What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the book of ? Have there been moments in your life, when you have purposefully read the ? 1. Why people suffer 2. Unfair suffering 3. Unbalanced Theology What lessons can 4. The Power of Satan be taken from the 5. Understanding God 6. Spiritual Consistency book of Job? 7. When friends disagree 8. Building a strong marriage 9. Worshipping in tough times 10. How to help the hurting 11. Reality of life Structure 1. Chapters 1-2: Introduction 2. Chapters 3-41: Series of Speeches 3. Conclusion Fast facts about the book of Job Structure 1. 1-2: Introduction 2. 3: Job’s pain 3. 4-5: Eliphaz’s first speech 4. 6-7: Job responds 5. 8: Bildad’s first speech Fast facts about 6. 9-10: Job responds the book of Job 7. 11: Zophar’s first speech 8. 12-14: Job responds 9. There are 3 Rounds of Speeches 10. 32-37: Elihu’s only speech 11. 38-41: God speaks 12. 42: Conclusion • Eliphaz & Bildad each have 3 speeches. • Zophar has 2 speeches • These are more than casual conversations…no one interupts. • Job feels compelled to defend himself. • Elihu, being younger, waits until the others are finished, before he speaks. • The speeches repeat themselves. This is done on purpose. It illustrates they don’t have much to say. • The reader is supposed to feel the burden of these senseless arguments. • The friends were happy to sit on God’s throne for Him, but they weren’t especially interested to enter Job’s heart and pain. As You Read… 1. Begin with the end in mind. 2. “It came about after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, ‘My Fast facts about wrath is kindled against you and against the book of Job your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has.” Job 42:7 3. Consider Job’s response to God in Job 42:1-6 as well. A man named Job 1. Introduced in Chapter 1. 2. Mentioned in other parts of the Bible. 1. Ezekiel 14:14-19 2. James 5:11 3. 1 Corinthians 3:19 (Paul uses Fast facts about scripture from Job 5:13). the book of Job Time Period of the book? 1. The Patriarchal Period. Why? 2. God speaks directly to Job. 3. Job offers sacrifices for his family 4. No reference to the Law, priests, Temple 5. Long life for Job The Land of Uz 1. People: Genesis 10:22-23; Genesis 22:20-21; Genesis 36:28 2. Believed one of these settled in a district or a section of the country East of Palestine, and on the border of Fast facts about Arabia, which became known as the the book of Job land of Uz. 3. From Job we see… 1. Land of plentiful pastures (1:3) 2. Portions suitable for plowed crops (1:14) 3. Near the desert or wilderness (1:19) The Land of Uz 4. Sufficiently extensive to have a number of kings over as many tribes or people, (:20) 5. There was a colony of in the Land of Uz (Lamentations 4:21) Fast facts about When was the book written and wrote it? the book of Job 1. Unknown 2. Contains what is thought to be some of the rarest and oldest forms of ancient Hebrew. 3. More than 100 Hebrew words unique to this book. Discussion about Job and what to do when life is great! • Job’s good times were characterized with spiritual growth and preparation. • How we will act in the bad times is often determined on how we act in the good times. • Pride can creep in when life is great, Deuteronomy 8. Remember God and all He has done!