Spring 10 FRONT.3bak:Layout 1 2/3/10 4:34 PM Page 1 SPRING 2010 ADOLPHUS COLLEGE GUSTAVUS THEGUSTAVUSQUARTERLY GOING DEEP MAJOR GRANTS FUND CUTTING-EDGE INSTRUMENTATION FOR THE SCIENCES Spring 10 FRONT.3bak:Layout 1 2/3/10 4:34 PM Page 2 THE GUSTAVUS QUARTERLY Spring 2010 Vol. LXVI, No. 2 28 in this issue 4 FROM THE EDITOR 5 ON THE HILL 18 CALENDAR 20 TOOLS FOR LEARNING Support for state-of-the-art instrumentation and curriculum initiatives bolsters sciences at Gustavus 23 P.S. WE LOVE YOU The Gustavus Political Science Department at 40 28 SPORTS Women’s golf team wins conference meet ■ Ridley named College’s 81st CoSIDA Academic All-American ■ Gustie duo wins ITA doubles title ■ Celebrating Coach Wilkinson Alex Messenger ’10 Alex 20 MANAGING EDITOR Steven L. Waldhauser ’70 |
[email protected] Articles and opinions presented in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or official policies of theollege C or its board of trustees. ALUMNI EDITORS Randall M. Stuckey ’83 |
[email protected] Erin Holloway Wilken ’02 |
[email protected] The Gustavus Quarterly is printed on Domtar Earthchoice paper (30% PCR and sustainable source certified by SmartWood) using soy-based inks and alternative DESIGN Sharon Stevenson, Stevenson Creative, LLC, Corvallis, Ore. solvents and wetting agents by the John Roberts Company, Minneapolis, an EPA Green
[email protected] Power Partner. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kathryn Christenson; Barbara Fister; Miriam The Gustavus Quarterly (USPS 227-580) is published four times annually, in February, Sponberg Kagol ’67; Tim Kennedy ’82; Amy McMullan ’10; Donald Myers ’83; May, August, and November, by Gustavus Adolphus College, St.