1 God Sends the Holy Spirit Acts 2 Characters: Narrator, Peter, John
1 God Sends the Holy Spirit Acts 2 Characters: Narrator, Peter, John, Crowd Member 1, Crowd Member 2, Crowd Member 3 Narrator: Jesus had ascended into heaven just 10 days earlier. It was 50 days after the first Easter, a time where the Jewish people celebrated the Feast of Weeks. The disciples were in Jerusalem, obeying Jesus’ command, and celebrating this holiday in a room together. Suddenly, the sound of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the entire house where the disciples were staying at. At that point, tongues of fire appeared on the disciples’ heads. The Holy Spirit had come to the disciples just as Jesus promised. Peter: John, you have a tongue of fire sitting over your head! John: Peter, you have one too! We must all have one. It must be the Holy Spirit that Jesus had promised to send us ten days ago! Narrator: The disciples went outside of the house. Because it was the feast of Weeks, many Jews had come to Jerusalem to celebrate this holiday. They had also heard the sound of the mighty wind, and had come and gathered around the disciples’ house to see what it was. These Jews were from all across the world, and spoke many different languages. When the disciples came out of the house, they were speaking all of the languages in the world—everyone in the crowd was able to understand them! Crowd member 1: Aren’t these men Galileans? How is it that each one of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesoptamians, Judeans, Cappadocians, Pontians, Asians, Libyans, Romans, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues! Crowd member 2: What does this mean? Narrator: Even though many in the crowd were amazed at this miracle, there were some that simply thought the disciples were drunk, and made fun of them.
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