Volume 02 Governing 02 March 2021 Globalization Revue Européenne du Droit GROUPE Scientific Director D’ÉTUDES Mireille Delmas-Marty GÉOPOLITIQUES Revue Européenne du Droit ISSN 2740-8701 Legal Journal edited by the Groupe d’études géopolitiques 45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris https://legrandcontinent.eu/
[email protected] Chairman of the Scientific Committee Guy Canivet Scientific Committee Alberto Alemanno, Luis Arroyo Zapatero, Emmanuel Breen, Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Pavlos Eleftheriadis, Jean- Gabriel Flandrois, Antoine Gaudemet, Aurélien Hamelle, Noëlle Lenoir, Emmanuelle Mignon, Astrid Mignon Colombet, Alain Pietrancosta, Pierre-Louis Périn, Sébastien Pimont, Pierre Servan-Schreiber, Jorge E. Viñuales. Editors-in-chief Hugo Pascal and Vasile Rotaru Editorial Managers Gilles Gressani and Mathéo Malik Editorial Comittee Lorraine De Groote and Gérald Giaoui (dir.), Dano Brossmann, Jean Cattan, Pierre-Benoit Drancourt, David Djaïz, Sara Gwiadza, Joachim- Nicolas Herrera, Francesco Pastro and Armelle Royer. To cite an article from this Journal: [Name of the author], [Title], Revue européenne du droit, Paris: Groupe d’études géopolitiques, March, 2021, Issue n°2 absence of a comprehensive shared ideology underpin- ning the multiple, disparate and fragmented normative spaces, our societies are still seeking an appropriate le- Mireille Delmas-Marty • Professor Emeritus at gal narrative, able to both reflect and tame them, while Collège de France, Member of the Institut de France avoiding the twin pitfalls of the “great collapse” and of Hugo Pascal • PhD candidate, Panthéon-Assas the “great enslavement”. University Vasile Rotaru • Phd candidate (DPhil), Oxford Indeed, globalization is far from being limited to in- University ternational trade, and calls therefore for new rules of co- REVUE EUROPÉENNE DU DROIT REVUE EUROPÉENNE existence between heterogeneous political communities, without any hope that relevant normative guidelines (the “North Pole”) could arise out of the traditional “hearths” of shared values.