Encompass 2020
NOVEMBER 2020 EncompassTHE MAGAZINE OF THE SANTA SABINA COLLEGE COMMUNITY Encompass 2020 Contents Principal’s Welcome 01 Principal’sWelcome This issue of Encompass reflects a most unusual first year for 02 AnewCollegePrincipalforSantaSabina me as College Principal. Touched by tragedy, loss and chaos, it has brought untold challenges to our school. At the same time, 04 Frontandcentre–GioiaHouse it has also revealed the strength of our community to face the 06 Queen’sBirthdayHonours future with optimism and hope. Every day I gain strength from a leadership team and teaching fraternity who share a common 08 OurGardenofGratitude 02 NEW COLLEGE PRINCIPAL goal to see our students and our school flourish. Like the early 10 MermaidsbanishedthewoesofCOVID Dominican Sisters, we continue to offer an educational program 12 RememberingVeronique broad in content, rich in human spiritual values and aspirational in reach. As I stand on this beautiful campus and reflect on the 14 Don’tstopbelieving–Dom’sDay community I have joined, I agree with the founding Sisters that 16 Embracingremotelearning Santa Sabina is ‘very spacious, gladsome and fragrant, a most delightful garden’. 18 RejuvenationatTallong 19 SpenderCupwinners! Paulina Skerman 19 CASunderCOVID College Principal 20 Throughthewindow 21 1000hearts 08 GARDEN OF GRATITUDE 22 CollegeLeadersfor2020/21 24 #lightupthedawn 25 KopanangCommunityTrustupdate 26 P&FAssociation 28 AroundthePlot ENCOMPASS No. 25 · November 2020 EDITOR AND COPYWRITER Victoria Harper DESIGNER Mathew Guy 12 REMEMBERING VERONIQUE Encompass is the magazine of the Santa Sabina College community © 2020. The entire contents of this publication are the exclusive copyright of the publisher. Written permission must be sought from the College Principal before any material from this publication, either in whole or in part, is published, broadcast, recorded, photocopied or otherwise reproduced in any way, for any purpose whatsoever.
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