Annotated Bibliography of Cause-Of-Death Validation Studies, 1958-80
� 1 , Annotated cm Bibliography of Cause-of-Death ,= Validation Studies: PROPERW OF THE 1958-1980 PUBLICATIONS5f3Afqc~ U)}TOW L!BMRV An annotated bibliography of studies relating to the errors in diagnosing, recording, coding, and tabulating cause of death. Data Evaluation and Methods Research Sertes 2, No 89 DHHS Publication No, (PHS) 82-1363 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsvi[le, Md September, 1982 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION The National Center for Haalth Statistics has obtainad permission from the copyright holders to raproduce cartain quoted material in this report. Further reproduction of this material is prohibited without specific permission of the copyright holders. All othar material contained in the report is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission; citation as to source, howaver, is appreciated. SUGGESTED CITATION National Center for Health Statistics, A. Gittelsohn and P. Royston: Annotated bibliography of cause-of-death validation studies, 1958-80. Vita/ and Hea/th .Mdstics, Series 2, No. 89. DHHS Pub. No. (PHS) 82-1363. Public Health Setvica, Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Saptember, 1982. Library of Congrasa Cataloging in Publication Data Gittelsohn, Alan M. Annotated bibliography of cause-of death validation studies, 1958-1979. (Vital and health statistics, Serias 2, Data evaluation and methods rasaarch; no. 68) (DHHS publication; no (PHS) 81-1368) Authors: Alan Gittelsohn, Patricia N. Royston. 1. Death–Causes-Stat istics-Bibliography. 2. Death–Causas– Classification–bib biography. 3. Death–Proof and certification– Bibliography, 5. Errors, Theory of–bibliography.
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