NTSB Accident Report
. e ,. , p~85-9,f,406 i , L, I \ NATIONAL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20594 . 9 AIRCRAFT AC-CIDENT F +W?T. --- . ‘\ ‘\ ‘i-c bORLD AIRWAYS, INC., FLIGHT 367% I-MCDONNELL DOUGLAS DC-10=30CF, i$ll3V’i; BOSTON-LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRP?RT BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ’ -si:i, JANUARY 23, 1982 I II NTSB/AAR-85106 (SUPERSEDES - - NTSB-AAR-82-15) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 4 ,I. .-’ ,/’ _---.-_x__I &__H _- -- _..-_ __c .-. ___.__._, .--:’ ‘iv.-. :;’ _.-._.’ . ------ ------ .- I . .-j _ ,, w r .---- at*.I 1 &G&q@:-~W fi+3Tg”;;AL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 2.Government Accession No. 'S.Recipient's Catalog No. .’ N%f57~?&5/06 PB85-910406 L 4 . Ti t 1 e and Subt i t 1 e Aircraft Accident Report-World S.Report Date Airways Inc., Flight 30H, McDonnell Douglas DC-lo-30CF, July 10, 1985 ’ N113WA, Boston-Logan International Airport, Boston, 6.Performing Organization Massachusetts, January 23, 1982 (Supersedes NTSB-AAR-82-l!5) Code 7. Author(s) 8,Performing Organization Report No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10.W$ii3pi t No. National Transportation Safety Board Bureau of Accident Investigation ll.Contract or Grant No. Washington, D.C. 20594 cl 13.Type of Report and Period Covered 12,Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Aircraft Accident Report, January 23, 1982 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD Washington, D. C. 20594 14.Sponsoring Agency Code 15,Supilementary Notes 16.Abstract On January 23, 1982, World Airways, Inc., Flight 30H, a McDonnell Douglas DC-lo-30CF, was a regularly scheduled passenger flight from Oakland, California, to Boston, Massachusetts, with an en route stop at Newark, New Jersey.
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