
Review Potentials of Species Fruits against Oxidative Stress-Induced and Diet-Linked Chronic Diseases: In Vitro and In Vivo Implications of Micronutritional Factors and Dietary Secondary Metabolite Compounds

Barnabas Oluwatomide Oyeyinka and Anthony Jide Afolayan *

Medicinal Plants and Economic Development (MPED) Research Centre, Department of Botany, University of Fort Hare, Alice 5700, South Africa; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +278-22022167

 Academic Editors: Salvatore Genovese, Serena Fiorito, Paula B. Andrade and Bruno Botta  Received: 11 August 2020; Accepted: 23 September 2020; Published: 30 October 2020

Abstract: Nutritional quality and the well-being of the body system are directly linked aspects of human survival. From the unborn foetus to adulthood, the need for sustainable access to micronutrient-rich foods is pertinent and the global consumption of and plantain fruits, in effect, contributes to the alleviation of the scourge of malnutrition. This review is particularly aimed at evaluating the pharmacological dimensions through the biological mechanisms of Musa fruits in the body, which represent correlations with their constituent micronutrient factors and dietary polyphenolic constituents such as minerals, vitamin members, anthocyanins, lutein, α-,β- carotenes, neoxanthins and cryptoxanthins, epi- and gallo catechins, catecholamines, 3-carboxycoumarin, β-sitosterol, monoterpenoids, with series of analytical approaches for the various identified compounds being highlighted therein. Derivative value-products from the compartments (flesh and peel) of Musa fruits are equally highlighted, bringing forth the biomedicinal and nutritional relevance, including the potentials of Musa species in dietary diversification approaches.

Keywords: biomechanism; chronic diseases; dietary compounds; medicinal plants; musa; micronutrients; secondary metabolites

1. Introduction Micronutrient deficiency has developed into a key issue in developing and third world nations, with more than two billion people affected globally and expectant mothers and children being the majorly affected group [1,2]. Infants require close monitoring because they are in the sensitive growth and development phase of life [3]. Micronutrient deficiencies have negative health effects such as retardation of growth and development, compromised immunological system, weakened neuromotor efficiency and ultimately mortality [4]. Furthermore, micronutrient deficiencies result in lowered intelligence quotient levels, reduced work capacity and lower earning power [5,6]. Micronutrient deficiency is essentially a latent form of hunger which sets in due to disruption of absorption processes as a result of infection or disease conditions [7]. Poverty is a focal factor in low- and middle-income nations and it deepens the burden of micronutrient deficiency, just as poor dietary patterns (low intake of fruits) in the lower social class of developing countries are equally a liable factor [6,8]. Fruits offer chemopreventive potentials against malignant cancerous cells due to their biochemical constitution [9–11]. Population-based studies have indicated an inverse relationship between fruit consumption with cancer mortality and its recurrence [11–13]. Dietary administration of fruits has also been reported to be effective in the

Molecules 2020, 25, 5036; doi:10.3390/molecules25215036 MoleculesMolecules 2020 2020, ,25 25, ,x x FOR FOR PEER PEER REVIEW REVIEW 22 of of 30 30 Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 2 of 30 relationshiprelationship betweenbetween fruitfruit consumptionconsumption withwith cancercancer mortalitymortality andand itsits recurrencerecurrence [11–13].[11–13]. DietaryDietary administration of fruits has also been reported to be effective in the inhibition and chemoprevention inhibitionadministration and chemopreventionof fruits has also been of tumor reported malignancy to be effective [14]. Several in the inhibition studies have and alsochemoprevention identified the of tumor malignancy [14]. Several studies have also identified the chemopreventive potential of fruit chemopreventiveof tumor malignancy potential [14]. Several of fruit studies juices againsthave also cancerous identified cell the lines chemopreventive [14–16]. An inverse potential association of fruit juices against cancerous cell lines [14–16]. An inverse association has been identified with fruit hasjuices been against identified cancerous with fruit cell micronutrientslines [14–16]. andAn inverse deposition association of fat and has cardiovascular been identified disease with among fruit micronutrients and deposition of fat and cardiovascular disease among obese populations [17–19]. obesemicronutrients populations and [deposition17–19]. Similarly, of fat and epidemiological cardiovascular studies disease widely among indicate obese populations a dose-related [17–19]. link Similarly, epidemiological studies widely indicate a dose-related link between fruit intake and betweenSimilarly, fruit epidemiological intake and chronic studies diseases widely [20 indicate–24]. In a relation dose-related to the forgoinglink between discourse, fruit aintake number and of chronic diseases [20–24]. In relation to the forgoing discourse, a number of fresh fruits were surveyed freshchronic fruits diseases were [20–24]. surveyed In and relation obtained to the from forgoing supermarkets, discourse, and a number are shown of fresh in Figure fruits1 were. surveyed andand obtained obtained from from supermarkets, supermarkets, and and are are shown shown in in Figure Figure 1. 1.

BananaBanana PlantainPlantain StrawberryStrawberry TangerineTangerine ((M.M. sinensis sinensis)) ((M.M. paradisiaca paradisiaca)) ((FragariaFragaria ananassa ananassa)) ((CitrusCitrus reticulata reticulata))

PearPear PineapplePineapple LemonLemon AppleApple ((PyrusPyrus communis communis)) ((AnanasAnanas comosus comosus)) ((CitrusCitrus limon limon)) ((MalusMalus domestica domestica))

FigureFigure 1. 1. Photos Photos of of commonly commonly consumed consumed fruits fruits including including M. M. sinensis sinensis and and M. M. paradisiaca paradisiaca.. .

Musa 2.2. Overview Overview of of the the Musa Musa genus genus Musa Ensete TheThe genusgenus Musa Musa is is found found in in thethe the MusaceaeMusaceae Musaceae family. family. OtherOther members members of of the the familyfamily areare the the Ensete Ensete Musella andand Musella Musella [25]. [25].[25]. They They They are are areessentially essentially essentially monocots. monocots. monocots. Carl Carl Linnaeus Linnaeus Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778), (1707–1778), (1707–1778), the the taxonomist, taxonomist, the taxonomist, grouped grouped Musa paradisiaca Musa sinensis groupedbananasbananas by by their their dietary dietary by their utility: utility: dietary Musa Musa utility:paradisiaca paradisiaca (plantain); (plantain); Musa Musa(plantain); sinensis sinensis (banana). (banana). A A comprehensive comprehensive(banana). Musa Ataxonomictaxonomic comprehensive classification classification taxonomic of of the the classification genus genus Musa Musa of is is theshown shown genus in in Figure Figureis 2. 2. shown in Figure2.

Figure 2. Scientific classification of Musa genus. Figure 2. ScientificScientific classification classification of Musa genus. Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 3 of 30

The Musa plants range from two to nine metres in height (cultivated) and 10–15 m (wild), consisting of the false stem (pseudostem), corm, foliar including the flowering part. Banana (M. sinensis L.) is a tree-like, perennial herb. The term banana was developed out of “banan” of Arab origin (i.e., “finger” in translation) [26]. It was introduced to parts of western Africa (Guinea) from Portugal, with the first domestication of banana in South-eastern Asia [27]. The plantain (M. paradisiaca L.), similar to the unripe banana, is larger, has a starchy flesh and can be used in the unripe and cooked forms. It is a tropical staple, ranked the tenth most important in the world and contains more starch and less sugar than a banana. The mature, yellow variety can be peeled as is typically done with banana. The Banana family, broadly used to describe the Musa genus and its herbaceous members, including the fruits they bear, have flowers that are medicinally useful in the treatment of bronchitis, dysentery (gastro-intestinal infection bowel movement) and ulcers. Diabetic patients are traditionally served cooked flowers, while the astringent sap is usually applied for conditions such as hysteria, epileptic seizures, fever, leprosy and diarrhoea [28]. It is also useful in cases of haemorrhoids, bites and stings. Young leaves are applied as poultices on burns and other skin disorders, while the leaf and unripe peel ashes are taken for digestive conditions like diarrhoea and dysentery including the treatment of pernicious ulcers. In , roots and seed mucilage are administered to ameliorate disorders of the digestive system [28]. protects the fruit, contributes a minimum of 30% to the total weight of the banana and contains substantial quantities of phosphorous and nitrogen [29]. It also supplies key nutritional mineral elements like magnesium and potassium [30], and contains higher phytochemical constituent in the peel than the flesh (pulp) [31]. In sub-Saharan Africa, more than 30 million people are estimated to feed on bananas as their main energy source as most African breeders and growers still operate at the subsistent level. There is a rising investigative pattern in the use of unripe banana products by consumers for their polyphenol content [32], anthocyanin in the flesh [33] and antioxidative potential in unripe banana flour [34,35]. Studies from literature reveal that non-commercial cultivars have higher levels of antioxidative propensity [36,37]. Plantain is reliably a year-round staple, especially in third world nations laden with inadequate technologies in the frontiers of storing, preserving and transporting food products. On the African continent, plantain fruits meet about one-quarter of the carbohydrate requirements of 70 million people thereabout. It is a versatile culinary raw material for products like chips or dodo (baked or roasted), fufu, porridge, flour eaten with soup, or eaten alone depending on the consumer’s taste [38]. Banana and plantain fruits are quite rich in dietary fibres, which is essential for the optimal functioning of the gastro-intestinal and digestive system [30,39]. Studies have reported higher nutritional profiles in Musa fruit peels compared to a number of fruit peels such as Mangifera indica, Carica papaya, Citrus sinensis, Ananas comosus, Malus domestica, Citrullus lanatus and Punica granatum [40]. A detailed comparative profile of nutritional factors with regards to the aforementioned is indicated in Table1.

Table 1. Comparative nutritional profile of fruit peels of Musa with other fruits.

Nutritional Factors Other Fruit Peels (g/100 g) Protein > Pineapple, , Orange, Apple, Pomegranate. Carbohydrate > Pawpaw, Watermelon Ash content > Pawpaw, Pineapple, Mango, Apple, Orange, Pomegranate, Watermelon Calcium > Pawpaw, Pineapple, Apple, Watermelon Iron > Mango, Pomegranate Zinc > Mango, Apple, Pomegranate Manganese > Pawpaw, Pineapple, Apple, Orange, Pomegranate, Watermelon. Source: [40]. Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 4 of 30

3. Micronutrients They broadly encompass trace elements, vitamins and mineral elements key to regular cellular and molecular functioning, which makes them of significance to human health in spite of their small requirement levels [41–43]. Micronutrient deficiency alleviation is vital to the prevention of chronic disease and mortality amongst deficient populations [44,45]. A number of micronutritional constituents have been identified in the compartments of Musa fruits as shown in Table2.

Table 2. Micronutritional factors identified in fruit compartments of Musa species fruits including the analytical methods.

Micronutrients Soft flesh (Pulp) Peel M. paradisiaca [47] Musa spp. [46][AAS- Atomic Manganese [AAS-Atomic Absorption Absorption Spectrophotometry] Spectrophotometry]

Musa spp. [48][C18RP-HPLC; Microtitre Plate Spectrophotometry; Zinc Inductively Coupled Plasma- Optical Emission Spectrometry ICP-OES] Musa spp. [48] Musa spp. [48][C18RP-HPLC; Iron [C RP-HPLC; Microtitre Plate MicrotitrePlate Spectrophotometry; ICP-OES] 18 Spectrophotometry; ICP-OES] Copper M. paradisiaca [49] Musa (3.72 mg/kg) [50][Neutron γ-ray Boron activation analysis] M. sinensis and M. paradisiaca Phosphorus M. sinensis and M. paradisiaca [39][ICP-OES] [39,51][ICP-OES] Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Pantothenic Banana and Plantain (Musa spp.) [32] acid and Pyridoxine

4. Biomechanismal Implications of Micronutritional Factors of Musa Species Fruits

4.1. Antioxidant Mechanism Zinc, structurally depicted in Figure3, is involved in cellular proliferation, di fferentiation and apoptosis. It prevents the formation of free radicals and cushions the side effects of anti-inflammatory mechanisms [52–54]. Zinc deficiency increases inflammatory cytokine levels, oxidative stress as well as cellular dysfunction [55]. Zinc exhibits its antioxidant capacity through the induction and inhibition of hemeoxygenase and NADPH oxidase respectively [56]. Similarly, zinc has been reported to deplete biomarkers of oxidative stress on the basis of human mononuclear cell experiments [56]. It is also involved in the upward regulation of the gene expressions which encode for antioxidant and detoxification molecules [55]. The antioxidant effect of zinc has also been identified in the mechanism of protein sulfhydryl stabilization which is targeted at nullifying oxidation [55]. Zinc protects the cells of the endothelium from reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide through the biological synthesis of glutathione which is stimulated by the Nrf2 (nuclear erythroid 2) factor [57]. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 30

4. Biomechanismal Implications of Micronutritional Factors of Musa Species Fruits

4.1. Antioxidant Mechanism Zinc, structurally depicted in Figure 3, is involved in cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. It prevents the formation of free radicals and cushions the side effects of anti-inflammatory mechanisms [52–54]. Zinc deficiency increases inflammatory cytokine levels, oxidative stress as well as cellular dysfunction [55]. Zinc exhibits its antioxidant capacity through the induction and inhibition of hemeoxygenase and NADPH oxidase respectively [56]. Similarly, zinc has been reported to deplete biomarkers of oxidative stress on the basis of human mononuclear cell experiments [56]. It is also involved in the upward regulation of the gene expressions which encode for antioxidant and detoxification molecules [55]. The antioxidant effect of zinc has also been identified in the mechanism of protein sulfhydryl stabilization which is targeted at nullifying oxidation [55]. Zinc protects the cells Moleculesof the endothelium2020, 25, 5036 from reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide through the biological5 of 30 synthesis of glutathione which is stimulated by the Nrf2 (nuclear erythroid 2) factor [57].

FigureFigure 3.3. ZincZinc structure.structure. Blood Sugar BalanceBalance andand ImmunityImmunity DietaryDietary zinczinc is is involved involved in in the the synthesis synthesis and an secretiond secretion processes processes of insulinof insulin within within the βthe-cells β-cells of the of pancreas,the pancreas, on the on basis the ofbasis the βof-cell theviability β-cell viability role of zincrole in of an zinc animal in an model animal [58 ],model while it[58], contributes while it tocontributes immunity to by immunity mediating by inmediating infection in resistance infection andresistance activating and activating the T lymphocyte the T lymphocyte [59,60]. Animal [59,60]. experimentsAnimal experiments have confirmed have confirmed the role of zincthe role in immunological of zinc in immunological memory on the memory basis of on antibody the basis recall of reactionsantibody torecall T-dependent reactions andto T-dependent independent and antigens independent [61,62]. antigens [61,62]. Neurological ActivityActivity DietaryDietary zinczinc actsacts asas aa neurologicalneurological transmittertransmitter inin thethe brainbrain andand isis functionallyfunctionally keykey inin cognition,cognition, learninglearning andand memorymemory [[63]63] andand activatesactivates thethe neuron-basedneuron-based ErkErk signalsignal mechanismmechanism [[64].64]. TheThe regulationregulation ofof memorymemory formationformation hashas beenbeen depicteddepicted byby zinczinc viavia thethe ErkErk pathwaypathway [[65].65]. 4.4. Immunological, Neurological, Antioxidant and Anticancer Mechanism 4.4. Immunological, Neurological, Antioxidant and Anticancer Mechanism Dietary boron, structurally shown in Figure4 is biologically essential in a number of modes Dietary boron, structurally shown in Figure 4 is biologically essential in a number of modes such such as improved central nervous system and enhanced immunity. A number of in vivo and human as improved central nervous system and enhanced immunity. A number of in vivo and human studies studies have pointed out that dietary boron is functional in the activity of the brain with its deficiency have pointed out that dietary boron is functional in the activity of the brain with its deficiency being being associated with a drop-in electrical activity [66]. Furthermore, dietary boron deprivation associated with a drop-in electrical activity [66]. Furthermore, dietary boron deprivation studies have studies have indicated reduced high-frequency and a spiked low-frequency electric activity in the indicated reduced high-frequency and a spiked low-frequency electric activity in the brain [66]. In brain [66]. In the same vein, low boron intake (<0.3 mg/d) assessments in human models reflected lowered cognitive-motor functions. It has been reported from in vivo investigations that boron has the capacity to reverse oxidative stress and free radical production usually triggered by endotoxins [67]. Furthermore, the antioxidative stress capacity of boron has been identified via β-cell preservation in the pancreas, including a dose-dependent pattern (5–20 mg/kg) in tissue damage amelioration [67]. In a similar mode, boron mitigates oxidative stress by increasing the oxidant-neutralizing glutathionic reserves [68]. The induction of boron reverses the oxidative stress expressed in cellular carcinoma of the hepatic system [69]. It also enhances metabolism in the hepatic system [70] and functions collaboratively with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the regulation of parathyroid function [71]. Anticancer inhibition against proliferative cell death in prostate and breast cancer cell lines (LNCaP, DU-145) have been reported in boric acid [72–74]. Furthermore, the non-tumor prostate cell lines (RWPE-1, PWR-1E) were inhibited in a dose-dependent form (100–1000 µM) by boric acid, while the PC-3 cancer cell line was experimentally inhibited at higher levels than the observed blood levels [72]. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 30 the same vein, low boron intake (<0.3 mg/d) assessments in human models reflected lowered cognitive-motor functions. It has been reported from in vivo investigations that boron has the capacity to reverse oxidative stress and free radical production usually triggered by endotoxins [67]. Furthermore, the antioxidative stress capacity of boron has been identified via β-cell preservation in the pancreas, including a dose-dependent pattern (5–20 mg/kg) in tissue damage amelioration [67]. In a similar mode, boron mitigates oxidative stress by increasing the oxidant-neutralizing glutathionic reserves [68]. The induction of boron reverses the oxidative stress expressed in cellular carcinoma of the hepatic system [69]. It also enhances metabolism in the hepatic system [70] and functions collaboratively with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the regulation of parathyroid function [71]. Anticancer inhibition against proliferative cell death in prostate and breast cancer cell lines (LNCaP, DU-145) have been reported in boric acid [72–74]. Furthermore, the non-tumor prostate cell lines (RWPE-1, PWR-1E) were inhibited in a dose-dependent form (100–1000 µM) by boric acid, while the PC-3 cancer cell line was experimentally inhibited at higher levels than the observed blood levels [72]. There is also the antiproliferative mechanism of boric acid identified in a dose-dependent Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 30 (500–1000 µM) depletion of MAPK proteins [73]. the same vein, low boron intake (<0.3 mg/d) assessments in human models reflected lowered cognitive-motor functions. It has been reported from in vivo investigations that boron has the capacity to reverse oxidative stress and free radical production usually triggered by endotoxins [67]. Furthermore, the antioxidative stress capacity of boron has been identified via β-cell preservation in the pancreas, including a dose-dependent pattern (5–20 mg/kg) in tissue damage amelioration [67]. Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 In a similar mode, boron mitigates oxidative stress by increasing the oxidant-neutralizing 6 of 30 glutathionic reserves [68]. The induction of boron reverses the oxidative stress expressed in cellular carcinoma of the hepatic system [69]. It also enhances metabolism in the hepatic system [70] and functions collaboratively with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the regulation of parathyroid function [71]. Anticancer inhibition against proliferative cell death in prostate and breast cancer cell lines (LNCaP, DU-145) have been reported in boric acid [72–74]. Furthermore, the non-tumor prostate µ There is also the antiproliferativecell lines (RWPE-1, mechanism PWR-1E) were inhibited of boric in a dose-dependent acid identified form (100–1000 inµM) aby dose-dependentboric acid, (500–1000 M) while the PC-3 cancer cell line was experimentally inhibited at higher levels than the observed blood depletion of MAPK proteinslevels [72]. [73 There]. is also the antiproliferative mechanism of boric acid identified in a dose-dependent (500–1000 µM) depletion of MAPK proteins [73].

Figure 4. Boron structure. Figure 4. Boron structure. 4.5. Antioxidant Mechanism Iron, depicted structurally in Figure 5, is an essential building block for red blood cell 4.5. Antioxidant Mechanismhaemoglobin which invariably contributes to oxygen distribution from the lungs [75]. Iron deficiency 4.5. Antioxidant Mechanismis a very common nutrient disorder that causes anaemia. Iron is important in preventing the susceptibility of the placental unit of foetus from oxidative stress [76]. There is a body of thought that Iron, depicted structurallyprojects the in antioxidant Figure mechanism5, is anof micronutrien essentialts as oxidative building stress reducers block which for enables red blood cell haemoglobin Iron, depicted structurallyimproved antenatal in and Figure postpartum conditions5, is [77,78]. an essential building block for red blood cell whichhaemoglobin invariably which contributes invariably to contributes oxygen distribution to oxygen distribution from the lungs from [ 75the]. lungs Iron deficiency[75]. Iron deficiency is a very iscommon a very nutrientcommon disorder nutrient that disorder causes that anaemia. causes Iron anaemia. is important Iron is in important preventing in the preventing susceptibility the susceptibilityof the placental of the unit placental of foetus unit from of foetus oxidative from stress oxidative [76]. stress There [76]. is a There body is of a thought body of thatthought projects that projectsthe antioxidant the antioxidant mechanism mechanism of micronutrients of micronutrien as oxidativets as oxidative stress reducers stress whichreducers enables which improved enables improvedantenatal andantenatal postpartum and postpartum conditions conditions [77,78]. [77,78].

Figure 5. Iron structure.

Figure 5. IronIron structure.

4.6. Blood Sugar Balance and Antioxidant Activity

Manganese deficiencyMolecules 2020, 25 is, x notFOR PEER quite REVIEW pronounced in humans as opposed to8animals of 30 [79]. However, a significant chunk is lost in refined foods and so fruit intake presents a rich source of dietary 4.6. Blood Sugar Balance and Antioxidant Activity manganese [80]. ManganeseManganese enhances deficiency is not blood quite pronounced sugar balance in humans as as opposed a metalloenzyme to animals [79]. However, constituent implicated in the synthesis of metabolica significant chunk processes is lost in refined for foods glucose and so andfruit intake glutamine presents a rich [80 source]. It of alsodietary exhibits antioxidant manganese [80]. Manganese enhances blood sugar balance as a metalloenzyme constituent capacity as a componentimplicated of in the the superoxidesynthesis of metabolic dismutase processes for (SOD) glucose and which glutamine combats [80]. It alsofree exhibits radicals [81,82] and is antioxidant capacity as a component of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) which combats free radicals significant because of[81,82] its and focal is significant mitochondrial because of its focal location mitochondrial in thelocation protection in the protection of of DNA DNA and and genetic make-up. Manganese is thus angenetic important make-up. Manganese biochemical is thus an important entity andbiochemical its molecularentity and its molecular structure structure shown in Figure6. shown in Figure 6.

FigureFigure 6. Manganese 6. Manganese structure. structure.

Folate (Vitamin B9) enables red blood cell production (erythropoiesis). It enhances immunity Folate (Vitaminlevels B )and enables biosynthesizes red nucleic blood acids, cell nerve productiontissues (brain functionality) (erythropoiesis). and proteins [83,84]. It It enhances immunity helps9 in DNA damage risk prevention and immunological homeostasis [85–87]. In addition, folate levels and biosynthesizeshas epileptogenic nucleic (anti-seizure) acids, nerveproperties tissues and enhances (brain lymphocyte functionality) repair of oxidative anddamage proteins [88– [83,84]. It helps 90], identified the role of incremental folic acid levels (1 ng/mL–2 µg/mL) in stimulating in vitro human venous lymphocyte growth and reduced DNA strand breakage. Figure 7 shows the molecular structure of folate members.

Figure 7. Structures of Folate and folic acid.

It is a micronutrient essential for neurological and haematological functioning [91]. It is important in several metabolic processes because of its presence in a wide spectrum of enzymes. Dietary copper enables the synthesis of haemoglobin, neurotransmission, iron oxidation as well as peptide amidation-linked antioxidative defence [92]. Copper can scavenge or mop up free radicals by neutralizing them and in turn prevent their potential damage [93–95]. Dietary copper is also key to optimal skeletal functioning by enhancing collagen formation which ensures bone competence and rigidity [96]. In addition, copper functions in myelin formation which insulates nerve cells and triggers nerve impulse transmission [96]. Figure 8 indicates the molecular structure of copper. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 30

4.6. Blood Sugar Balance and Antioxidant Activity Manganese deficiency is not quite pronounced in humans as opposed to animals [79]. However, a significant chunk is lost in refined foods and so fruit intake presents a rich source of dietary manganese [80]. Manganese enhances blood sugar balance as a metalloenzyme constituent implicated in the synthesis of metabolic processes for glucose and glutamine [80]. It also exhibits antioxidant capacity as a component of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) which combats free radicals [81,82] and is significant because of its focal mitochondrial location in the protection of DNA and genetic make-up. Manganese is thus an important biochemical entity and its molecular structure shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Manganese structure. Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 7 of 30 Folate (Vitamin B9) enables red blood cell production (erythropoiesis). It enhances immunity levels and biosynthesizes nucleic acids, nerve tissues (brain functionality) and proteins [83,84]. It inhelps DNA in damage DNA damage risk prevention risk prevention and immunological and immunological homeostasis homeostasis [85–87]. [85–87]. In addition, In addition, folate hasfolate epileptogenichas epileptogenic (anti-seizure) (anti-seizure) properties properties and enhances and enha lymphocytences lymphocyte repair repair of oxidative of oxidative damage damage [88–90 [88–], identified90], identified the role the of incrementalrole of incremental folic acid folic levels acid (1 levels ng/mL–2 (1 ng/mL–2µg/mL) in µg/mL) stimulating in stimulatingin vitro human in vitro venoushuman lymphocyte venous lymphocyte growth and growth reduced and DNA reduced strand DNA breakage. strand Figure breakage.7 shows Figure the 7 molecular shows the structure molecular ofstructure folate members. of folate members.

FigureFigure 7. Structures7. Structures of of Folate Folate and and folic folic acid. acid.

ItIt is is a micronutrienta micronutrient essential essential for for neurological neurological and and haematological haematological functioning functioning [91 ].[91]. It It is is importantimportant in in several several metabolic metabolic processes processes because because of of its its presence presence in in a widea wide spectrum spectrum of of enzymes. enzymes. DietaryDietary copper copper enables enables the the synthesis synthesis of of haemoglobin, haemoglobin, neurotransmission, neurotransmission, iron iron oxidation oxidation as as well well as as peptidepeptide amidation-linked amidation-linked antioxidative antioxidative defence defence [92 ].[92] Copper. Copper can can scavenge scavenge or mop or mop up free up radicalsfree radicals by neutralizingby neutralizing them them and inand turn in preventturn prevent their their potential potential damage damage [93–95 [93–95].]. Dietary Dietary copper copper is also is keyalso tokey optimalto optimal skeletal skeletal functioning functioning by enhancing by enhancing collagen collagen formation formation which which ensures ensures bone bone competence competence and and rigidityrigidity [96 [96].]. In addition,In addition, copper copper functions functions in myelin in myelin formation formation which insulateswhich insulates nerve cells nerve and triggerscells and

Moleculesnervetriggers impulse 20202020 nerve,, 2525,, transmissionxx FORFORimpulse PEERPEER REVIEWtransmissionREVIEW [96]. Figure [96].8 indicates Figure 8 the indicates molecular the structuremolecular of structure copper. of copper.99 ofof 3030

Figure 8. CopperCopper structure. structure.

Pantothenic acid, acid, whose whose molecular molecular structure structure is is shown shown in in Figure Figure 9 9is is also also known known as asVitamin Vitamin B5.5. ThisB5. This micronutritional micronutritional factor factor is essential is essential for the for metabolism the metabolism of fatty of fatty acid. acid. Pantothenic Pantothenic acid has acid anti- has stressoranti-stressorstressor propertiesproperties properties whichwhich which alsoalso also contributecontribute contribute toto tothethe the production production of of neurotrans neurotransmittersmitters [97]. [97]. The The body’s stressstress resistance resistance capacity capacity is is booste boostedboosted by pantothenic acid through the bu build-upild-upild-up of of antibodies antibodies and and it it as as well enhances central nervousnervouss systemsystem developmentdevelopment [[97,98].[97,98].97,98].

Figure 9. Pantothenic acid structure. Figure 9. Pantothenic acid structure.

4.7. Immunological and Anti-inflammatory Mechanism

Riboflavin (Vitamin B22)) isis thoughtthought toto bebe implicatedimplicated inin thethe differentiationdifferentiation andand functionalityfunctionality ofof immuneimmune cellscells byby regulatingregulating thethe oxidizationoxidization ofof fattyfatty acidacid [87].[87]. DietaryDietary riboflavinriboflavin contributescontributes toto thethe generation of inflammatory and immunity signalling molecules within immune cells through the mechanism of NADPH oxidase 2 priming [99]. Riboflavin exhibits anti-inflammatory capacity by suppressingsuppressing thethe nuclearnuclear factorfactor (NF-kB)(NF-kB) activityactivity [100].[100]. ItsIts structuralstructural molecularmolecular entityentity isis depicteddepicted inin Figure 10.

Figure 10. Riboflavin structure.

4.8. Immunological, Antioxidantt andand NeurologicalNeurological MechanismMechanism

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B66),), structurallystructurally shownshown inin FigureFigure 11,11, enhances immunity integrity via the linkagelinkage formationformation betweenbetween chemokineschemokines andand cytokines,cytokines, whilewhile itit enhancesenhances immuneimmune feedbackfeedback towardstowards increasedincreased antibodyantibody outputoutput [101].[101]. DietaryDietary pyridoxinepyridoxine exexhibits antioxidant activity via the inhibition of erythrocytic lipid peroxidation [102] and reduces the predispositionary risk to stroke and arteriosclerosis. It is involved in synthesizing haemoglobin and neurotransmitters as well as gluconeogenesis [97,103]. Pyridoxine controls the risk of acute coronary syndrome and athero- thrombosisthrombosis byby modulatingmodulating bloodblood homocysteinehomocysteine levelslevels [104].[104]. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 30

Figure 8. Copper structure.

Pantothenic acid, whose molecular structure is shown in Figure 9 is also known as Vitamin B5. This micronutritional factor is essential for the metabolism of fatty acid. Pantothenic acid has anti- stressor properties which also contribute to the production of neurotransmitters [97]. The body’s stress resistance capacity is boosted by pantothenic acid through the build-up of antibodies and it as well enhances central nervous system development [97,98].

Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 8 of 30 Figure 9. Pantothenic acid structure.

4.7. Immunological Immunological and and Anti-inflammatory Anti-Inflammatory Mechanism Mechanism Riboflavin (Vitamin B ) is thought to be implicated in the differentiation and functionality of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) is thought to be implicated in the differentiation and functionality of immuneimmune cells by regulating the oxidization of fatty acid [[87].87]. Dietary riboflavin riboflavin contributes to to the generation of inflammatory inflammatory and immunity signalling molecules within immune cells through the mechanism of NADPH oxidase 2 priming [[99].99]. Riboflavin Riboflavin exhibits anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory capacity by suppressing the nuclear factor (NF-kB) activity [100]. [100]. Its Its structural structural molecular molecular entity entity is is depicted in Figure 10.10.

Figure 10. Riboflavin structure. Figure 10. Riboflavin structure. 4.8. Immunological, Antioxidant and Neurological Mechanism 4.8. Immunological, Antioxidant and Neurological Mechanism Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), structurally shown in Figure 11, enhances immunity integrity via the linkagePyridoxine formation (Vitamin between B6 chemokines), structurally and shown cytokines, in Figure while 11, it enhances enhances immunity immune feedback integrity towards via the linkageincreased formation antibody between output [ 101chemokines]. Dietary and pyridoxine cytokines, exhibits while antioxidantit enhances activityimmune via feedback the inhibition towards of increasederythrocytic antibody lipid peroxidation output [101]. [102 Dietary] and reduces pyridoxine the predispositionary exhibits antioxidant risk activity to stroke via and the arteriosclerosis. inhibition of Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 30 erythrocyticIt is involved lipid in synthesizing peroxidation haemoglobin [102] and and redu neurotransmittersces the predispositionary as well as gluconeogenesis risk to stroke [97 ,103and]. arteriosclerosis.Pyridoxine controls It is the involved risk of acute in synthesizing coronary syndrome haemoglobin and athero-thrombosis and neurotransmitters by modulating as well blood as gluconeogenesishomocysteine levels [97,103]. [104]. Pyridoxine controls the risk of acute coronary syndrome and athero- thrombosisMolecules by 2020 modulating, 25, x FOR PEER blood REVIEW homocysteine levels [104]. 10 of 30

Figure 11. Pyridoxine structure. FigureFigure 11. 11.Pyridoxine Pyridoxine structure. structure.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is 1centrally important in nerve functioning and energy generation from ThiamineThiamine (Vitamin (Vitamin B1 )B is) centrallyis centrally important important in nerve functioning functioning and and energy energy generation generation from from carbohydratescarbohydratescarbohydrates [97]. [97 ].Thiamine[97]. Thiamine Thiamine modulates modulates modulates the thethe neur neurologicalneurologicalological transmission transmissiontransmission system, system, system, improves improves improves brain brain brain functionalityfunctionalityfunctionality [105], [105 protects[105],], protects protects the the theperipheral peripheral peripheral nervous nervousnervous system systemsystem from from from compromise, compromise, compromise, and and is andinvolved is involved is involved in in in synthesizing myelin [106,107]. Its molecular structure is shown in Figure 12. synthesizingsynthesizing myelin myelin [106,1 [10607].,107 ].Its Its molecular molecular structur structuree isis shown shown in in Figure Figure 12. 12.

Figure 12. Thiamine structure.

Niacin (Vitamin B3), shown FigureinFigure Figure 12. 12. 13, Thiamine is anti-inflammatory structure.structure. and immunohomeostatic in its activity. It inhibits the multiplicity of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the tumor necrosis factor usually effected by monocytes and macrophages [108]. Niacin deficiency in the body is symptomized Niacin (Vitamin B3), shown in Figure 13, is anti-inflammatory and immunohomeostatic in its by the pellagra condition which disrupts the gastrointestinal and neurological system [109,110]. A activity. numberIt inhibits of studies the multiplicity have highlighte ofd pro-inflammatorythe biological potential cytokines of niacin inand anaemic, the tumor hypertensive, necrosis factor usually effectedcardiovascular, by monocytes hepatic and and cancerou macrophagess disease conditions [108]. Niacin [111–116]. deficiency in the body is symptomized by the pellagra condition which disrupts the gastrointestinal and neurological system [109,110]. A number of studies have highlighted the biological potential of niacin in anaemic, hypertensive, cardiovascular, hepatic and cancerous disease conditions [111–116].

Figure 13. Niacin structure.

The presence of phytochemicals in plants has been identified for their potential pharmacological potentials [117]. Table 3 is a compendium of dietary secondary metabolites identified in fruit components of Musa species, which reflects the broad phytomedicinal benefits derivable from their

dietary intake. Figure 13. Niacin structure.

The presence of phytochemicals in plants has been identified for their potential pharmacological potentials [117]. Table 3 is a compendium of dietary secondary metabolites identified in fruit components of Musa species, which reflects the broad phytomedicinal benefits derivable from their dietary intake.

Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 30

Figure 11. Pyridoxine structure.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is centrally important in nerve functioning and energy generation from carbohydrates [97]. Thiamine modulates the neurological transmission system, improves brain functionality [105], protects the peripheral nervous system from compromise, and is involved in synthesizing myelin [106,107]. Its molecular structure is shown in Figure 12.

Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 9 of 30

Niacin (Vitamin B3), shown in FigureFigure 13 12., Thiamine is anti-inflammatory structure. and immunohomeostatic in its activity. It inhibits the multiplicity of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the tumor necrosis factor usually Niacin (Vitamin B3), shown in Figure 13, is anti-inflammatory and immunohomeostatic in its effected byactivity. monocytes It inhibits and the macrophages multiplicity of [pro-inflammatory108]. Niacin deficiency cytokines inand the the bodytumor isnecrosis symptomized factor by the pellagra conditionusually effected which by disruptsmonocytes the and gastrointestinalmacrophages [108]. and Niacin neurological deficiency in the system body is [109 symptomized,110]. A number of studies haveby the highlighted pellagra condition the biological which disrupts potential the gastrointestinal of niacin in and anaemic, neurological hypertensive, system [109,110]. cardiovascular, A number of studies have highlighted the biological potential of niacin in anaemic, hypertensive, hepatic and cancerous disease conditions [111–116]. cardiovascular, hepatic and cancerous disease conditions [111–116].

FigureFigure 13. 13. NiacinNiacin structure. structure.

The presenceThe presence of phytochemicals of phytochemicals in plantsin plants has has been identified identified for their for theirpotential potential pharmacological pharmacological potentials [117]. Table 3 is a compendium of dietary secondary metabolites identified in fruit potentialscomponents [117]. Table of Musa3 is species, a compendium which reflects ofthe dietarybroad phytom secondaryedicinal benefits metabolites derivable identified from their in fruit componentsdietary of Musa intake.species, which reflects the broad phytomedicinal benefits derivable from their dietary intake. Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 10 of 30

Table 3. Dietary phytoconstituents detected in the fruit compartments of Musa species and the analytical methods.

Protein/Gene Targets Dietary Fruit Compartments Linked with the Bioactive Phytoconstituents Dietary Compounds Soft flesh (Pulp) Peel -Provitamin A carotenoids [α-carotene (104.9 µg/100 g) and β-carotene (96.9 µg/100 g)] detected in orange coloured banana (Musa sp.) [117]. [HPLC] -Lutein equivalent carotenoid content (3–4 µg/g), as well as -α-carotene (61–1055 µg/100 g), trans β-carotene other carotenoid components such as α-carotene, β-carotene, Carotenoids (50–1412 µg/100 g) and cis β-carotene (6–85 µg/100 g) neoxanthin, α- cryptoxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin the peel of detected across 18 cultivars of banana and plantain [118]. banana [120]. [HPLC] -Carotenoid content (0.130–0.159 mg/100 g) across developmental stages of edible banana [119]. [Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry] -Total tocopherol (α-tocopherol, β-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol) content -β-tocopherol and Vitamin E [122]. Tocopherols (0.15 0.09 mg/100 g) detected in banana [121]. [GC-MS Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry] ± [NPLC-Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography] -Catechin detected in the peels of ripe and unripe banana cultivars [33,123]. [HPLC- High Performance Liquid Chromatography]. -Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) -Catechin in ripe and unripe banana cultivars [33]. -Catechin (30.21 mg/100 g) content in banana peel [125]. [128]. [HPLC-High Performance Liquid Chromatography][123] [HPLC-High Performance Liquid Chromatography]. -Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) [Ultraviolet visible Spectrophotometry and Liquid -Gallocatechin (160 mg/100 g dry weight) in banana peel [126]. [129]. Catechins Chromatography (LC)]. [HPLC-HighPerformance Liquid Chromatography]. -Caspases-3 [128]. -Gallocatechin in banana soft flesh [124]. -Epicatechin and gallocatechin detected in banana peel [122]. -Caspases-10 [128]. [Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) and NMR-Nuclear [GCMS-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry]. -Fas [128]. Magnetic Resonance]. -Epicatechin in banana (Musa sp.) peel flour -NF-κBp 105 [128]. (1.11 0.10 µg/g–4.13 0.83 µg/g dry weight) across its ± ± Luvhele, Mabonde, M-red and Williams cultivars [127]. [LC-MS-ESI Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization] Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 11 of 30

Table 3. Cont.

Protein/Gene Targets Dietary Fruit Compartments Linked with the Bioactive Phytoconstituents Dietary Compounds -3-carboxycoumarin (0.79 mg/100 g) in banana peel [125]. Coumarins [HPLC-High Performance Liquid Chromatograpy]. -Total Sterols (471 38 mg/kg dry weight) in M. ± paradisiaca [130]. [GC-MS Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry]. -Phytosterols (2.8–12.4 g/kg dry weight) in unripe banana [131]. -β-sitosterol constituent in banana [133]. -Phytosterol members such as cycloeucalenol, Phytosterols [TLC-Thin Layer Chromatography and GLC-Gas Layer cycloartenol, cyclo-eucalenone, stigmasterol, Chromatography]. campesterol and β-sitosterol detected (2.8–12.4 g/kg dry weight) across unripe cultivars of M. balbisiana and M. acuminata [132]. [GC-MS Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry] -Terpenoid content in banana (M. sapientum) and plantain (M. paradisiaca)[134]. Terpenoids -Terpenoid content detected in M. paradisiaca peel on the basis of - Tumor proteins [136]. three solvent extracts (aqueous, ethanol and chloroform) [135]. [TLC-Thin Layer Chromatography]. -High anthocyanin content in the peel (23.75 µg/g–154.75 µg/g fresh weight) of the red Hongjiaowang to yellow peel of -Anthocyanin content in the soft flesh (pulp) Baxijiao banana cultivars [137]. (0.02 µg/g–0.16 µg/g fresh weight) of the red Anthocyanins [UPLC-PDA-QT F-MS and HPLC-PDA] Hongjiaowang to yellow Baxijiao banana cultivars [137]. O -Delphinidin and cyanidin in banana [138]. [UPLC-PDA-QT F-MS and HPLC-PDA]. O -Anthocyanin detected in M. acuminata peels [139]. [pH Differential Simple Spectrophotometry]. -Choline [131]. -[140]. -High catecholamine content in extracts of banana peel [139]. -Catecholamine in pulp of M. acuminata and [LC- Liquid Chromatography]. M. paradisiaca [141]. Catecholamines -Catecholamine content in ripe banana (Musa sp.) peels [143]. -β-(β3)-receptors [144]. -Norepinephrine and serotonin in M. paradisiaca [142]. -Dopamine derivative of catecholamines in peel of M. [Spectrofluorophotometry]. cavendishii (80–560 mg per 100 g) [143]. -Dopamine derivative of catecholamines in pulp of M. cavendishii (2.5–10 mg per 100 g) [143]. Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 12 of 30

5. Biological Mechanism and Pharmacological Activity of Dietary Phytocompounds of Musa Species Fruits Antioxidant micronutrients, like vitamins and carotenoids, are chief contributors to the defence mechanism against reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body [145]. Other works have reported that antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid levels were low in hepatitis and cirrhotic liver conditions [146,147]. Carotenoids are accumulated majorly in the hepatic organ and are released into blood circulation as lipoproteins. They also participate in the antioxidative defence mechanism when present in the liver and in high concentrations of free radical species. As a consequence, carotenoid physiological functions could interact with or inhibit liver dysfunctions such as acute hepatitis, hepatic steatosis, chronic hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma [148]. Some carotenoid members (zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene and astaxanthin) represented in Figure 14, help in preventing the development of non-alcoholic fatty disease of the hepatic organ by mechanisms such as improvement of insulin signalling, depletion of the influx of free fatty acids into the hepatic organ [149]. Furthermore, dietary carotenoids have the capacity to reduce aging-related diseases by deploying the mechanism of reactive oxygen species production in order to inhibit cellular dysfunction and oxidative stress. These are hallmarks of antioxidative capacity [150]. α-tocopherol has been implicated in non-antioxidant mechanisms such as modulation of cell functions [151], inhibition of platelet adhesion and aggregation for blood clotting and inhibition of cytokine release [152–155]. It also functions in phosphorylative regulation for prevention of cardiological conditions, due to its modification action on the proliferation of adhering cells and cellular oxidant production via vitamin E- specific pathways [156]. It also acts as an antioxidant in a chain-breaking mechanism against free radical propagation [156] and in the prevention of subfertility conditions (loss of spermatogenesis and poor zygote retention) on the basis on in vivo tests [157]. Tocopherols or tocotrienols are neuroprotective by inhibiting glutamate-induced death in neuronal cells [158]. Figure 15 shows the molecular structure of tocopherol members. Catechins, shown in Figure 16, are anticancer phenolic compounds present in banana [159]. They function in mitochondrial cells in response to oxidative stress through enhanced phosphorylation, incremental production of ATP and preservation of mitochondrial membrane integrity [160]. Animal model experiments revealed corresponding effects of catechin on mitochondrial respiration and β-cell functioning [160]. Catechin has also been implicated in the upregulation of mitochondrial complexes which translates into increased ATP generation in the cell [161]. The anti-inflammatory mechanism of catechin is expressed through the modulation of transcription factors that are related to activated B cells (NF-κB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1). In vitro and animal model studies reveal dose-dependent apoptotic activity of catechin in the region of 50 µM[128,162] which further inhibits the overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (CoX-2) [129]. Coumarins have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity [163], they are anticoagulatory in the liver and are anticancerous by inhibiting the microtubule and arresting tumor cells [164]. They are also antiallergic and antiproliferative in their activity [165,166]. They exhibit strong pharmacokinetics on the basis of their easily absorbable and metabolizable nature [167]. In addition, coumarins readily function as antitumor agents and are significant because they have the capacity to counteract the side effects usually identified with the chemo and radiotherapeutic procedures [168–170]. Studies have identified the cytotoxic activity of coumarin compounds against leukemia cell lines (HL-60; NALM-6) and colon tumor-8 [171,172]. Figure 17 depicts the molecular structure of coumarin. Phytosterols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by depleting the collection of metabolizable cholesterol, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease [173–179]. β-sitosterol has anticancer activity as seen in in vivo evidence by inhibiting the development and proliferation of breast cancer cell lines [180,181]. Furthermore, it acts as a chemopreventive actor against colon, prostate, mammary and lung cancer cells by suppressing oxidative stress [182–184]. Some phytosterol members are structurally depicted in Figure 18. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 30

5. Biological Mechanism and Pharmacological Activity of Dietary Phytocompounds of Musa Species Fruits Antioxidant micronutrients, like vitamins and carotenoids, are chief contributors to the defence mechanism against reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body [145]. Other works have reported that antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid levels were low in hepatitis and cirrhotic liver conditions [146,147]. Carotenoids are accumulated majorly in the hepatic organ and are released into blood circulation as lipoproteins. They also participate in the antioxidative defence mechanism when present in the liver and in high concentrations of free radical species. As a consequence, carotenoid physiological functions could interact with or inhibit liver dysfunctions such as acute hepatitis, hepatic steatosis, chronic hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma [148]. Some carotenoid members (zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene and astaxanthin) represented in Figure 14, help in preventing the development of non-alcoholic fatty disease of the hepatic organ by mechanisms such as improvement of insulin signalling, depletion of the influx of free fatty acids into the hepatic organ [149]. Furthermore, dietary carotenoids have the capacity to reduce aging-related diseases by deploying the mechanism of reactive oxygen species production in order to inhibit cellular dysfunction and oxidative stress. These Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 13 of 30 are hallmarks of antioxidative capacity [150].






Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW Lycopene 14 of 30



FigureFigure 14. 14.Structure Structure ofof Carotenoids.Carotenoids.

α-tocopherol has been implicated in non-antioxidant mechanisms such as modulation of cell functions [151], inhibition of platelet adhesion and aggregation for blood clotting and inhibition of cytokine release [152–155]. It also functions in phosphorylative regulation for prevention of cardiological conditions, due to its modification action on the proliferation of adhering cells and cellular oxidant production via vitamin E- specific pathways [156]. It also acts as an antioxidant in a chain- breaking mechanism against free radical propagation [156] and in the prevention of subfertility conditions (loss of spermatogenesis and poor zygote retention) on the basis on in vivo tests [157]. Tocopherols or tocotrienols are neuroprotective by inhibiting glutamate-induced death in neuronal cells [158]. Figure 15 shows the molecular structure of tocopherol members.




Figure 15. Structure of Tocopherols.

Catechins, shown in Figure 16, are anticancer phenolic compounds present in banana [159]. They function in mitochondrial cells in response to oxidative stress through enhanced phosphorylation, incremental production of ATP and preservation of mitochondrial membrane integrity [160]. Animal model experiments revealed corresponding effects of catechin on mitochondrial respiration and β-cell functioning [160]. Catechin has also been implicated in the upregulation of mitochondrial complexes which translates into increased ATP generation in the cell [161]. The anti-inflammatory mechanism of Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 30



Figure 14. Structure of Carotenoids.

α-tocopherol has been implicated in non-antioxidant mechanisms such as modulation of cell functions [151], inhibition of platelet adhesion and aggregation for blood clotting and inhibition of cytokine release [152–155]. It also functions in phosphorylative regulation for prevention of cardiological conditions, due to its modification action on the proliferation of adhering cells and cellular oxidant production via vitamin E- specific pathways [156]. It also acts as an antioxidant in a chain- breaking mechanism against free radical propagation [156] and in the prevention of subfertility conditions (loss of spermatogenesis and poor zygote retention) on the basis on in vivo tests [157]. Tocopherols or tocotrienols are neuroprotective by inhibiting glutamate-induced death in neuronal Moleculescells2020 [158]., 25, 5036Figure 15 shows the molecular structure of tocopherol members. 14 of 30



Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 30 catechin is expressed through the modulation of transcription factors that are related to activated B cells γ-tocopherol (NF-κB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1). In vitro and animal model studies reveal dose-dependent apoptotic activity of catechin in the region of 50 µM [128,162] which further inhibits the overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (CoX-2) [129]. Figure 15. Structure of Tocopherols. Figure 15. Structure of Tocopherols.

Catechins, shown in Figure 16, are anticancer phenolic compounds present in banana [159]. They function in mitochondrial cells in response to oxidative stress through enhanced phosphorylation, incremental production of ATP and preservation of mitochondrial membrane integrity [160]. Animal Catechin model experiments revealed corresponding effects of catechin on mitochondrial respiration and β-cell functioning [160]. Catechin has also been implicated in the upregulation of mitochondrial complexes which translates into increased ATP generation in the cell [161]. The anti-inflammatory mechanism of



Figure 16. Structure of Catechin structures.

Coumarins have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity [163], they are anticoagulatory in the liver and are anticancerous by inhibiting the microtubule and arresting tumor cells [164]. They are also antiallergic and antiproliferative in their activity [165,166]. They exhibit strong pharmacokinetics on the basis of their easily absorbable and metabolizable nature [167]. In addition, coumarins readily function as antitumor agents and are significant because they have the capacity to counteract the side effects usually identified with the chemo and radiotherapeutic procedures [168–170]. Studies have identified the cytotoxic activity of coumarin compounds against leukemia cell lines (HL-60; NALM-6) and colon tumor-8 [171,172]. Figure 17 depicts the molecular structure of coumarin.

Figure 17. Coumarin structure. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 30 catechin is expressed through the modulation of transcription factors that are related to activated B cells (NF-κB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1). In vitro and animal model studies reveal dose-dependent apoptotic activity of catechin in the region of 50 µM [128,162] which further inhibits the overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (CoX-2) [129].




Figure 16. Structure of Catechin structures.

Coumarins have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity [163], they are anticoagulatory in the liver and are anticancerous by inhibiting the microtubule and arresting tumor cells [164]. They are also antiallergic and antiproliferative in their activity [165,166]. They exhibit strong pharmacokinetics on the basis of their easily absorbable and metabolizable nature [167]. In addition, coumarins readily function as antitumor agents and are significant because they have the capacity to counteract the side effects usually identified with the chemo and radiotherapeutic procedures [168–170]. Studies have identified the cytotoxic activityMolecules of2020 coumarin, 25, 5036 compounds against leukemia cell lines (HL-60; NALM-6) and colon tumor-8 [171,172].15 of 30 Figure 17 depicts the molecular structure of coumarin. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 30

Phytosterols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by depleting the collection of metabolizable cholesterol, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease [173–179]. β-sitosterol has anticancer activity as seen in in vivo evidence by inhibiting the development and proliferation of breast cancer cell lines [180,181]. Furthermore, it acts as a chemopreventive actor against colon, prostate, mammary and lung cancer cells by suppressing oxidative stress [182–184]. Some phytosterol members are structurally depicted in Figure 18. Figure 17. Coumarin structure. Figure 17. Coumarin structure.

Sitosterol Campesterol

Stigmasterol Cycloeucalenol


Figure 18. Structure of Phytosterols.

TerpenoidsTerpenoids are are anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory in actionaction [[185]185] withwith anticanceranticancer capacitiescapacities projected projected through through the the mechanism of inhibitinginhibiting tumortumor proliferationproliferation by by augmenting augmenting the the levels levels ofof tumor tumor proteins, proteins, B cell lymphomalymphoma andand deactivatingdeactivating AktAkt signalling signalling [ 136[136,186–188].,186–188]. Monoterpenoids Monoterpenoids havehave gastroprotective gastroprotective activity activity which which has been identifiedidentified throughthrough thethe modificationmodification of of deleterious deleterious stress stress effectseffects on on gastro-intestinal gastro-intestinal injury, injury, while limonene acts inin thethe neutralizationneutralization ofof stomachstomach acidsacids and and enhancingenhancing proper proper peristalsis peristalsis [189,190]. [189,190]. The The molecular molecular st structureructure of of terpenoids terpenoids is is depicted depicted in in Figure 19.19. Anthocyanins are neuroprotective, antiobesity and antidiabetic [191,192]. They also inhibit the growth of malignant cancerous cells [193–195], with anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protection capacities [196–198]. Furthermore, in vitro study shows that they suppress colorectal cancer cell lines (DLD-1 and COLO 205) by apoptosis [199]. Anthocyanin members are structurally shown in Figure 20. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 30 Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 16 of 30

Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 30

Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 30

Figure 19. Terpenoids.

Anthocyanins are neuroprotective, antiobesity and antidiabetic [191,192]. They also inhibit the growth of malignant cancerous cells [193–195], with anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protection capacities [196–198]. Furthermore, in vitro studyFigure shows 19. Terpenoids. that they suppress colorectal cancer cell lines (DLD- 1 and COLO 205) by apoptosis [199]. Anthocyanin members are structurally shown in Figure 20. Anthocyanins are neuroprotective,FigureFigure antiobesity 19. 19. Terpenoids. and antidiabetic [191,192]. They also inhibit the growth of malignant cancerous cells [193–195], with anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protection capacities [196–198]. Furthermore, in vitro study shows that they suppress colorectal cancer cell lines (DLD- 1 and COLO 205) by apoptosis [199]. Anthocyanin members are structurally shown in Figure 20. Anthocyanins are neuroprotective, antiobesity and antidiabetic [191,192]. They also inhibit the growth of malignant cancerous cells [193–195], with anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protection capacities [196–198]. Furthermore, in vitro study shows that they suppress colorectal cancer cell lines (DLD-

1 and COLO 205) by apoptosis [199]. AnthocyaninDelphinidin members Cyanidinare structurally shown in Figure 20.

FigureFigure 20. 20.Structure Structure of of Anthocyanins. Anthocyanins. Delphinidin Cyanidin CatecholaminesCatecholamines trigger trigger biological biologicalFigure reactionsreactions 20. Structure and and of increased increasedAnthocyanins. energy energy metabolism metabolism levels levels [144,200], [144,200 ], whichwhich function function as antistressorsas antistressors or or stress stress repressants. repressants. The The mechanisms mechanisms of ofincreased increased thermogenesis, thermogenesis, energy expenditureCatecholamines and reduction trigger biological of fat reservoirs reactions thandat areincreased triggered energy by catecholaminesmetabolism levels are [144,200], thought to energy expenditure and reduction of fat reservoirs that are triggered by catecholamines are thought be mediatedwhich byfunction the adrenergic as antistressors β-(β3)-receptors or stress repressants. [144]. Epinephrine The mechanisms and norepinephrine of increased thermogenesis, enhance glucose to be mediatedenergy byexpenditure the adrenergic and reductionβ-(β of3)-receptors fat reservoirs th [144at are]. Epinephrinetriggered by catecholamines and norepinephrine are thought to enhance release into the bloodstream as a result of its glycogenolytic activity in the liver [201,202]. Figure 21 be mediated by the adrenergic β-(β3)-receptors [144]. Epinephrine and norepinephrine enhance glucose glucosedepicts release the molecular into the structure bloodstream of some as catecholamine a result of its members. glycogenolytic activity in the liver [201,202]. Figure 21 depictsrelease into the the molecular bloodstream structure as a result of of some its glycogenolytic catecholamine activity members. in the liver [201,202]. Figure 21 depicts the molecular structure of some catecholamine members.

Choline Serotonin Dopamine Choline Serotonin Dopamine

Delphinidin FigureFigure 21. 21.Structures Structures of of Catecholamines. Catecholamines. Cyanidin Figure 21. Structures of Catecholamines. 6. Dietary Incorporation of Banana and Plantain (Musa spp.) 6. Dietary6. Incorporation Dietary IncorporationFigure of Banana of Banana 20. and Structure and Plantain Plantain (Musa of spp.)Anthocyanins.spp.) Can bananaCan banana peels peels be eaten? be eaten? This This non-conventional non-conventional issue issue has beenbeen addressed addressed and and the the point point is that is that Can banana peels be eaten? This non-conventional issue has been addressed and the point is indeed,indeed, banana banana peels peelscan be can eaten. be eaten. Reference Reference [203] [203] no notedted that that bananabanana peels peels are are consumed consumed across across various various thatcultures indeed,cultures and banana communities and peelscommunities can and be andthey eaten. they are are Referencesimply simply too too [valuable203 valuable] noted toto be that perpetuallyperpetually banana disposed peels disposed are of. consumedof.He Hefurther further across buttressed this point by asserting that indeed, banana peels can be eaten by human beings. Some people Catecholaminesvarious triggerbuttressed cultures this biological andpoint communities by asserting reactions that and indeed, they banana are simplyand peels tooincreasedcan be valuable eaten by to human beenergy perpetually beings. Some metabolism disposed people of. levels [144,200], eat banana peels on the basis of the taste and textural modification it brings to the diet as well as the He further buttressed this point by asserting that indeed, banana peels can be eaten by human beings. which function as antistressorseat bananaknowledge peels ofon theor the nutritional basisstress of thevalue tasterepressants. present and therein. textural Ma modificationny fruitsThe and food mechanismsit brings items mayto the not diet be particularly as wellof asincreased the thermogenesis, Someknowledge peoplepleasing eat of bananathe to thenutritional eye peels and this, onvalue thefor present some basis people oftherein. the is tastethe Ma caseny and withfruits textural banana and food modificationpeels items as the may yellow itnot brings skin be particularlycan to be the a diet as energy expenditurewell andpleasing as thereduction knowledge to the eye and of of thethis, nutritionalfat for somereservoirs people value is present the caseth with are banana Many triggered peels fruits as andthe yellow food by items skincatecholamines can may be not a be are thought to particularly pleasing to the eye and this, for some people is the case with banana peels as the yellow be mediated by the adrenergicskin can be a put-o β-(ff [β2033)-receptors]. However, the many [144]. health Epinephrine benefits simply outweigh and norepinephrine these sentiments. enhance glucose release into the bloodstreamBanana peels, a majoras a by-productresult of the its banana glycogenolytic processing industry activity are reportedly in rich the in fibreliver and [201,202]. Figure 21 depicts the molecular structure of some catecholamine members.

Choline Serotonin Dopamine

Figure 21. Structures of Catecholamines.

6. Dietary Incorporation of Banana and Plantain (Musa spp.) Can banana peels be eaten? This non-conventional issue has been addressed and the point is that indeed, banana peels can be eaten. Reference [203] noted that banana peels are consumed across various cultures and communities and they are simply too valuable to be perpetually disposed of. He further buttressed this point by asserting that indeed, banana peels can be eaten by human beings. Some people eat banana peels on the basis of the taste and textural modification it brings to the diet as well as the knowledge of the nutritional value present therein. Many fruits and food items may not be particularly pleasing to the eye and this, for some people is the case with banana peels as the yellow skin can be a Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 17 of 30 Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 30 nutrients, chief among are potassium, magnesium and calcium [204]. However, commercial utilization put-off [203]. However, the many health benefits simply outweigh these sentiments. Banana peels, a has not been maximised. Thus, the peels have notoriously become a dumping waste after consumption major by-product of the banana processing industry are reportedly rich in fibre and nutrients, chief of the inner fruit pulp. This fate has also befallen the plantain peel, despite the huge potentials among are potassium, magnesium and calcium [204]. However, commercial utilization has not been inherent.maximised. [51] has Thus, reported the peels quite have useful notoriously stores become of cellulose a dumping (7.6% towaste 9.6%), after hemicelluloses consumption of (6.4% the inner to 9.4%) andfruit lignin pulp. (6% This to 12%)fate has in thealso peels befallen of banana.the plantain These peel, also despite put bananathe huge peels potentials in good inherent. stead [51] as an has aid in digestionreported processes. quite useful Creativity stores of cellulose can be employed(7.6% to 9.6%), asthe hemicelluloses peels canbe (6.4% used to 9.4%) to derive and lignin the therapeutic (6% to banana12%) tea in the or peels perhaps of banana. a smoothie These also blend, put justbanana the peel sames in way good the stead pulp as an has aid been in digestion applied processes. as a banana smoothieCreativity and can even be theemployed baked as banana the peels Madeira can be productused to derive (Figure the 22 therapeutic). Essentially, banana the tea aim or is perhaps to provide a a moresmoothie consumer-friendly blend, just the outlook. same way Furthermore, the pulp has been some applied culinary as a banana measures smoothie have beenand even put the forward baked in a bid tobanana improve Madeira the appealproduct of (Figure the peel 22). products Essentially, and theythe aim include: is to provide looking a out more for ripenedconsumer-friendly banana fruits, outlook. Furthermore, some culinary measures have been put forward in a bid to improve the appeal the riper they are, the thinner and sweeter they tend to be, including thorough peel washing as a basic of the peel products and they include: looking out for ripened banana fruits, the riper they are, the requirement [205]. Dieticians prescribe the intake of banana peels on the basis that the dietary fibre thinner and sweeter they tend to be, including thorough peel washing as a basic requirement [205]. contentDieticians ameliorates prescribe cholesterol the intake levelsof banana in the peels bloodstream. on the basis Equally,that the dietary plantain fibre peels content also ameliorates have nutritive andcholesterol dietary potentials levels in the as bloodstream. [206] have reportedEqually, plantain relevant peels protein, also have dietary nutritive fiber and and dietary antioxidant potentials levels in plantainas [206] have peel reported flour. The relevant plantain protein, peel dietary flour hasfiber found and antioxidant utility as levels a substitute in plantain to wheatpeel flour. flour The in the bindingplantain of sausage peel flour snacks has found [207 utility]. [208 as] utilizeda substitute the to significant wheat flour dietary in the binding fibre content of sausage in plantain snacks [207]. peels in the derivation[208] utilized of the cookies significant with dietary high fibrous fibre content content. in Thereplantain is peels also thein the dietary derivation option of ofcookies incorporating with plantainhigh fibrous peel flour content. into pastaThere meal,is also traditionally the dietary opti identifiedon of incorporating with semolina planta flourin peel [209 flour]. There into ispasta also the plantainmeal, peeltraditionally chutney, identified a local Indian with semolina recipe which flour [209]. is usually There friedis also and the plantain prepared peel with chutney, condiments a local and Indian recipe which is usually fried and prepared with condiments and taken in combination with a taken in combination with a meal of rice (Figure 22). Essentially, dietary diversification potentials are meal of rice (Figure 22). Essentially, dietary diversification potentials are inherent in banana and inherent in banana and plantain fruits (Figure 22). plantain fruits (Figure 22).

FigureFigure 22. 22.Dietary Dietary incorporation incorporation ofofMusa Musa fruitfruit compartments (soft (soft flesh flesh and and peel) peel) as contributors as contributors to to improvedimproved diet diet diversity diversity strategy strategy towardstowards alleviation alleviation to to micronutrient micronutrient deficiencies. deficiencies.

7. Production and Consumption Status of Bananas (Musa spp.) Banana is an important subtropical and tropical fruit, which is generally cultivated in subsistence or small scale and economic or large scale across the globe as reported by [210]. According to [211], Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 18 of 30 banana and plantain, members of the Musa genus are ranked fourth in export value after wheat, rice, and corn (4.5 to 5.0) billion United States Dollars (USD) per year from 1998 to 2000. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), banana cultivation is evident in more than 130 nations and on more than 5.5 million hectares of land. A worldwide output running to 145 million tons has also been recorded [212]. In essence, with a 145-million metric ton production output worldwide (worth about £26.5 billion), Musa species are one of the globally most important staple food crops and arguably most popular international trade fruits, based on the Food and Agricultural Organization reports [213]. Reports from [214] assert that some two-thirds of the banana family cultivated and produced in west and central Africa are plantains, whose starch-rich fruits require culinary preparation for consumption, while dessert and cooking bananas make up the remaining one-third. In Africa, plantain is cultivated from Guinea to the Congo Democratic Republic and the . The countries with the majority production are the West African nations of Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria and Ivory Coast (Table4). Plantain production ranks highly in these regions (about 12327974 tonnes in 2014) among the starchy staples [214]. Plantain, as a reliable all-season staple, in developing nations faces issues of inadequate food storage, preservation and transportation technologies. In Africa, plantains and bananas supply over a quarter of carbohydrate requirements for more than 70 million people. Plantain averagely contains around 220 calories, useful potassium content and a source of dietary fiber. It is one of the major horticultural crops including the top ten most important crops in terms of food security globally and a consistent diet in rural areas and urban metropolises [215]. The global banana supply chain is a complex one, much dependent on several collaborations of parties. Most of the banana export stems from Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica as of the year 2016. However, only about 15 to 20% of banana produced globally, end up traded in the global market. More than 1000 banana varieties are produced and consumed globally. However, , accounting for 47% of global production recovers quickly from natural disaster shocks. An estimated 50 billion tonnes of Cavendish are produced yearly around the globe, and predominantly supplied to the United States of America and Europe, because they are indeed better suited to international (global) trade and possess more resilience to global travels. Precise production figures can prove a little difficult to pin down, especially because the cultivation of banana plants is majorly done by small scale farmers and trade in the informal sector. However, the available data point to the fact that between the years 2000 and 2017, the global production rate rose at about 3.2%, reaching 114 million tonnes by 2017 from 67 million tonnes in the year 2000, with Asia, the Americas and Africa being the chief producing regions (Figure 23). Bananas and plantains make up a major daily supply of carbohydrates for about 100 million Africans [216], exemplified by Uganda, with an average annual per capita consumption of 223 kg. The banana industry has made productivity improvements from 14 to 20 tonnes per hectare from 1993 to 2017 [217]. The major catalyst of increased production is the concomitant human population growth rate around the globe, surpassing seven billion people. This is, in particular, more clearly expressed in the increased consumption needs of developing countries. Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 30

8th Ivory Coast 1.59 million 9th Myanmar 1.11 million Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 19 of 30 10th Democratic Republic of Congo 1.11 million Source: [218].

Figure 23. Global production ofof bananabanana showingshowing dominant dominant banana banana output output in in the the Asian, Asian, American American and and African continents [[212].212].

8. Conclusions and Perspectives Table 4. The Major Global Producers of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca). This review identified and discussed a spectrum of micronutritional factors and dietary bioactive Rank Country Production (Tonnes) compounds in the fruit compartments (pulp and peel) of Musa species. These bioactive constituents inevitably confer a1st series of potential pharmacologicalCameroon values against 4.31 oxidative million damage, which helps in preventing genetic2nd damage or DNA Ghanacompromise, enhancement 3.95of millionimmunological competence, 3rd Uganda 3.71 million neurological functioning4th and lowered riskColombia of cardiovascular disorder. 3.54 It is million thus clear that banana and plantain fruit peels,5th as much as theNigeria flesh compartments, have 3.09 a millionhost of nutritionally and pharmacologically6th significant values to Philippineshuman nutrition, health and dietary 3.07 million quality. This consequently places banana and7th plantain peels in goodPeru stead as potential natural 2.07 products million and functional food 8th options, adding credence to the need forIvory their Coast increased dietary utility. 1.59 Summarily, million given the activities 9th Myanmar 1.11 million described in this review,10th these Democraticprimary and Republic secondar of Congoy metabolites exhibit 1.11 million properties that justify more research by the scientific community, to drive preclinical and clinical studies leading to the Source: [218]. development of new drugs. The pharmacological insights in this review indicate the potential of Musa fruits as key elements in driving further preclinical research, in a bid to achieve natural product-based drug8. Conclusions development and from Perspectives the fruits of Musa genus.

AuthorThis Contributions: review identified Conceptualization—B.O.O. and discussed a spectrum and A.J.A.; of micronutritional Investigation—B.O. factorsO.; and Writing-Original dietary bioactive Draft Preparation,compounds B.O.O.; in the Writing-Review fruit compartments & Editing—B.O.O. (pulp and peel) and A.J.A.; of Musa Supervision,species. These A.J.A. bioactiveAll authors constituents have read and agreedinevitably to the confer manuscript a series draft. of potential pharmacological values against oxidative damage, which helps in preventing genetic damage or DNA compromise, enhancement of immunological competence, neurological functioning and lowered risk of cardiovascular disorder. It is thus clear that banana and plantain fruit peels, as much as the flesh compartments, have a host of nutritionally and pharmacologically significant values to human nutrition, health and dietary quality. This consequently Molecules 2020, 25, 5036 20 of 30 places banana and plantain peels in good stead as potential natural products and functional food options, adding credence to the need for their increased dietary utility. Summarily, given the activities described in this review, these primary and secondary metabolites exhibit properties that justify more research by the scientific community, to drive preclinical and clinical studies leading to the development of new drugs. The pharmacological insights in this review indicate the potential of Musa fruits as key elements in driving further preclinical research, in a bid to achieve natural product-based drug development from the fruits of Musa genus.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization—B.O.O. and A.J.A.; Investigation—B.O.O.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, B.O.O.; Writing-Review & Editing—B.O.O. and A.J.A.; Supervision, A.J.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that there are no conflict of interest.


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