Abigail Hart, Soprano
Abigail Hart, Soprano with Chia-Yu Tsai, Piano José Vargas, Tenor Ariel Jonathan Dove (b. 1959) III. O, O, O IV. All hail, great master V. Is there more toil? “All hail, great master” Lee Hoiby (1926-2011) from The Tempest Three Shakespeare Songs Amy Beach (1867-1944) O, Mistress Mine Take, O Take Those Lips Away Fairy Lullaby “Va! Je t’ai pardonné” Charles Gounod (1818-1893) from Roméo et Juliette Ballade, Op. 118 no. 3 in G minor Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Ophelia Lieder Wie erkenn’ ich dein Treulieb Sein Leichenhemd weiß wie Schnee zu sehn Auf morgen ist Sankt Valentins Tag Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloß Und kommt er nicht mehr zurück? Intermezzo, Op. 199 no. 1 “A vos jeux, mes amis… Pâle et blonde” Ambroise Thomas (1811-1896) )ULGD\)HEUXDU\WK 0 PM Leith Symington Griswold Hall "#$%!&'($)*+!$%!,--'&'.!$/!0*&)$*+!-1+-$++2'/)!,-!)#'!&'31$&'2'/)%!-,&!)#'!.'4&''!,-!5*%)'&!,-!51%$(6! "#'!1%'!,-!(*2'&*%!*/.!7$.',!,&!)*0'!&'(,&.'&%!8$)#,1)!0&$,&!0'&2$%%$,/!$%!%)&$()+9!0&,#$:$)'.6! ;,)$('<!=,&!9,1&!,8/!%*-')9>!?@@A!-,&!9,1&!/'*&'%)!BCD"6!!D/!(*%'!,-!'2'&4'/(9>!EF?A!.,!/,)!GH;>!),!)#*)!BCD"6!!I9!,&.'&!,-!)#'!5*9,&!*/.!J$)9! J,1/($+!,-!I*+)$2,&'6! Ariel by Jonathan Dove is based on texts from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, which are sung by the character Ariel. Ariel is a sprite and the servant of Prospero, a magician who lives on a desert island. Prospero orders Ariel to orchestrate a storm in order to shipwreck King Alonso of Naples on the island. Ariel, while identified by masculine pronouns, is most often played by a woman.
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