What Does a Successful Bus Rapid Transit System in Madison Mean to You?
Madison East-West Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Planning Study Public Meeting 1: Kickoff Open House Madison Central Library Room 302 | December 12, 2018 | 6:00-8:00 PM BRT CONTEXT Past + Present Isthmus Freeway Plan (1955) Metro facility needs Madison Is Growing Madison approved 14,000 dwelling units from 2014-2017 alone. Madison Dane County 2000 208,000 427,000 2017 255,200 536,000 2050 292,500 638,000 2050* 355,000 <1,000,000 *If we grew at similar rate as from 1990 to 2017 Employment 200,000 jobs in 2010 +45,000 projected for 2050 +10,000 in Isthmus Our situation – morning rush hour Capacity 3 lns x 2000 vph/ln x 0.55 G/C = 3,300 vph Demand 50,000 vpd x 12% Pkhr x 60% DD = 3,600 vph 10,000 more jobs by 2050 10,000 x 0.7 trips/pk hr x 30% on East Wash = 2,100 vph ~ 2 more lanes in each direction??? A Different Path 38 Buses Capacity 3 lns x 2000 vph/ln x 0.55 G/C = 3,300 vph Capacity of 1,500 people/hour Demand 50,000 vpd x 12% Pkhr x 60% DD = 3,600 vph 10,000 more jobs by 2050 10,000 x 0.7 trips/Pkhr x 30% on East Wash = 2,100 vph Introductions | City and MATPB Staff Tom Lynch, Director of Transportation, City of Madison David Trowbridge, BRT Project Manager, City of Madison Mike Cechvala, City of Madison Chuck Kamp, Metro Transit Mick Rusch, Metro Transit Bill Schaefer, MATPB Introductions | Consultant Team Tonight’s Agenda Presentation (30 minutes) • What is this project and how did we get here? • What is BRT? • What can BRT mean for Madison? • What comes next? • Q&A Visioning Discussion(30 minutes) Ground Rules Respect your neighbors’ time and perspectives.
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