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s p o r t s Mark Allan, sports editor. 562-2441. " ' C i t i z e n Thursday, August 22,1985 — 13 Not pleased- CFL SUCCESS Pass catchers k e f by GRANT KERR spite problems in the secondary with injuries to Canadian Press Mel Jenkins and Richie Hall. Vince Goldsmith It’s generally agreed the premier wide rehas helped the pass rush and the offence is bet ceivers in the Canadian Football League areter with Tag Rome and Rufus Cox at the wide Terry Greer of the Toronto Argonauts and Mer- receiver positions. vyn Fernandez of the British Columbia Lions. Quarterback Tom Clements is off to a slow They have size, blazing speed, soft hands andstart for Winnipeg, but it really doesn’t matter exceptional jumping ability. When defences laywhen the Bombers have John Hufnagel back, they catch first-down passes. When single relief. Trevor Kennerd leads the CFL in fiel coverage is evident, Greer and Fernandez talcegoals with 17 because Clements has failed to it deep for six. finish many promising drives. Greer will match up against a former team Winnipeg by six points Sunday on kicking of mate this week when the Argos host Ottawa Kennerc Roughriders. Lamont Meacham draws the task Bye: Montreal Concordes, 5-2. of covering a receiver who has caught 36 Last week: 3-1. passes for 576 yards and six touchdowns al Season’s record: 22-6. ready this season. Donovan Rose of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats goes against Fernandez on Saturday night at B.C. Place Stadium, with Fernandez coming off a seven-catch, 259-yard, four-touchdown game against Calgary.
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