Volume 6 Issue 1 Main St. Connection Main St. Connection Volume 6 Issue 1 Page 8 PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE December 2017Page U.S. POSTAGE Main Street United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 19 E. Main Street PAID LOGANSPORT, IN 46947 Logansport, IN 46947 PERMIT NO. 40 574/753-3488 RETURNED SERVICE REQUESTED

Services Every Sunday at 9:00am & 11:06am

Dear Church Family,

Some of my earliest memories of church are from learning the stories of the in Sunday School, and of those stories, the stories of Daniel always stood out. In a child’s mind they are more than dramatic; even frightening. Who could imagine, or would want to imagine, being thrown into a fiery furnace or a den of lions, but that’s exactly what happens with God’s faith- ful people in these stories. Yet they come out without even a hint of smoke or a scratch. The lessons from these stories and more abound, if we can read “the writing on the wall” (a phrase that also comes from the stories of Daniel).

During this Advent season, as we draw near Christmas, we are going to be studying these fa- miliar stories of Daniel. I have to admit that I have never preached from the book of Daniel, nor can I even recall hearing a sermon from this great book. Some of this might be because Daniel’s book contains not only stories (chapters 1-6), but also visions (chapters 7-12). These visions are difficult to understand and even more challenging to apply to our lives today. In January we will take on the challenge of these visions, but for now we will be considering the stories and how they point us to the greatest “Story” of all—the Christmas Story.

Today it seems we have moved far from the hope and peace of that first Christmas night, and we long for our King to return us to the joy and love of home. Daniel is a book about being far from home, living in unfamiliar places and serving those who just do not get us. Advent is When was born, which two earthly rulers were in about preparation for the coming King and at its core Daniel is about being faithful to our power? coming King while we live under the kings (authorities) of this world. In this series entitled A. Quirinius “Faithfully Serving the (Coming) King” we will consider such things as the cost of serving Jesus today, what true humility looks like, what is God saying to us today, and how God still B. acts on our behalf—all while we wait for the coming King. We will take the true life lessons C. Caesar of Daniel and his friends and allow them to transform how we live our lives today in service D. King Herod of King Jesus.

Answers: A and C (See :1-2.) I look forward to serving our coming King with you this Advent.

Come King Jesus, Pastor Damon Volume 6 Issue 1 Main St. Connection Main St. Connection Volume 6 Issue 1 Page 2 Page 7 Mission For The Month of December: Christmas Baskets December The loose coin for December is the Christmas Baskets. The money collected will go to help purchase food for our baskets. Any money left over will be given to our Good Samaritan Fund! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Greetings from the Prayer Summit!

What Are You Now? Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5 NIV. 1 2 You who are born of God according to the marks laid down in His Word well know that you are His children. Your hearts are assured before Him. Everyone who has observed these marks can sense and know of a truth 3 4 5 6*Homework 7 8 9Joy Class at this very moment whether, in the sight of God, you are thus His child. Prayer team 8:30am Prayer Summit Club-3-5pm Quilt Club Luncheon- The question is not anything else: What are you now? Is the Spirit of adoption *Worship Service 9am 12pm *Youth Group 4:30-6:30pm 11:30am *Sunday School 10:am 6-8pm *Band now in your heart? Make the appeal to your own heart: AreDecember you now the temple Volunteers of the *2nd Service-11:06am *United Practice-7pm Methodist Holy Spirit? Does He now dwell within you? *Service at Chase Women Mtg.- Perhaps you are resting in a transaction made at your baptism, Ushersbut does the Spirit Center 6pm of and of glory now rest upon you, or has the light thatRichard was within & you Elaine become James darkness again? To you also I say, “You must be born again.”Dale You & have Lorraine read what Bowman are 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 the marks of the children of God. All who do not have these on their souls, whether Prayer team 8:30am Prayer Summit *Homework Quilt Club baptized or unbaptized, must needs receive them or withoutCommunion doubt they will perish Servers *Worship Service 9am 12pm Club-3-5pm 4:30-6:30pm *Sunday School 10:am *Youth Group *Band eternally. Georgette Beatty, 6-8pm Practice-7pm Lord Jesus! May everyone who prepares his or her heart toJanice seek YourBabb, face receive that Spirit of adoption and be enable to cry out,Lorraine “Abba, Father.” Bowman, Let them now have power to believe in Your name as to become children of 17 18 19 20A 21 22 23 God and know and sense redemption through Your blood andKay the Galbreathforgiveness Prayer team 8:30am Prayer Summit *All Church Quilt Club of sins. *Worship Service 9am 12pm Christmas 4:30-6:30pm *Sunday School 10:am *Band John Wesley on prayer *2nd Service-11:06am Party 6pm Practice-7pm

Looking back, our Logansport congregation was received into the Methodist Protestant Church at Annual conference held at 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Greenfield, IN in August 1919. The first minister was Rev. A. Prayer team 8:30am Office D. Wooten, who organized the church and received its first *Worship Service 9am Closed *Sunday School 10:am members. *2nd Service-11:06am In 1940, the Rev. Dewitt gave the church a new name. He called Christmas Eve it the Church with The Lighted Cross, which was mounted above Service-7pm the main door to the sanctuary. It is still up there under the ceiling tile and still can be lit. After the new church was completed, dedication services were held on January 23, 31 1938. All the members gathered at the chapel and marched into the new church singing a special song, led by Carl H. Sanders. August 2019 will be our 100 year anniversary as a Methodist Prayer team 8:30am Church. We hope to make it a whole week of special events. *Worship Service 9am Blessings be with you! *Sunday School 10:am Stan Sanders *2nd Service-11:06am Church Historian * Please confirm all church dates with the Church Office so we don’t have any conflicts. Volume 6 Issue 1 Main St. Connection Main St. Connection Volume 6 Issue 1 Page 6 Page 3 God’s Wink HABAKKUK As I often do, I sat down to read in my Bible by simply asking God to guide me and then I open it at random. This time, it was the first page of Habakkuk. The Vital Statistics immediately caught my eye.

Purpose: To show that God is still in control of the world despite the apparent triumph www.logansportmainstumc.com of evil. Author: Habakkuk To Whom Written: Judah (the southern kingdom), and God’s people everywhere. Date Written: Between 612 and 588 B.C. Key Verse: “Lord I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember Logansport Main Street mercy” (3:2) “Habakkuk saw a dying world, and it broke his heart.” “He went directly to God with his complaints and God answered with an avalanche of proof and prediction” 12-Tommy Turley God answers him by letting him know that in the end he will judge. From all 13-Tom Joyner December Volunteers appearances the evil may seem to be winning, but it will not! God will have the final say and 15-Shaunita Cavanaugh Ushers be victorious. My grandmother used to tell me to beware of the year 2,000, the world will end. Each 17-Maxine Eikelburner Richard & Elaine James generation has had it’s own troubles. As you see in Habakkuk, even long before Jesus the 17-Stan Sanders Dale & Lorraine Bowman world was in turmoil . . . even since Adam and Eve. In the world we are now living in, we 1-Ron Gordon 17-Jerry Ann Chomko Communion Servers too look for the signs of the end times. Science has advanced so rapidly. I was born some 2-Carolyn Short 19-Rex Slusser time before television was even invented. Our telephone was a party line and you had to Georgette Beatty, wait your turn. Yet today we have advanced so far as to start wondering if we are seeing 4-Jocelyn Levy 19-Ross Shafer Janice Babb, God’s signs. A recent example that should give us pause would be the companies that are 4-Beverly Ahoni 27-Joyce Shaffer Lorraine Bowman, offering microchips in employees hands to “make their lives easier”. Beware God clearly 5-Will Scott 29-Shelby Ping warns us not to bear the “mark” of the devil on our forehead or hand. Kay Galbreath Aside from the our world changing so rapidly. We who believe in our God and Jesus 11-Rick Denny 30-Amanda Downs who died for us, need have no fear. Yes, we may suffer, but we know what really lies ahead. 11-Alex Prouse 30-Samantha Wyma Habakkuk teaches us that we too can take our questions and complaints to God. God 12-Ken Alcorn will answer, if only we will listen. There is so much joy in knowing that our God never gives up on us, He is always with us and that he is abiding in us and in our world. Have your Christmas Eve conversation with your Best Friend, Jesus. Service at 7pm Loving Father, Thank you for giving me hope in this world I live in, Some say its so difficult on Sunday, to see the goodness,. The news seems so negative and frightening at times. Bring December 24 me closer to you, give me the courage and strength I need to share your love with others. Let me to see the goodness that I know is there. Let your Holy Spirit moan Along with 16-Ron & Janet Holcomb and groan for me with prayer that I cannot fathom. Spread your loving arms over regular services on our nation Father. Protect us and guide those that are in control of our future on 21-Chris & Tammy Goldsberry this earth. Give them wisdom, and for those that do not know you, I ask 21-Duane & Kay Stuart Sunday, December 24 at that you send your evangelists to them now. Send your troops Lord. 9am and 11:06am Soldiers in Jesus name. Amen Judybeth

Volume 6 Issue 1 Main St. Connection Page 4 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

As we enter the final month of the year and reviewing this past year, we were cool when to was hot this summer and it has been warm as fall and winter starts to set in. Your generous do- nations have paid 90% of $20,000 for our new heating and air conditioning system (thanks you so much!), and we are praying that the balance can be paid by the end of the year. We are grateful to Midwest Metals for their patience in receiving their final payment. We have been active in ministries to the neighborhood community, with Homework Club, NO FEAR ZONE, etc. and 16 new members have joined us…starting to write just a few things, I was so pleased. Looking at monthly Balance Sheets of LMSUMC and where we had to rely on our Reserve Fund to pay the current expenses. Asking myself what can I (we) do to increase my (our) com- mitment to giving of my time and recourses. The Conference Treasurer of UMW had shared about maybe we were too comfortable in this life and asked does your life and/or church need some disturbing? Then she shared a prayer by Sir Francis Drake, 1540-1596, an Admiral, that is called “Disturb Us, Lord”.

2 Corinthians 8:7 ” Since you excel in so many ways……………..”NLT

Disturb Us, Lord Disturb us, Lord, when We are too pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Because we dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess We have lost our thirst For the waters of life; Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity And in our efforts to build a new earth, We have allowed our vision Of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wilder seas Where storms will show Your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars. We ask you to push back The horizons of our hopes; And to push back the future In strength, courage, hope, and love. This we ask in the name of our Captain, Who is Jesus Christ. Amen Grace to you and yours, Thank you, Love, Peace and Joy, Patty Carter 12/17