Makerspace Playbook School Edition
Makerspace Playbook School Edition Spring 2013 This document is distributed in 2013 by Maker Media under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA.) This license allows you to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit Maker Media and license your new creations under the identical terms. The majority of this Makerspace Playbook was written by the Makerspace team, including Michelle Hlubinka, Dale Dougherty, Parker Thomas, Stephanie Chang, Steve Hoefer, Isaac Alexander, Devon McGuire, with significant contributions from Aaron Vanderwerff, Barry Scott, and other MENTOR Makerspace pilot school teachers. Some sections were adapted from the Mini Maker Faire and Maker Club Playbooks written by Sabrina Merlo, Sherry Huss, Tony DeRose, Karen Wilkinson, Mike Petrich, Suzie Lee, Shawn Neely, Darrin Rice, and others. The development of this playbook was funded by MENTOR Makerspace, a project supported by an award from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in support of its Manufacturing Experimentation and Outreach (MENTOR) program, an initiative aimed at introducing new design tools and collaborative practices of making to high school students. The MENTOR Makerspace program was developed by Dale Dougherty of Maker Media in partnership with Dr. Saul Griffith of Otherlab. Welcome… to a community of people who have a passion for making things, and who want to share that with others by making with others by setting up a Makerspace. This playbook will help you establish a wonderful new resource in your school, neighborhood, or wider local community. It shares the knowledge and experience from the Makerspace team as well as from those who have already started Makerspaces.
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