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The Role of Women Merchants in Increasing Family’s Income The Role of Women Merchants in Increasing Family’s Income (A Case Study on Indigenous Papuan Women Merchants) JAM Selmi Dedi 14, 4 Jein Sriana Toyib Diterima, Oktober 2016 Dani Erlis Waimbo Direvisi, Nopember 2016 Lecturers of Faculty of Economics and Business Disetujui, Desember 2016 University of Papua Abstract: This study was aimed atdeterminingthe contribution of Papuan women merchants to the family’s income development and pursue the role of government and financial institu- tions in supporting the business activities of Papuan women merchants.It was done in the Central market of Sorong, Sorong regency, Central market of Bintuni, Bintuni regency, Central market of Kajase, South Sorong regency, and Central market of Raja Ampat, Raja Ampat regency, focusing on Papuan women merchants. This study used 100 respondents. Data collection employed interviews and direct observation on socio-economic activities. Data analysis applied qualitative method. Results showed that mean monthly net income of Papuan women merchants in the traditional markets was high enough and mostly used for the household’s income development with 60.47% contribution to total family’s income. Keywords: role, merchant, Papua, women and income Women as citizens and deve- (childbirth, parenting, and taking care of household lopmental human resources chores) as well as workers. have rights and obligations Competition to find the source of income is in with the same opportunities as line with the demands of the need fulfillment, which men in all fields. The deve- is increasing and varied, should always be faced by lopment of women as equal women. Therefore, in the quality, women should be partners of men is devoted to prepared to deal with it. The low income of husbands improve the active role in the and the economic pressure are the two factors that activities of integral human influence a woman to look for additional revenue with development. The position of the aim to improve the economy of the family and women in the family and society can meet the needs of the household. and their role in development Revenue is basically the compensation accepted Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM) needs to be maintained and by owners of factors of production for the sacrifice Vol 14 No 4, 2016 continuously improved to be in the production process. Each of these factors of Terindeks dalam able to contribute as much as production, such as land, will receive remuneration in Google Scholar possible for the people and the form of land rent, workers will get remuneration families by taking into account in the form of wages/salaries, capital will receive the nature and dignity. Women remuneration in the form of capital interest, and Alamat Korespondensi: Selmi Dedi, Lecturers of Fa- also have a dual role of both expertise including the entrepreneur will receive culty of Economics and Busi- ness University of Papua, DOI: their duty as housewives remuneration in the form of profit (Sukirno, 2004). http://dx.doi.org/10.18202/ jam23026332.14.4.04 TERAKREDITASI SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 641 ISSN: 1693-5241 641 Selmi Dedi, Jein Sriana Toyib, Dani Erlis Waimbo Factors that affect the income are (1) Working capital Widodo (2010) conducted a study on women’s is the product or property used to produce the next role in the system of Household Livelihoods of result (Sumarsono, 2009). Working capital is essen- Fisherman. The data collection is done by using tially the number that exists continuously in supporting indepth interviews and participant observation in efforts that bridge between the time of spending to some economic, social, and institutional activities by obtain any materials or services with the time of sales using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results receipt. (2) location is the place which serves showed that women have a role in the system of consumers, it can be interpreted as a place to display household income. The contribution of women in the the commodity. Consumers can see immediately household income through productive activities. Small the goods produced or sold, the type, quantity and industries in rural areas turned out to have a role to price. increase the contribution of women in their household The sub ordinance of women all this time has income. frequently forced women to go to public sector and The development of traditional markets in prefer to go to the marginal sector. The advantage of West Papua since it was developed out of Papua the informal sector as a sector of employment oppor- province is increasing. Along with the popula- tunityis that it is not too binding for the activities of tion growth, the role of traditional market as a women, so that the sector is an attractive alternative provider of food and household goods becomes very of offer for women to obtain revenue. According to important. On the other hand, in West Papua province, Tobias (2002), in general, the ones who are involved there has not been a lot of the establishment of in the informal sector are those who are poorly shopping centers that make traditional markets into a educated, unskilled and mostly poor migrants, less shopping center which is frequently visited by the articulate and less define their needs. Therefore, their public. horizons are limited to provide employment oppor- If you see the existence of merchants, especially tunities and generate revenue directly for themselves, women merchantswho trade in traditional markets in not to maximize the profit. This is in line with the West Papua Province is the large number ofPapuan research conducted by Ginting (2004) one of the women traders who trade, but it is ironic to see where activities of the informal sector which is done a lot is the place of women to trade who mostly trade on the a trading business.The results showed that the level floors and doorways of traditional markets. Papuan of education, and control over land and natural women merchants still use their own capital to trade conditions significantly affect the household income (in this case is the crop itself) so that the type of levels of farmers. goods that are traded only limited to the trade of Haryanto (2008), has done a research on the vegetables and fruit crops. active role of women in increasing the income of poor The uneven government assistance, in this households, the results showed that the income earned case is capital and empowerment training so that by women workers contribute significantly so that it these traders do not become seasonal traders, is the can be used to fulfill the basic daily needs for school one of the causes Papuan women traders cannot and also to the social needs. increase his productivity as a trader. Besides, Hastuti and Suparmini (2001) conducted a indigenous Papuan womentraders also need the research on the prospect of women street vendor in capital assistance so that the role of financial Monjali Yogyakarta, the research method used was institutions is also required to support the business descriptive analysis. The results showed that from activities of indigenous Papuan women. Broadly women vendors who have a business trade as a speaking, this study aims to determine The Role of livelihood in order to earn income, some of them also Papuan Women Merchants in Helping Improve have other sources of income in external trade Family’s Income. activities in Monjali as casual laborers. 642 JURNAL APLIKASI MANAJEMEN | VOLUME 14 | NOMOR 4 | DESEMBER 2016 The Role of Women Merchants in Increasing Family’s Income RESEARCH METHOD The distribution of respondents based on the marital status shows that the status of married is The location of this research was at the Central thehighest number of respondents, it shows that the Market Sorong in Sorong Regency, Central Market status of married correlates to the number of family Bintuni in BintuniRegency, Central Market Kajase in dependents, so that it affects the amount of income South Sorong Regency, and Central Market Raja that must be obtained by every household and the Ampat in Raja Ampat Regency, which are in West amount of life demands that must be met, so that Papua Province. The objects of research were they must continue developing the business to remain indigenous Papuan women merchants. The respon- exist. dents of this research were 100 people who were purposively selected by considering the length of working as female merchants in the market, Characteristics of Respondents Based on the approximately more than 3 years experience of trading Age and working in the market with the intensity of the Based on the result of this research, the working length at least 3 hours per day. productive age of women has relatively high dynamics, The sources of data in this study are primary so that the potential and the opportunity to grow is data obtained directly from respondents through quite large, which can be used to obtain a source of questionnaires and interviews with indigenous Papuan income. women merchants and secondary data obtained by conducting documentary research. Data were then The Characteristics of Respondents Based on analyzed using qualitative method with case study approach (Sugiyono, 2005) the Education Level Education level indicates a person’s ability to FINDING think and how to make decisions. Then the relationship Profile of Respondents with labor productivity that the higher the person’s level of education the higher the level of productivity Characteristics of Respondents Based on the of a person (Tarin, 2007). Therefore, in general, most Marital Status people who have higher formal education and / or Marital status may indicate one’s existence and informal will have wider horizon, have a high responsibilities towards their family in a household.