Youth of Central Asia: Comparative Review
REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE FRIEDRICH EBERT FOUNDATION KAZAKHSTAN YOUTH OF CENTRAL ASIA: COMPARATIVE REVIEW Based on a sociological survey Almaty, 2017 UDC 316.31.4 LBC 60.54 Y 69 Editor: Tolganay Umbetaliyeva Proofreader: Tatyana Panchenko, Assel Aizhanova Design: Yelena Pozdnyakova, Botagoz Begalina English translation by Guldana Arynova Author: Botagoz Rakisheva, PhD in Sociology. YOUTH OF CENTRAL ASIA. Comparative review. Under scientific supervision Y 69 of prof. Klaus Hurrelmann and Peer Teschendorf (Germany, Berlin). Almaty, 2017- pp.56 ISBN 978-601-80641-9-7 This publication was prepared on the basis of the intercountry sociological research “Youth of Central Asia”, conducted on the request of the Representative Office of Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan by the Public Opinion Research Institute (Astana, Kazakhstan). A sociological research in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan was conducted in 2014-2015. According to a uniform methodology, youth surveys 1,000 respondents aged from 14 to 29 each, focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted. The sociological research was based on the methodology of the German research project Shell Youth Study, conducted in Germany since 1953. Scientific adviser of the project: Professor Klaus Hurrelmann, one of the founders of the Shell Youth Study, and Peer Teschendorf, Head of the Representative Office of F. Ebert Foundation (2012-2016). The research methodology is based on the application of international standards when choosing a survey method and conducting a research. The survey questionnaire was based on a basic questionnaire adapted for each country studied, and a joint briefing was held with researchers from four countries. In each country, a survey was conducted by regional supervisors.
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