The Peluhs PICS, MHS and NMHS
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P o h n p e i Department of E d u c a t i o n Fast Facts The 95 computers have arrived for The Peluhs PICS, MHS and NMHS February 9 is the school-level Math Olympiad February 12-16 is PICS Career Explora- Education Day 2018 tion Week February 12-16 is cally similar awards, i.e. an Kamleen Sam, of Ohmine Science Competition The sixth annual Education academic award for a 4.0 School. Runners-up in- Week for 4th, 5th, Day, where Pohnpei De- GPA from 9th grade to the cluded Dean Anthony 6th, and 7th grade partment of Education first half of 12th grade, or Likor (Nett School) and celebrates the successes of an attendance award for Katerson David (Rohi An 8th and 12th its students and teachers, grade Writing Con- perfect attendance in 11th School). test is held on Febru- was held on January 31st, grade. ary 23 2018 at the COM-FSM For principals, one Princi- Gym in Palikir. It was the Additional student awards, pal of the Year was se- second Education Day ranging from spelling bee lected from each munici- held at the venue, and the winners, essay writers, and pality, as well as one from Inside this issue: second Education Day club coordinators, were public high schools, and with awards for students. presented. private schools. Accreditation 2 Awards were broken into For teachers, each school The overall Principal of the numerous categories. in Pohnpei State was asked Year is Cecilia Martin of Monthly Thought 2 to select one Teacher of Rohi Elementary School. For students, 8th graders the Year (TOY), unless Thank You China! 2 could receive an academic their school population is Rohi Elementary School award for a 4.0 GPA from sufficiently large such as to also won School of the 1st grade through the first warrant two TOYs (e.g. Year. Future Projects 3 half of 8th grade, or an Palikir School) or three attendance award for per- TOYs (e.g. Nett School) Nanpei Memorial Elemen- fect attendance in 7th tary School won Most Im- Job Survey 3 grade. Similarly, 12th grad- The overall Pohnpei State proved School of the Year. ers could receive themati- Teacher of the Year is Kapingamarangi 4 Ed. Day Winners 5 Student Survey 9 Teacher Interview 14 Student Interview 15 P a g e 2 FSM Accreditation Visits Accreditation visits begin on Febru- Two from last year’s visits. ary 19th, starting with the eight In April, the Department will visit schools not visited last academic schools designated as Level One in year. last year’s visits. In March, the Pohnpei Department Stakeholders can expect a complete of Education is hoping to visit the accreditation report describing the Eastern Islands and Sapwuahfik for state of Pohnpei State’s schools this Our jobs exist for their accreditation visits. one reason: to summer, which will summarize the serve children Also in March, the Department will accreditation scores for each school visit schools designated as Level in the state. Thought of the Month Got a story f o r T h e “The function of plus character—that P e l u h s ? We want to education is to teach is the goal of true h e a r f r o m y o u ! one to think inten- education”—Rev. Call us at sively and to think Dr. Martin Luther 320- 2103 critically. Intelligence King, Jr. Dear China: Thank You! The Pohnpei Department of Educa- tion wishes to recognize the Chinese Embassy for its continued support of our programs and needs. Princi- pal Wailer Olter of Lukop School Lukop Elementary School Library advised The Peluhs that the new lawn mower the Chinese have do- nated has been a tremendous help in keeping his campus clean. The Peluhs P a g e 3 PDOE Future Projects technologies like Achieve 4. School Consolidation Although it appears the 3000. and Retirement Pro- PDOE will be unable to grams, to specifically in- acquire all (any?) of its un- 2. Textbook Develop- clude downsizing poorly allocated project requests ment, to specifically in- performing school sites for FY 19 at this time, the clude locally written and (e.g. turning a 5-classroom Department has numerous produced books that align school with 8 grades into a concrete plans for future 100% with the adopted 5-grade school), and to development in meeting Pohnpei State curricula. retire any unnecessary po- Have any questions, our children’s educational This project has already comments, or concerns sitions that may have been about PDOE’s future needs. There are four long- begun with Dr. Richard determined by the PDOE goals? Call the PDOE at term projects in all. Womack of Womack & Job Survey conducted by 320-2103 Associates in the form of James Ramon and/or the 1. Fiber Optic connec- Social Studies textbooks, PDOE Restructuring Plan. tions to each school in but the PDOE hopes to Pohnpei State. The PDOE eventually have a textbook The PDOE was initially wishes to extend genuinely for each subject and grade under the impression that high-speed internet to each level. several million dollars of of its school sites, includ- funding were available for ing developing a local 3. STEM & Vocational us to compete for, though intranet for sharing class- Education labs, to specifi- during the week of January room resources, lesson cally include the develop- 22-26, 2018, it became plans, tutorials, and more. ment of farms at PICS clear that available there A component of this plan and NMHS, science labs at was only $300,000.00 avail- includes the development all high schools with state- able. of computer labs dubbed of-the-art materials, me- “E-Classrooms” at our chanics labs and equip- Regardless, the PDOE is schools, to serve as places ment, and other science, going to continue looking where Core Subject teach- technology, engineering, for funds to complete ers can hold science, math, and mathematics labs and these projects before FY and English lessons using instruments. 2023. Job Survey Report Former classroom teacher, principal, began in October 2017 and was website can call the Department at and Training Manager for US Peace completed in January 2018. 320-2103. Corps, James Ramon, was asked by The document will be posted on The Department intends to use the Pohnpei Department of Educa- the website in the report as one of many pieces tion to complete a Job Survey of all the coming days. Interested of evidence to justify the Restruc- administrative staff. stakeholders wishing to see the turing Plan previously discussed in The survey and interview process report before its inclusion on the The Peluhs. P a g e 4 Restarting Kapingamarangi The Peluhs Public Information Every Friday at 5pm using their radio, Kapingamarangi School discusses the goings-on at their school, including the results of their weekly meetings. Below is a highly condensed snapshot of those updates. January 5th: The school week was relatively short, consisting of only two instructional days due to the New Year Holiday. [This is consistent with the PDOE Calendar.] “School was fine—no one was absent, no one was late.” The staff meeting focused on trying to unpack student learning outcomes, and culmi- nated in a list of multiple SLOs across grade levels and subject areas for central office assistance. “One of my teachers,” the principal advised, “would really benefit from several days of training. We all would, but I’m most concern about [redacted], who is trying her best but lacks some of the background knowl- edge to teach certain subjects effectively.” January 12th: There was broad discussion on the school’s needs for the field trip ship, including bind- ers, electronic dusting spray, and school supplies including markers, papers, and ink. The principal sug- gested that the community is hoping that PDOE returns ASAP to fix the solar system at the school, but that they appreciate the difficulty in organizing the patrol boat. The principal and school liaison dis- cussed the accreditation process briefly, with the latter transmitting accreditation-related documents for the principal to review. January 19th: “School was cool,” the principal advised, though there was an unordinary amount of stu- dent absenteeism this week. Most weeks see either no students absent, or perhaps one or two—but this week saw an absence in 2nd grade, three absences in 3rd grade, three absences in 4th grade, and five ab- sences in 5th grade. In addition, multiple 6th grade students were late three times this week. “I’m going to call a PTA meeting—maybe the students are watching too many movies,” the principal said. The PE Club is now in basketball playoffs. The Music Club is practicing Kapinga songs on their ukuleles, and the Culture Club is practicing for a presentation on making local mats and how to catch fish. Tutoring appears to be improving students’ GPAs, with approximately half a dozen students showing growth from a GPA of~1.0-1.9 to a GPA of 2.0-2.5 January 26th: The meeting this week was canceled due to the arrival of the Voyager. No PDOE staff were present on the ship, so the principal was responsible for acquiring all of their supplies. Principal Andrew and school liaison Richard Clark sent multiple wavemails back and forth about the school week. The principal is particularly concerned about the school being formally visited for the accreditation process before the PDOE fixes the solar system, and asked questions regarding the accreditation manual e.g. “In Data Management 3.3, what are ‘regular assessment meetings?’” [Regular assessment meetings, in PDOE’s interpretation of the FSM Accreditation Systems Procedures Manual, are when teaching staff gather at least once per quarter to discuss student assessment, including the development and results of quarterly exams, the NMCT, PHSET or COMET, and other assessment at the school site.] The Pohnpei Department of Education is still working to determine when a patrol boat can be utilized to send staff down to Kapingamarangi to fix the solar system.