ETHIOPIA’S CLASSICAL Overview HIGHLIGHTS From the Queen of Sheba to the rule of Emperor Haile Selassie in the Tour dates: September 13-27, 2018 20th century, has carved out for itself a unique identity among African nations. It was one of the first Christian countries in the world and Tour leader: Christopher Bradley still has a Christian majority. This classic itinerary has been devised for travellers to witness the remarkable legacy of Ethiopia's unique history. Tour Price: $8,435 per person, twin share Our tour moves in a circle from the capital, Addis Ababa. Our first stop is Single Supplement: $1,180 for sole use of Bahar Dar, close to the source of the Blue Nile, where we visit Lake Tana double room and the Tississat Falls. At , the 18th and 19th-century capital, we visit an amazing series of castles and palaces. Continuing towards Axum, Booking deposit: $500 per person we spend a night in the spectacular and bushwalk in the national park. We visit archaeological sites in the ancient capital of Recommended airlines: Emirates Axum that was home to the Queen of Sheba and, reputedly, the Ark of the Covenant. Our final stop is the spectacular rock-cut churches of Lalibela, Maximum places: 20 one thousand years old and truly world-class sites, before our return to Addis Ababa. Itinerary: Addis Ababa (3 nights), Bahar Dar (2 nights), Gondar (2 nights), Simien Mountains (1 Ethiopia is not a well-developed travel destination. Outside the capital night), Axum (3 nights), Lalibela (3 nights) hotels are fairly basic and essential services, such as hospitals and telecommunications, are limited. The section of the tour around Axum and Date published: August 16, 2017 Lalibela is at an altitude of 2,000 – 2,600 metres so a reasonable level of physical and respiratory fitness is required. An open mind and a preparedness to accept last-minute changes to the travel program are required to participate in this tour.

Your tour leader

Christopher Bradley has an Honours degree from Liverpool University and specialises in the history of the Middle East. One of his particular interests is Iran’s unique place in world art and culture. He wrote most of ‘The Insight Guide to the Silk Road,’ which is lavishly illustrated by many of his own photographs. He lectures to ADFAS, universities and the Royal Geographical Society, and has travelled along the Silk Road for over 30 years.

“An unexpected highlight for many visitors is the fabulous Persian cuisine,” he says. “Being the link between East and West, the food is a delicious fusion of culinary traditions from India, China, Arabia, Turkey and the Mediterranean where traded spices make all the Enquiries and difference, even to the simplest of dishes. My own favourite is Fesenjan (slow-cooked chicken with pomegranate paste, onions, walnuts, cinnamon bookings and saffron) on a bed of Jewelled rice (white rice with pistachios, barberries, almonds, carrots and candied orange-peel).” For further information and to secure a place on this tour “Chris Bradley is one of the most energetic and passionate please contact Jemma York at people regarding his topic, so caring, helpful and full of fun.” Academy Travel on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 Feedback from a tour participant on Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, May (outside Sydney) or email 2016. [email protected]

Tour Highlights

LALIBELA’S ROCK-HEWN CHURCHES Admire Lalibela’s eleven extraordinary monolithic rock-cut churches, a unique set of monuments unique to the region. Shrouded in mystery as to their method of construction, legend states that angels appeared to King Lalibela and commissioned the churches. Men toiled throughout the day and angels worked through the night excavating the solid rock from top to bottom to create the cross shaped edifices.

KINGDOM OF AXUM Discover the ancient Ethiopian Kingdom of Axum and the significant role it played during its zenith in the 3rd century when King Ezana converted the country to Christianity. It is believed by Ethiopians to be the location of the Ark of the Covenant. We explore the Stele Park containing 120 stone funerary monuments, representing palaces and decorated with astral imagery, windows and stone doorways.

SIMIEN MOUNTAINS Immerse yourself in the stunning scenery of the Simien Mountains National Park on the northern edge of the central plateau of Ethiopia. Enjoy the region’s natural beauties and inspiring views with a walk along gentle ridges overlooking precipitous cliffs, deep gorges and canyons. Encounter rare endemic species such as the Gelada Baboon, Simien Fox and a variety of birds such as the bearded vulture.

PAINTED MONASTERIES Cruise on the tranquil waters of Lake Tana, Ethiopia’s largest lake and the source of the Blue Nile and Tississat Falls, to the Zege Peninsula. Wander through forest and the endemic coffee plantations to the exquisitely decorated monasteries of Mahal Girgiss, which contain beautifully crafted manuscripts, and to Ura Kidanemehret, painted with vibrant scenes and stories from the Old Testament.

THE ROYAL CITY OF GONDAR Uncover the ‘Camelot’ of Africa in Gondar, the royal and ancient historical city of Ethiopia, and home to emperors and princesses who led the country from the 12th century until the last decade of the 20th century. We explore the complex of palaces and structures in the imperial quarter including the two-storey palace of Emperor Fasilidas’, reputedly the work of an Indian architect.

Detailed itinerary Included meals are shown with the symbols B, L and D.

Thursday September 13 Arrival in Addis Ababa Tour leader Chris Bradley and your local tour escort will meet you on arrival at Addis Ababa airport shortly after the arrival of the Emirates flight from Dubai. After a coach transfer to the hotel and time to check in and freshen up, we meet Chris in the lobby for a tour briefing and dinner in the hotel. Overnight Addis Ababa (D)

Friday September 14 Exploring Addis Ababa This morning we enjoy an orientation tour of the capital city, including Ethiopia’s National Museum. On exhibit are the remains of a 3.2 million year old australopithicus afarensis skeleton, better known as ‘Lucy’, as well as a collection of the colourful regalia of former emperors. We visit the Holy Trinity Cathedral, a flamboyant mixture of architectural styles and the final resting place of Ethiopia’s last emperor, Haile Selassie. In the cathedral gardens are the tombs of many patriots who died fighting the Italian occupation, including the grave of British suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst. This afternoon we make a special visit to the Fistula Hospital and Hamlin College of Midwives, established by Australian gynaecologist Catherin Hamlin and her late husband. Tonight we enjoy a welcome dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Addis Ababa (B, L, D)

Saturday September 15 Bahar Dar An early start this morning for our flight to Bahar Dar on Ethiopian Airlines. Bahar Dar is beautifully situated along the southern shore of Lake Tana, often referred to as the ‘watershed of Africa’ and a magnet for some of Africa’s colourful birdlife. A drive through the countryside, followed by a 40-minute walk, brings us to Tissisat Falls, where the Blue Nile River drops over the edge of a lava flow. Towards sunset we visit a viewpoint to see the source of the Blue Nile as it flows out of Lake Tana. Dinner is in the hotel. Overnight Bahar Dar (B, L, D)

Sunday September 16 Lake Tana This morning we board a boat on tranquil Lake Tana to reach the Zege Peninsula. After walking through small villages and coffee plantations we visit the isolated church of Mahal Girgiss, which contains beautifully crafted manuscripts, and Ura Kidanemehret, the most well-known of the peninsula’s monasteries. Local churchmen will explain the wonderful Coptic artwork and religious stories, which often differ from more familiar biblical versions. Some of these churches have treasuries where religious memorabilia and ancient artefacts are kept. Overnight Bahar Dar (B, D) Monday September 17 Gondar

Leaving Bahar Dar we drive 185 kms around the shoreline of Lake Tana to reach Gondar in historic Province, and a former 17th–18th century capital of Ethiopia. After lunch we visit the World Heritage-listed Royal Enclosure, containing numerous restored castles and palaces. The most impressive of these is Fasilidas’ Castle, reputedly the work of an Indian architect. Also within the grounds is Iyasu’s Palace, once sumptuously decorated with gilded Venetian mirrors and goldleaf and Dawit’s Hall, where many religious ceremonies and lavish entertainments took place. Overnight Gondar (B, L, D)

Tuesday September 18 The royal Enclosure and Qusqwam Today we enjoy a more expansive city tour, including the delightful Fasilidas’ Baths where sections of the walls are enveloped by tree roots, and Debre Birhan Selassie Church, with its painted ceiling of angels’ faces. We also see the Qusqwam ruins, built by Empress Mentewab in the 18th century after the death of her husband, Emperor Bakafa, and visited by Scottish adventurer soon after completion of his journey to discover the source of the Blue Nile. Overnight Gondar (B, L, D)

Wednesday September 19 Drive to Simien Mountains Leaving Gondar we drive out to the remains of a Felasha village, abandoned only recently by its Jewish inhabitants, thought to be the direct descendants of Emperor Menelik, who reigned almost 3,000 years ago. Approaching the Simien Mountains the landscape is a rugged mixture of jagged peaks and deep gorges, sparsely populated by farmers and herders. Our hotel is a great base from which to walk in the spectacular highlands towards stunning viewpoints and try to spot Gelada Baboons and lammergeyers. Overnight Simien Mountains (B, L, D)

Thursday September 20 Drive to Axum Today we continue driving north through small settlements in the mountains. After climbing Woldabat Pass and passing through Adi Arkay town we drive into Tigrey Province. A long descent then takes us across the Tekezze River, a major contributor to the distant River Nile. Approaching the historical city of Axum, we pass some typical old stone houses at Wukiro. Axum was the capital of its own powerful kingdom, and claims to be the original home of the Queen of Sheba and location of the Ark of the Covenant. Overnight Axum (B, L, D)

Friday September 21 Clockwise from top left: The National Museum is home to 3.2 million Queen of Sheba’s Palace year old ‘Lucy’ discovered in 1974; the Royal Enclosure in Gondar; Gelada Baboons are endemic to the Simien Mountains; the ritual Our sightseeing includes St Mary of Zion Cathedral, the holiest preparations for a coffee ceremony; classic art works depicting biblical stories can be found in the churches of Lake Tana; Tississat Falls or ‘smoke that thunders’ form part of the Blue Nile site in the country, inside of which are modern murals, including a painting of the nine saints. Nearby is the treasury, where every Ethiopian Orthodox Christian believes the Ark of the Covenant is located. The small treasury compound is out of bounds, but its museum has some wonderful religious items, especially a display of Ethiopian church crosses and an unsurpassed collection of former rulers’ crowns. The Stele Park houses a group of monolithic carved stones dating back 2,000 years, including the largest single block of stone ever erected in antiquity. Axum’s astonishing carved steles were erected to show the world the kingdoms great power and authority. We also visit the Queen of Sheba’s Palace and Baths and King Kaleb’s tomb, attributed to the 6th-century ruler who succeeded in bringing southern Arabia under Axumite rule. Overnight Axum (B, D)

Saturday September 22 The Birthplace of Ethiopia We embark on a full day drive through the mountains of Tigrey to visit Adwa and Yeha. Adwa is famous as the site where the Ethiopians defeated the Italian army in 1896, thus becoming the first African nation to successfully defend themselves against a European power. We shall also spend time at Adwa’s thriving weekly market. Yeha’s impressive temple is considered to be Ethiopia’s oldest building. The temple is a grid of perfect lines and the sandstone blocks are fitted together without a trace of mortar. The immense windowless walls are reminiscent of the temples of the kingdom of Sheba across the Red Sea in Yemen. Overnight Axum (B, L, D)

Sunday September 23 Lalibela rock-cut churches Departing mid-morning we fly to another of Ethiopia’s former capitals, Lalibela. Lalibela is famous for its remarkable series of 11 unique rock-cut churches, excavated from the ground almost 1,000 years ago during the Zagwe dynasty. After lunch we visit the northern circuit of churches, including Beit Medhane Alam, the largest monolithic church in the world. The church resembles a massive Greek temple rather than a traditional Ethiopian church and is surrounded by 34 large rectangular columns with a further 38 columns supporting the gabled roof inside. Overnight Lalibela (B, L, D)

Monday September 24 Southern Churches Today we visit the Bet Giorgis, considered Lalibela’s masterpiece, a 15-metre-high three-tiered plinth carved in the shape of a Greek cross. Inside light from the window illuminates the large crosses on the ceilings. Finally we see the smaller group of southern churches, many of which are connected to each other by tunnels, trenches and bridges. One of the most unusual is Abba Libanos, whose four sides have been freed from the surrounding rocks, but is still connected by its roof and floor. While the church looks large from the outside, the interior is actually quite small. Overnight Lalibela (B, L, D) Tuesday September 25 Western Churches Travelling in small minibuses along mountain roads through this spectacular highland region, we visit some of the more distant and less frequented churches around Lalibela. These churches are all slightly different constructions, each in their own stunning locations. First is Yemrehanna Kristos, built rather than excavated and one of the best preserved examples of late Axumite buildings. Created from alternating stone and wood layers, it sits on olive wood panels that ‘float’ above the marshy ground below. Our next church visit is to Bilbila Chirkos, a three- quarter monolith known for its ancient frescoes. To the west is Bilbila Giorgis, attributed to King Kaleb and home to five swarms of bees said to have taken up residence shortly after the church was completed and whose honey is believed to have curative properties. On the return journey we can see the daily lives of the local people tending cattle, collecting water and working the crops in the fields. Overnight Lalibela (B, L, D)

Wednesday September 26 Fly to Addis Ababa This morning we return to Addis Ababa by air. We visit the art gallery within the Ethnological Museum and its impressive collection of coins, banknotes and stamps. Our drive into the surrounding Entoto Hills affords us wonderful panoramic views across the city, and an opportunity to witness the arduous collecting and carrying of firewood from the high forests into the city. Farewell dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight Addis Ababa (B, L, D)

Thursday September 27 Departure This morning is free. For those travelling on Emirates flights to Australia a late check out and transfer to the airport have been arranged. (B)

Hotels Hotels on this tour have been carefully chosen based on location and service. The standard varies from four-star in Addis Ababa to simple regional hotels outside the capitol. Please also note that the overall quality and service standards in the hotels are not necessarily at the same level as other countries. Rooms are basic and clean but have few extra amenities. Issues with hot water and water pressure in Lalibela are not uncommon.

 Addis Ababa, Radisson Blu Hotel (3 nights)  Bahar Dar, Kuriftu Hotel (2 nights)  Gondar, Goha Hotel (2 nights)  Simien Mountains, Simien Park Lodge (1 night)  Axum, Yeha Hotel (3 nights)  Lalibela, Mountain View Hotel (3 nights) Clockwise from top left: King Ezana’a stele in Axum; handcrafted pots

Hotels may be subject to change (to another hotel of equivalent quality). Any for sale at the Adwa markets; the cave church of Yemrehanna Kristos changes will be advised to all clients booked on the tour. is distinctive from other churches around Lalibela; tending to the cattle near Lake Tana; Bilbila Giorgis, one of Lalibela’s western cave churches; white robes signify the purity of the faithful Bet Giyorgis, considered Lalibela’s masterpiece

Tour Price Fitness Requirements The tour price is $8,435 per person, twin share (land content of THIS tour only). The supplement for a single room is $1,180 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to GRADE THREE secure a place on the tour. It is important both for you and for your fellow travellers that Tour Inclusions you are fit enough to be able to enjoy all the activities on this tour. To give you an indication of the level of physical fitness Included in the tour price required to participate on our tours, we have given them a  14 nights’ accommodation in carefully selected hotels star grading. Academy Travel’s tours tend to feature  Three economy class air fares with Ethiopian Airlines extended walking tours and site visits, which require greater during the tour: Addis Ababa-Bahar Dar, Axum-Lalibela, fitness than coach touring. We ask you to carefully consider Lalibela-Addis Ababa your ability to meet the physical demands of the tour.  All breakfasts and dinners  Lunch on most days as specified in the itinerary Participation criteria for this tour  Bottled water with meals This Grade Three tour is among our most physically  Services of tour leader from arrival to departure in demanding. To participate on this tour, you should be able to Ethiopia comfortably undertake up to seven hours per day, over  Local English-speaking guide several days. Activities may include travelling long distances,  Background talks and tour notes walking on difficult terrain, climbing stairs, embarking and  All land travel by air-conditioned coach disembarking trains and/or boats, exposure to high altitudes  Boat excursion on Lake Tana and long days of touring. These tours may include one night  All entrance fees to sites mentioned in itinerary stops and early starts.  Tips to local guides, drivers and restaurants Not included You should be able to:  International air fares, taxes and surcharges (see below)  keep up with the group at all times  Travel insurance  walk for 5-7 kilometres at a moderate pace with only  Meals not mentioned in itinerary short breaks  Expenses of a personal nature  stand for a reasonable length of time in galleries and museums  tolerate varying climatic conditions such as humidity and Air travel OPTIONS heat The tour price quoted is for land content only. For this tour we  a reasonable level of physical and respiratory fitness recommend Emirates which offers flights into and out of  tolerate a diet that can be significantly different from a Addis Ababa from most Australian ports. Please contact us typical Australian diet, and where some dietary for further information on competitive Economy, Business and requirements cannot be met First Class airfares. Transfers between airport and hotel are  walk up and down slopes included for all passengers booking their flights through  negotiate steps and slopes on archaeological sites or Academy Travel. These may be group or individual transfers. mountain paths, which are often uneven and unstable  get on and off a large coach with steep steps, train or Enquiries & bookings boat unassisted, possibly with luggage  move your luggage a short distance if required For further information and to secure a place on this tour please contact Jemma York at Academy Travel on A note for older travellers 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email We regret that we are not able to accept bookings on a [email protected] Grade Three tours from people more than 80 years old, or with restricted mobility. Weather on Tour The weather in Ethiopia can generally be described as temperate, especially in the Central Plateau region with mild days and average temperatures of averaging between 21- 23 degrees Celsius. Nights are cooler, especially in the Simien Mountains and Lalibela. By September the rainy season has abated leaving the landscape lush and green.