- •W

Coal=j)roduction will maintain big payroll here.

>.a 4 A- •• • f*| m.

•:$ii Avoid extremes: 0h. the pathway of life choose the middle course

Mining; is the leading industry of the Similkarri<|fi^rjd:is capable of vast development, not a tenth of1 it feeing, as yet, prospected—It is the Prospector's Paradise, easy of access and virtually unlimited in area—Manufacturing facilities are excellent—Healthy climate.

Vol.X. No. 43. PRINCETON, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. $2 a :Year in i&dvaticV WHIPSAW ALL RIGHT ISM, FOR SPOKANE FIRST COAL SHIPPED LOCAL AND GENERAL Camp Makes Good in High Princeton Output will Compete Two Carloads for Hedley Gold Buildings Projected and in Con­ Assays and Inviting in Market of the Big Mines Co. Fifjst Over struction in Various to CapiMi^l Inland Capital. V.,V,&E.Line. Parts Town.

Wagon Road would Facilitate Devel­ Sunset Han Drops Into Spokane and V.F.M. Co. will be Ready to Supply leer not Down from Higher Altitudes opment—Ore May be Hauled Says Things to Reporter on Consumers Abroad—Spur not Portends Late and Moderate to Princeton. "^ra Live Subjects. yet Completed. Winter Season.

Whipsaw has sprung into public notice The following interview in the.Spokes­ The first shipment of coal from the Remember the Thanksgiving dinner to purely on its merits and every week is man-Review is., another illustration of Vermilion Forks Co's mine is bfejrijj made be served by the Ladies' Aid Monday J. P. McConnell's deepMnterest in every­ prolific with solid, tangible results which now to the Hedley Gold Mines Co. at evening from 6 to 8 pTtnT" Dinner, 50c. thing pertaining to the progress ilf^J^e Hedley. This shipment is a trial order add to the*fascination and attractiveness for adults; 35c. for children. All wel­ of the camp. There is not'a "'wildcat' in Similkameen, and-which he has so earn­ |of two carloads and if satisfactory will come. Mr. Conljhard's splendid'gramo­ the whole camp, ore being traceable to estly set forth in the Saturday Sunset be used as the motive power in thestamp phone will afford best selections of music. every location. If ever thereMvas a min­ Iromltime to time: mill at Hedley, coal supplanting the M ing camp that could 'make good' on so " ThefwOrking of the rich coal.mine water power now in use. With the ex­ Died—Caroline Marion, infant daugh­ little prospecting and development it at "Princeton, B.C., is likely to have the pected enlargement to double its present ter of Mr. and'Mrs. J. M. Wright, on must have been due to the handiwork effect of reducing the price of coal in capacity of the stamp mill a large daily 16th inst,, aged 8 months 5 days. 'Asleep W of nature and not to manual labor. Be­ Spokane from jSl.50 to $2 per ton,!' said tonnage of coal will be required from the jin Jesus.' ginning at the top of the ground and John P. McConnell, editor of the Saturday Princeton mines. .Died—On 19th inst., infantdanghter with every mark of continuity as pros­ Sunset at Vancouver, B.C., who. was in r Work on the new tipple being erected of Mr. ancTMrs. Thomas Hughes, End- pect holes are sunk, there is no lack of the city yesterday. py the V.F.M. Co. is making favorable cliffe Avenue. - quautity and quality. The experienced "I was at the mines only a few days progress. Hoisting machinery and other D. O. Day left yesterday for PorW* eye readily dejects the va:ious and infal- ago and several carloads of fuel were equipment necessary for modern coal land, Ore., there to receive sanitarium l.ble signs which denote a 'poor man's ready to be shipped. The company, was mining will be installed as soon as de­ treatment. Everybody hopes to see him camp.' One has only to look and be waiting only for the cars. It is expected livery can be effected. return as good as new DeFofe the robins convinced that here is both latent and that within a short tinie/itrain loads of Supt. Graham has minersjjat work sup­ nest again. He expects to be absent conspicuous mineral wealth. Capital coal will be shipped out. plying the local coal markerand making during the winter. usually follows in the wake of progres­ "All that country around Princeton necessary underground preparations for Bert Irwin is building a workshop in sive, intelligent labor and Whipsaw is and Hedley is rich in mineral-wealth. luckv in having little to do to induce mining on an extensive scale. the rear of his dwelling near Halliford Only e"ight miles'northwest of Princeton Avenue. \>&r . this handmaid of labor to invest. there are other valuable deposits of coal J Work onthe railway spur to the coal mine is being, pushed along with vigor. Albert Johnson has moved into his new Sam Spencer Jaifd associates^'owning which will be mined at no distant date I went through the mine with a Dominion It is expected to be complete in about dwelling on Tapton Ave. and is as snug the S & M and M & S mineral claims two weeks. \&s'khy bachelor cqnld' Be. h ive recently received assays from the geologist and We found, seams of great Denver Metallurgical Co. which most width. This property lately was bought Eben Vans is preparing to his satisfactorily settles the question of values by a syndicate of Vancouver capitalists. rHIDt A!p GRAND TRDNK [property on thlr'cortier of Bridge street thus far on these claims. Assay for five They got it for a mere, song, payings only; ?",jffAY JOIN. and Endcliffe Av., other improvements metals resulted as follows: Tellurium? $225,000: They have-^rrfganized the | Rival surveying parties representing having been made recentiy. North Forks Coal Mining'Company. • nonej'ggold, 68c!; silver, 310 ozs., $155 ; the Canadian Northern and'Grand Trunk .Mr. and Mrs. Wright wish to express copper^i p.c, #4.80; lead, 68 p.c.$54.40; " There are also great~copper deposits Pacific railways are having a lively time jsincere thanks for many kindnesses, in or a total value of $214.20 per ton. Other in that vicinity. I went.through every getting a line from Kamloops to Van­ word and deed, for flowers and other assays from the same unpicked ore give copper mine in the district. There has couver along the south bank of the tokens of sympathy in the loss of their relatively good results with a higher per­ been a general awakening up there since fraser river. dear little one. centage of gold. These claims are on the opening of the Victoria, Vancouver Through the Fraser canyon, east of Hunters from the hillc say that 'deier the north side of Whipsaw Creek oppo­ & Eastern' railroad.' Abont • K-eremeos; Yale, where the Canadian Pacific runs are scarce on the lower ranges, due to site the well known Twenty Four Hour Hedley and Princeton the country is along the west bank, there is room for .the absence of snow higher up. Weather claim owned ,by Knight and Day. The rich in timber and there are many fine only one line on the eastern side, and wise Indians and whites predict an open - ledge is 100 feet wide. water power sites. Keremeos is the hub this has been taken by th&first survey of winter. of a productive fruit country and above •the Canadian Northern. For this reason ft Whipsaw requires a good wagon road Princeton the dairying industry thrives. At the sale of the Burkslead estate the to enable the cheaper forwardling of the Grand Trunkg/-is now looking for a " It is my belief that when the Great ranch of 305 acres on One-Mile was sold supplies and for the transportation of ore iltne running directly south from Kam­ Northern builds its line from Brewster to for $1400 to Jno. Hedley. to Princeton, the nearest railway point. loops across country between Nicola and Wenatchee, Spokane will get a vast trade This matter ought to command the at­ the Similkameen and finally striking J. Smith has begun sawing with with Princeton and other adjacent Can­ tention of the Board of Trade at its next the Eraser west of the Hope mountains. his gasoline engine?.; adian towns. I do not believe that it is session, Three survey parties are now in the T. J. Sutherland, of Prince Rupert, has the intention of James T- Hill ever to field running trial lines- for a proposed been examining Voigt's camp recently. build the V.,V. &E« line into Vancouver. route via Nicola and Similkameen. GRANITE CREEK NEWS. If he should it wauld give Vancouver a Ballast and lifting gangs are working •This route might possibly indicate a (From Our Special Correspondent.) chance to get some of this trade and we steadily on the railway. Work on the plan of the Grand Trunk Pacific to join R A. Lambert has closed down opera­ are entitled to it. bridge across the Similkameen has not tions on Granite Creek gold lease and forces with the Vancouver, Victoria & yet begun. " When the eastern capitalists who Eastern, a Hill road, and unite with it in gone to the coast. recently bought the Nickel Plate mine building a joint line across the mountains , Star, with its one-manpower, has again F. P. Cook is taking stumps out of from the Daly estate begin to work the property it will produce millions in gold. and thence to Vancouver. to ask forbearance of subscribers for un­ McBride St., Welldo. It is still immensely rich in gold avoidable delay beyond usual time of Miller and Hallowell have stopped deposits, though it was purchased at a Dell Young and wife are going to Min­ publication and shortage of reading golddigging for the season. nominal price, about 1725,000. neapolis on a visit. matter. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR OCTOBER 20, 1909

The Similkameen Star. Applications for Licenses. OCTOBER 20, 1909. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR J. M. Wright, GOTO T^OTICE is hereby given that thirty days after PRINCETON BAKERY ~^ date we intend to apply to the Supt, of Provin SUBSCRIPTION RATE: cial Police, Victoria, for a renewal of retail liquor license for the Great Northern Hotel, Princeton, One Year, $3.00 and CONFECTIONERY ^^"S F. W. GROVES Payable in Advance. LOCAL AND GENERAL MANLY & SWANSON. FRESH BREAD DAILY—ALL KINDS ANK Subscribers will confer a favor on this office by Princeton, B.C., October 13th, 1909. OF PASTRY, PIES, &C. Riverside Ave. is shortly to have a row Civil and nining Engineer promptly reporting any change in address or •^OTICE is hereby given that thirty days after rreguiarity in receipt of their paper. ~ ' date I intend to apply to the Supt. Provin­ ICE CfiEAM MADE EVERY DAY of miners' cottages erected for the ac­ B.C. Land Surveyor Advertising rates furnished on application. cial Police for a renewal of retail liquor license commodation of employees of the Ver­ HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 Legal notices io and 5 cents per line. of the Hotel Otter Flat, Tulameen, B.C., ICE CREAM SODA and SOFT DRINKS Four weekly insertions constitute one month MRS. E. J. HENDERSON. I milion Forks Mining Co. Examinations and Reports. Tulameen, B.C., October. 13. 1909. rders for Ice Cream taken fiom B. E. WALKER, President ' advertising. G. B. Butler of Portland, Ore , is plan­ Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 No transient advertisement inserted unless "RJQTICE is hereby given that thirty days after One Pint up. 12 percent interest charged on all ac­ ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager accompanied with the cash. •^ ' date the undersigned intend to apply to the ning the construction of a large buildiug Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000 Supt. Provincial Police, Victoria, for a renewal of counts 30 days overdue. retail liquor license for Hotel Tulameen, Prince­ RESTAURANT * on his Bridge street property. ton, B. C. A store and dwelling is shortly to be &9 NOTES AND COMMENTS. WM J. KIRKPATRICK., NOTICE. The Fruit Magazine, a publica­ Princeton, B. C, October 13th, 1909. C. V. Semerad & Co. erected by an Italian near the site of the railway station. Tnirty days after date we intend to apply to The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient tion devoted exclusively to the fruit •MOTICE is hereby given that thirty days after the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a license to way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of •^ date the undersigned intends to apply to the E. P Gaillac, of Spokane, Wash , is prospect for coal on the following lands : industry, issued monthly, has been Supt. Provincial Police, Victoria, for a renewal of Starting from a post placed at the N.E. corner retail liquor license for Granite Creek hotel, Gran­ expected to arrive soon on mining busi­ of Lot 43, thence 80 chains W., 80 chains N., 80 $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 received. It will be of interest to ite Creek. B.C. ness. chains E., 80 chains S. to point of commencement. LOUIS MARCOTTE. July 18,1909. W. B. BAILEY, Locator. and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, all engaged in fruit cultivation and Granite Creek. B. C. October 13th. 1909. The first of the series of fortnightly Starting from the N.E. corner of Lot 43, thence Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden is creditable in matter and makeup. social dances to be given during the sea­ 80 chains N., 80 chains E., 80 chains S.. 80 chains and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries NOTICE. W-, to point of commencement. It is published at Vancouver and is son will be held in the I.O.O.F. Hall on July 18,190g. W. E. DUNCAN, Locator. they are payable at current rates. Friday evening next, 22nd inst, com­ $1 per year. Thirty days after date I intend to apply to the Starting from the S.W. corner ot W. E. Dun­ The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office Chief Commissioner of Lands for a license to mencing at 9 o'clock p.m. Good music. can's coal claim, thence 80 chains E., 80 chains S., of the Bank. 131A prospect for coal in Kamloops division of Yale 80 chains W., 80 chains N. to point of commence­ district and described as follows : Tickets $1. ment. A. J. MARLOW, Manager, PRINCETON BRANCH . The total output of Ontario mines 1 Commencing at the N. E. corner of Lot 969, lalies I '• July 18,1909. R. W. REID, Locator. Divine service Sunday morning at 11 for the past six months of this year thence 80 chains north, 80 chains east, 80 chains Starting from the S.W. corner of Lot 706, thence south, 80 chains west to point of commene'emenf. and special missionary service Sunday N. about 40 chains, W. to the Tulameen River, D. S. WILSON. was $10,649,923. HUSTON BROS. PPOpP'S 1 thence up the Tulameen River and S. 80 chains, E. W. S. Wilson, Agent. evening at 7.30. Collection for mission 80 chains to the Similkameen River, N. 80 chains ^K~X><~M~:K~?K^<^ Princeton. Sept. 20, 1909. work in Canada. more or less to point of commencement and con­ The silver deposits of Cobalt were taining 289 acres more or less, and formerly known A dancing class will be started ip. the as Lot 243. ? discovered by Walter McQuat in General Livery business carried on. July 18.1909. FRANK BAILEY. Locator. NOTICE. Horses for hire, single or double. Wood I O.O.F. hall Monday next at 7.30. Spe­ T THE ROYAL MEDICATED STOCK I 1873. The Similkameen is not so cial rates to families of more than two. , Notice is hereby given that thirty days from or coal delivered on shortest notice. I old but has as great possibilities. date I intend to apply to the chief commissioner Draying in all its branches. Prices right j See H. H. Avery, jr. NOTICE. of lands for a license to prospect for coal on the I fFOOD COMPANY. following described land : Commencing at a post Satisfaction guaranteed. Notice is hereby given that thirty days from f placed 10 chains east of the north-east corner of date I intend to apply to the chief commissioner Next Tuesday, 26th inst , a Local Lot 933, Kamloops division of Yale district, thence of lands for a license to prospect for coal on the north 50 chains, west 80 chains, south 50 chains, following described laud, viz : Commencing at t Option Convention will be held in east 80 chains to point of commencement. a post placed at the North East corner i M.S WILSON, _ . of Lot 069, Kamloops Division of Yale District DR. MOODY'S CELEBRATED Vernon and will be addressed by a Princeton, Sept- 20, 1909. Applicant* thence extending north 80 chains.west 80 chains, H; MASSONAT south 80 chaius, east 80 chains to point of big array of prominent temperance Bridge St., Princeton commencement. EMIT^Y WILSON, m REMEDIES. i Applicant. t Nrf^^/S^N/VS/V* WS^WV« workers. NOTICE. W. S. Wilson, Agent. Princeton, Sept. 4, 1909. Y These goods are patented in England, the f W. J. Bryan, late Democratic Estate of Charles DeBarro. deceased Notice is hereby given that all creditors and i United States and Canada. candidate for U. S. presidency, re­ others having claims against the above estate NOTICE. ••• 1 must, on or before the 11th day of November, Eng T ceived a very flattering welcome in 1909, present the same to the undersigned duly raver Yale Land Distric' District of Yale Division. FOR HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, verified by affidavit, and all persons indebted to Take notice that I, Roland Lawrence, of V Vancouver on the occasion of his the said deceased are required to pay amount of Granite Creek, B. C, occupation, laborer, in­ A SWINE AND POULTRY. 1 such indebtedness to the undersigned forthwith- sci an tends to apply for permission to purchase the S3 recent lecture on behalf of the Dated this 11th day of October, A D. 1909- following described lands : A STOCK FOOD, ioc per lb., LO 1DS-MAHCOTTE, INSURE NOW : You Don't Fifteen Years of Experience in Commencing at a post planted at the south T Y.M.C.A. Mr. Bryan is the great­ FOXEROWLE P.. COOK, east corner of Lot 2S1 and running 20 chains POULTRY FOOD, 15c per lb., f Granite Creek. Executors. Know what to=morrow London, Paris and Switzerland. north; thence 20 chaius east; thence 20 chains M est singlehanded uplift among the Diploma at the Horological School south; thence 20 chains west to point of com­ CONDITION POWDERS, A may bring forth. mencement. moral forces of the day and that is WATER LICENSE. in Paris, 1896. ROLAND LAWRENCE, HOOF OINTriENT, why Canadians so heartily welcome Dated, June 81 1909 Applicant. r SALVE, fHealingJ OTTCK is hereby given that I James H. and admire him—he is not exclu­ N McCauley, of Princeton, B C, intend, thirty LINIMENT for stock, f days from date to apply to the Water Com­ A sively American, he belongs to the missioner at Pairview, B.C., for the right to take FOR SALE A LINIflENT for home use, Five cubic feet of water from the South Pork of world. the Similkameen River two miles below the con­ A. MURCHIE ™jgf» I WASH 75c per bottle, fluence of the Pasayton and Roche Rivers at the FARM LANDS ••• ••• • Y What is this hideous thing called Palls for.power purposes- I HEAVE PEHEDY, JAMKS E. McCAULEY, FRUIT LANDS PHOTOGRAPHER wrimis, & •I* 'death' that steals the little flowers Princeton, B.C. Y t CORN CURE, rice Dated this 14th day of October, 1909. STOCK RANCHES Photos of Families taken at their GALL CURE, from us and turns home from smil­ CHICKEH RANCHES Homes—Views of Princeton f ing sunshine into utter gloom ? WATER LICENSE; and Surrounding Camps. I TULAMEEN, B. C. COLIC CURE, Y f COUGH and COLD CURE, f Why are these innocent and spot­ OTICE is hereby given that I.' James E. AMATEUR WORK FINISHED Y Good Fishing, Boating N McCauley, of Princeton, B.C., intend thirty V BLISTER FINISH, i less white torn away by this ruth­ days from date to apply to the Water Com­ Business & Residential ADDRESS - PRINCETON. BC. Mining Centre Honest missioners at Fairview, B C, for the right to take f DR. riOODY'S GREAT DISCOVERY SPAVIN T less monster ? It may be to wean Five cubic feet of water from the South Fork of IN PRINCETON the Similkameen River three miles below the con­ I f CURE. T those left behind from earth and fluence of the Pasayton and Roche Rivers for power purposes. PRORIETOR • For sale in every city and town in Canada. create the desire to be with the de­ TAMES E. MCCAULEY, AVERY & AVERY Advertise, it pays. T Princeton, B.C. i * parted little ones. But for the pre- Goods T>ated this 14th day of October, 1909. Eeal Estate, Insurance, Notary Public I X The Royal Medicated Stock Food Co., ciousness of love and sympathy of «& VANCOUVER. B. C. f the living the lonely mother would FOR SALE. 'gladly fly away to her darling. It For Sale.—MAN OR WOMAN. My Soulh Af­ Great Northern 1 rican Vetran Bounty Land Certificate, issued by 4<~t*<~s~^x^<~M*<^ is as plain as noonday that earth is the Department cf the Interior, Ottawa; good for 320 acres of any Dominion land open for en­ A. L. WHITE try in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba. not our home : beyond the grave is Invest your Any person over the age of 18 yeais, MAN OR WOMAN can acquire this land with this certifi­ the blessed hope of meeting never cate. For immediate sale $800. Write or wire to part. L. E. TELFORD, X Money 131 Shuter St., Toronto, Ontario. MANLEY & SWANSON, Props. At Midnight; sorrow and loneliness ; FURNITUREandSTOVES Similkameen Lumher Co., Ltd. t Darkness and fear my soul distress ; Y HOLD YOUR ORDERS J. F. X Dread lest never the morn again where it will do C L, CUMMINGS r. Y Shine on the darkened ways of men ; i First Class room and board r While for the light I sigh and yearn— Horseshoeing Y Do, overhead the white stars burn ; ROUGH AND DRESSED X Most Good: Wines, Liquors, Cigars New and Second Hand Goods. Household Furniture Y Aud darkness ist>eautiful—all the night t a Specialty X Smiles in their sweet and tranquil light. House Furnishings All kinds of mouldings made. Orders promptly V Your home town GENERAL BLACKSMITH fY Now the battle cry of political attended to. For further particulars apply to 5 war is heard throughout the land. LET US Carriage Building, Repairing y and Painting We buy everything you have to sell and Y Guaging Mr. Shatford, M.P.P. by X CONVINCE YOU sell everything you have to buy Y his promises and performances very AH Work Neatly and Promptly OARD OF TRADE, PRINCE­ J. F. WABBELL, Princeton. Y few will want to exchange him for Done B TON, B. C. Meets first Monday in Y each month. Interest Charged on Accounts 30 Days Overdue. an untried representative. He hss W. C. MCDOUGAM, A. J. MARLOW TSIOiUS »ll Subscribe for Star . $2. K^M^t^^^KK*^wX«<&^^^>*^X^><^><^M^&^^*^^M^J«^<^«AAA made good and stayed good. President. Secretary. BRIDGE STREET, PRINCETON, B.C. WILL OPEN NOVEMBER 1st, 1909 - Q r 1 ao Patronize home industry a?-.y™t the Star P, Subscrib™"-* e als™o

V- - iM THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR OCTOBER 20, 1909 OCTOBER 13, 1909. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR PRINCETON LODGE I.O.O.F. No. 52. Regular meetings, 8 p PROVINCIAL-ELECTIONS ACT. m., Thursdays. Sojourning brethren welcome. Hall situated in Take notic° that * have received objections in THE Thomas Block. •' Oddfellows Hall." writing to the underme itioned person's names *4 TUCIOTS H. COWAN, J. F. WADDELL. retained on tne list of voters for the Similkameen 6 Noble Grand. Secretary. Jtilectoral district- Lowney's NAME ADDRiSS OCCUPATION Athtr'on, Wm. H , Ashnola, ^^^^^ Fkrmer Bailey, J?rank, Hedley, Miner CHOCOLATES Bartle, Thomas, Hedley, Miner HOWSE GO, 60 YEARS' t Bartle, Jsms: Ataertons' Corners, Laborer LIMITED EXPERBENCE Bird: William Morley, Heiley, Clerk I Erown, Arthur H. M., Hedley, Metallurgist Myrtle B-nvt-rman, George Young, Htdley, Miner Princeton Brae?, James Selkirk, Hedley, p The City Drug Store $ Gawstr , Richard Lowe, Keremeos, Rancher Christie, .Alexander, Hedley, Laborer has a varied stock to t'orkish; Benjamin, Hedley, Miner Davi 'sJn.; AU'rad A., Hedley, E Merchant ^'•^-^'^^^'^^^^-'^^^^'-^^^^^^^^V^^^WW select from. DeBarro. Charle?, Tulameen. Hotel keeper ' TRADE MARKS ad. Dickson, James Frew, Hedley, Prospector Dillitr, Otto, Hedley, Brewer Call Early and See the Goods \ DESIGNS Evans, Horace F., Hedley, COPYRIGHTS &C. Ellison, Charles, Hedley, Geo'cgist Anyono sending a sketch and description may Miner * Perfumes 1 TOllCCO quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an . Fair weather, Harvey E„ Keremeos, Baker invention 19 probably patentable.* Communica­ Fowler, George, Hedley, Miner tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatents, Fraser, Hindlay, Hedley, Please Bon't Forget Carpenter sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Gignac, Edward, Hedley, (• Fancy Articles £ Fatonts taken through Munn & Co. receive Laborer special notice, without charge, in the Gilbert, George Miles, Hedley, Miner Giilan, John, Hedley, Brewer THA T ? Largest Sale in Canada * Gordon, George Ross, Hedley, Bookkeeper Gordon, Marshall Lynn, Princeton, Bank Clerk I New Store New Goods 2 A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ Gorman, Thomas John, Cold Creek, Rancher culation of any scientific journal. Terms for Gi a it, Edward, Hedley, Miner Canada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by Gwin, Orlando Freeman, Princeton, Miner t all newsdealers. Guest, Byron Sidney, Fairview, Miner E HOWSECo ..Jj PRINCETON DIRECTORY. 36lBroad Guiney, William J., Keremeos, Miner Mil SCe. ^ New York Guiney, Thomas,^ Hedley, Liveryman Hairsinf, Carl, Fairview, Clerk I Branch Office. 625 FSt« Washington, D. C. Hassard, William A., Hecley, Miner 3 City Drug StOre, Bridge St. ?2 !J Information Designed for the Benefit Henderson, William J., Otter Flat, Hotelkeeper j» |j! of Readers Abroad. Herring, Robert, Hedley, H'vtelkeeper Your Qustosm Hincks, Harold A,, Hedley, Bank Clerk WHISKEY" Hopkins, William, Fairview, Bank of Commerce, A. J. Marlow,Mgr. Hunter, James, Fairview, Farmer Irwin, J. Jeffrey, Hedley, Miner BECAUSE Coroner and Health Officer—Dr.Lazier. Jameson, Ernest L., Hedley, Bank Clerk Jelly, David F., Keremeos, Barber Certificate of Improvements. j Jones, William O., Nickle Plate Mine. Rancher I.O.O.F. Hall, suitable for all public Rancher Brooklyn,Lela and Kev West mineral claims,: Kayes, J. Harry, Bridesville, MINERAL WATER Kilay, Michael, Fairview, Rancher Thy give H on st Van situate iu the Similkameen mining division 1 functions, shows, &c, seating capacity King, Charles, Sidley, Farmer of Yale district. Where located: Kennedy i [ ... make a Lamb, Kranci3.M., Fairview, Miller Mountain. 400, large proscenium, piano, gasoline. Leir, Hugh, Keremeos, Surveyor Take notice that I, EagarE. Burr, free miner's* Terms, apply to Hugh Cowan, Princeton, Long, Samuel R , Hedley, Rancher certificate No. B79354, octing for self and others, j Love, John, Hedley, Clerk ^nd Willing Service A. E. Howse f.m.c. B19474; F. s. Burr, f.m.c. Passenger Agent Atlantic Steamship Lyon, Lucius M , Olalla, Druggist B94303; A. D. Cowles, f.m.c. B10710 ; H. L. Jones, J Sold hv all Dealers. (New Edition issued March, 1908.) Mattice, Korah Alvin, Keremeos, Miner f.m.c. B10776 and T. C. Revely, fm.c. B79384,1 Lines—American, Leyland, White Star, Morley, Thomas, Hedley, Farmer Morrison, Wm. H , Fairview, intend. 60 days from the date hereof, to apply to I Dominion, Red Star, Atlantic Transport. Miner the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improve-' SIZE: Octavo. McArthur, Frank B , H«dley, Miner largest stock ments for the purpose of obtaining a Crown H. H. Avery. m McKay, Daniel, Granite Creek, Hotelkeeper 'Grant of the above claims, PAGES: 1228." McKay, Donald, Olalla, Miner And further take notice that action, under sec­ Member of Parliament—Martin Bur­ McCauley, Daniel, Hed'^y, Miner CHAPTERS: 25. McDermott, Ambrose, Hedley, Teamster imiikameen Valley tion 37, must be commenced before the issuance rell, Grand Forks, P.O. McDprmott, Jthd JoQeph. Hedley, -of such Certificate of Improvements. SCOPE : The copper industry of the 1 Hotelkeeper Dated this 9th day of March, A.D. jgog. Member Provincial Assembly—L. W. McCillivray, Danie , Hedley, Miner CM world. Mctnnis, William b., Hedley, Miner Shatford, Penticton, P.O. McKay, Steve, Medley, Liveryman COVERING : Copper history, geol­ McKinnor, Aigus, Hedley, Carpenter NOTICE. ogy, geography, chemistry, mineralogy, McKinnon. Danisl H . Hedhy, Board of Trade—W, C. McDougall, McLeod, John Donald, Hedley, Miner SB ~ mining, , leaching, smelting, re­ Miner Yale Land District, District of Yale. Take President ; A. J. Marlow, Secretary. McRae, Hugh, PrtncetDn; Millman notice that I, Martin Bresnik, of Otter Valley, & fining, brands, grades, impurities, alloys, McRae, Duncan, Olalla, Justices of the Peace—E. Waterman, 5' McRae, Duncan, Princeton, Prospector occupation rancher, intends to apply for permis­ uses, substitutes, terminology, deposits by Neil, John, Hedley, Miner sion to purchase the following described land : C. E. Thomas, Thos. Murphy, Granite districts, states, countries and continents, Norris, Benjamin, Hedley, Prospector Commencing at a post planted at the S. W. mines in detail, statistics of production, Nunneley, Arthur, Sidley, Farmer Come jof lot IOOQ, thence south 20 chairs, east 20 Creek. O'Conner, Charles, fairview, Laborer hcains, north 20 chains, west 2o chains to point consumption, imports, exports, finances, Mining Recorder, Assessor and Collec­ a. o Osborne, Alfred, Keremeos, Sawyer of commencement and containing" 40 acres more B dividends, etc. Palmer, William D , Keremeos, Miner OWES ST&WE, orglessfc*^ MARTIN BRESNIK. tor, Clerk County Court, Issuer of Mar­ s° a Palmer, Alfred I., Fairview, Merchant 23rdMarc.l1, 1909. o Farmer n IT) n . The Copper Handbook is coucededly Parkinson, Richard H., Fairview, riage Licenses—H. Hunter. p p O Price, Harrington, Keremeos, Engineer Whole Carload of Them. Come and Select o the Deterson, John, Hedley, Civil Engineer Constable, Deputy Game Warden, San­ cr 3 ST. r Pickari, Thomas D . Hedley, Rancher "M&BLL" itary Inspector, Inspector of Orchards, ft Rayburn Sylvester, Myers Flat, Hotelkeeper Yours Early, as they are going fast. > Russell, Richard, Fairview, Assayer —Ronald Hewat, Rose, John Vander, Hedley, Farmer World's Standard Reference Royer, Jonas F.f Keremeos, Mjne Manager Postmaster, Telephone Agent, Inland p *u o Ryan, William, Hedley, Hotelkeeper Revenue Inspector—A, Bell. Seymour, Charles, N ickle Plate Mine, Liveryman mtm mm. Shatford, I*_ytton W.( Fairview, Miner en a Bock on Copper. Public School — Miss E. J. Carson, o Smith, William, Keremeos, Miner PRINCETON, B. C. Smith, Walter H-, Hedley, Merchant Sowter, Arthur B , Myncaster, Teacher ; Trustees: E. Barr Hall, W. (/) p Laborer Steward, C- A. C , 15 Mile Creek, Carpenter Variety of Rigs—Good Roadsters— C. McDougall, H. H. Avery, Secretary. 2 " The miner needs the book for the facts Swan, Henry Rob rt. Hedley, Customs Officer p ji. it gives him regarding geology, mining, Tmgley, Harvey, Hedley, Prospector Iron Bedsteads, Brass Mounted Big Stables—Courteous Attention Notaries Publie—C. E. Thomas, A. E. cr Venner, Rupert B , Okanagan Falls, Carpenter sr* *"* copper deposits and copper mines. Watkins, John W.( Hedley, to al! Customers. Thomas, H. H. Avery, A. Bell. n o 50 Watson, Arthur A , Olalla, Carpenter ^4IaJ;t, James, Fairview, Miner The metallurgist needs the book for Miner Spring and Wool Mattresses Fenceviewers—D. Gibson, C. Schisler, the facts it gives him regarding copper White* Reginald B , Fairview, s» Wilson, Frederick C , Keremeos,' Mine Manager • T. Murphy. milling, leaching, smelting and refining. , John F^Jward, Hedley, Miner Yates, Harry Wilioughby, Hedley, Physician Presbyterian Church—Rev. T. Thur­ The copper consumer needs the book Teacher Wool and Feather Pillows Proprietors Teamster burn-Conn. for every chapter it contains. It tells Prospector what, and explains how and wby. And take notice that at the Court of Revision to Hedley-Princeton stage connecting be held on the 1st day of November, 1909, at the China and Earthenware NOTICE. with the V.,V. & E. at Keremeos—Sta^e The investor in copper shares cannol Government Office, Fairview, at 10 o'clock in the T 1 afford to be without it. The Copper forenoon, I shall hear and determine the same, Take notice that , John Westwood, of Coleman arrives at 12, noon, departs at 2 p.m., I and unless they or some other Provincial voter, on Alberta, physician, intends .to apply for permis­ Handbook gives statistics and general in­ their behalf, satisfy me that the objection is not sion to purchase the following described lands : . daily, except Sunday, F. Revely, Prop. formation on one hand, with thousandf. well founded, I shall strike the names off said Dinner Sets, Bedroom and other ware Commencing pt a post situated at the S.W. cor­ Register ner of lot 3030 thence_ south 14 chains; thence east Princeton-Nicola stage, arrives each of detailed mine descriptions on th* Dated this 4th day of October, A.D. 1909. h&% chains, thence north 14 chains, thence west h other, covering the copper mines of th* JAMES R. BROWN, Washstands and Dressers W/z chains to point of commencement. Contain-1 Wednesday about noon, departs Thurs entire world, and the 40 pages of con i P egistrar of Voters, Similkameen Electorial ing about 70 acres more or less, situate in Osoyoos day morning. P. Marquart, Prop. densed statistical tables alone are wort' District- "Land district. need to eat meat if you want tp more than the price of the book to eac JOHN WESTWOOD, Daily mail, except Snnday, via Kere­ Dining Room, Parlor and Rocking Chairs Jno. Nathan, Agent. meos. Weekly mail to points interven­ and every owner of copper miuing share • Dated August 18, 1909. ing between Nicola and Princeton. enjoy life. We have the best. PRICE: $5 in buokram with gilt to or $7.50 in full library morocco. NOTICE. FIRE ALARMS, &c. FISH-SALriON, TERMS : The most liberal. Send 1 • Notice is hereby given thatl intend to apply for Four sharp taps on the bell, with slight money, but order the.book sent you, ; 9 •-••a license to prospect for coal on the following de-: pause between each four, will indicate HALIBUT carriage charges prepaid, on one wee! m ."scribed land, viz: approval, to be returned if unsatisfartor, t Commencing at a post placed at theN.E. Cor- that the fire is in Ward I. Two sharp Fresh from the Sea. i yner| of Lot 298, Yale Division of Yale District, or paid for if it suits. Can yon 'iff T Our Stock of Groceries cannot be Surpassed for quality and thence 80 chains south, 80 chains east, 80 chains taps, with pause between each two, will not to see the book and iudge for y> r north, SO chains west to point of commencement. locate the fire in Ward 2. y W. C.-McDOUGALL. self of its value to you ? Y TULAMEEN, B.C. are always fresh •Sept. 14th; 1909. gffi-' Continuous moderate ringing of the WRITE NOW to the editor and j rt Good Fishing, Boating bell will be used for meetings of any- lisher, T Mining Centre kind, for public demonstrations or for S & WARDtE r ATMRCHIE "*g« giving the correct time daily. Toiling •y for the dead will be one stroke of the BUTCHERS y rs.w.J.iieoderson bell with measured intervals of ten sec­ HORACE J. STEVENS y PRORIETOR PHOTOGRAPHER "ra* «« onds, ad. y , Photos of Families taken at their 550 SHELDEN BLDG., HOUGH' NOTE THE ADDRESS: Homes—Views of Princeton PRIMGETOh MICH., U. S. A. and Surrounding Camps. OARD OF TRADE, PRINCE­ M . The A. E. HOWSE CO., L'd - B TON, B. C. Meets first Monday in AMATEUR WORK FINISHED Good quality of newly made Brick for m each month. THE BIG STORE. ADDRESS PRINCETON. BC. sale by GROVES & CAIN. Advertise, it pays, W. C. MCDOUGAU, A. J. MARLOW President. Secretary. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR OCTOBER 20, 1909

• • • The Town of • • • ,^i

* 1 * 1 Si 'lllSj i






At the ccr£c:rxe cf the Similkameen and Tulameen Kivers I S M LKAMEEN DISTRICT

1 Send for Maps j* -J£ >J£ anl Pr::e List to 1 f ERNEST W^MMAN § *> H i Resident Manager


tfi*flf f*5cf*i tJCf en xiat IX r-y—-as. j •.VJTZL'SSStm-_ S?iiWiS*S, .^ES733& -*}XasE-S353BE3X=5K«^^