Mulciber Ltd Lunnon Farm, St Mary's Isles of Scilly, TR21 0NZ Diccon Rogers Tel: 0845 5143123 / 07785 520274 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Vat Reg No 900 9655 28 Existing Use of Pendrethen Quarry 2003 to 2015 Quarter (Q) dates: Q1 – January 1st – March 31st ; Q2 –April; 1st – June 30th; Q3 –July 1st – September 30th; Q4 – October 1st –December 31st. Year Date Activities/Key Information Mulciber Invoice No. or other Evidence Please note: this is a table of activities based principally on issued and paid invoices. For every sale of recycled aggregates and materials from Pendrethen Quarry, there will also be extensive processing works ongoing throughout to produce the material. 2003 Q2 – Deposit of inert C&D waste in pit of quarry for future recycling by DoC Photographs Q3 2004 Importation to site, stockpiling, processing, exporting to local markets throughout the year Q1 28th January Chestnut paling fence to be erected around Pendrethen Quarry by Duchy Contractors, working alongside Mulciber 30th March Clearance work begins by Mulciber Work & production records Q2 4th June Scrap metal clearance and recycling at Quarry by Mulciber Ltd 143 & 145 onwards First supplies of local recycled ram and sand from Quarry from Mulciber Ltd, recovered from old stockpiles and cleaned, graded and supplied for new building at St Mary’s Riding Centre. 154 Q3 Clearance and recycling operations continue Q4 November Crusher unit salvaged from redundant quarry plant, refurbished and converted to mobile crusher by Mulciber Ltd. On Correspondence hire around St Mary’s, including at Star Castle Hotel providing crushing and recycling services.