-3, 572-3, 576, 579, 585, 692; 'a French science' 488; geometrical 591, 6°5, 613, 618, 621, 628, 630, 634, theory of 165; history of 59, 82, 160, 185, 636,708,800,816, analysis 468,713,721, 586, 588, 720; physical 169, 179, 204, 723, of metals with sulphur 466, re­ 500,574 versed 436, spontaneous 71, water childrenite 7 I 6 involved in 709 INDEX OF SUBJECTS compound 522, 576, 693; proportions 785; deutoxide 7 18 saturated 677 dew 762; -point 762 compressing pump 625 diabetes - see urine concentration cell 583 diamond 697, 704, 7 15 concretions - see calculi diaspore 7 I 5 conservation ofmatter 377, 680, 801 diffusion 294-5, 693 constant composition (proportions) 187, diminished nitrous air 254,258-60,289 640 f., 644 f., 65 1, 680, 68 5, 693, 732, disinfection 530, 723 74°,784-5 dissolution 460,649 contagion 276 distillation 694, 705, 720, 726 contraction on mixing acids and water 665, docimacy 82 - see assaying 723; alcohol and water 64 dog experiment 122 convulsions 285 dolomite 657,7°4 cooling correction 157; law of 772 Donovan's solution 726 copper 161, 169, 171-2,201,256,299,599, dose 726 6° 7, 64 1, 7 15; acetate 24, 543; am­ double affinity 620 f., 639, 676; decompo- moniacal salt 97; basic salts 648; blue sition 682, 693; refraction 16o; salts 542 602, 710; carbonate 648; chlorides 642­ dropsical fluid 77, 707 643; ferrocyanide 7°5; green flame 67; drugs - see materia medica -iron alloy 593; native 602; nitrate 8, dry pile 351 730; ores 692, 712; oxides 230, 46 I, 642, drying tube 314, 316,452 644, 646; oxychlorides 642; in plant ductless glands 165 ashes 582; precipitation by iron 47, 657, dyeing and dyes 47, 67, 89-91, 127, 179, 659; pyrites 56 I; separation from silver 186,23°,497-8,514,547,560,691 582; sulphate 582, 642-3, 653; tinning 64 1,695 earth(s) 83, 87, 92, 123, 134, 191,485,616, coral 28, 41 658, 667, 678, 681, 8°5; alkaline 262, cork 108,492,7°5 805 ; element 262 corpuscles 202 earthquakes 36, 123 corrosion 7 15 Ecole Centrale 497; des Mines 97; Poly­ corrosive sublimate - seemercuric chloride technique 497 corundum 712 effervescence 13, 33, 38-9, 50, 137, 150-1, cosmetics 13, 16, 23, 38, 4 1, 43 248,308,393 cosmology 170 efflorescence 44, 60, 490 counterpoise globe 7 I 3 eggs, electrifying 123; hatching 63, 592; crocoisite 553 incubation of 714; preserving 63 cryolite 658 Egyptian blue - see Alexandrian blue cryophorus697,724 elaidic acid 495 crystallisation 60,74, 191, 521,601,688 elastic bitumen 658; fluid 395, 426, 735; crystals 6, 12, 33, 44, 161 (flexible), 165, resin 593; elasticity 122, 252, 645, 774-5 167 (curved), 185,57°,697 (angles), 702 elcampane 6° 3, 659 (structure) elective attraction - see affinity cubic nitre 70, 88 electric(al) calamine 710; capacities 3°5; cupellation 68, 461 conductivities' 305, 321, 592; fluid 465, cupric oxide 642 663 ; light I 12; machine I 12, 343 ; matter cuprous chloride 642-3, 653 ; oxide 97, 461, 457 ; phlogistication 338; pistol 326, 814; 642,712 resistance 306; series 18o; spark in gases cyanic acid 556 296, 814 cyanides 234 electricity 66, 152, 18o, 202, 240, 245, cyanogen 84, 95, 539; chloride 5 II 247, 266, 268, 299, 300, 3°2, 305, 342, cyanuric acid 233 434, 570, 585, 592, 600, 608, 615, 663, cryolite 554 726,764 cymbals 105 electrochemical theory 603 cystic juice 62; oxide 698 electrometer 306, 320, 595 cystine 698, 713 electron 615 electrophorus 592 damps 109, 120 element(s) 1,7, 11,28,59,82,87,117, 129, daphnin 556 485,521,599,677-8,692,727,73°,741; datolith 658 chemical 68o; determined and deter­ Davy lamp 7 15, 723 mining 677, 679-80; physical 680 definite proportions - see constant propor­ ellagic acid 550 tions embalming 75 density of atoms 796; of the earth 306; of emery 704 gases - see gases; of mixtures and com­ enamels 103 pounds 807 ; of solids by flotation 7 I 8 energy of light 85 dephlogisticated air - see air; muriatic English drops 40,59 acid - see chlorine ens primum 17; veneris 127 detonating mixtures 491 Epsom salt 12,49, 137, 152, 175, 394, 559, detonation wave 295 680 INDEX OF SUBJECTS equation 378, 460, 480 of phosphorus and sulphur 291, from equilibrium 644 metals and nitre 664; ammoniac 269 equivalents 44, 315, 320-1, 640, 665, 672, flame(s) 14, 47, 118, 185, 252, 617, 619, 7°2-3,720-1,723,726,798 814 equiponderance 521-2 flies 78 ergot 575 flint 570 eri throne 1°5 flow ofgases 306 esters - see ethers fluidity 688 ether(s) 24, 68-9 82, 89, 90, 94, 96, 104, fluor(ic) acid 267, 600, 688, 8°5; fluorine 176, 198, 233, 300, 425, 469, 506, 545, 549, 658, 7°1; fluorspar 127, 297, 559, 565,569-7°,577-8,584,589,596-,,601, 568, 592; fluosilicates 188 659,785,79°,796, 818, 821; ofspace 490 flux 170, 175 ethereal fluid 730 food(s) 41, 143, 7 13; adulteration 827 etherin 785 forces (active and passive) 46 ethyl acetate 94, 233, 57°-2; chloride 40, formaldehyde 820 94, 170, 233, 3°1, 658; fluoride 597; formic acid 106, 163, 199, 200, 324, 544, nitrite 40, 98, 108, 569, 571 - see nitrous 555, 572, 577, 579, 596-" 687, 693; ester ether 580 ethylene 343, 584, 813, 817 ; dichloride 584 foxglove 300 euchlorine 72 I freezing, by evaporation 129, 7°7; mixtures eudiometers 105-6, 135, 248, 254, 279-81, 64, 153, 309, 586; -point-curves 309; of 321-7,333,337,459,492,498,518,576, salt solutions 133; ofwater 153 592,724,793,814,824 frog 122 eutectic 133, 308, 586 fruit gum 602 evaporation 129, 300, 308, 35 1, 434, 689, fuels 435, 587 764,769,774 fullers' earth 595 expectorated matter 695 fumigation 529 explosions 68,288,295,310,319,326,425, furnaces 101, 104, 134, 167,171,533,595 584,814,824 fuseloil 199, 23 I extract(ive) 102, 546, 555, 573, 577, 599, fusible alloy 44, 104 603 fusion 186, 308, 428, 597 eye humours 7 I 2 gadolinite 235-6, 554, 657 factory legislation 690 gahnite 201 fahl-ore 658 gallic acid 106, 108, 233, 589 fecule 78, 546 galls 106,233,256,523,534,589,643 fel metallorum 171 gallstones 449 f., 547, 577, 587 felspar 177, 659 galvanism 513,71 1,723 fennel oil 577 gamboge 45, 603 ferment, fermentation 39, 54, 58, 62, 82, 89, gas(es) 84, 93, 104, 109, 135, 143, 150, 162, 102, 114, 121, 129, 141, 143, 150-2, 171, 189, 194, 250, 298, 300, 312, 4 16, 500, 199, 226, 247, 25 1, 317, 457, 479 f., 523, 522, 527, 540, 574, 588, 619, 621, 645, 544,569,571-2,574,577-8,583,616,643, 693, 730 f., 756, 762, 806; analysis 187, 689,691,694,726 758; in blood 478; coal 826 ; coefficient of ferric acetate 21; chloride 21, 655; nitrate expansion 7 I 3; collection I 15, 123, 125, 134; sulphide 643 190, 213, 224, 250, 255, 265, 287, 312, ferrous acetate 21; ammonium sulphate 315-16, 390, 396,421; combustible 824; 230; bicarbonate 320; chloride 655, 745; constitution of 465, 735, 749, 77 8, 783; nitrate 8; sulphate 21, 695 - see iron contain matter of fire 391, water 272, fertilisers 61, 574,705 274, 328, 334, 342, 346 f., 355 f., 360 f., Feuerluft 222 573,621 f., 637; density 263, 314-15, 317, fever 249,254 324, 337, 389, 396, 406, 4 13, 430, 434, fibres 555, 589; fibrin 129, 550 454, 467, 47 1-2, 669, 721, 724 (balance), filter apparatus 625, 726; paper 187 776 (ofmixed), 796, 8°9, 817; detonation finery cinder 27 1, 29 1, 293, 295 in tubes 294; from dew 492; diffusion fire(s) 123, 163, 167, 170, 172, 35 1, 500, 294-5, 772, 777; distinction from vapour 519, 522, 570, 573, 579, 606, 612 f., 619, 266, 426; drying 269, 314, 316; expansion 630, 636, 663, 730, 739; augmenting 45 8, by heat 295, 309, 765, 769 f., 772; 461; combined 82, 92, 163, 194, 45 6; formation from fecal matter 470, from -damp 68,84,109, 126,313, 824; degrees fermenting of peas I 15, from gunpowder of 25, 32; effects on gems 458; element 127, 203, from hartshorn 318, from 83; fixed 422, 500 ; matter 390, 419-22, mud 61, from nitre and charcoal 639, 744; particles 118, 137,400 from tartar 318, 500, from wood 318; fish-roe 548 -holder 714; keeping in bottles 295; fixed air 76, 84, 93, 117, 137, 140, 146 f., kindling by electric spark 814; kinetic ISO-I, 222, 300, 386, 38~1, 393, 396, theory of 778; lamp 726; lighting 126; 398, 403, 4 19, 500, 519, 59 1, 62 5, 627, loss of elasticity 255, 601; marsh 759; 663; an acid 140, 189, 252, 298; formed mixed 762, 765 f., 774, 778, 793, 823 ; by calcination of metals 664, combustion moist 769, 775 ; neptunian 98; per- INDEX OF SUBJECTS manent 532; refractive indices 295 ; heat 129, 228, 235, 351, 357,426,453,465, solubility 774 f., 785 f.; in solution 785 f.; 498, 598, 6°7, 618, 625, 631, 692, 820; sound in 295, 775; specific heats 154,156, absolute 156, 235, 625, 801; and affinity 307, 7°7, 765; sylvestre 123, 694; ther­ 693; animal 129, 156-8, 429, 43 1, 473 f., mal conductivity 295; ventosum 619; 479, 638, 820; capacity 156, 466; weighing 322, 471 celestial 6 I 8; of combustion 157, 42 I, gaseous oxide ofazote 585 429, 433, 462, 634, 800; comparative gasometer 445,45°,458,714,73° 156; conduction in liquids 764; different gastric juice 62, 129, 591, 714 from light 85-6, 226, 504 f., 634; in Gay-Lussac's law 267,748,770,806 gases 464; imponderable 438, 462, 634; gelatin 550, 705, 7 I I, 820 latent 148, 153, 307, 345, 35 1,421,426­ gems 593; analysis 187; colours 66; 428; of neutralisation 308, 42 I; non­ imitation 44 substantial 85 (see theories); from plants generation, equivocal or spontaneous 277 283; ponderable 152, 186, 195, 202, 228, geology 32,17° 336, 606, 625, 736; principle 495, 500; germination of seeds 227, 279 produced by dissolving salts 686; radiant gilding 25,91,297 226, 6 I 8, 634; of reaction 87; relative glass 44,298,533,567,569,591,616,65°; 156; of solution of metals in acids 193 ; of attacked by acids 173; coloured 201; salts in water 428; specific 155-6, 195, crystallisation 299; cutting 697; etching 204, 235, 249, 307, 427 f., 43 2, 462, 466, 214-15; flint 88, blackened by hydrogen 607,625,662, 820; theories 106,156,195, 245; oven 96; ruby 687; solubility 66 202,224,268,3°8,428,434,463 Glauber's salt 49, 56, 70, 152, 23 I, 394, 595 heavy spar 170, 174,200,213,559,571 glaze 553, 573, 658 helcnin 603 gliadin 546 hellebore 45 globulites 688 hemimorphite 710 glowing chip test 195, 258, 262 hemlock 179 glu 108 hemp seeds 583 glucina 553, 685, 738 henna 105 glucose 577, 586, 643, 689 Henry's law 773, 823 glue 705 hepatule 669 gluten 78, 129, 546, 555; glutenin 546 hepar 521, 523,526,612,669 glycerol 233 hepatic air 670, 744 glycocoll 544 heterogeneous 522 goitre 690 high temperatures 104,593 gold 3,36,41,77,98,102,162,168-9,171­ hippuric acid 78, 544, 723 172, 192, 425, 534, 576, 595, 639, 656; Holy Grail 533 alloys 7°5; in animals and plants 98; Homberg's phosphorus 43; pyrophorus 43, colloidal 686; crocus 21, 28; diaphoretic 149 25; fulminating 3, 8, 28, 38, 93, 140, 192, homoeopathy 587 227, 23 1, 5°2, 687; oxide 3, 2 I; potable 8, homogeneous 522 28, 36; purple 192, 591; reduction by homogentisic acid 707 light 7°9; separation from silver 44, honey 40-1; -stone 597, 658 176-7; and silver, solubilities in acids Hope's experiment 722 33; telluride 656 hom 169 gongs 105 horsetail 603 goniometer 697 hot-springs 27, 132, 213 grammar 799 humus 107 granite 581 hyalith 582 graphite 170, 216, 540, 570 hydrates 643, 646 graugiltigerz 658 hydrocarbon(s) 794, 833 f.; .cornbustion gravity 86, 500, 610 f., 614, 623-4 816 f., 818 green matter 277, 283 hydrocarbonous humour 473,478,71 I Grotto del cane 123 hydrocephalus fluid 7 14 guaiacum 39, 67 hydrochloric acid 381, 387, 506, 562, 593, guano 658 664 - see hydrogen chloride guhr558 hydrocyanic acid 583 - see prussic acid gum 555, 71 I hydroferrocyanic acid 94, 657 gunpowder 110, 177, 202, 366, 393, 511 hydrofluoric acid 84, 182, 213, 256, 568, (chlorate), 517, 593, 634 580,590-1 gypsum 49,87,17°, 174, 177,198,299,378, hydrofluosilicic acid 188, 213 574,582,658 hydrogen 36, 47, 84, 95, 127, 133, 141, 171, 178, 193, 208, 213, 228, 252, 256, 294, haematin, haematosin, haematoxylin 548 313, 315, 329, 335,433, 539, 573, 584, hair 557, 593 600, 6°5, 616, 632, 749, 764, 813 ; in Hales's apparatus 76, 390, 398 charcoal 272; chloride 84, 221,315,416, hardness scale 662 714,723,731,745; combustion of 223, Hare's apparatus 724 436, 739; converted into air 227, 664; harmonica, chemical 730 density - see gases; effect on voice 558; INDEX OF SUBJECTS explosion 36, 109, 325 f., 434, 466, 739; iron 4 1, 64, 107, 166-7, 169, 171, 178-9, liquid 712; and oxygen, combining vol­ 290, 293, 295, 530, 534, 57 1, 595, 606, umes 333; permeates bladder 224; per­ 612, 614, 715, 745; action of water on sulphide 229, 512-13, 643; is phlogiston 208; amalgam 98; brittle when heated in 58o; phosphide 565, 670; preparation, ammonia gas 5°3; burning in oxygen large scale 446-7, from vegetable acids 279, 45 8, 461; carbonate 189, 398, 581; and iron 229, from water and iron 194, cast 178; cold-short 169, 171, 193-4; 229, 44 6, 634, from zinc and alkali 95, compounds 678; contains carbon 459; 229, 663; respirable 227, 558; in respira­ dissolving in acids 193, 216, 313, 460, tion 473 f.; sulphide 76, 84, 124, 190, 74 1, in sulphurous acid 741,746; formed 229, 320,482, 505, 511, 585, 588, 637, in plants 559; hot-short 169, 171, 193; 642 (in analysis), 670, 739, 744 meteoric 580, 602, 641, 658; mica 582; hydromel a r native 580, 64 1, 658; ores 582, 715; hydrometer 91, 107, 177, 198, 381, 533, oxides 107, 320, 459-60, 646-8, soluble 674,714,822 in alkali 178; passive 196, 289, 298, 67 I; hydrophane 198 phosphate 548; phosphide 194, 23 I, 58o; hydrophlogium 630 in plants 42, 50; precipitates zinc 23 I; hydrosiderum 194,231,580 precipitation 175, 542, 567, 570; pyrites hydrostatic balance 177, 724; law 687 582, 645, 705 (formation in water), 715; hydrosulphide 669 red-short - see hot-short; rusting 13, hydrosulphurous acid 7 I 8 178, 7°9; salts 648; separation from hydrothionsaure 588 manganese 582, 597; stone 687 ; sulphates hydroxides 642, 646 - see hydrates 230; sulphides 582, 642-3, 645; -sulphur hygrometer 726, 763, 769 mixture 36, 228; tartrate 687; tests 570; hyoscyamus 726 tree 41 ; varieties 193; works 561 hypochlorite 213,510 irritability 589 hypophosphoric acid 97 isinglass 603 hyposulphurous acid 543 isomerism 202,694,820 hyssop 45 isotensiscope 308 ivory black 294; fossil 658 ice calorimeter 426, 730; latent heat of 235, 427; melting forms air 294; non­ jalap 39, 45 conductor of electricity 592; specific heat James's powder 694 235 Jardin du Roi (des Plantes) 4, 8,24,31,41, Iceland moss 602; spar - see calcite 43-4,49-50,58,67,71-3,76,80,84 igneous corpuscles 5 I, 57-8, I 18, 136, 400, jasper ware 297 606,608 Javelle liquor 507 ilmenite 656 jelly 556, 711 imponderable elements 465,720 Joule's law 778 incandescence 57 I incombustibles 636 kali ro incompatibles 170 kaolin 90 increase in weight of metals on calcination karabic acid 527 12,19,26,38,47,51,57,59,84,118,134, kelp 562, 723-4 145, 161, 163- 4, 167, 171-2, 177-8, 186, kennes 199; mineral 37, 57 196,202-3,228,324,395,397,399,422, kien 179 518,520,524,558,569,591,606 f., 613­ kilogram 765 614, 616-17, 622, 692, 694 klaprothium 602 indicators 35,51,14°,186,251,345,677 kupfernickel 162,171,173 indigo 58, 96, 105, 199, 30 1, 5°7, 515, 547, 589,597, 6°3,723,822 Labarraque's liquor 509 inflammability 47 laboratory 128, 162, 251, 716 inflammable air 95, 110, 133, 143-4, 252, lac, laccic acid 603 3 I 2, 348, 435, 449, 495, 500, 539, 584, lactic acid 108, 233, 555 620-1, 692, 728, 739, 813 f.; gases 1°9; lakes 603 principle 47, 52, 70; substance 222 f., lambent flame 272 694; inflammables 692 ; inflammation lamp 279,445,625; furnace 21 107,466,625,629,694 lapis ponderosus 198, 217 ink 523, 534, 559, 690; Chinese 44; copying lard 601 345; cuttle-fish 7 14; restoring 538; lattice theory 167 sympathetic 34, 44, 68, 230 laudanum 40 inorganic bodies 198 laurel water 234 integrant particles 693, 702 Lavoisier's experiment 417,729 inulin 6° 3, 659 lead 69, 162, 167, 171,390,607-8,610,647, inverse square law 245, 305 726; acetates 7 11, 734; amalgam 23 1; iodine 602, 660, 723-4 bell 61; chambers 561; chloride 559; ipecacuanha 45 chromate 1°5; citrate 583; dioxide 230, iridium 105, 555, 704 288,291,554,642; increase in weight on Irish Linen Board 141-2, 737 calcination 118, 161,2°3,622; insoluble INDEX OF SUBJECTS in concentrated nitric acid 161; molyb­ madder 603 date 7°5; nitrate 288; oxides 645-6; magic 568 oxychloride 218; plaster 583; poisoning magistery 26 573; red - see minium; soap 233; sol­ magnesia 136-7, 152, 190, 231, 248, 394, uble in sulphuric acid 580, in water 690, 492, 542, 570-2, 639, 69 1, 823 ; black in water impregnated with nitric oxide 212; bleaching liquor 508; in hard water 69 1, in wine 587; spar 571; sugar of 4, 319; liquid 691; mild loses weight on 91; sulphate 320, 582; tartrate 583; white heating 136-7 175,193,23°,255, 289,589,643 magnesite 582 leaves 281 magnesium 300, 571, 582; acetate 137; Leblanc process 462, 562 ammonium phosphate 698, sulphate 191, lecithin 551 216; bicarbonate 691; calcium carbonate lemonade 232 657; carbonate 317, 724; nitrate 137, Leskean collection 604, 662, 737 198; oxide 137, 724; sulphate - see leucine 643 Epsom salt leucite 658 magnetic fluid 465,761 Libavius's liquor 559 magnetisation by light 548 lichens 602 magnetism 59, 165, 168, 262, 299, 307, 712, Lichtenberg figures 35 I 761 Liebig's condenser 595 mahwah 299 light 19, 46, 85, 170, 172, 228, 280, 297, malachite 324 356,465,495,498,539,598,6°7-8,615, malic acid 108, 232, 555, 570, 577, 589, 726 618£, 625, 631, 728, 730, 736, 778; malt 144 blackens silver chloride 226, 297; Manchester College 758; Literary and chemical action of 655; of electrical dis­ Philosophical Society 690, 757, 760 charge or spark 296, 638; evolved in manganese 190, 194, 201, 212, 220, 225, combustion 107, 462, on compressing 236, 279, 290, 295, 297, 300, 51 I, 569, air 516; fixation of 19, 51; is heat com­ 602, 684, 723, 728; gives hydrogen with bined with phlogiston 194, 226; impon­ dilute nitric acid 229; separation from derable 400, 462-3, 634; magnetisation iron 687; sulphate 570 by 548; in oxygen gas 477, 510; is manna 41, 643; mercurii 3; mannitol 643 phlogiston 85, 268, 399, 462, 634; in manometer 127 photosynthesis 277 f.; and plants 12I, manures 34, 669, 695 277 f., 300; produced by inflammation marble 136, 558 692; reducing action of 7°9; ultraviolet marcasite 170 697; violet 227 marine acid 213, 461, 503, 616, 745; de­ lime 137, 139, 141, 174,616,659,728; acid phlogisticated 462, 5° 1, 503, 745; in 71; burning 34, 71, 136, 144-5, 174, selenite 740 179, 5° 1; converted into silica 23 I; marmor metallicum 171, 174 -light 725; slaking 71,87,646; solubility marrow 559 and temperature 822; in water 593 marsh gas 481, 539, 584, 789, 794, 814 limestone 136, 570; dissolving in acid 139; martial ethiops 445-6, 458 loss of weight on heating 12, 7 I, 87, 93 marzipan 16 (marble), 137-8, 147; magnesian, pre­ mass 680; action 46, 134, 231, 498, 644, judicial as fertiliser 708 651, 673, ratio 676 f., series 679 f. lime water precipitation 71, 138-g, 140, matches 738 148,150-1,253,255, 264,291 materia medica 3, 6, 8 f., 14, 22 f., 25-7, limits of inflammation 326; of miscibility 30 f., 37 r., 4 1, 49 r., 58 r., 88, 91, 95 r., 650 99,121, 129, 160,300,575,58~601,692 liquation 688 mathematics 674, 679 liquids conduct heat 718,765; expansion by mechanical mixtures 576, 693 ; principles 59 heat 772 medical theories 129, 136 litharge 97, 219, 386, 562, 582 melanic acid 707 lithic acid 527, 549,698,713 melinum Soa lithium 555, 655 mellitic acid 556, 658 lithofellic acid 550 melting points 204 lithomarge 198 membrane 705 litmus 162, 186, 252, 56o; paper 15 menakanite 656 litrameter 724 menstruum 693 liver ofarsenic 87; ofsulphur 51, 92-3, 179, mephitic acid 140; gas 430 223,322,585,6°9,612,634 mercurial principle 730 living in heated room 692 mercuric acetate 8; carbonate 193; chloride logwood 44, 186, 548, 603 3, 16, 22, 38, 42, 49, 91, 102, 193, 200, lumic465 505, 511, 57 1, 591, 649; cyanide 234; Lunar Society 296 nitrate 39, 323, 4 1 I, 649; oxide 22, 72, lungs 121, 123, 254, 264, 285, 472, 695 83, 9 1 , 96, 99, 220, 225, 258, 292, 294, (soot in), 711 323,397,4°2-3,491,595,608,612,633; Lux's balance 724 phosphate 588; salts 193, 684; sulphate lycopodium 602 419; sulphide 92, 581 INDEX OF SUBJECTS mercurous chloride - see calomel; nitrate molybdenite 216, 565; molybdenum 216, 230, 649; oxide 587; sulphate 100, 230 236, 582,618,705; molybdic acid 198 mercury 6, 22, 28, 38, 44,47, 69, 102, 167­ mordants 515, 691 168, 175, 292, 311, 411, 4 19, 460, 505, moroxylic acid 658 571, 574, 592, 608, 611, 642, 647; morphine 107, 602 artificial production 72; basic salts 395, mortar 190 648; calcination 595, 634; compounds mosaic gold 3°1, 566,642; mosaics 201 512, 534, 587, 638, 678; dissolved in moss on skulls 40 vegetable acids 98; experiment 417, 590; mould 574 extraction 642; freezing 202, 7°7; fulmin­ mucic acid 232, 577, 579, 589 ating 570; nitrates 649; oxychlorides 643 ; mucilage 705, 7 II panacea 38; precipitates 42, 193, 395; mucus513,550, 577,695,711 recovery 179, 292; salts 230, 685; in multiple proportions 312, 640, 646, 683, sea-salt 77, 64 1, 7°7; sulphates 649; 686,693,7°1,712,719,743,748,784-5, vegetation of 172 79 1,794 mercurius calcinatus per se - see mercuric mummies 75 oxide; solubilis Hahnemannii 587 muntz metal 298 metaphosphoric acid 568 murexide 233,714 metals 82, 101-2, 168, 170, 196, 218, 236, muriacite 657 522, 542, 602-3, 616-18, 623, 632, 640, muriate oxygene 510 643, 658, 684, 692, 694; acid forming muriatic acid 461-2, 498, 503, 540, 560, 685 ; in affinity tables 197, 46 I, 684 ; 569,59°,619,8°5,823 atomic weights 8°9; burning in chlorine muscular motion 88 572, 724; combination with sulphur 227, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4 585, 589, 634, 636, 687 ; combustion 461; myricin Soj constituents of 51, 196, 227, 501, 671; converted into mercury 88; crystallisa­ nascent state 291, 663,7°9 tion 530; dissolving in acids 313, 443, natron 498 ; natrum 70 460,485,487,621,629,634,663,673,678, natural philosophy 638,712 684, 738; elements 276; generation 21; nebular hypothesis 165 limited miscibility 650; oxidation 645-6, neutralisation 44, 128, 664; neutrality 33, 678; oxides 459,461,512 (acidic), 644 f., 528, 645, 65 1, 672, 676 (law of), 677 653,675,684; oxygen content inamounts (absolute and relative) of oxides neutralising acids 685; phlo­ niccolanum 687 giston in 196; precipitation 390, 495, 670, nickel 91, 102, 171, 173, 19°,200,555,580, by one another 47, 196, 230, 460, 634, 582,602,641-3,658,687-8; formate 190; 666, 678, 684, 687, 695, 738; refining 68; magnetism of7 I 2 semi- 168, 171; separating 176, 179; niobium 706 smelting 65; soluble in ammonia 587; nitrates in water 319 specific heats 157; spontaneous ignition nitration 75 586; thermal conductivity 279; trees 172; nitre - seesaltpetre; in air 285 volatilising 46 I nitric acid 102, 169, 192, 194, 228, 235, 255, metallising principle 612 286,299,332,381,387,424,460,5°0-1, meteorites 170,426, 554,642 511,569-70,573,601,612,616,619,623, meteorology 351, 756, 761, 768 64 1, 644,731, 740, 790, 79 2, 804; action methane 84, 317, 539, 813 f., 824 - see on charcoal 100, on oils 100; colours of fire-damp and marsh gas 286; composition of 226, 338 f., 34 1, 397, method ofmixtures 155 410, 467; densities of solutions 723; metric system 366, 377,535 formed from hydrogen and oxygen 361, miasmata 249 739, from nitric oxide, oxygen, and water mica 299 287, 790; fuming 688; inflames oils 75, mice 253,259,261,264 161; red fumes of 14, 68, 226, 286; re­ milk 123, 178, 69 1; sugar 78, 232, 583 duction to ammonia 530, 638, 746; minerals 97, 105, 171, 174, 178-9, 185, 198, vapour decomposed by heat 226, by light 200, 235-6, 534, 553, 568, 580 f., 590, 266,280,635 597,602,64°,655,659,662,712,715,718; nitric oxide 84, 105, 119, 226, 253, 323, 342, in plants 284 41I, 430, 459, 481-2, 495, 579, 584-5, mines 101, 170 593,632, 634, 644,739,749,783; compo­ minium 118,258,390,710 (native) sition of 781, 807; oxidation of 790-1; mixtion 91; mixt 8,21,32 reaction with chlorine 747; reduced to mixture 522, 68o; rule 603 ammonia 670, to nitrous oxide 503 models 181 nitrites 226, 340 mofette 413,416-17,420 nitro-aerial spirit 285 Mohr's balance 724 nitrogen 84, 140, 192, 227, 249, 262, 280, moisture, effect on chemical reactions 103, 294,298,311,318,321,341,356,424, 19° 514, 560, 592, 596, 601, 619, 664, 749; molecular compounds 745 absorbed in respiration 286; in air­ molecules 92, 465, 7°2, 727, 735-6, 739, bladders of fish 541; chloride 541, 572; 749,751-2, 8°7,820 combines with oxygen on sparking 339; INDEX OF SUBJECTS forms alkalis 559; from ammonia 54 1, oxycarburetted hydrogen 276, 813, 817 flesh and nitric acid 54 1, water 592; oxychlorides 643 lighter than air 222, 263; mixed with oxygen 26, 51, 96-7, 107, 118, 135, 146, oxygen in air 321; oxides 194, 226, 286 f., 161-2, 194-5, 219 f., 235, 256 f., 260, 742 f., 785, 794, 806, 808, 820 279, 323, 335, 337, 485, 49 1, 495, 525, nitrogen dioxide 226, 287, 310-1 I; action 540, 573-4,577,589,600,6°5,619,621 f., on alkali 288; decomposed by heat 288; 625, 63 I, 761; affinities of 461; caloric liquid 482; name 424 and light in 492, 634; composition of 228, nitrososulphuric acid 229, 290 26o; discovery of 224-5, 256 f., 396, 4°2, nitrosyl chloride 288, 290 5°°; from carbon dioxide 277, silk etc. nitrous acid 226, 345, 644, 785, 790 - see 283; heavier than air 225; liquid 482; nitric acid; air 253-4, 256, 258, 287, 403, name 424; preparation 23 1,258 f., 452-3, 459, 500, absorbed by ferrous sulphate 491, 510 (from chlorate), 63 1, 633; solution and by nitric acid 287, makes properties 225; respiration of 492; test sulphuric acid purple 290 - see nitric for in water 227; use in medicine etc. 261 oxide; anhydride 785,806; ether 78,108, oxygenometer 325 129, 133, 288; gas - see nitrous air; oxymuriate of lime 820-I- see bleaching oxide 142, 254, 258-60, 276, 289, 421, powder 482, 5°2, 554, 584-5, 64 1, 742-3, 790, oxymuriatic acid 482,498,5°4, 506, 722, 805 composition 289, 8°7; particles 6°7; oxynitric acid 804 vapour - see nitrogen dioxide ozone 340, 342, 592 nomenclature and notation 82,97, 192, 336, 481,526,528,539-4°,571,59°,596,598• paktong 179 599,625,635,669,675,712,718,723,820 palingenesia 170-I Nouveau COUTS de Chymie 53, 58 palladium 555, 597, 688, 700 nutmeg 39 pan stone 571 nutrition 122, 143, 513,638 pancreatic juice 62 paper 39, 4 1 oak bark 144, 643 papeverin 602 ochroite 657 paramagnetism 76 I Ohm's law 306 partial pressures 309, 316-17, 766 f., 773 oil(s) 82, 85, 127, 144, 170, 233, 555, 593, particles 139, 167, 665, 727, 749, 75 1, 767, 60 I, 635, 692; of aniseed 60 I; of arsenic 772, 778 (size), 787 (diameter), 802 26; composition of 470; essential 41, 44, pasteurising 233 57, 78, 89, 176, 199, 546; formation of patina on copper 542 468; gas 724, 819; inflamed by nitric acid pearl 61 ; ash 71 ; salt 577 75, 161,641; of lime 49; olive, solidified peat 179,705 by nitric acid and nitrous fumes 51, 75, pectin 556 495; oxidation of 506; solubility in pelican 379 alcohol 87; of vitriol - see sulphuric pencil eraser 25 I acid; ofwine 24, 89, 545, 693 pendulum 623 oily principle 54 pentathionic acid 7 I 8 oleum dulce - see oil ofwine perfumes in air 593 oleic acid 57 peroxide 7 I 8 olefiant gas 539, 584, 789, 794, 813, 819, Peruvian bark 4 I, 6°3, 690 824 - see ethylene; in coal gas 825 petroleum 573 ophthalmometer 60 petunse 177 opium 21,4°, 107, 161,602 pharmacology 576; pharmacy 588 - see ore deposits 169 materia medica organic analysis 543, 602, 692; bodies 198, phase rule 650, 680 23 I, 48 I, 543; chemistry 468 f. philosophers' stone - see alchemy orpiment 97 phlegm 694 orris root 690 phlogistication ofair 329, 627 oscillatory theory of combustion 490, 520 phlogiston 31, 51-2, 54, 58-60, 72-3, 78, osmiridium 105 82(,85,88,92-3,97,100, 1°7,135,146, osmium 555, 704 152, 156, 162, 172, 177-8, 186, 192-4, osmosis 123 196, 200, 209, 213, 222, 228, 235, 246-7, ouric oxide 549 252, 254-5, 259, 262, 264, 280, 337, 35 1, oxalates 34, 395 39 1, 395, 397-9,403,414-15, 4 18, 456, oxalhydric acid 589 460,462-6,479,482,49°,493,495,5°0• oxalic acid 97, 198, 200, 232, 424, 468, 514, 501, 505, 513, 518 f., 536, 540, 568-9, 527, 543, 547, 569-70, 579-80, 589, 693, 571, 573, 576, 578, 580, 585, 587-8, 591­ 719,797 592, 597, 6° 5, 608 f., 617 f., 662, 675, oxamide 820 687-8,694,7°8,727,73°,733,736,814; oxat 669 absolute levity of 263, 268, 613-15, 621, oxides 230, 460, 642-3, 646, 653, 696; 694, 728, 730; is hydrogen 268, 272, 448, acidic 678; composition of 812; sparingly 505, 619, 636, 663; is lighter than air 197, soluble after ignition 687; specific heats 61 I f., 615-19, 621, 637; in metals 196-7, of 157 269, 272, 612, 621, 629, 666; nourishes INDEX OF SUBJECTS plants 277, 628; weight of 6° 9, 613, 674, potassium 588, 705; acetate 23, 96, 500, 570, 687 ; is weightless 634 815 ; arsenate 8, 15, 37, 87, 103, 310-1 I; phlogometry 683,687 bicarbonate 71, 120, 139, 152, 189, 193, phoenix 709 229, 317, 398, 582, 586, 7°1; carbonate phosphate, mineral 236 -see potash; chlorate 491, 510-1 I, 596, phosphine 574, 670, 695 599; chloride 128, 570, 667; cyanide 234, phosoxygen 477, 516 582; dichromate 553; ferrate 178, 236; phosphorescence 34, 42 f., 66, 95, 165, 559; ferrioxalate 582; ferrocyanide 88, 94, 97, of sulphur vapour 93 186, 198,234,491, 495,57°-1,586,591, phosphoretted (phosphuretted) hydrogen 638; hydrogen sulphate 75, 236, 586, - seephosphine 650; hypochlorite 510; manganate 212, phosphoric acid 77, 88, 95, 192, 215, 235, 282; nitrate - see saltpetre; nitrite 641; 264, 381, 384, 386, 416, 425, 49 1, 500, oxalates 199, 7°1; oxide 501; per­ 504, 514, 534, 548, 559, 573, 619, 659, manganate 212, 582; sulphate(s) 23, 26, 694, 820-1 ; air 695; hepatic air 670 48~, 75, 137, 223, 236, 379, 49 1, 57 1, phosphorous acid 565 583 (luminescence), 650, 658,7°1-2,719; phosphorus 40, 44, 66-7, 76, 87, 95, 100, tartrate 23, 48, 178, 311, 508; thio­ 106, III, 116, 118, 215, 223, 228, 264, antimonate 595 3° 1, 384, 386, 393, 416, 425, 433, 462, potassa 71 5°4,548,551,599,619,627,636-7,726; potatoes 102, 695 burning 325; does not combine with dry powder of Algaroth 23, 231; metallurgy 698 oxygen 197, 325; glow III, 325,492,513, precipitates, precipitation 42, 133, 139, 31I, 554, 63 1-2; oxidation 501; pentoxide 645,648,655,721; washing 685 223,393,416,513,523,620; preparation precipitatus albus 3 523, 726, 730; solubility 492 primary matter 521, 713 photogen 482 principe huileux 51-2, 54 photography 297, 724 principles I I, 46, 5I, 82, 92; eight 46; five 7, photosynthesis 277-84, 634 19, 32, 163 ; four 46, 82, 129; seven 129; picric acid 96, 3°1, 550, 547 three I, 3,4,6, 163 pigments 533, 601 principium aeri proprium 628; sorbile 489, pinchbeck 177 627 pisolite 200 protoxide 7 I 8 pistol 279 proustite 642 pitchblende 582, 655 protoxide 7 I 8 plants 11,13,4°,46, 67,7°, 75,77, 82,85, Prout's hypothesis 713, 720 1°3, 106-7, 113, 117, 121, 171, 212, 222, proximate constituents 555 227, 25Z, 262, 277, 279, 282, 300, 337, Prussian blue 51, 57, 84, 88, 90, 169, 187, 380, 434, 468, 490, 49 2, 499, 514, 523, 233-4,5°1,574,612,641,647 555,559,579,593,601,691,722 prussic acid 103, 491, 511, 527, 544, 583, plaster ofParis 378 597,723 plating 72 ptene 105 platinum 88, 105, 124, 171-2, 174, 176-7, pulmonary concretions 714 190, 533, 554-5, 568, 593, 640-2, 687, purple of Cassius 77, 643, 686; dye 61, 693, 696, 698 f., 728; apparatus 201; 69 black 657; catalytic action of 825; purpuric acid 7 I 3 crucible 533; dish 187 ; foil 173; malle­ pus 695 able 698; melting of 261, 458, 699, 725; putrefaction 62, 82, 89, 143, 150, 163, 186­ metals 698; native 554; retort 562; wire 187, 193, 199, 222, 249, 252, 277, 317, 173,454 480,523,587,600,69°-1 plumbago 193, 216, 23 1, 282,285,293,298, pycnite 582 3°0,314,334,337-8,422,425,434,53°, pyrites 119, 17°,420, 520, 526, 561, 570, 565, 587 641,645,662,716 plumbites 5 I 2 pyroacetic spirit 712 pneum-alkali 587 pyro-acids 570, 579 pneumatic doctrine 415; trough 125-6, 250, pyroelectricity 710 454, mercury 25 1, 45 1 pyrogallic acid 108, 233, 658 poisons 25, 42, 63, 99 pyroligneous acid 555,596 pollen, pollenin 602 pyrolusite 171,179,208,212,5°7,569,571, polychreste 48 573,580 polyhalite 660 pyrometer 297 polymerism 820 pyromucic acid 232,579 porcelain 63, 68, 90, 96, 297, 593, 674; pyrophoric metals 586 Reaumur's 63 pyrophorus43,149,227,418-I9,596 pores and spikes 33, 47, 167 pyrotartaric acid 232, 312, 528, 555, 589, potash 66, 70-1, 142, 169, 177, 324, 559, 659 658, 6~4, 669, 699,7°1,718,802; bulbs pyrotic theory 490 580; converted into ammonia 96; fusion pyrouric acid 233 655; hydrate 586; purified 1°4,512,583, pyroxylic spirit 723 71 4, 726 pyruvic acid 659 INDEX OF SUBJECTS quantitative analysis 27, 133, 186,31 1,316, sal ammoniac 13, 34, 42, 55, 69, 91, 103, 319, 381, 655; experiments 13, 38-<),45, 127, 134, 161, 163, 177,265-6,299,563, 83,312 57 1, 574-5, 595, 73 1, see ammonium quartz 87, 534, 558, 567, 570, 582, 593; chloride; perlatum 23 I, 642; poly­ artificial 188 chrestum 26, 48; prunel 26; volatile 60 I quaternary compounds 802 saline principle 228 quicklime 127, 136-9, 143, 164, 169, 520, saliva 6°3, 7 II 540, 638, 728; heat on slaking 148, 152, salpeterluft 664 390, 625 ; loss of weight on slaking 736; salt (common) 167, 213,218,294,299,586; preserves sea water from putrefaction in coal mines 127; converted into nitre 69 1 294; hydrate 586; manufacture 124,129 quinic acid 555, 6° 3 ; quinine 39, 41, 106 salt(s) 23, 27, 34, 74, 82, 87, 93, 100, 135, quintessence 4 163, 169, 171, 179, 230, 293, 424, 485, 522, 528, 538, 540, 542, 554, 559, 562, racemic acid 602 565, 568, 571, 575-6, 581, 588, 595, 603, radiation law 297 ; pressure 428 638,644,667,682,693,718-19,797,821, radical 468-9, 486, 526-7 823 ; acid 74, 191; basic 74, 191, 648; rain 352, 449, 762, 821; gauge 307 classification of 74, 191; composition of rapport 52 44-5,128,133,188,569,665,671, 685; rate of reaction 568 double 75, 191, 688; formation of 191; Rayleigh's cordial 19 hydrolysis of 234; of lime 66, 72; reaction between solids 604 lixivious 46, 67; microcosmic 67, 185, reagents 186,533,588,601 190, 216, 821; mutual decomposition of realgar 97 587, 652-3; reactions of 677; solubility of reciprocal proportions 320, 640, 673, 676, 428, 669, in alcohol 669; solutions, 682, 686, 784-5 - see equivalents freezing of 358; of sorrel 12,23,34,199, red lead gives air on heating 118, 258-60, 208, 569; sub- 7 I 9; of tartar 120; triple 4°2; is heavier than lead 638; reduced by 75, 188, 191, 216, 677; urinous 46; sulphur 638 volatile 57; volume change on solution red precipitate - see mercuric oxide 822 reduction 268, 386, 444, 613, 638, 684 ; saltpetre 26, 34,42, 51, 60,7°, 91, 100, 102­ electrolytic 492 103, 128, 161, 163, 167, 170, 172, 179, refractive indices 295, 697; refractometer 208, 256, 294, 340, 344, 354, 368, 379, 697 411,43°,433,466, 511, 513, 517, 529, repulsion 122,807 532, 536, 568, 573-4, 597, 599, 612; resin(s) 469, 555, 570, 575, 7°5; green 281 ; action on gold and platinum 7°5; air resino-bezoardic acid 550 from 118, 161, 220; decomposition by respiration 106-7, I 18-19, 121, 123, 141, heat 161, 220 f., 261-2, 501, 742; 157, 196, 226, 247, 252, 259, 264, 277, deflagration with charcoal 341 284, 286, 300, 324, 367, 393, 402, 4 16, sandstone 95 427, 429, 47 1-9, 492, 626, 71 I, 714-15, saponification of esters 233 724, 729, 820; of oxygen 26 I; respirator saturation 74, 529, 604, 645, 664, 693, 702, 119-20 735 retinasphaltum 583 scale from hard water 319 reversible reactions 92, 100 scammony 45 rhodium 555, 700 scarlet dye 89 rhubarb 39, 45, 575 scheelite 217; scheelium 218 Rinman's green 178 schists 582 rivers 762 schonite 707 Rochelle salt 48-9, 56, 570 schorl gSz rock(s) 821; analysis 394; crystal- see scurvy 113 quartz; salt, coloured 602; soap 58 I sealing wax 583 ropes, strength of 6 I seaweed 602 rosacic acid 644 sebacic acid 599 roselite 7 I 6 secrets 64 Rose's metal 659 sedative salt 71,91,96,727 rubber latex 546; solubility in ether 89, 300, seeds growth of, stimulated by electricity in naphtha 89; tubing 190, 251; see 592; vitiates air 227 caoutchouc Seignette's salt 48-<), 56, 570 rule of greatest simplicity 784 sel principe 47 rum 729 selenite 378 Rupert's drop 44 selenium 200, 716 rusting 38 semen 557 554, 656 septon 276, 294 serpent excrement 713 saccharic acid 589 serpentine 394, 659 saccholactic acid 589; saclactic acid 528 sesquioxides 806 safety valve 124 sex of metals and minerals 2 I safran d'or 36 shells 61, 705 INDEX OF SUBJECTS shot, piles of 788 spathic iron ore 152 siderum 194 spectrum, dark lines in 697 silica 52, 93, 102, 134, 188, 235, 482, 485, specific gravity 97, 99, II I, 177, 428, 612, 547, 558, 568, 580, 586, 599, 6° 3, ?IO, 674, 688, 714, 724, 783; of acids 664; 716; colloidal 187-8; conversion Into balance 724; bottle 45, 50; of solid alumina 230, 568, 580 ; gelatinous 173, compounds 6°4; and temperature 665 188, 267; in hot-springs 133, 188 specific heat - see heat silicon fluoride 84, 213-14, 267, 568 specific inductive capacity 3°5 silk 547; dyeing 89, 127 ; oiled 3°°; oxygen spheres, packing of 167, 702 from 283; of spiders 61 ; -worms 179 spirit(s) 694; acid 44; of coal 110; elastic silver 162, 166-7, 172,231,298,311,607, 123, 248; mineral elastic 124, 162; of salt 723, 726; blue solution of 161; carbonate 169 ; of Saturn 40, 94; of sulphur 3, 24; 176, 4°7; chloride 8, 38, 97, 179, 554, universal 9, 12, 19, 32; of Venus 40; 582, blackened by light 227, 503 ; vivifying I 18-19; ofwine - see alcohol crucible 655; cyanide 234; extraction spiritualising principles 600 716; fulminating 5°2,512,568,57°,73°; spiritus rector 89, 546; sulphuris Beguinii 3 gold from 44; iodide 555; native 602; spikenard 7°5 nitrate 25, 38, 171, 587; ores 571; oxalate sponge 716,724 570; oxide 495; phosphate 724; recovery springs 762 179; sulphide 642 ; tarnish on 642 spuma lupi 218 skulls 40 Stahl's problem 54 sliding scale 7°3 stannate 643 smalt 168, 171 stannic chloride 21, 77, 100 (hydrate), smithsonite 710 107, 559; sulphide 301 snails 61, 121 stannous oxide 643 soap(s) 57, 59, 69, 87, 121, 144, 186, 233, starch 78, 91, 555, 574; -sugar 597; test for 298,513,562,581,657,69° iodine 659 soapy matter of urine 78 states of matter 801 soda33,49,56,69,70,77,91, 93, 104, 138, statistics 690 141, 169, 179 (native), 218 (from salt), steam 762, 781 ; engine 153, 765 299 (native), 310, 321, 324,468,499, 517, steatite 602 523, 532, 554, 559, 562 (from salt), 570-I, steel 38, 64, 103, 105, 1°7, 166, 168-9,171 , 575, 580, 586 (hydrates), 587, 596-9, 649, 178-9,193,29°,293,295,497,510,715, 658,693,699,718,729,802; -water 248, 807 591,691 stereochemistry 780 sodalite 718 stoichiometry 680 sodium acetate 70, 72, 559, 563, 693; alum stone, artificial 728 723; arsenate 88; bicarbonate 317, 579, strontia, strontian, strontites, strontium 134, 659; carbonate - see soda; chlorate 510­ 156, 565, 580, 582, 586, 589, 656, 659, SII; chloride - see salt (common) ; 687,7°2,719,722 hypochlorite 5°9; nitrate 70, 1°4; subcarbonates 649 phosphate 577, 642, 694; succinate 582, suberic acid 108,492,7°5 597; sulphate 49, 56, 70, 152, 23 I, 394, sublimatus dulcis - see calomel 562, 595; sulphide 70, 563; tartrate 500, substance rosacee 644 583; thiosulphate 95, 554 succinic acid 24, 39, 67, 233, 527, 556, 589, soils 171, 198-9, 284 592,682, 687,820 solar system 165 sugar 41, 63, 69 (maple), 102, 106, 424, 468, solder 695 471, 597 (starch), 640, 643 (grape), 729; solidity 688 analysis 82 I; diabetic 689, 708, 7 II; solids, expansion by heat 428; reaction on formula 785; see glucose trituration 688 suint 557 solubility 23, 74, 189, 204, 312, 428, 534, sulphates, acid 75, 688 582-3,604,724,785,787(ofgase~ sulphides 513,555,585,616,642-3 solute 521-2 sulphites 513, 542 solution(s) 460, 649 f., 674, 680, 688, 764; sulphur 34, 46, 51, 83, 95, 127, 171, 195, arrangement of particles in 732; are 252,255,264,276,460,462,522,570-1, compounds 606, 644 f., 649 f.; contrac­ 585, 589, 6°9, 619, 627, 634-5, 637, 663, tion on 42, 167; a mechanical process 692,744, 820; animal 57; chlorides 581, 773, 788; process of 204, 235, 788; 718; combustion of 385, 416, 464, 627, theory of 204,773, 788 (gaseous) 740; dioxide 84, 190,256,266,290,315, solvend 693 385, 4 15, 419, 464, 693, 740-1, 783, solvent(s) 121,521-2 liquefaction of 1°3; dissolving in alkalis sorbic acid 232, 555, 726 643; kinds of 46; milk of 14, 34, 581; soufre principe 51-2 monoclinic 75, 93; nitrous 93; plastic 93 ; sound in gases 590; of burning hydrogen sesquioxide 581; trioxide 34, 68, 385, 158,455,73° 416,741,783 space filling I 67 sulphuretted hydrogen - see hydrogen sparking tube 286 sulphide; muriatic acid - see sulphur sparks from flint and steel 64 chlorides INDEX OF SUBJECTS sulphuric acid 3, 13, 16, 24, 27, 34, 47, 52, thermometer 21,64, 123, 300 (black bulb), 54,7°, 141, 169,195,235,462,464,5°1, 3°7, 771 (air) 532,569-7°,578,616,663,7°0,74°,783, thermostat 723 820; action on metals 644, on vegetable thermoxygen 492 matter 688; composition of 5 I 2, 524, 568, thiocyanate 599 6°9, 684, 712; densities of solutions 723; thomsonite 7 I 8 dissolves iron only when diluted 127; thunder 110 freezing of 560, 596, 601; fuming 68, 543, tin 72, 169, 171, 178, 198, 216, 218, 314, 560, 571, 601; heats with water 27; 629, 641-2, 647, 695; arsenic in 394; hydrates 299, 381, 387, 419; manu­ chlorides 556; concentration cell 582; facture of 560, 693; not formed from foil and copper nitrate 730; glass - see nitric oxide and air 329; oxidised by bismuth; oxides 646-7, 748; plate 706; manganese dioxide 49 I; vapour de­ powder 38; solution of 595; sulphides composed by heat 290; volatile - see 198; tetrachloride - seestannic chloride; sulphur dioxide vessels 573 sulphurous acid 419,462,560,783 tinka157,727 sumach 589 tinning pins 629 sun is electrified 152 titanium 554, 586, 685, 703 supercooling 153, 357, 586, 59 1 titration 529, 822 superolefiant gas 819 tobacco 24, 577 superphosphate of lime 542 tooth-powder 16 supersaturated solutions 381, 586, 723, 736 topaz 582, 710 supersulphurated hydrogen 670 torpedo fish 6I, 306 supporters of combustion 636, 720 tourmaline 198 sweat 143 tournesole - see litmus sweet principle ofoils 233 transition state 745 sword blades 510 transmutation - seealchemy sydneia 297 transpiration 367 symbols 14, 32,55,107, 134, 160, 163, 171, tree experiment 71 192, 483, 528, 675, 716, 719, 723, 74 1, triangular numbers 685,687 748,783 f., 796, 802 f. triple compound 469; salt 5 I 2, 542 synovial fluid 557 tritoxide 7 I 8 synthesis 801 tung spat 171; sten 217 tungstates 554, 618; tungsten 171, 217, 582, tabaschir 547, 602, 710 685; tungstic acid 198, 217 talc 161, 170, 299 Turkey red 69 I tallow 599 turmeric 186 tannin 106, 108, 233, 534, 555, 597, 643, Turner's yellow 219,564 7 II; artificial 7°5 turpentine 39, 47, 161, 29 1 tanning 106, 144 turpeth mineral 42, 74,175, 192,400 tantalite, tantalum 236, 602, 706 turquoise 61 tar water 693 tutenag 724 tartar 59, 69, 77,82, 93, 133, 199, 273, 300­ 3°1, 500, 528, 577, 599, 677; cream of ulmin 556,602,658,710 311; emetic 37,57,95,192; soluble 23, ultimate particles 80 I 48, 59, 77, 178, 3 II; vitriolated 23, 92, 95 ultramarine 57 tartaric acid 77, 133, 199,200,208, 231-2, uranium 582, 655-6, 688 310,5°0,528,569-7°,572,578,585,645, urea 78, 549, 698, 713 693 ; anhydride 312 uric acid 233, 549, 556-7, 644, 658, 698, tartarin 669 7°7,713, 823; oxide 549 tea 160, 690 urine 25, 40, 78, 143, 169, 6° 3, 6~8, 714; teeth 548, 593, 658,705 (enamel), 715 analysis 13, 41, 76, 500; black 707; tellurium 656,685 diabetic 689, 708, 71 I; phosphoric acid temperature scale 64, 772; sense impression in 500; sediments 714 of 129 urous acid 707 ternary compound 785-6,802,807 usnee ao terra damnata 32; foliata 23; nobilis 191; ponderosa 191, 212, 291 vacuum 110, 624 test 162, 186, 213, 573; papers 186 valency bonds 741 tetrahedral molecule 702 vanadium 105 textiles 723 vapour 351,425, 522; density 819; pressure Teyler's Museum 342 3°8,722,766,769,772,775 thelyke 600 variable proportions 644 f., Thenard's blue 201,671 vasa murrhina 66 theriac 2,40-1 vegetable atom 820; oxides 479 thermal conductivity 592 ,718,764 vegetables - seeplants thermochemistry 428 veins ofminerals 171 thermogen 482 ventilation 120, 123, 249 thermolamp 826 verdigris 543, 642 INDEX OF SUBJECTS verditer 566 weight on freezing 694; in inflammable verdorbene Luft 222 air 272; kept fresh by charcoal 499; vermilion 93 maximum density 722, 765; mineral 8,9, vesicles 495 12, 15, 27, 4 1, 49, 72, 76, 78, 91, 95, 100, vine sap 714 117, 127, 162, 185, 198, 229, 236, 247, vinegar 39, 102, 233, 543, 569-71, 577-80, 251,310,320,381,394,492,511,534, 6°7; radical 543, 586 539,570-3,593,601-2,655,669,69°,695; violets 127 promotes reactions 152, 227,746-7; purg­ vipers 2, 19, 21, 24-5, 27,40, 59 ing 123; salt into fresh 123-4, 51 I; sea viscosity 204 98, 114, 123, 69 1, 707, 724; softening vital force 85 690; Spa 123; supply 366; synthesis vitreous earth 559 329, 43 6 f., 440, 45 1 f., 495, 574, 599, vitriol 8, 23, 34, 42, 56, 68, 82, 102, 166, 617, 621, 729, 739; vapour in air 762 f. 168-9,175,177,262,420,561,695 waterproofs 89 vitriolic acid - see sulphuric acid; volatile wavellite 656 - see sulphur dioxide waves, stilling by oil 127 vitriolisation 420 wax 40-1,435,470-1,71 I; tree- 694 vivisection 113 wehrlite 657 volcanoes 36, 163, 185, 198, 262 weight(s) 522, 592, 623, 655; changed by voltaic battery or pile 243, 293, 295, 639, adding phlogiston 83, 6°9, 730; constant 696,715,724 in chemical reactions 324; lostin combina­ volume change on fusion 63; on solution of tion of hydrogen and oxygen 330; and salts 592, 822 measures 187, 226, 249, 3 I I, 377 volumetric analysis 507, 529, 723, 822 winds 820 wine 177,496; test 587 wacke 571 woad 58, 589, 597 wasserbley 570; wassereisen 194 wolfram 171, 217-18, 642 water(s) action on lead 690; in acids 573, Wollaston wire 697, 700 667; aerated 79, 189 ; air in 249; analysis wood ashes 368, 669; fireproofing 177; lice 82,17°,175,186-7,319,822; attraction 4 1, 513; spirit 723 of 461; in calces 27 1, 570, 573, 618, 664; wootz 694 carried off in respiration 120; involved in Woulfe's bottle 127, 147, 190, 301 combustion 7°9; composition of 325 f., 436,457, 637, 685, 73° , 740, 747, 749; a xanthic oxide, xanthine 698, 707 compound 349, 435, 437, 45 6; contains oxygen 262; convertible into air and yeast 544; substitute 69 1 earth 100, 161, 172, 175, 179, 281, 345, yttria 235-6, 657 379, 559, 669, 693, 763, into nitrogen 51 I, yttrotantalite 706 590, into plants 7 1, 278; controversy 344 f.; of crystallisation 74, 188,428, 619, zeolite 1°4,173-4,188,566,710,718 686, 821; density of 666, 722, 765; de­ zinc 15, 21, 26,44, 47, 55-6,65, 68, 72, 82, compostion of 94, 228, 268, 629, by 91,95, 166, 168, 170-1, 173, 177-9, 190, charcoal 269-70, by iron 269-70, 445 f., 313,618,641,660, 695,724,728;blende by electricity 293, 457, 695, not by plants 642; calcination 636,692; carbonate 168, 284; distilled 570, 595; electrical con­ 670, 7 10; chloride 68; dissolving in ductivity 296; electrolysis 639; an nitric acid 501 ; hydrosulphide 642; ores element 600, 638, 692; a first principle 9; 602,656,660,710; oxide 95,533; silicate formation of 84, 94, 105-6, 228, 268, 710; sulphate 23, 56, 68, 168; sulphide 630, in combustion of alcohol etc. 56, 64 2 198, 457, in combustion of hydrogen ­ zircon, zirconium 568, 593, 655 see synthesis, in oxidations 342; free from zoisite 582 air does not act on iron 79; freezing of zoology 590 113, 132, in vacuum 44, 697; fur from zoonic acid 514, 555 hard 121 ; gas 275, 813; gases in 187, 319, zoophytes 7°5 785; hard 121,254,320,69°; increases in zymome 546