The National Union PEACE'UNITY'LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA ^———— —& Volume 11 Palikir, Pohnpei, June 15,1990 Number 4 Amaraich President spoke to grads PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- critical chapter in your lives. It is steps down MATION SERVICE) - Ponape Agri- critical because whatever you de- culture and Trade School (PATS) on cide to do after you leave here will PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- May 19 this year, graduated 32 stu- have significant impact on your fu- MATION SERVICE) - President John dents in agriculture, construction and ture. You will be faced with major R. Haglelgam has nominated FSM mechanics. problems and decision but do not let Department of External Affairs Sec- President John R. Haglelgam in them deter you from what you choose retary Andon Amaraich as Associate addressing the graduates said that to do." Justice for the FSM Supreme Court the dual purpose for everyone there Haglelgam said, "Some of you will and Deputy Secretary AsterioTakesy was significant not only for those go back to your states and look for as Secretary of the Department in a who are there, but everyone whose jobs and settle down while some May 28, 1990 letter to the FSM works and lives are connected with. may choose to pursue higher goals Congress Speaker Jack Fritz. "PATS and its mission as well." of furthering your education. You will In his letter to Speaker Fritz, In his remarks he told the gradu- be faced with practical problems and Haglelgam indicated that Amaraich ates, "You have reached another decisions that you as grown adults had received "significant legal train- milestone in your lives. This is not will have to decide for yourselves. ing and court experience," combined the end but the beginning of a new (See GRADUATION on Page 2) with his lead role in negotiation of the Compact, a very complex legal docu- ment does satisfy the statutory re- quirement regarding qualification of a Supreme Court Judge. Amaraich, 56, served as Secre- tary of External Affairs under former President Tosiwo Nakayama and Haglelgam since 1979. He was born, August 22,1932, on Ta, Mortlocks, Chuuk State. He served in Truk District Court as Assistant Clerk of Courts and later Assistant District Administrator for Public Affairs. He PRESIDENT ADDRESSES PATS: President John R. Haglelgam, at the podium, is also served as member of District addressing the graduating class of 1990 during PATS commencement exercises held (See AMARAICH on Page 2) May 19 at the school's church. Amaraich _ Cft (Continued from Page 1) e. Small of Nama, Mortlocks, Chuuk School before attending the Univer- Congress; Chief Public Defender; and they have 11 children. sity of Guam and the University of special consultant to the U.N. Law of in Haglelgam, in his nomination of New Mexico. the Sea Conference and to the U.S. Takesy, to the position of Secretary He began his career as an Admin- Delegation to the United Nations of the FSM Department of External istrative Assistant in the Truk District Trusteeship Council; member of the Affairs, the position which has been Education Department, did a short Congress of Micronesia from 1965 vacated by Secretary Andon Amara- duty at the Trust Territory of the to 1975; chairman of the Future ich, since his resignation on June 12, Pacific Islands Headquarters Infor- Political Status and Transition in 1976 feels that the nomination is from his mation Office. Served as Chief Clerk to 1987; chief negotiator on Com- firm conviction that the nominee is pact of Free Association with the the single most qualified individual to of the former Congress of Microne- United States Government; now assume this important position. sia House of Representatives, As- serves as chairman of Micronesian Takesy has been serving as Dep- sistant Executive Director of theCom- Maritime Authority (MMA). He was uty Secretary of External Affairs De- mission on Future Political Status also Vice Chairman and later Chair- partment since December 31,1981, and Transition (CFPS&T) before his man of the National Fisheries Corpo- after having served as the second posting at the Micronesia Washing- ration (NFC); President of the Board FSM Liaison Officer in Washington. ton Liaison Office. of Trustees for Ponape Agriculture He was re-appointed as Deputy Takesy, 43, is married to former and Trade School (PATS); and Secretary by Haglelgam in 1987. Justina Yangilmau of Palau and they member of the Board for Microne- Born May 25,1944, on the island sian Legal Services Corporation. of Ulul or Onoun, Chuuk, Takesy have three daughters and one He is married to former Pwerech was graduated from Xavier High adopted son. Graduation __ (Continued from Page 1) cause I believe that we must help means of financing yourcollege edu- When you face these challenges, ourselves first before we can expect cations now I believe you have a just rememberthatthere is no limitto helpfrom others. This is the basis for better chance of succeeding in col- what you can do if you put your effort the success story of this school and lege if you put your mind and effort to and mind to it. of those who have ran the school it," he said. "To the faculty and staff at PATS," over the past 25 years. So let us Haglelgam encouraged those who Haglelgam said, "I commended you keep that spirit alive and move for- wanted to find a job or settle down for your fine work in educating these ward to face the chal lenges of tomor- and raise a family to make use of graduates for the past four years. row with the same spirit and determi- what they have gained during the You have prepared them to enter a nation. fouryears in whatever endeavorthey new chapter in their adult life and I In another related activity, choose to undertake. want to encourage you to continue Haglelgam in his June 1 address to He told the graduates, "You are going thef ine tradition that will always make the Yap Outer Island High School to be important members of your island PATS an outstanding institution graduating class during the com- communities and please do not lose throughout our region. To the dedi- mencement exercises held on Ulithi, sight of this when you leave here," cated friends of PATS, your tireless urged the graduates to make use of effort and commitment in raising adding, "Be good members of your is- the many opportunities that are now land villages, support and keep your funds for the school this year is highly available to them today that students local customs and cultural values alive commendable and ! hope you keep of his time did not have. because these are necessary to keep up this spirit in the years ahead be- "Withbetteropportunitiesandmore your identity." Wygant departs, Brazeal appointed Ambassador m They have three grown daughters. lion to nominate Aurelia Erskine Brazeal, of PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- Z TION SERVICE) - Dignitaries from the Haglelgam in his remarks expressed deep Georgia, a career member of the Senior FSM and Pohnpei State governments gratitude and sincere appreciation on behalf Foreign Service, class of Minister, Coun- joined President John R. Haglelgam in of the Government and the people of FSM to selor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and afarewelltoasttothe U. S. Representa- the Representative on what Wygant had Plenipotentiary of the United Statesof Amer- contributed to the excellent relationship be- tive to the FSM, Michael G. Wygant and ica to the FSM, according to a release from tween the FSM and the U.S. the U.S. Embassy. his wife, Mrs. Lee Wygant, May 25 this " Your actions have touched the lives of Since 1987, Ms. Brazeal has served as c Z year. our people in many more positive ways than Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs for After more than two years of services you probably have been acknowledged for. the American Embassy in Tokyo. Prior to o here in the FSM, Wygant is leaving. Z As your country's ambassadors, you have this, she served as a member of the Senior v Wygant formerly served as Status Liai- done a superb job in representing your Seminar from 1986-1987; Deputy Director c. son Officer attached to the Trust Terri- government and the people." for Economics at the Department of State, "The saying is true that behind every Z tory, an office which he closed in Febru- 1984-1986; in the Economic Bureau of the m ary of 1987. While living in Saipan, he great man there is another greater person. Office of Development Finance at the De- frequently visited the FSM. President I wish to acknowledge the support that Lee partment of State, 1982-1984; Economic ui Reagan appointed Wygant to be a U.S. has so generously provided not only to Mike Officer in Tokyo, 1979-1982; Review Officer Representative to the FSM on May 26 and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 30,1987. Wygant was born on June 22,1936 and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1958. He served briefly in the U.S. Army, and is articulate in French and Russian. He joined the Foreign Service in 1959 and served as a Research Analyst for African Affairs in the Bureau of Intelli- gence and Research; and also served as a Vice Consul at the Consulate General in Harare, Zimbabwe, prior to WYGANTS BIDS FAREWELL: President John R. Haglelgam (left) presents a going taking graduate studies in Africa Affairs away gift to U.S. Ambassador Wygant (right) during a farewell reception for the at Boston University. Wygants held at Harbor View Restaurant.
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