Debaters Leave Cunningham Monday {Efje Batribstoman Arrives ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS

Volume XXVIII. X-528 DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 Number 21 FredWaringToGive Forensic Men NEW PRESIDENT ODK Men Attend Start Annual Cup To Best Singers Debate Tours National Convention

Barker, Summers, Thompson, La, Of Own Alma Mater Winn Leave Monday For At Baton Rouge, West and East. ' Waring Cap Is New Feature 9 Hs«iipv Hewes Parrish and J. R. Jones of Annual Inter-Fraternity Two Davidson debate teams, New Editorial Are Davidson Chapter Sing: Contest. one composedof Frank Barker and Bill Summers arid the <*>tli- Representatives. er of Drury Thompson and Al Staff Begins TROPHY IS ENGRAVED Winn. left Monday to make L. S. U. ACTS AS HOST extended debating tours intu Regular Duty Over 25 Colleges Holding Sim- the West and East, respective- Balfour Succeeds Norcross As ilar Competition. ly. New President. l'..trkt r and Summers nintori'd first ! Bob Garvey Becomes Assist- Editor; Legerton, A beautiful, gold-finished, to Danville, l\y.. where they t\v- ant Ru- I. Hewes "Shorty" Parrish bated :it Centre College. Today dolph Chosen. engraved trophy Ikis been of- atul 1. R. "( asoy" Imic- repre they arrived at Lexington, Kv . to fered by Frcrl Waring, well- si'titcil the Davidson chapter known band loader, to the fra- entei the N'ational Student Assem- l»oli Garvey, of VVinston-Sa- bly, which will last until Saturday, ol ihc OmiiTon Delta at ternity which is judged to sins Icm, \. C, who Ikis served for Kappa Then they will motor west and con- ilnir national convention nt best "Davidson Our Ahn.i Ma- h the year as one of the tend against Westnjinstcr | past ter" in the second annual Fra- ColleRc Louisiana State I'niversitv in the University Managing Editors of the Da- ternity sinsj which is to be 'tin! of Missouri. R.Vtoti Rouge on Matvh l.\ 14, Fred Waring andons of the trophies Barker was business 'manager of vidsonian,lias boon selected, as held on Mav 17. which he will present to the win- IS Waring the Wildcat Handbook, and Is var- the new introduced "Davidson ners of the inter-fraternity singing . Assistant L. S U Host. contests, *itv wrestling manager. Bk Editor. Our Alma Mater," which ho com- soon to be held in over 25 Summers B«^to__ liarvey will take >vi th< convention contract negotiations. lirsi to H&mpilen-Sidney College,' year. V'irginta. After debating there they attended lectures atuMnlks for three 25 Schools I'.,i Rudolph will lake over the will debate at Havcxlprcl College, tlnys. The program boasted several Over twenty-five various schools Rutgers duties id a regular and University and Lchigh columnist \Vpll-known speak have made applications to enter ROTCGives and influential the University, on a two week trip. will wiiti the t olunin uhieh has contest, to date. school makes icl'S anioiiR whom were li tt'l H.tiltv Each Thompson is president of the Ett-I been furnished lor Ihc past year by its own rules, conccrninp the ship, Dr. John R. Cunningham hits now t;ikcn up his duties a* Acting Rranch, President of tin Davidson menean 1 itcrary Society and is a Tom Cauhle. Rudolph will begin appoints its own imlpes. and in Authorized captain in the U. <>. T. C. Winn is a| president of Davidson. He and hi-- family unveil into the prc&idcnt'ft Collegt Alumni; D,r. Coil, Land. most cases the school home on North Main Street yestrrday. 1hey moved from Winston- >\»irk in a week or two. mmic direc- member ..( the Y. M. (' A. and was! professor of philosophy at tin Uni tor is placed in charge of the com- recently elected president of the Salem, whereDr. Cunninghamhaft l>e«*n serving as pantor of the First There is no columnist t<> take petition. Presbyterian "Ilay's", pl,n"e. eon versity of Alabama and past presi- Deferment hndy next year. Church. r ; but "l':tv" will student for Both convention'; Many fraternities and sororities limit; to wiiit Ins column for the dent of the .ind Dr. are members of Beta Theta Pi so- For the past two month* Dr. Cunningham ha» litn-n visiting col- have formed staffing groups, many remainder of the year. Alfred II. I■.1111"- Chnuccllor of law cial fraternity and of the Forensic leges universities all over in for the . inspired .Colonel MacKenzieIssues War and America preparation com- Ihe Managing of them by Waring's Pleas- mencement his work five ICditors and at ilu University of Mississippi. Club, [ Department Council. of here. ure Time Glee and arc set- Bulletin About On April 10th the third team uf the Sports Kditor were rinnmmecd lh', ih, TJie theme of the convention was tincr dates for the contest to coin- Draft Act. the debating squad, Bill l..>llin aii(J. Extensive repairs have been nuidr on the presidential mansion, in last is-ue of paper. The <> I I'.rwin, woven around how h K. could cide with annual campus functions. i Fred Jlforton, will leave for the which caused a delay in the Cunninghams'plans for an e.irlicr arrival Managing ICditors are: ImI in Davidson. IJoe live, Jiiiinne lulcher. Bill I.y- help to initiate a new era of hrtti I Plans Made. Colonel MacKjsr&ic wishes t" an- southern tour. ;-' in, and II, ■in ! and better roller, lif, Plans are underway now for the the following War Dcpart- In rollers nounce ■ S|...rls I litoi i- Iai v Mel Kin BaIfour President. fraternity competition which is to iiunt publication for the information 'The new Editor, Tony Darby, and j (i. -i.l, lie held here. Each fraternity is df concerned Mi 1 Mnlfotir, pr. ni ni the Reporter ! ■ laff will lain ovei (heir dut.ii ■ striving to upon a plan Duo-Pianists If) was hit by which "The War Department issued the Interviews 1 I'a tin Jewelry comrtany. ifiiniediali ly. they may sincr the altna mater in iIn Williui "■■■ I following instructions on defer- t.iarvev snce<-eds Paul led to succeed Dr. the most original form. So far a MiunharKcr" cross, Dirkinsnn College profe^sofj of active duty of reserve of- - ■ i^'iit CAMERA EXHIBIT Misses Edith Steinmetz and a a- i-t.i tit eilit' t'r ol the |M"i Kood hit of practice has been given* pursue medical, law, MID-TERM GRADES .i- prcsidi'til ol i!if ei"iiv< nti.Mi, I5r ficers to or Dorothy Bechtel Gracious Garvcj i- .i ineriil,re c,i I'i K.ii'pa the sonp by each of the participat- Vorrnivs'suci-cpfli-d Mi K I In U post-graduate coursed At its meetirig last Wednesday Hengaveld I i:;! 1 \ " ing to Writer. Mr. ha. announced ' 'hi Sik 1 aternii iuiil hn served sun, r, irnits. - ' I);i\ ixlsnn roll.i im- tr< asiiri as "A reserve officer will noi be night the Davidson Camera Club that the niid s vnirr.Icr i*r;ijdrn .!■■ cxi baiijie idil f The Si ripts Waring will present trophies to [H i iifjoni of the *vnti\ iniion granted duty made platis for their annual pho- ■ 1 the winning group in each college, deferment of active By Mac Jrffrifs. will be eenl in the students' '\ Prank* fo| the past year. * per- tographic exhibit. during BO In; met for reasons which would not .'] was r|liiu- t oj linmt*s the and far. the idia with lure a r.»v.-il .m ■| !,i I.."*, ■ exemption un- The exhibit will be held on ' ' I e rffp Thi tali. very real enthusiasm mit his from training digraph fiends gathi ri'<] axniuul Spring holidays. No grades will among tin April 24, 25, s.i* !*-rI j stop ovei in New (Orleans, der the Selective Training and and 26 in Eu Hall. lift K«*nt out lu'fore lime. faculty members and various stu- I Miss Edith Si.irnn.i/ mul Mi s ""Y" It, h ways, !■.-■'. Service Acttjyere he noi S reserve,' It is to cover all phases of pho- All students who are taking dn- Teachers Vfiiii!' M \\ ben dent group's^ IDorothy Rct-Iitcl, after their con-! - enjoyed itn tography with fifty f sentatives themselves officer. forty or ft*rr ■d sxantl and r(" ex;ims may ■cert in Chamhers Auditorium Mon mi n . Iv prints. All members of the Club i any timt* '^Accordingly, a reserve officer ilny look Un mimiU.s nf net tlieir grades after — — expected contribute, ! nifllit. It Travel Far ♥ plans are to but I* ml.iv. March 2Rt!t. As n ,n.i I who tn enter medical school standing in line befort1 the reporter anyone else who desires to con- tety Car'Privilege with the opening nf the fall term finally reached tin- dun-pianists. : Freshmen may their faculty I tribute is urged to see some ffrnden, has no more claim to defermrnt for Ido'fotoyoii?" advisor* about and up- Leaders Leave Early For :Class Deckles of for ■' can Miss that reason than has a reserve of- member the Club details IK'chtel asked. per-clRS*mon may get them from Nearby Churches. Given Seniors about what kind of pictures are Mr Hengeveld's office. ficer who desires to enter law school "l'«l like :iii interview with you ' Upon to be exhibited. Any ' Jimmy Blazers or one who desires to pursue post contribu- tjn if liv Fulcher. tions will be welcomed, according tor Dnvidsonian vmi don't!j— Automobiles Permitted After work in any particular specialty. mind," we said When "old faithful" pi els o'ul 0:45 j Juniors Select Blue-Brown to Malcolm Parker, president. every Sunday morning Spring Vacation. "The obligation to serve is in- "I's ihis a criticism ?" she asked, from Plaid Pattern. herent in the reserve commission. hesitatingly. |Burton Takes its perch on top of Cham- Exemption from selective service "With our knowledge *>f music? 1 bers most Davidson gentlemen Seninrs arc permitted to liave Next year's F*U4uf 1.1...-.r |,..M,rr. granted replied, turn over for the second lap of their cars on the campus after tlie spring has been reserve officers in we or words to that effect. Up G.E.I.Post was selected by balloting which be- may Sunday morning slumbering, but holidays order that they serve under Horton Opens "Well, all right/' she laughed. gan Fifty to in accordance with the " nut no, many Tuesday, March II*. year. their reserve commissions. Decis- "First, where is your home? all— men are as faith- rules laid down last Please Carry ris, sixty junior* have indicated that ions on deferment of active duty of NYA Men to On Alum- ful as "old faithful" itself and , note the followingrules : Local Home Towni. ni tiny wMi in purchase .i blazer, and in such Gallery Office Work. wipe the sleep from their eyes, and (1) The cars must he registered reserve officers cases "We both came from small at the last mcetinK. on March 22, should be based largely upon wheth- v\ m< 1 their way across thr peace- - in the dean's office. towns," Miss Bechtel answered. "I Mr. htimar Burton; former As- 'I wnty i'iv<- tunu'l in tln-ii ordeTs. (2) er or not the particular applicant ful campus to start the Sabbath off Stickers, obtained from Boh Permanent Art Center Located live in Bally, Pa., and Miss Stein- sistant Director' of Alumni and The ni;!trri; ■' u;,- -t l.vteil ua* would be exempted were he eligible by teaching Sunday school or ' - Finley, must be placed on wind- In Eumenean. metz lives in Ramsay, N. J." Public Relations, announced his I'ruiii :i sample ; Ilopkins I'til i for training under the Selective preaching. '] shield. you any particular resignation last office ; iiiL- ijx Tlu p;itnrn i- a blue Training Act." "Do" have hob- week. The Their destinations lead them in (3) AH cars must he parked be- Service and under the brown plaid against a brown back- A new student art gallery is he- bies r will be direction of NYA all directions; no point of the cam- hind dormitories or some other a 'ground. ing donated to Davidson College 'Xuoouoo," Miss Steinmetz re- men until the new president makes pus is shunned. The largest num- The blazer is a three-but- suitable place aside from the drives ' further changes. ton, semi-draped, ,it with fiy n>rdon Ilorton. Ile is redeco- plied, thoughtfully. "Except ten? her board the "Pepsi-pushif," a fif- t around Chambers. — >.iir hi i| pocketj l"hc tailor will be Thomas Gives rating completely the bottom floor im and oh, yes, We both like Although Mr..Burton's resigna- leeu passenger bus gaily decoraXed (4) Seniors shall not lend cars to here April Mi-U t,> take measure- of Eu Hall for the purpose of the gardening. Last year, thought the tion became effective last Thurs- with Pepsi-Cola m^us. and travel under-classmei)., This is a protec- he the of- 'ments, ami ihu cual.- be art gallery. The ten best paintings rabbits ate up all nf my dahlias." day] will continue to vi^it smith tn the Mcrklcnburjj County should tive measure to the senior and -to Baccalaureate regular about tun weeks of the last three annual Student She soundedrso pitiful -that we had fice at intervals rind check Sanitorium to minister to the tuber- jr t.'hIv in his parents. her, being Sampli". tot material fat ■ 'tin- Exhibits arc being framed and will to sympathize with although Up on the work done In- iiilosis patients. All seniors who are planning to gardening ab- NYA nun. Mr. new posi- dazers were ret"utcrefi !iy tjic '■■ 1- Reverend Thomas, be placed permanently in the new our knowledge <»f is Burton's Regular teachers making Ibis trip.' have a car on campus after the holi- John M. Pro- '' r lirnis: fate-Brown, art solutely nil. tion is with the newly nrgani/ed arc Hob Hood, lolm Talmadi;.-. AI i>\'.i:iu Marion days requested fessor of Theology at Union The- gallery. are to see Bob Fin- "Next question," we continued General Exchange Insurance Cor- Djnimock, Freddie Speas, Davis.. Jack -Wood. J. O. Jones, ley by Thursday, 27, so olopical Seminary, has accepted an In tlie future, this art exhibit will Thursr ' March that after recovering our composure: poration of Chariottc. This com- ton Matheny, Lynian. Hopkins Tailoring Co.. and several invitation to preach the Baccalau- be enlarged as it will become the Bill Phil an alphabetical list can be made. you something pany handles insurance on General Busby, ISradlcy, Currie, 'irm> represented by students. Six- reate sermon to custom for the two best paintings to "Could tell us about T. P. Ed the senior class on your training your em patterns were on the first bal- be and present Motors cars sold on the install- Jim Stimson, and Jack Ramsey. Sunday morning,June 8. donated to the gallery. Gordon - were tour r ment plan. The Davidson Unity church at- ot, and twu eliminated each ANNUAL RETURNS He is better remembered at Da- Horton stated that he hopces that in ' Touring Carrying on the routine work of tracts Bill Boyle; assistant pastor; lay. Material has been wired for vidson as Dr. Thomas who this way, the art collection will South. ' Tuesday'* Jack the office arc the following NYA Dave Talmadge, o supply the first order of coat?. voting for the ED- grow continually and be on con- "Well, we both studied under the pianist; Charlie sp-Kehcre at the Fall Service Sc- employees: G. Matheny, D. I'arrisb, '['lie blazer committee is com- ITOR OF THE ANNUAL left display, preserving same teacher, Mr. Frank Kusschau, T. J. who teaches Sunday school ries in the fall of 1940. stant the best McLccjtl. Smith, OwenH, chairman, works of the student artists for the in New Jersey," Miss Steinmetz an- Russell John Bar- and occasionally preaches, and the Ilosed i>t* Jim BILL SPRUNT of Winston-Sa- Dr. Thomas is a graduate of ron, S. D. Mauny, Boy.d Flinn, Phil Sunday teacher-.;.. "'lolm Crichton, and Dick Kelly. lem and JULIEN McCALL future generations. swered. "That's how we started following school of Washington and Lee University and Busby, Royace M*orrison, M. George Ogelvic, The members of the present se- Florence, S. playing together. "As for this tour, J. Isabell Linker, John C in the run-off. Theological Seminary. The first public showing of paint- j " of Union played Virginia Brunner and Lawson Withers The McjCrea, Hank Crane, Charlie Har- lior. class decided on their senior Sprunt led with a vote of 42, ings in the newly decorated rooms we've in and North While at the seminary he won a far, are going to work is under the direction of Law- die. and Jimmy Fulcher. ilazer in the winter of their senior while McCall was second with a will be early in April. At this Carolina so and Sink, fellowship which entitled him to South Carolina and Tennessee. To- son Withers, who also handles Long legged "JumpiiiK-Joe" Hop- i>.tar. of the junior total of 35 votes. private of " study in Edinburgh, Scotland, and time the exhibits Gordon most of the publicity. I.inton, l"lass, was campus representative for morrow night We play in Orange- per, P'ill and Herbert Dim- Today's not Horton and John Northcross will ' [He jacket result* were avail- in Germany. burg, S. C Hurton graduated from Davidson mock usually beat the bell to the clothing firm whose was at time. eligible completing be on display. Mr. Northcross will liyht able press Those After his studies he "Thanks," we said, writing furi- in the class of '36. After taking draw, rise early, and walk several c rhosen. This blazer is a wool for the office were SPRUNT, served display some of his portraits while he tannish-gray as Professor of Bible at Hol- ously. "Now " just one more thing. advanced business courses miles east of Davidson to help with s>port coal that is 61 a McCALL, KELLY, Virginia Mr. Ilorton will show abstractions. DICK ED lins College in for several What do you think of Davidson?" worked as insurance adjuster in the services at Shearer church. :olor* They may be seen ori the TAYLOR, WILSON and years. pulpits charge CAM He then filled in Those in of the exhibits Miss Bechtel was mo?t fluent in New York, Richmond, Washington, Charlie Watt, "Y" cabinet mem- . llanipus now. Voting hope that, past, Co., WALTER WOOTEN. Charleston and the Grace Covenant as in the these ex- her reply. and Philadelphia, He came to Da- her in charge of Sunday school Hopkins Tailoring who will rising ' blazers, lias were the members of the Church in Richmond until he ac- hibits will be well attended by the "We certainly think Davidson vidson in 1939 to take over the office work, Myron Sanditcr, and Wai- make the rising senior Senior cepted present position as as ' representatives class. his at the Davidson students well the hoys arc swell !" of Assistant iJirectorof Alumni and lace Gamble teach at the Pres- I as its campus Matt seminary. townfolk of Davidson. {.Continued on Page Four] Public Relations. [Ctfntinvetl[Continue on Page Four} Long and Bill Grosse. Pate Two THE DAVIDSONIAN Thur.d.y, March 27, 1941 gEfte iPaUitisoman With the Letters to the Editor Founded By the Clastf of 1915 Staff BY BILL LYMAN DAY'S Member On The Davidsonian. "types." This column is of such a ***" nature that generalizations j^^^^ fi AssociatedColle6iato Press Dear Tony are ex- pected. a plenty DIARY pf" WRITING HOME Cauble did good Distributor year There has been dome diicuMiofl Job this with clever and ironic BY GolleeSiale Diftest Freshman: recently anionp various members of [discussions of collegiate suberfuges the body [and foibles; when he was good, he Published Weekly "For a Better Davidson" Sunday, March 2.11941. student B8 to what most uceds to be improved was very good.— in fact, usually the BILL LEMMON Dearest Mama and D.-uldv :--I'm so excited in tin* David* — snnian, and the m.iior improvement best thing in the paper and when Uv about coming home 1 can hardly wait. I've bad, Printed The seems to be needed in tlie column* he was he was no worse than STANDARD PRINTING COMPANY saved all my cuts so Ican be with you as long anil feature articles. Apparently anyone else in the particular issue. Before patting cm to the latest. mato-soup colored machine of his Charlotte. North Carolina !let's zip back to Tuesday nite of to test those horns (the camels- as possible,ami shall arrive at K:2.' Wed. nipht the Contributors have Rone ''type" Whoever takes over his column for coming year dast week and into an apartment in are-coming) out of hearing of the '■ii the train, anil will In- home until Sun., April mad. Of the three features pertain- the should likewise be SUBSCRIPTION RATES inc to Davidson allowed to use the "type" system, tlie city where we find Kd Shew- ex. comit. . . . Some of the I'ikas Ten per copy. 11. S* Colicgiate year 6. Ihave plenty of money left and won't need students in last centt the make with several of his cronnics are unable to figure out the fre- I'm home. week's issue of the paper, two of if he does not overdo it or repeat any for transportation or while at what has before. questing locks. quent trips of Ed Scott to States- MrMIINTID»ON NATIONALADWIHTIBtM* »T them exhibited the hiij fault of the been said Am counting every minute until Ican see Spot, Most of the realing and dealing villc as he would not he going home HationaiAdvertisingServke.lnc. current Davidsonian features : cuss- The feature stories should try to Sis, and y'all. Lots of love,etc. ing and discussing students, dates demonstrate more originality and ot the week-end took place up in so often. Deduction leaves Mitch- 42O Madison Ave. New York. N. Y. Sophomore: and what have you according to less repetition of the "type" system G'boro. revolving around the tour- ell for the answer. What's the dope — types. One feature took up the of hackneyed Davidsonese. namely, ney and the Golf Ball. Flag Pole up there. Ed? Davidson, Dear Mother and Dad: Am looking for- Kninrit as R0OBd*cIlSI matter al the Poit Office at three types of dates that boys have such local and overworked words Kdmundson forsook the links to General limber Jimmy Houston N'nrth Carolina, under thr act of March 3rd. 1879. ward to coming home. I'll arrive Thursday down for dances: the "one and as "cut," "mish," "limber," "flush," hoist his fighting banner in the par- got on top of the 8 ball in Winston night on the bus at about nine. I just barely only." the "potential lock," and the and "wild hair." If there is nothing lor of the lass' dorm;he remained Sat. with the notable Miss McCoy HARWELL DARBY ..EDITOR-IN-CHIEF have enough money left to buy my ticket relative or friend. The other fea- new to be said in a feature, why at this glorious field of danger un- delivering the stimuli Jim Chap- JACK COVINGTON BUSINESS MANAGER whipped ... home, due to a lot of extra expense lately. I ture grouped Davidson studclfts ac- write one anyway? And if there til the house mother him man seems to have taken up where cording is something new written, off the chair at 11:49 p. m. . Burt brothers, Honey have to be back to school April 4th. Iplan on tn the greeting they give to be then .. his two frat Dew EDITORIAL STAFF to fellow students on the campus. the writers should use their gray Kerr ran his weekly taxi service to and Skccztx Williams, left off with using the car Sat., Tues., and Thurs. nights, as Bob Garvey Assistant Kdttor but the time worn grooves were en- matter more and their stray patter the woman's college to transport Miss Deas. Honey has his ring Bobhy Carter Associate F.ditor I have dates with Hortense. I.ove, etc. tered when writer typed the hoys less. As to the dirt dopester, here's all those men with the "sugars" on and picture back while Chap is Dick Cobl> - Associate Kditor Junior: as lieing either HMOC's. timid fel- hoping he will avoid using the . . After the Golf Ball several of sporting the well used and ancient W Ci Plunkftt . 1 Associate F.ditor lows, or studs. In the dirt column, names of the same two or three the local boys flew into a rage for photo ...Dick Rankin took off Dear Folks :— Will be home sometime Al Winn Associate F.ditor types were avoided, hut not so a "big operators" in every other para- some unknown reason and left Dead on an extended trip to Va. in the night with a chum. I the Kd Erwln Margining Editor Thurs. must have plan of four parts governing the graph of every column he writes Pan Lucas with a couple of broken wee hrs. of Sun. a. tn. ... too bad Joe Eve -\-- ManagingKditor car Fri. until Sun. as we're going to the Alpha remedy of a "grave social injus- during the year. There must be windows. Sweet Briar was out! Jimmy Editor Fred Little, one of the most com- Fukhrr Managing Sigma Sigma convention in Xew Orleans. Will tice." The type, however, reared other Davidsonianites whose escap- During set Dirty pletely the last dance Hill Managing Kditor also need it every night at home as Joe and I its ugly headin the COMPASSING ades are also worthy of dishonor- locked and shot men in the Dan Hodges had the bad luck of MdtltOflh M.mag:rig Kditor able class of Ml, zoomed up to the have dates with some swell babes. Please CAMPUSES column in the treat- mention. The dirt column having his date's car attacked by L*cy McLcin Sports Editor using smith's Washington to see the One. .$25 ment of the "flush" wires. It all writer can also do without an unknown assailant who cost him David Vosburffh MovieKditor shoot me up immediately for my ticket C, There was some mix-up about the added up to the readers of our type A, type B, type and ad three flats and a broken window. home, The rest is for a spring sport jacket I weekly time and she being in a bad humor paper heitiL: submitted to a infinitum in his column. Dan received a letter buy. Yours, waiting around, jerked off This week BUSINESS STAFF have to etc. barrage of broad and perhaps inac- These are the chief criticisms after the from his date's father saying "you Tom Plank ■■■AiaUt*.nl RuaiiWM Mtwtgflf generalizations have mentioned. liis fraternity pin to return it. She Senior: ciiratc which, in the [that been The Pa- can have the car for thirty dollars D:ck Kelly AtBlatant Husuu-ss Manager — main, had and fine this year. could not bear the thought of part- Dr-ar Mom and IVp: Wire me $50 imme- been swallowed time vid-sonian has been more." Kd Scott Circulation Manager time again by readers of previous Yet there's no reason why it can't ing with that beauiful jewel and diately as I'm taking a trip to N: Y. Geddy Herring recently got a Charlie Watt Circulation Manager . over the issues. be even finer next year. broke down in tears, whereupon. ; post card from the city requesting John Crichton Collection Manager spring holidays with eight of the boys. Trans- The column which Cauble has is, Yours for a. bigger and better lred immediately returned it to her. Freeze that he bring the all-famous Mule Baxter Subscription Manager portation, food, and hotel bills will take up al- to my mind, the only part of the pa- IJavidsonian, N'ow they are all set to go and Sproull over to date Queen Bee most all the money. I'll manage t state h\> fraternity or else and Sam Overliy were on one of nipht of the week that it i- to be printed, and the editorials, recent display of horsemanship . .. In line with Mr. Dale's . put down "N'on-frat." on the top tht-ir numerous excursions to the rii;ht to reject part editor reserves the or all of any ' to 1 I wish voice an opinion heartily oT hi* stapled fold. If this informa- Moore when the road endedabrupt- Apologies to the ambitious junior contribution it communication. ballots, Y Corner in favor of the stapled ■ lion is not Riven, the vote should not! ly, shooting them on out in the red who has been so unfortunate as which keep the identities of the! bo counted. The head of the Elec- rlay corn field where they re- to have been omitted among the BY SHAW SMITH ; " FOREWORD— voters secret there are also a few j tion-; Roarrt plus another member mained the rest of that night. . "dishonorable" deals rs. He should MiKReslions I would like to make," representative Carltoh slipped over to come out of his pigeon hole and Hats off in the old editor ami his retiring j should tnke a num- Parsons l'he aim of the secret ballot systemi her and open these to Mire Concord recently in that new to- make himself known. staff successful in Sprirtff has arrived along with elections .. . ' make for their efforts turning out is that each voter feels free to vote thi1 truth is i;ivrn;severe penalties Reality and the ! however, | the paper fur the past year. A good Joli with I'.east Seriously, the -i* he desires without his selections " should follow offenses. Inthis way. five -tars by any critic's rating, student body has certainly givenus some good being known to anyone else besidesI Elections can for ' the Hoard watch * few pledged tally 1 Hats oil, tno, tn the business stall who work men for ntir "Y" next year. Therefore, the a persons, who jany suspicions fraternity "deal- the votes. The only rc;ison that the'] without knowing Compassing -unceasingly behind the scenes of the David- student body sets congratulations as well as the exact indivirl- name of the person is toI iirrn needed is 1uais. The members should be -oiiKin lor mi -■'!'> the given such responsible positions. little recognition. prevent absentee balloting and the1 We're looking forward to great work from honor-bound in keeping this confi- new new "stuffing of the ballot-box;" check-■ denre. Campuses With editor.and staff taking over ' The purpose of this action I'rrfttliers Owens. Myron Sandifer and ing for suspected "combines" the helm, a new Davidsonian is soon evolving. Jim may IU to prevent fraternity combines, Al Winn will still be a great also be needed. But the checking-,as BY Plans, too, evolve with ocjtain new objectives Jesse Wooten. much as possible, although much help in hi- big office. Big jobs . . .big men. off of eacli voter from a list makesI more i-1 needed to stop this tempt- at which I" aim in the future year, any Selecting a cabinet lor next year is no easy further identification unneces- ;in.»* practice of which any self-re- TOM CAUBLE Starting at the bottom will lie the new plan sary, an investigation is con- , task. Will wilt seriously consider good men ftpuctinff student hody should be ■ i] selecting reporters for the paper. Instead ducted. The stapled ballot > could' i you know and talk them over ashamed. hi' econd of the new is to write papers. objective staff to em- i Mentioned Duke as an opponent. Tisk, tisk. folded bottoms would not lap over'body so as not to raise resentment! term ploy the column, "l.cUcr- tn the Editor," as a the list of candidates. The only re-■ against any individual in ease of HOLIDAYS: i Must not have known Kimmett was coach- ON SPRING The fact that ihis .0009 per cent sulting trouble would be negligible incriminating action. in reality means of smoothing out difficulties between i ing! chronicled and long is only half a man may be to outline the simple plan to the A criticism can be made of the That much explained .-indents and faculty or between students and i holiday by the fact that lie really urtains at last fixed in the reading room. students, and in keeping with the disposition of the individual used awaited season for which the present institutions on the campus. Any spring-feverish collegian doesn't want to but is conscience- Lonks like a different place. No kidding, (ior- two or four machines in good work- ballots. Whether the condition ex- tlie lias driven. wishing to write this yearned is at upon us. persons materialin con- .don Horton just hasn't stopped as a real helper ing condition. ists now or not, in former years, ac- last always nection are not only allowed hut urged to do As an amendment to this plan, if cess to the fairly The peculiar attractiveness of a As there are those who de- this year in the "Y." used ballots was sire the 1 seven-day seven-day reprieve solely so. Tin- more the Rev. Carl is heard there is needed any check-up as to easy. Certainly the ballots should recess at this time ob- Pritchett fraternity combines or "swings," I kept merely viously includes more than a mere to lav court to their lady-loves. 'thirdly, the new stall ha- decided to con- the mure Be locked up, and not I in demand he is. suggest academic work. This is a decidedly potent {actor in that each person be re- [Continued on Pan,- Pouj-] suspension of tinue the column, of the Week," hut " Owen's, group of motivating all, hut as per "Question Jim freshmen met this past Let n> then consider the motives, a 100 " a cent goal-set only use it when current question seem- to week. Had a nice gabfest. Professor Wood wishes, and desires of the average it seems to represent a minority. necessitate student opinion. was down ton. Hope he comes again. unil.ergrad in regard to this partic- At a meeting of the managing editors, the Ping pong tournament will be over by the Song The Sirens ular matter. On the other side of the fence arc character "Joe College," so extensively used time this hits the press. There weresome real- Of In the first place, the date has an those who are violently opposed By JULIAN McCALL to the spring heretofore, died as far as public life is con- ly interesting matches too. It's almost as economic effect on the senior class recess— at least to in that '4I-ers can now navigate this particular one. This group in- cerned. This overworked individual has served hard to play as it is to make announcements Georgia Brown," "Sweet an old other jumpy feature. Charlie has their machines on paved roads in- cludes those who arc required to his duty as heroin the hordes of feature stories about it in chapel. "Pop,pop!" alley song, swung is out on done all of his few recordings so stead of being forced to frequent take deferred exams and re-exams that the Davidsonian has printed in the past Have a good vacationand don't forget touse by Gene Krupa on an Okeh platter; tar for Okeli. the muddy and rutted hidden by- in order to toss their hats into the by ring. two years, l.'p to now. Mr. College has served your "Y" card if you go off on a trip. Come backed a new arrangement of A brand-new release just out hy roads. This practically eliminates IV A. "Down By the Old Mill Stream." is jobs altogether. a noble life, but "thirty" lor him \vill possibly by ami get it if you haven't already secured Glen Miller "A Stone's Throw wash To establish one's candidacy for a Another new disc just out by Gene Heaven," slow, open up new realms of characters for future one. From a smooth ren- Thus legal cars for seniors after diploma in this manner must indeed is "Drum Boogie" with Krupa, him- by feature writers. A- a parting flash about which to dHi*»u< backed "I Dreamt IDwelt the holidays is a potent motive al- be heart-breaking and it is a feat think self featured on the 1 drums and vo- In Harlem," cujff of Glen's special though it might be called a minority that should be undertaken only by In concluding, solicit any while away from school, consider the mild by . we constructive rals Irene Dave and the En- swing numbers. He has also disced wish in that it affects directly only the philosophic. criticismof the paper and it< policies from any -tories that start in our student body and soon semble ;backed by "How 'Bout "A Little Old Church In England." one class. To return sees lit to so. new become wild tales. It's funny sometimes but That Mess" with Irene Dave again a new piece Ray once more to the person who do Ihe staff in- with F.berle. Doro- A second goal-set for bis holiday spring-feverish, itself jp this some person couldbe hurt by them, huh? Yes, doing the vocalizing. "Boogie Woo- thy Claire, and the Modernaires do- there arc those augurates special edition. We set period is the wanderlust which is among the seniors year we gie Bugle Boy" feature song of the ing the vocalizing; with "When who have a as our ggal an attempt to contribute our share might -ay that Davidson has a sense of especially active within every col- or so's Rotc'ing picture "Buck Private" sung by That Man Is Dead and Gone"— to do immediately carrying out the slogan, a humor? Dave, legian with the coming of spring. after graduation. toward "For Better Irene with "The Big Do" Tex Beneke and tin- Modernaires Thus these men SHAW SMITH. grooved — It York, must work their summer Davidson." on the other side. Gene's on the vocals on'the other side matters not if New Mi- vacations enw theme song is "Apurksody" ami. Havana, and Nassau must (.as.enjoyed in former years) in dur- I'i'iinv Goodman's (Treat new eventually be compromised ing- this last holiday period. Coffman Memorial union is the most pop- Manhattan college is sponsoring a program which lie has recently recorded and re- featuring Krupa. himself, on baud presents a recording in "You're placed by the Camden Cup Races on ot 14 on the "How to roll the pleasure of three ular building the University of Minnesota lectures principals of municipal plan- Dangerous," backed hy "Birds of a or the swamps of — eastern Carolina months into one week" is a topic campus, a survey shows. ning. Charlie Spivak, corner'.', Feather" with the popular Helen the urge to travel is a potent fac- this rec- that time, space, and talent will not r rn

In this space last week there appeareda paragraph in which | „ the fairness and consistency of freshmen candidates for the Records Fall DEADPAN TWIRLER track team contesting in tin- inter-fraternity meet was ques- Brenizer,White And tioned. The point was made that these athletes, in top COndi- S As K. Sigmas tion and necessarily men of more than average ability in track or lieM events, were allowed to enter, while athletes at that Take Sprints Taylor Stand Out In time engagedin sports such as baseball, golf, tennis, and track were declaredineligible. By setting two new records in Intra-mural Director Whittle has an answer ready Heath the inter-fraternity track meet here Early Practice Drills First, ineligibility of the for this query. we can clear up the Thursday. March 20th. the Kappa for other coaches have re- candidates sports. The various Sips captured the title with a total Prospects Better After Fourth Week of Practice; FieldEvent* members declared ineligible for quested that of their teams be of .13'C* points. The KA's came in Dashes and Hurdles Are Strong Parts competition in intra-mural athletics during the course of the second with a total of 28. by of Cat Squad. regular season, specified by dates in the intra-muralrules, be- Raymond McDaniel and Bill Loy, cause participation would necessarily mean cutting practice, placed the SPEs third with a total The varsity squad perhaps injuries, and other evils. The ineligibility of these men Fourth, 14, track rounded 2-E, the of 15. with were the out its fourth week of practice, and is clearly statedin Rule which, as most of intra-mural SAEs paced by Bcthea, Port, and Schmidt, Sain "ode,seems justified. * bald its first time trials last Tues- Bahnson. i ifH^^L \ i i\ Jess day. Prospects are exceedingly Kappa Sigs' relay FROSH ELIGIBILITY The team best- Rood and the team is expected to Crichton Win ed their previous record of 1:41 to be in fine condition by their first Now for the more pertinent subject of the eligibilityof the establish a new of 1 Eliminations for positions on the record :39A. meet, scheduled with the South freshmen who, it seems, should be disqualified by the above Bill Lacy, Kajjpa Sic, ran the 220- varsity tennis team have been com- : Carolina Gamecocks. mentioned by-law. Director Whittle's reasons are these yard dashin 2.VR seconds to beat the pleted. The team will be ccifcposcd The Cats are especially strong in of Capt. Dick Shore. Miller Sproull. (1) If declared ineligible, old record of 24.4. Bill Loy, SPE. of freshmen track candidates were the field events with a number Schmidt, and likely fraternity and wouldresult in beat the old record of 56.6 in the trying John Crichton. CraiR it is that loyalty persuasion Rood men for each event. "Moose" Sain. the particularly talented frosh's refusal to report for track prac- 440-yard dash .3 of a second. On the discus are Besides establishing one new rec- Freeze. Tcrrcl. Crichton captured the number tice until after the intra-muralraces were over, thus retarding and Vanlandingham, who are ex- captured two more three position by defeating Ted the development of the freshman squad. ord. Bill Lacy pected to Rather quite a few points firsts, yard Larkin and "Moose" Sain. CraiR one in the 100 dash and during the season. WorkinR with (2) is impossible to remedy by holding the one B. Schmidt will be man by vir- It this situation in the hurdles. B. Turnane. the javelin are Brcnizer, Long, Le- fourth practice which would KA, KA, took' tue of wins Talmagc and meet earlier because of spring football and Vanlandingham, fever. TiirnaR*. and Wruhbtirn. ove/ John hold up as many, if not more,participants as the track practice. two firsts each. TurnaKC won the I.yman Parrigin. "Moose" Sain Brcnizer In Jumps. Also, it is imperative tobegin the frosh practiceearly enough to three-quarter mile and 660 yard Ed Luca&, junior hurler, is the only letterman out for mound du- bent Holt Barnwell and Dave Tal- have in for near-future meets. Vanlandingham svon tirs. Hailing from Greensboro, Lucai i» the hope of the Wildcat nine. Chase Rrenizer, the all around maRe and will be number five on the squad condition their dashes and the bat, In addition to twirling astignmentt,Luke swings a mighty at the man in the field, will compete in tlie team. give coaches, shot and the discuss. "Red" Be- above photodemonstrates. (3) The performancesin the intra-mural meet thea. SAE. jumped highest in the both the I- "li and broad jumps. Meet Col. of Charleston. mentors, a line on capabilitiesof both the particularly frosh the high jump Dabney, Teaming with him in the high jump Tlir team, composed of Shore. already practice and the numerous and Rhea Phi men who have reported for Gam. took first in the broad jump will be John lielk, while Lumpkin Crichton. Schmidt, Sain, and Barn- no freshmen having had previmts^rack experience,and withno freshman, anil Dick ate working for the other well or Parrigin, wilTmeet The Col- they uncovered in Elliot White. Beta took Nine's Chances Brighten knowledge of their possibilities until were second places in three-quarter broad jump berth. lege of Charleston there the 27th. the fraternity competition. mile and 660 yard dashes. Glen In the hurdle dvislon Archie Tay- After this they will head South to ANOTHER PROBLEM Terrell captured two second places As Moundsmeii Improve lor and ntanton Williamson arc ex- meet Emory, Stetson, Rollins, and the Phi itpllicshot and the petted to equal or better any others Mercer, returning to tlie campus to for for Delts Another peculiarproblemconcerningeligibilityarose the discuss. Pat Williams was outstand- in the conference. Archie has al- meet The College of Charleston on first time this year. Hill I.oy,Glenn Terrell.jind Bcrnice Tur- ing for tbe Kappa Sigs with four Coach Shcpard has put the var- INTRA-MURAL ready rounded into fine shape and April the 8th. through nage, veterans who have won points for Davidson, but who had third places and one fourth place. siiy baseb.allcr* another STANDINGS will be one of the hind point nun Frosh Play Winston. not won letters were at first declared ineligible,but on investi- week of harh practice, and chances CLASS VOLLEY-BALL in the meets to come. Tlie first freshmen match will be 1 - gation, no rule was found to cover their case, and all three were art netting better each day for a Won LobI Count On White. against Reynolds IIikIi of Winston allowed to compete. The rules will be amended to cover fTus good season. Seniorm ...... 6 0 Captain Jack White and Hugh Salem on April the 14th, A tourna- situation by next year. Frosh Weak The infield play and batting pow- Juniors 4 2 Sprunt are hiking line in the 10(1 ment will be run oft immediately er are Mill the only bright spots Sophomores Z 4 and J2(> yard dashes and are being after the Spring vacation to deter- ;iIicimi the team's piny. The key; Freshmen .-- .0 6 counted on for high places in each mine tbe team. OnOffense stone position in the infield, com- meet. Abels Upset By Rogers posed of Owens and "Duck" YaT- Kufus Nimmons, Dick Coppcdge, Ellison, Inc. borough, is working smothly and Krskinc 1'arks, Red drier, Jim Nick- Ernest squad GROCERIES "JUST INSURANCE" Position The freshman baseball has probably make a number of double FOR QUALITY els, and Campbell Anslcy^arc oul For Golf Team settled down to bard work with killings during the coming games. AND FRESH MEATS for the distance runs, and with a 115 I-:. Fourth St. Charlotte, pfospec'ts of a fair season ahead of Hogg On Third. AT littli more work should show up N. C. came through, them. Coach McKyer's charges are during season. All the favorites Inn Hogg is slated to down REASONABLE PRICES well the Abels, in showing power in the batting prac- liold with the exception of Jack Begin the "hot corner." His hitting lias qualifying Kittens tices but tbe ficldiiiK in nearly all the varsity golf tourna- been greatly Improved, and ibis spots has been weak. J. K.HAMPTON ment conducted this past week. As with his brilliant filcdtiR will add tournament, the will probably hold a result of the team Cinder Drills greatly to the team's strength. GROCERY a;' good plan... Granny Sharpe, down the third sack jvith Ed Cole ■ will be composed of I'.il I.iiikis togellic with Pgb Cu Bob Bry- Getting off to a late start, the at shortstop. Graves, Carson, and DIAL S04I Harrison Mac-Reynolds, who will alternate .it first, with alternate, freshman tracksters have been Kirkpalrick Working a berth i>r. ant, Pop Rogers, and Jack- are for Caluwcll, mainstays of DAVIDSON, N i working hard for the past week. second base. 0- 1). Rvans am! will be the Abels. at the piu-hinflstaff. a Twenty-seven men have reported Major alternating at Mark Monis. During the Spring Holidays, the Walter are the outfielder, looking practice, which is being coached looking innverted is also team journey southward play- for initial sack and an both will Spearman l'oo'1 on the mound alnjig with Mt College of Charleston, the by Coach Lawrence good. ing the cross-country ] I. Groasc, and Davis, University of Georgia, Rollins, and Since there was no In the outfield the frosh have year, boys not in their Hunt, Jimmy Fight For Outfirld. the University of Florida. The team this the arc Buck I'uqiia, Kipper after Holidays and best shape yet. Coach Spearman iMier, and Hub Hutchcnson, who Ihe positions in Che outfield arc returns S^rinR lack of fought (or l>y April 12th leaves a.cain for Atheps. is worried chiefly over the may round out into a capable group still being Smith. in weights. None of D.iinn. (T;irli, Niven, and Georgia, to compete in the Southern prospects the of gardeners. Horner experience with the Intercollegiate Golf tournament. them have bad tournament, javelin and only a few with the The day before the The One Hundred Thirtieth Session Openi CA«T£RIA April 11, the Cat golfers will play discus and shot. Dabncy, Elliot 17, 1941 Citadel in Athens. After this Hill Lacy, Rhea SEPTEMBER The Tort, Dick O'Hair, and contest most of the remaining White. Dick Williams, pjaccdjn tbe in- UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY matches will be held at home and Pat who meet, have been outstand- RICHMOND, VIRGINIA all students are urged to back the ter-frat iKolfers. ing in the early drills. A. S. BROWN ARE YOU A General Merchandise mmjli «**— i When Spring Returns DIAL 2001 DAVIDSON7, N!. C. To The Campus

— - -"i Friday-Saturday ' °' " And You Return I S| V# e one ul new Mon. & Tues. C/tiS»kSk3H DEANNA To "THE GREEN" DURBIN A little minute is long enough /jfl Hkh Tone i big you Franchot ' for a rost when drink fi^^ZXI wSi^^^2S& |;jjf ,, % rf' ;. :|;v iadfflB our gaberdine or flannel '' GET YOUR Walter Brennan on ice-cold bottle of Coca-Colo. |f§ Ij~'EftTi Sf!Wp Robert Benchley It brings a foelinq of complete VBpS^KQn^^OBM^B? —In— refreshment...completely satis- VBS^^S Iv "NICE GIRL" fying. So when you pause GOLF EQUIPMENT throughout the day, moke it the pause thai refreshes with TASTE ITS AT THE"STUD" ice-co.d Coca-CCa. "« QUALITY NEXT WEEK Hauled und'-Tauthority of The Cot!i*Co!n Company by Starts Wednesday " " " GLOVES TEES " " "FLIGHT " COMMAND" "^if 3TacU IDoob Charlotte's New BALLS Robert Taylor Ruth Hussey HOTEL W'». R. BARRINGEK Walter Pidgeon " STORE " Private Banquet Rooms STUDENT t. Showing Every Tuesday at Fraternity Rooms THE — CAROLINA jjlgf / Jri ' MANAGERS— THEATRE Mi*s Minnie'*. " Davidson Students Welcome PARRISH - 'r*e&!« DICK ARNOLD SHORTY Charlotte North Carolina P«»» Four THE DAVIDSON. AN., Much n, 1941 Military Department THE GREEKS Jackson Gives Advice

SIGMA PHI EPSILON. pa Hunt stayed at the residence of boro. Brother Sprunt also went to Plans For Inspection E, About College Habits With Spring Holidays so near at Robert McGeachy. Esq. Brother! Winston. Brothers Houston and Graves, hand, most of the S. P. E.'s spent Wesley Jr., and "Papa" Mitchell went over to Salem Col- lege Col. Brownell Reviews R. O. a quiet weekend ou the campus in Rogers were alsp in evidence as the to. thrill a few co-eds Brother At the Student Sunday tournament Greensboro pro- Houston also went to T. C. Battalion On May Library Buys preparation for a htK time. in his home in at gressed. York, S. C Frosh Qroups Schoolclass Phi HallMarch 8th and 9th. As usual some of the brothers 2.\, Jackson, Brother Mason traveled over to Mr. F. I.. thr % _^___ ventured off to places far and near. Latest Books I'Mtuondson made that "weakly" PI KAPPA PHI. Charlotte as did Brothers Bcvo Have Meeting guest teacher, chose Phillip- Colonel MacKenzie an- Roystcr trip to Greensboro this time accom- Very few Pi Kapps were found and Ben TurnaRC. Brother ians 4 :8 as the topic for the nounces that the Government on campus went over This week there are quite a few panied by his men Friday. Hell, and the this week-end. The Wilson to Derita. Jim Owens 1 and Lawson Withers lesson. Inspection of the Davidson R." books in library hand took Brothers Murray, Pat- Several of the brothers came to new the that MacOaniel. who attended the dance have met with their freshmen To show the value of forming ton, I.arkin, and Pledges Fish- the feed Sunday nipht dressed as 0. T. C. battalion will take: should be called to the attention of at G> C Brother Morton made an Erb. groups er to hobos. recently alone: with the fac- Rood habits, principles, and convic- placeon May eighth and ninth. the Student Body. extended tour of the deep south, ko- and Robinson Salem for the As an added feature Miss concert, Mary Copeland ulty advisors of these groups. durinp days, The first of these is a book of far as Florida. "Gay while Head and McArthur was there as the two tions coIIcrc which is The inspection.willhe conduct- ihtf*as Dor" life, manners for young men and wom- Hollar went with the rifle team to Clem- Ktiest of Brother Jackson. Jim Owens and Prof. W. W. the formative period of Mr. ed by Lieutenant Colonel - affain commuted between [ en. called Thi« Way, Pleaie, and Hickory and Salem, and Cobh went son. Wood had an informal meeting of Jackson drew illustrations from Brownell, Infantry, of Greensboro seemed very entiieng PHI DELTA THETA. Bunyan's allegory The C»p- bert S. written by Eleanor Boykin. This to his home in Wlniton-Snlcm, their group in the Y reading room John the GeorgiaSchool of Technol-■ book solves the question of man- Charlotte entertained its assigned to two of the brothers, claiming as For the most part, the brothers turo of Man'< Soul. He pointed out last Sunday after vespers. At this by ogy. Schedule of event's for ners for the college age. dealing quota of Si^-Eps while the Hays its victims P. RumbarRer and T. of Phi Delta Theta used the past that man's soul is wallfcd in Bumbarger. Covington, Hipp, I.o- time they discussed problems and these principles. Distrust, sus- the inspection is as follows : with a wide variety of cases, in- tripped dnwn south of the border weekend for a sort of breathing 1. Thursday, May 8th— mannun, "rrlntive<;.J1 Kan, Williamson. Robinson, Hitc, questions that had since picion, and discouragement are ' eluding PSMV Uuilnen anil for .1 visit with space between Military Ball and arisen a R:30 A. M.— Official call on the table manners, social correspond- Maze nchrman was a week-end Morris, McCall, Eve, Miller, and Orientation Week. They talked "fifth column" activities of the Cunningham. Parrigan managed Spring Vacation. After all, there's President. Dr. J. R. ence, ri^ht clothes, introductions, of the Fraternity as was Floise to stray over to about the fraternity set-up, the mind. 10:40-11:35 1st Charlotte. Robby Gaither went to a limit to human endurance. ways in orientation - A.'' M— Vr. Basic and some other examples. The who came over for a round of Rolf which could be In further explaining the neces- ■ SpttrtttwbOfgi went improved, ;on- Mil. Sanitation S 1st Aid. Mil. hook is written in a most interest- i -I witli Hay. John MoCrea toI Brother Bockcr takes this week't studies and their sity of proper development durinp Reading, * YVinthropi I). Evans flicts, M. Map Rifle Rifle Marks- ing manner with many good illus- Seen in the corners of Burwcll and O. made prize of one box of Stanback hair- and the work of the Y. C. this critical period, Mr., Jackson manship. liis weekly visit to Hickory. Brother A. Rev. Carl Pritchett and Shaw tra'i !■'ns Hall at Queens Saturday evening straightener for being the wildest of made an analogy, with the construc- II A. M.-1-' M.— 2nd Yr. ah,, Garvcy spent Saturday night at Smith were also present. Refresh- IS 35 P. There is a new novel by were lark Davis. Bill Tarlelon. and tion of the new buildings "n the - Defense, attempted the wild hares. A close second in Advanced Ami- Aircraft Fules Verne, aut4ior of Verdun, Kod Turner Fulcher braved the Winston-Salem where he ments were served at the close of Davidson campus. He stressed Un- Co, the proved to discussion, The Rifle Co.. Heavy Weapon! called A/tymath."This latest book dining hall for supper with .550 to increase the size of his lock contest be Pledge Ar- the importance of carefulness in having Anti-Tank Platoon, Verdun, down> Way. cher, who and dated & Co. takes tin- characters of and Rirlj, then took in the Chi Omega Salem Miss Ruth tournamented Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Goldiere in- a solid foundation and in construc- :1S-2:1O I1 Ad- from New York, was a in both Greensboro and Shelby. h. 1 M —1st Vr te!K what happened to them in the Ha\ ride. Daffin brought not one, Drickhouse vited Lawson Wither'a group to tion details as well as in symmetry , guest of weekend. Brother Hobbie spent vanced— Aerial Photography, Read- ■ yea's immediately after World War but two, pictures of his one and tin- chapter this the weekend their home several Sunday evenings of plan. ing & interpretation, The Rifle Co..i night. at Monlreat, and Brother Rudolph ago only hack with him Sunday for an informal hour. Hank A brief business meeting was Machine Gun. 8t Anti-tank Co. rhcre is interesting study of PI KAPPA ALPHA. at his home in Asheville. Our sym- Bahnson present. riti was also held after the lesson, at which new .Squad. light, r.nitlier "Keyhole" Browning, pathies to Brother Westall who*fo ♥ Mathematics in a new writ- BETA THETA PI. officers were They are 2:15-4:00 Classes ably chaperoned by "Toddy" L.'lti- recuperating in Asheville from an Stapling Ballots. elected. : "c. P M.— All ten by Edward Kastter and James Brother H. Barnweli spent anoth- president, Billy Tyson ; vice-presi- (Batt.) on Richardson Field The bo .k the read- Itier, made a secret visit to Duncan eye illness. Brothers Williams and Newman. leads er week-end in Greensboro Brotb- dent, Jerry N'ewbold ; secretary- a. Formation ier into a study oT higher mnthc- Mill 11ill. Greenville. S. C. Most of Chapman marshaled at the tourna- [Continued from /'n.;,- Two] — el^TTarpe was in Huriinyton. 'reasitrer, Bob Turner. h; (Trilisthentics, ....,..- .,..-,1,... .,,,,1 brother:, informal 1'ika ment in Grccnsbpro, and Brother dumped in a conventional meeting- Pnrnde. Review. paradoxes ,r Spik.' Mcbam-. and l'lcclcrc the held an convention in McLean dashed off to room. 7 and Inspection. Close Order Drill: Along this same line, the Soviet Thllrston at steak fry at the Statcsv'illc Sunday his home in Platoon, were a Y'~1-EACHERS Company, & Squad. Fx- scientist, G.,Gamow, has written a riwr Saturday night. Brother Phil- afternoon with some of the broth- Lenoir. A few did hasty shopping But to get back to the stapled- tended Order Drill: Platoon & Tompkins from State. Among the revelers in Charlotte. ballot plan, which is a big advance- [Continued fr,m Page One) study nf Physics, Mr. in ips. Schmidt, J P.arnwell. Cush ers bytcrian Sunday School held in Squad. Wonderland, Tomp- were Koss McKlwce, Ed Scott. K. A delightful ment toward real secret balloting in 'which Mr. man, Catersqn, Upchurch and feed was served at Shearer Hall. Bill Macl.auchlin 2. Friday, May 9th— kins goes to three Physics lec- I.. Hrinsun, Dave Henderson", Thel the hqusc Sunday night, and Broth which every voter desires. As the Pledges Wilson anil Philips were at and' Jim McCrary ro to Corncliu- a. 9:20-10:15 A. M.-Ori.n to In- :tures, has Bayru Neill, Herb Kai- er led the success of the plan will be shown by and a series of dreams. Salem withothe Band. The Char- ShcwmakCi Bocker sinR which fol' to teach Sunday school a_nd Claude spector. study of the subject ncv. Harry Stittenfield, Carlton lowed. obedience to it, it is my contention IIn these the lotte Crew included Brothers Bry- Hackney to help with the sinRinp. 10:40-11 :>5 A M. -2nd Vr, Rasii presented Parsons, "Two Ton" Maxwell, Wal- that if this plan were tried for a — is in a clear manner. The ant. Church. Efirll, Howell, Mc- We take pleasure in announcing Morris Edwards, Chal Vinson, and Automatic Rifle. Musketry, Scout- My by Maria ter Flannagan, Shelton, Mickey few elections to test the public re- Life of Mother Oscar Afee, Uankiti, Sunimcrville,. D.,, D Joe the pledging last week of John Lusk Eldridge Rrown help with the Sun ing Patrolling, Squad. : Long, Long, Pollock, and sponse,' that the majority of the & and Rifle [Graf, is the biography of a simple Phillips, and WelsM Brother N'ei*- Adil Ned of Gadsden, Alabama. day school work in the "b. 2:15-4:00 P. M.— Administrative mother, Sample. voters would staple their ballots. Davidson German who is opposoil to ler attended the dances along with Siil Community. Beamen Inspection— Building. Property. & N'aziism, Brothers Brockman The University of California med- Then, the plan would be made per- Colore.d Jack the ravages of and looks Brother Barnwcll at G. C. Brotners and Abels and Bill Hamilton sing in Charlotte Arms. good went home to Hi^h Point and ical library claims to receive more manent. So, why shouldn't this idea forward to the return of the Thompson and Winn are travelling ' Choirs each Sunday morning and "--Interchangeable in accordance I * Brothers Moorehcad and Spencer niedcal periodicals than any other be tested out, now? life that she loves. C. S. Forester's with the debating team. Earl Copes "tickles ivories" at weather. went to Pledge library west of Philadelphia. A the with To The Indiei is the story of a Biacksburg, S. C. JUNIOR. the Presbyterian church in Colonel MacKenzie ask» the sup- young weekly trip Uc.1- First Spanish lawyer who accom- SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON. Gilman made his to Mooresville. port of every loyal Davidson stu- panies Columbus to the West In- mont without being bothered by Last week-end saw most of the Some fifty other men are on the assisting to ,,n "Stwoop." Overby, Have You Tried 9ur CRISPY CRUNCHY WAFFLES or Our De- dent in make this in- dies his third voyage, and runs brothers at Davidson preparing Clyde Sam Bob waiting list and frequently substi- spection an excellent one, as it has' adventures, Elder, Charlie Myers. Stuart Gibbs, licious CHOCOLATE PIES? into numerous themselves for the vacation or re- tute for regular teachers. Many been for the past thirteen years. Vttcntion to the no- and Dave Vosburgh wild haired is also called examination!! as the case mav he. THE LITTLE PEP others attend their own Sunday ♥ !ti.e .'n the front door «f the library around Charlotte. Very much in Brother Hank Bahnson i- reports Davidson, North Carolina School service at Phi Hall every taking evidence Iat times) at Converse about students books from ed to have been seen at his home- week. Youngblood "Y"Delegatesflthe library without signing them town in Winston-Salcm, and us were Vcrnon and Iout. This is a very serious offense usual a substantial group managed Kraut Hill. 1 guUty parties to and the are asked to secure passage to Charlotte Sai Program hook; at Qive "return the once. urday. Brothers "Gorgeous" c,r.m- KAPPA ALPHA. It was a triplcss werk-end for the reporter tham and "Torrid Thomas" Caubic Boyle, Interviews K. A. this time with a few cx- Bill Bob Jtihnson. F.lflriHge [Continued <".i ;." One] pulled their customary wild hair of fi m Counsel, Brown, Bill Rogers, Alt Taylor, andI ■III], yes," exclaimed Miss Steiu- rlnwn Converge College way. reptions, Brother "l>ixie" the Y secretary; Shaw Smith, made mctz ''They've been lovely. A T'n- largest group of brothers was known in many sectiojis of the a deputation to Converse College'very, very fine da-- of boys. So conjugated down m Greensboro county ami state. >pcnt his time on Wednesday, March I1'. These del-■polite, -itch as opening car doors. where the feature attraction seems the campus studying. egates presented ■ ;i program to the' And the audience was exceptionally !,i have been the Greater Greensboro Brother Little went nvcr to Win- Converse C. ' every Y. W A*immediately enthusiastic. We've enjoyed I(pen ifit' I. ■um.tnitnt Brothers -ton and then set out for Greens- after supper minute of it." L'ricliton and Grosse stayed with Ed Bill Boyle was in char^i- "t the "We've enjoyed having you. And Lucas over the weeknd, atid Fd ICr- lesterfields : pmi;ram. Bob Johnson pave a talk'■] we certainly do appreciate the in- win visited Brother Jirntny Mittikcn. JOHNSON'S entitled "God Got Shortchanged," terview. Thanks a lot." BrotJvcrs Claude Hackney. Bill Fia- and Eldridge Brown discussedI; very self-conscious, "THE BEST" Feeling we -"ti, and Southgate Jones spent the ''Christianity in the Worlds In thein left, stumbling over a chair as- wr IVCtkcml with lirothcr Hob Pryor. BARBERSHOP closing talk. Shaw Smith nave scat-■i turned around. while Brothers Mac Bruce and Kip- It's the cooler tered suggestions for saintly stu- dents. Hill Rogers sans; a solo, and better-tasting . milder cigarette Alt Taylor read a passage of scrip- .. j DRIVE IN FOR— WE CARRY A COMPLETE ture. DELUXE LINE OF Tin- Kroup wa> entertained at a Pure Oil Service It's called the SMOKER'S supper preceding PRODUCE mary jane yeo the meeting and "WASHING AND GREASING" ICE CREAM cigarette...Chesterfield...because also following. FANCY GROCERIES ond . -o- FRESH jo ann dean it s the one cigarette that gives you a MEATS ° ( ' Women students at Pincland col- MARKLEY'S Hi COMPLETELY SATISFYING smoke. lege follow extensive ROTC train- CANDIES i;C:":';: Vt ing and wear military uniforms. Service Station AT THE oi the Rockefeller You try them_ and_ find them ANDERSON'S Center Theatre r , .r> COOL and PLEASANT. \ ou light one and South Main Street STUDEXT STORE Food Store '> DAVIDSON, N.C. |yi,/;; find they really TASTE BETTER. You buy IFNOSEDRIES, DAVIDSON,N. C. CLOGS,atnight %ir^l^lk packafter packand find they areMILDER. Put 3-purposeVa-tro-nolupeachnos- Thursday and Friday, March 27-28 Always Ask tril... (1) It shrinks swollen mem- branes; (21 Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush ii&sal passages, clearing "RAMPARTS" tor mucus,relieving transient congestion. "S & P" VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Saturday, March 29 Peanut Butter Sandwiches "SCATTERGOODBAINES" Salted Peanuts Candy Manufactured by - GROCERIES JE ■ ittig^^i ;i s^gfe^ Monday and Tueiday, March 31-April 1 Swinson Food EVERY I.INF. &MRS. Products "MR. SMITH" CHARLOTTE, of N. C. HARDWARE, April 2 M. H.GOODRUM DOUBLE FEATURE, 15c Late Show Sat. Night & COMPANY Starting Monday... Thursday, April 3 Wallace Beery "LADY EVE" Lionel Barrymore in see us for Friday and Saturday, April4-5 "BAD MAN" EASTER CARDS "TOBACCOROAD" April "EGG DYE Fool Show Monday Night, BASKETS " CANDY EGGS 10:30 "EASTER RABBITS The Comedy Hit of 1941 "TOPPER SOUTHERN *^ RETURNS" 5 & 10c STORE DAVIDSON—DAVIDSON, THEATREN. C— DAVIDSON, N. C. MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT IIMPERIALI Cupjrijjht1941,'Liccktt & Mtem) Tobacco Co.