Whipsaw All Right Ism, for Spokane First Coal Shipped Local and General

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Whipsaw All Right Ism, for Spokane First Coal Shipped Local and General - •W Coal=j)roduction will maintain big payroll here. >.a 4 A- •• • f*| m. •:$ii Avoid extremes: 0h. the pathway of life choose the middle course Mining; is the leading industry of the Similkarri<|fi^rjd:is capable of vast development, not a tenth of1 it feeing, as yet, prospected—It is the Prospector's Paradise, easy of access and virtually unlimited in area—Manufacturing facilities are excellent—Healthy climate. Vol.X. No. 43. PRINCETON, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. $2 a :Year in i&dvaticV WHIPSAW ALL RIGHT ISM, FOR SPOKANE FIRST COAL SHIPPED LOCAL AND GENERAL Camp Makes Good in High Princeton Output will Compete Two Carloads for Hedley Gold Buildings Projected and in Con­ Assays and Inviting in Market of the Big Mines Co. Fifjst Over struction in Various to CapiMi^l Inland Capital. V.,V,&E.Line. Parts Town. Wagon Road would Facilitate Devel­ Sunset Han Drops Into Spokane and V.F.M. Co. will be Ready to Supply leer not Down from Higher Altitudes opment—Ore May be Hauled Says Things to Reporter on Consumers Abroad—Spur not Portends Late and Moderate to Princeton. "^ra Live Subjects. yet Completed. Winter Season. Whipsaw has sprung into public notice The following interview in the.Spokes­ The first shipment of coal from the Remember the Thanksgiving dinner to purely on its merits and every week is man-Review is., another illustration of Vermilion Forks Co's mine is bfejrijj made be served by the Ladies' Aid Monday J. P. McConnell's deepMnterest in every­ prolific with solid, tangible results which now to the Hedley Gold Mines Co. at evening from 6 to 8 pTtnT" Dinner, 50c. thing pertaining to the progress ilf^J^e Hedley. This shipment is a trial order add to the*fascination and attractiveness for adults; 35c. for children. All wel­ of the camp. There is not'a "'wildcat' in Similkameen, and-which he has so earn­ |of two carloads and if satisfactory will come. Mr. Conljhard's splendid'gramo­ the whole camp, ore being traceable to estly set forth in the Saturday Sunset be used as the motive power in thestamp phone will afford best selections of music. every location. If ever thereMvas a min­ Iromltime to time: mill at Hedley, coal supplanting the M ing camp that could 'make good' on so " ThefwOrking of the rich coal.mine water power now in use. With the ex­ Died—Caroline Marion, infant daugh­ little prospecting and development it at "Princeton, B.C., is likely to have the pected enlargement to double its present ter of Mr. and'Mrs. J. M. Wright, on must have been due to the handiwork effect of reducing the price of coal in capacity of the stamp mill a large daily 16th inst,, aged 8 months 5 days. 'Asleep W of nature and not to manual labor. Be­ Spokane from jSl.50 to $2 per ton,!' said tonnage of coal will be required from the jin Jesus.' ginning at the top of the ground and John P. McConnell, editor of the Saturday Princeton mines. .Died—On 19th inst., infantdanghter with every mark of continuity as pros­ Sunset at Vancouver, B.C., who. was in r Work on the new tipple being erected of Mr. ancTMrs. Thomas Hughes, End- pect holes are sunk, there is no lack of the city yesterday. py the V.F.M. Co. is making favorable cliffe Avenue. - quautity and quality. The experienced "I was at the mines only a few days progress. Hoisting machinery and other D. O. Day left yesterday for PorW* eye readily dejects the va:ious and infal- ago and several carloads of fuel were equipment necessary for modern coal land, Ore., there to receive sanitarium l.ble signs which denote a 'poor man's ready to be shipped. The company, was mining will be installed as soon as de­ treatment. Everybody hopes to see him camp.' One has only to look and be waiting only for the cars. It is expected livery can be effected. return as good as new DeFofe the robins convinced that here is both latent and that within a short tinie/itrain loads of Supt. Graham has minersjjat work sup­ nest again. He expects to be absent conspicuous mineral wealth. Capital coal will be shipped out. plying the local coal markerand making during the winter. usually follows in the wake of progres­ "All that country around Princeton necessary underground preparations for Bert Irwin is building a workshop in sive, intelligent labor and Whipsaw is and Hedley is rich in mineral-wealth. luckv in having little to do to induce mining on an extensive scale. the rear of his dwelling near Halliford Only e"ight miles'northwest of Princeton Avenue. \>&r . this handmaid of labor to invest. there are other valuable deposits of coal J Work onthe railway spur to the coal mine is being, pushed along with vigor. Albert Johnson has moved into his new Sam Spencer Jaifd associates^'owning which will be mined at no distant date I went through the mine with a Dominion It is expected to be complete in about dwelling on Tapton Ave. and is as snug the S & M and M & S mineral claims two weeks. \&s'khy bachelor cqnld' Be. h ive recently received assays from the geologist and We found, seams of great Denver Metallurgical Co. which most width. This property lately was bought Eben Vans is preparing to fence his satisfactorily settles the question of values by a syndicate of Vancouver capitalists. rHIDt A!p GRAND TRDNK [property on thlr'cortier of Bridge street thus far on these claims. Assay for five They got it for a mere, song, payings only; ?",jffAY JOIN. and Endcliffe Av., other improvements metals resulted as follows: Tellurium? $225,000: They have-^rrfganized the | Rival surveying parties representing having been made recentiy. North Forks Coal Mining'Company. • nonej'ggold, 68c!; silver, 310 ozs., $155 ; the Canadian Northern and'Grand Trunk .Mr. and Mrs. Wright wish to express copper^i p.c, #4.80; lead, 68 p.c.$54.40; " There are also great~copper deposits Pacific railways are having a lively time jsincere thanks for many kindnesses, in or a total value of $214.20 per ton. Other in that vicinity. I went.through every getting a line from Kamloops to Van­ word and deed, for flowers and other assays from the same unpicked ore give copper mine in the district. There has couver along the south bank of the tokens of sympathy in the loss of their relatively good results with a higher per­ been a general awakening up there since fraser river. dear little one. centage of gold. These claims are on the opening of the Victoria, Vancouver Through the Fraser canyon, east of Hunters from the hillc say that 'deier the north side of Whipsaw Creek oppo­ & Eastern' railroad.' Abont • K-eremeos; Yale, where the Canadian Pacific runs are scarce on the lower ranges, due to site the well known Twenty Four Hour Hedley and Princeton the country is along the west bank, there is room for .the absence of snow higher up. Weather claim owned ,by Knight and Day. The rich in timber and there are many fine only one line on the eastern side, and wise Indians and whites predict an open - ledge is 100 feet wide. water power sites. Keremeos is the hub this has been taken by th&first survey of winter. of a productive fruit country and above •the Canadian Northern. For this reason ft Whipsaw requires a good wagon road Princeton the dairying industry thrives. At the sale of the Burkslead estate the to enable the cheaper forwardling of the Grand Trunkg/-is now looking for a " It is my belief that when the Great ranch of 305 acres on One-Mile was sold supplies and for the transportation of ore iltne running directly south from Kam­ Northern builds its line from Brewster to for $1400 to Jno. Hedley. to Princeton, the nearest railway point. loops across country between Nicola and Wenatchee, Spokane will get a vast trade This matter ought to command the at­ the Similkameen and finally striking J. Smith has begun sawing wood with with Princeton and other adjacent Can­ tention of the Board of Trade at its next the Eraser west of the Hope mountains. his gasoline engine?.; adian towns. I do not believe that it is session, Three survey parties are now in the T. J. Sutherland, of Prince Rupert, has the intention of James T- Hill ever to field running trial lines- for a proposed been examining Voigt's camp recently. build the V.,V. &E« line into Vancouver. route via Nicola and Similkameen. GRANITE CREEK NEWS. If he should it wauld give Vancouver a Ballast and lifting gangs are working •This route might possibly indicate a (From Our Special Correspondent.) chance to get some of this trade and we steadily on the railway. Work on the plan of the Grand Trunk Pacific to join R A. Lambert has closed down opera­ are entitled to it. bridge across the Similkameen has not tions on Granite Creek gold lease and forces with the Vancouver, Victoria & yet begun. " When the eastern capitalists who Eastern, a Hill road, and unite with it in gone to the coast. recently bought the Nickel Plate mine building a joint line across the mountains , Star, with its one-manpower, has again F. P. Cook is taking stumps out of from the Daly estate begin to work the property it will produce millions in gold. and thence to Vancouver.
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