Turn Left Virez à gauche Spring/ Voice of the NDP Socialist Caucus / Voix du caucus socialiste NPD Printemps 2021

PUBLIC OWNERSHIP NOW End the nightmare of private, for-profit home care construction of a million good quality 7. Cancel the new fighter jets. Cut especially in New Brunswick and across housing units per year, until the scourge of federal spending on the military, which western . It was evident in the homelessness is vanquished. Take control should be reduced to a rescue and marvelous campaign of SC member Bryn of the land development and construction recovery role. Convert the arms export Smith in Surrey-White Rock who came sector, under workers’ control. business to production to meet human within 224 votes of winning the seat in needs. Build homes, schools and hospitals the BC election. We should seize the 3. Stop the gouging of consumers by -- not bombs, bullets and anti-personnel opportunities apparent in this situation the giant telecoms, like Rogers, TELUS carriers. with both hands. and Bell. Reduce internet rates and The Liberal Party is the prime operate the industry as a public service. 8. Canada out of NATO now! Quit the vehicle of big business rule in Canada. Lima Group. Defend the right to self- The Green Party purveys the illusory goal 4. For a Green New Deal based on a determination of Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, of a green, sustainable capitalism. Both rapid transition to sustainable energy Iran and other countries suffering imperialist are wedded to the private profit system systems in production and transportation. embargo and military intervention. Reject that poses an existential threat to nature Conscript the wealth of Big Oil and Gas. the International Holocaust Remembrance and civilization. Re-train displaced carbon energy workers. Alliance definition of anti-Semitism, which The NDP should counter-pose Leave no one behind. Provide restitution conflates the latter with anti-Zionism and to the failed and toxic global capitalist to Indigenous peoples who have been constitutes an attack on free speech. system the only realistic alternative -- a harmed by the plunder of nature and their Apply Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions democratically planned economy under ancestral lands. against the Zionist apartheid state of Israel workers’ and community control. The to End the Occupation. For a democratic, NDP should invite more unions and 5. Tax profitable corporations and the secular Palestine, and for the Right of working class organizations to join it in the rich, seize offshore tax haven accounts or Return of all Palestinian refugees. Free quest for a cooperative commonwealth, a the equivalent-value domestic assets, and Meng Wanzhou. Normalize relations with socialist future of freedom and prosperity nationalize the big banks under workers’ China. Hands Off whistleblowers Julian for all, in harmony with nature. and consumers’ democratic control. Assange and Edward Snowdon! No to Those lofty goals are reflected their Extradition. in policy resolutions that party members 6. De-fund, disarm and disband the can find at www.socialistndp.ca and can RCMP and other systemically racist There is a great appetite for then seek to get them adopted at local police forces. Rapidly replace them with change in Canada. Trudeau’s spending meetings, and ultimately, at the federal community-controlled policing practices. on the pandemic falls far short of needs convention. Along the way, raise political photo: Thomas Hawk ( ickr) Shift away from incarceration in the court and expectations. The mood at the awareness. Winning NDP members to the and penal system towards restorative grassroots level is reflected in the growth vision of a transformed world is a central Make the 2021 justice. of the Socialist Caucus across the country, task of the Socialist Caucus. n NDP Convention a Step Forward

BY BARRY WEISLEDER the previous one. However, following the cuts to health services? How should the NDP federal election debacle in October NDP membership act to position the he decision by the New Democratic 2019, when the party lost nearly 1 million labour-based party? Party leadership to host an online votes and half of its seats in Parliament, Tfederal convention in April 2021 Leader and the executive 1. Pandemic measures are urgently The NDP should counter-pose to the may be a step forward. It depends very around him sought to avoid a leadership needed: Socialists say extend the much on how delegates are chosen, review. The excuse was the Minority public healthcare system to include Long failed and toxic global capitalist system how resolutions can be submitted, which Government, the possibility of a snap Term Care, medical drugs, research, resolutions are brought forward for election, and later it was COVID-19. To development and delivery of vaccines the only realistic alternative -- a debate, how the convention chair will be sure, the federal NDP convention now to combat COVID-19. Nationalize Big democratically planned economy under permit delegates to speak on resolutions set for April 9-11, 2021 is a victory for the Pharma. Expropriate the private, for-profit at the gathering, how votes will be Socialist Caucus, but it remains to be seen nursing homes and seniors’ residences. workers’ and community control. recorded, etc. how democratic the convention will be. Operate them under the democratic The Socialist Caucus began We have said for a long time that, control of their workers and the families agitating for a federal NDP convention for the NDP to survive it must turn sharply of residents. End the overcrowding and “ when the party brass cancelled it in early to the left. The NDP must differentiate unsanitary conditions; hire more front-line December 2019. That was months before from the Liberal Party, and also from the staff, provide job security, and double the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in Green Party that has been nibbling at its their pay. March 2020. The party constitution electoral base. Can it become a party of required that a federal NDP convention the streets, a tribune of Black Lives Matter, 2. End the housing crisis by demanding be held in February 2020, two years after Indigenous rights and workers fighting that the government launch the

02 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 03 income housing are also urgently needed. Employment insurance should accessible, affordable public childcare. In the long term, rent control should be be redesigned to recognize the precarious It incorporates measures that enshrine Turn Left Virez à gauche expanded and tied to the unit, instead of the nature of work that many women and the housing as a human right. Health and tenant, to prevent extreme rent escalation working poor do. Minimum wages must be wellbeing must be placed first with no due to high turnover. increased and lower minimum wages, such exceptions. An intersectional, gendered Published by the NDP Socialist Caucus Editorial Board: Social assistance rates must as those used in the female dominated and multi-pronged approach is required Elizabeth Byce be immediately increased and based on hospitality sector, abolished. to strengthen the social safety net and www.ndpsocialists.ca Julius Arscott need, not family status. Rates are too Women’s organizations must be build resilience to weather future crises. Barry Weisleder low, especially for disabled persons. The provided with secure, low-barrier accessible Investments in the elimination of income Editor and Designer: Sean Cain John Orrett guaranteed liveable basic income proposed emergency COVID funding without delay. inequality and poverty bring us closer to a by NDP MP Leah Gazan should be adopted. Without this funding, they cannot cover just society. n A basic income will result in lower costs for essential operating costs and restore pre- shelters, jails and other response measures. pandemic service levels. A permanently Dirka Prout is the Socialist Caucus Help the people before they are placed in a revised funding model that provides stable candidate seeking re-election as Co-Chair position of needing rescuing. Housing costs core funding to women-serving agencies is of the Federal Women’s Commission. need to be factored in as often these are also necessary. In this article she revisits her 2017 Turn higher than the inflation rate or overall cost A just recovery is a “she-covery,” Left contribution, “All My Single Ladies,” of living. built on a foundation of universally which examined single women in poverty. All My Single Ladies Revisited: photo: Yooperann ( ickr) A Just Recovery Opportunity

BY DIRKA PROUT of minimum wage employment, a heavier spare resources needed for urgent project burden of unpaid care and the gender delivery. Others applied only to find easures taken to wage gap. Women comprised forty percent that they were unavailable to women’s fight the COVID-19 of social assistance recipients. New organizations. Mpandemic immigrants, BIPOC, disabled, elderly and Childcare spaces, already triggered a uniquely LGBTQ1A2S women were overrepresented in inaccessible and expensive before COVID, female driven recession, poverty. evaporated. Faced with homeschooling dubbed a “she-cession,” COVID-19 struck and flipped the on top of existing unpaid care burdens, which threatens to set typical recession script where act one several working mothers elected to exit the women back decades. plays out with losses of primarily well- workforce. Single poor women in particular paid manufacturing jobs held by men. The Economist Armine Yalnizyan were vulnerable pre-COVID. What would it second act is the initial recovery led by has stated that “There will be no recovery take to lift them out of poverty and produce women securing lower paid service sector without a she-covery, and no she-covery a just recovery? Pre-pandemic, the Canada jobs. Since February 2020, the utilization of without childcare.” In November 2020, Child Benefit was instrumental in lifting women’s paid labour has been consistently the federal Liberals once again promised families out of poverty Canada wide. For lower than men’s. While some rebound was a national childcare system in their fiscal senior women, Canada’s retirement security noted in late 2020, lower paid women, youth update. Their original promise dates system did the same. and BIPOC individuals were not the primary back to 1984. Can For decades however, the blind beneficiaries. we trust them now? They do admit that spot for policy makers was working-aged Women are now dealing with “Accessible and affordable child care helps singles without children; many of whom compromised support systems stretched create jobs and spurs economic growth.” It live in deep poverty. According to the 2016 to the limits. Lockdowns resulted in victims also creates direct employment for mostly census, working-aged singles is the largest of Gender Based Violence (GBV) arriving at female childcare workers and will facilitate demographic receiving social assistance. shelters only when in dire circumstances. women’s re-entry into the labour force. Single persons without dependents swell Historic defunding combined with inflexible Housing is an important social the ranks of those in deep poverty, defined project-based funding allowed the determinant of health. To preserve as those with incomes 75% of the poverty pandemic to heavily impact operations of mental and physical health and reduce line or less than $10,000 per year. At this women’s organizations. To cope, several homelessness, a national eviction income level, one often expends 70 to 80% moved to virtual service delivery. Just moratorium should be imposed until of their income on housing and cannot meet over half reduced services and about 48% the pandemic is under control. Housing basic needs. cancelled them all together. Accessing subsidies should be increased. Increased Pre-COVID, women were COVID emergency grants was problematic investments in shelters, transitional vulnerable because of a higher likelihood since many establishments could not housing for GBV victims and rent-geared-to 04 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 05 The Land Back Movement and Indigenous Liberation

By Corey David for protecting it from more urban sprawl and coming to terms with First Nations. new attempts at legitimizing stolen land. Speaking with organizers at Wiigwaasikaa, The Crown is responsible for the a land back project in , the goal is he Land Back Movement is built majority of violence against Indigenous to protect the land from more devastation, from the work of generations people, nations, culture and way of life, yet protect their traditions and teachings and of Indigenous struggle against treaties between the crown are often the sole their children’s future ability to connect with Canada’s oppressive state and legal protections against capital and colonial their roots, and live as they choose, not as Tcorporate domination of peoples and the encroachment. However, they are also defined by the Canadian state. “We’re not environment. Though not rigidly defined used to restrict the somewhat collectivized going nowhere, and we’re not changing who generally, it is a variety of strategies and land and used as an excuse to do nothing we are” (as heard at a solidarity March at teachings directed at dismantling Canada’s when environmental destruction caused by 1492 land back). colonial system and reconnecting First industry kills and causes suffering to many, There is a divide within all Nations with the land and their way of life such as in grassy narrows. communities over how to move forward, through challenges in Canadian courts, Land defenders are attacked, whether to change and in what way, or community building, and direct action. harassed and arrested, community activists to keep tradition. The history of Canada, As I’m writing this in February 2021, are removed from meetings, yet the solidarity like any colonizing power, has never given the barricades are coming down at 1492 Land actions between Nations continue. It’s not a choice and has continuously acted to control Back Lane, a reclamation act that pushed document that protects First Nations but the and destroy. There are countless examples the movement to the forefront in Ontario. The will and determination of the people both from the theft of land, forced dislocation, land is part of the Haldimand tract, territory from within and without that stand against culling of sled dogs by the RCMP, mass on either side of the grand river that was injustice. The piece of paper like all contracts arrests, military and police violation of recognized by the Crown as sovereign Six is a form of mediation, but promises can Territory, environmental destruction, theft of Nations territory. Canadian courts, police be broken. It is up to the parties involved resources, kidnapping and abuse of children, and the capitalists attempting to develop the to discuss in good faith and look at each etc.... land have all tried to criminalize, remove and other as equals and deserving of respect, There was a time when it was punish community members and their allies something the crown has never done when almost impossible to resist this attempt at

photo: Shawn Harauil ( ickr)

genocide, but as First Nations have done history and functions, new immigrants are whether it be from systemic racism or since settlers and colonizers arrived, they also led to pledge themselves to the Crown their importance to the enforcement of the have built relationships and formed bonds who in many ways is responsible for the capitalist system, but all are exploited at with their neighbours where there was deplorable conditions of former colonies some level by the ruling class. mutual respect. Through acts of solidarity, and war-torn states from which people seek The only just way forward for more citizens of the Canadian state have a better life. The chauvinist appeal of right- allies of First Nations is to build relations he only just way forward for allies come to challenge the narrative and are wing Canadians and fascists still seek to with our neighbours, recognize the truth of First Nations is to build relations standing with the oppressed people. take a blunt instrument to oppressed people, about our shared history, and seek to work “ Other oppressed people from for the ruling class and the little privilege in solidarity and support self-determination with our neighbours, recognize around the world support each other in they enjoy. for First Nations, building a future together T recognition of their struggle against colonial They use subversive forms of that respects the people’s right to the land the truth about our shared history, and and imperialist powers. “From Turtle Island media, looking to pride themselves in the and the need to defend it as capitalism seek to work in solidarity and support to Palestine, colonization is a crime” is crimes of the founders of the Canadian increases its appetite in the face of global self-determination. a common slogan at rallies. The colonial state and the “strength” of this violence. environmental catastrophe. system in Canada is still vast and though Oppressed people always know oppression “Workers and oppressed people of some of it has eroded under the light of the is wrong and not to be celebrated. the world unite” is a slogan of International camera and undaunted resistance, in other It is key to dispel these myths and Workers Day. The liberation of all peoples ways it has become more efficient and bring the truth to light among the general is linked, and together we can change the subversive. public, and especially workers who are world. n Just as some European settlers also oppressed by the Canadian system in “ were misled a century ago as to Canada’s many ways. Some enjoy certain privileges, 06 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 07 How We Will Win

By Jessa McLean to start. These are people who phone scripts, basic know-how tools, have stepped up, gone beyond are carefully guarded as though it ernie Sanders didn’t what most typically do, and contained miraculous industry secrets. win the Democratic are trying to organize in their This stuff needs to be accessible to Nomination, but there community for the Party. All anyone who wants to get involved. is no arguing that the they ask for is a modicum of It is only then we can start to Blevel of grassroots mobilization support. Most get none. make big asks of our volunteers. achieved was something to The lack of resources isn’t the Riding Associations are the Many have submitted be admired, and imitated. issue. This is work that can be absolute heartbeat of campaigns. If Not only did both Presidential runs done on our shoestring budget, and we don’t spend an ounce of effort in resolutions with yield massive amounts of small level how to do it isn’t a well-kept secret. empowering these groups between suggestions on how donations, but they were able to Bond and Exley’s book, Rules for contests, we will never win. And meaningfully engage thousands of Revolutionaries, tells how they were if we don’t incorporate constant Central could do a volunteers towards a common goal able to do what they did with almost between-election community “better job. The reality is while spending very little doing it. If we no paid staff, and very few initial organizing, our ranks will never grow. ever want a serious shot at power, we resources. Using distributive organizing we can though, the answer is not need to do the same for the NDP, and They remind us, “the empower every level of volunteer. going to lay at headquarters it looks like we have to do it ourselves. Revolution will not be staffed.” By No matter how much time they have Right now, there is no NDP necessity, the Left must maximize the to spend, or what skills they come to - we are going to have to do ‘grassroots’. There are plenty of capacity of volunteer power - we have the ght with, we have the means to this work ourselves. supporters, but there is no active to enable and connect the grassroots. provide them with everything they collective. And this is by design. As a We will never have the nancial need to jump in. We need to find ways Party we are so poor at engaging our resources to outspend our opponents, We also need to reach out to to act like the dedicated membership it can only be intentional. or to overthrow Capital. We must the places we’ve given up on. There A mobilized grassroots can challenge leverage, empower and grow our are many, many ridings that do not collective we are - not the the leadership, can demand more of active volunteers. have an association. Many “Presidents’ fragmented fundraising their Party. This is democracy, but it is Ridings are not merely a listed with Elections Canada are staff far from embraced by Party brass. source for fundraising and lling out in Ottawa, and there is nothing being fodder we’ve been treated Right now, Ottawa’s idea the ballot with a candidate. They are done to connect people in those as. When we do this, we of engagement are petitions that seeds spread throughout the country, areas. Worse, volunteers coming will win. do nothing but mine our data, from which a powerful movement forward to start an organization in and sharpening their social media can grow. We will not just be a more their community are often stonewalled campaign. All tools of the game, but effective membership, but a powerful with unresponsiveness. Similar none of these things gets dedicated one as well. There will be no more treatment is given to ridings deemed members doing the work that begging for scraps at the Convention “unwinnable”. needs to be done to win elections table, or straining to have our voices Much of this is not news to and to change the narratives in our heard on key issues often ignored by those involved with the Party. Many communities. Party leadership have submitted resolutions with In particular, we have failed Lateral communication is suggestions on how Central could the riding associations. key between these groups. There do a better job. The reality is though, Most of them doing what has been no attempt to do this from the answer is not going to lay at they can with quite literally, zero above, and any requests to share headquarters - we are going to have to resources. There is often no support contact information between Riding do this work ourselves. or even contact from the headquarters Association Presidents is refused. We need to nd ways to act in Ottawa. Ontario has a single There are endless, free tools that we like the dedicated collective we are - organizer dedicated to the XXX Riding can use so all these people can work not the fragmented fundraising fodder Associations in the Province. One. That together. So they never have to call we’ve been treated as. When we do is no way to grow a movement. Central with a question that will never this, we will win. n There are dedicated members get answered. struggling to run Riding Associations Volunteers need to be able Jessa has received the proud on their own, all around the country. to share knowledge and resources. endorsement of the Socialist Caucus Many quite literally don’t know where Right now, NDP mobilizing tools, for NDP President

08 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 09 ROSEMARY HNATIUK BEV CURRIE VICTOR MORGAN RILEY NEILSEN The Campaign for Socialism and Democracy in the NDP Manitoba Representative Rep. Atlantic Representative Atlantic Representative

Rosemary Bev Currie Before the Riley joined The Socialist Caucus is presenting a common team of candidates for Federal Executive and Council. Here’s our chance to is a lawyer joined the pandemic, the Nova build a more participatory and activist NDP that fights for socialist policies. * Denotes endorsement by the Socialist Caucus. specializing NDP in 1949. Victor was Scotia in Indian In the 1950s, a manager Socialist Residential he ran twice of a chain Caucus in JESSA MCLEAN * YVONNE HANSON GARY PORTER DIRKA PROUT School for the party business on 2020 and President Vice President - Labour Treasurer Women’s Commission claims. in federal the Island. worked on Fluent in elections, Victor has the Caucus’ Jessa is a Yvonne Gary is a Dirka is both ofcial was elected lived in Constitution. community Hanson is a retired CA seeking a languages, she has been to the Saskatchewan NDP Newfoundland his entire Riley has a Bachelor of Public and political dedicated and CGA and second term active in the Manitoba NDP provincial executive, and in life, and has personally seen Management from Florida organizer, environmental former chair of as a Women’s for the past two decades. 1970 was its President. In the the desperate need for Atlantic University and is a two time activist and the investment Commission Her interests are engaging 1970s, Bev was a prominent socialism, and hopes to be current Masters of Public federal can- former NDP committee of Co-Chair. She members and advocating for member of the Waf e part of the team that makes Administration student at didate, and candidate the Ontario was the 2019 grassroots participation. movement. that happen. Dalhousie University. President of in the hotly Teachers candidate the York-Sim- contested Pension for London coe NDP. She is a socialist, Vancouver Granville riding Plan Board, a $200 billion North Centre and a past ROBIN GRAHAM YUNUS EMRE SAHIN COREY DAVID DON PAULIN invested in pushing the party in the 2019 federal election. fund. Gary has a unique President of London West. PEI Representative Alberta Representative Ontario Representative New Brunswick Rep. back to our roots as a bold, She is also involved in the understanding of capitalism Dirka is board member left-wing alternative to neo- labour movement, working and its entirely destructive of the Unity Project, and Robin is an Yanus is from Corey David Don is a liberal austerity. Jessa holds as a support staff for BCGEU, nature. He is running to believes that a strong activist from Turkey and is a socialist, member of a degree in political science one of the largest labour advance a socialist program Women’s commission will be Charlotte- currently artist, the provincial from York University. unions in British Columbia. and leadership for the NDP. an asset to the NDP. town who nishing activist and executive has helped his Masters member of of the New raise thou- in Middle the Workers Brunswick JOHN WILSON JUDY KOCH JULIUS ARSCOTT EMILY STEERS sands of Eastern Stud- Action NDP and LGBT Committee DisAbility Rights Committee Ontario Representative Ontario Representative dollars for ies at the Movement. was the NDP foodbanks University of He has candidate John has Judy Koch Julius is a Emily (she/ in the area. Taking part in Toronto. He also has a Bach- worked in supporting people in the recent NB provincial long been is a long member of her) recently multiple media interviews on elors in Political Science from with intellectual disAbilities election. Don is a long time involved in time social the Socialist graduated the issue, Robin is a tire- the University of Alberta and and currently works as a member of the working class the NDP activist and Caucus with her MA less advocate for providing cares deeply about the envi- machinist in Scarborough. and labor movement, includ- and its a member of and an from Laurier access to safe, secure and ronment, systemic inequality, Corey is a supporter of ing an executive member of predecessor the Toronto organizer of University, affordable housing for all. and Indigenous politics. human rights, renewable several union locals. party, Danforth the Workers where she energy and the arts. starting with NDP Action helped the Ottawa executive. Movement. organize the CCF youth club in 1954. She is a strong advocate He was an Executive Board PSAC local 902 for teaching GABRIEL MASI * JASON PYNN Involved in human rights and for workers’ rights, people Member representing assistants, and now works Youth Co-Chair Youth Representative gay/queer liberation since with physical and mental 30,000 members of OPSEU as a music teacher. She is LOG On TO our website and sign up to the early 1970s, John is a challenges, and an active in Toronto, and has been an passionate about eco-justice, Gabriel is Jason is a our facebook group founding member of Queer member of the Ontario active proponent of union queer liberation and student currently the university Ontario. Coalition Against Poverty. afliation to the NDP. debt cancellation. Co-President graduate and of the mental health Our website includes articles from SC supporters and Young New activist from information about past and future events.Don’t forget to sign up to our Facebook group. Just type “NDP Socialist Caucus” HANNAH LEICHNITZ DANIEL LAMONTAGNE STEPHANIE LANGFORD Democrats of Torbay, STEPHEN CROZIER in the search bar, and you’ll find us. Become a member of the Quebec Representative Quebec Representative BC Representative BC Representative Quebec and Newfound- it currently land and group and join in the discussion. www.ndpsocialists.ca. Hannah is Diplômé en In the 2019 Stephanie studying at Labrador. A a student science et election, Langford McGill University. He wants new supporter of the Social- and future kinésiologie, Stephen was grew up in to lead the party left and ist Caucus, Jason is running PLEASE Donate to the Socialist Caucus college Daniel vise à the NDP a socialist, push for policies that elimi- for NDP federal council to teacher in améliorer les candidate feminist nate tuition fees and student address the exodus of youth The Socialist Caucus devotes its resources to publishing Montréal. conditions de in South family. Her debt, establish Pharmacare from his province. editions of Turn Left, issuing literature to promote SC She has been travail pour Surrey – White mother, Carol and a Green New Deal. an advocate nos ouvriers Rock, and Langford, candidates for executive, promoting public forums, and for queer et ouvrières, is currently ran federally producing SC posters, stickers, buttons and more. liberation and worker’s promouvoir une transition on the BC NDP Provincial and provincially for the NDP. rights since she started her écosocialiste ambitieuse et Executive for the Surrey – Stephanie is a registered If you can give, now is the time. We can make a real undergraduate’s degree, d’être une voix forte pour un White Rock EDA. Stephen nurse of close to fty years difference in creating a more democratic party. Please send and became involved in local accès juste et équitable au has been a teacher for over and a university professor a cheque to: NDP Socialist Caucus, 526 Roxton Rd. Toronto, politics shortly after. système des soins de santé. 30 years, most of his last 15 (BScN program) for almost ON. M6G 3R4. at Douglas College in BC. thirty years. 10 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 11 NDP Socialist Caucus endorses Jessa Mclean for President

he Socialist the Socialist Caucus candidates for over Land Back for Indigenous Peoples, De- Caucus steering committee, 20 positions on the party executive, and funding the Police, Free Post-Secondary Trepresenting hundreds of party the SC is backing her, and her associate Education, Free Transit, Universal members from coast to coast, voted Gabriel Masi for Youth Chair. Childcare, Abolishing Billionaires, Rent unanimously to advance a joint team of This is the first united socialist Freezes during the Pandemic, as well socialist candidates for NDP Executive slate of candidates in the NDP in decades. as a major crackdown on polluters, tax and Federal Council, headed by Jessa The current convergence of leftist activists evaders, and bad bosses. They stand McLean for Federal NDP President. is actuated by a common desire for greater in solidarity with Palestine, for boycott, Jessa McLean, the president democracy and a commitment to socialist divestment and sanctions against the of York-Simcoe NDP and twice an NDP policies and grassroots organizing within Zionist apartheid state, and demand candidate for Parliament, enjoys the the party. Canada Out of NATO, and Hands Off endorsement of Courage, Democratic The united socialists stand Venezuela. n Socialists of Canada, Justice Internationale for public ownership of industries, an and MP Niki Ashton. McLean is backing uncompromising Green New Deal, BASIC INCOME FOR CANADIANS FROM THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY TO FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR ALL

Basic Income For Canadians: noted improvement in the physical and otherwise quit high school and worked to From the COVID-19 Emergency to need to accept such a trade-o, as the with BI would actually be able to aord mental health outcomes of the populations. support or not be a burden on their family. measure of success of any changes is to somewhat higher prices. Financial Security for All e lives of women and girls were is greatly impacted their job and income Authored by Evelyn Forget make people better o. Would rents increase, hurting enhanced, housing conditions improved, prospects in life. Other objections relate to the most vulnerable? Forget notes the

and social trust/solidarity increased. Forget returns time and again to impact on the world of work. Some say prevalence of the most deplorable Book Review by Rosemary Hnatiuk Her book is laced with many the theme of independence and dignity BI is a subsidy to employers who will conditions in low-quality housing narratives. One memorable story comes inherent in a well-designed BI system. pay lower wages. Others say no one will where rent is paid directly to landlords from Winnipeg Harvest. “Big Bill” Her observation is that allowing people to want to do unpleasant but necessary on behalf of “vulnerable” clients. BI anitoba Adamson, a volunteer at this food bank, decide for themselves how to spend their work. Unpacked, these two arguments gives control of money to the intended was the site who had been showing up for years wearing money and organize their lives results in neutralize each other. Forget points out bene ciaries. In the case of Big Bill of the rst all the clothes he owned (to prevent them the best outcomes. Most existing social that workers receiving BI would have Adamson, more than half of his Canadian being stolen) in a rather parlous state programs (EI, social assistance) impose the ability to walk away from lower- provincial income assistance was paid Mexperiment with Basic of hygiene, suddenly arrived paternalistic requirements. paying jobs whereby employers would directly to his landlord who in turn Income (1975-1978) with a haircut, new clothes One single mother in have to either raise wages or improve provided a tiny residential room in the under the provincial and a much more “Some Manitoba le welfare bene ts and working conditions. dive hotel with a shared shower that NDP. e successor cheerful demeanor. argue it is to join the Mincome e same applies to work seldom worked. Now a “respectable Conservative government canceled the He disclosed that better to address the experiment as it of the unpleasant necessary variety. gentleman” senior, Bill has his own program, and 1,800 boxes of unanalyzed he had turned 65 complex root causes of gave her freedom Employers would have an incentive modest apartment. data were archived. and was receiving poverty, such as mental health to take job to revert to technology rather than Some argue it is better to Evelyn Forget, economist at the his full Old Age and substance abuse... Forget training which squeeze labour out of marginalized address the complex root causes of School of Medicine at the University of Security and notes that the vast majority of her otherwise groups (immigrant, racialized, etc.). poverty, such as mental health and Supplement supportive Manitoba, has since gained access to it. Her people who would significantly In both cases, the bargaining power of substance abuse. It is estimated that book, “Basic Income For Canadians: From bene ts. He was caseworker labour is increased. Some advocate a 235,000 Canadians experience some able to move out benefit from BI do not have couldn’t see the the COVID-19 Emergency to Financial these issues. The cause of “jobs guarantee” rather than BI with sort of homelessness yearly but only Security for All” analyzes the data just as of his dive hotel point of. Forty no conditions. In practice, this means a small core have the complex needs room and buy their poverty is simply a years later, she the Basic Income discussion is rekindled. lack of money.” government subsidizing private-sector requiring supportive supervised Within days of the national pandemic lock- food of his choosing expressed pride employers. Forget points out this would programs. Forget notes that the down, income replacement was delivered rather than relying on at having modeled indeed shi the cost of low-wage labour vast majority of people who would to those who lost work or experienced a Winnipeg Harvest. independence for her from private rms to government, but signi cantly bene t from BI do not radical drop in earnings. Most BI daughters. without empowering workers. have these issues. e cause of their Both the fact of the rapid delivery experiments have focused on A chapter on mythbusting e objection of some poverty is simply a lack of money. of aid and the relief it brought to those discovering whether people would work addresses 13 objections to BI. ree of liberals is that bad jobs will be shipped Forget ends her book with already living in precarious nancial less under BI. e answer is “sometimes” these relate to fears of losing existing social abroad where workers continue to be various scenarios for the nancing and circumstances moved the idea of a Basic or “yes, BUT…”. In the Dauphin, Manitoba programs, making intended recipients exploited. Forget says advocacy for structuring of BI. It is clear from this Income from the realm of utopian fantasy experiment, a drop in employment worse o, and scrapping the good foreign workers is better than simply exercise that BI is neither impossible to realizable measure. among male teens and young adults was government jobs associated with program depriving Canadian workers of BI. nor a pending catastrophe, but rather a Professor Forget examines other BI trials noted. With BI, Forget found young delivery. Forget points out that maintaining e concern about prices rising – the question of political will and a shiing in Europe, the United States and the males continued their education before an inecient and disempowering system classic argument about ination, Forget locus of continued class struggle. n developing world. In all cases, researchers entering the job market. Many young males will not prevent cutbacks. ere is no answers in part by noting that people

14 Turn Left/Virez à gauche photo: Wolfgang Lonien ( ickr) Turn Left/Virez à gauche 15 Socialists Demand Nationalization of Home and Long-Term Care It’s high time to nationalize the private home “ and long-term care corporations, and bring Companies their negligent managers and CEOs to justice.”

ozens gathered for a loud protest and news conference illnesses like COVID-19. It’s high time to nationalize the private held at Tendercare Living Centre, at McNicoll and home and long-term care corporations, and bring their negligent Victoria Park Avenues in Scarborough in January. managers and CEOs to justice.” DOver 50 residents have died of COVID-19 in less than Passing motorists honked in solidarity as protesters three weeks at the seniors’ home in north-east Toronto. A further chanted “More staff, Higher wages”, “Seniors Lives Matter”, 101 were infected, and 53 staff were isolating at home. “People Before Profits” and “Nationalize Long Term Care” at Tendercare is operated by Extendicare (Canada) Inc., the event sponsored by Socialist Action. Many participants held a for-profit, long-term care corporation. A analysis hand-made signs. A stiff breeze animated SA red flags and of the financial statements of Extendicare, Sienna Senior Living union ensigns. and Chartwell Retirement Residences shows that in the three- In separate statements, the Ontario Health Coalition quarters of 2020 (ending Sept. 30), these for-profit companies demanded that the Canadian military intervene in the crisis- collectively paid out nearly $171 million to shareholders while wracked facilities, and Ontario NDP leader they received $138.5 million in pandemic funding from the called on the Minister of Long Term Care, Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, provincial and federal governments. to resign. In the meantime, Conservative Premier Doug Ford The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care appointed to the Order of Ontario former Tory Premier Mike released the results of a December 16 inspection of Tendercare Harris. Harris slashed health, education and welfare spending in revealing that Extendicare “failed” to ensure its staff implemented the 1990s, and currently is a top executive at Chartwell. an infection-control program. In addition to Corey David, members of the Service “Why should the care of elderly, ill and vulnerable Employees’ International Union (which represents staff at people be entrusted to private for-profit vultures?”, said Corey Tendercare), the Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union, David, the socialist candidate in the Scarborough-Agincourt by- former NDP MPP Cheri Dinovo of the United Church of Canada, election set for January 15, 2021. and relatives of patients at Tendercare and other LTC centres “Long Term Care should be an integral part of the spoke to the rally. Crews from CTV, CBC, CityPulse24 and public health care system. We demand more full-time staff, with CITY-TV interviewed participants and broadcast segments of the much better pay, equipped with proper PPE, no more than two event to an audience of millions. n residents per room, and strict quarantine of patients with serious

16 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 17 A Labour Agenda For The Second Term Of The BC NDP

photo: BC NDP (flickr)

he BC NDP won a thrilling and Gary Porter is the Socialist Caucus and the big banks who support them for zero the forestry mining and oil industries, and the substantial victory on October 24 in candidate for NDP Treasurer proceeds. Shut them down ASAP and clean up 5. DEFUND, DISARM AND DISBAND banks who finance them. Run them to serve BC. In comparison to the opposition the mess. Build a public green energy grid in RACIST COP ARMIES - No more war equipment public needs, not private profit. Workers’ parties, the victory was the best result between desperate poverty and obscene consultation with the workers and Indigenous to be used against working people. Throw the control of operations. Tfor BC workers. The Liberal Party is a party wealth yawns into a chasm from which there Peoples of BC and under their control. racist RCMP out of BC. of the mine and forestry corporations, the is no recovery under capitalism 10. FULL UNION RIGHTS - No required oil cartel and the banks. The Green Party Reform is a completely unrealistic 2. FULL REFUNDING FOR HEALTH 6. MASS FREE, FREQUENT PUBLIC vote when a majority have signed union cards. is a conservative, middle-class party with a approach, a way of easing liberal consciences AND EDUCATION - End wait times, increase TRANSIT BOTH INTRA URBAN AND INTER $16 per hour minimum wage escalated by futile program of green capitalism, suspicion while the exploiters ruin billions of lives and investment in key diagnostic and therapeutic URBAN - Rapidly reduce traffic pollution and inflation. This is equal to $15 per hour when towards labour and a not well-concealed ultimately the planet. It is a betrayal of the equipment. Pharmacare now, as well as congestion and ensure freedom of movement the Horgan government was elected. Outlaw hostility toward the working class or even a possibilities for a new world, a socialist world, dental care, eye care and mental health care. as a human right. scabs. class analysis. of true solutions to the terrible inflictions of Fund free post-secondary education, and The question many are now asking is capitalism on humanity and the planet cancel student debt. 7. SAFETY FIRST, FULL PERSONAL 11. FULL NDP GOVERNMENT this: “Will John Horgan and the NDP have the The BC NDP Socialist Caucus proposes PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - No rushing back ENCOURAGEMENT AND ASSISTANCE courage and vision to use such a mandate a program of solutions, and not patches 3. FULL SOVEREIGNTY TO INDIGENOUS to work or school. Workers have the right to TO ORGANIZE THE UNORGANIZED - The to do what is desperately needed, or will or temporary reforms. Our proposals aim NATIONS - get the cops off Indigenous lands, refuse unsafe work with no loss in pay. essential workers, the gig workers, the they simply try to patch up the abscesses of towards a publicly-owned and democratically- for good, full restitution and compensation warehousing and delivery workers, the retail a system that puts profit before people and controlled economy in which workers hold for stolen lands and genocidal policies. 8. END THE GIG ECONOMY - End fake and service workers. This is the kind of billionaires before everything else. the power and bosses have no role - a path contract work and piece work. Amend labour support capitalist parties give to big capitalist The capitalists are destroying the towards socialism. 4. MASS PUBLICLY BUILT AFFORDABLE laws so that all workers are protected by companies all the time. Why should a labour biosphere, causing and mismanaging HOUSING FOR ALL - Use union labour union rights, unemployment insurance, sick party not support labour? n pandemics, causing endless war, spiraling 1. FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE - Cancel for safe standards and quality work. No leave, fair wages and vacations. waste on the escalating arms race, endless the big oil and gas projects. Cancel the Site tenant evictions. Enforce building standards hunger, disease and suffering as the gulf C Albatross. Nationalize the fossil fuel cartel proactively in rental housing. 9. END MONOPOLY RULE - Nationalize 18 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 19 Drug Decriminalization a Necessary Measure in Combatting Opioid Crisis

Written by Megan Aiken, PhD candidate at the University of Alberta

hroughout the 2010s, the opioid crisis By the mid-20th century, Canada had some of the came to the forefront of the public strictest anti-drug laws in the developed world. Any kind of ‘war agenda. Between January 2016 and on drugs’ was present in Canada long before Brian Mulroney’s June 2020, more than 17,500 Canadians 1986 declaration. Tdied from opioid overdose. In the late 1990s, there were two growing crises that laid While deaths plateaued under the bare the contradiction inherent in licit versus illicit drugs laws: the spotlight, the COVID-19 pandemic has diverted HIV/AIDS crisis (in which intravenous drug users were doubly- attention away, and now deaths are rising once stigmatized through anti-drug panic and HIV/AIDS prejudice) more. In order to truly combat the crisis, the as well as post-1996 lax prescribing of opiate narcotics and the problem needs to be addressed at its root: criminalization. aggressive marketing campaign of OxyContin. Canada’s prison system. marijuana! Maybe the opioid crisis could has repeatedly placated calls for action For over a decade, ways to control this crisis have Yet the federal government continued separating the For over a quarter-century, finally be addressed! Instead, during through band-aid measures and deferral existed to varying degrees of importance across party lines. two into separate policy problems. In fact, the Mulroney to Harper scholars and activists contended that this time federal government policy has to other levels of government. These ideas tended to highlight a dichotomy where mitigating years followed the same logic on drug policy despite changes in legislation on illicit drugs, like opioids, is been to offload most decisions, like Combatting the opioid crisis opioid-related deaths demanded more urgent action for some party and leadership. a criminal law solution to a public health managing safe consumption sites, onto fundamentally requires a social reframing groups of people more than others. Rooted in social norms of On the licit side, cuts to health transfers that began in problem. At the same time, the Senate the provinces and municipalities. This has of how drugs are perceived, but this a bygone era, this dichotomy has been fostered through over the Jean Chrétien years were made worse when Stephen Harper Special Committee on Illicit Drugs has resulted in nationwide inconsistencies in can’t happen through a single policy 100 years of prohibition, and determines acceptable opioid took power in 2006, leading to doctor shortages, long wait times, regularly heard testimony that drug access to treatment and care. decision. Decriminalization would be consumption based on form, use, and procurement of the and unaffordable treatments. Pharmaceutical regulators also prohibition is a failed policy that, really, Of course, COVID-19 is a major an institutional measure to begin the substance. began tightening prescribing guidelines, a consequence of which has not usually been about drugs as problem that needs to be dealt with – but process of unraveling decades of In 1908, opium became the first drug recreationally was that those made dependent on painkillers suddenly found much as the social norms associated overdose deaths are on the rise again. normative prejudices, and would put an prohibited. Rather than a measure to curb drug use, it was a themselves in the class of drug user that was long-perceived as with them. The Le Dain Commission even Safe consumption sites are being closed end to a value-distinction based on what racist and classist law with the goal of controlling immigration suffering from a moral failing. recommended decriminalization in 1973! based on ideological principle (see: the kind of drug user someone is. Portugal and appeasing the white-settler On the illicit side, the So why has there not been transformative 2020 report from the Government of decriminalized in 2001 and now devotes working class. However, opium Chretien government’s change? Alberta called Impact: A Socio-Economic a significant amount of funding toward in more socially-acceptable “Over the past decade, sentiment Controlled Drugs and Until widespread over- Review of Supervised Consumption Sites health and social services. Closer to forms could still be purchased Substances Act paved the way prescription of OxyContin and other in Alberta). home, Oregon voted to decriminalize legally through a pharmacist. has begun to favour decriminalization with for a significant expansion of painkillers, there was historically a clear Interest began to wane before in December 2020. It can be done Criminalization created the prohibition regime. During distinction between good and bad drug the pandemic, though. During the 2019 successfully! two classes of drug user. many groups, including law enforcement the Harper era, enforcement users. Before socially acceptable folks federal election, the crisis was a budget Over the past decade, sentiment Acceptable users were those associations and health policy bodies, was significantly broadened began dying, the federal government was problem in the Liberal platform, a prison has begun to favour decriminalization with who were able to legally obtain through the Safe Streets and arguably not concerned about stopping problem in the Conservative platform, and many groups, including law enforcement the drug, but if they developed agreeing that criminalization has been a Communities Act, resulting in opioid-related mortality. In fact, before not-a-problem in the BQ platform. associations and health policy bodies, addiction, they would become mandatory minimum sentences 2016 there was no publicly available The NDP and Green Party made agreeing that criminalization has been a part of the addict, illicit-user socially and economically costly failure. for possession of narcotics national monitoring of overdose deaths. similar commitments to directly address socially and economically costly failure. At class that was contributing to At this point the only thing missing is (when linked to an aggravating 2016-2019 were golden years of the crisis, yet most other political issues this point the only thing missing is political the drug evil plaguing Canadian factor), and increased rates of rhetorical and incremental federal action were deemed more pressing. Since will. n society. political will.” opioid addiction throughout on the opioid crisis. Canada legalized re-election, the Liberal government 20 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 21 New NB NDP Interim Leader, Chris Thompson, Urges Turn to the Left for the Party

BY CHRIS WANAMAKER together on the same team, as a large The recent protests in New coalition of people who’ve been left Brunswick’s major cities, Saint John, f Chris Thompson could wave a behind saying, ‘we have had enough,’ we Fredericton and Moncton suggest that magic wand and create just one can get everything we want to get done, a groundswell of opposition could change in New Brunswick, it and more...” be building, adds Thompson. Those would be to nationalize the large He sees the party as a catalyst protests have included large Black Lives Imonopolies that exert so much power for political unrest that will empower Matter demonstrations in the midst over the province’s economy. New Brunswickers. of the pandemic, as well as protests The new Interim Leader of the “What we need to do as against out-of-control rents, climate NB NDP and a member of the NB NDP New Brunswick New Democrats is to change, glyphosate, fracking, the Socialist Caucus, Thompson would like offer these people a home,” he said, closure of a Clinic 554, sexual violence to see more corporations transform referencing those left behind by the on campuses, the visit of Alberta into worker-run enterprises. In such an current political/economic system. “We Conservative Leader Jason Kenney, the arrangement, workers would discuss are not to go to these people and say: threat of U.S. war on Iran, and Israel’s company matters and vote on them. ‘Here is what we think is best for you. proposal to annex parts of the West It would be a radical change from the Come and vote for us.’ We are to say: Bank. present economic system, in which ‘You tell us what is best for you. We are The 25 year old’s political views CEOs and board members typically your home now,’ and let those people have evolved from five years ago when manage corporations with their own know they will choose what happens in he supported federal Liberal candidate interests in mind. their new home.” Matt DeCourcey. Thompson also says he would He hopes tens of thousands of “I was excited at that time like to see more small business, worker- New Brunswickers will start to stand up about things like electoral reform,” he owned co-operatives such as gas and create a political party they believe said. “DeCourcey is a nice guy and I like stations and grocery stores. However, in and the futures they want to see, so him, but he didn’t do anything for us. he sees this as just one change of many as to create a political revolution. He didn’t do anything at all. We’re in possible ones, changes that would not “I think the system is so fragile exactly the same situation we were in necessarily come from him. here – the Irvings and McCains are so before, if not worse.” He wants to bring everybody used to getting what they want - there Uniting the left and giving into the party together, he says, is a chance that a motivated group of ordinary people a voice plus a way to The new Interim Leader of the New Brunswick including socialists, Indigenous people could breeze into the legislature become more active politically could “ people, women, LGBTQ+ members, with enough votes, without them being spark a political turnaround in the NDP and member of the NDP Socialist Caucus, environmentalists, labour, able to do a darn thing about it.” province, Thompson says. Thompson would like to see more corporations Francophones and seniors. He says he already notices signs of “We need to bring people Thompson believes that such a united change. together and make these high energy transform into worker-run enterprises. In front could invigorate the party. “We have to ask ourselves, why campaigns around every single seat the “Together we will form a do we see so many young, energetic Liberals and Conservatives sit in. And such an arrangement, workers would discuss coalition. As much as we want it people joining the party who have we are going to take them over, because so, Labour isn’t going to be enough really good points of view, who seem they are not doing what the people company matters and vote on them. to overthrow the Liberals and to have life experience you wouldn’t need them to do.” Conservatives. An Indigenous party expect them to have? Just seeing that The New Brunswick NDP wouldn’t be enough. Neither would an alone tells me there could be a political acclaimed Thompson as interim leader Environmentalist party. But if we group revolution.” for December 12, 2020. n

22 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à “ gauche 23 oes it make sense for a nation of latte servers to worship gas resources. The Amazon CEO’s wealth also exceeds the GDP an arch capitalist like Jeff Bezos? of Iceland, Luxembourg, and Sri Lanka combined, according to Imagine a world of no rights, low wages and the World Bank data.” Dzero-hour contracts, without proper compensation, or And according to an article by NPR, his net worth is care for injuries. Imagine such a world with excellent PR, in which $182 billion. I don’t mean to pick on Bezos himself, and since he workers’ problems are brushed aside and yet the workplace itself claims to be retiring, I should point out that the issue is structural, is called a “fulfillment” centre. That world is fast approaching. not personal. Still, Bezos is a powerful symbol of a world of Wealth inequality was bad even before COVID 19 increasing exploitation. As one activist wrote on her sign during a appeared on the scene, but since the pandemic began, things protest for better working conditions: “Amazon made $74 billion have worsened considerably. Sometimes the causes of increased while we risk our lives.” concentration are obvious. There is the case of Amazon’s “Well, what’s the big deal?” people sometimes ask me making a killing off lockdowns and social distancing. There’s the in arguments online. “Why should we care? There has always growing demand for online shopping and video streaming, which been income inequality and there always will be.” The issue is


Grocery store clerks are now risking their favour their own financial interests at the economy. An undercover report about health, and in some cases their lives – expense of the public good. Amazon said that its workers, because are a perfect fit during a pandemic. And now that we have social Lisa Howard is a writer and social democrat and the lives of family members, to serve What corporations like Amazon they were allowed very few bathroom distancing, things like automated tellers don’t seem so bad. who lives in Ottawa customers. do is exert downward pressure on wages breaks, were urinating in bottles to keep In some cases, local policies have played a role, like At the beginning of the pandemic, and working conditions everywhere in the up with the breakneck company schedule. the decision by the Ontario government to allow big box stores we were grateful to these brave Ultimately, the issue of inequality to stay open while insisting that smaller retailers aren’t essential. that extreme inequality has side effects we souls. And many of us tried to is related to another question: Other factors are the effects of new requirements involving want to avoid. Income and wealth inequality thank them. In some cases, they what kind of society do we want personal protective equipment (PPE), sanitary procedures and means fewer good jobs and unequal treatment were offered an emergency raise to live in? An unequal society how new policies are being enacted. A larger store will have for average members of society. for this work. But in most cases, is one where people have to more resources to bring in broad policies like frequent cleaning People talk about how some of us are the appreciation was largely struggle for basic considerations than would smaller ones. And small businesses that have small “fungible” while others aren’t. This has implications for how we symbolic. There were events “Wealth inequality is not like workplace safety and the profit margins are often less able to weather the stop and start live our lives, for the kind of jobs we’ll be able to find, and for our where the public would be filmed only undemocratic, it’s right to feed themselves and effects of pandemic policy. long-term prospects and those of our children. Inequality means clapping for these “heroes,” but their families. According to the OECD website: “COVID-19 has some of us are listened to and heeded, and some are not. few were willing to campaign to self-reinforcing. The more Solutions to massive dramatically disrupted the [retail] sector, with the shock differing Noam Chomsky talks about the policies that the vast raise their salaries permanently. wealth inequality there is, inequality include progressive massively between brick-and-mortar versus online shops, majority support versus the ones we get. The vast majority of There’s a thinness or lack of taxation, breaking up the big essential versus non-essential stores, and small versus large people support free tuition and public health care. But the depth to the support among the more there will be. People monopolies, a guaranteed annual retailers.” policies that are popular among elites are what we get: tax cuts what Barbara Ehrenreich calls with excess wealth donate income, and in some cases, The difference between small and large, between rich for the rich and job cuts for the rest of us. the “professional managerial public ownership of businesses and poor, is growing. But how big is too big? I asked Google All of this is related to growing inequality and our class”. to political campaigns and and industries that are deemed how rich Jeff Bezos was and it told me that: “Bezos’ fortune is economic status. Some of us are valued more while others are Wealth inequality is make laws that favour their to be essential. These are comparable to the GDPs of entire countries. His net worth is valued less. It’s an undemocratic trend. In everyday life, it means not only undemocratic, it’s own financial interests at the policies that have been enacted greater than the GDP of Qatar, a country rich in oil and natural some of us get to stay home, while others are on the “front lines.” self-reinforcing. The more successfully in the past, and it’s wealth inequality there is, the expense of the public good.” time to bring them back again, more there will be. People with especially in a post-COVID-19 excess wealth donate to political world. n campaigns and make laws that 24 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 25 By Marianne Cerilli agenda. How do you view that? It is smart NDP often use the term social democrat. Is to link it the COVID benefit and green there a difference? How do you see your Marianne Cerilli - You transition to a permanent benefit? role or your challenge in the NDP? INTERVIEW WITH are making an impact, Ms. Gazan. You have been LG - I think it’s great to frame the basic LG - I don’t see myself and my job as two named one Canada’s income as part of a just recovery with separate things. I have a clear sense of influencers by McLean’s respect to workers and livable incomes. values. I wanted to be clear of what my NDP MP LEAH GAZAN Magazine, changing the If we want to transition people out of the bottom lines are to support a policy. Does it way people think. tar sands, they need a livable income. support: 1 - climate targets. 2 – Indigenous Basic income is about reinvesting and rights. 3- human rights in general. 4 – the Leah Gazan - I’ve been a long-time acknowledging that poverty is becoming rule of law. If I can’t answer yes to all those, advocate. I have a bold agenda and I’ve worse and leaving people further behind. then I can’t support it. But let’s look at what been honest about that. It’s community I think it’s disgusting that Amazon is making is radical: I think bailing out pipelines and driven with a vision of a grassroots party. gross amounts of profits during COVID. We trampling on human rights are radical. The roots of the CCF and the NDP are very know that every dollar invested in people Abiding by the law and upholding human much in line with my approach and my the goes back in the economy. We know rights aren’t. A lot of what we’re proposing politics. I want to bring back the party to there is a lot of first-time homelessness due isn’t either. our roots. JS Woodsworth represented this to COVID. riding, and I’m honored to now represent MC - What about the Greens? How do Winnipeg Centre. you distinguish the NDP from them, and how do we I come from family committed distinguish ourselves from to social justice and peace. “I’m excited to see a strong Left them? My father actually lost a teaching job for wearing a in our party and a voice that continues LG – They’ve been peace button at school. called Conservatives with to be outspoken... I am interested in composters. They are bold on MC - What are some of deconstructing systems that have been climate but not really on social the dominant narratives, or justice. You never know what thinking patterns that you destroying our earth, and oppressive to the you are going to get from a would like to change? Green. Some are progressive, benefit of some and the detriment of many.” some not. Look at their LG - I base my decisions proposal on guaranteed on human rights. We need annual income. It isn’t livable to make sure that we are and would replace much of following human rights and uplifting the MC - What about your agenda in your the social safety net. This would land more voices that are on the ground at the riding? You have one of the lowest-income people into poverty. grassroots. I believe in democracy and I and culturally diverse ridings in Canada. know where I stand in advocating for the It also includes downtown Winnipeg MC - Thanks for the interview. Any other rights of Indigenous people. Being an and some very high-income areas, and things you would like the members of the Indigenous person in Parliament, I realize land-marks like the Forks. What are your Socialist Caucus and readers of Turn Left it is a violent, colonial place where they priorities in your riding? to know about you, your politics, and your drafted and passed the Indian Act. And agenda? every day I hear the rights of Indigenous LG - I love Winnipeg Centre. I love the Peoples up for debate. diversity. There is a lot of solidarity to fight LG - I’m excited to see a strong Left in our for social justice, and even people who have party and a voice that continues to be MC - Let’s discuss your legislative agenda. higher incomes are progressive and value outspoken. In any team, you need people In your nomination you got people excited human rights. The big issue is housing. who get things done and you need people about a climate justice agenda, UNDRIP, The NDP pushed to get the $12.5 million who have a vision for a better way. You addressing poverty? What do you want to from the federal government for housing. need both. I am not interested in keeping achieve? It’s a drop in the bucket, but a start. I also the hamster wheel spinning. I am interested worked hard with the community groups to in deconstructing systems that have been LG - It is about our Charter, which says get the 24/7 safe space up and running. destroying our earth, and oppressive to the people have the right to live in dignity and benefit of some and the detriment of many. security of the person. If we followed the Also, even though we are not in a law in Canada, no one would be homeless jurisdiction that is building pipelines, we Marianne Cerilli is a life-long New or living in poverty, and everyone would need to move on a bold climate agenda, Democrat and three term NDP MLA in have safe water and food security. The which it is important to people in the riding. Manitoba. She is a health educator, and Liberals voted down the motion on the I’m proud to say people are global in their CD aficionado with Marianne Cerilli - Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for First thinking in Winnipeg Centre, and also Change Agent Community Development Nations. concerned about Indigenous issues. for Health, Sustainability, Peace.

MC - There is some discussion about how MC - What about the NDP? You define www.mariannecerilli.ca to link green jobs with the basic income yourself and your politics as socialist, the

26 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 27 Pensions and Poverty

t is unacceptable for the Canadian Federation of Independent John Orrett is an activist with Business (CFIB) to ask the federal government to halt pension the NDP Socialist Caucus premium increases for their employees in 2021. This would be Iequivalent to denying necessary income for working people Matching contribution rates are who are bearing the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic and would expected to rise gradually from 4.95 per cent be especially hard on seniors, who rely on improvements to their to 5.95 of eligible earned income between Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) for a comfortable retirement. 2019 and 2023. The yearly maximum pension Too many of Canada’s senior citizens live in poverty. earnings are also expected to rise to capture Thousands are in nursing homes where all of their miniscule CPP more of the earnings of Canadians with average and Old Age Security benefits go towards paying for their care. incomes. To freeze these increases is to take money out of the These homes are not Shangri-La; poor residents often suffer hands of the workers. unpleasant living conditions, poor diets and lack of proper health The contributions go to a defined pension backed care. The Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated these harsh by the CPP. This is a pay increase for workers, not a tax. conditions. Employers must match every penny that an individual puts into A necessary method to reduce poverty amongst their retirement savings. Over time this will allow for the CPP senior citizens is to improve pension benefits. In 2016, the replacement income to go from the pitiful and inadequate 25 per federal government improved upon the CPP with Bill C-26, an cent to over 33 per cent. While this still falls drastically short of improvement that the Canadian Labour Congress had sought for the retirement income that most seniors would need to retire in over a decade. While this was a welcome victory, there is still a dignity, it is a step in the right direction. great deal that needs to be done. While the CIFB is attempting to curb pension increases, Unfortunately, the CFIB is opposed to increasing the independent businesses that the CFIB represents will receive pension rates this year. Their claim that “employers and millions of dollars of taxpayer-funded government subsidies employees will see their basic CPP premiums rise by 3.8 per directly into their pockets. They are more than willing to accept cent in 2021” is misleading. This does not take into account that billions from the government and yet they become penny the increase will be 3.8 per cent of the current premium, which is pinchers when their employees’ wellbeing is at stake. a measly 4.45 per cent. This attempt to deny the already meagre increases Abolish the Governor General This will lead to increases of less than two dollars a week to CCP premiums should not sit well with working Canadians. for someone earning $50,000 a year. CFIB president Dan Kelly’s The CFIB’s request to freeze pension increases should not and the Monarchy, Too insistence that increasing pension rates is a tax on workers is not be accepted by the federal government and it should not be true; employees do not lose anything as this money is tucked accepted by the working class. n away for their retirement and matched by their employer.

By Barry Weisleder governor who performs the same pointless Wagner, the chief justice of the Supreme ceremonial functions. Court of Canada, will fulfil the duties of the What price reactionary protocol? governor general on an interim basis, and he resignation, on January 21, It’s not hard to think of many things on which that a recommendation on a permanent of Governor General and former better to spend the money. How about replacement will be made to Queen Elizabeth astronaut Julie Payette, has the housing the homeless, or vaccinating front “in due course.” Canadian establishment in a tizzy. line workers and the elderly? Wouldn’t it be supremely better THer sudden exit comes in the wake of a Julie Payette does not admit to any simply to abolish the Governor General damning report that found her and her top wrongdoing, although scores of her public position, terminate the presence on Turtle aide responsible for workplace harassment service employees beg to differ. She reduced Island of the oppressive, blood-soaked at Rideau Hall. many to tears on a daily basis. Arrogance British monarchy, and while we’re at it, What are we to make of this and a rarefied sense of entitlement seem to dispense with the appointed Senate? situation? The mainstream media and go with jobs at the top of the capitalist state. Remember that the Upper Chamber was opposition parties are fixated on the failure Nonetheless, it’s good to see some fruit of created in 1867 to protect the men of of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to properly the generations of mass protests against property. Canada’s first prime minister, John vet, in 2017, his evidently uncongenial elitism, sexism and racism: intolerance A. MacDonald, put it this way: “The rights of appointee. But this imbroglio is pregnant of toxicity in the workplace – when it is the minority must be protected, and the rich with another possibility. doggedly exposed. are always fewer in number than the poor.” Why not abolish the GG, as well “It doesn’t serve a great purpose (Confederation, Joseph Pope, 1895) as the monarchy that the office so dutifully now that the governor general has resigned Though labour bureaucrats and represents? Consider this. Ottawa spent to ascribe blame to individuals,” Queen’s NDP parliamentarians are loath even to over $50 million (including Payette’s salary Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc told ponder it, the working class, when it takes of $300,000) on the office in 2018. That is CBC. Is this to save Payette, Trudeau, or the charge, will surely sweep aside the feudal to say nothing of the cost borne by each whole anachronistic setup? remnants and all the parasites clinging to province to maintain a resident lieutenant Trudeau said that Richard this malignant system. n

28 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 29 BY GARV TANEJA Indian farmers sell their produce. But the for months. But after no response from three farming bills (now laws) have met Modi and the central government, they n October 2, 2020, India’s with intense protests and anger from all decided to march en mass to the capital. Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the country as many farmers see visited the resting place of them as the final nail in their coffins. Ruling elites’ retaliation one of India’s most popular These bills are designed to Oreformist leaders and its second prime create a parallel market system to Farmers reached the Delhi- minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. There, Modi Agriculture Produce Market Committees Haryana state border on November 27, repeated Shastri’s now iconic phrase “Jai (APMC) or the “Mandi system,” where 2020, just a day after the one-day strike Jawan, Jai Kisan,” (Hail the soldier, hail a minimum support price (MSP), the of 250 million workers, one of the largest the farmer), first invoked during the 1965 only lifeline to many poorer farmers, in history which was nearly ignored by war with Pakistan. Now, just two months is guaranteed to them, and storage the western and Indian mainstream after publicly ‘hailing’ the farmers, the capacity of private firms is regulated by media. On reaching the state border, they Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) the government. were met with police barricades, water government is in a showdown with them. Farmers’ unions argue that the cannons and gas shells – shot at them Farmers in India have been parallel market system would naturally by the police at the central government’s battling poverty and destitution for offer cheaper prices to the buyers, as command. generations. With liberalization of the it will not include taxes charged in the Modi government’s response economy (implementation of open Mandis which would slowly dissolve MSP to the protests has been atrocious, from and free markets) starting in the 80s, and would allow private companies to several ministers of the BJP calling these farmers have consistently seen a drop in hoard agricultural produce, giving them farmers “terrorists” and “political agents” their income and rise in expenses as it control over the prices of these goods. to entire news channels dedicated to relates to the growing usage of fertilizers Many poor farmers see these neoliberal spreading fake news and government and seeds produced by multinational ordinances as their death warrant, and talking points about these protests, which corporations like Dupont and Monsanto. that is why millions have taken to the has proven to be depressingly effective; Increasing farmers’ distress has led to streets. all the while union ministers conducted a suicide crisis in India where many Farmers across India, and mainly several meetings with farmers’ leaders farmers choose to commit suicide just so from the states of Punjab and Haryana, to offer non-solutions. It has been a their families can apply for government have been protesting in their regions shameful display of divisive politics and benefits. deliberate inaction from the With these grave Indian government. issues in the background, “The protesting farmers are now On Republic Day – the central government far more pragmatic than they were January 26th, celebrated to had passed three farming commemorate the adoption photo: Felton Davis ( ickr) before. They understand that their fight of the Indian constitution, ordinances without much the scheduled departure time. This Day fiasco, it seemed that the ruling party neoliberalism, and they are settling for a the farmers’ unions decided debate or deliberation in is not against any single party but against section of protestors broke off from the had won and most of the farmers sensing long struggle just as the government is to organise a tractor rally the parliament. These decided route and marched towards the that the Indian population outside of the using more authoritarian means. neoliberalism, and they are settling for a to New Delhi, the national ordinances, they said, would historic Red Fort. capital was losing sympathy for them, Farmers’ unions are organising capital. On that fateful day, help farmers increase their Vast majority of the protestors decided to leave for their hometowns the protests in a way that only a few long struggle just as the government is a significant section of the business and will simplify stuck to the original path, continuing and villages. people from each village join. Participants participants left earlier than the market system in which using more authoritarian means. ” their rally peacefully and were welcomed The movement seemed dead go home after some weeks, and others with dance, music, and food by the Delhi even to the socialist organisers and the from their villages take their place. citizenry, but only the fringe section farmers’ union leaders. The government Protesters arrive with all the supplies made all the news. Videos of these even dispatched the Delhi Police Force they need for a long stay, including protestors scaling the Red Fort and to help evacuate the state borders - and makeshift homes, cooking appliances, pushing through the police barricades then something unexpected happened. food supply, blankets, mattresses, etc. were shown nonstop on Mainstream On the night of January 27, There is a sense of camaraderie in the media as if to confirm the theory of Demoralized and exhausted, Rakesh air. Every night farmers prepare food “agitators, not farmers.” Tikait, a respected farmers’ leader, made for thousands of people. Their local None of the newspapers an emotional appeal to all the farmers supporters, even opponents, are invited or the TV channels would blame on national television, and it worked! to stay and dine with them. Why are Indian the government for ignoring the The very next day, protestors returned To counter the biased news farmers’ plight for months or their own and in larger numbers than before. The coverage they have been receiving, reprehensible conduct, for frustrating the movement had been resurrected. farmers have started their own farmers to such an extent that a portion newspaper and social media accounts of the protestors inevitably ended up A Movement Build to Last to communicate with the people Farmers Protesting? doing something regrettable. directly. There are regular screenings The protesting farmers are of revolutionary movies at night and Death and Resurrection now far more pragmatic than they were volunteers have also built several before. They understand that their fight libraries where books about workers’ In the aftermath of the Republic is not against any single party but against and farmers’ struggle are available. n 30 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Turn Left/Virez à gauche 31 Canadian aid to Yemen is a humanitarian band-aid

photo: EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (flickr)

Written by Yves Engler possible” doesn’t include stopping In a sign of the depraved over. More troublingly, the government waiver, claiming it simply wants more cautious about feeding ‘more Canada’ Canada from fueling a six-year- state of Liberal discourse, Canada’s has refused to support a World Trade information about the effectiveness ideology that enables destructive, old Saudi-led war that has left over ambassador to the UN, Bob Rae, simply Organization (WTO) proposal calling for of the proposal. In the meantime, the interventionist, policies. 100,000 Yemenis dead. In response denies it all. He recently claimed, “we a temporary waiver of certain rules on initiative has been repeatedly put off and Rather than pushing for more oo often international “aid” to the international development don’t sell arms to any of the parties to intellectual property rights to allow much of the Global South has little aid, progressives should challenge seems to be like the rich and minister’s announcement World Beyond the conflict” in Yemen while six months poor countries to produce access to COVID vaccines. corporate and imperial power structures. powerful buying “indulgences” War Canada’s Rachel Small tweeted, ago Rae responded to a UN report that COVID-19 vaccines. Canada’s COVID In this vein, activists recently delivered a to atone for their sins in “genuinely floored by the hypocrisy. documented Canada’s role in fueling the The World Health donation masks letter to the PMO signed by 68 groups, Tmedieval times. Certainly it is commonly $295 million in aid to Yemen since 2015 conflict by labeling Canadian exported Organization and “Progressives Ottawa’s representing one million Canadians, doled out to gloss over global inequities. is a drop in the bucket compared to $6 armoured vehicles “jeeps”. “It’s not what over 100 countries should challenge unwillingness to demanding an end to arms sales to Saudi It’s definitely a tool Ottawa employs billion in weapons Canada exported you’d call a weapon,” he said. back the “Waiver corporate and imperial challenge Big Arabia. Similarly, dozens of groups sent to present itself as generous while to Saudi Arabia in the same period. As Alongside the weapon from certain power structures... We need Pharma and a letter to Trudeau last week calling on sustaining unequal corporate and Karina Gould knows the most important deliveries, the Liberals have mostly provisions the broader Canada to support a WTO waiver for imperial power structures that benefit action needed for Yemen is for Canada ignored Saudi violence in Yemen. They of the TRIPS social movements and political intellectual COVID vaccines. Canada. to stop arming Saudi Arabia.” have rarely criticized Saudi bombing Agreement for parties to challenge the arms property rights Beyond specific campaigns, we At a recent donor meeting According to Statistics Canada and when they have it has been in polite the Prevention, economy and upward flow of lobby. need social movements and political the Canadian government pledged data for January, Canadian armoured terms. Containment wealth spurred by intellectual Individual parties to challenge the arms economy $70 million for Yemen. To explain the vehicle sales reached a whopping $487 At best Canada’s aid to Yemen is and Treatment property rights accords aid projects and upward flow of wealth spurred by donation Minister of International million, the largest ever monthly total. a bandage on a humanitarian catastrophe of COVID-19”. are often intellectual property rights accords and Development Karina Gould declared, Canada also exported $4.8 million worth spurred by a war Ottawa fuels. Canada and a and other forms of helpful (though other forms of exploitation. In brief we “Yemen is undergoing the world’s of “arms and ammunition” to the Saudis A similar dynamic is at play number of other exploitation.” many are not). need masses of Canadians questioning worst humanitarian crisis, and its in January. Additionally, Montreal- with Canadian aid for international rich countries are Still, progressives an unjust status quo. people deserve decisive action. Their based flight simulator company CAE has COVID-19 support. In December refusing to support shouldn’t spend time We need to build a peaceful, fair suffering must end, and their rights and trained Saudi pilots in numerous locales. Canada put up $485 million to help an initiative opposed by calling for more aid. In a world where aid is given because we are dignity must be protected. We must “Under Trudeau, Canada Is Saudi Arabia’s impoverished nations access vaccines. Big Pharma. Under mounting just world, transfer payments all our sisters’ keepers. n do everything possible to make this Most Dedicated Gunrunner”, explains But Ottawa has hoarded vaccines, pressure over the five-month-old from wealthier regions to poorer ones happen.” a recent article by Kelsey Gallagher of having amassed enough to inoculate the proposal, the Trudeau government would smooth out inequities. But, in But Gould’s “everything Project Ploughshares. entire Canadian population five times now denies it opposes the patent the here and now it’s important to be

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