Tort E1 *1St Boom Mat & Os B

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Tort E1 *1St Boom Mat & Os B 11:111,8% 11111 LI 908 tea //Toot lb 044.0400 4Si*, IL SOS Oi SS, Lowe title ?fp." of totkpotts ea Mtt 1,48 bt Set teiollittill ow p t ell woo. tettIt "flat 3ttoit SI tit clots., rot well ta. C ototo leo tatirosies log *4 evil. Silioet KOOK t Pollee tstoosoo bog elicio 10011, beastoster, Lc. **obi OD ati $35 M OM I SIPI I sent 111 66448041$ Deb IPS 1 otos 61.61 oc111.8* *ItitCbitittoet assimeasees4 licosipellcot aCeopossIt000t est tort e1 *1st boom mat & Os b. too* I St et set too z 'moss SS re lict It Ili INN OlOOpOit SI SOO SI. lepsIS, silope iO. ISO OOOPStell o 0600/tOf lei 10o1 *0 telltc.1404 og Ibetatt et toepta I, oat* gtostet sa4 aot otplItatteeted SOS el taste coasters *tote *best tettAsi soot CI lel los. tbs. tpe** premises tectest lista too timo persiot crtticiaa elltst SOS, ceeporsttres rs set *stag tso coopstes tet tea relies. peteolisl. Tv. ropert psoirries tosisi easseesapse as toilittassio tobtobotbis fel coopstet tostslisSisito sttlo ctstits ISO es* Se saso4 ter es lost 1st tbost pstitceis cosestat Motto sits soot et stibet sot teit411,01 COOP.* Sti ,.. a 411 &Os. VI Pe ele 140* OS% VIM IA* ocaoloobt *l it gin so OS* *111 &OS 4111 ceramists*, ot tots tiresome to .s$aISa osopstr tat a5o05et1s1 &kitties tattoo. 111016441 a .c * ***,vollrPellger- 011.1%.... 60- WM 40 11001.411 4#. I. 4.0.0'Mb**,.V4 MOO. Noe*** U.. 4, 411, I 1 0. IAA, SWOP CJ ,(II .01,040*. .001M.Oir,11, 0111 .040...4 so ..44-4I 110.01. 4:11 sI I 101 .01 4,0041,4,4101 PIN' 4.* 1,.."410IV.LII. .15* 'II* 10 0*4 I 1r 411", '..1711 In'&JO: 7. 1.t..7'.404.7. rr P.Jt:att vita:t /leIteatriefv't 1.1r, wet c-crick r 1-or 4r c ¶ .40.124 11410/*TIC 11. i 1 ¶ L 'AO 211.44 4 Flit : f c ,t4: t cit-1 IOU :k-Itzt relic/ %manioc-3. " )..- tic *. Awrsce- 3c1.c,t ticr: allti4 r zr.- _711 k .1 Iir rt. IMO V-- 14.1400.t .111 c*-46 t at-.&tat t tate: erevar. lifrm t t A tit. A.1141"..r. a og ;Amor- Art. t ,It-VIrr 1-4,k!rt_ fold t Loorsont,cit .1,kt deo :Et rift t 1.) 1-m154111i ,Lciahlr-ftt.e--1 t cr. 3r nal or liklea Aert Vett 1, ¶ y Iy : tleMpsibeella1111arrams es* 4.4.milltralp ar4 War amummomh tar Itsiarc. &maw timostab *owe ****, tworbesvoip wad 44 1044.4 *Wm tlimptiares 4 *aerowtiow osiefordommt rINNIOnd 041 enj elhows4 Osollonterosi 4 am arpcob eimersom 4 likob *404 Now 11 rr3:70".- g 44 s Ace ',rote! ititek:frove iz.,4+30tAire ,att t L. 4Na.y::::: t t4 4111,11:va- e . operid c torlet.: t. Of: crt tic 1441. : A. , be".t r :.4m-agNe ic r t.11. wiatt:utti '1! ir vr °Inv. rs. t icar%-lre-^ t1.41-ctiL A. tietarr7.-:!....:,.ff'tt%'411W.--414c1c-r.t:T...aio 3`larrtS-4 ..".. ts. 111-$4ick11tit :c "t It .4ditt t arvi 24', ,. L (Vilma 5diot141n .ile Amory mnd Oanellastona )C bib 1 itiefferitv 1? alla#4,ry 33 Appendix A . )6 Appendix Pi... 60 j,j 4.46dhs. aft the : 42 IP c - 1:4 ; ttoe 4C: . ; c z t47iz 4, z .,41 v-91:4 c: r. t C It *rite :be I4 -4,04.4144.; V* -144.4; 4.h4 4-.41;1; L't (hIgs cct.*. z ) 4, ; -4 4.. spot.ute! `Saa at.14.1uttlit it: 4.L. ^.! t4'.0. al -al*a Val ..ineg [to av,41 :44°.thrti4 ft,t4-.Cd;,00t; -10 II I:L. litatta L.44 '..1.441p4.4 1. *: lite.0,9*#howl o 14.41444 fftet..ivov*** ofPftwolht Coupul44 10 Ag#44t:IY24,4 iipp14(4tiot.4 Iln#4#1PV0C.S64r44F:440114 :MOYAWIticw- 4') 9. Ay** w i t i Nat.:v..of Tootal L l e t t e v. La V 44 °4144114 L-41144144c4tiy Re 400ti clits4 at VOti :lakc-JuCT:a: .c4,1p4tc: fQ2r f-..ncJ1,. .T.4t 0:17 to-c,-rwIliCally, but 41.4,4 :liaaleI;ally. ha: aio. A; a ses411. it har. beton* an estIao:(:ina:ily quanativv tool at tho diapo4a1 of manarcent at all levels Lt.; tt40 intense Qcmpetitive market twhi4;14 mainufa:turing cJoimpanies in the United -,tatot facc, today." (Dean, Icelit, F4 91) mil: w.a th0 conclusion of 4 :ezrIntly oopleteNi survey of 10t leadinq manufacturin9companSes. More- cveS0 thro s:arvey cleasly indicate:1 that-twit oomp.stet incsea4ing1y 14 ponetrat;nq ,W4ci permeating all 4;04% of major manufacturing corporations. fa:ne: coopesatives WV sapidity adopting thecomputes at 4 ''.44r44401:41 4'4 catc-J Ly that: attcelpt4 tu 11,440 404%0: and 110:, ;_lt.13ticate,J or.c t.1 tnet: coiputr:. t.1nce, theft: inal inutallaticAn. litat w-th:.tatA:V4c) tiocto offolty, a populas C:itlt hatLoch that many WC:C:4" 4:c !ILt posW:IU! tcnol LP iiZ t141114,6% pctential;n thei! levc1,0, clIcct;vc 4,:toto 7LeTefo:c,¶ht. l4t1.41 data .101.ct le.!1theti 1;4ht ion thi4 ccinjectu:o. Thy follole.m) IOW*14trAtIZ OWo t...e41,0 4.i.L4111:uh tl4;i4 onOt Ii:tt, the- Jatemln4tion of the %A: 4mat o at: lit:or. ci A . c cv-04 eC.L t!c, ..sctellt:t,atLtt, of !%C.- typo:. (.! vonelated vy t2.c. coope:- al;vr'; tyItclm. :t ;4 IA,t thy pu:puutO 4,1thi4 repot to &Valuate the cffcc!LIOct.a::: LI t1c crJengt to: ty:-.totm; homwVollo cf thy ;nfo:L!-. effec!iVonar. cV41A441;al. 40.=ilne"4 lc° ;-,Z0VidIct 9eLd:41 n4nsgyaieht anJ :;110 fut L.,41104te3 '.nstallations With csiteria that rah Lc utoi'o: evaL4t:tbq pa:ticula: campt.tor effort w:th tft4t Qf0.110: 44sio.ltur41 --q-4c34t1vc'u. =n a44i!i4h, it is a.rnedto plovide exten4iofi yciLNLOtittu w:th 4.(kev:!.. Of Olsolpd:ativy etiectiveno.-..4 in the c001.Ntel 101 w...44414e:41 4de:0:an making. :nforesation was obtainej111"; 9dneral monaless and individuals :,.d0proh..iibld for oomputer installations ina selected group of marketing, processing, Ana taro supply cooperatives. The info:nation was obtained from 614cooperativd, of which 54 were using the (4cllitiO6 of a computer and 12were not.C4 the 12 firmo not usilog a computer, allbut two planned to use a computo: in the next 3 to 5 years.oe those using a computer, 82Xmere ooned or leased, MC were using the facilities of Anothercompany or institution, anj were pro- vided services by a professionalservice group. Also, of the COOpetatives that were usinga computer, 3.411 had less than fiveyears xperience with the hardware, 4 2X from fiveto 10 years experience, and N.X over tenyea:0 experience. finally, the average annual sales of all the surveyed cooperativesi4 approximately 565 million, WIth4 64106 range from M million to S435 million. The authors acknowledge withappreciation the suggestions providedby rhoomp L. Yates, Manager, AdministrativeSystems, Oregon State University Computer Laboratory, and Paul 04 Mbhn,comomist, Extension Service, United States Department of Agriculture. 1%.1iEE clEliFiRAT:CUS -DE it*DVAidi Ao, unusually rapid rate of technical advanceha been, perhap.., the con:picuous chazacteric of the compute.,industry. A. a consequences LT1 the pa:t :AO yearly ',he computer agehas evolved through three generations of (4,mvute:hardware.1/ First generation computers emphasized recordkoeping and scientific computational capabilities and lasted from 1945 to1957. During this period, *toe barAc lechniques and systems essential tothe building of a new !ochnology were developed. second generation computers emphasizedautomatic decision and control functions. This generation, mhich has just passed, encompassedthe application of computers to almost every area of businessscience. Today, the third generation has evolved emphasizingreal time processing aad control. Business and scientific applications are more complexand o!a grester magnitude than everbo:ore in history. The next generation is difficult to predict; however, manyfeel that this genaration *gin place an even greater emphasis on realtime multi- Thc e:tive cf. this lenerrA^n will he TO dovelop bc..tory more versatile, more useful compu,er, onethat will function fa-4tery store more information, occupy less space,and oost less (Harris, 1968). WADI !UWE CAPABILITIES Az a poin, of departure it is well to note that ar information system csnsists of computer oomponents, people, andinformation. The ccmputer components cm, be said to include hardware andNoftware (programs). People dt:,termine the computer usage, and information relates tothe interpreted data in terms of decisions made at Npecific levelsof management. The determination of hardware capabllities is of major concern atthis time, and attention is first given to this topic. Capability is defined as that which represents the capacity ofbeing used or developed, and existing capacity cannot be used ordeveloped without the involvement of people. Consequently, people are a necessary component of the capability of a computer effort, because, as PeterDrucker succinctly concludes, the oomputer by itself is a morons VW are beginning to realize that the computer makes no decisions; it only carries out orders. It's a total moron, and therein lies its strength. It forces us to think, to set criteria. The stupider the tool, tha brighter the master has to be--and thisis the dumbest tool we have ever had. (Drucker, 1957 a., p. 24) Therefore, capability must be defined both in terms of computer components and the manner in which people aanipulate the components.
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    'This is a plain-text list of port numbers, names, and descriptions. 'The list should be kept in ascending numeric sequence. 'At present, the maximum number of entries is 8192. One line/port. 'Format: portnumber TAB portname TAB description ' portnumber: required. Range is 0 to 65535 ' TAB: a tab character (X'09'). The tabs are required even when ' fields between them are omitted. They are the delimiters. ' portname: optional. Common ports have standardized uses/names, ' but most other ports do not have names. Try to keep the ' names short, as they appear within the 'port' columns of ' the Events List. ' description: optional. This is a list of legitimate and/or malware. ' Legitimate use(s) come first, immediately following the TAB. ' These are the normal, non-threatening uses of the port. When ' a port has several uses, separate them with vertical bars. ' Spaces on either side of the bars make the list more readable. ' Malware (Worms, viruses, Trojans, etc.) appear after the ' legitimate uses. The Malware list begins with a Tilde (~). ' When there are several malwares, separate them with vertical ' bars. 'Look at some of the existing entries for examples. 'Lines beginning with an apostrophe, and blank lines, are ignored. 'Please send updates and corrections to [email protected] 0 ~REx 1 tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer~Sockets des Troie 2 compressnet Compression Process~Death 3 compressnet compressnet 4 echo Appletalk echo Protocol 5 rje Remote Job Entry~yoyo 7 echo echo 8 ~Ping Attack 9 discard sink null 11 systat Active Users~Skun
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