Notornis, 2000, Vol. 47: 215-234 0029-4470 O The Ornithological Society of , Inc. 2000


Compiled by G. R. PARRISH 145 Church Street, Whangarei

Classified Summarised Notes (CSN) are a selection of observations provided by members and friends of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand (OSNZ). The purpose of CSN is to record the results of census counts, anecdotal observations of behaviour and to improve our understanding of New Zealand bird distribution and status. In general, those observations that do not add to our knowledge of bird distribution in The Atlas of Bird Distribution in New Zealand are ignored. Most nest record observations, band recoveries and beach wrecks are covered by other OSNZ schemes and are not usually included in CSN. No records were received from Wairarapa this year. Records yet to be referred to the Rare Birds Committee on either Unusual Bird Report or Rare Bird Report forms are included here within square brackets, pending further examination. Such reports are not to be cited as definite records of the taxa concerned. Future reports of the Rare Birds Committee in Norornis should be consulted before reference is made to these records. All records of taxa on the lists published on the Society web page and available from Regional Representatives and Regional Recorders must be submitted for investigation by the Rare Birds Committee before they can be formally accepted and cited.

Abbreviations for individual contributors: DJA, D.J. Goodwin; AGO,A. Gordon; EG, E. Graham; M&SG, M. Agnew; PJA, P.J. Agnew; LMA, L.M. Alston; CKA, C.K. & S. Graham; GNG, G.N. Grant; BG, B. Greenwood; Anderson; CA, C. Annandale; FEB, F.E. Bailey; DB, D. AMH, A.M. Habracken; JGH, J.G. Hamilton; KMH, K.A. Batcheler; AJB, A.J. Beauchamp; BDB, B.D. Bell; CJB, Hansen; BAH, B.A. Hartley; KH, K. Haslett; DH, D. C.J. Bindon; L&GB, L. & G. Blackmore; MB, M. Boag; Havell; JAH, J.A. Hawken; PH, P. Hitchman; TH, T. KRB, K.R. Bond; DRB, D.R. Bradshaw; JAB, J.A. Holmes; JEH, J.E. Houston; LWE&JH, L.W.E. & J. Brierley; NB, N. Brooks; ICRB, I.C.R. Brown; JB, J. Hoverd; GH, G. Hunt; SH, S. Hunt; PHu, P. Hutchinson; Brown; KWLB, K.W.L. Buchanan; TAB, T.A. Buckley; WMH, W.M. Hutton; MJI, M.J. Imber; GJ. G. James; ADB, A.D. Bull; BB, B. Bulliff, RB, R. Bums; CLB, DSJ, D.S. Jeffries; MJ, M. Jeffries; JAK, J.A. Kasprzak; C.L. Burtt; PB, P. Buxton; EKC, E.K. Cameron; CC, C. ESK, E.S. Kitching; REL, R.E. Lambert; PCML, P.C.M. Care; DC, D. Carter; IMC, I.M. Cater; SPC, S.P. Latham; DAL, D.A. Lawrie; AF&MRM, A.F. & M.R. Chamberlin; RC, R. Chambers; SC, S. Chambers; ABC, McKenzie; LM, L. McKie; JM, J. McKnight; CFM, C.F. A.B. Challinor; BC, B. Chudleigh; HRC, H.R. Clough; McRae; DGM, D.G. Medway; JCM, J.C. Medway; DM, RNC, R.N. Cotter; PMC, P.M. Cozens; MTC, M.T. D. Melville; W&RMM, W. & R.M. Messenger; JM, J. Craven; JC, J. Crieghton; DE&RC, D. E. & R. Crockett; Miles; CM, C. Miskelly; JL&MM, J.L. & M. Moore; SM, SC, S. Croft; PCC, P. C. Cuming; PDC, P. D. Cuming; S. Moore; AM, A. Munro; RN, R. Neverman; J&MN, J. JD, J. Davenport; SJD, S.J. Davies; MRD, M. R. Day; & M. Nicole; SN, S. Nieuwland; KO, K. Oates; RO, R. MD, M. Dowdell; JED, J.E. Dowding; JVD, J.V. Orange; BP, B. Parkinson; GRP, G.R. Parrish; KP, K. Drieseen; DID, D.I. Dunckley; NJD, N.J. Dunckley; GE, Paton; RP, R. Patron; DPa, D. Patterson; NAP, N.A. G. Eller; CJE, C.J. Exley; MF, M. Fordham; SF, S. Perrott; WAP, W.A. Peters; MMP, M.M. Pickett; RJP, Fordham; GAF, G.A. Foreman; PTF,P.T. Foret; DSF, D.S. R.J. Pierce; BLP, B.L. Postill; JP, J. Preddey; DP, D. Priest; .Fraser; MAF, M.A. Fraser; BAF, B.A. Friend; PJF, P.J. GAP, G.A. Pulham; DAP, D.A. Pye; AR, A. Rebergen; Fryer; MPG, M.P. Galbraith; JPG, J.P. Gale; AG, A. DJR, D.J. Riddell; ACR, A.C. Riegen; KR,K. Rimmer; Glaser; DG, D. Godfrey; AJG, A.J. Goodwin; BG, B. HR, H. Rook; PR, P. Rose; ASR, A.S. Rowe; JMR, J.M. 216 Panish

Rowe; VMR, V.M. Rutherford; MSa, M. Samball; IS, I. female recorded from 12 listening stations over 6000ha Saville; LSa, L. Saville; CEPS, C.E.P. Schischka; BHS, in March (KO). B.H. Seddon; LS, L. Simpkin; R&PS, R. & P. Slack; WHS, W.H. Sloan; MSh, M. Smith; MS, M. Smith; PRS, NEW ZEALAND DABCHICK P.R. Smith; TAS, T.A. Smith; CS-K, C. Smuts-Kennedy; JS, J. Snell; MSn, M. Snowball; CS, C. Speedy; BS, B. Poliocephalus rufopectus Stephenson; BMT, B.M. Taylor; MJT, M.J. Taylor; TBST, [A] Strakas Refuge, Waiwera; pr with 2 chs and 3 other T.B.S. Taylor; 'IT, T. ~easdale;AJT, A.J.D. Tennyson; birds on 2218 (SC). Mangere SP; 3 on 1217 (RC). [Wk] DRT, D.R. Thomas; PJT, P.J. Thomsom; KVT, K.V. Todd; Whitehall; 1 on farm pond of >2 acres on 2/11, 2+2 chs OCT, O.C. Torr; SJT, S.J. Treadgold; RT, R. Tully; on 24/12, juvs seen independent on 1312 (TBST). Raglan M&PWT, M. & P.W. Twydle; MKT, M.K. Twyman; BT, SP; 3 in March (AS&JMR). [BPI Te Maunga, Mt B. Tyler; AU, A. Underhill; WVG,W. van Gorkom; DMW, Maunganui; 11 on sewage plant wetland on 716 (MS). D.M. Walter; EW, E. Ward; RWn, R. Warren; RW, R. Thorton Lag; 2 on 1116 (WMH). [VP] Sulphur Bay, L Watters; WAW, W.A. Watters; MW, M. Wignal; AVW, Rotorua; 1 pr on 12112 & 79 on 1216. SP; 1 pr on A.V. Williams; AW, A. Wilson; TW, T. Wnorowski; AWo, 15112 (OSNZ). Raetihi SP; 8 on 1416 (KO). [TI Mokau A. Woodger; KW, K. Woodley; DAW, D.A. Wright; BY, E; 1 on 2015 (BAH,DGM). L Opunake; 4 on 2515. B. Yorke. Komene Rd dune L, Okato; 3 on 2515 (BAH). Waiongana E; 1 on 117, 1117, 2318, 2518, 1819, 2019 & 1515 (PJF). [Wg] Westmere L, Wanganui; 3 on 1019 (BG). Virginia Abbreviations: ads, adultls; asl, above sea level; B, L, Wanganui; 1 from 2019 to 2911 1 (OCT). Marton SP; Beach; BoI, Bay of Islands; CA, Conservation Area; c/b, good numbers late winter, max 85 on 116 (IS). [MI colour-banded; cen, census; chk, chickk; Ck, Creek; Manuwatu; present on Foxton No.2 L, Foxton B SP, DOC, Department of Conservation; E, Estuary; ER, Pukepuke Lag & L Horowhenua (IS). L Omanu; present Ecological Reserve; F, Forest; FP, Forest Park; FoT, Firth year round, max 21 on 2113 (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri of Thames; GC, golf course; H, Harbour; HQ, Head E; 28 on 417, absent over summer, 2 on 316, 25 by 716 Quarters; irnrnls, imrnaturels; Us, Islands; juvls, juvenile1 (MT&PWT). Porangahau E; 4 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). s; kmls, kilometrels; Lag, Lagoon; L, Lake; max, maximum; min, minimum; mls, miles; Mt, Mount; No., number; nth, north; prls, pairls; Pen, Peninsula; Pt, Point; AUSTRALIAN LITTLE GREBE Rd, Road; Res, Reserve; R, River; RM, River mouth; Tachybaptaus mmdzollandiae RP, Regional Park; sth, south; sp., species; SP, sewage [FN] L Rotokawau, Waipapakauri; 12 on 1117 pondslworks; SR, Scenic Reserve; Stm, Stream; V, Valley; (GRP,KMH), 20 incl2 juvs on 1014 (GRP). [[VP] 2 Mile W, West. Bay, Taupo; 2 on 19 & 2015 (PB).]

(G.A. Foreman); [TI Taranaki (B. Hartley); [Wg] NORTHERN ROYAL ALBATROSS Wanganui (T. Teasdale); [MI Manawatu (I. Saville); [HB] Hawkes Bay (M. Twydle); [W] Wellington (R.N. Cotter). Diomedea'epomophora sanfordi [MI Foxton B; 1 on 819 (IS). . NORTH ISLAND BROWN KIWI Apteryx australis mantelli WANDERINGIROYAL ALBATROSS [Wk] Pureora F Youth Camp; 1 calling at Easter DiOmedea exulans'epomophora (AS&JMR). [VP] Waimarino F; 20 prs, 9 males & 1 [MI Foxton B; 3 on 519 & 1 on 1714 (JL&MM). Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 217

BLACK-BROWED MOLLYMAWK date to see 1 here) (JEH). Waiotahi B; 1 wrecked alive, Diomedea melanophrys released same day (WHS). [MI Foxton B; 20+ on 2318, 10 on 7112 (IS). [BPI BP waters; a sub-ad 4mls SE of Mayor I on 7/10 & ... , between Mayor I & Mt Maunganui on 4112,3 sub-ads on 1316; 1 ad of race impavida 5km east of Motiti I on 2416; SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER 1 sub-ad, 1 ad, probably race melanophrys off Pudney Pufinus tenuirostris Rock on 2916 (JEH); 1 ad, 1 sub-ad off White I on 1817 [BPI Off Motiti I; 1 feeding on offal on 1211 (JEH). (PCML). [MI Foxton B; 1 on 819 (IS). [HB] Off HB coast; c40-50 on 1916 (BS). FLUTTERING SHEARWATER PufJinus gavia NEW ZEALAND WHITE-CAPPED MOLLYMAWK Diomedea cauta steadi [Wk] Kawhia H; many feeding with large flock of gannets on 1512 (ABC,FEB). [BPI Maketu, 5km off Town Pt; [BPI BP waters; 1 sub-ad between Mayor I & Mt several feeding on offal and getting caught on hooks on Maunganui on 1316 (JEH); 1 off White I on 1817 (PCML). 418 and same behaviour 5km off Mt Maunganui on 2118. [Wg] Turakina B; 3 on 1019 (IS). [MI Foxton B; 10+ on Birds appeared very hungry. Large wreck occurred shortly 519,5 on 819, 1 on 7112 & several on 2013 (IS,JL&MM). after this (JEH). [TI Opunake; 10 offshore on 26/10. Sugar Loaf Is; 50+ on 911,500+ on 212,80 on 2913 (BAH). [MI SALVIN'S MOLLYMAWK Foxton B; several 100s on 2118 (JL&MM). Continuously Diomedea cauta salvini present off Manawatu coast (IS). [BPI Waiotahi B; 1 ad wrecked alive on 417, released 161 7 (WHS). NORTH ISLAND ALLIED SHEARWATER Pufinus assimilis haurakiensis LIGHT-MANTLED SOOTY ALBATROSS [FN] North East I, Three Kings Is; a few ashore every Phoebetria palpebrata night 14-2014 (GRP). [SA] Middle I, Mercury Is; up to [BPI Waiotahi B; 1 wrecked alive on 1516, released on 20 ashore every night 18-2316 (GRP). [BPI Whakatane; 2416 (WHS). 1 ashore on 217. Ohope B; 1 ashore on 30111 (RT). [TI Sugar Loaf Is; 1 on 2111 (BAH). [MI Foxton B; 1 on 819, FLESH-FOOTED SHEARWATER first record for region (IS). Pufinus carneipes COMMON DIVING PETREL [TI Sugar Loaf Is; 60+ on 1111 (BAH). Pelecanoides urinatrix BULLER'S SHEARWATER [SA] Middle I, Mercury Is; 1000's ashore, very vocal on 18-2016, lesser numbers and quieter 21-23/6 with Pufinus bulleri increasing moonlight (GRP). [N] Aorangi I, Poor Knights Is; none on 7-919, first bird back on 1019, numerous by 1319 (GRP). [SA] Waharau; GREY PETREL 1 inshore on 2911 (SR). [BPI Between Mt Maunganui & Motiti I; 1 feeding on offal on 26112 & 1211 (JEH). [TI Procellaria cinerea Sugar Loaf Is; 15 on 1211, 5 on 212 (BAH). [MI Foxton [BPI Opotiki; 1 wrecked alive 2km inland 1017, died B; loose flock 20+ on 7112, rare here (IS). [HB] Off HB 12n (WHS). coast; c50 on 19/6 (BS). BLACK PETREL SOOTY SHEARWATER Procellaria parkinsoni PufSinus griseus [BPI Off Astrolobe Reef; 1 feeding on offal on 1912 (JEH). [BPI BP waters; 1-5 in Dec-Feb and 1 on 1316 (unusual [VP] Kenleith Pulp Mill; 1 flew into window at night on 218 Parrish

14/6 (CS). Taupo; 1 recovered from Carter Holt's timber PRION yard on 915, released east coast on 1215 (PB). Pachyptila sp. [BPI BP waters; 2 huge flocks feeding over schools of WESTLAND PETREL : fish on 1316 (JEH). [MIFoxton B; 2 on 519 (JL&MM), 5 Proellaria ~;estEandica on 819 (IS). [MI Foxton B; 2 on 2118, 1 on 519 & 711 1, all most likely this specie (JL&MM). BLUE PETREL Halobaena caerulea CAPE PIGEON [BPI Ohope B; 1 ashore on 1118 (RT).

Daption capense I [BPI BP waters; 1 off Astrolobe Reef on 1917, 2 of COOK'S PETREL australe race 4mls SE of Mayor I on 7110, many (most Pterodroma cookii seen here) flying past boat between Mayor 1 & Mt [A] Shedaway's Hill, 9km south of Warkworth; 1 found Maunganui on 1316, 6 birds, 2 of race capense & 4 of dead in gutter on 1612 (SPC). [SA] Red Mercury I; 1 ad race australe feeding on offal off Pudney Rock on 2916 occupying a burrow with a Pycroft's petrel on 23 & 28/ (JEH). 10 (MJI).

NORTHERN GIANT PETREL BLACK-WINGED PETREL Macronectes halli Pterodroma nigripennis [BPI Waiotahi B; 1 wrecked alive on 15/6, died 1616 [FN] North East I, Three Kings Is; plenty heard flying (WHS). [Wg] Turakina B; 9 on 1019, all appeared to be around and a few in burrows 14-2014 (GRP). M. halli (JL&MM).

GREY -FACED PETREL SOUTHERN GIANT PETREL Pterodroma macroptera gouldi Macronectes giganteus [FN] North East I, Three Kings Is; up to 4 seen ashore [BPI BP waters; 1 sub-ad near Pudney Rockon 119 (JEH). every night 14-2014 (GRP). [N] Rimariki 1; 320 burrows Waiotahi B; an almost white bird wrecked alive on 317, counted around 718 of the island 1115 (GRP,KAH). [SA] released at Maraenui on 1617 (WHS). [HB] Off HB coast; Middle I, Mercury Is; a couple heard but none seen on 2 on 1916 (BS). land 18-2316 (GRP). [BPI BP wateis; large no. flying c4rnls off Mt Maunganui on 3014; several between the Mt & Mayor I on 1316 (JEH). Off White I; numerous on GIANT PETREL 1817 (PCML). OhopefWhakataneIKawerau; 43 stray Macronectes sp. fledglings (280-5008) cared for 20112-2811, 34 released [TI Sugar Loaf Is; 1 on 21/10 (BAH). Pungareere Strn, (W. Rahotu; 1 offshore on 2811 (BAH,DGM). [MI Foxton B; total of c35 between 2318 & 119 with 20+ on 1919 (JL&MM), most presumed to be M. halli (IS). [HB] Off [WHITE-HEADED PETREL HB coast; 2 on 1916 (BS). Pterodroma lessonii [TI Oakura B; 1 on 719, released back at sea on 719 (Doc).] FAIRY PRION Pachypfila furfur BLUE PENGUIN [BPI Between Whale I & White I; c30 mostly around Eudyptula minor Volkner Rocks on 1817 (PCML). Waiongana E; 1 on 13/12 & 2 111 (PJF). Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 219

AUSTRALASIAN GANNET Hamilton L; rnax 17 on 1316 (BAF et al). [BPI Kaituna Morus serrator Cut; 4 on 20112 (PCML). Ohiwa H; 40 on 2016 (WMH). [GIW] Muriwai Lag; 19 on 1916. Oraka E; 25 on 2016 [FN] Princes Rocks, Three Kings Is; 1 or 2 juvs still (GAF). Whakaki Lag; rnax 30 on 13/3 (GAF,DSF,MAF). present on nest sites 2014 (GRP). [Wk] Kawhia H; 4 flocks Wairoa E; rnax 58 on 716 (GAF). [TI Rotomanu L, New of clOO on schools of fish on 14-1512 (ABCJEB). [BPI Plymouth; rnax 8 on 215. Waitara E; rnax 5 on 1115 (BAH). 4mls SE of Mayor I; 2 quarrelling over offal on 7110. Waiongana E; rnax 3 on 1917, 1319 & 2116 (PJF). [Wg] Very unusual behaviour as gannets usually ignore boats Wiritoa L; 25 on 2318 (BG). [MI Manawatu E up to 40 &offal (JEH). Opotiki; 1 wrecked on roof 21110, released during duck shooting season (IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 159 next day. [TI Sugar Loaf Is; rnax 100+ on 2211 (BAH). on 14111,37 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). Waitangi E; c230 on [MI Foxton B; 49 passing north on 6112 (JL&MM). 23110 (MT&PWT), c115 on 2215 (MTC,NAP,BMT,KVT).Tukituki E; 20 on 14/11,37 on BLACK SHAG 1216. Porangahau E; 11 on 1511 1, 65 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). [W] Waikanae E; 30 on 2016 (MSn). Seaview Phalacrocorax carbo Marina; 40 on 2615. Lowry Bay; 47 on 416 (WAW). [A] South Kaipara Head Lakes; 33 on 2414 (CJB,OSNZ cen). Mairetahi, South Kaipara; 4 on 12/6 (ACR,OSNZ cen). [SA] Miranda 240 on ? (KW). [GN]Whakaki Lag; LITTLE SHAG rnax 90 on 1313 (GAF,DSF). [HB] Ahuriri E; 47 on 141 Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 11, 51 on 1216. Porangahau E; 14 on 15111, 36 on 2716 [A] South Kaipara Head Lakes; 43 on 2414 (CJB,OSNZ (OSNZ cen). cen). [BPI Maketu E; 14 on 8111 (PCML). [GIW] Whakaki Lag; rnax 60 on 1313 (GAF,DSF). [HB] Ahuriri E; 40 on 14111, 40 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). Porangahau; PIED SHAG c50 on small wetland area on 2218 (MT&PWT). Phalacrocorax varius [A] Kaipara H; Tapora; 5 on 22/11; McLean's Farm; 5 on 2211 1 (ACR,OSNZ cen). South Kaipara Head Lakes; SPOTTED SHAG 220 on 2414 (CJB,OSNZ cen). Mairetahi, South Kaipara; Stictocarbo punctatus 30 on 1216 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Tawharanui; 21 birds, 20 [A] Hook's Bay, Waiheke I; 84 birds, 22 nests on 318,39 nests, 7 juvs, 1 ch (SPC). [Wk] Raglan H; 23 on 23111. birds, 15 nests on 2014 & 25/6. Tarahiki I; c60 birds, c40 Kawhia H; 31 on 2311 1 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Kaituna Cut; nests on 318 (ESK). [SA] Kaiaua: 45 on 23110 (SR). c60 nesting at mouth of river Oct-Feb. Only about 30 Waharau; 51 on rocks on $16 (JVD). [TI Patea coast; 2 birds present by 20/6. One seen eating a c30cm eel on on 12/1 (BAH,DGM). ~udkareereStm; 1 on 17/5 (BAH). 2112 . Maketu; 20 at Town Pt on 3111 (PCML). Waiotahi [Wg] Wanganui RM;,10 on 219 (BG). [MI Foxton B; 1 E; 20 on 817 (AG,WHS). Motu RM; 22 on 18/11 on 2218 (JL&MM) & 5 on 2318 (IS). Manawatu E; 1 on (WMH,WHS). [TI Mohakatino E; rnax 2 on 617. Mokau 913 (IS) & 1814 (JL&MM). [HB] East Clive sewer outfall; E; rnax 2 on 1418. Tongaporutu E; 1 on 1718 & 519. present all year with numbers building to c150 on 2918 Awakino E; 1 on 1113 (BAH). Waiongana E; 1 on 2119 (BMT). [W] Seaview Marina; 82 on 2615, 40 on 416 (PJF). [Wg] Wiritoa L; 6 on 2318 (BG). [MI Manawatu (WAW). E; 1-2 imms Aug to April, thought to be this specie; has only been recorded here 4 times since 1990(IS,JL&MM). [W] Makara; 29 on 28111 + 2 occupied nests (RGP). WHITE-FACED HERON Arden novaehollandiae [Wk] Kawhia H; 73 on 2311 1 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Maketu LITTLE BLACK SHAG . " k''y E; 60 on 26110 (PCML). [GIW] Korito, Whakaki; 5 1 in Phalacrocorax sulcirostris flooded paddock on 2016 (GAF). [MI Manawatu E; 35 [N] Port Whangarei; c180 on 2315 (GRP). [A] South on 215 (JL&MM). [HB] Ahuriri E; 85 on 14111, 33 on Kaipara Head Lakes; 11 on 2414 (CJB,OSNZ cen). [Wk] 1216 (OSNZ cen). 220 Pamsh

WHITE HERON H; 1 at Tem I on 915 & 2016 (WMH). [GIW] Oraka E; 1 on 2016 (GAF). Portland I; pr in courtship flight on 1519 Eeretra" alba rnodesta (Doc). [TI Mokau E; 1 on 2613, 2214 & 1916. Awakino [FN] Pukenui Wharf, Houhora H; 1 from 3016 to 4/7/99, E; 1 on 2015. Sugar Loaf Is; 2 on 21/10, 1 between 211 & named Hector by locals, t+es fish offerings from peoples' 11/1,2 + 3 fledglings on 2111, 1 on 2913 (BAH). Manihi hands (EKC). ~auran~aBay; 1 on 2319 (GNG). [N] Port Rd, Cape Egmont; 1 on 26/10. Cape Egmont; 1 on 2118 Whangarei; 1 on 11/10 (GNG). Pahi, Kaipara H; 3 on (DGM,JCM). Puketapu Rd, Pihama; 2 on 28112 1919, unconfirmed reports of up to 7 (GAP). [SA] Wattle (BAH,W&RM). Pungareere Stm, Rahotu; 1 on 2812, 31 Downs; 1 on 816 (SF). Miranda; 1 on 1214 and 1 at 4,2014 & 1715 (BAH). [Wr] Glenbum; 1 on 3011 (RO). Rangipo on 2514 (KW). [Wk] Pungarehu Canal, L [W] Ngauranga; 1 on 2413 & 2914 (AM). Shelly Bay Waikare; 2 on 2512 (SM). Areare L, Horsham Downs; 1 wharf; 1 in June (CJR). on 3014 (RWn). [BPI Between Tauranga & Mt Maunganui; 1 on 1114 (EW). Waioeka E; 1 on 8ff & 29/ 4 (WHS). [Wg] Turakina B; 1 on 1815 & 24/5,2 on 3 115 CATTLE EGRET then 1 on 1416 & 2816 (BG). [MI Manawatu E; 1 in upper Bubulcus ibis estuary on 815 (JL&MM). Far fewer than in the past, rare [N] Kokopu Rd, Kara; 13 on 2/10 (BY). Takahiwai, now (IS). [HB] Tukituki E; 2 on 1716. Te Awanga- Whangarei H; 10 on 1916 (OSNZ cen). Waipu; 2 on 1515 Haumoana area; 1 on 1819 (noted to have long breeding (GNG,MKT). Simpson Rd, Ruawai; 60+ on 1916 (OSNZ plumes and grey bill), 2612 & 116 (BMT). cen). [A] Waikiri Ck, Kaipara H; 6 near GC on 8/10 (GNG). Jordan's Kaipara H; max 60 on 26/10 [LITTLE EGRET (GNG,MKT). L Karaka, Sth Kaipara Head; 5 on 2414 (JED et a]). L Kereta, Sth Kaipara Head; 1 on 2514 Egretta garzetta nigripes (KRB,GE). Haranui Rd, Kaipara; 60on 1217 (GAP,SPC). [F'N] Archway I, Three Kings Is; 1 seen flying around Parakai, Kaipara; 45 on 3117 (MRW et al). Muriwai B; island on 2014 (GRP). [TI Mokau E; 1 between 716 & 51 12 on 24/4 at Oaia Rd, the most seen here (JED et al). 11 (BAH). [Wg] Turakina B; 1 on 3115 (BG). [MI [SA] Port ; 1 on 2214 (DAL). [Wk] ; 42 Manawatu E; 1 from 2616 into July (JL&MM). First in on 1315 (DJR). Ngaroto; rnax 53 on 2517 (PDC). Huntley region since 1992 (IS). [HB] East Clive; 1 on 27/12 Power Station; 2 seen 1 mile nth on 2716 (JB). [BPI (BMT) & 1916 (MT&PWT). Tukituki E; 1 on 19/5 & 17/ Tauriko, Tauranga; 7 on 2714 (KWLB). Maketu; 6 in 6. Haumoana-Black Bridge; 1 on 2918, 1112 & 25/2 breeding dress on 26/10, rnax c20 on 915 (PCML). Awaiti; (BMT1.1 25 on 2917 & 2/8 (JAB). Waiotahi; 2 on 13/10 (WHS). Kukumoa, Opotiki; 1 on 8/7,2 on 29/4. Hawai; 5 on 215. REEF HERON Otara area; 11 on 1715. Snell's Rd, Opotiki; 11 on 1216, 13 on 2716. Waiotahi to Opotiki, probably same small Egretta sacra flock moving about (WHS). [VP] Rerewhakaitu; 1 on [N] Whangarei H; 1 on 713 & 2 on 1916. Ruakaka E; 1 on Gavin Rd on 1715 (PB). [GIW] Matawhero, Gisbome; 713 (OSNZ cen). Waipu E;"lon 13/11(CLB,MSh,JS,DC). 10 on 2615 (ADB). [TI Mokau; 5 on 2914 SH3, Waitara; [A] Mangawhai E; 1 on 1/1 (AMH). Stillwater-Wade R; max 11 on 1215. Cowley L, Waitara; ma7 on 2314. Bell 1 on 18~2and 2016 (MRW,OSNZ cen). Whangaparaoa Block 02 Ponds; max 4 on l6/ 11 (BAH). Waverley; 8 on Pen; 1 at Coalmine Bay on 2512 and 1 at Gulf H Marina 215 (W&RM). Waiongana; max 2 on 14111 (PJF). on 2011 (SPC) and 2 on 311 (ACR). Cheltenham B; 1 on Whangaehu E; up to 25 in JulyIAug (IS). [MI Ohakea; 1 2619. White's B; 1 on 2116 (RGG). Bethall's B; 2 on lR on 2914 (IS). [HB] Clive; 12 on 5/5 till end of June with (NB). Shoal Bay, Waitemata H; 1 on 1316 (DAP). Chelsea rnax of 16 on 916 (BMT,KVT). Bay; 1 on 2717 (MPG). [Wk] Raglan H; 3 on 2311 1. Aotea H: 2 on 23/11 (OSNZ cen). Kiritihere B; 1 on 517 AUSTRALASIAN BITTERN (PDC,SN). [BPI Sulphur Pt, Tauranga H; 1 on 22/11 (GH). Kaituna Cut; 1 on 26110 & 20112 (PCML). Maketu Botaurus poiciloptilus E; 1 on 26/10, 8/11 & 1913 (PCML,JAB). Newdick's B; [FN] L Ohia; 2 seen when lake had high water levels on 1 on 3113 (PCML). lAttle Waihi; 1 on 2112 (JAB). Ohiwa 1217 (AJG). [A] Waikiri Ck, Kaipara H; 1 on 129 at the Classified Summarked Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 221

Journey End Rd swamp (SPC) and 8110 (GNG). MUTE SWAN Tawharenui RP; 1 on 3117 (MRW) and 2618 (SPC). L Cygnus olor Otatoa, South Kaipara Head; 1 on 2711 1 (MPG). Bethall's [MI Hokowhitu Lag; 2 birds resident (IS). B; 1 in swamp on Bethall's Rd on 117 (NB) and 3 ads & 2 almost fledged chs on 612 (TW). [SA] Mahuta Rd South; 1 on road edge on 714 (ICRB,SC). Pokeno Wetlands; 3 BLACK SWAN flushed from weed infested farmland on 2714 (DAL). Cygnus atratus Waimarama; 1 on 2115 (DMW). [Wk] L Waahi; 2 on 101 [Wk] L Waahi; 402 on 1014. Aotea H; 210 on 23/11 4 (OSNZ cen). [TI Bell Block 02 Ponds; 1 on 3/12 (PJF). (OSNZ cen). [BPI Matahui Pt; rnax clOOO on 2211 1 (JAB [MI L Omanu; 1 on 818, 5112 & 1611, booming on 1611 et al). Omokoroa GC; 40 on 2211 1 (JAB,JD). Aerodrome (JL&MM). [HB] Ahuriri E; 1 on 14/11 (OSNZ cen). Bay, Tauranga H; 126 on 2016. Maketu E; c50 on 26110 Puketapu swamp; 1 on 1717 (TAS). (PCML). [GIW] L Whakamarino, Tuai; 80 on 1319 (GAF). Whakaki Lag; rnax c1500 on 1313 [GLOSSY IBIS (GAF,DSF,MAF). [Wg] Wiritoa L; 15 on 2318 (BG). Pauri Plegadis falcinellus L, Wanganui; 123 on 2019 (OCT). [MI Manawatu; common on dune lakes (IS). L Omanu; 195 on 2218 [MI L Omanu; 2 on 3110 (JL&MM); up to 4 at this site in (JL&MM), 230 on 7112 (IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 77 on 141 past couple of years (IS).] 11,550 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). L Poukawa; c200 on 2517 (KVT). Porangahau E; 39 on 15/11,78 on 1216 (OSNZ ROYAL SPOONBILL cen). Platalea regia [FN] Unahi Wharf, Rangaunu H; 36 on 914 (GRP). CANADA GOOSE Rawene, Hokianga H; 4 on 517 & 1917 (K Riddell per Branta canadensis GRP) & 3016 (EKC). [N] Port Whangarei; 59 on 3018 [SA] Miranda; 3 on 1018 (SC). [Wk] L Waahi; 481 on (GRP), 28 on 11/10 (GNG), 4 on 2013 (GRP,KAH,JP), 1014, numbers reduced from previous highs by open built up to 57 on 2315 (GRP), rnax 63 on 1916 (OSNZ season (OSNZ cen). [BPI Kaituna Cut; 30 ads & 7 cen) & 3016 (PRS). Waipu E; rnax 3 on 2519 (AJG et al). goslings on 8111 (PCML). Maketu E; rnax 110 on 2016 [A] Shelly B, Kaipara H; 16 on 1518 (E Bowie). Muriwai (BC,DAL). [MI Hokowhitu Lag & L Omanu; rnax 8 1 on B; 2 on 2814, possibly first record here (JED). Western 2218 (JL&MM). [HB] Porangahau E; 2 on 1511 1,180 on Springs; 3 on 616 (JAK). Mangere SP; rnax 95 on 116, 2716 (OSNZ cen). highest No. here (HRC), and 816 (RC).Wattle Downs; 5 on 116 (SF). Gordon Rd, Manukau H; 20 on 217 (VMR). [Wk] Raglan SP; 5 on 4110 (PDC). Raglan H; 12 in upper PARADISE SHELDUCK harbour on 5/10 (BLP). Okapu Marae, Aotea; at least 6 Tadorna variegata on 2512 (SM). Kawhia H; 14 on 23111 (OSNZ cen). [BPI [Wk] L Waahi; 125 on 1014 (OSNZ cen). Raglan SP; 72 Kaituna Cut; 1 on 1913,max 22 on 2016 (PCML). [VP] 5 on 1511 (PDC). [BPI Papamoa; 17 on 2016, largest No. Mile Bay, L Taupo; 1 on small pond on 1315 (PB). [GIW] seen here (PCML). [GIW] Tolaga Bay; clOOO on WhakakiIWairoa; rnax 21 on 117 (GAF,DSF,MAF). [TI sweetcorn stubble from 1812 to 313. Whangara; 750+ on Mokau E; rnax 2 over the year. Waitara E; 1 on 916 (BAH). 813. Ngatapa; 500+ on 1513 (ADB). Whakaki Lag; rnax Waiongana E; rnax 2 on 715. Bell Block 02 Ponds; 2 on 830 on 1313 (GAF,DSF,MAF). [HB] Ahuriri E; 235 on 215 (PJF). [Wg] Wanganui RM; 8 on 2718 (TT),4 back 14111 (OSNZ cen) on 1613, rnax 13 on 1413 (BG). [MI Manawatu E; present all year, 35 in July, fewer in summer, rnax 70 on 115 BLUE DUCK (IS,R&PS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 5 on 1411 1 (OSNZ cen), rnax c83 on 514 (MT&PWT), c48 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). [W] Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus Waikanae E; rnax 8 on 2016 (MSn). Otaihanga; 7 on 301 [BPI Takaputahi Ck; 1 in Oct (BP). [VP] Orautoha Stm; 1 (EG). Pauatahanui Inlet; rnax 5 on 3013 (AM,MSn). 1 male in April (DG). Mangatepopo Stm; 1 albino Feb- Hutt E; rnax 5 on 12112 (DB;RNC). June (KO). 222 Parrish

MALLARD L, Waitara; 2 on 1611 1 (BAH). Bell Block 02 Ponds; rnax Anas platyrhynchos 6 on 514 (PJF,BAH). Julian's L, Opunake; rnax 40 on 2415 (BAH). Waiongana E; rnax 2 on 2517 (PJQ [Wg] [Wk] L Waahi; 328 on 1014. Raglan SP; rnax 273+12 Westmere L, Wanganui; 2 on 219 (BG). [MI Manawatu juvs on 23/11 (OSNZ cen). Forest L; rnax 231 on 1316 E; 200+ on 517 (IS), rnax c350 on 2215 (JL&MM). L (ABC). Hamilton L; rnax 1986 on 1316 (BAF et al). [BPI Omanu; 60+ on 2211 1 (JL&MM). [HB] Ahuriri E; clOOO Te Maunga SP; clOO on 716 (MS). [MI Manawatu E; on 115 (MT&PWT). Porangahau E; 184 on 2716 (OSNZ c400 on 115 (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 195 on 141 cen). 11,272 on 1216 (OSNZ cen).

GREY DUCK NEW ZEALAND SCAUP Anas superciliosa Aythya australis [VP] L Rotopounamu; pr with 8 ducklings on 1711 1 (KO). [A] Strakas Refuge, Waiwera; 15 on 2218 (SC). Mangere [TI Mokau E; 12 on 2115. Rotorangi L; 19 on 1314 (BAH). SP; 3 on 1217 (RC). [VP] Sulphur Bay, L Rotorua; 424 on 1216 (OSNZ). [GIW] L Waikareiti; 10 on 1718 (GAF,DSF,MAF). L Whakamarino; 10 on 1319 (GAF). GREY TEAL [TI Bell Block 02 Ponds; 1 on 3112 (PJF). Rotomanu L, Anas gracilis New Plymouth; 4 on 419 (DGM). Waiongana E; 1 on 291 [SA] Miranda; 40 on 4112 (BHS), 100+ at Taramaire on 11 (PJF). [Wg] Wiritoa L; 6 on 2318 (BG). Virginia L, 616 (SC). [Wk] L Waahi; 45 on 11014 (OSNZ cen). Forest Wanganui; 1 female, 3 juvs on 2911 (OCT). L; 10 on 2015 (PCC) & 1316 (ABC). L Ngaroto; 64 on 71 1 (AS&JMR). [BPI Kaituna Cut; rnax 160 on 2112 (PCML). Little Waihi; 12 on 2016 (JAB). [VP] Sulphur AUSTRALASIAN HARRIER Bay, L Rotorua; 3 on 12/12 & 34 on 1216 (OSNZ). Raetihi Circus approximans SP; 1 on 1416 (KO). [GIW] Tiniroto L; c40 on 2915 [Wk] L Waahi; 14 on 1014 (OSNZ cen). (ADB). [TI Bell Block 02 Ponds; rnax 3 on 25112. Julian's L, Opunake; rnax 7 on 2515 (BAH). Waiongana E; 2 on 17/10 & 1511 1 (PJF). [Wg] Wiritoa L, 60 on 2318 (BG). NEW ZEALAND FALCON [MI Manawatu E; c50 on 713 increasing to rnax 350+ in Falco novaeseelandiae early May (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 200+ on 613 (KVT). [Wk] Thompson's track, Kaimai Range; 1 in Jan (PJT). Pirongia FP; 1 on 518 (CA) & 1211 1 (BLP). Arthur Rd, Te Pahu; 1 in winter 98 (PH). Aotea H; 2 in Jan, caught a CHESTNUT TEAL swallow, 1 on 1311 (CKA). Te Tapui SR; 2 on 513 (BB). Mapara; 1 on 1311 (AS&JMR). Wharerino Sth; 1 seen or Anas castanea heard regularly Nov-Jan (RW,DP). NW of Rapatahuri, [MI Manawatu E; 1 imm or eclipse drake from 913 to 191 Puketiti; 1 on 812 (DPa). [BPI Kukumoa, Opotiki; 1 seen 6 (IS et al). Accepted by Rare Birds Committee. [Also a harassing domestic doves on 711 1 & 9111 (WHS). [VP] possible female on 713 (IS)]. Turangi; 1 flying beside vehicle in centre of town in early June (CS). Ohakune; 1 in town centre 10&1116 (KO). [TI Veronica track, Mt Taranaki; 1 on 2 111 (WAP). SH3 NEW ZEALAND SHOVELER Uruti; 1 on 2015 (DGM). Egmont Village; 1 on 1014 (AW). Anas rhynchotis variegata Patea; 1 on 216 (REL). [MI Pohangina V, 1 4-19 & 2511 [A] Mangere SP; 100 on 1217 (RC). [SA] Wattle Downs; (MB). Palmerston North; 2 different birds in first week 10 on 816 (SF). [BPI Te Maunga SP; c10 on 716 (MS). of May (D Havell). Fielding; 1 on 1116 (LSa). [HB] Kaituna Cut; rnax 7 on 2016 (PCML). Motu RM; 2 on Blowhard Bush; 2 on 2619. Sunshine track, Ruahine 18/11 (WMH,WHS). [VP] L Rotokawa; 56 on 2312. Range; 1 on 1316 (BMT). [W] Smith Ck, Tararua Range; Sulphur Bay, L Rotorua; 6 on 1216 (OSNZ). [TI Cowley 1 on 211. Trentham GC; 1 on 3016 (MSn). Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 223

[RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE AUSTRALIAN COOT Alectoris rufa Fulica atra australis [SA] North Rd, Mangatarata; 1 on 18111 (SC).] [Wk] Forest L; min 2 on 1412, max 11 on 1319 (ABC,ft al). Hamilton L; min 17 on 18/10 (BAF et al), max 54 on 1618 (HJC et al). Cambridge L; 10+8 juvs on 1811 BROWN QUAIL (AS&JMR). [BPI Awatapu; 1 attacked by cat, laid egg in Synoicus ypsilophorus captivity 1011 (RT). [VP] L Okareka; large numbers in [SA] Hamiltons Rd, Awhitu; 1 pr in Oct, now rare in area Dec & Jan (DRB). [G/W] L Whakamarino; 132 on 1319 (VMR). (GAF). [TI Mangamahoe L; 4 on 419 (DGM). [Wg] Westmere L, Wanganui; 47 on 2716. Virginia L, Wanganui; 65 on 2716 (OCT,TT), 2 constructing nest on BANDED RAIL 214 (OCT). [MI Hokowhitu Lag; c40 resident, only Rallus philippensis population in region (IS). [HB] L Tutira; c450 on 1615 [FN] Puketi HQ; 1 seen 6 times plus 3 ads & 2 chs in Feb (OSNZ). (K Riddell per GRP). [N] Ruakaka E; 1 on 1815 (DEC). [SA] Miranda; 1 sth of Stilt Ponds on 15/11 (KW), 2 by gate at Limeworks on 9112 (AU). [BPI Ohiwa H; 1 on 81 11 & 915 (WMH). [TI Mokau E; 10 & 2 chs from 1012 to 2212, 3 on 313, 2 on 1113 plus other sightings till May (BAH). SOUTH ISLAND PIED OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus finschi [N] Whangarei H; 1512 on 713, 1884 on 1916 (OSNZ NORTH ISLAND WEKA cen). North Kaipara H; 487 on 22/11 (OSNZ cen). [A] Gallirallus australis greyi Kaipara H; 3130 on 2211 1 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Waikiri Ck, [BPI Takaputahi Ck; 1 in Oct (BP). [VP] L Whakamaru; Kaipara H; 1168 on 115 (GNG,MKT). Tapora Sand I, 1 just past hydro dam on 23112 (KO). Kaipara H; 1200 on 8110 (GNG). Papakanui Spit; 500 on 1913 (GAP,DSJ,SPC). Hedley's, Kaipara H; 1100 on 815 KRB et al). Jordan's Kaipara H; 2500 on 24/10 (ACR), SPOTLESS CRAKE 4000 on 612 (ACR,DM). Omaha, Whangateau; 359 on Porzana tabuensis 1816 (SPC,OSNZ cen). Wade R; 400 on 2511 [N] Tawhiti Rahi I, Poor Knights Is; 2 separate ads seen (MRW,GAP). Mangere Airport; 10000 on 415 on with chs, 1 ch cl week old and the other c3 weeks old on reclaimed land (HRC). [SA] Te Hihi; Manukau H; max 1911 (GRP). [Wg] Christie's L; 1 on 22/11 (BG). [MI 6000 on 112. Kidds, Manukau H; 3000 on 112 Manawatu; reported L Omanu, Foxton No.2 L & Round (AMH,DAL). [Wk] Raglan; 198 at airport on 217 (PDC), Bush, 7 records (JL&MM,IS). 33 on 23/11. Aotea H; 260 on 2311 1. Kawhia H; 690 on 23111 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Tauranga H; 1567 on 716, 347 on 2211 1 (BC et al). Maketu E; max 140 on 2016 (BC,DAL MARSH CRAKE et al). Little Waihi; max 53 on 2016 (JAB). Ohiwa H; Porzana pusilla rnax c950 on 212 (WMH), 1 albino on 315 (ASR). [GIW] [HB] Bayview; several heard and seen during May & Muriwai Lag; max 38 on 3113 (GAF). [TI Mohakatino June, attracted by modified quail caller (HR). E; max 20 on 617. Mokau E; max 40 on 313. Stsandon B, New Plymouth; 40 on 1611. Pungareere Strn, Rohatu; max 21 on 31/12. Sugar Loaf Is; 21 flying north on 2211 PUKEKO (BAH). Waiongana E; max 121+ on 311 (PJF). [MI Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus Manawatu E; few (<20) in spring, max 80 Jan-May [N] Pohe I rubbish tip, Whangarei; 171 incl30+ chs on (IS,JL&MM). [HB] Ahuriri E; 22 on 2812 (MT&PWT), 22111 (GRP). [BPI Te Maunga; c80 on 716 (MS). [MI 14 on 1216. Porangahau E; 7 on 1511 1,16 on 2716 (OSNZ Whirokino; 85 on 2318 (JL&MM). cen). 224 Parrish

VARIABLE OYSTERCATCHER 354 on 14111,750 on 1216. Porangahau E; 23 on 15111, Haematopus unicolor 93 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). [Wr] Ruamahanga R, 3.5 kms nth of Masterton; 25-30 present, 10 incubating and at [N] ,Whangarei H; 129 on 22/11, 98 on 713, 44 on 1916. least 2 prs with small chs on 511 (AR). .{! ;(: RuakakaE; 115 on22111,174on713,116on 1916. Waipu E; 62 on 22111,103 on 713,63 on 1916 (OSNZ cen). [A] Mangawhai E; 95 on 7111 and 96 on 1916 BLACK STILT (SPC,KRB,OSNZ cen). Omaha, Whangateau; 55 on 181 6 (SPC,OSNZ cen). Waiwera R; 21 on 2015 (SPC). Hirnantopus novaezelandiae Blackpool, Waiheke I; 17 on 2213 (MJT,JM). Motuihe I; [A] Hedley's, Kaipara H; 2 (1 clb) on 815 (KRB et al) 18 on 2216 (ESK). Karekare-Whatipu; 11 on 919 and 7- and seen by others over winter. [BPI Matahui Pt; 2 + 1 12 all summer (KP). [SA] Kidds, Manukau H; 2 on 281 hybrid on 716 (BC,JAB). [TI Mokau E; 1 node G on 918, 12 , not often seen here (DAL,AMH). Miranda; 2 on 111 1611 to 2516. Tongaporutu E; 1 node H on 412 (BHS). [Wk] Raglan H; 8 on 2311 1. Aotea H; 5 on 2311 1. (BAH).Waiongana E; 1 node H c/b on 1711 (PJF). Kawhia H; 9 on 2311 1 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Tauranga H; 24 on 22111, 63 on 716 (BC,L&GB,GH). Buffalo B, ORIENTAL PRATINCOLE Whitianga; 12 on 2213 (PCML). Maketu E; rnax 50 on 2016 (BC,PCML). Little Waihi; rnax 41 on 2016 Glareola maldivarum (JAB,PCML). Thorton; 26 on 1811 1. Ohiwa H; rnax 275 [TI Bell Block 02 Ponds; 1 on 215, accepted by Rare Birds on 2016. Waiaua E; 33 on 817 (WHS). [GIW] Mahia Pen; Committee (PJF). rnax 58 on 2016 (GAF). [TI Mohakatino E; rnax 10 on 61 7 & 2319. Mokau E; rnax 12 on 2613. Pungareere Stm, Rohatu; rnax 12 on 2811, 8 + 3 chs on 26112. Oaonui NEW ZEALAND DOTTEREL Dunes; rnax 5 + 2 chs on 26/12. Tongapomtu E; rnax 4 + Charadrius obscurus aquilonius 1 fledgling on 2511. Kina Rd coast, Oaonui; 18 on 2515 [N] Whangarei H; 16 on 713,12 on 1916. Ruakaka E; 10 (BAH). [MI Manawatu E; rnax 7 on 1011 (IS). [HB] on 713 (OSNZ cen). Waipu E; 10 prs nested, at least 7 Porangahau E; 10 on 1511 1,18 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). [W] chs fledged (JP,KMH,GRP),47 on 713 (OSNZ cen). [A] Plimmerton; c200 on 315 (MJI). Whangapoua E, Great Barrier I; 53 on 1214 (KRB,OSNZ cen). Mangawhai E; 57 on 1919 (KRB,OSNZ cen), 48 on 7/11 (SPC,OSNZ cen), 30+ prs with at least 44 nests fledged at least 20 chs (KMH,GRP et al), 131 on 2013 AUSTRALASIAN PIED STILT (M&AMc,OSNZ cen), 114 on 2913 (GAP,OSNZ cen). Hirnantopus himantopus leucocephalus Omaha, Whangateau; 62 on 1813 (JED,OSNZ cen). [N] Whangarei H; 313 on 22111,516 on 713,577 on 191 Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; 5 1 on 2013 (SPC,OSNZ cen). 6. Waipu E; 6 on 7/3,68 on 1916. North Kaipara H; 285 Papakanui Spit; 38 on 2918 (GAP,DSJ). Te Matuku, on 22111 (OSNZ cen). [A] Walker I, Kaipara H; 368 on Waiheke I; 18 on 2213 (MJT,OSNZ cen). Brown's I; 33 3014 (GAP,DGM). Hedley's, Kaipara H; 300 on 612 on 3014 (ESK). Mangere Airport; 27 on 1913 (HRC,OSNZ (ACR,DM). Shoal Bay, Waitemata H; 69 on 612 (DAP). cen). [SA] Te Hihi, Manukau H; 10 on 28112, 19 on 713. Pollen I, Waitemata H; 70 on 514 (GAP). [Wk] Kawhia Kidds, Manukau H; 8 + 1 ch & legg on 411, rnax 17 on H; 106 on 23111 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Tauranga H; 306 on 2012 (AMH,DAL). Miranda; rnax 6 (2cIb) on 4/12 (BS). 716 (BC,L&GB,MS). Kaituna Cut; rnax 120 on 2016 [Wk] Raglan H; 2 on 2311 1. Aotea H; 2 on 2311 1. Kawhia (PCML). Maketu E; 38 on 2016 (BC,DAL). Little Waihi; H; 8 on 23111 (OSNZ cen). Taharoa; 2+1 juv on 112 ASR rnax 55 on 2016 (JAB et al). Ohiwa H; 68 on 2016 (WMH). et al). [BPI Little Waihi; 10 on 2016 (JAB). Ohiwa H; [Gm] Waipaoa E; 115 on 1916 (GAF). Whakaki Lag; rnax 45 on 915 (WMH,WHS). Waiotahi E; rnax 3 on 817 660 on 1313 (GAF,DSF). [TI Mokau E; max78 on 1611. (WHS). Waioeka E; rnax 8 on 19111. Waiaua E; rnax 10 Bell Block 02 Ponds; rnax 73 on 2311. Julian's L, + 2 chs on 1911 1 (AG,WHS). [GIW] Waipaoa E; 1 on 11 Opunake; 18 on 248~2515(BAH). Waiongana E; rnax 70+ 1 & 3111 (GAF). Oraka E; 5 on 112 (DSF,GAF). Portland on 18/4 (PJF). [Wg] Wanganui RM; 110 on 611 (TT). I; 2 pr breeding, I pr courtship, 1 single on 1519 (Doc). [MI Manawatu E; rnax 310 on 115 (IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; [TI Pungareere Stm, Rahotu; 1 on 26/10, 3 on 15/11, 2 Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 225 on 3/12,3 + ch on 8/12,4on 1211 & 28/1,2on 2014,41 [MONGOLIAN DOTTEREL 5 &17/5, 1 on 1016 (BAH,DGM). Oaonui Dunes; 1 on Charadrius mongolus 15/11& 26112. Mimi E; 1 on 5/12(BAH). WaionganaE; 2 8/10 1 on 1819 (PJF). [Wg] Turakino RE; 1 on 3118 & 119 [A] Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; on (GNG,MKT): .1 (IS), 319 (OCT). [W] Pencarrow L; 1 on 1911 1 (BDB). on 2211 1 (ACR,OSNZ cen) and 211 (DAP et al). [Wg] Turakino B; 1 male in breeding plumage on 29 & 3118 (191 BANDEDDOTTEREL Charadrius bicincrus bicinctus [SHORE PLOVER [N] Whangarei H; 53 on 713,314 on 1916. Ruakaka E; Thinomis novaeseelandiae 14 on 1916 (OSNZ cen). [A] Mangawhai E; 57 on 19/6 [A] Beehive I, Kawau I; 1 c/b on 1/8 (LMA). Waiwera R; (KRB). Omaha, Whangateau; 108 on 18/6(SPC). Tapora 1 c/b on 1919 and 111 (GAP).] Sand I; 500 on 2913 (GNG,MKT). Jordan's, Kaipara H; 350 1214 min on (ACRJPG). Shoal Bay, Waitemata H; WRYBILL 20 on 1217 (DAP). Whatipu; 32 on 23/1 (JAK). [SA] Te Anarhynchus frontalis Hihi, Manukau H; rnax 175 on 713. Kidds Manukau H; rnax 297 on 2012 (AMH,DAL).Miranda; max 150, in [N] Whangarei H; 110 on 2 113 (GRP), 44on 1916 (OSNZ breeding plumage on 1418 (BS). [Wk] Taharoa; 26 on 11 cen). Ruakaka E; 2 on 713. Waipu E; 12 on 713 (OSNZ 2 (ASR et al). [BPI Buffalo B, Whitianga; 20 on 2213 cen). [A] Whangapoua E, Great Barrier I; 6 on 1214 (PCML). Tauranga Aerodrome; c450 on 16/6 (L&GB). KRB,OSNZ cen). Tapora Sand I; Kaipara H; max 200 on Kaituna Cut; rnax 65 on 2112 (PCML). Little Waihi; 20 2812 (SJT). Tauhoa, Kaipara H; 50 on 619 (GAP). on 2016 (JAB). Ohiwa H; rnax 156 on 9/5(WMH,WHS). Jordan's, Kaipara H; 325 on 1312 (SJD), 56 on 1214 [VP] Sulphur Bay, L Rotorua; 2 pr + 2chs on 2712. Mt (ACRJPG). Pollen I, Waitemata H; 100 on 514 (GAP). Tarawera; 1 pr + 2 singles on 7/11.L Rotokawa; 2 juvs Shoal Bay, Waitemata H; rnax 61 on 27/7 (PJA et al). on 2312. Tukino Rd, Rangipo Desert; 11 ads on 13/12 & Tamaki E; 91 on 2218 (LMA,ESK). Mangere SP; 110 on 2 juvs on 912 (OSNZ). [GIW] Waipaoa E; max 64 on 111 2116 (ACR,OSNZ cen) and250 on 1615 (AMH). Mangere (GAF). [TI Waiongana E; max 74 on 514 (PJF). Oaonui Airport; 500+ on 415 (HRC). [SA] Te Hihi, Manukau H; Dunes; rnax 45 on 2014.Bell Block 02 Ponds; 4 on 11/5 rnax 201 on 314 (DAL,AMH). Miranda; 12 on 4/12(BS), (BAH). [MI Manawatu E; 20-30in winter & spring, rnax rnax 1500 on 2813 (KW). [BPI Sulphur Pt; 55 on 716 148 on 913 then 35 by 2314 (JL&MM,IS); a ch on 9/12 is (GH).[GIW] Muriwai Lag; max 66 on 19/6 (GAF). [TI first breeding record here (IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; c26 on Pungareere Stm, Rohatu; 1 on 26/12 (BAH). Waiongana 2812 (MT&PWT). Porangahau E;23 on 15111,93 on 271 E; 3 on 112, 1 on 2112 (PJF). [Wg] Turakina E; 1 from 6 (OSNZ cen). 2918 to 1019 (IS). [MI Manawatu E; present every month, rnax 51 on 2318 (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 1 on 241 10 (MT&PWT). Waitangi E; 1 on 2011 0 (MJ). Porangahau BLACK-FRONTED DOTTEREL E; 6 on 15111, 84 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). Charadrius melanops [TI Bell Block 02 Ponds; rnax 6 on 5 & 616 (BAH,PJF). PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER Julian's L, Opunake; 3 on 2515 (BAH). [Wg] Turakino Pluvialis fulva B; 18 on 2116 (BG). [MI Manawatu E; max 9 on 2016 [N] Whangarei H; 22 on 22111, 61 on 713 (OSNZ cen). (JL&MM). [HB] Ahuriri E; 39 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). Waipu E; 3 on 2611 0 unusual here (GRP). [A] Mangawhai E; 1 on 1411,unusual here (CLBJS). Kaipara H; 100 on 2211 1 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; 3 on [LARGE SAND DOTTEREL 1219 in full breeding plumage (GAP,SPC,MKT), 46 on Ckaradrius leschenaultii 5/12.Jordan's, Kaipara H;59 on 26/10 (GNGIMKT). [A] Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; 1 on 711 1 (GNG,MKT), Omaha, Whangateau; 1 on 5/11 (SPC). [SA] Te Hihi, 22/11 (ACR,OSNZ cen) and 211 (DAP et al). [SA] Manukau H; max 58 on 713. Kidds, Manukau H; max 39 Miranda; 1 on 5111 (WMH) & 6/11 (AW).] on 2012 (AMH,DAL). Miranda; max 7 on 6111 & 28/12 226 Parrish

(NB,BS,SC). [BPI Kaituna Cut; c40 on 2211 1 (PCML). 6. Ruakaka E; 450 on 22111, 106 on 713. Waipu E; 120 Ohiwa H; rnax 22 on 2l2 (WMH,WHS).Waioeka E; 4 on on 713. North Kaipara H; 300 on 2211 1 (OSNZ cen). [A] 27/11 (WHS). [G/W] Waipaoa E; 25 on 111 & 3111 (GAF). Mangawhai E; rnax 300 on 7/11 (SPC,OSNZ cen). I.I. Wairoa E: 14 on 1113 (DSF,GAF). [TI Pungareere Strn, Kaipara H; 12705 on 22111 (ACR,OSNZ cen).' ~A~ora Rohatu; max 8 on 26/12 (BAH). Waiongana E; 1 on 291 Sand I, Kaipara H; max 7100 on 1611 1 (SPC,OSNZ cen). 9, rnax 37 on 17110, 2 on 514 (PJF). [MI Manawatu E; Papakanui Spit; rnax 3000 on 112 (GAP et al). Hedley's, present Oct to June, rnax 60+ on 811 1, 1 ti11 end of June. Kaipara H; 500 on 612 (ACR,DM). Jordan's, Kaipara H; This is highest total recorded and first record in winter rnax 6500 on 112 (ACR). [SA] Manukau H; rnax 10000 (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 39 on 24/10 (JGH,CFM). at Kidds on 112 (AMH,DAL). Miranda; 1000 (3 clb) on Waitangi E; 2 on 14111 (OSNZ cen). 111 (BS). [BPI Maketu E; rnax 50 on 8/11,22111 & 201 12 (PCML). [MI Manawatu E; rnax 290 on 20112 [GREY PLOVER (IS,R&PS,JL&MM). [HB] Ahuriri E; 3 on 24/10 (JGH,CFM). Waitangi E; max 6 on 20110 (MJ). Pluvialis squatarola [A] Waikiri Ck, Kaipara H; 1 on 22/11 (ACR,OSNZ. cen).Tapora Sand I; Kaipara H; 1 on 511 2 (GNG,MKT).] [GREAT KNOT Calidris tenuirostris SPUR-WINGED PLOVER [A] Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; 1 on 5/12 (GNG,MKT). I.'anellus miles novaehollandiae [SA] Te Hihi, Manukau H; 3 on 112 & 1 on 2012 [A] Jordan's Kaipara H; 50+ on 1214 (ACR,JPG). [SA] (DAL,AMH). [MI Manawatu E; a juv on 24-30110. Miranda; 40 on 111 (BS). [Wk] Marokopa; 30 on 517 (R&PS);'accepted by Rare Birds Committee. Sixth record (PDC). [BPI Kaituna Cut; rnax 23 on 8111 (PCML). for here (IS).] Waioeka E; 22 on 817. Waiaua E; 50 on 817 (WHS). [GI W] Patutahi; 40 on lucerne paddock on 1714 (ADB). [SANDERLING Whakaki; 79 on 2016 (GAF). [HB] Ahuriri E; 82 on 141 Calidris alba 11 (OSNZ cen). [A] Waikiri Ck, Kaipara H; 1 on 2211 1(ACSOSNZ cen). Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; 1 on 5112 (GNG,MKT), 4 on TURNSTONE 4/4 [GRP).] Arenaria interpres [N] Waipu E; 12 on 22/11, 30 on 713 (OSNZ cen). [A] CURLEW SANDPIPER Kaipara H; 647 on 2211 1 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Waikiri Ck, Calidris ferruginea Kaipara H; 300 on 6/12 (GAP). Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; max 500 on 8/10 (GNG). Papakanui Spit; rnax 65 on [FN] Waimango Swamp; 3 on 29/12 (GRP).[A] Tapora 3 111 (GAP et al). [SA] Manukau H; 32 at Rangipo on Sand I, Kaipara H; 3 on 713 (TW). [SA] Te Hihi, Manukau 2911 (ASR) & rnax 250 at Te Hihi on 713 (AMH,DAL). H; max 8 on 28/12 & 411 (AMH,DAL). Kidds, Manukau Miranda; 16 on 111 (BS). [BPI Matakana I, NW end; 70 H; max 11 on 1413 (GAP et al). Miranda; 3 on 1913 (BS). on 22111 (BC). Kaituna Cut; 20 on 18111 (PCML). Maketu E; rnax 17 on 811 1 (JAB,PCML). [GIW]Portland SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER I; c40 on 1519 (DOC).[TI Waiongana E; rnax 2 in Sept, Calidris acuminata Dec & Jan (PJF). [Wg] Turakina B; 1 on 2611 (BG). [MI [A] Mangawhai E; 1 on 111 (AMH). Tapora Sand I, Manawatu E; 1 in Dec & May, 2 on 611 (JL&MM,IS). Kaipara H; 1 on 711 1 (GNG,MKT), 2 on 2211 1 [HB] Ahuriri E; 1 on 24110 (JGH,CFM). Porangahau E; (ACR,OSNZ cen), 1 on 713 (TW). [SA] Te Hihi, Manukau 7 on 1511 1 (OSNZ cen). H; 10 on 411 @AL,AMH). Miranda; max 11 on 1412 & 313 (BS,SR,DS). [MI Manawatu E; 1 in Oct, 2 early Nov, LESSER KNOT rnax 11 on 5112, 7-9 till May, then down to 1 on 9/5 Calidris canutus (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Porangahau E; 1 on 15/11 (OSNZ [N] Whangarei H; 3050 on 2211 1,503 on 713,150 on 191 cen). Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 227

PECTORAL SANDPIPER WHIMBREL Calidris melanotos Numenius phaeopus [~].po'ortWhangarei; 1 on 2113 (GRP). [SA] Miranda; 1 [N] Whangarei H; 27 on 2713 (GRP,KMH). [A] Waikiri on112 & 1214, 3 on 1512 (KW). [BPI Kaituna Cut; 1 on Ck, Kaipara H; 3 on 1317 (GRP,AVW), 6 on 22/11 811 1,2on 2211 1 (PCML). [MI Manawatu E; 1 on 811 1,5 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Jordan's, Kaipara H; rnax of 14 on from 20112 to 913, rnax 6 on 214, down to 1 by 215 26110 (GNG,MKT). [BPI Kaituna Cut; 2 on 22/11 (JL&MM,IS). (PCML). Maketu E; 4 on 8/11 (JAB), 2 on 20112 (PCML).

EASTERN BAR-TAILED GODWIT RED-NECKED STINT Limosa lapponica baueri Calidris ruficollis [N] Whangarei H; 3208 on 22/11, 1816 on 713, 358 on [A] Mangawhai E; 7 on 1118 (CLB,MS,JAH), 10 on 271 1916. Ruakaka E; 47 on 22111,74 on 713. Waipu E; 120 10 (GRP,KAH,AVW), 3 on 22111 (ACR,OSNZ cen). on 22111, 125 on 713. North Kaipara H; 2045 on 22/11 Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; rnax 19 on 7/11 (GNG,MKT (OSNZ cen). [A] Mangawhai E; rnax 600 on 7/11 et al), 9 on 22/11 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Papakanui Spit; 5 (SPC,OSNZ cen). Pakiri B; 150 in 3 flocks flying on 1616 (GAP,DSJ,SPC). [SA] Manukau H; rnax 25 at erratically south, possibly newly returning birds on 2218 Te Hihi on 28112 & 21 at Kidds on 314 (AMH,DAL et (GAP). Omaha, Whangateau; 750 on 511 1 (SPC). Kaipara al). Miranda; rnax 3 on 111 (BS,KW). [BPI Kaituna Cut; H; 14620 on 22/11 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Tapora Sand I, 5 on 8111 & 22111 (PCML). [GIW] Waipaoa E; 1 on 111 Kaipara H; 5000 on 8/10 (GNG). Papakanui Spit; rnax & 3111 (GAF). [MI Manawatu E; 2 overwintered, 3 on c9000 on 1913. Flock could have contained lesser knots 24110,5 on 30110, then 3-7 through till 2314, 1 till end of as well (GAP,DSJ,SPC). Jordan's, Kaipara H; 4000 on June (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 5 on 24110 24110 (ACR). Te Matuku Bay, Waiheke I; 76 on 2213 (JGH,CFM), 4 on 20112 (MT&PWT), 3 on 712 (MJT,JM). Meola Reef, Waitemata H; 40 on 16110 (PT). (JGH,CFM). Shoal Bay, Waitemata H; 157 on 612 (DAP). Mangere Airport; 2000 on 415 (HRC). [SA] Te Hihi, Manukau H; rnax 8000 on 713 (AMH,DAL). [Wk] Aotea H; 1641 on [WESTERN SANDPIPER 23111. Kawhia H; 3145 on 23/11 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Calidris mauri Tauranga H; 1950 on 22111, 927 on 716 (BC,JAB,L&GB,MS,GH). Kaituna Cut; rnax 600 on 221 [NIWaipu E; 1 on 2211 (RJP,GRP).] 11 (PCML). Maketu E; rnax 700 on 20112 (PCML,JAB,BC,DAL). Little Waihi; rnax 650 on 22111 (PCML,GH,JAB). Ohiwa H; rnax 1500 on 2319,650 on EASTERN CURLEW 2016 (WMH). [GIW] Waipaoa E; rnax 73 on 3111 (GAF). Numenius madagascariensis Whakaki Lag; rnax 129 on 2812 (GAF,DSF,MAF). Wairoa [A] Tapora Sand I; Kaipara H; 3 Oct-Jan (OSNZ cen et E; rnax 108 on 18110 (GAF). [TI Mokau E; 2 on 18110. al). [SA] Manukau H; rnax 6 at Te Hihi on 112 & 2012 Bell Block 02 Ponds; 2 on 29111. Pungareere Stm, Rohatu; and rnax 6 at Kidds on 411 (AMH,DAL). Miranda; 1 on rnax 7 on 3 1112 (BAH). Komene Rd dune L; 1 on 17112 4112, 111 & 313 (BS,DM). [BPI Maketu E; 2 on 8111 (BAH,DGM). Waiongana E; rnax 17 on 12/10 (PJF). [MI (JAB). Ohiwa H; 1 on 15/10 (WMH). [Wg] Wanganui Manawatu E; rnax 525 on 8111, 50+ overwintering RM; 1 on 312 (BG). (JL&MM,IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; c250 on 24110 (JGH,CFM). Porangahau E; 264 on 15/11, 128 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). ASIATIC WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus variegatus [HUDSONIAN GODWIT [Wk] Kawhia H; 1I on 2311 1 (OSNZ cen). [GIW] Oraka Limosa haemastica E; rnax 6 on 2812 (GAF,DSF,MAF). [N] Ruakaka E; 1 on 1814 (PRS).] 228 Parrish

IBLACK-TAILED GODWIT 5 (IS,JL&MM). [W] Somes I; 2 dark phase on 2914 Lirnosa limosa sp. (BDBj. [A] Omaha, Whangateau; 1 on 2311 1, possibly first record here (JED). [SA] Miranda; 1 on 3112 & 2/2,2 on 2414 on [POMARINE SKUA the Stilt Ponds (KW).] Stercorarius pomarinus [TI Sugar Loaf Is; 1 on 611. Awakino; 1 offshore on 16/1 [WANDERING TATTLER (BAW.1 Tringa incana [SA] Red Mercury I; 1 on 29/10 (MJI).] SOUTHERNBLACK-BACKEDGULL Larus dominicanus [SIBERIAN TATTLER [N] Poor Knights Is; gull seen to fly down and pick up a Trinna- brevipes downy sheanvater ch (possibly little sheanvater) from the sea which had apparently fallen off the cliffs of Aorangi [A] Tapora Sand I, Kaipara H; 1 on 1118 (GRP,KS), 2 on 1 20112 (L Greer per GRP). Ruakaka E; 150 on 22/11 22/11 (ACR,OSNZ cen) and 4/5 (GRP), 1 on 6/5 (OSNZ cen). [A] Kaipara H; 45 on 1216, 79 on 22/11 (GRP,KMH). [SA] Miranda; 2 on 4/12 (BS), 1 on 3011 (ACR,OSNZ cen). [Wk] Kawhia H;113 incl. 16 nests & (KW). Rangipo; 2 on 2911 (SR). Pukekohe East; 2 on sth 2 chs on Te Motu I and 15 nests on Te Motu sandbank on migration, calling on 2/11 (DAL). [MI Manawatu E; 1 23/11 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Tauranga H; 230 on 716 from 30110 to 414 (IS et al). Tenth year running a bird (BC,L&GB). [VP] Mt Tarawera; 990 on 7/11. Mt seen here (IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 2 on 2911 (BS), 1 on 712 Ngauruhoe; 25 roosting on top of Pukeonake on 512 (JGH,CFM), 2 on 28/2 (MT&PWT).] (OSNZ). [HE] Waitangi E; c6-700 on 2215

[TATTLER Tringa sp. RED-BILLED GULL [GIW] Oraka E; 1 on 712 (GAF,DSF,MAF).] Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus [N] Whangarei; 1000+ in Corks Rd paddocks on 2716. [MARSH SANDPIPER Beach Rd, Onerahi; 250 on 3016 (PRS). [A] Kaitoke B Tringa stagnatilis Islet, Great Barrier I; 30 nests on 11/11 (ESK). Takatu Pt; [SA] Miranda; 3 on 611 1 till 1/1,4 on 114 (AW,BS,KW). 38 nests on 1111 1,53 birds, 30 nests on 3/12,29 nests, 5 [BPI Kaituna Cut; 1 on 22/11 & 20/12 (PCML).] juvs on 7/1 (SPC). Koi I, Waiheke I; c50 nests on 1.511 1 (ESK). [Wk] Raglan airport; 270 on 2/7 (PDC). Aotea 104 TEREK SANDPIPER H; 23 ads, 14 nests, TO chs on 23/11. Kawhia H; on 23/11 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Buffalo B, Whitianga; clOO on Tringa terek 2213 (PCML). Tauranga H; 188 on 7/6 (PCML et al). [SA] Miranda; 2 on 1/1, 3 on 1913 (BS), 2 at Stilt Ponds Sulphur Pt; c600 on 22/11, many nests (GH). Maketu E; on 30/1 (KW). 60 on 2016 (PCML). [GIW] Tuahine Pt, Wainui; 100+ on 1812 (ADB). [MI Manawatu E 500+ on 517 (IS). ARCTIC SKUA Stercorarius parasiticus BLACK-BILLED GULL [SA] Te Kouma, Coromandel; 3 (2 dark & 1 light phase) Larus bulleri on 711 (DAL). Waharau; 3 on 2911. Miranda, 1 on 19/3 [A] Kaipara H; 37 on 22/11, 36 on 12/6 (ACR,OSNZ (SR). [BPI Records from Papamoa, Ohiwa H & Waiotahi cen). Papakanui Spit 'island'; 40 ads, 22 chs on 112 in Jan & Feb (PCML,WMH,WHS). [GIW]Mohaka B; 1 (GAP,DSJ,MKT,SPC). [SA] Miranda; 105 (3 c/b) on 14/ dark phase on 712 (GAF). [TI Records offshore from Mimi 8,290 on 4/12, some nesting (BS). [BPI Matahui Pt, 13 E, Rahotu, Sugar Loaf Is & Waiongana E in Dec to March (Ic/b) on 7/6 (BC,JAB). Ohiwa H; max 65 on 2016 (BAHPJF). IM] Foxton B; several over summer, I on 91 (WMH). [MI Manawatu E; 120 on 21/2 (JL&MM). Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 229

Manawatu coast; more common than red-billed gulls (IS). Buffalo B, Whitianga; 6 on 2213 (PCML). Tauranga H; [HB] Ahuriri E; 27 on 14111, 30 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). 159 on 22/11, 81 on 716 (BC et al). Maketu E; rnax 6 on Waitangi E; c300 on 23110 (MT&PWT). East Clive; c700 8111 (JAB,PCML). Ohiwa H; rnax 8 on 2016 (WMH). nesting on 14111. Porangahau E; 26 on 15111,47 on 271 [VP] Sulphur Bay, L Rotorua; I on 1216 (OSNZ). [G/W] 6 (OSNZ cen). [Wr] Ruamahanga R, 3.5kms nth of Whakaki Lag; rnax 41 on 2812 (GAF,DSF,MAF). [TI Masterton; 31 nests on 16112, 18 birds on nests and 36 Mokau E; rnax 8 on 3113. Tongaporutu E; rnax 7 on 2915 with at least 17 mobile chs on 511. Henley L, Masterton; (BAH). Waiongana E; rnax 5 on 2318 (PJF). [Wg] 70 present in early spring (AR). Wanganui RM; rnax 10 on 713 (OCT). [MI Manawatu E; rnax 20 on 1412 (IS). [HB] Tukituki E; 14 on 1216. [WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN Porangahau E; 17 on 1511 1,9on 2716 (OSNZ cen). [W] Pauatahanui Inlet; 21 on 314 (AM). Chlidonias leucopterus [N] Ruakaka E; 1 on 31/12 & 611 (CLB,JS). [A] Papakanui Spit; 3 on 112 (GAP,DSJ,MKT,SPC). South WHITE-FRONTED TERN Kaipara Head Lakes; 3 on 2414 (CJB,OSNZ cen). [SA] Sterna striata Kidds, Manukau H; 1Feb-April (AMH,DAL et al). [TI [N] Whangarei H; 150 on 22/11,80 on 713. Ruakaka E; Bell Block 02 Ponds; 1 in Nov, rnax 3 in Dec, 1 in Jan to 187 on 713. Waipu E; 300+ on 713 (OSNZ cen). [A] Great June (BAH,PJF). [MI Manawatu E; 1 imm on 1611 to Barrier I; 9 nests on 28112 at Katherine Bay, 49 nests on 2112 (R&PS), 1 non-breeding ad on 112 (BT), 1 ad in 24112 at Opakau I, 5 nests on 11/11 at Kaitoke B Islet, 21 breeding plumage on 412 (BT) & 1 imm from 713 till 915 nests on 11/11 at Cape Barrier (ESK). Motutara; 62 nests (IS et al). All accepted by Rare Birds Committee (IS). on 3112 (ESK). Mangawhai E; 383 nests initially, [HB] Ahuriri E; 1 on 2011 1 (KO) and present throughout dropping to 244 following storm, climbed to 570. Between NovlDec (MT&PWT), 4 on 2011 (1 in almost full breeding 170 & 240 chs may have fledged (KMH,GRP). Kaipara plumage) (BS), 3 on 3011 (KVT), 4 on 2912 (MT&PWT). H; 66 on 22111,247 on 1216 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Waikiri Waitangi E; 3 on I14 (KVT), 3 (1 in full breeding plumage) Ck, Kaipara H; c40 on 1317, all very pink on the breast on 315 (SR) & 815 (MT&PWT).] (GRP,AVW). Papakanui Spit; 1100 nests on 2711, 900 chs on 3111 (DSJ). Tiritiri Matangi I; c50 showing nesting BLACK-FRONTED TERN activity on 2111 1 (SPC). David Rocks, Noises Is; 21 nests Sterna albostriata on 20112. Motutapu I; 46 nests on 311. Nani I, Waiheke I; [BPI Whale I; 2 fishing out beyond island on 1817 c200 birds, 88 nests on 20112. Koi I, Waiheke I; 60 birds, (PCML). [MI Manawatu E; single birds on 3011,3 1/1,61 15 nests on 15111. Hakaimango Pt, Waiheke I; 74 nests 3 & 2314, 2 on 1713 & 5 on 2616 (R&PS,IS,JL&MM). on 20112. Frenchman's I, Waiheke I; c300 birds, 228 nests [HB] Waitangi E; 15 on 818 (MT&PWT), 1 on 114 (KVT), on 22/12. Crusoe I; c300 birds, clOO nests on 19/12. West building to a rnax of 30 on 1615 (MT&PWT). Tukituki Islets, Motuihe I; 12 nests on 19112. North East Islets, E; 5 on 1216 (OSNZ cen). [W] Tounge Pt; 6 on 214 (CM). Ponui I; c50 birds, c15 nests on 13111. Okahu Bay; 76 nests on 19112. (ESK). Half Moon Bay marina; 58 birds, 25 nests on 26111 (LMA,ESK). Paratahi I, Whatipu; 229 CASPIAN TERN birds showing nesting activity on 2919,83 birds, 39 nests Sterna caspia on 13110 (CEPS). [SA] Miranda; 125 on 14/12, some [N] Waipu E; 17 on 713 (OSNZ cen). [A] Mangawhai E incubating (BS). [Wk] L Karapiro; 1 juv on 19-2014 Spit; 7 scrapes, 7 prs copulating and fish offering on 221 (AS&JMR,TBST). Aotea H; 112 on 23111,42 nests with 8 (SPC); c58 prs in total, most chs lost in storms, 9 fledged eggs. Kawhia H; 52 on 2311 1 (OSNZ cen). [BPI Sulphur (KMH,GRP). Kaipara H; 29 on 2211 1, 16 on 1216 Pt; 55 on 22/11 (GH). Maketu E; 55 on 22/11 (PCML). (ACR,OSNZ cen). Papakanui Spit; 20 on 112 Thornton; 210 on 11/6/98. Sugarloaf Rock, Whakatane; (GAP,DSJ,MKT,SPC). [SA] Kidds, Manukau H; rnax 28 250 on 8111 (WMH). Between Whale & White Is; c30 on 28112 (AMH,DAL). [Wk] L Hakanoa; 3 on 2611 on 1817 (PCML). Ohiwa H; 160 on 2016 (WMH). Opape; (AS&JMR). Raglan H; 6 on 2311 1. Kawhia H; 79 on 231 54 on 18111. Motu RM; c550 on 18111 (WMH,WHS). 11, nests being made on Te Motu I (OSNZ cen). [BPI [TI Patea coast; 56 nests on 1211 (BAH,DGM). 230 Pamsh

Tongaporutu coast; 42 nests on 29112. Tongaporutu E; [GREY TERNLET 150 on 1412. Sugar Loaf Is; 137 nests on 11/1,4-500 on Procelsterna cerulea albivittata 2913. Awakino E; rnax 460+ on 2516. Pungareere Stm, ,,',.>.; [FN] North East I, Three Kings Is; flocks of 35-41 seen Rahotu; rnax 5-600 on 31St(BAH). Waiongana E; rnax every day 14-2014, seen feeding along drift lines (GRP).] 150 on 512 (PJF,BAH). baonui Dunes; 200+ on 2515 (BAH). [Wg] Turakino~;c140 on 1612 (BG). [MI Manawatu E; rnax 1000+ on 1713, this No. not unusual NEW ZEALAND PIGEON (IS). [HB] East Clive; c1500 nesting on 14111. Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Porangahau E; 17 on 15111,9 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). [SA] Middle I, Mercury Is; a couple seen 18-2316 (GRP). [Wk] Mt Te Aroha; 5 on 1814 (I&NJD). [BPI Te Puke NEW ZEALAND FAIRY TERN No.3 Rd; seen throughout year, more numerous in winter Sterna nereis davisae when guavas, holly & Idesa trees are fruiting; 7 on 3016 rnax count (PCML). [N] Waipu E; 2 on 7111 (GAP,OSNZ cen), 4 on 22111 (OSNZ cen), from 2 prs with 3 nests, 1 ch fledged and another fledged at Auckland Zoo from salvaged egg BARBARYDOVE (JP,KMH,GRP), 2 on 713 (OSNZ cen). [A] Mangawhai Streptopelia roseogrisea E; 8 on 7/11 (GAP,OSNZ cen), 3 prs nested with 5 [N] Urquhart's Bay, Whangarei H; a few seen around attempts, 2 chs fledged (KMH,GRP et al). Kaipara H; 10 bay, very confined population (GRP). [TI New Plymouth on 22/11, 6 on 1216 (ACR,OSNZ cen). city; 1 on 1516 (W&RM). [MI Halcombe; 2 on 1919 (IS).

EASTERN LITTLE TERN SPOTTED DOVE Sterna albifrons sinensis Streptopelia chinensis [A] Tauhoa, Kaipara H; 4 on 1118 (GRP,KS), 20 on 221 [SA] hkekohe East; heard & seen on a regular basis in 11, 1 on 1216 (ACR,OSNZ cen). Walker I, Tauhoa; 24 (2 98/99 (DAL). [BPI Te Puke, No.4 Rd; 1 carrying nesting assuming breeding plumage, the rest in immlnon breeding material on 316 (PCML). Kukumoa, Opotiki; seen daily, plumage) on 3013 (GRP,KMH). [SA] Kidds, Manukau fed with tames doves & pigeons, rnax 8 (WHS). H; rnax 11 on 411 & 2012 (AMH,DAL et al). Miranda; rnax 7 on 112 (DAL,AMH). [MI Manawatu E; 1 on 241 SULPHUR-CRESTED COCKATOO 10, 31110, 3111, 2 on 2112 to 1513 but 3 on 1213 Cacatua galerita (IS,JL&MM et al). [A] Cascades, Waitakere Range; 20+ on 1419 (SJD). [SA] [ARCTIC TERN Point View Rd, Howick; 1 pr on 719 & 711 (MF). Pukekohe East; 3 on 20110. Aka Aka; 2 on 22112 (DAL). Sterna paradisaea [MI Pohangina V; rnax 6 on 21112 (IS). [MI Manawatu E; 1 on 214, not yet accepted by Rare Birds Committee (IS,R&PS).] GALAH Cacatua roseocapilla EASTERN COMMON TERN [SA] Mangatawhiri; 25 in maize stubble on 2016 (DAL), Sterna hirundo longipennis 39 near Lyons Rd on 2414 (AMH), 16 on 2315 (SF). [Wk] [[A] Papakanui Spit; 1 unconfirmed on 112 (GAP).] [MI Peacocke's Farm, Pureora; 1 on 2111 (RB,DoC). Manawatu E; 1 from 25112 till 1711, accepted by Rare Birds Committee (JL&MM et al). NORTH ISLAND KAKA Nestor rneridionalis septentrionalis [BRIDLED TERN [A] Ti Pt, Whangateau; 8 on 2418 (DAW). [SA] Point Sterna anaethetus View Rd, Howick; l,on2211 & 116 (MF). [Wk] Wairenga, [A] Papakanui Spit; 1 unconfirmed on 311 (DSJ).] nr Te Kauwhata; 3 on 14-1718 (LM). Matarnata; 4 on Classified Sumrnarised Notes - North Island. 1998-1999 231

3117-618 (per SM). Gordonton; 1 in Nov (DJR). PARAKEET Momnsville; 2 in Aug, 1 on 1418 found injured, treated, Cyanoramphus sp. released 1818 (per SM), 2 in Nov feeding on kowhai [MI Pohangina V; 2 on -518 (R Wasley), 2 on 21112 flowers (KP). Maungatautari Rd, Cambridge; 1 on 2-718 (thought to be red-crowned) (IS). & 11-1318 (JM). Aotea H; 1 in JanlFeb (CKA). Kakepuku; 1 in Dec ((LWE&JH). "The Tower", Pureora F; 5 on 201 3 (BP). [BPI Ohiwa; 1 on 2218 (WHS). [VP] Arahaki SHINING CUCKOO Lag, Whirinaki F; 1 on 1414 (MS). [GIW] Mt Manuoha, Chrysococcyx lucidus Urewera NP; 2 on 1719 (GAF,DSF,MAF). L Ruapani, [Wk] Hamilton; first heard on 6/10 (B AW), 1 flying north Urewera NP; 3 on 20112 (GAF). [TI Pukekura Park, New up river on 313 (CC). [TI Records from Mokau R, Awahou Plymouth; 1 on 4112 (DGM). [MI Pohangina V, reported SR, Whangamomona, Waitaanga CA, Blue Rata Res. (per DOC).[HB] Waipawa; 1 on 2317 and throughout Aug, Okato, Mt Taranaki, Tongaporutu E, Ratapihihi SR, New last seen on 519 (GE). Plymouth & Waitara late Sept-Jan (BAH,DGM et al). [MI Pohangina V; first calling on 3019 (MB).

RAINBOW LORIKEET Trichoglossus haematodus LONG-TAILED CUCKOO Eudynamys taitensis [A] Auckland; eradication programme underway with 27 captured on 2212 (Doc). [N] Mt Tiger, 250m asl, Whareora; several heard after dark on 10 out of 17 nights, also seen and heard on 2 mornings between 0700 and 0800 hours, 1812198 to 6131 98. In 1999 none seen or heard, persistent north and east EASTERN ROSELLA winds during late Feb-March may have disrupted Platycercus eximius migration behaviour (RJP). [A] Titirangi; 1 calling in [VP] Mt Ruapehu; 2 seen in beech forest in May. flight on 2712 (MG). Birkenhead; 1 on 1313 (MPG). Point Waimarino F; 1 seen in eastern fringe of forest on 2/11. View Rd, Howick; 1 on 1814 (SF). [TI Records from First records from these areas (KO). [TI SH40, Waitaanga; Waitaanga CA, Moki CA, Mt Taranaki, Awahou SR, Blue 5 on 2318 (BAH,DGM). Waitaanga CA; max 2 on 1319 Rata Res, Okato Oct-Jan (OSNZ et al). New Plymouth (BAH) & 2116 (WAP). Mokau; 2 on 1912 & 3113 city; 1 brought in by cat on 1614 (WvG). (BAH,DGM). Maude track, Mt Taranaki; max 3 on 812 (W&RM). Albion Rd, Okato; 2 on 2312 (W&RM). [MI Pohangina V, 'plenty' (MB). Fielding; 1 on 416 (LSa). MOREPORK [W] Te Mama; c20 on 2016 (MSn). Ninox novaeseelandiae [FN] North East I, Three Kings Is; 1 heard every night 14-2014 (GRP). [N] Lady Alice I, Chickens Is; 1 tangled RED-CROWNED PARAKEET up in parapara seed pods on 2413. Second time this has Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae been seen here (GRP). Karno Retirement Home; 2 calling almost every night 2712-716 (PRS). Single birds at Whau [A] Shakespear Park, Whangaparaoa Pen; 1 on 2514 (RC). Valley Dam 1212, Tahere Falls, Whareora 1912 and Woods Rd, Pukenui F 2815 (CLB). [SA] Point View Rd; 1 on 31 6 (MF). Clarks B; 1 on 316 (SC). Middle I, Mercury Is; 1 YELLOW-CROWNED PARAKEET only, heard every night 18-2316 (GRP). Cyanoramphus auriceps auriceps [GIW] Mt Manuoha to L Waikareiti, Urewera NP; [SPINE-TAILED SWIFT numerous sightings incl 3 flocks of 6-10 from 17-2019 (GAF,DSF,MAF). Ruapani track, Urewera NP; 3 small Hirundapus caudacutus flocks on 811 1 (GAF). [TI Pungareere Stm, Rahotu; 1 on 3/12 (BAH,DGM).] 232 Parrish

KOOKABURRA SONG THRUSH Dacelo novaeguineae Turdus philomelos [SA] Taylor's Bay, Onehunga; 1 on 2813 (BP). [SA] Clark's B: first song on 315 (SC). Pukekohe East; first song on 315 (DAL). [Wk] Whatawhata; first song on 1515 (PCC). Hamilton; 1 beat weta on asphalt driveway NEW ZEALAND KINGFISHER and ate it, remaining leg measured 30 rnm (KR). Halcyon sancta vagans

[SA] Taima; 1 seen eating a mouse on 2813 (AW). [G/W] NORTH ISLAND FERNBIRD Muriwai Lag; 13 on 1916. Maungawhio Lag; max 16 on Bowdleria punctata 2016 (GAF). [MI Manawatu E; 18 on 2516, largest count here for many years (JL&MM). Halcombe; 25 on 7kms [VP] Whanganui R; 21 around road bridge on SH 47 on of wires on 1518 (IS). [HB] Ahuriri E; 30 on 1216. 2614 (KO). [TI Mokau E; 5-9 seen on several visits Porangahau E; 34 on 2716 (OSNZ cen). (BAH). Awahou SR, Whangamomona; 1 on 319 (BAH,DGM). Kaka Rd, Okoki; 2 on 1119 (BAH,PJF). Rotokare L; 3-8 seen on several visits (BAH,DGM). [MI NORTH ISLAND RIFLEMAN L Omanu; 1 heard on 517 (IS). [HB] Makino track carpark, Acanthisitta chloris Kaweka Range; 3 or 4 on 2613 (BS). [TI Mt Taranaki; 8 on Mangorei track on 6112 (OSNZ) & 12 on Maude track on 812 (W&RM). WHITEHEAD Mohoua albicilla SKYLARK [Wk] "The Tower", Pureora F; several on 2013 (BP). [VP] Mt Tarawera; a small party on 2411 (PCML). Alauda antensis GC; 2 on 511 (DRB). [TI Moki CA; 3 on 1518 (BAH). [SA] Pukekohe East; firstsong on 1514 (DAL). Waitaanga CA; 2-9 seen on several visits (BAH,DGM,PJF). Awahou SR, Whangamomona; 8+ on 319 & 2019 (BAH,DGM). Ahititi; 2 on 519 (OSNZ). Mt NEW ZEALAND PIPIT Taranaki; 2-4 seen on Mangorei, Kahui & Ngatoro tracks Anthus novaeseelandiae Dec & March (OSNZ). [FN] Three Kings Is; 3 seen around shore on North East I 14-2014, 1 on Archway I on 2014 (GRP). [BPI Mt Tarawera; a few high up on bare slopes 2411 (PCML). GREY WARBLER Toatoa; c30 on 8km drive along Takaputahi Rd on 2113 Gerygone igata (PCML,WHS). [VP] Mt Tongariro; 1 repeatedly attacking [FN] North East I, Three Kings Is; 1 seen and another its reflection in Ketitahi Hut window on 2219 (BES). [TI heard on summit on 1914 (GRP). Manganui Skifiekd, Mt Taranaki; 6 on 2218 (BAH). [MI Foxton B; 1 on 619 (JL&MM). NORTH ISLAND FANTAIL Rhipidura fuliginosa placabilis HEDGE SPARROW [Wk] Pukete, Hamilton; 1 black phase in early Oct, paired Prunella modularis with pied bird (DRT). Martin's Nusery, Hamilton; 1 black [SA] Pukekohe East; first song on 3016 (DAL). Middle I, phase seen most days in ApriVMay (RP). Cambridge; 1 Mercury Is; full song heard 2316 (GRP). black phase in autumn 99. Maungatautari F, Kairangi edge; 1 black phase in spring 98 (per CS-K). [TI SH40, Okau; 1 on 1815, all white except for some tail feathers BLACKBIRD and mantle (B AH,DGM). Huinga; 1 black phase on 1117 Turdus merula (Doc). [MI Pohangina V; 1 black phase on 1613 (MB). [Wk] Whatawhata; first song on 1615 (PCC). [HB] Greenmeadows; 1 black phase from March till June Classified Summarised Notes - North Island, 1998-1999 233

(RN). Clive; 1 black phase on 2715 (MJ). Havelock North; in July, the birds pierced the tube just below the calix to 1 black phase during April (MTC). extract the nectar. No seeds set on the vine (IMC).

NORTH ISLAND TOMTIT [CIRL BUNTING Petroica macrocephala toitoi Emberiza cirlus [N] Tangihua Range; pr seen on 1914 (CLB). [Wk] [GIW] Wairoa; 2 females in garden on 317 (GAF). [W] Kakepuku; pr on 2814 (PDC). [TI Moki CA; 6-7 seen on Mana I; 1 male on 2517 (CM).] several visits Aug-Feb. Waitaanga CA; 2-4 seen on several GREENFINCH visits Aug-May (BAH). Awahou SR, Whangamomona; 6-8 in Sept & Dec (BAH,DGM). Kaka Rd, Okoki; 2 on Carduelis chloris 1119 (BAH,PJF). Ahititi; 2 on 519 (BAH). Mt Taranaki; [Wk] Cobham Bridge, Hamilton; 110 in flock on 11/10 >4 on Mangorei track & North Egmont Dec & Jan (FEB). [BPI Papamoa; male singing, both buzz & (OSNZ). Rotokare L; 2 on 1816 (BAH,DGM). Kaitake yammering calls 2419 (PCML). Range; 4 on 616 (OSNZ). REDPOLL

NORTH ISLAND ROBIN Carduelis flammea [A] Waitakere Range; 10 on 1219 (SJD). [Wk] Petroica australis longipes Huntington, Hamilton; 25+ in late July (I&NJD). [TI [Wk] Thompson's track, Kaimai Range; 1 stealing spider Rerekapa track, Moki CA; 4 on 1518 (OSNZ). [W] from large blue solitary wasp in Jan (PJT). Kakepuku; 26 Eastbourne RP; c1.00 in June (SH). transferred from Pureora F 10-1116 LWEH et a]). L Waipapa; 2 on 517, 1 dead on road on 2412 (PDC). [TI HOUSE SPARROW Moki CA; 3-6 in Aug-Feb (BAH). Waitaanga CA; 5-9 in Passer domesticus Aug-May (OSNZ). Awahou SR, Whangarnomona; 3-7 Sept-Dec (BAH,DGM). Ahititi; 2 on 519 (OSNZ). Kaka [GIW] Muriwai; 2000+ on corn stubble on 1916 (GAF). Rd, Okoki; 1 on 1119 (BAH,PJF). Matemateonga CA; 4 [TI Palmer Rd, Kapuni; I albino on 1311 (AW). on 314 (DGM). STARLING SILVEREYE Sturnus vulgaris Zosterops lateralis [Wk] Cambridge; 1 in Nov took nectar from feijoa bush (MRD). [SA] Miranda; 40 feeding among glasswort at The Limeworks on 1418 (BS). AUSTRALIAN MAGPIE Gyrnnorhina tibicen BELLBIRD [Wk] L Rotokauri; 220 trapped from 111 to 19112 (per Anthornis melanura HJC). [VP] Ohakune; 1 with black back on lawn of DOC [N] Matapouri Bay; 1 in SeptIOct, unusual in spring here Visitors Centre Sept-March (KO). [TI Kina Rd, Oaonui; (W Ringer per GRP). [A] Shakespear Park, 1 black backed on 26110, rare in Taranaki (BAH). Whangaparaoa Pen; 27 (incl young birds) on 2514 (RC). [Wk] Pekanui Rd, Mt Pirongia; 1 chasing house sparrows ROOK on 2014 (TAB). [TI Mt Taranaki; 1 dead in ice at 2520m Corvus frugilegus (W&RM,WAP). [W] Karori; 1 on 1916 (GJ), very unusual in Wellington's southern suburbs (AJT). [SA] Miranda; 27 on 26/11 (SR). [GIW] Ruakituri V; c20 on 2714 (ADB). Waikare R; 20 at rivermouth on 211 TUI 3 (GAF). [MI Foxton B; 1 on 1919, first record here (JL&MM). [HB] Takapau Plains; c400 on 2812 (KVT). Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae [A] Takapuna; 2 feeding on Tecomanthe speciosa flowers E & O.E. RECENT LITERATURE

Compiled by M.J. IMBER STIS, Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 10 420, Wellington, New Zealand

Food studies ~alaeontolo~~

Impact of food abundance, diet and food quality on the *' A mid-Pleistocene rail from New Zealand. T.H. Worthy. breeding of the fruit pigeon, parea Hemiphaga (Palaeofaunal Surveys, 43 The Ridgeway, Nelson, New novaeseelandiae chathamensis, on Chatham Island, New Zealand.) Alcheringa 21: 71-78. 1997. Zealand. R.G. Powlesland, P.J. Dilks, I.A. Flux, A.D. A new genus and species; PleistorallusJlemingi, from a Grant, C.J. Tisdall. (Sci.Res.Div., Dept. Conservation, deposit in the Manawatu. PO. Box 10-420, Wellington, New Zealand.) Ibis 139: 353-365. 1997. The identification of fossil Eudyptes and Megadyptes Pairs bred in all months, but predominantly June- bones at Marfell's Beach, Marlborough, South Island. November (Winter-Spring). Timing of the breeding T.H. Worthy. (Palaeofaunal Surveys, 43 The Ridgeway, season, proportion of pairs breeding and their success Nelson, New Zealand.) New Zealand natural sciences 23: varied, e.g. 1992-93 and 1994-95 were productive seasons 71-85. 1997. whereas 1993-94 was not. Heavy fruiting of matipo Only Eudyptes pachyrhynchus and Megadyptes antipodes Myrsine chathamica and hoho Pseudopanax chathamicus bones present at the site. The latter were significantly (fruits rich in lipids and available carbohydrates) was smaller than those of extant southern populations (a responsible for the good seasons. similar trend to that shown in Eudyptula minor). Present range of M. antipodes is relict; its decline evidently caused by human disturbance. How can a pelagic seabird provision its chick when relying on a distant food resource? Cyclic attendance at the Distribution colony, foraging decision and body condition in sooty Spatial distribution of seabirds in coastal waters off Otago, shearwaters. H. Weimerskirch. (CEBC, CNRS, 79360 New Zealand. R.L. O'Driscoll, M. Renner, F.J. Austin, Beauvoil; France. E-mail: [email protected])Journal H.G. Spencer. (Dept. Marine Science, Univ. Otago, PO. of animal ecology 67: 99-109. 1998. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand.) New Zealand journal Long foraging trips (probably to 1550 krn), averaging 11 of marine &freshwater research 32. 203-213. 1998. days, absorb 84% of foraging time during chick-rearing. Sooty sheanvaters, and red-billed, black-billed and black- Interspersed short foraging trips, which double the chicks' backed gulls were most numerous species among the 20 energy intake, take only 16% of foraging time but are at recorded. Strongest associations were among the 3 gull the expense of adult body condition. Possibly there is a species. Counts were highly positvely skewed. This, plus threshold body mass around 750 g at which individuals variability in the distribution of flocks, would make switch from short to long foraging trips. [During the latter abundance estimation at sea difficult. they gain body condition.] There is a cyclicity of 14 days Identification in the returns of distant-foraging parents. This system reduces near-colony competition, and may partly explain Identification of juvenile long-tailed skua in active flight. the huge populations of sooty and short-tailed sheanvaters J.A. Leclercq. (rue de la Solidarite 88/4, B-7700 that rely on distant (Antarctic Polar Front) food Mouscron, Belgium.) Ornithos 3: 118-129. 1996. resources. Colour illustrations. In French, with English summary.