The National Union


AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA ^———— —& Volume 11 , , June 15,1990 Number 4 Amaraich President spoke to grads

PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- critical chapter in your lives. It is steps down MATION SERVICE) - Ponape Agri- critical because whatever you de- culture and Trade School (PATS) on cide to do after you leave here will PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- May 19 this year, graduated 32 stu- have significant impact on your fu- MATION SERVICE) - President John dents in agriculture, construction and ture. You will be faced with major R. Haglelgam has nominated FSM mechanics. problems and decision but do not let Department of External Affairs Sec- President John R. Haglelgam in them deter you from what you choose retary Andon Amaraich as Associate addressing the graduates said that to do." Justice for the FSM Supreme Court the dual purpose for everyone there Haglelgam said, "Some of you will and Deputy Secretary AsterioTakesy was significant not only for those go back to your states and look for as Secretary of the Department in a who are there, but everyone whose jobs and settle down while some May 28, 1990 letter to the FSM works and lives are connected with. may choose to pursue higher goals Congress Speaker Jack Fritz. "PATS and its mission as well." of furthering your education. You will In his letter to Speaker Fritz, In his remarks he told the gradu- be faced with practical problems and Haglelgam indicated that Amaraich ates, "You have reached another decisions that you as grown adults had received "significant legal train- milestone in your lives. This is not will have to decide for yourselves. ing and court experience," combined the end but the beginning of a new (See GRADUATION on Page 2) with his lead role in negotiation of the Compact, a very complex legal docu- ment does satisfy the statutory re- quirement regarding qualification of a Supreme Court Judge. Amaraich, 56, served as Secre- tary of External Affairs under former President Tosiwo Nakayama and Haglelgam since 1979. He was born, August 22,1932, on Ta, Mortlocks, Chuuk State. He served in Truk District Court as Assistant Clerk of Courts and later Assistant District Administrator for Public Affairs. He PRESIDENT ADDRESSES PATS: President John R. Haglelgam, at the podium, is also served as member of District addressing the graduating class of 1990 during PATS commencement exercises held (See AMARAICH on Page 2) May 19 at the school's church. Amaraich _ Cft (Continued from Page 1) e. Small of Nama, Mortlocks, Chuuk School before attending the Univer- Congress; Chief Public Defender; and they have 11 children. sity of Guam and the University of special consultant to the U.N. Law of in Haglelgam, in his nomination of New Mexico. the Sea Conference and to the U.S. Takesy, to the position of Secretary He began his career as an Admin- Delegation to the United Nations of the FSM Department of External istrative Assistant in the Truk District Trusteeship Council; member of the Affairs, the position which has been Education Department, did a short Congress of Micronesia from 1965 vacated by Secretary Andon Amara- duty at the Trust Territory of the to 1975; chairman of the Future ich, since his resignation on June 12, Pacific Islands Headquarters Infor- Political Status and Transition in 1976 feels that the nomination is from his mation Office. Served as Chief Clerk to 1987; chief negotiator on Com- firm conviction that the nominee is pact of Free Association with the the single most qualified individual to of the former Congress of Microne- United States Government; now assume this important position. sia House of Representatives, As- serves as chairman of Micronesian Takesy has been serving as Dep- sistant Executive Director of theCom- Maritime Authority (MMA). He was uty Secretary of External Affairs De- mission on Future Political Status also Vice Chairman and later Chair- partment since December 31,1981, and Transition (CFPS&T) before his man of the National Fisheries Corpo- after having served as the second posting at the Micronesia Washing- ration (NFC); President of the Board FSM Liaison Officer in Washington. ton Liaison Office. of Trustees for Ponape Agriculture He was re-appointed as Deputy Takesy, 43, is married to former and Trade School (PATS); and Secretary by Haglelgam in 1987. Justina Yangilmau of Palau and they member of the Board for Microne- Born May 25,1944, on the island sian Legal Services Corporation. of Ulul or Onoun, Chuuk, Takesy have three daughters and one He is married to former Pwerech was graduated from Xavier High adopted son. Graduation __ (Continued from Page 1) cause I believe that we must help means of financing yourcollege edu- When you face these challenges, ourselves first before we can expect cations now I believe you have a just rememberthatthere is no limitto helpfrom others. This is the basis for better chance of succeeding in col- what you can do if you put your effort the success story of this school and lege if you put your mind and effort to and mind to it. of those who have ran the school it," he said. "To the faculty and staff at PATS," over the past 25 years. So let us Haglelgam encouraged those who Haglelgam said, "I commended you keep that spirit alive and move for- wanted to find a job or settle down for your fine work in educating these ward to face the chal lenges of tomor- and raise a family to make use of graduates for the past four years. row with the same spirit and determi- what they have gained during the You have prepared them to enter a nation. fouryears in whatever endeavorthey new chapter in their adult life and I In another related activity, choose to undertake. want to encourage you to continue Haglelgam in his June 1 address to He told the graduates, "You are going thef ine tradition that will always make the Yap Outer Island High School to be important members of your island PATS an outstanding institution graduating class during the com- communities and please do not lose throughout our region. To the dedi- mencement exercises held on Ulithi, sight of this when you leave here," cated friends of PATS, your tireless urged the graduates to make use of effort and commitment in raising adding, "Be good members of your is- the many opportunities that are now land villages, support and keep your funds for the school this year is highly available to them today that students local customs and cultural values alive commendable and ! hope you keep of his time did not have. because these are necessary to keep up this spirit in the years ahead be- "Withbetteropportunitiesandmore your identity." Wygant departs, Brazeal appointed Ambassador m They have three grown daughters. lion to nominate Aurelia Erskine Brazeal, of PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- Z TION SERVICE) - Dignitaries from the Haglelgam in his remarks expressed deep Georgia, a career member of the Senior FSM and governments gratitude and sincere appreciation on behalf Foreign Service, class of Minister, Coun- joined President John R. Haglelgam in of the Government and the people of FSM to selor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and afarewelltoasttothe U. S. Representa- the Representative on what Wygant had Plenipotentiary of the United Statesof Amer- contributed to the excellent relationship be- tive to the FSM, Michael G. Wygant and ica to the FSM, according to a release from tween the FSM and the U.S. the U.S. Embassy. his wife, Mrs. Lee Wygant, May 25 this " Your actions have touched the lives of Since 1987, Ms. Brazeal has served as c Z year. our people in many more positive ways than Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs for After more than two years of services you probably have been acknowledged for. the American Embassy in Tokyo. Prior to o here in the FSM, Wygant is leaving. Z As your country's ambassadors, you have this, she served as a member of the Senior v Wygant formerly served as Status Liai- done a superb job in representing your Seminar from 1986-1987; Deputy Director c. son Officer attached to the Trust Terri- government and the people." for Economics at the Department of State, "The saying is true that behind every Z tory, an office which he closed in Febru- 1984-1986; in the Economic Bureau of the m ary of 1987. While living in Saipan, he great man there is another greater person. Office of Development Finance at the De- frequently visited the FSM. President I wish to acknowledge the support that Lee partment of State, 1982-1984; Economic ui Reagan appointed Wygant to be a U.S. has so generously provided not only to Mike Officer in Tokyo, 1979-1982; Review Officer Representative to the FSM on May 26 and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 30,1987. Wygant was born on June 22,1936 and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1958. He served briefly in the U.S. Army, and is articulate in French and Russian. He joined the Foreign Service in 1959 and served as a Research Analyst for African Affairs in the Bureau of Intelli- gence and Research; and also served as a Vice Consul at the Consulate General in Harare, Zimbabwe, prior to WYGANTS BIDS FAREWELL: President John R. Haglelgam (left) presents a going taking graduate studies in Africa Affairs away gift to U.S. Ambassador Wygant (right) during a farewell reception for the at Boston University. Wygants held at Harbor View Restaurant. Wygant has served as Second Secre- but to many.of us. Lee, please accept our for the Treasury Department Secretariat, tary, Economic Officer at Embassy Lome, sincere thanks for the many community 1977-1979; Uruguay/Paraguay Desk Offi- Togo; Second Secretary, Political Officer, at services you have so kindly provided to our cer, 1974-1977; and Watch Officer and Line Embassy Moscow, USSR;andwas assigned community," he said. as Civil Operations Chief in Pleiku, South "As you prepare to leave your post and go Officer for the Secretariat Staff at the De- Vietnam. He also worked in Washington as on to new things in life, I hope you will take partment of State, 1973-1974. Country Desk Officer for Guinea and Benin with you pleasant memories of these is- In addition, she has served as an Eco- in the Bureau of African Affairs prior to lands. We will certainly miss you," Haglelgam nomic Reports Officer in the Economic serving as Charge d'Affaires at Embassy remarked. Bureau at the Department of State from Banjul, the Gambia. In toasting, he said, "At this point, I would 1971-1972, and a consular and Economic He also served as First Secretary, Politi- like to ask that you fill your glass and join a Officer for the American Embassy in Bue- cal Officer at Embassy Canberra, Australia, toast to the Ambassador of the U.S. to the before serving as Public Affairs Director of FSM and Mrs. Wygant." nos Aires from 1969-1971. Ms. Brazeal the African Bureau and later as Deputy "To our friend, Mike and Lee Wygant, our entered the Foreign Service in 1968. Director, Office of Cooperative Science and best wishes for good health and continued She received her BA degree from Technology Program in the Bureau of prosperity and forapleasant journey home." Spelman College and Master of Interna- Oceans and Environmental and Scientific the President concluded. tional Affairs degree from Columbia Affairs. In another related activity, U.S. President University in 1967. Brazeal was bom, Wygant is married to Lee Dunn Wygant. George Bush announced, June 6, his inten- November 24,1943 in Chicago, Illinois. 4 FSS Palikir arrives FSM FSM & Japan sign o PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- President John R. Haglelgam, ac- Harbor Agreement TION SERVICE) - FSS Palikir arrived companied by Marine Surveillance Di- PALIKIR, Pohnpei - A joint agree- in , Pohnpei, June 7,1990, at 12:00 vision Administrator Lester Ruda, trav- ment between governments of Japan noon, after departing Yap and Chuuk eled with FSS Palikir from Yap to and the Federated States of Micronesia while enroute from its maiden voyage Pohnpei. Office of the President, Public regarding the Draft Final Report for a from Perth, Australia, where it was built. Information Graphic Artist Elieser Ro- basic design study conducted on the The 113-foot FSM patrol boat, under spel videographed the whole trip from Project for Yap Harbor extension was Commander Matthias Mongmog of Yap to Pohnpei from the deck of Her z signed June 06,1990, at Palikir, by the o Eauripik, Yap, was met by a big crowd Majesty Australian Ship (HMAS), representatives of the two government. led by Vice President Hirosi H. Ismael, Dubbo, which accompanied FSS Palikir The agreement, which was signed by Congress Speaker Jack Fritz, Gover- from Australia to Micronesia. External Affairs International Affairs Di- nor Resio Moses and the entire council A reception in honor of the convoy vision Chief J. Raglmar Subolmar rep- a: of Pohnpei Traditional Chiefs, Austra- was hosted by the President at 7:00 resenting FSM and Study Team Leader z lian Ambassador to FSM, Kenneth p.m. on June 7 at Bernard's Restaurant o Terumi lijima on behalf of government Brazel, and Pohnpei state and national in Kolonia. FSS Palikir had an open of Japan, was reached after a series of governments cabinet officials in a wel- house for all the interested between discussions on the report, also recom- coming ceremony upon her arrival at nine and 10 o'clock the next day, June mended to the two governments that the dock in Dekehtik, Pohnpei. 8. the major points of understanding FSS Palikir was accompanied by an The arrival of FSS Palikir marks the Australian Navy ship, HMAS Dubbo, a first major foreign assistance package Darwin-based 240-ton Fremantle class from Australia to the FSM and the first of patrol boat with maximum speed in the two patrol boats built by the Austra- excess of 24 knots. lian Shipbuilding Industries in Western Vice President Ismael, Speaker Fritz, Australia to be delivered to the FSM Governor Moses, Ambassador Brazel Government. Weighing about 165tons, and Chief of Staff leske lehsi, who was the Master of Ceremony, spoke during the 113-foot FSS Palikir is equipped the two-hour ceremony which ended up with the state-of-the-art navigational equip- with the introduction of the crew of both ment with the maximum sustained speed of ships and presentation of a traditional 21 knots. The boat will be used for fisheries surveillance in the FSM's exclusive eco- dance by Sapwuahfik Cultural Dancers, nomic zone and may be used for disaster who recently represented Pohnpei State relief, medical evacuation, search and res- reached should be examined towards to the Guam Micronesia Fair in Guam. cue an(j other vital humanitarian missions. the realization of the project. The agreement says that the FSM has, in principle, agreed to the basic design proposed in the Draft Final Report whose delivery is expected by the end of August 1990 and also agreed that the necessary budget will be provided for the Project at the proper time according to the construction schedule. The agreement also says that the FSM understood the Japan's Grant Aid System and confirmed that it will take necessary measures for the realization of the Project as stipulated in "the Min- PALIKIR ARRIVES POHNPEI - The Sapwuahfik Cultural Dancers, who recently repre- utes of Discussions" held on February sented Pohnpei State to the Guam Micronesia Fair in Guam are performing a dance in welcoming the Palikir and Dubbo to Pohnpei, during a ceremony held at the Pohnpei 21,1990, on the condition that the Grant State Dock. At the back of the dancers are crews of the Dubbo, a convoy which Aid by Government of Japan would be accompanied the Palikir from Australia to Yap, Truk and Pohnpei Slates. extended to the Project. Poultry farm in Pohnpei CFSM adjourns PALIKIR, Pohnpei - FSM PALIKIR Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- Hatchery in the Poultry Farm Center at the Congress adjourned June u, MATION SERVICE) - The two-year Agriculture Station in Kolonia every week. 1990, at five p.m. sine die, old Poultry Farm, under the Division Each farmer who gets 1,000 hens and 100 roosters comes up with 2,500 eggs a week after approving the $23.9 mil- of Pohnpei State Agriculture, State while the Hatchery hatches 5,000 or more lion budget for the operations Department of Conservation & Re- chicks. of the FSM national govern- sources Surveillance, is operating The Hatchery of Pohnpei State Poultry ment, its agencies and pro- under combined efforts of the Farms is located in the Agriculture Station, grams. Pohnpei State, and FSM National Kolonia Pohnpei. It hatches all eggs pur- chased each day from the breeder farmers Bills and resolutions passed Governments and private sectors. It here. during the 30-day budget ses- involves two Breeder Farmers, a From 18 farmers who are private sectors, sion will be reported in the Hatchery, Sixteen Chicken Raisers two are breeder farmers and other 16 are next issue of the National and a Chicken Processing Plant, ac- Chicken Raisers. These farmers get chicks Union. The last session was cording to the Pohnpei State Agricul- hatched from the Hatchery in equal amount the third regular session for ture Administrative Assistant, Zorro of distribution. The chicks reach maturity in u\ the FSM Sixth Congress. The Donre. seven to eight weeks period when they are ready to be taken to the Poultry Farm Center last regular session for the The Pohnpei Agriculture Station im ported o for slaughter. Sixth Congress is scheduled SO 2,000 hens and 200 roosters from the U. S. o Mainland over two years ago for Poultry The Chicken Processing Plant aims to for the month of October. Farms on Pohnpei. process 800 chickens into whole and part The combine efforts of the two govern- chickens as soon as the 16 chicken raisers ments plus the private sectors, include are in full operation, while in the mean time Edgar charged $14,000 from the FSM Congress for con- the processing plant processes up to 700 structions, $180,000 from Pohnpei State chickens per day. The product advertised to Legislature forequipmentand constructions, local firms and individual customers at $1 first degree and private sectors provides two Breeder per pound for Whole chicken and $.85 per murder Farmers and the 16 Chicken Raisers. pound for the chicken parts with a minimum PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- The Breeder Farmers supply eggs to the purchase of one(1) case per individual. MATION SERVICE) - Vice Chair- man of Pohnpei Land Registration Team Manasa Edgar, 59, on June 15 at a hearing before FSM Su- preme Court Chief Justice Edward C. King was charged with first de- gree murder in the death of Robert Redes and he was denied bail. Edgar on June 11 shot and killed Redes, 63, of and critically wounded 41 years old Paulino Mi- chael, originally of Palau.who died, June 17, while being referredto a hospital on Guam. Edgar who is from U Municipality is a respected man in Pohnpei com-

FIRST HARVEST OF POULTRY IN POHNPEI - In the basket on the table are first munity. harvested chickens from the chicken farms here on Pohpei. Presenting the chickens The victims were reportedly cri- are Resources and Development Secretary Marcelino Actouka, and Agriculture Divi- sion Adminuistrator Sailas Henry. From left to right are: Vice President Hirosi H. tisizing Edgar which resulted in the Ismael, Actouka, Henry, and President John R. Haglelgam. shooting. 2nd Cholera outbreak in Chuuk State PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- in controlling further spread of cholera wise, if patients are in shock, isotonic ^ TION SERVICE) - As of June 15, this are as follow: proper (sanitary) disposal intravenous fluids or Dacca solution year, eighteen laboratory confirmed of human feces; hand-washing; protec- have to be administered as rapidly as cases of cholera, were reported from tion and purification of water supplies; possible. Tetracyline along with antimi- Chuuk State. The outbreak is limited to sanitary supervision of processing, crobial agents or antibiotics limit the Chuuk Lagoon islands with the major- preparation, and serving of foods, es- duration and volume of diarrhea as well ity of cases from Uman, a few from Eot, pecially those eaten raw like fish, shell- as shorten the period of excretion of ' and a case from Weno (Moen). Chol- fish and others; access and availability vibrios. era outbreak was suspected du ring the of hand-washing facilities for food han- Should cholera becomes epidemic in last week of May and finally confirmed dlers; boiling of drinking water, milk or any given area, protective measures, early this month. This is the first confir- dairy products; destruction of flies and are to ensure the availability and proper mation of cholera since 1982-83 and their use of adequate treatment facilities. second outbreak on any state, accord- breading areas; screening to protect Emergency measures to assure a safe ing to a June 15 Memorandum to Health foods from fly contamination; and edu- water supply for drinking, cooking and Services directors throughout FSM by cation of the public in personal hygiene, washing dishes or food containers have Department of Human Resources especially thorough hand-washing be- to be used unless water supply is treated Secretary Dr. Eliuel K. Pretrick. fore eating and after defecation. by chlorination and is protected from Pretrick also advised that since this CONTROL OF PATIENT, CON- contamination. A thorough investiga- outbreak is continuing, all states are TACTS, AND THE IMMEDIATE ENV!- tion designed to locate the vehicle and urged to promptly initiate the emer- RONMENT: circumstances (time, place, person) of gency regulations distributed on June First thing to do is to report to the local transmission has to be initiated to plan 7th from the Department of Human health authority. Hospitalization of pa- on necessary control measures. Fur- Resources. And that it may also be tients experiencing acute symptoms is thermore, handling of food and drink, beneficial for all state hospitals to begin desirable, but strict isolation is not rec- even after cooking or boiling, against active daily surveillance of admissions ommended. Wards with cholera pa- contamination by flies and unclean and out-patient visits for diarrhea, and tients can be operated without hazard to hands must be carefully supervised. adding, that it is suggested that hospital staff and visitors, provided if attendants Control flies by limiting fly breeding, laboratories begin obtaining supplies pay great attention to cleanliness, but through use of appropriate insecticides needed for culturing stool and environ- quarantine is not necessary. and by screening kitchens and eating mental samples for Vibrio cholerae. Each time after handling patient's places have to be maintained. Cholera is a disease caused by an articles contaminated with feces and Concerning international measures, infectious agent called Vibrio Cholerae. vomitus, disinfection of hands, articles, telegraphic notification by government It is an acute intestinal illness character- or even discharges must be observed. to World Health Organization (WHO), ized by sudden onset, profuse watery lnvestigationforthevehicle(s)oftrans- Centers for Disease Control (CDC), stools, vomiting, rapid dehydration, mission must be carried out to identify South Pacific Commission (SPC) and acidosis and circulatory collapse. Death the source of infection whether from to other adjacent countries indicating may occur within a few hours of onset. polluted drinking water or from co ntami- cholera outbreak has to be sent. Ships, If untreated, fatality rates may exceed natedfood. As forthe contacts, a search boats, aircrafts and land transport arriv- fifty percent, however, with proper treat- for unreported cases is only recom- ing from cholera areas are subject to in- ment fatality rates are below one per- mended forthose exposed to a possible spections. cent. Mild cases with only diarrhea are common source. Surveillance of con- Immunization is no longer recom- common, especially in children. tacts for five days from last exposure mended by WHO as a requirement in The diagnosis is confirmed by cultur- and probably longer if their ieces are travel from country to country in any part ing cholera vibrios from feces of carri- known to contain cholera vibrios. Treat- of the world and is not required by CDC, ers, food contaminated by water, soiled ment of family contacts with tetracycline USA, though some individual countries hands or flies. Spread through direct or furazolidone is recommended. may continue to impose vaccinations. contact with patients is almost non-ex- In terms of specific treatment, using Travelers may be required to submit to istence. The incubation period usually adequate volumes of electrolyte solu- a stool examination when they come takes from a few hours to five days. tions to correct dehydration, acidosis from an infected area within the incuba- The suggested preventive measures and hypokalemia is required. Other- tion. M/S Caroline underwent major repairs at Pohnpei State

PALIKIR Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- TION SERVICE) - The FSM Relief Vessel (M/S Caroline) had started her Port Trail, in Pohnpei State as repair is needed after the propeller hit some object in Weno, Chuuk Lagoon, which caused damages to the vessel, accord- PHOENIX OF MICRONESIA DONATES AMBULANCE - Phoenix of Micronesia and z Yoshie Enterprises are donating the Ambulance shown in the back to Pohnpei State m ing to FSM Transportation officials. Hospital. Governor Resio S. Moses (middle) and Health Service Director Dr. Aminis The officials said that this is the first David (right) are accepting the donation. From Left to right are: Phoenix Manager Ronny Pretrick, Masako Mukai of Phoenix, Governor Moses, Phoenix President Issei ui time to do major repairs on Caroline in Katayama, and David. Missing from the photo is Kiyoshi Goto from Yoshie Enterprises. its home port. The Caroline is undertaking a $7,500 Nanmwarki Takashy joins personnel contract with Pohnpei, FSM Technical PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- Service Company of Pohnpei which Hadley laid to rest TION SERVICE) - Former Chuuk State carried the task of repairing. Personnel Specialist, Augustine S. MS. went to Chuuk PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- Takashy, joined FSM Division of Per- State on a special assignment as her TION SERVICE) - Governor Resio sonnel this year as Personnel Special- course changed from normal commuta- Moses ordered the state flags both on ist, according to a press release from tions for transporting copra from the land and sea to fly half-staff as Pohnpei the Office of Administrative Services. FSM to Japan. State went into mourning late Thursday Takashy assumed the job to coordi- The islands situated in the remote night, May 31, 1990, for Isipahu, nate the recruitment programs and the areas from the centers of the states in Nanmwarki of , the Hon- implementation of examinations and the FSM including the outer islands of orable Salter Salvador Hadley who died testing programs at the Office of Admin- Yap, Chuuk and Pohnpei States which of respiratory failure after a lingering istrative Services. He also developes, had been receiving services irregularly, illness. He was 66 years old. validates and administers the tests, will soon be served when the Caroline is FSM Vice President, the Honorable provides career counseling, reviewing back to her normal operations. Hirosi Ismael, aslo directed that all FSM and approvals on anual increment and The contract which Mr. Kirn Young Po flags in Pohnpei to be flown at half-staff others. is incharged had carried out the task of on June 1 "in honor and respect for the A native of Dublon, Takashy is a member repairing the damages which include Nanmwarki." of Dublon Municipal Council and Dublon new railing fabricating, old railing repair, Isipahu is the highest ranking Development Authority. deck welding repair, fabrications of (Nanmwarki) traditional chief here on Takashy served as Public Defender damages on the port propeller, wind- Pohnpei. Trainee of Chuuk State in 1985. lass operating lever, the hatch railings, He was buried June 1, 1990, on He was Bom, August 29, 1955, and at- fuel injector nozzle parallel pins, and Temwen island, in Madolenihmw, the tended Sino Memorial School, a Primary ladder repair jobs among others. seat of the traditional regime, following School of Dublon. He attended Ponape Ag- The FSM Department of Transporta- an elaborate traditional feast which riculture & Trade School (PATS) from 1 972- tion expressed approval on the repair 1975. Takashy was awarded a scholarship culminated in the crowning of his suc- from Chuuk State to attend Bishop Hen- done on the Caroline and scheduled the cessor, the former Wasahi of Mado- dricken High School, Warwick, Rhode Is- vessel to be on Port Trail until the final lenihmw, the Honorable llten Shelten. land, from 1975-1976 and received his repair is completed. The late Isipahu succeeded the bachelor of science degree in Criminal The contractor, has placed an order Honorable Nanmwarki Samuel Hadley Justice from the University of Guam in 1985. to Japan for parts to replace those on who died some 10 years ago, in May Takashy, 35, is married to former Derusa the Caroline which need repair. 1980. Soram of Tonoas and they have 3 children. 8 A meeting on status of health delivery services in Pacific Jurisdictions

05 (PALIKIRPohnpei(FSM INFORMATION Saleapaga and the American Samoa Legislature Speaker Kasiano Joseph, and 6 SERVICE) -A meeting that could have sig- Speaker of the Legislature. Director of Health Services, Dr. Aminis David. ^nificant impact on health populations of the From Chuuk State the participant will From Yap: Governor Petrus Tun, Legisla- in U.S. Associated Pacific Jurisdictions, Ameri- include the Speaker for the Chuuk State ture Speaker Joseph Ayin and Assistant ~- can Samoa, tlie Republic of the Marshall Legislature, Kisande Sos, Senate President Director for Health Services, John Palmed. LU Islands, FSM, the Republic of Palau, Terri- Ira Akapito, Governor Sasao Gouland and From the Department of Interior will be z tory of Guam, and the Com m onwealth of the Acting Directorfor Health Services Dr. Kiosy the Assistant Secretary Stella Guerra, and E| Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)] will be Aniol. from the School of Public Health at UH will .held in Palikir, Pohnpei, June 25-26, this From the CNMI: House Speaker Pedro be Regional Health Administrator and Act- Z year, according to a press release from the De Leon Guerrero, Director of the Health ing Director of BCHDA Dr. Sheridan Wein- 2 FSM Department of Human Resources. Services Dr. Jose Chong, Senate President stein and, from Region IX Dean of UH School Z The meeting is being jointly sponsored by Joseph S. Inos, and Governor Lorenzo Guer- of Public Health Dr. Jerrold Michael, Assis- 3 the Region IX Office of the U.S. Public rero. tant Regional Health Administrator Jon —i Health Service in San Francisco and the From the FSM: FSM Congress Chairman Rasmussen, Director International Center * Pacific Islands Health Officers Association of the committee on Health, Education and for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention, o (PIHOA), to officially present the findings of Social Affairs (HESA) Jacob Nena, Secre- Principal Investigation 1989 Reevaluation — the 1989 reevaluation of the status of health tary of FSM Department of Human Re- Dr. Jonathan Raymond and the Project (c delivery services in the Pacific Jurisdictions. sources Dr. Eliuel K. Pretrick and the FSM Director 1989 Reevaluation/the PIHOA Z This reevaluation was a follow-up of the first Congress Speaker Jack Fritz. Executive Director Dr. Roylinne Wada will Lu evaluation completed in 1984. Both studies From Guam: Governor Joseph A. Ada, be from the School of Public Health, UH. *were designed and conducted by a team Guam Legislature Speaker Jose T. San The agenda include FSM President John from the University of Hawaii (UH), school of Augustine, Director for the Department of R. Haglelgam and Pohnpei State Governor Public Health (PH), under contract from the Mental Health & Substance Abuse Marilyn Resio S. Moses' welcoming remarks, pres- U.S. Public Health Services. Wingfield, Administrator of Guam Memorial entations of the "Pacific Health Agenda," FSM Department of Human Resources, Hospital George Palican and Director of and the "Impact of the 1984 Report," will Secretary Dr. Eliuel K. Pretrick said that the Public Health Dr. Lelicia Espaldon. follow during the morning session. Monday gathering will present a unique opportunity From Kosrae: Governor Yosiwd P. afternoon, discussions will focus on the, for participants to develop high-level poli- George, Kosrae State Legislature Speaker "FindingsandRecommendationsofthe1989 cies and strategies to improve and enhance Thurston K. Siba and the Acting Director for Reevaluation; the local "Reaction to the health care delivery services throughout the Health Services Nena S. Nena. Recommendations," and a "Call for Action." region. From the Marshalls: President of the During Tuesday's morning session, the Those invited to the meeting are chief Republic of the Marshalls, Amata Kabua, gathering will breakup into groups by juris- executives, heads of legislative bodies, and Nitijella Speaker Kessai Note, Permanent diction to investigate and considerthe best strate- the directors of health departments from Secretary of Health Marie Maddison, Health each jurisdiction. Representatives from the Minister Ruben Zackhras. gies for future development in the health service, based on the findings and recommendations of U.S. Department of Interior, PIHOA, and the From Palau: President of the Republic of the 1989 Reevaluation Report. Later in the day, UH School of Public Health will be attend- Palau, Ngiratkel Etpison, President of the the final plenary session will receive reports from ing. Senate Shiro Kyola, Speaker of the Legisla- the jurisdiction groups. A final "Summary Wrap Participants for Pacific Heads of State ture Joshua Koshiba and Health Services up and Charge" will end the session. FSM Presi- Meeting include Governor Peter T. Cole- Director Dr. Nobuo Swei. dent and Pohnpei Governorwillbothhost Recep- man, Director of Public Health Dr. lotamo From Pohnpei: Governor Resio Moses, tions for the distinguished guests.

THE NATIONAL UNION Published by: Office of the President FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA P.O. Box 34, PALIKIR STATION PALIKIR, POHNPEI FM 96941 Telephone: (691) 320-2548, TELEX 729-6807 FAX: (691) 320-2785

Kelson Johnson, SAP for Public Information, Editor Esikiel Lippwe, Information Specialist/Broadcast Terry Gamabruw, Information Specialist Yukiwo Tara, Information Specialist Elieser Rospel, Graphic Artist ______Secretary