Museum of the Swiss Charters of

Central of this exhibition is the famous Federal Charter of 1291, which was considered to be the founding document of the Confederation.

History between Fact and Myth The Museum of the Swiss Charters shows the history of the , which was character- ised by conflicts and divisions, compromise and cooperation, the life in the medieval and of course the fa- mous battles of Morgarten and Marignano. Other themes of the exhibition are the myths federals. Where comes the histories of Willhelm Tell, the “evil bailiffs” or the Oath of Rütli from? Corresponding of the Myth was the foundation of the Confederation on the Rütli. How can we proof that historical? On the tour of the exhibition you get fascinating insights and more in-depth information on various areas of Swiss history par exempel the history of the Old Swiss Confederacy, exciting moments about the myth Swiss – like Willhelm Tell, the Oath of the Rütli, and many other important moments of the Swiss History. A central aspect of the exhibition is the history of the Federal Charter of 1291, whose role in the Middle Ages and its significance for the Swiss nation state of the 19th and 20th century are explained.

Group size: on request Duration: 60 minutes Cost: CHF 90.- flat charge up to 15 participants CHF 15.- for each further participant Language: German, French, Italian, English Contact Address: Swiss Knife Valley I VISITOR CENTER c/o Brunnen Marketing AG Bahnhofstrasse 15 CH-6440 Brunnen Tel. +41 (0)41 820 60 10 [email protected]

Status December 2017 / subject to modifications