July 2021 Volume 27, Issue 12
Volume 27, Issue 12 https://www.cgs.com.bd/newsletter.php?GID=5&MID=38 July 2021 Dear Parents, ETROSPECTIVE Online celebration of World Environment Day host- Our school year 2020/21 has almost come to an CGS R 2020/21 The Pandemic has meant that 2020 / 21 will stand ed by Maria’s Public School, Assam, India. end. CGS Lower would like to thank you all for out as a unique year in the history of CGS. We em- The Art of Growing Up, Wellness Conclave hosted the immense support we received. Your regular en- braced agile strategies and were able to deliver an en- by The Millennium School, Dubai. couragement and appreciation have motivated our riching learning year to the school community. Global Media Literacy Collaboration, hosted by educators to excel even higher. EVENTS AND PROGRAMMES HELD: Pathways World School, India. Despite the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, Virtual Annual Cultural Programme, on the theme, Disabilities Seminar, hosted by SAI School, India. we tried our best to have a great year filled with ‘Climate Action: Now or Never.’ Critical Thinking Round Table hosted by Sunbeam laughter, fun experiences, and lots of learning. National Days honoured, including Ekushey, Na- Lahartara, India. We will soon be hosting the final virtual Parent- tional Mourning Day, Victory Day, Pohela Bai- A virtual poetry competition hosted by Welham Teacher Meeting on a 1-on-1 basis to hand out shakh, Bangabundhu Birthday. Girls’ School, India. digital report cards, certificates, and necessary in- ‘World Gratitude Day’ celebrated with a Mufti. A virtual photography competition, hosted by Wel- formation for the following school year.
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