" Five years into the Decade for Roma Inclusion, what do Europeans know about their Roma minorities? "

Grundtvig Workshop

Organized by HIA From February 27th to March 6th Lyon, France

This workshop will host 17 participants from all across Europe. It is designed to help evaluate the general knowledge about Roma populations in Europe today; provide participants with knowledge on the history and cultures of Roma populations across Europe; address the diversity of contemporary issues faced by Roma populations across Europe, as well as the divide between the cultural approaches and the social and humanitarian approaches developed to respond to these issues. The participants will reflect on their knowledge before and after the workshop, and develop an educational tool designed to help European Civil Society gain knowledge on Roma populations, and fight prejudices leading to discrimination and exclusion all over the European Union, beyond the countries included in the Decade for Roma Inclusion.

Contacts: Director, Humanity In Action France: Tara Dickman – [email protected] / Project coordinator, Humanity In Action France: Laurène Bounaud – [email protected] / Introduction

The workshop “Five years into the Decade for Roma Inclusion, what do Europeans know about their Roma minori- ties?” will help evaluate the general knowledge about Roma populations in Europe today; provide participants with knowledge on the history and cultures of Roma populations across Europe; address the diversity of contemporary issues faced by Roma populations across Europe, as well as the divide between the cultural approaches and the social and humanitarian approaches developed to respond to these issues. Finally, the participants will look back on their knowledge before and after the workshop, and develop an educational tool designed to help European Civil Society gain knowledge on Roma populations, and fight prejudices leading to discrimination and exclusion all over the European Union, beyond the countries included in the Decade for Roma Inclusion.

The ultimate goal of the workshop is to tackle prejudices and preconceived ideas about Roma populations by dis- seminating knowledge about the history of the minority, its internal diversity, and the different issues it faces across Europe. The knowledge gained during the workshop is meant to be disseminated in an accessible way across the European Union..

Sessions will be both theoretical and practical:

Interactive role-play games will help participants identify their own prejudices towards before providing them with tools to address social exclusion based on preconceived ideas;

Participants will discuss how Roma populations are portrayed in the media or in school, as well as their own experience with Roma populations;

Roma academics and specialists will provide participants with background on Roma history and cultures, and address the divide between the social and cultural approaches to issues faced by Roma populations across Europe; they will also address evolutions in European law to fight the social exclusion of Roma populations across Europe, and how these evolutions show in facts.

Participants will reflect on their knowledge prior to the program and after the program to ela- borate a tool they believe will make knowledge about the Roma minorities in Europe more accessible to European Civil Society at large.

The workshop will be an opportunity for adult learners to improve their knowledge about the largest minority in Europe, and become mentors themselves in disseminating that knowledge. It will also be an opportunity for them to understand the concrete role of European Union laws in fighting discrimination and promoting the rights of mi- norities. HIA France staff

Tara Dickman (National Director) [email protected]

Tel/Fax : 01 43 45 21 73 Mob : 06 98 97 28 54

Tara is the National Director of the Lyon Program and was a 2007 HIA Paris Fellow. She graduated in Information and Communications in Paris, and in Comparative Politics with a focus on minority rights in New York. Tara comes from a multicultural family that arrived in France in 1980. She grew up between Paris and Ivry-sur-Seine, where for 6 years she was an actor, director and coordinator for a grassroots company of emerging artists. Today, Tara runs the Paris HIA office and activities and is involved in a new think tank focusing on underserved neighborhoods and minority issues in France. She hosts a weekly radio show. In 2010, Tara was invited to Chicago by state representative William D Burns to join a 2-week-long community organizing workshop. She is hoping to build off this training to strengthen the HIA network and its work across the world.

Laurene Bounaud (Program Coordinator) [email protected]

Mob: 06 67 68 86 79

My name is Laurene Bounaud. I grew up between Paris and Indonesia. After I graduated in political science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Toulouse and the faculty of Sor- bonne in Paris, I worked as a parliamentary assistant to Deputy at the French Parliament. After that experience, I did an internship at the City Hall of the 19th district of Paris. For six months I was in charge of about 20 projects in line with the promotion of the diversity and multicultural dialogue. I’m particularly interested in the news and I’m invol- ved in politics and social justice. After 6 months in San Francisco working for an NGO to promote interreligious dialogue an on different issues such as homelessness, I came back to France to work for Humanity In Action as a project coordinator. I love to travel a lot and discover different cultures; to dance and to read. In my spare time, I DJ in bars and try to write novels. Participants in the Roma workshop 2011

Pavlina Doublekova Bulgaria [email protected]

Hello everyone! I am Pavlina Doublekova (but please call me Ina) from Bulgaria. My bac- kground is in Cultural Studies and Sociology, thus I have an MA in Gender Studies from CEU. In the last couple of years I have been working extensively in the NGO sector on pro- jects encouraging the intercultural dialogue. In addition, I am much interested into contem- porary arts and cultural policies.

Zsuzsanna Erdos Hungary [email protected]

Mother tongue: Hungarian. Also speaks: English, French and Romanian. Publisher’s reader at Humana Magazin, which is a monthly review (in Hungarian) on human rights with the target audience of college and high school students. http://humanamagazin.eu/ Can be contacted at: [email protected]

Marta Gawinek [email protected]

I’m 26, come from Poland, studied German Philology, European Studies and Political Science. I’m especially interested in citizenship education and post-conflict peace buil- ding, especially in South Caucasus. I combine these three areas working as a journalist and coordinator of projects aiming on development of the civil society in Poland and Caucasus and support to vulnerable. Last 2 years I spent in Georgia working with internally displaced from the conflict areas. I like to travel and read.

Catalin-Ioan Graure Romania [email protected]

Hello, my name is Catalin and I’m 22 years old. I’m currently in my last year of law studies in the University of Bucharest Law School. I’ve also graduated from the French-Romanian Law College of European Studies with a Bachelor’s Degree in French and European Law. I’m passionate about public international law, human rights law and every legal subject re- lated to these fields of study. I love sports, especially skiing, football and tennis. I’m looking forward to the Lyon workshop experience. Graziano Halilovic Italy [email protected]

Graziano Halilovic is the chairman of Romà Onlus, a roma organization established in Rome, 2008. He works since many years in the noprofit sector as intercultural mediator. He has been project manager in several projects in the social, educational and cultural sectors. He is the secretary and a founder member of Federazione Romanì (Italian Romany Federation). Romà Onlus is a member of Ternype (International roma youth networtk) and RGDTS (Rom-gadje dialogue through service).

Sophie Hatzfeldt [email protected]

After quite a bit of moving around (the last years in Europe and before that mostly in Asia) I’m now again living in Berlin, doing a Master of Public Policy. I’m mostly interested in migration and its challenges and potentials for home- and destination countries, as well as the governance of conflicts and peacebuilding. Last semester I wrote a policy paper on how to deal with irregular Roma migrants in France. I love cooking, films, art, reading, hiking, travelling, sewing and recently capoeira!

Daniel Jezierski Poland [email protected]

My name is Daniel Jezierski I am from Wrocław, Poland. I am 26 and deeply interested in human rights issues since I have engaged in Campaign Against Homophobia some years ago. I am a member of Amnesty International, also. Last year I took part in Summer Fel- lowship Program in Warsaw organised by Himanity in Action. Currently, I work out my project ‘Voices from Poland: Developing an Oral History of Polish Minority Perspectives’ togethet with my friend David Liebers, an American senior fellow.

Julianna Kiss Hungary [email protected]

I have been working on issues related to the inclusion of Roma for years. During university, I mainly examined the role of education and the media. At the same time, I became inte- rested in the work of NGOs, and got involved in several research and educational projects. While finishing my studies, I worked for the European Roma Rights Centre, after which I joined the Kurt Lewin Foundation, a Hungarian NGO, where I mainly lead research projects on issues connected to disadvantaged social groups. Kamil Kolata Poland [email protected]

Some while ago I used to coach a junior soccer team and made a positive experience with the Roma family of one of my players. The experience didn’t match the stereotypes towards Roma prevailing in Germany and Poland. Now, I’m an intern at the International Youth Meeting House Mikuszewo (in PL) and help to organize international exchanges and trai- nings. I felt doing so after finishing my M.A. in Social Sciences (Sociology, Political Science and Economics) because of my Polish-German background.

Rosalia Mangiacavallo Hungary [email protected]

I am Italian, from Palermo, but I have been living in Budapest because I am intern at the European Roma Rights Centre. I studied Politics and International Relationships in Palermo and Interculture and Social Citizenship in Venice. I worked as voluntary in the legal camp for Roma and Sinti families in Mestre–Venice and in the semiformal camp for Roma of Pa- lermo. I did work experience in a Romani association of Prague, the Dženo.

Daniela Marinas Germany [email protected]

I am an ambitious and optimistic person, decided to have an impact in my field of interest. I have studied European Studies and International Relations in Romania and this is how my interest for the integration process of Eastern European countries and its minorities into the European Union ignited. This interest determined me to make a master in International Re- lations and later pursue a PhD with the focus on the implementation of the Roma minority rights in new member states of the EU.

Marta Poslad Poland [email protected]

I’ve graduated from the University of Cambridge last summer, where I was studing socio- logy. Before that I was running get-out-the-vote campaigns in Poland and few other projects in the non-profit sector. Currently I’m working in a communications company in the Public Affairs department. At the same time, I’m setting up an endowment for the first think tank aimed at Warsaw development. My main academic interest is sociology of politics and par- ticipation in modern democracies in particular. Line Salmon-Legagneur France [email protected]

My name is Line Salmon-Legagneur, I am a French student in Lille. I have a bachelor in political sciences and I am currently studying International Solidarity at a master level. I have been interested in the Roma situation for few years, mainly regarding the prejudices and preconceived ideas the French population has towards them. My Erasmus Program in Budapest enabled me to consider the issue at a European level, and to write a thesis about the policies towards Roma in France and Hungary.

Jasmijn Slootjes [email protected]

My name is Jasmijn Slootjes and I´m from the Netherlands. Last year I finished my bachelor in liberal arts and sciences at University College Utrecht and this year I just started the re- search master Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism. I´m a senior fellow of 2009 and I´m currently working on a research about social and cultural integration of recent mi- grants. Studying and living in Istanbul further increased my interest in minority issues.

Marta Sykut Poland [email protected]

In 2010, together with Serbian, Albanian and Roma friends, we created a new organi- zation in Kosovo - Gaia Kosovo. We mainly work with minority communities in order to create possibilities for multiethnic dialogue. Our main activities are international summer workcamps, where we bring youth from different countires to work together for benefit of local communities. In summer 2010 we organized a project with Internaly Displaced People of Roma origin in Plemetina, Kosovo. Practical information

The address of your accommondation:

Hotel Citadines 91-95 rue Moncey 69003 Lyon

How to get from the airport to your accommodation:

The airport is located 24 km from Lyons city centre.

There are trams and buses driving from the airport to the city of Lyon. As your booked accom- modation is located very close to the train station La Gare Part-Dieu, you are recommended to take the trains.

To get to the train station at the airport you will have to look for directions towards the TGV sta- tion, and you will walk out of the terminal and cross a parking lot to get to the station.

You have to catch the Rhóneexpress. It takes 25 minutes to get from the airport to Part-Dieu, and it runs every 15 min in rush hours and costs 13 € for a single trip and 23 € for a roundtrip.

To get to your hotel from the train station: WORKSHOP SPEAKERS - BIOGRAPHIES

Sarah Carmona Historian, Lecturer and activist

Sara Carmona holds an M.A and a PhD in Art History and Archeology granted by the University of Aix-Marseille, France. Her doctoral thesis was “Late Roman Typological and Technical Tradition in the Hispano-Muslim Gardens of the Caliphal and Emiral Era. Power dialectic”. While teaching history, archeology and art history in several universities, she also regularly contributes to the newspaper “Nevipens Romani” and “I Tchachipen”, focusing on the forgotten history and cultures of the Roma in France and in particular, and its impact on Roma identity development. She is an extremely involved activist, Vice President of the Federation de Femmes Rrom, Sinti et Kalé, FROSIKA (Board member of the European Women Lobby), Secretary of “La Voix des Rroms” (Paris), Coordinator of the Cultural Department of the NGO “Union Romani” (Spain), Chairman of the “Union Romani Mujer”, Granada (Spain), Co- responsible of the Mediation Project and Juridical Assistance for the Romanian Rroma Immigrants, Union Romani (Spain), Organizer of the International Day of Rroma People, Granada (Spain), Organizer of the 3rd Encounter of Young Rroma University students, Seville (Spain), Secretary of the Socio-cultural Association “Sacromonte Historico”, Granada (Spain). Sarah Carmona is also the Founder of the Agency for Arts and Cultural Mediation “Bianuripe, le silence” Tunisia, Spain, France (organization of festivals, management), and a freelance translator.

Marcel Courthiade Associated Professor in Rromani Socio-Linguistics, INALCO

Marcel Courthiade is a French linguist, born in Albania in 1953. He lives in France where he researches and promotes the Rromani language and culture. He was originally a medical student in Clermont-Ferrand (France), but gave up this specialization to focus on Slavic languages, especially Serbo-Croatian and Polish. After graduating in Albanian, Macedonian and Polish from the INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisation Orientales) in Paris, he wrote his PhD thesis on the phonetics of the various Rromani dialects. During his studies, he was involved in NGOs working in educational projects for Albanian Roma. He has run and coordinated various cultural and educational projects. For four years, he worked as a political analyst at the French Embassy in Albania. After defending his PhD thesis in 1995, he became associated professor in Rromani socio- linguistics at the Ecole Pratiques des Haute Etudes. In 1997, he became associated professor at the INALCO in Paris.

Bibliography • Marcel Courthiade, "Romani fonetika thaj Lekhipa", Filǎn Than, 1984 • Marcel Courthiade, "Structure dialectale de la langue rromani", in "Interface", n.31, 1998 • Claire Auzias et Marcel Courthiade, "Les Tziganes ou le destin sauvage des Roms de l’Est", Paris, Michalon, 130 pages, 2002 • Marcel Courthiade, Rajko Djuric, "Les Rroms dans les belles lettres euroéennes. Littérature, etudes littéraires, critiques europe de l'est (ex Urss)", Edition l’Harmattan, 2004, • Marcel Courthiade, Stella Méritxell Pradier et Ferdinand Koci, "Sagesse et humour du peuple rrom", Edition l’Harmattan, 207 pages, 2007, ISBN : 2-296-02271-5 • "La littérature des Rroms, Sintés et Kalés : dossier réalisé sous la direction de Marcel Courthiade, assisté de Jeanne Gamonet", in Missives, n° 225 WORKSHOP SPEAKERS - BIOGRAPHIES

Ghislaine Durand Elected Official in Bron

From gens du voyage descent through her mother, Ghislaine Durand becomes a schoolteacher in 1975, to then become director of a primary school. She is a freelance journalist for a while, and is involved in politics quite early on: at 16, she joins the Communist Party. She leaves the political sphere in 1984, only to be elected as an independent today in the city of Bron. She is the Chair of Regards de Femmes Tziganes, an organization which promotes Roma and Tzigane culture through the education of women, and also runs various legal actions to fight discrimination. An elected representative at the European Roma and Traveler Forum, she represents the views of Nicolas Gheorghe who asked her to organize the political visibility of the Roma in France. For a few months now, she has also been working at the European Social and Economic Forum on access to schools and the education of Roma youth and women.

Elisabeth Gagneur Chair of C.L.A.S.S.E.S

Elisabeth Gagneur is the Chair of C.L.A.S.S.E.S (Lyonnais Collective for Access to Schooling and the Support of Children in Squats); she co-founded the organization because she could not stand the fact that some children were growing up in Lyon without having access to school. She is a former schoolteacher and director of a primary school, and thought her skills may benefit the cause. The children who do not have access to school are almost all Rroma, which meant C.L.A.S.S.E.S soon became close to other Rroma rights organizations.

Véronique Gilet ALPIL

The Association Lyonnaise Pour l'Insertion par le Logement (the Lyonnais Organization for Inclusion Through Housing) was developed in 1979 in order to help underserved populations gain access to regular housing networks. Since the beginning ALPIL has been involved in a fight for inclusion besides those in need as well as those who provide housing, and make housing policies at the local and national levels. ALPIL therefore acts as an information provider, in terms of rights and counsel, but also as a technical support for those seeking housing and housing providers, helping them find concrete and personalized solutions for a variety of situations.

Orhan Galjus Journalist and Rromani professor INALCO

Orhan Galjus is founder and pioneer of radio programs and was leading member of Roma associations in Ex Yugoslavia. He worked on Romani issues and mainly on Roma media in ex- Yugoslavian countries, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Western Europe. In Amsterdam was High Commissioner of the International Romani Union (IRU), and today he is European Rroma and Travellers Forum (ERTF) - IRU delegate. WORKSHOP SPEAKERS - BIOGRAPHIES

He was a member of the Pedagogical Working Group on Roma/Gypsies and Travellers of the EC Commission, member of the Group of Research and Action in Rromani Linguistics, member of the board of directors of the Phare Roma Program in Romania. He established in 1991 the Nevipe-Press Rrom News Agency, and published first Rromani- English periodical Patrin. Later, in Amsterdam started to broadcast Radio Patrin, weekly Rromani-Dutch radio program (1992). As publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the periodical Patrin, in 1994 established Patrin’s branch office in Presov, Slovakia, yet again, from February, 2009 he restarted the same Radio Patrin at SALTO – at the Amsterdam public broadcasting organization. He serves as international correspondent for Swedish International Radio Program in Rromani “Radio Chachimo”. He was guest editor and staff member and author of articles for numerous Roma publications/newspapers. He was Communication Officer of the Roma Participation Program (RPP) and later as program manager of the Network Media Program (NMP) of the Open Society Institute (OSI) in Budapest, Hungary. Orhan Galjus worked as regional coordinator (Hungary Slovakia and Czech Republic) for Partners for Democratic Change (San Francisco, Bratislava, Budapest, Prague).

Orhan Galjus is one of the key voices of the Roma on the international scene and one of the major drivers of Romany emancipation worldwide. In 1996, he received the “Phralipe” (“Brotherhood”) award from the International Romani Association Romano Them (Italy) and a special THANKS Award for outstanding contribution to the strengthening of the Romani nation from the 5th (Prague) and 7th Roma World Congress (Zagreb). During the II Summit of Roma in Cordoba, (April 8, 2010) in Spain, the Instituto de Cultura Gitana and Spanish Ministry of Culture awarded Orhan Galjus with the “Premio de Cultura Gitana 8 de Abril”en la modalidad de Comunicacion”. From September 2010, he is lecturer at the Paris Inalco University. Thanks to his communication skills recently he was appointed as executive adviser for the Dutch based company IP Solutions – partner in solutions for business.

Xavier Pousset Director ARTAG - Centre Social A l'Unisson (Regional Organization of Tsiganes and their Gadje Friends)

Xavier Pousset is a graduate in social work and social engineering, as well as in company management. He worked in several positions before becoming the director of a social center for underserved children. An activist in the field of social work, he contributed to the development one of the first social inclusion companies in France, of which he remained Chair until 1994 and to the development of a network of social workers and social work volunteer for 7 years. He became director of ARTAG at the end of 2001.

ARTAG was founded in 1985 by travellers (gens du voyage) assisted by a social worker. Its territorial focus is mostly the Rhône department, but it reaches out throughout the Region Its purpose is to build bridges between gens du voyage and the gadje world. ARTAG uses public policies to support gens du voyage, and thus helps them understand and better use various programs. ARTAG also tries to address implicit gens du voyage needs, and therefore also works on discrimination, economic integration, training, cultural activities, communications, and housing. ARTAG publishes a newspaper called “Monde Tsigane”. The founding principle of ARTAG is the active participation of gens du voyage at all levels of the organization.


Alexandros Tsolakis European Commission, DG Education and Culture

Alexandros Tsolakis has been an EU Civil Servant for almost 30 years. He became interested in Roma issues in 1991, when the Council passed a resolution following a Jean-Pierre Liégeois report on migrant Roma children. After having contributed to funding the first EU Roma Congress in Sevilla in 1994, he supported the 1997 Youth Roma Congress in Barcelona. Very involved in the fight against stereotypes, he asked to work exclusively on this issue five years ago. He is now working for the European Social and Economic Committee, and is in charge of the production of recommendations on Roma integration.



• PRESENTATIONS AND TEAM BUILDING Location: EPI - 13 Rue Auguste Renoir, 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin Meet at 8.15 AM entrance of the apartment building: 91-95, rue Moncey, 69003 Lyon

9.30 AM Welcome at l’EPI

9.45 AM Interactive Game

10.30 AM Break

10.45 AM Introduction of participants, staff and workshop objectives

12.30 PM Lunch Break

2 PM Short presentation of the situation of the Roma in the various countries of the participants

3 PM Break

3.15 PM Short presentation of the situation of the Roma in the various countries of the participants

4.30 PM Group Discussion

6.PM Screening of “Des Français Sans Histoire” by Raphaël Pillosio, followed by group dinner and discussion


• A EUROPEAN TAKE ON THE ISSUE Location 1st district City Hall - 2 place Sathonay, 69001 Lyon Meet at 8.45 AM entrance of the apartment building: 91-95, rue Moncey, 69003 Lyon

9.30 AM Romophobia, stereotypes and denial of identity in the academic field (Sarah Carmona, Historian)

11 AM Steps towards fighting social exclusion, prejudice and discrimination against Roma in the European Union (Alexandros Tsolakis, European Commissioner)

12.45 PM Lunch Break as a group with the speakers

2 PM A Historical Perspective: Overview on Roma history (Sarah Carmona, Historian)

3.30 PM Break

4 PM Group Discussion

Free evening


• ADRESSING THE ISSUE(S) AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL LDH (5, place Bellecour 69 002 Lyon) / ARTAG (185 rue Jean Voillot, 69100 Villeurbanne) Meet at 9 AM entrance of the apartment building: 91-95, rue Moncey, 69003 Lyon

9.30 AM Addressing the needs of foreign Roma in France (Elisabeth Gagneur, CLASSES; Yves Fournier, ASET 69; Véronique Gilet, ALPIL)

11 AM Break

11.30 AM Questions and answers with panel

12.45 PM Take away lunch

SCHEDULE 2 PM The Specificities of Gens du voyage in France (Xavier Pousset, ARTAG)

3 PM Break

3.15 PM – 5.30PM Site visits in small groups with ARTAG (You will be divided into 2 groups and you will learn about 3 different types of housing while visiting a home area, a sedentary habitat and a familial field with travellers)

7 PM Buffet as a group with ARTAG, ASET 69 and Travellers at La Maison des Passages (44 rue Saint Georges, 69005 Lyon)


• DISSEMINATING INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE ROMA 1st district City Hall - 2 place Sathonay, 69001 Lyon Meet at 8.45 AM entrance of the apartment building: 91-95, rue Moncey, 69003 Lyon

9.30 AM – 12.30 PM Representing the Roma at the EU Level and at the national level : what are the challenges? (Ghislaine Durand, elected official in the City of Bron; Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert, of the 1st district in Lyon and Orhan Galjus, Journalist)

12.30 PM Lunch

2 PM - 4PM On challenging the media representation of the Roma in Europe (Orhan Galjus, Journalist) Followed by a question and answer session

Free evening


• WOULD YOU HANDLE IT IN REAL LIFE? EPI - 13 Rue Auguste Renoir, 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin Meet at 8.15 AM entrance of the apartment building: 91-95, rue Moncey, 69003 Lyon

11 AM Role Play Game on education stakeholders and decision-makers with respect to social inclusion of Roma. Duration: 5 hours with presentation, preparation, lunch break and coffee breaks. SCHEDULE

4 PM Group discussion – debrief on the game

5.30 PM Break

6 PM Discussion with the Priest from Vaulx-en-Velin

6.30PM Screening of “They wore long dresses with flowers”


• DEVELOPMENT OF A TOOL EPI - 13 Rue Auguste Renoir, 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin Meet at 8.15 AM entrance of the apartment building: 91-95, rue Moncey, 69003 Lyon

10.30 AM Group Discussion

11.30 AM List 3 things that you learned during this workshop, 3 things that you want to share coming back to your country and why.

12 PM Division into working groups 12.30 PM Lunch Break

2 PM Presentation of the results on the development of the tool, sharing of tasks

3.45 PM Break

4.30 PM Timetable development and Workshop conclusion

5.30 PM Evaluation

Social evening out