REPORT OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL Bar Harbor, Maine, USA 4 - 8 June 2007 President: Dr Ken Whelan (European Union) Vice-President: Mr Arni Isaksson (Iceland) Secretary: Dr Malcolm Windsor CNL(07)58 NASCO, 11 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AS, Scotland, UK Tel: (Int+44) 131 228 2551, Fax: (Int+44) 131 228 4384, e-mail:
[email protected] CONTENTS PAGE Report of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Council of the North Atlantic 1 Salmon Conservation Organization, Harborside Hotel and Marina, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, 4 - 8 June 2007 Compte rendu de la Vingt-quatrième réunion annuelle du Conseil de l’Organisation 15 pour la Conservation du Saumon de l’Atlantique Nord, Hôtel et Marina Harborside, Bar Harbor, Maine, EUA, 4 - 8 juin 2007 Annex 1 Welcoming Statement made by Dr William J Brennan, Deputy 31 Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Affairs, NOAA Annex 2 Opening Statement made by the President of NASCO 33 Annex 3 Opening Statements made by the Parties 35 Annex 4 Opening Statement made by the North Pacific Anadromous Fish 47 Commission Annex 5 Opening Statement made by Non-Government Organizations 49 Annex 6 List of Participants 51 Annex 7 Agenda, CNL(07)39 59 Annex 8 2008 Budget, 2009 Forecast Budget, and Schedule of 61 Contributions (Pounds Sterling), CNL(07)46 Annex 9 Memorandum of Understanding between the North Atlantic Salmon 65 Conservation Organization and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, FAC(07)6 Annex 10 Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 73