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The Catholic Churches Of THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF ST BERNARD ST JOHN ST JOSEPH 201 Main St. Blencoe, IA 1009 13th St., Onawa, IA 510 Tipton St., Salix, IA SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 16, 2021 FROM FR. MICHAEL Ascension to Glory In many dioceses, today is celebrated as the So- lemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. This solemni- ty celebrates the last appearance of Jesus to the disciples after the Resurrection. All of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) recount that Jesus summoned the disciples before his Ascen- sion. From there he commissioned them to go out into the world to preach, to teach, to spread the Gospel, and to baptize. Luke's Gospel, which we hear today, includes a reference to the coming Spirit who will assist them in this mission. In a way, the Ascension of Jesus to the right hand of the Fa- ther is only part of what we honor and commemo- rate today. The other part of this day is found in the great commission of Christ to his disciples. In their commission, we find ours as well. As the Church, the Body of Christ here on earth, we too are sent by the risen, ascended King! We too are to go out and to lead others to Christ. In this great Christian mission we find our inheritance, as the Opening Prayer for today's liturgy reminds us: In following Christ we are led into the new creation that will be fully established when he returns in glory at the end of time. At that time, as his follow- ers, we too will be glorified with him. Eleven weeks ago, on the Second Sunday of Lent, we heard the account of the Transfiguration of the Lord-in which Questions of the Week: we see our future transformation promised to those who follow Christ. Today, in the Ascension Adults: How can I continue with the mission of Je- we see a similar promised future as those who sus in the world? have baptized into the death and Resurrection of Christ: to sit with him at the end of time in the great kingdom of God. For this, as we pray today, Children: What are some ways I can share the Good News of Jesus with others? is our glory and our hope.-Written by D. Todd Williamson. Cop- yright © 2006, Archdiocese of Chicago, Liturgy Training Publications; 1- 800-933-1800; WEEK OF MAY 16, 2021 ST. JOHN / ST. BERNARD ST. JOSEPH Pastor Father Michael Erpelding 712-423-2656 Pastor Father Michael Erpelding 712-946-5635 WWW.STJOESALIX.COM Secretary / DRE Colleen Maule 712-423-1004 Secretary Mary Lynn Nelson 712-946-5635 Cell 712-281-0107 Office hours:7 am—12pm Monday thru Thursday DRE Kathy Jo Mitchell 712-212-3867 MASS SCHEDULE : MASS SCHEDULE: Mon No Mass.. ……………………….……..…..…. .…...0:00 am Mon No Mass……………………………..……………....0:00am Tue No Mass…………………....…. ..……………..….….0:00am Tue Logan Eliason………………………………...…….9:00am Wed Jim & Bette Marley………………………………...9:00 am Wed No Mass………….……..……………..…...….…...0:00pm Thurs No Mass ………...…….………….……………....0:00pm Thurs Lamoureux Family………………………………..9:00 am Fri Irwin & Geraldine Niewohner………………….9:00 am Fri No Mass………………………………….……………0:00 am Sat No Mass………………………...…...……………. ..0:00 am Sat Lamoureux Family………………………………....4:00 pm Sun Geralda Tramp………...…………………………...9:00 am Sun Parishioners of Sts.Joseph, John & Bernard.11:00 am Stewardship May 9 STEWARDSHIP MAY 9 Envelopes/loose $ 1243.00 Envelopes $ 2715.00 building $ 25.00 Loose: $ 117.00 Candles: $ 29.00 Retired/infirm $ Cemetery PC $ E-offering $ 249.70 E-offering: $ 288.32 Needy Fund $ 50.00 Maintenance $ 25.00 Grain $ Emergency $ 80.00 Flowers $ Food Pantry $ Mow & snow $ Holy Land $ Hall Rental $ Easter Offering $ Retired/infirm $ St. Bernard $ 220.00 Ascension $ 10.00 Total: $ 1787.70 Mothers Day $ TOTAL: $ 3264.32 St. John Registered Families………………………………..185 St. Joseph Registered Families ……………………...209 . JOHN LECTORS SERVERS EMS GIFT BEARERS USHERS Elmwood ROSARY Homebound Greeters ST. JOSEPH — LECTORS SERVERS EMS GIFT BEARERS USHERS —Rosary 14- Greeters Stewards Homebound Liturgy/ Word ST. JOHN/ ST. BERNARD MAY 16, 2021 ST. JOSEPH PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISHES: REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISHES. Father Patrick O’Kane, Midge Stanley, Madonna Dodd, Father O’Kane, Fran Mitchell, Nainna Gnat, Jeri Greiner, Mike Pam Turner, Loretta Simoff, Pete Mortensen, John Heist- Franken, David Bogenrief, Linda Donnelly, Sue LaCroix, erkamp, Charlotte Zortman, Florence Ibsgaard, Gina Bryson Harder, Justin Lamoureux, Sophie Helvey, Doreen Mortensen, Chris Metzger, Judson Bramow, & Sherry Becker,0 Roger Huot,Tristan Parks, Colleen Ebner ,Bailey Wince. If you know of someone who is ill and needs our Cleveland, Christian Case, Brady Worrell, Cal Worrell ,Connie prayers, and would like to be listed, or if you no longer Wagner, Kathy Clayton, Helen Martin, Gerrie Lamoureux. Dar- need to be listed, contact Colleen @ office 423-1004 rell Lux, Richard Hentges ,Paula Wagner. Mary Lue Schnieders, & Vincent Choquette. For all who travel, grieve, those in the Knight of the Month: military, veterans their families and our nations leaders. The Fred Craig & Jim McKenna for leading the ef- candles burning on the Blessed Mother’s altar are for the mili- fort to consolidate the Knights of 8119 (St. tary serving in foreign lands. Joseph) with 6249 (St. John). YOUTH GROUP WILL START MEETING IN THE MONTH OF APRIL THE 2ND AND 4TH SUNDAY OF Family of the Month: THE MONTH. SEE YOU ALL THERE. Our Mass servers at St. John and St. Joseph for their reliability and assistance to Fr. Mi- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2021 FROM chael. WESTWOOD, Jacob Leonard, son of Dan & Teresa Leonard, Shelby Skinner daughter of Roy and Becky Skinner, SERGEANT BLUFF LUTON, Jack Gaukel son May birthdays: of Bill and Michelle Gaukel and BISHOP HEELAN, Dennis Stanislav (1), Leo Benjamin (3), Bryce Harpenau son of Tony and Deb Harpenau. Mike Beck (8), Bart Heisterkamp (14), Ro- Congratulations to all of you and Best of Luck in gene Pekarek (15), Mark Beedle (16), Jim whatever you choose in the future. May God Bless Ellis (17), Charlie Pike (27), Jess Aesoph you as you go forward and thanks for all your service (28), Jerry Menke (30). to St. Joseph’s Parish. If I missed anyone please let me know. Thank You Congratulations to all our graduating sen- ——————-Just For Laughs———————————— iors. We wish you health and happiness on As soon as she had finished parochial school, a your continuing journey and may God’s con- bright young girl named Leona shook the dust of Ire- stant love, mercy and blessings be a source land off her shoes and made her way to New York of comfort and strength to you always. Our where before long, she became a successful per- former in show business. Eventually she returned to seniors are: her home town for a visit and on a Saturday night WEST MONONA: Lexie Derocher, went to confession in the church which she had al- Garrett Heisterkamp, Jaden Pekarek ways attended as a child. In the confessional Father WESTWOOD: Lauren Boysen, Jacey Tadlock Sullivan recognized her and began asking her about her work. She explained that she was an acrobatic Notice dancer, and he wanted to know what that meant. She said she would be happy to show him the kind If anyone wants to Lector for Mass, please be of thing she did on stage. She stepped out of the at Mass by 8:45 am, and let Father Michael confessional and within sight of Father Sullivan, she know that you are here and willing to Lector. went into a series of cartwheels, leaping splits, It will be on a first come, first serve basis, so handsprings and back flips. Kneeling near the con- someone might already be doing it on that fessional, waiting their turn, were two middle-aged particular Sunday, but just volunteer again. ladies. They witnessed Leona's acrobatics with wide eyes, and one said to the other, "Will you just look at Your help is always appreciated. the penance Father Sullivan is givin' out this night, and me without proper clothing on!" Saint Cristóbal Magallanes Jara, also known as Christopher Magallanes is a martyr and saint venerated in the Cath- olic Church who was killed without trial on the way to say Mass during the Cris- tero War in Mexico, after the trumped up charge of inciting rebellion. Magallanes was canonized by Pope John Paul II on May 21, 2000. He is celebrated in the Catholic Church with an optional memorial on 21 May. NEED A SPIRITUAL BOOST? S. Doris Oberembt of the Benedictine Peace Center will be offering an ONLINE Bible Study on “The Kingdom of God” on Google Meet from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. CDT on Wednesdays May 26, June 9 and 16th. This study will explore gospel passages that help us see the es- sential transforming message of Jesus and its meaning in our lives. To register or inquire about an appropriate dona- tion, email or call doberembt@yanktonbenedictines.or g or 605-668-6022 by May 19. More info: retreats-online-group/.. Please keep our Graduating Seniors in your prayers as they start a new chap- ter in their lives. Please pray for all our students as schools close for the summer. We wish you a happy, safe summer! .

—— Preview end. ——

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