New Mineral Names*

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New Mineral Names* American Mineralogist, Volume 68,pages 849-852,1983 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Pere J. DUNN, Lours J. Casnr, ANoRr,w M. Cr-enr AND MTcHAEL FLETscHER Chlormagaluminite* strong with pleochroic colors dark reddish-orange and light pinkishorange. A. A. Kashaev, G. D. Feoktisov, and S. V. petrova 0982) Lotharmeyerite occurs as druse encrustationson adamite Chlormagaluminite,(Mg,Fe+r)4A12(OH),2(Cl,%CO3)2 . ZH2O, and manganeseoxides which are cryptomelane in part. It occurs a new mineral of the manasseite-sjrigrenitegroup. Zapiski at the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Vses.Mineralog. Obsh., lll,l2t-127 (in Russian). Mexico. The name is for JuliusLothar Meyer (1830-1895),a Germanchemist who devel- Analysis by N. G. Tashkina gave MgO 30.84, FeO 4.10, opedmany of the conceptsincorporated into the periodictable. MnO 0.05, TiO2 0.20, Fe2O3 1.15, Al2O321.20, Na2O 0.36, Type materialis in the SmithsonianInstitution. P.J.D. H2O+ 27.19,HrO- 5.20, Cl ll.3l, CO, 1.10,sum 102.70- = = (0 Clr) 2.55 100.15%.This correspondsto (Mg3,rFei.3, Naoos): ez(Alr sr Fe;137Tio or)2.or(OH)r2[C1r.48, v2(co)o 24]t72 . Monazite-Nd 2.42H2O. Z. Masksimovic, and Gy. Panto (1980) Bastnasite-(La) Weissenberg, oscillation, and rotation photographs showed and monazite-(Nd), a new variety of monazite, from the Marmara the mineral to b^ehexagonal,-space group p6lmcm, p6cm, or bauxitedeposit (Greece). Bull. Acad. SerbeSci. Art,72, P6C2, a : 5.294, c = 15.46A.,a memberof the manasseite- #20, 35-42. sjOgrenitegroup, D meas.1.9E, 2.09;calc.2.06. The strongestX- ray lines (Fe-radiation,unfiltered) (31 given) are 7.67(10X002), Microprobe analysis yielded YzOr l.l, La2O3 16.4, Ce2O3 3.E6(8X004), 2.60(E)(il1), 2.34(9)(tt3), 2.17(9)(tt4), 1E.3,Pr2O3 6.0, Nd2O321.5, Sm2O33.6, Gd2O12.2, Dy2O1 1.839(r0x l | 6), t. 555(EXI I E), 1.526(9)(300),t .4e6(9)(302). 0.5, CaO 1.7, SO3 1.4, PzO526.8, sum : 99.5%.This yields The mineral occurs as aggregatesof hexagonal dipyramids, the formula, on the basis of 16 oxygens: (Nd, Ce, La, colorless to yellow-brown, 0.X to X mm. Cleavage(0001) REE)>+oaCao zs(Pr e+So tt):r_a,O,o. perfect. Optically uniaxial positive, a : 1.540,e = 1.560.It Monazite-(Nd) occurs as fine-grained1-3 pm pore fillings and occurs in skarnsfrom the Kapaev explosion pipe, Angara River, fissurefillings up to l5 pm in brindleyitein the Marmarabauxite southern Siberian Platform, associatedwith magnetiteand chlo- depositin Greece. rite. The nameis for the composition.When first describedin 1978 Discussion (Zapiski 107,321,325(1978) (Mineralog. (1980)), Abs. 31, 226 ir X-ray diffraction study is needed,together with a full descrip- was called "chlor-manasseite," but the new data show it to be tion of physicaland optical properties.P.J.D. different from that compound. M.F. Lotharmeyerite* Peisleyite* E. S. Pilkington,E. R. Segnit,and J. R. Watts (1982)Peisleyite, P. J. Dunn (19E3)Lotharmeyerite, a new mineralfrom Mapimi, a new sodiumaluminum sulphate phosphate. Durango,Mexico. Mineral. Record. 14. 35-36. Mineral. Mag., 46,449452. Microprobeanalyses yielded CaO 11.9,tl.j:ZnO 17.5,l8.j: Chemicalanalysis yielded SiO2 0.83, Al2O3 35.03, Fe2O3 0.17, Mn2O316.3, 13.4; Fe2O3 1.1,2.7; As2O545.8, 45.7;H2O (by MgO 0.02,CaO 0.71, Na2O 3.83,KrO 0.03, SO37.33, P2Oj difference)7.4, E.6; sum = 100.0,l0f0%. The secondanalysis 29.10, H2O* 22.54, sum : 99.60%.This yields the chemical yields the formula, based on ) (2+ and 3+ cations) = 3: formula,calculated on rhe basisof S + P + Si : 12.00:(Na2 Caogu7.n,o?(Mn8l,Feal6)(AsO+)r es(OH)r 30 . 1.63H2O,or ideal- sg Ko Mgo_orCao.o)>. (Al,o.ooFeStr)r,u (SOa)z (POo)s fy, CaZnMn3*(AsO+)(OH).zH'O. The water contentis uncer- or zo o_, ,; ss (SiO4)o . tain. 32(OH)r74s 20.40H2O;the idealizedformula is Na3Al,6 (so4)2(Po4)ro(oH)r?. 20H2O. Singlecrystals were not found.The strongestlines in the X-ray Single-crystalswere not found. The strongestreflections in the powder difraction patrernare: 2.557(100),3.414(90), 3. 175(90), X-ray powder pattern are: 12.63(100X010), 2.9tz(NJ), 2.7 I 0(80), 2.822(E0i),and 4.94(80). 7.82(35Xll2), 7.59(30X1I l), 5.41(35X004),4.35(20X005). The powderdata can Lotharmeyerite forms dark reddish-orange,equant crystals, be indexedon a monoclinicunit cell with c : 13.31,b : 12.62. which are invariably twinned. The hardness(Mohs) is approxi- c : 23.144,p : ll.0', with Z : 2. mately 3; the streak is orange;D (meas.) = 4.2.The luster is Peisleyiteoccurs as massive,brittle, chalky material,with D vitreous. Indices of refraction are above 1.80. pleochroismis (meas.)= 2.71 glcm3.It is white in color with mean index of refractionn = 1.510.The darknessis approximately3. Peisleyite was found associatedwith wavellite on an isolated block of rock + Minerals marked with asteriskswere approved before publi- on the dumpsofTom's PhosphateQuarry, near Kapunda, South cationby the Commissionon New Mineralsand Mineral Names Australia,Australia. of the International Mineralogical Association. The name honors Mr. Vincent Peisley of South Australia. 0003-004)983/0708-0849$00.50 849 850 NEW MINERAL NAMES Type material is preservedat the National Museum of Victoria, pyrophyllite deposit at Toyosaka, Hiroshima Prefecture,Japan. Australia.P.J.D. The name is for the locality. Type material is preservedat the NationalScience Museum, Tokyo. P.J.D. Phaunouxite* H. Bari, M. Catti, G. Ferraris, G. Ivaldi, and F. Permingeat UnnamedCaAl4Ot (1982)Phaunouxite, Ca3(AsOa)2 ' llH2O, a new mineralstrict- M. C. Michel-Ldvy,G. Kurat, and F. Brandstiitter(19E2) A new ly associatedwith rauenthalite.Bull. Mineral., 105,327-332. calcium aluminate from a refractory inclusion in the Leoville Wet-chemicalanalysis yielded CaO 28.2, As2O539.0, H2O carbonaceouschondrite. Earth and Planet.Lttrs., 61, 13:22. 31.5, correspondingto Ca3(AsOa)2.llH2O, which was con- Microprobeanalysis yielded SiOz 0.17, TiO2 0.10,Al2O 78.1, firmed by structural study. At room temperature, phaunouxite Cr2O3< 0.02,FeO 0.63,MgO 0.04,CaO 21.0,sum = 100.04%, dehydratesslowly to rauenthalite. which is close to stoichiometric CaAl+Oz.This compoundoccurs study showed phaunouxite to be triclinic, space group _X-ray as 5-10 trrmhighly birefringent blebs enclosedin gehlenitewithin Pl with a : 12.563(7),b = 12.18l(6),c = 6.205(4)4, a : the meteorite given in the title. This phase was previously 88.94(3), = 91.67(3),7: 113.a4@)",2:2.Thestrongest lines 9 describedfrom the "mottled zone" in Israelby Gross(see Am. in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are: 11.49(l0xl00), Mineral., 63, 425426). P.J.D. 6.23(9)(2r 0), 5.42 (8X0 1 |, l 0l,0 t t), 3.2t 6(9) (23 1,3 10), and 2. 443 (7 ) (132,s30,302). Phaunouxiteoccurs as vitreous. colorless.acicular 1.5 mm crystals,often in fan-shapedaggregates. Forms presentare {100} UnnamedCa1-,Th1-,RE x(P0e)z' 2HzO : = and {010}. D (calc.) 2.275, (meas.) 2.28(2). Optically, H. Kucha and A. Weiczorek (1980) Car-*Thr-,RE2* : -80" phaunouxiteis biaxial, positive, 2V with indices of (POo), . ZHzO, a new mineral from Lower Silesia, Poland. refractiona= 1.532,P:1.542, and7: 1.556.Phaunouxite was Mineral. Polonica.ll. 123-136. found in two parts of the Gabe-Gottesvein, Sainte-Marie-aux- Mines, Vosges, France. It is associatedwith ferrarisite and X-ray study ofan undescribedmineral with the above general : = aragonite. compositionshowed it to be orthorhombic,with a 6.67,b : The name is from Phaunoux, the French name for the 12.06,and c 6.464. This compoundis suggestedto be related RauenthalValley in Vosges.Type materialis at the Universityof to ningyoite. Electron diffraction data are given. P.J.D. Strasbourg,Ecole Nationale Seperieure des Mines, and Museum de Histoire, in France,and the Universityof Torino, Italy. UnnamedCa-Cl-borate = ekaterinite Discussion L. E. Shul'tseand V. T. Dubinchuk(1981) Electron-ditrraction Phaunouxite was previously described by Bari in Pierre et and electron-microscopic studies of a new mineral, calcium Terre,#21-#24, 10l-106.P.J.D. chloroborate.Rentgen. Mineral. Syr'ya StroenieMineralov, 45-51. (translationof abstractin Ref. Zh. GeoL (1982),ab- stract #3v392 (in Russian). Tobelite* The new Ca-chlorborate,CazBqOz(Cl,OIl)z' 2H2O, has space S. Higashi(1982) Tobelite, a new ammoniumdioctahedral mica. group P6lm with a : 11.86,c = 23.88A. Calculationof the MineralogicalJournal (Japan), 11, 138-146. crystal structure permits localization of the Ca atoms (x = 0, y = Wet chemical analyses of tobellite yielded, after corrections 0.2 = 0). for impurities,SiO, 48.40,48.34; TiOz 0.02, 0.30; Al2O336.27, t7 .87;Fe2O3 0.57 , 1.02;MgO 0.52,0.1 I ; CaO 0.00,0.00; NazO Discussion 0.04,-0.01; K2O 2.30,3.25;(NHa)zO 3.51, 3.85; H2O* 6.40, This mineralwas describedas a new species,ekaterinite, in 4.96,H2O- 1.97,0.31,sum : 100.00,100.00%, for materialfrom l9E0by Malinko et al. (seeAm. Mineral., 66, 437).M.F. Tobe and Horo, respectively. The analysis of Tobe material yields the structural formula ((NH+)o.sgKorsNao0lE0.27)>t00 (Alr qzTio.ooFeiirMgoor)>, or(Si3 17.416 63)2a 660ro(OH)2. X-ray powder data, indexed on a monoclinic cell gave a = UnnamedCu5Fe6SbaSy3 5.2t9(4),b: 8.986(3),c = rc.a47\44, = l0l.l1(l)' for Tobe F U.
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