Acts: What ’ followers did as the Spirit worked in their lives

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Ascension: 40 days after Jesus arose from the dead, He went up to . Jesus now sits on the right hand of (Colossians 3:1). Witness: person saw what Jesus did and told others. The were witnesses. Sabbath’s Day Walk: the distance Jewish teachers had decided a Jew could walk on the Sabbath. It varies from 3/4 to 7/8 of a mile. Acts 1 review questions: Who wrote Acts?______What other book did he write?______Why did Luke write to ? ______How many days after Jesus died did he ascend to heaven? ______How many apostles were there when Jesus ascended? ______What gift were to wait for in ? ______Who told the apostles to stop gazing into heaven?______Where else did Luke use the phrase “two men”?______How did Judas die? ______Who replaced Judas?______

ABC’s of Acts is a great way to remember what each book is about. Each letter of the alphabet represents the corresponding chapter number in Acts. There are 28 chapters in Acts so when we are done we will have an AA & a BB. Also, in your noted I have included important key words to make sure we know. Words such as ascension & witness. These are my definitions; Webster will not define them like I do!

Luke wrote 2 books; Luke & Acts. Scholars believe he wrote the of Luke in AD 58, and then Acts in AD 61. Luke wrote both books to a man named Theophilus. We really don’t know who Theophilus was, however we know from :1-4, Luke wanted Theophilus to know for certain and have a record of the things he had been taught. Check out Luke 1:1-4! Luke was also a doctor (Col. 4:14), but he was not an apostle. He was the only Gentile to write part of the . Luke was an amazing historian, and he investigated and recorded everything. It’s very important to note that his most important source of info was the .

Overview of Acts 1: (what we talked about)

Jesus appeared to his apostles and different women over a period of 40 days from his to his ascension. The records 10 different appearances of Jesus; teaching His followers & explaining what was to come. Jesus used these 40 days to prepare and strengthen His disciples. There are 5 of those appearances recorded in I Corinthians 15:5-7! Pretty cool!

At the before He ascended, there were only 11 apostles because Judas had hung himself for betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (:3-10)

Jesus told the 11 apostles to go to Jerusalem and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Even though, Jerusalem was full of people who had crucified Jesus and were enemies of His followers, Jesus wanted them in Jerusalem. In , the 12 apostles (the original 11 + Matthias) would be baptized with the Holy Spirit at . We will talk about that in the next lesson. Jesus also told them they would be His witnesses over the ends of the earth. These men were unschooled, ordinary men and probably had never traveled; now Jesus tells them they will travel throughout the world proclaiming and teaching the Gospel. Acts 1: 8.

After telling the apostles to go to Jerusalem, Jesus ascended or went up to heaven where He sits at the right . Colossians 3:1 There were 2 men () in white who asked the apostles “why are you looking up to heaven? Jesus will come back in the same way he went up.” Good verses about judgment day are Matthew 24:36, I Thes. 4:13-18. In :7, Luke had already recorded “two men”. This was his way of saying two angels.

In Luke 24:52, “The worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.” The apostles returned to Jerusalem to wait for the gift that would come 10 days later. While there lists the 11 apostles in Acts 1:13. **Judas the son of James is not . Judas’ other name was Thaddaeus. We remember how the other Judas went out and hung himself in Matthew 27:3-5. Acts 1:18 also records the account of Judas with a little more details!

Peter, beginning in Acts 1 verse 16, recounts how Judas died and how they need to replace him. There were 2 requirements of the new apostle. 1) been with them since John’s baptisms 2) to the time of Jesus’ ascension. Amongst the 120 believers there, 2 men’s names were proposed. Joseph & Matthias After casting lots, the lot fell to Matthias. Matthias was added to make up the 12 apostles. Side note: Apostles- were handpicked by Jesus. :13, Gal. 1:1 Disciples are followers of Jesus. WE are disciples, not apostles.