BUSINESS Manchester, Conn
24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri.. June 25, 1982 ' ■ ■ ■ \ I ■ : y - BUSINESS Manchester, Conn. Afternoon sun, cool tonight Saturday, June 26, 1982 Rain, tourists meaty issues for firm — See page 2 anrlirstpr Umlh Single copy 25(f Bogner's I supplies Haig resigns without warning the dogs r. Shultz no ■ hj}:; Foreign policy unclear, he says )'ry By Raymond T. DeMeo Herald Reporter WASHINGTON (UPI) - When the administration took of Shultz had been prominently men stranger to "M y mother could skin an animal Alexander Haig unexpectedly quit fice, “ We agreed that consistency, tioned during the transition as a about as well as any man in the , -CVf^r Friday as secretary of state, clarity and steadiness of purposes possibile secretary of state. Reagan trade.’’ charging President Reagan’s were essential to success. It was in chose him to oversee the setting up Washington » X *.,.f ^ •5>;; An unusual statement? Not when foreign policy has shifted from its this spirit that I undertook to serve of the economic and NATO summit you consider from whom it came: goals of "consistency, clarity and you as secretary of state. meetings in Versailles and Bonn Donald Bogner of 233 Blue Ridge steadiness of purpose.’’ But, he continued, “ In recent earlier this month, which provided By United Press International Drive, whose fondest childhood Reagan immediately nam6d months it has become clear to me Reagan with a showcase for his in George Pratt Shultz, President memories are of “ bouncing around former Treasury Secretary George that the foreign policy on which we ternational expertise. Reagan's choice as secretary of the floor’ ’ of his fam ily’s first Shultz to succe^ him.
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