(A Correlation Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Education in English Department

NUR HIKMAH 10535 6424 15













Nama : Nur Hikmah

NIM : 10535642415

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Judul : The Relationship between Watching English Movie and Students Speaking Ability in 2nd Grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa

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Makassar, Agustus 2020

Yang membuat perjanjian

Nur Hikmah





Nama : Nur Hikmah

NIM : 10535642415

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Judul : The Relationship between Watching English Movie and Students Speaking Ability in 2nd Grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa

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Makassar, Agustus 2020

Yang membuat perjanjian

Nur Hikmah



“Life is never flat, so keep your chin up”

I dedicated this thesis

For my lovely father in heaven, my mother, my husband, my little girl, and all people who love and prayed me until I finished this thesis



NUR HIKMAH, 2020. “The Relationsheep between Watching English Movie and Students’ Speaking Ability in 2nd Grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa”. Gueded by Eny Syatriana and Saiful.

The problem statement of this research was formulated in problem statement (1) is there significant relationship between watching English movie and students‟ speaking in 2nd grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa. The objective of this research was to find out the significant relationship between watching English movie and students‟ speaking in 2nd grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa. The researcher methodology of this research was descriptive correlation in quantitative which consisted of two instruments in collecting the data. The instruments was questionnaire and test. This research was done at class XI IPS SMA Negeri 13 Gowa with the total of sample is 26 students.

The researcher found The researcher found ro = 0,049 and r-table= 0,388 with a standard of significant 95%. The value of correlation product moment is lower than r table (0,049< 0,388). So, the alternative hyphothesis (H0) of the research is accepted, but H1 is rejected. It means that there was correlation but the correlation of both variables are very low. So there was a relationship between students in watching English movie and students‟ speaking ability.

Key words: relationship, watching movie, speaking



Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin, in the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful and the Almighty who never stop blessing she so that she could finish writing this thesis. Shalawat is also deliver to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness and delivered the truth to human being.

The thesis could not be finished without supporting and encouragement of people who gave valuelable assistance. Therefore, she would like to express her appreciation to them particularly.

The researcher would like to express her highest appreciation and deepest thankfulness to her beloved parents Almarhum Satuhang and Hj. St. Kartini for their prayer, loves, financial, motivation and sacrifice for the her success.

There for, she would like to express her gratitude and honor to:

1. Dr.H.Abdul Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M., The rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., The Dekan of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The Head of English Education

Department of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

4. Her high appreciation and great thankful to her first consultant, Dr. Eny

Syatriana., M.Pd and her second consultant, Dr. Saiful., M.Pd for their


valuable time, knowledge, and guidance with all their patience during the

process of accomplishing this thesis.

5. Her beloved family, my husband and my sister and all member of family

can not be mentioned here. Thank you for your all help and motivation.

6. Many thankful for her beloved best friend ever all of her friends in BG 8F

English education department for anything we shared.

Finally, by reciting Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin. The researcher hopes that this writing will give contribution to the improvement of the English teaching and learning process. Hwever, the writer also realizes that this is still far from being perfect. Therefore, all critics and suggestion will be appreciated.

Makassar, August 2020



TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 1 ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background ...... 1 B. Problem Statement ...... 3 C. Objective of the Study ...... 3 D. Significance of the Study ...... 4 E. Scope of the Study ...... 4 CHAPTER II ...... 5 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 5 A. Previous Related Research Findings ...... 5 B. Pertinent Ideas ...... 9 a. Definition of Speaking skill...... 9 b. Types of Speaking ...... 14 c. Functions of Speaking ...... 16 d. Purpose of Speaking ...... 19 e. Benefits of Speaking Activity...... 20 f. Definition of Media ...... 20 g. Characteristics of Media ...... 21 h. Contribution of Media ...... 22 i. Definition of film/movie ...... 22 j. Types of Movie ...... 23 k. Watching English movie ...... 27 l. English Movie as Media in Teaching Learnig Process ...... 27 m. “Toys Story 4” ...... 28 C. Conceptual Framework ...... 29 D. Hypotesis...... 30 CHAPTER III ...... 31 RESEARCH METHOD ...... 31 A. Research Design ...... 31 B. Subject of the Research ...... 31 C. Instrument of the Research ...... 32 D. Population and Sample ...... 35 E. Data Collection ...... 36


F. Data Analysis ...... 37 CHAPTER IV ...... 41 A. Findings ...... 41 1. Analysis of Data of Students‟ in Watching English Movie ...... 41 2. Analysis Clacification of Students Speaking Skill...... 43 3. Analyzed the classification of correlation between the two variables...... 45 B. DISCUSSION ...... 51 1. Students in watching English movie ...... 51 2. Students speaking ability ...... 51 3. Relationship between students in watching English movie and students speaking ability ...... 51 CHAPTER V ...... 52 CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 52 A. CONCLUSSIONS...... 52 B. SUGGESTIONS ...... 52 REFERENCES ...... 53 APPENDICES




Table 3.1 Indicator of questionnaire

Table 3.2 The text of speaking test

Table 3.3 Population of research

Table 3.4 Sample of research

Table 3..5 Score of questionnaire in likert scale

Table 3.6 Criteria of speaking skill

Table 3.7 Score classification of speaking skill

Table 3.8 Interpretation of number correlation (“r” score)

Table 4.1 Classification of students main score variable X

Table 4.2 Frequency in watching English movie

Table 4.3 Classification of students main score variable Y

Table 4.4 Frequency of students speaking achievement based

on each scor

Table 4.5 Classification of students speaking achievement

Table 4.6 Descriptive statistics

Table 4.7 Analysis correlation between X and Y

Table 4.8 Correlation between X and Y



Appendice 1 Name of Participants

Appendice 2 Speaking Test

Appendice 3 Score of Questionnaire

Appendice 4 Score of Speaking Test

Appendice 5 The score of variable X and Y

Appendice 6 Critical Value of r Product Moment

Appendice 7 Documentation



Language is an important aspects in human life. It is mean of communication the person to the others. The people need language to looking for and give people benefit information. Communication hold the most important aspect of language, listening or reading cannot occur without communication.

People need language as a communication to express their feeling, thought and desires. (Suci, 2017:1)

Basically, there are four skills required in English teaching learning program. They are reading, speaking, listening and writing. Based on those skill, speaking is one of the most important skill in language learning. By speaking, we can convey information and ideas, and maintain social relationship by communicating with others.

English is the most important foreign language studied in Indonesia.

English in Indonesia is generally taught as a foreign language and it needed several strategies to make the pronunciation same with the native speakers. Every language has different sounds So, when we communicate in English, of course, we produce the English sounds.

In Indonesia, English considered the first foreign language to be learned, the Indonesian government has chosen English as a first foreign language to be taught in schools. In formal education, English is taught from elementary school until universities. As a subject of learning process, English considered as one of


subject that less comfortable by students. So that using teaching media is very important to help the students be more interest Saiful (2019).

In addition, speaking is the main means for fostering mutual communication, reciprocal communication, using language as a medium. Talking activities in language classes have aspects of two-way communication, namely between the speaker and the audience reciprocally. Thus speaking exercises must be first in Speaking we seem to do translation in doing it which indirectly makes our brain work twice. This can be described as when a child is given a question and then you prepare it first in the preparation stage for good and correct

Indonesian. Then move it or translate it into English which is certainly in the correct pattern, so our brain will work twice. But it's different if we immediately think of sentences in EnglishFurthermore, Grauberg (1997: 201) revealed that many students who consider the main purpose of learning a compassionate language are to be able to speak the language. Therefore, Grauberg continued, language teachers must help students to achieve these student goals by releasing all their best abilities.

Based on the information of the several teachers at SMAN 13 Gowa, there are problems of speaking English in the second grade students. The students rarely have opportunity to speak English to communicate with others and to share their ideas in the class.Speaking English is difficult for them, but the teacher did not give much attention to it. They had boring activities in the English class. The teacher used textbook-based technique and reading aloud from book when teaching English. He rarely used other media to support his teaching and focused


only on what the students might have in the UN (Ujian Nasional). Another problem that appears in speaking was in term of pronunciation and vocabulary.

The students had limited sources to learn vocabulary and pronunciation. Instead, the teacher was the only source. They also lacked of self-confidence and motivation. They tended to be passive and merely listened to the teacher. The teacher controlled most of the activities and used minimum media to support the teaching of speaking. This study is also strengthened by research from Saiful

(2019) entitled the correlation between the frequency of watching English films and vocabulary mastery of SMAN 1 Bontonompo Selatan Gowa Regency. He concluded that there is a low correlation to the frequency of watching movies in

English and the students' vocabulary mastery.

From the explanation above, the researcher decide to conduct a research entitled “The Relationship Between Watching English Movie and Students‟

Speaking Ability in 2nd Grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa”

B. Problem Statement

The problem statement of this research is there significant relationship between watching English movie and students‟ speaking ability in 2nd grade of

SMAN 13 Gowa.

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the research question, the objectives of research is to find out the significant relationship between watching English movie and students‟ speaking ability in 2nd grade of SMAN 13 Gowa.


D. Significance of the Study

The results of this research are expected to give a significance contribution in terms of theoretical and practical as follows:

1. Theoretical significance

This research is expected to have significant contribution in quality of learning strategy. Is also expected that the result of this of the research will be useful of students, especially in students‟ speaking skill.

2. Practical significance

For the Students,this research can also be used to improve their pronunciation in speaking with different ways.

E. Scope of the Study

The researcher limited the study by focusing on the students‟ in watching

English movie and students‟ speaking ability in 2nd grade of SMAN 13 Gowa. On this study, the researcher focused on students‟ speaking accuracy (pronounciation) and fluency (vocabulary) by watching English movie with title ”Toys Story 4”.



A. Previous Related Research Findings

Provisions are very basic that humans must have ability. Capabilities have been developed by humans to enrich themselves and to achieve cultural development and education. According to the Indonesian dictionary, ability derived from the word "capable" which means power (can, can, cando something, can, be, rich, have excessive assets). Ability is a ability to do something. Someone is said to be capable if an individual can do something which must be done.

According to Chaplin (2005: 419) in the dictionary complete Psychology,

"abilities (abilities, skills, agility,talent, ability) is power (power of strength) for do an act ". Individuals in carrying out activities or an action requires power or power in the form of ability, dexterity skills, talent or ability. Ability is power or power that is Furthermore Robbins (2008: 57) suggests that "Ability can be innate abilities or results practice or practice. Every individual human has its advantages some have innate abilities there are those who don't. But the ability is not only obtained from born but can also be trained through courses, formal education- informal and individual training.

Some exposure to the definition above, it can be concluded that ability is the ability or potential to master an expertise that is inherited from birth or is a result practice or practice and used to work on something manifested through his actions. Every individual has a level different abilities in carrying out an action.


This ability influences the potential that exists in the individual. Ability greatly affects the progress of learning, can be interpreted that students who have a level of ability the high will be more successful than students who have low ability.

In the current era, technology is very helpful especially for the media.

Media are all forms and channels that are used to convey information or messages. The word media comes from the Latin word, is the plural form of the word "medium". Literally the word means "intermediary" or "introduction", namely the intermediary of the source of the message (a source) with the recipient of the message (a receiver).

Media mentioned here is a tool to provide stimulation for students so that learning processes occur, such as books, films, tapes, and others. (Bringgs), who can deliver messages or teaching materials. While technology is a science that discusses skills acquired through experience, study, and observation. The term

"technology" is closely related to the word technique. Techniques in the field of learning are what actually happens between teacher and student.

Learning Technology grows from educational practices and audio-visual communication movements. Learning technology was originally seen as a technology of equipment, which deals with the use of equipment, media and means to achieve educational goals or in other words teaching with audio-visual aids. The definition of educational technology in the early 1920s was seen as


media. This is due to the use of media that must be done in educational technology to achieve educational goals.

Learning Technology is a combination of three interrelated streams, namely media in education, learning psychology and systems approach in education. It can be said that media is part of learning technology.

In the explanation above, we can understand that media is included in the scope of teaching technology. Because teaching technology is a set of integrated processes in which people are involved, procedures, ideas, tools and organizations and management of ways of solving educational problems found in purposeful and intentional learning situations.

According to Saiful (2019) in his research, students of senior high school prefer to watch English movies than Indonesian movies. Actually English movies havebeen translated in Indonesian, but the conversation is still spoken in English.

So it can be said that in the teaching-learning process requires media for learning and must use techniques or strategies in learning so that learning is not monotonous and not boring students in learning. So, in another sense, media is a tool or means used to convey messages from communicators to the public. Many experts and organizations also provide restrictions on the understanding of media.

Some of them are as follows:

1. National Education Association (NEA): Media is a means of

communication in print and audio-visual forms, including hardware



2. Association of Education Communication Technology (AECT): Media are

all forms and channels that are used for the process of channeling


3. Miarso: Media is everything that can be used to channel messages that can

stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention, and students' willingness to learn.

In general it can be divided into 3 namely visual media, audio media and audio visual media. Visual media is a media that can be seen, read and touched.

This media relies on the senses of sight and touch. Various types of media are very easy to obtain. Examples of media that are very numerous and easy to obtain or make themselves. Examples: photo media, pictures, comics, sticky drawings, posters, magazines, books, miniatures, props and so on. Audio media is a medium that can be heard only, using the senses of the ear as a channel. Examples: sound, music and songs, musical instruments, radio broadcasts and sound tapes or CD and so on. Audio visual media is media that can be heard and seen simultaneously. This media moves the sense of hearing and vision together. For example: drama media, performances, films, television and media that are now mushrooming, namely VCD. The internet is included in the form of audio visual media, but is more complete and brings together all types of media formats, called

Multimedia because various formats are on the internet.

Audio visual media can be used in all phases of teaching starting from the introduction or opening when introducing the topic to student learning evaluation.

The use of audio media strongly supports the complete learning system. Students who study slowly can play back and repeat the parts they have not mastered.


Some exposure above, it can be concluded that one of the audio visual

media is film. Film is also considered a powerful communication medium for the

masses who are the target, because of its audio-visual nature, which is a living

image and sound. With images and sound, movies can tell a lot in a short time.

B. Pertinent Ideas

a. Definition of Speaking skill

Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is

developed in child life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that

period speaking skill is learned.

Based on Competence Based Curriculum speaking is one of the

four basic competences that the students should gain well. It has an

important role in communication. Speaking can find in spoken cycle

especially in Joint Construction of Text stage (Departmen Pendidikan

Nasional, 2004). In carrying out speaking, students face some difficulties

one of them is about language its self. In fact, most of students get

difficulties to speak even though they have a lot of vocabularies and have

written them well. The problems are afraid for students to make mistakes.

Speaking is the productive skill. It could not be separated from

listening. When we speak we produce the text and it should be meaningful.

In the nature of communication, we can find the speaker, the listener, the

message and the feedback. Speaking could not be separated from

pronunciation as it encourages learners to learn the English sounds.


Harmer, (in Tarigan, 1990: 12) writes that when teaching speaking or producing skill, we can apply three major stages, those are: Introducing new language, practice, and communicative activity.

Speaking has been regarded as merely implementation and variation, outside the domain of language and linguistic proper. Linguistic theory has mostly developed in abstraction from context of use and source of diversity. Therefore, Clark and Clark said that speaking is fundamentally an instrument act. Speakers talk in order to have some effect on their listener. It is the result of teaching learning process.

Students‟ skill in conversation is core aspect in teaching speaking, it becomes vitally aspect in language teaching learning success if language function as a system for expression meaning and the successful in speaking is measured through someone ability to carry out a conversation in the language. We confess that there are many proponent factors that influence teaching speaking success and there are many obstacle factors why it is not running well.

According to Brawn in (Awalia Reski, 2009:2) speaking is an interractive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving a processing information. Speakers require that speakers not know how to produce specific point of language such as grammar, pronounciation, but also that understand when, why, and what what ways to produce language.


Based on the statements above the researcher infers that if someone speaks, he/she should understand what is he/she about. In this section, the writer should develop ideas or build some topics to be talked and to make other responds to what speakers says.

Stern (in Risnadedi, 2001: 56-57) said watch a small child‟s speech development. First he listens, then he speaks, understanding always produces speaking. Therefore this must be the right order of presenting the skills in a foreign language. In this learning of language included speaking, there is an activity of speaker or learner and it has to have an effect to build speaker‟s or learner‟s desires and express how his/her feeling and acting out his/her attitudes through speaking. Thus the learning of speaking can not be separated from language.

On the other hand, speaking can be called as oral communication and speaking is one of skills in English learning. This become one important subject that teacher should given. That is why the teachers have big challenge to enable their students to master English well, especially speaking English in class or out of the class.

The conclusion of some of the opinions above is that speaking is the ability to say words in order to convey or express intentions, ideas, thoughts and feelings that are compiled and developed in accordance with the needs of the listeners so that what is conveyed can be understood by listeners.


Like writing, speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities, which often develop at the different rates. Either four or five components are generally recognized in analyzing the speech process.

a. Pronunciation

The outer manifestation of speech is sound. The speaker

must first decide what to say, be able to articulate the words, and

create the physical sounds that carry meaning. According to

Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, pronunciation is the way

in which a language or a particular word or sound is spoken, the

way a person speaks the word of a language. Fulcher(2003:25)

states as follows:

In pronouncing the words, the learners regularly have problems distinguishing between sounds in the new language that do not exist in languages they already know. Problems with pronunciation may be distracting for the listener, but they rarely lead to miscommunicationor misunderstanding.

b. Grammar (accuracy)

Brown (2001:362) affirms that grammar is a system of rules

governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of word in a

sentence. In popular use, the term „grammar‟ describes what people-

usually native speakers-ought or ought not to say or write. This is

called prescriptive grammar because it prescribes correct usage


c. Vocabulary

Ur (1996:60) states as follows:

Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as „the word‟ we teach in foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word. For example, post office and mother-inlaw, which are, made up two or three words but express a single idea. They are also multi-word idioms such as call it a day, where the meaning of the phrase cannot be deduced from an analysis of the component words.

d. Fluency

According to Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, the ability to express language or action in a smooth easy way.

Thornbury (2006:43) states as follows:

Fluency is primarily the ability to produce and maintain speech in real time. To do this, fluent speakers are capable of two things: first, appropriate pausing (their pauses may be long but are not frequent, their pauses are usually filled with pause fillers like erm, you know), second, long runs (there are many syllables and words between pauses).

e. Comprehension

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, comprehension is the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, facts, and etc. Thornbury (2006:43) Comprehension also involves different psychological operations, including perception, recognition, and inference. Comprehension contributes to language learning and without comprehension there is no learning. From many definitions explained above, speaking is a skill which deals not only the


production of what the speaker says but also the expressions of the speaker

in order people understand what he/she say.

Speaking is a skill which is used in daily life and the skill is

required by much repetition. Someone who speaks should have sufficient

vocabulary to express what he wants to say. There is difference between

spoken language and written language in some aspects. In contrast to the

written language, where sentences are carefully structured and linked

together, speech is characterized by incomplete and sometimes

ungrammatical utterances and by frequent start and repetitions. b. Types of Speaking

In the context of ESL teaching, there are at least five types of

speaking that take place in the classroom. This post will define and

provide examples of each. The five types are as follow: a) Imitative

At the imitative level, it is probably already clear what the student is trying to do. At this level, the student is simply trying to repeat what was said to them in a way that is understandable and with some adherence to pronunciation as defined by the teacher.

It doesn‟t matter if the student comprehends what they are saying or carrying on a conversation. The goal is only to reproduce what was said to


them. One common example of this is a “repeat after me” experience in the classroom. b) Intensive

Intensive speaking involves producing a limit amount of language in a highly control context. An example of this would be to read aloud a passage or give a direct response to a simple question.

Competency at this level is shown through achieving certain grammatical or lexical mastery. This depends on the teacher‟s expectations. c) Responsive

Responsive is slightly more complex than intensive but the difference is blurry, to say the least. At this level, the dialog includes a simple question with a follow-up question or two. Conversations take place by this point but are simple in content. d) Interactive

The unique feature of intensive speaking is that it is usually more interpersonal than transactional. By interpersonal it is meant speaking for maintaining relationships. Transactional speaking is for sharing information as is common at the responsive level.


The challenge of interpersonal speaking is the context or pragmatics the speaker have to keep in mind the use of slang, humor, ellipsis, etc. when attempting to communicate. This is much more complex than saying yes or no or giving directions to the bathroom in a second language. e) Extensive

Extensive communication is normal some sort of monolog. Examples include speech, story-telling, etc. This involves a great deal of preparation and is not typically improvisational communication.

It is one thing to survive having a conversation with someone in a second language. You can rely on each other‟s body language to make up for communication challenges. However, with extensive communication either the student can speak in a comprehensible way without relying on feedback or they cannot. In my personal experience, the typical ESL student cannot do this in a convincing manner.

The list above is ordered from simplest to most complex in terms of the requirements of oral production for the student. c. Functions of Speaking

Nowadays, people realize that speaking is very important skill to be mastered; speaking proves its effectiveness with the development of period.

Many aspect of our live engage speaking as the priority in almost all contexts


of our live, people communicate each other to express their ideas, feeling, thought, and etc. In additions, business man, salesman, and other professions which need speaking skill now race each other to grab the costumer by using their speaking style.

Taking not of the phenomenon, it will be somewhat to find out what is the really function of speaking. Viewing from its usage, the function of speaking can be categorized in three versions; talk as interaction, talk as transaction, and talk as performance. Each of the three speech kinds is distinct in term and function, it also need different teaching approach (R. Jack

C; Teaching Listening and Speaking, 2008: 21).

1. Talk as interaction

It can be defined as realities we do in our daily communication that

we call as “conversation”, it deals with the social function of language.

People meet to exchange greeting, small talk, recount recent experience,

and so on because they want to be friendly and founding comfortable

relation with others. People need a specific skill involved in using talk as

interaction, the skill are at least; opening and closing conversations,

choosing topics, making small-talk, joking, recounting personal incidents

and experiences, turn-taking, using adjacency pairs2, interrupting,

reacting to others, and using an appropriate style of speaking.

Mastering the whole skill of interaction skill may could be difficult

for learner and sometimes not be a priority but the skill is very important

when we get in a situation that requires us should use interaction skill.


Second language learners need a lot of topic in order to manage talk as


2. Talk as transaction

Talk as transaction means speaker focus of accurate speech in

which the speech purpose is making another understand exactly and get

clear respond. Burns (1998) divides talk as transaction into two types. The

first is about giving and receiving information in which participant focus

on what is said and achieved, e.g., asking and giving information. The

second types is about obtaining, it can be goods, service, and etc. e.g.,

checking into a hotel or ordering food in a restaurant.

3. Talk as performance

Talk as performance deals with public speaking such as giving

massage, instruction, presentation, announcement, and etc. It also more

specific in monolog form rather than dialog, such as; Giving a class report

about a school trip, making sales presentation, giving a speech of

welcome, conducting a class debate and etc.

From the explanations above, the writer concludes that speaking is

not only used for communication but also deals with many aspect of our

life. It appears in its function which falls into three, as interaction,

transaction, and performance.

Speaking is not simple, it consist of some component, such us,

Fluency, Pronunciation, Grammar, and Vocabulary. To ensure students‟


success in mastering speaking, we or teachers need to use specific

approach, method, or strategy in teaching speaking. d. Purpose of Speaking

The purpose of speaking in general is to tell, entertain, report, persuade, and convince someone. And in general the purpose of speaking exercises in English is so that students can communicate verbally in simple

English. The purpose of learning speaking should not be leapas from the purpose of learning English. The purpose of learning English so that students have the following abilities:

1) Develop competencies to communicate in oral and written form to reach

the level informational literacy. So that students are able to give an

assessment of a work, art, product, book or something.

2) Having awareness of the nature and importance of English to improve

competitiveness nation in a global society.

3) Develop students' understanding of the relationship between language and


Referring to the learning objectives mentioned above, it can be said that all English learning activities so that students have active communication competencies both verbally and in writing. With these capabilities, it is expected that output will have competitiveness and play an active role in the world arena which will eventually build up the understanding of global culture because we are part of society.


e. Benefits of Speaking Activity

The benefits of speaking activities are the existence of self-confidence.

How is the confidence of a student grown, because in speaking students must have a lot of practice so that our English is good. And in speaking, students have the opportunity to speak in front of many people in English. Even so, the benefits of speaking are not limited to that. In addition to having an impact on one's self-confidence, then speaking alone in the context of English is one of the most important factors in developing other English skills. In speaking all can end in speaking and also based on speaking. For example when learning writing or mastering various types of tenses so that when you speak, your grammar and your vocabulary selection are not wrong. Then in listening when attending listening activities or just listening to English, at least the listener can say it again. And in reading, which is reading the reading text of course, it will be speaking too. That is why speaking can be an attraction. f. Definition of Media

According to Rossi and Biddle in quoted by Pradiba, Media consist of

physical aids to tell content of teaching material from script films, tape

recoreder, cassette, films, slides, photographs, pictures, graphics, television

and computer. Educational media are those used to support the processes of

education, whereby teachers attempt to induce learning in students.

Kasbolah says that there are five criteria of media which are used by

teacher in the classroom. They are:


1. Easy to prepare

If it takes two hours for you to prepare an activity which you can then

use many times with different classes, then it is worthwhile once you have

built up to a media, it is usually not difficult to prepare the activity.

2. Easy to organize

Is it easy to organize in the classroom? The teacher has to decide

whether the effort of organizing a more complicated activity is

worthwhile in terms of the three points which following.

3. Interesting

The text book may be interesting but on the other hand, you and your

students might like to have a change from it.

4. Meaningful and Authentic

They should be authentic and intrinsic to the activity. It is probably true

that many activities which appear in communication are little more than

empty drills, in the sense that no one really cares about the meaning.

5. Sufficient amount of the language

The activity will give rise to sufficient amount of the language use in

order to justify its conclusion in the language lesson. g. Characteristics of Media

Arsyad stated in his script film that the general characteristics of media are as follows:

1. A physical understanding of educational media known as hardware is a thing

that can be seen, heard, or touched with five senses.


2. Non-physical understanding of educational media knows as software is the

message from hardware that consists of the content devided to the students.

3. They are focused on visual and audio.

4. They are learning aids which are in or out of the classroom.

5. They are used in communication and interaction between teacher and student

in teaching-learning process.16 h. Contribution of Media

Hamalik in quoted by Pradiba, state that the use of media in teaching-

learning process can arouse the stimulus in learning activity and can take

psychological effects on the students.

Kemp and Dayton in Arsyad, said the contributions og media in

teaching-learning activity are as follows:

1. Teaching material is more standard

2. Learning activity is more attractive

3. Learning activity is more interactive

4. The time needed to learn can be decreased

5. The learning quality can be advanced

6. The learning process can be done wherever and whenever

7. Increasing positive attitude to the learners and learning process becomes betters and giving positive value to the teacher i. Definition of film/movie

Film is a life-image that is also often called a movie. Film collectively is often referred to as cinema. Cinema itself comes from the words kinematic


or motion. Film is also actually a layer of cellulose fluid, commonly known in the world of filmmakers as celluloid.

Film is also considered a powerful communication medium for the masses who are the target, because of its audio-visual nature, which is a living image and sound. With images and sound, movies can tell a lot in a short time.

When watching a movie the audience can seem to penetrate space and time that can tell life and can even affect the audience.

There are various kinds of films, although the way the approaches are different, all films can be said to have one goal, which is to attract people's attention to the content of the problems contained. In addition, films can be designed to serve the broadest public and public needs. j. Types of Movie

In general, films can be divided into several types, including:

1. Action

This type of film usually contains fighting scenes that use physical

or supernatural powers. Usually dominated by actors, although today there

are also many actresses who pursue action films. From here it can be

derived from like: movie, , Die

Hard scenarios, etc. Action Movies have a lot of exciting effects like car

chases and gun fights, involving stuntmen. They usually involve 'goodies'

and 'baddies', so war and crime are common subjects. Action movies


usually need very little effort to watch, since the plot is normally simple.

For example, in Die Hard, terrorists take control of a skyscraper and ask

for a lot of money in exchange for not killing the people who work there.

One man somehow manages to save everyone and is the hero. Action

movies do not usually make people cry, but if the action movie is also a

drama, emotion will be involved.


This type of film usually contains the story of a character who

travels, solves puzzles, or moves from point A to point B throughout the

film. From here you can get derivative genres like:

3. Film

It does not need to be explained, from the name also shows that the

main element of this type of film is comedy that sometimes does not pay

attention to the logic of the story. From here, you can get down to news

shows like: Anarchic comedy, , , or


4. Criminal film

This type of film focuses on the life of a criminal. Usually those

who are appointed are legendary world class criminals. From here it can be


derived from genres such as: Crime thrillers, , Detective films,

and True crime.


This type of documentary film is usually more categorized as a

film that portrays a real story without a character or a fictitious setting.

From here you can get derivative genres such as: ,

or .

documentary film is more concerned with the recording of reality,

the education of viewers, or the presentation of political or social analysis.

In other words, if we think of a narrative movie as fiction, then the best

way to understand documentary film is as nonfiction. Documentary

filmmakers use actual people, places, and events as source material, their

films always reflect objective truth. Historically, documentary films have

been broken into four basic approaches: factual, instructional, persuasive,

and propaganda. Factual films usually present people, places, or processes

in straightforward ways meant to entertain and instruct without unduly

influencing audiences. Instructional films seek to educate viewers about

common interests, rather than persuading them to accept particular ideas.

Today, these movies are most likely to teach the viewer basic skills like

cooking, yoga, or golf swings. Persuasive films were originally called

documentary films until the term evolved to refer to all nonfiction films.

The founding purpose of persuasive documentaries was to address social


injustice, but today any documentary concerned with presenting a

particular perspective on social issues or with corporate and governmental

injustice of any kind could be considered persuasive When persuasive

documentaries are produced by governments and carry governments‟

messages, they overlap with propaganda films, which systematically

disseminate deceptive or distorted information.

6. (Fantasy) Films

This type of film is usually dominated by unusual and weird

situations. For example stories about , dragons, and fairy life.

From here it can be derived from genres such as: , Sword and

sorcery, and Fantasy .

7. Horror

This type of film entertains the audience by stirring up fear and

horror. The story always involves death and the supernatural. From here

you can get derivative genres such as: Cannibal movie, J-Horror, K-

Horror, , and Slasher movie.

8. Animated movies

Animated movie use artificial images like talking pigs to tell story.

These movies used to be drawn by hand, one frame at a time, but are now

made on computers.


k. Watching English movie

The variety of films that can be enjoyed makes almost everyone likes watching movies. From the start of a small child who likes to watch cartoons, teenagers who like to watch drama and English movies.

In addition to adding to the viewers‟ vocabulary, watching movies will also familiarize the viewers to listen how to pronounce English vocabulary directly from the native speaker. This clearly saves the viewers expenses.

Without the need to go abroad or come to a place filled with native speakers, the viewers can already get used to listening to the pronunciation good and right.

The expressions that are usually spoken by native speakers become more familiar to the viewers. Maybe they can't get that expression in the thick dictionary that they have in the corner of the room but by watching a movie, they can add knowledge about the expressions used in English. l. English Movie as Media in Teaching Learnig Process

In considering what movie can be applied in the teaching and learning process, there are three general principles to guide the selection and use of movie, they are: it usually serve the dynamic visual, developed based on psychology, behaviorism and cognitive principles, and oriented for teachers who have students‟ low interaction participation. Movie is not only used for entertainment purposes but also education. It can be effective media in teaching learning process because it stimulates students both receptive skills and productive skills. Movie


can present information, explain the process and complex concepts, teach skill and influence attitude. It‟s mean by watching movie students can learn on their own even thought the learning materials are limited as arranged on the script. m. “Toys Story 4”

Toys story 4 is a 2019 3D American computer love comedy, the fourth installment in the Toy Story series, and the sequel to Toy Story 3

(2010). The film was produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and will be released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by John Lasseter, director of Toy Story (1995) and Toy Story 2 (1999), and was also assisted by

Josh Cooley. The story was made by a team of writers from the original Toy

Story: Lasseter, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Lee Unkrich. The film was released on 21 June 2019.


C. Conceptual Framework

Learning of Speaking Skill


Watching English Movie Speaking

The Correlation between Them

Figure: Conceptual framework

Based on the framework above, it indicates that the researcher refers of learning process. Refers to teaching and learning process to show the movie to the students and give questionaire as an instrument for the student and the last the researcher get result about the relationship between the habit of watching English

Movie and students‟ speaking skill by giving the speaking test.


D. Hypotesis

A hypothesis is a prediction of some possible outcomes of study. Based on the explanation above, the formulation of the hypothesis as follow:

H0 : There is no correlation between students in watching English movie and students speaking skill.

H1 : there is correlation between students in watching English movie and students Speaking Skill.



A. Research Design

This research used descriptive correlational research. A correlation research was a detection of a correlation between one variable and the other based on the available correlation coefficient. The independent variable of research was students‟ in watching English movie as X variable and the dependent variable was students‟ speaking score as Y variable.

Meanwhile, Fraenkel and Wallen (2006:335) stated as follows:

Correlational research, like causal-comparative research, is an example of what is sometimes called associational research. In associational research, the relationships among two or more variables are studied without any attempt to influence them. In their simplest form, correlational studies investigate the possibility of relationships between only two variables, although investigations of more than two variables are common. In contrast to experimental research, however, there is no manipulation of variables in correlational research. Correlational research is also sometimes referred to as a form of descriptive research because it describes an existing relationship between variables.

B. Subject of the Research

In this research, the writer conducted the observation on some variables.

The variables of this research are:

1. The students‟ frequency in watching English movie

2. The students‟ speaking skill


C. Instrument of the Research

The research instrument of this research are:

1. Questionnaire

According to Best, J.W., Khan, J.V(2013:193).

questionnaire is a written instrument consisting of questions to be

answered or statements to be responded by respondents. It is used to

collect information about fact or opinion/attitude.

The questionnaire used in this research was opened

questionnaire because the respondents gave their answers or opinions

freely. Every question in the questionnaire obtained students in

watching English movie. The researcher choosed colums of scale and

point based on the scale as an indication for strongly agree (5). Agree

(4), undecided (3), disagree (2), and strongly disagree (1). The

questionnaire consist of 20 items of statements can be seen in table


Table 3.1

Indicator of questionnaire

Indicator Frequency

1. I watch English movie routines everyday

2 I watch English movie routine once a week


3 I watch English movie more than 2 hours a day

4 I watch English movie twice a week

5 I watch English movie more than one movie a day

6 I watch English movie in holiday

7 I use several time for watching English movie

Indicator Repotition

8 I always watch English movie in home

9 I always watch English movie in movie theater

10 I repeat to watch English movie until twice or more

11 I always watch English movie since primary school

12 I always watch English movie since junior high school

13 I always watch English movie since senior high school

Indicator behavior

14 I watch English movie when I‟m bored

15 I watch English movie when I‟m alone


16 I watch English movie in the middle if night

17 I watch English movie when I‟m insomnia

18 There is a new movie and I always watch a new movie

19 There are some option TV programs and I choose to watch English


20 I open youtube and I watch English movie


2. Test

To measure the students‟ speaking ability the researcher used test.

According to Ary (2006:201) stated that A test is a set of stimuli

presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of

which a numerical score can be assigned. This score, based on a

representative sample of the individual‟s behavior, is an indicator of

the extent to which the subject has the characteristic being measured.

The speaking test conducted in orther to obtain to students‟ speaking

achievement. Therefore, the researcher gave two topics about the

movie that has been watching or about their favourite actors in the

movie. The instruction of the test was :

Think about the English movie and then answer the question

orally !


a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie?

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie?

Table 3.2

The Text of Speaking Test

No. Topic

1. Favourite actors

2. Tell about the movie

D. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the second grade students‟ of

SMA NEGERI 13 GOWA in academic year 2019/2020. There were

two classes in grade eleven namely, XI IPS, XI IPA. Each of classes

consist 26 and 28 students. So the amount of population is 54 students.

Table 3.3

Population of research

No. Class Students

1. XI IPS 26

2. XI IPA 28

Total 54


2. Sample

Among the population that researcher has pesented above, the

researcher used purposive sampling as technique in choosing sample.

The researcher chooses one class as sample, namely XI IPS . This class

concist of 26 students with 16 female and 10 male.

Table 3.4

Sample of Research

Class Students

Female Male

XI IPS 16 10

E. Data Collection

The procedure for collecting data in this study are:

1. The researcher came to the class for gave a questionnaire. The researcher

explained to the students‟ how to filled the questionnaire.

2. After answered the questionnaire, the researcher showed the film to

students. After that, students gave test by asking to the students to retell

the story from the film that has been watched or speak about their

favourite actors.


F. Data Analysis

After get the questionnaire data from the students, the researcher needs to analyzed the data and correlate the questionnaire and students‟ test score.

There are 20 questionnaired, every number gave scores into five likert scales:

Table 3.5

Score of questionnaire in likert scale

Optional for the questionnaire Value

Strongly Agree/ Sangat Setuju 5

Agree 4

Undecided 3

Disagree/ Tidak Setuju 2

Strongly Disagree/ Sangat tidak setuju 1

Therefore, to know the students‟ speaking ability the researcher every students has score as the following table:

Table 3.6

Criteria of speaking skill

No. Criteria Rating score Description


1. Accuracy 5 Has a few of traces of foreign

(pronounciation) language

4 Always intelligible, thought one

is conscious of defined accent

3 Pronounciation problem

necessities concentrated

listening occasionally lead to

miss understanding

2 Very hard to understand

because of pronounciation


1 Frequently be asked to repeat

2. Fluency 5 Has competence fluency in

(vocabulary) language such the speech is

fully accepted by educated

native speaker.

4 Able to use the language

fluently on all levels normally

pertinent to professional needs.

Can participate in any

conversation within the range of

this experience with a high


degree of fluency.

3 Can discuss particular interest

of competence with rasionable

ease. Rarely has to grope for


2 Can handle with confidence but

not with facility most social

situations, including

introductions current events, as

well as work, family, and


1 No specific fluency description.

Refer to other four language

areas for implied level of


David P Haris in (Nursyafirah,2019)

Result of score

Score = x 100

Max score


Table 3.7

Score classification of speaking skill

The score Classification

80-100 Excellent

70-79 Good

60-69 Enough

<60 Less

David P Haris in (Nurshafirah,2019)

In analyzed the data of the relationship between students‟ in watching

English movie and their speaking skill, the researcher used pearson product moment.

Table 3.8 Interpretation of Number Correlation (“r” score)

“r” score Interpretation

0,00-0,20 The correlation of both variables are very low

0,20-0,40 The correlation of both variables are low

0,40-0,70 The correlation of both variables are medium

0,70-0,90 The correlation of both variables are high

0,90-1,00 The correlation of both variables are very high




A. Findings

The test was conducting in SMA Negeri 13 Gowa. For the class the researcher took XI IPS as the sample which was test using questionnaire and test.

The data which were analyzed in this research was the correlation between questionnaire and test. The researcher the data include the mean and correlation.

1. Analysis of Data of Students’ in Watching English Movie

The researcher was conducted research question in the first chapter. The researcher employed the questionnaire to answer the research question. The questionnaire was give at the same time with test. The purpose of the questionnaire was to measure the students frequency in watching English movie.

The students were assigned to answer the questionnaire by giving checklist in the table of likert scale related to their opinion. After the researcher got the students score, the researcher analyzed the main score of the students questionnaire. The result of mean score can be seen from the table below:


Table 4.1

Classification of students’ main score variable X

Variable Total score Respondents Average

X 1180 26 45

The table showed that the main score of students frequency in watching Engllish movie was 45 with the total score 1180 and total respondents 26. It pointed that most of students does not like to watching English movie.

Table 4.2

Frequency in Watching English Movie


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

33 1 3.8 3.8 3.8 34 2 7.7 7.7 11.5

40 2 7.7 7.7 19.2 41 1 3.8 3.8 23.1 42 2 7.7 7.7 30.8 43 2 7.7 7.7 38.5 45 2 7.7 7.7 46.2 Valid 47 2 7.7 7.7 53.8

48 2 7.7 7.7 61.5 49 1 3.8 3.8 65.4 50 1 3.8 3.8 69.2 51 2 7.7 7.7 76.9 52 1 3.8 3.8 80.8

53 1 3.8 3.8 84.6


56 1 3.8 3.8 88.5 58 1 3.8 3.8 92.3

61 2 7.7 7.7 100.0 Total 26 100.0 100.0

From the Table 4.3, it can be seen that from 26 student at second grade as a sample, the student who got 33 was one student, 2 students who got 34, 2 students who got 40, 1 student who got 41, 2 students who got 42, 2 students who got 43, 2 students who got 45,2 students who got 47, 2 student who got 48, 1 student who got 49, 1 students who got 50, 2 students who got 51, 2 students who got 52, one student who got 53, one student who got 56, one student who got 58, and 2 students who got 61.

2. Analysis Clacification of Students Speaking Skill

To answer the research question in the first chapter, the researcher gave test for the students. The purpose of test was to measure the stdents speaking achievement after watching English movie. The student gave two questions . Data of students test were found from the speaking test that given to 26 students in second grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa who became the research respondents.

The average (mean) from the test score of 26 students of SMA Negeri 13

Gowa who become the research respondents in students‟ speaking was computed as following:


Table 4.3

Classification of students’ main score variable Y

Variable Total score Respondents Average

Y 1490 26 57

The table showed that the main score of test was 57 with total score 1490 and total respondents was 26.

Table 4.4

Frequency of students’ speaking achievement based on each score


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 40 4 15.4 15.4 15.4 50 7 26.9 26.9 42.3 Valid 60 7 26.9 26.9 69.2

70 8 30.8 30.8 100.0 Total 26 100.0 100.0

From the table 4.4, it can be seen that from 26 students at second grade as a sample, the students who got 40 was 4 students, 7 students who got 50, 7 students who got 60, and 8 students who got 70.


Table 4.5

Classification of students’ speaking achievement

The score F % Classification

80-100 0 0 Excellent

70-79 8 30.8% Good

60-69 7 26.9% Enough

<60 11 42.3% Less

Total 26 100%

The result of calculation of students‟ speaking achievement in table 4.5 shows that there were eight students who got good score in speaking test, 8 students got enough score in speaking achievement, and there eleven students who got less score in speaking test.

3. Analyzed the classification of correlation between the two variables.

After the researcher analyzed both the students‟ interest in watching

English movie and students‟ speaking ability. The researcher found:

Table 4.6

Descriptive Statistic

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation totalX 26 33 61 45.49 7.636 totalY 26 40 70 57.31 10.792 Valid N (listwise) 26


From the table of desciptive statistics the researcher found from 26 samples mean of students frequency in watching English movie was 45.49 and mean of speaking was 57.31. Meanwhile, the standard deviation of students‟interest in watching English movie was 7.5 and the standard deviation of speaking achievement was 10.7.

After calculating the total score of the variables, students frequency in watching (X) and speaking (Y) the researcher was carried on to investigated the correlation between both of them. This was analyzed by using pearson product moment correlation was symbolize with r. getting the score of r, firstly the score of ΣX, ΣY, ΣXY, ΣX2, and ΣY2 were found out, and those were presented in table below:

Table 4.7

Analysis correlation between X and Y

Participants X Y XY X2 Y2 SA 56 60 3360 3136 3600

SB 43 60 2580 1849 3600

SC 33 50 1650 1089 2500

SD 45 50 2250 2025 2500

SE 42 50 2100 1764 2500

SF 51 50 2550 2601 2500

SG 48 50 2400 2304 2500

SH 53 70 3710 2809 4900


SI 49 60 2940 2401 3600

SJ 34 60 2040 1156 3600

SK 61 50 3050 3721 2500

SL 51 70 3570 2601 4900

SM 48 70 3360 2304 4900

SN 41 70 2870 1681 4900

SO 58 70 4060 3364 4900

SP 43 70 3010 1849 4900

SQ 42 60 2520 1764 3600

SR 50 70 3500 2500 4900

SS 47 40 1880 2209 1600

ST 40 60 2400 1600 3600

SU 52 60 3120 2704 3600

SV 40 70 2800 2800 4900

SW 47 40 1880 2209 1600

SX 61 40 2440 3721 1600

SY 45 50 2250 2025 2500

SZ 34 40 1360 1156 1600

Total 1180 1490 69650 59342 88300



N = 26

∑X = 1180

∑Y = 1490

∑XY = 69650

∑X2 = 59342

∑Y2 = 88300

Next those score of r was calculated by the pearson product moment correlation formula as follows

( )( )

√* ( ) +* ( ) +

( ) ( )( )

√* ( ) +* ( ) +

√( )( )

√( )( )

The analysis showed that the r-calculation was 0.049


To make sure the result of product moment the researcher calculate the correlation between both of variable in SPSS 21. It was presented in the following table:

Table 4.8

Correlation between X and Y


totalX totalY

Pearson Correlation 1 .049

totalX Sig. (2-tailed) .853 N 26 26 Pearson Correlation .049 1 totalY Sig. (2-tailed) .853 N 26 26

Based on the application of SPSS 21 in analyzing the correlation between both of variable at second grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa, it was found that r =

0,049. The correlation of them which lied between 0,00-0,20 in classification table.

Furthermore, to investigated the hypothesis wether this value (r) was significant or not the researcher have to compared with r-table. The significant of variable X and variable Y with number of sample 26 students was 0.388 in the level significance 5% (0.05)


The manifestation of the correlation analysis stated that the correlation between the two variable was negative because r was lower than value of r table

(0.049 < 0.388).

The hypothesis in this research are :

H0 : There is significant correlation between students‟ in watching English movie

and their speaking ability at second grade of SMAN 13 GOWA

H1 : There is no significant correlation between students‟ in watching English

movie and their speaking ability at second grade of SMAN 13 GOWA

To test the hypothesis the researcher used orientation below:

a. If “rcount > rtable,” or “p-value” (showed in sig.2 tailed column) < level of

significance (ɑ), H0 is accepted

b. If “rcount < rtable,” or “p-value” (showed in sig.2 tailed column) > level of

significance (ɑ), H1 is accepted

Based on the result of the correlation value above rcount=0,049 rtable

(95%)(df=n-2=26-2=24) rtabel=0,366. So it is clearly stated that rcount is lower than rtable or 0,005<0,388. It can be concluded that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. Based on table 3.8 in chapter three, the rcount was in interpretation of number correlation 0.00-0.20 it means that there was correlation but the correlation of both variables are very low. So there was relationship between watching English movie and students speaking ability because most of students were had a low interested in watching English movie. So, they didn‟t enjoy

English movie they had watched. Beside the students had a low or less interested in watching English movie the students also had just enough speaking


achievement, so, the English movie didn‟t give a significance contribution in speaking ability.


The purpose of data analysis in this study was meant the measure relationship between watching English movie and students‟ speaking ability.

1. Students in watching English movie

This questionnaire consisted of 20 numbers of statement for analyzing the students watching English movie. After analyzing the data, students in watching

English movie at second grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa was found that the main score (X) was 45. It indicated that score was a high score. The maximal and minimal score was 61 and 33.

2. Students speaking ability

This test consisted of two topics. After analyzing the data, students speaking ability at second grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa was found that the mean score (Y) =

57. The maximal and minimal score was 70 and 40.

3. Relationship between students in watching English movie and students

speaking ability

The result of correlation between students in watching English movie and students speaking ability was 0.049. It was low correlation between students in watching English movie and students speaking ability at second grade of SMA Negeri

13 Gowa . It proven that r was lower than r-table because of r was 0.049 while r-table was 0.388.




Based on analysis and discussion in the previous chapters, the researcher concluded that there was low correlation between students in watching English movie and students speaking ability. So there was relationship between the two variables also. The correlation was proved by the mean score of students in watching Englsih movie with 45 average and the students mean in speaking test was 57. From the data analysis alternative hypothesis H0 was accepted and H1 was rejected. It was because that the result of r calculation was lower than r-table (0.049<0.388). It means that there was significant correlation but the correlation of both variables are very low.

It can be concluded that there was relationship between watching English movie and students speaking ability at the second grade of SMA Negeri 13 Gowa .


Based on the conclusion, the researcher gives some suggestion:

1. For the students should learn more to increase their speaking and should keep

responsibility in their studying

2. For other researchers who are interested in conducting same researcher have to

explore knowledge in order to give more benefit on the research result.



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Appendice 1


No. Participants Name 1. SA Suciati 2 SB Risma 3 SC Kasmiati 4 SD Kurniati 5 SE Nurlinda 6 SF Karmila. J 7 SG Junaedah 8 SH Nurdianti 9 SI Asriyanti 10 SJ Sumarni 11 SK Nanda nurhamzani 12 SL Jumriani 13 SM Jumriani. S 14 SN Riska Mutiara 15 SO Syamsiah 16 SP Muliana 17 SQ Sakir 18 SR Nur Wahyudin 19 SS Zainal 20 ST Saprianto 21 SU Muh. Akbar 22 SV Muh. Irham 23 SW Hamdi 24 SX Muh. Fajrul 25 SY Zulkifli 26 SZ Aswan


Appendices 2

Speaking test

No. Topic

1. Favourite actors

2. Tell about the movie


Appendice 3


TOTAL X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 X1.20 X1

2 2 3 3 2 5 4 5 2 1 4 5 1 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 56

2 2 2 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 43

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2 2 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 4 4 2 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 45

1 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 34


Appendice 4


No. Accuracy Fluency Score SA 3 3 60 SB 3 3 60 SC 3 2 50 SD 3 2 50 SE 3 2 50 SF 2 3 50 SG 3 2 50 SH 3 3 70 SI 3 3 60 SJ 3 3 60 SK 3 2 50 SL 3 4 70 SM 3 4 70 SN 4 3 70 SO 4 3 70 SP 3 4 70 SQ 3 3 60 SR 3 4 70 SS 2 2 40 ST 3 3 60 SU 3 3 60 SV 3 4 70 SW 2 2 40 SX 2 2 40 SY 3 2 50 SZ 2 2 40


Appendices 5

The score of variable X and Y

No. X Y SA 56 60 SB 43 60 SC 33 50 SD 45 50 SE 42 50 SF 51 50 SG 48 50 SH 53 70 SI 49 60 SJ 34 60 SK 61 50 SL 51 70 SM 48 70 SN 41 70 SO 58 70 SP 43 70 SQ 42 60 SR 50 70 SS 47 40 ST 40 60 SU 52 60 SV 40 70 SW 47 40 SX 61 40 SY 45 50 SZ 34 40


Appendice 6

Critical Value of r Product Moment


Appendice 7


Showed the questionnaire to the students

Give the queationnaire to the students one by one


Monitoring to the students in filled the questionnaire


STUDENTS SPEAKING Student A c) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Fronky. because it is a unique and funny toy. Fronky always wanted to bring a happiness for Bonnie.

d) Can you retell little or more about the movie? I can not remember the movie story. I only remember when Woody tries to convince Forky that his job is the same as the other toys, namely to please Bonnie. You can see Forky with the doll's eyes that are not the same size, his hands using a straw, his legs consisting of ice cream sticks with kaolin attached and crayons as decoration on his face.

Student B a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Duke Caboom because toys from the 1970s, the brave man with a mustache from Canada in a white suit who always rides his favorite vintage motorcycle that make it funny for me.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? I remember when Duke Caboom always displays acrobatics on his motorbike. But in fact he is down, his weakness is not being able to display the action in accordance with the toy advertisement. The Duke finally experienced years of grief so much that he was trapped in an antique shop.


Student C a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? Gabby because she is like imitation humans which in my opinion are unique.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? I know when Woody meets the Gabby on his way with Forky. He meet with Gabby Gabby turns out to be a nightmare for Woody, who finally brings himself together with Bo Beep, his long lost lover. He looks pleasant from the outside. However, if in the previous film there was a Teddy Bear who brought threats named Lotso, Gabby Gabby now occupies a similar role.

Student D a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Woody because he is the first actor in the movie.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? In Toy Story 4 it was shown that Woody was still unfamiliar with his new owner and often compared him to Andy. He realized that Bonnie didn't love him like Andy. sometimes Bonnie left Woody in the wardrobe. But, Woody still prioritizes Bonnie's happiness above all else. Even as Forky, Bonnie's new toy, tries to run away, Woody tries to bring it back home.


Student E a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Woody the coboy.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? The real conflict only started when Woody met his long-lost lover, Bo Peep, who was sold by Andy's mother a few years ago. Because he did not want to end up being a dusty item in an antique shop, Bo chose to live as a free toy that wanders from city to city following a carnival. Previously, Bo had invited Woody to go with him, but at that time Andy still needed it. Now that he has changed ownership, Woody realizes he has the opportunity to follow his dream of seeing the world with Bo. Finally he decided to go with Bo and part with Buzz, Jessie, Slinky, Rex, Forky and Andy's other toys. Don't cry, don't cry

Student F a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Boo bep because she is love Woody.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie At the end of Toy Story 4 there is also an after credit that shows even though we have not followed their story, their adventure will continue. The footage shows Buzz and Jessie are now leaders at Bonnie's house, Forky gets a friend who is a toy made like him and Bo, Woody, Ducky and Bunny help the toys at the carnival to find their new home. Woody always feels confident about his position in the world, and his priority is to look after his child, be it Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a new toy named Forky in her toy room, a trip with old and new friends will bring Woody to witness how big the world is for a toy like her.


Student G a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Pottato because he is funny

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Toy Story 4 opens with a flashback of the events of nine years before Woody and his friends moved into the hands of Bonnie. Under heavy rain, Woody and his flock including the idol Bo Boep are on a rescue mission on a toy. Long story short, the incident also became the beginning of Woody's separation from Bo Peep, a character who will later play an important role in the story this time. Toy Story 4 then continued to Woody's anxiety because for some time Bonnie had no longer been chosen to play. Despite trying to remain optimistic, Woody could not eliminate the sad look of hope.

Student H a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Woody and Boo Bep

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Woody, who was told from the very beginning loved his owners, was worried when he knew Bonnie had to start school and not be able to bring her toys. Unilaterally, Woody decided to go to school and accompany Bonnie to feel safe. Up to a point, with the help of Woody's hand indirectly, Bonnie made a new 'friend' named Forky from a craft assignment at her school. For Bonnie, Forky was a valuable object that accompanied her when she felt afraid. As a form of reciprocation, Bonnie was very guarding, ensuring that the toys made from the senpu or cutlery remained beside her. He even took him to sleep. But on the other hand, Forky felt that he was just a 'rubbish' that was meaningless and should be in a landfill. He tried repeatedly to escape from Bonnie, but Woody made sure that didn't happen.


Student I a. Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Boo Bep because she is a good toys

b. Can you retell little or more about the movie? Toy Story 4 is like inviting the audience about Woody's quest and self-understanding. The audience's emotions were stirred when Woody finally understood that not all children would play everything they had. They have their own choices about which one is preferred and needed. Woody seemed to go on a journey to becoming an adult.In the midst of the turmoil of Woody's heart, the new characters that appear to be a refreshing counterweight. However, their presence also overshadows the other main characters who now seem to emerge as mere supporters. Buzz Lightyear was not even given a large portion, even though he was Woody's best friend. But that is arguably forgivable when the Buzz character is displayed carrying a strong message without patronizing, about how to follow a conscience. In addition, the appearance of Buzz - although a little - complete with hilarious behavior is enough to bring nostalgia. The bond between him and Woody was still moving.

Student J a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Woody and Bo Peep

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Woody, from the very beginning of our acquaintance, is one of the toys that clearly shows that feeling. This can be seen, for example, when Buzz is present, or his arm is torn and needs stitches, or when Andy, the predecessor before Bonnie, grows up and goes to college. Woody is always afraid of being abandoned, and loses his identity as a toy. Woody's feelings seem to have become addictive throughout the life of the toy.


Student K a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Woody

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Woody and his group are now with their new owner, Bonnie after Andy who has grown up must continue his studies outside the city. During together with Bonnie, Woods, Buzz and friends have quite a lot of new friends. However, there is one toy made by Bonnie named Forky who considers himself unworthy to be called a toy. Forky is a toy made of plastic forks with a face given by Bonnie. Forky always tried to leave Bonnie. But it always fails because there are always other toys that prevent it. However, while on vacation with Bonnie and other toys, Forky managed to escape, and this is where the adventure begins.

Student L a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Frenky because it is a new actor in the movie

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Feeling inappropriate, Forky left his friends while he was on a trip. He ran away by jumping from a vehicle that was currently driving. Woody who felt that it was not necessary to immediately catch him, but unfortunately he also had to be thrown and left behind by the group. During the trip, Forky told how he did not deserve to be called a toy. And of course he also felt he could not be by Bonnie's side forever because of his ugly shape. In the midst of his adventures with Forky, Woody finally met his old friend who was also his idol, a beautiful ceramic named Bo Peep.


Student M a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Woody and Frenky

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? I wasn’t sure what I thought about the antique store characters the first time I saw the movie, but I did warm up to Gabby Gabby the second time I watched it. Same goes for Ducky and Bunny, although I did like Duke Caboom from the start. It’s always an adjustment for me to get used to the new toys, especially when I have such a strong connection with the classic characters – it’s been like that even with the specials and shorts, to a degree.

Student N a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I love with Woody because he is a gentlemen.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? The ending was every bit as emotional as Tom Hanks and Tim Allen teased, I loved that scene so very much. I’ve known Woody was leaving with Bo for a while now, so I was at peace with it going into the movie. To me, the most important thing was that the couples were intact when everything was said and done, so even though it was bittersweet to see Woody leave the gang, I’m glad that he and Bo finally got to be together. But while Woody and Bo’s moment was sweet, it wasn’t Woody and Bo’s interactions that touched me the most. It was those he shared with the others. Buzz’s “Bonnie will be okay” line showed so much true friendship and understanding


Student O a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Boo Bep because she is a lovely woman.

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Andy's new toy is Buzz Lightyear! A space hero toy that was a hit at its time. Knowing Buzz's arrival, Andy's toys worry that they will be forgotten. Plus, Buzz doesn't know he's a toy. All he knew was that he was on a strange planet and considered everything he encountered for the first time as enemies. Buzz's silliness arguably starts here.

Student P a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Frenky and Woody b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? When Woody is still confused about how to convince Buzz that he is just an ordinary toy, they are instead brought in by Sid, Andy's neighbor who is famous among the toys for his cruelty. When Woody and Buzz witnessed the cruelty of "operating" the doll, the horror was like seeing Hannibal Lecter torturing his patient! And for those of you whose childhood was accompanied by Toy Story. Woody also looks for ways to prevent Sid from treating toys casually anymore. Dramatically, he opens the secrets of the toys to Sid so that Sid changes his treatment of the toys. It was traumatic, though, but managed to save the toys.


Student Q a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Woody and Boo Bep because they have good relationship

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? There are criminals who are probably no less adorable than Lotso. When he happened to meet Gabby Gabby with Vincent, a ventriloquist doll similar to Goosebumps' Slappy, Woody immediately felt an unfriendly atmosphere. Considering that Vincent is an antique doll that you might often encounter in horror films, the friendly atmosphere has turned tense at once. The existence of Gabby Gabby and Vincent who made Toy Story 4 have a classic horror atmosphere makes this last film also leaves sweet memories.

Student R a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Woody and Boo Bep the good relation b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Toy Story 4 is about acceptance and maturation. Woody finally accepted that he didn't have to be tied to just one child. It was Bo Peep who taught him about sincerity. Woody's farewell moment with Buzz and other toy friends was very touching, as well as a relief. Finally, we know that Woody thinks of his own happiness by choosing to live freely with Bo Peep.


Student S a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Boo Bep because she is lovely girl

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Woody's farewell moment with Buzz and other toy friends was very touching, as well as a relief. Finally, we know that Woody thinks of his own happiness by choosing to live freely with Bo Peep. Obviously, this is the best end to embarking on a new Woody journey, although we won't know. So, until whenever, we will still recognize Woody as a brave figure, never giving up, and always there, just like how Andy felt.

Student T a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like the couple Woody and Bo Peep

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? In Toy Story 4 it was shown that Woody was still unfamiliar with his new owner and often compared him to Andy. He realized that Bonnie didn't love him like Andy. sometimes Bonnie left Woody in the wardrobe.


Student U

a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with the Mr. Pottato and Mrs. Pottato because they are funny

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? Woody has always believed that his presence in the world is to ensure the happiness of his owner, whether Andy or Bonnie. So when his new toy, Forky, thinks he's "trash," Woody dawns on him. When Bonnie takes the toys on vacation, Woody ends up on a new adventure that brings her to meet her long-lost best friend, Bo Peep.

Student V a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Woody and Bennie

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? In the Toy Story 4 movie, Forky, the plastic fork toy, experiences an identity crisis. He did not want to be a toy because he felt that his purpose in life was only to be used for food and then thrown into the trash. Forky doesn't want to be a toy and begins to experience an identity crisis because he feels that his goal in life is only to be used for food and then thrown in the trash. When Forky repeatedly tries to escape by throwing himself into the trash can, Woody acts quickly. He was afraid that Bonnie would be sad if Forky disappeared or was damaged. On vacation week, Bonnie and her family take a walk out of town and Forky takes the opportunity to escape by jumping out of the car window. Ready to face any risks, Woody jumps in to save Forky without heeding the warnings from Buzz and his friends. Woody finally managed to find Forky. That's when Woody tries to show Forky how he should value himself as a toy. Woody tries to show Bonnie's affection for Forky as his new toy.


Student W a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Bonnie because he is like Andy

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? When he managed to find Forky, Woody hurried to the gas station where the Bonnie family rested. However, on the way, he spots an item in an antique shop that reminds one of his old lost friends, Bo Peep. Finally, Woody, who feels called to find Bo, does not immediately go to Bonnie's car and enter the antique shop with Forky, until finally he can meet Bo.

Student X a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Bonnie and Woody b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? When Woody met Bo Peep, he learned many new things. Bo has been living freely because he doesn't have an owner. Bo Peep also opens up Woody's mind to see the outside world. Even without the owner, he could still entertain other children.


Student Y a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like Bonnie

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? I can remember when Woody and Bo are intercepted and chased by a baby doll named Gabby Gabby and a puppet doll who is a bodyguard. Gabby Gabby goes after Woody because he wants to take the ballot box that is inside his body.

Student Z a) Who is your favorite actor in that movie? I like with Woody

b) Can you retell little or more about the movie? unexpectedly he reunited with Bo Peep. But in this fourth sequel, Bo Peep really looks different. Not only in terms of appearance, but the current Bo Peep character is quite powerful. Honestly, I prefer the current Bo Peep character because it is so tough and independent, different from the previous Bo Peep who seemed very calm and feminine. In my opinion, Woody cannot move on from Andy. The reason is he always talks about the time when he was often played by Andy. But he felt different when he became a toy for Bonnie. Woody also arguably doesn't know where he is going, until he finally reunites with Bo Peep who gives him enough thoughts about the wider world.





Nur Hikmah was born in Makassar, May 30th, 1997.

She is the first child from two siblings. Her father name is

Satuhang and her mother name is Hj. St. Kartini, S.Pd.I.

And she is a muslim.

In 2008, she was graduated from SD Negeri

Karebasse and continued her study at SMPN 1 Bontonompo Selatan and graduated in 2011.

In the same year, she was continued her study at SMAN 1 Bontonompo

Selatan and finished in 2014. After finished her study in senior high school she was processed her study in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in 2015. She is accepted in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with the title “The

Relationship between Watching English Movie and Students‟ Speaking Ability in

SMA Negeri 13 Gowa”.