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The BG News January 22, 1981

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 22, 1981" (1981). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3820.

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The amount of extra hours has eight faculty teaching overloads, teaching extra courses, all of whom to assign any staff to overload down University part-time instructors this quarter, it needed to be eligible for overload only two of whom are paid. are paid. assignments this quarter, Dr. Ed still was not enough to Oil the payments also differs between Dr. Ralph Townsend, associate Morgan, dean of the college, said. Dr. Michael Ferrari, provost unstaffed classes. departments, he added. dean of the College of Arts and One of these faculty members and executive vice president, To remedy this problem, full-time Sciences, said these two faculty receiving overload pay-Dr. James He explained that because the yesterday dispelled rumors that faculty were asked to teach courses THE DEPARTMENTS determined members were qualified for overload West, associate professor of college's students enroll mostly in the University was closing or above their normal class load. Some who was eligible for overload pay because they signed contracts marketing-said although he is courses offered by other colleges, it canceling classes because of were paid and some were not. payment, which had to be approved before the rest of the faculty were servicing the students by teaching an offers a limited number of courses numerous cases of the flu. by the provost. This guideline was asked to volunteer to teach extra extra four hours, he still finds it a with a small core faculty. He said that although Some Faculty who are carrying part of 20 contingency measures courses. burden. administrators are "watching hours "substantially" more than their issued by the Office of Planning and "It's a third more work and it's not Most of the faculty in the College of this situation carefully," they normal load are being paid for the Budgeting in December. "IF THE FACULTY members worth it," he said. have no intent of taking any of Musical Arts have overloads every extra hours, Dr. Richard Eakin, were asked to teach a course and quarter, according to Dean Kenneth these measures. executive vice provost for planning Eakin noted that faculty probably there was no alternative, then they DAVID ELSASS, dean of the At Academic Council, Ferrari Wendrich. He said the college is and budgeting, said. will not have to carry overloads in the were paid," he said. College of Education, said he kept "understaffed" and some master noted that surveys were taken Twelve hours usually is considered spring because less courses are Dr. Karl Vogt, dean of the College of paid overload teaching assignments Tuesday in the residence halls to classes that are taught by guest the normal course load, but this offered then. Business Administration, said the to a minimum. Most of those being artists had to be cancelled this see how many people had the differs between departments, Eakin The College of Arts and Sciences college has three faculty members paid are teaching extra courses in off- flu. Surveys showed that most quarter to cut spending. dormitories had an average of 100 cases, and six dormitories were considerably below that University copes with mark. Ferrari stressed that these figures were rough estimates and said there is no exact way of scheduling problems knowing how many people have the flu. by Kim Van Wart Although faculty members also are The Health Center has staff reporter busier than usual in the College of checked 200 to 300 students daily Arts and Sciences, no part-time help this week. Some students Students will learn of faculty and has been hired since the faculty telephoned the Health Center enrollment problems first hand when freeze, according to Dean John when the symptoms indicated they try to schedule classes for spring Eriksen. the flu, students were told to quarter. "But we don't have sections covered stay home until they recover, he Partial schedules guarantee that. for next quarter, and we may have to said. But many areas of the University ask for additional funding," he said. have devised means of coping with an "At the last resort we will have to increased demand for classes and drop some of them." Haig confirmed by limited faculty by hiring part-time help, increasing teaching loads and THE COLLEGE was able to Senate, 93-6 shuffling courses. schedule most students this quarter, The Colleges of Business but if "an ideal ratio is to be WASHINGTON (AP)- Administration, Arts and Sciences maintained, additional staff members Alexander Haig, President and Education have implemented may be needed," he added. Reagan's controversial choice these measures for dealing with over- Eriksen does not expect a serious to be secretary of state, was enrollment problems. problem for fall if the college is confirmed by the Senate THE COLLEGE of Business permitted to recruit new faculty yesterday by a vote of 93 to 6. Administration has been hit the members to replace those leaving this One of those voting no was hardest, with Dean Karl Vogt getting year. Senate Democratic Leader permission from the provost to hire The college's English department Robert Byrd, who said his part-time faculty In lieu of the will be short many faculty members decision was based on University-imposed faculty freew next quarter, Kathleen Hart, "unanswered questions last December. coordinator of general studies regarding abuse of power." New methods of scheduling, writing, said. The Senate moved to confirm including giving preference to high Graduate students are required to Haig today after confirming grade point averages, are being teach four course sections a year, but Caspar Weinberger as studied by a college committee, and many already have completed this defense secretary by a 97-2 vote departments have set their own quota, she explained. Tuesday a few hours after scheduling priorities. Reagan was sworn in as the And in the College of Education, 25- "WE HAVE HAD volunteers help nation's 40th president. 30 course sections have been cut for teach the classes," she said. "But spring quarter to cover for more many of our sections are unstaffed for students without more faculty, spring." Inside according to Dean David Elsass. But Hart does not foresee a problem "If we cant staff, it isn't fair to in the fall because a large number of Today/ students," he said. "And it may come graduate students will be teaching to us limiting enrollment." again. BAM! POW! WAM! Have no In the computer science fear, those dauntless defenders FACULTY THERE are teaching department, there are faculty of justice from the comic books extra sections, he added, put part- openings, but there is a shortage of are now defending society time help was hired through qualified people to hire, Chairman against the ruthelss purveyors permission of the provost for the Leland Miller said. of evil on the silver screen. Schools Of Technology and Health, "A person with a degree in Frank Carollo looks at this Physical Education and Recreation. computer science will generally go genre of film in the Today- "We have felt the impact of an into industry," he said. "And it is Tomorrow section. Page 4. increased freshmen class size," he hard to get people to go for Ph.D.s in explained. "And a lot more freshmen the area." Weather are taking these courses." still photo by Scott Ketler There has been equipment THERE ARE part-time instructors Although the winter month* have not been especially kind to this vehicle's paint finish, It at least Mostly cloudy, foggy. High 35 restrictions within the college, but in the department, all of which were proved Inspiring tor one artist. F (2 C), low 23 F (-5 C). 20- money will not be cut from the student hired before the faculty freeze, he percent chance of precipitation. teacher program or its transportation explained. allocations, he noted. continued on page 3 Denounces Iran for act of savagery Finding money, location slows Carter greets freed hostages WIESBADEN, West Germany (AP) - Jimmy Carter abominable circumstance that will never be forgotten." held an emotional meeting with the 52 Americans held Some former hostages gathered on a balcony outside start of SGA book exchange hostage by Iran for 14V4 months and then denounced the their hospital rooms, waving and clapping as Carter's by Sarah Blaaland Iranian government's "despicable act of savagery." He limousine drove up. Several of them, including Marine the student to contact the seller and SHELVES WOULD have to be added, "Our Americans in Iran were mistreated much makeadeal. guards, wore only light T-shirts and blue pajama purchased, someone would have to worse than previously revealed." bottoms in the sub-freezing night air. The Marines The Student Government THE NEW PROGRAM more be hired to man the book exchange, The former president's description of acts of Association is hoping to institute a closely resembles an actual appeared to ha ve new haircuts. and its location could be costly. "barbarism" leading to "abominable circumstances" A Carter aide said the private, 80-minute meeting was book exchange program by the end bookstore. According to SGA Vice Kortokrax said she thinks the for the freed captives followed reports from hostage's of this quarter which would President Brian Hearing, books for "emotional to the point of awkwardness" - so moving location of the exchange is the families and the State Department that the Americans that a photographer was asked to stop taking pictures. undercut prices of area bookstores. sale would be placed in a central main holdup In implementing the suffered physical and psychological abuse during their But before the program can location,, and students would be program. Renting a room would Carter spokesman Jody Powell said that as the former 444 days in captivity. president shook hands with each freed captive, "tears materialize, SGA must solve an compensated once a book was sold. cost about $2,000 for two weeks, she The State Department issued a statement here saying, intricate financial puzzle. To underwrite SGA expenses, the said. were welling in everybody's eyes, the hostages' and seller would be charged 10 cents "On the basis of what we have learned so far, we have Carter's." and the buyer would pay 10 cents to further evidence of serious mistreatment in a number of Former Secretary of State Edmund Muskie said The program SGA has outlined, "It is annoying how much the cases during the period of their captivity." It did not Carter and his party received "a very warm, very many details of which remain SGA plus the cost of the book, University charges to get elaborate. unclear, differs from a book Hearing said. friendly reception." something that would benefit the Carter, who turned over the presidency to Ronald As Carter left the hospital after an hour and 20 exchange system attempted last Once implemented, the exchange students," Kortakrax said. Reagan on Tuesday, was denied the chance of would operate during finals week minutes, he embraced Bruce Laingen, the charge spring. Now SGA Is trying to find a room announcing the hostage's freedom while still in office, d'affaires and senior diplomat in the U.S. Embassy when Last spring's system required and the first week or week-and-a- that doesn't have a price tag but as Reagan's special envoy he said he was able to interested students to submit to half of classes, Roland Tkach, attached. On possibility is a it was seized. "express the thanks of a grateful nation to the brave In his statement at the Frankfurt airport after meeting SGA index cards listing books for Rodgers senator working on the meeting room in Northeast hostages." sale. SGA then entered these project, said. Commons, Kortokrax said. the former hostages, Carter said the takeover of the U.S. Carter said afterward they "were mistreated much Embassy on Nov. 4,1979 and the holding of the hostages listings onto a computer printout, But, finances have prevented the Other state schools in Ohio have worse than has been previously revealed. The acts of with the student's phone numbers implementation of the program. book exchange programs, and until their release on Tuesday "was a criminal act that barbarism which were perpetrated on our people by Iran should be condemned by all law-loving people of the and placed copies in the SGA "The costs are unbelievable," Kortokrax said SGA is structuring can never be condoned. office, at dorm main desks, greek world." Dana Kortokrax, SGA president, its program like the 10-year-old one "Criminal acts ought to be condemned by all law He described his meeting with them as "the moat houses and the library. It was up to said. at Kent State. loving, decent people of the world. It's been an moving and gratifying act," in his life. 2 Trt» BQ Nm January 22,1961 Abortion a decision for the woman, not government

Today is the eighth anniversary of Amendment. It says, "The 4. The woman's body would would pass it on to an *ier human advocates are not going to stop with the Supreme Court decision on paramount right to life is vested in become the legal property of the being, I would choose not to do so. taking away "Reproductive abortion. That decision allowed that it Focus each human being from the moment fetus; she would lose all autonomy Freedom," consider the Bill of is the right of women to chose to have of fertilization without regard to age, and decision-making abilities where WHEN I became a feminist in the Rights. If I sound like some kind of an abortion. That decision, called Roe health, or condition of dependency." the fetus is concerned and the early seventies I received support nut, check into the careers of Jesse v. Wade said in part: Susan Norman government would intrude into every from other women who agreed that Helms and Strom Thurmond, right to "For the stage prior to The possible ramifications of this aspect of her life. such a decision was mine and only life groups. approximately the end of the first University student amendment are: The above amendment is a severe mine to make. In return, I supported trimester of pregnancy, the abortion 1. """le fetus, at the moment of invasion into the privacy of every the choices of other women and men Jan. 22, Women for Women will hold and its effectuation must be left to the part of them illegal, and to fertilization would be considered a woman's life. Imagine such invasion to choose when, if, how many times, an informational table in the Union medical Judgment of the pregnant tremendous expense. Estimates of person and entitled to full in- the obstetrics and gynecology and under what conditions, they entrance, all day. That night there woman's attending physician." the thousands of women who died governmental protection. To prevent offices, hospitals, our homes. Imagine would choose to partake in the will be a program on "Reproductive because of medical complications, the implantation of the fertilized egg illegal abortions, illegal birth control reproduction process. Freedom, Abortion Rights" in the Abortion foes would like to believe "back-alley" methods, self-induced on the walls of the uterus would be a methods, these are what the Human Faculty Lounge. that if abortion is made illegal it will "coat-hanger" abortions, are not to criminal offense. The pill and the Life Amendment offer you. It is time now to stand up for Feb. 4, Women USA (1-800-221-49451 disappear. Abortion has existed be found. IUD, because they do Just this could When I was twelve years old, I "Reproductive Freedom." Millions of and NOW will be doing massive throughout history and will continue become illegal. decided that at all costs, I would not us daily make decisions regarding lobbying in Congress. Write Congress to do so. The point of legalizing THE SUPREME Court decision bear children. I didn't know then how reproduction. It is time to refuse to and NOW (425 13th Street N.W., abortion was to assure the woman allowed that abortion did and would 2. Miscarriage and spontaneous I would prevent having babies, only allow our government to mess around Washington, D.C. 200041 with your involved a medically safe, reasonably occur and that it was best that it abortion would have to be that I would do so. with our freedom to choose. It is time support for Reproductive Freedom. priced abortion. occurred under safe conditions, investigated for possible criminal I spent the first fifteen years of my to stop the Human Life Amendment Make no mistake about it, stop the In the year before the Supreme performed by capable physicians. intent. life in and out of hospitals. I was bom and the push for a Constitutional Human Life Amendment before it Court decision more than one million Jesse Helms in Congress on Jan. 15, with a birth defect. I knew that if Convention with the HLA as a top stops you. The freedom to choose is women had abortions, the greatest 1979 introduced the Human life 3.. ABORTION would be illegal. there was a chance in a hundred that I priority. Constitutional Convention ours, let's not lose it. Opinion student vote on board No, Reagan isn't president forever

WASHINGTON - It is very the generals who were supporting Constitution. We do it ail the time." would defeat purpose perplexing for foreigners to Carter?" "It's too much trouble." I said. understand how Americans change "Carter didn't have any generals "THERE ARE not going to be any It is tough sometimes to turn down the offer of power, but presidents. I happened to be watching Focus supporting him in office." trials. Most of them will go back to the swearing-in with a military "That explains it! But surely the their law practices or head up large that is what we're going to do. attache from a South American Art Buchwald secret police could have tortured the corporations." A bill has been introduced into the Ohio House of country who was seeing his first Reagan people and found out what "How can Reagan be sure they Representatives to create a voting student position on the inaugural. syndicated columnist was going on." won't work clandestinely to He was quite bewildered by the "We're way behind when it comes overthrow him?" boards of trustees of state universities, including this one. ceremony. sophisticated yet. Every president to torturing political opponents. We "They will, but not until 1964." Since the Board of Trustees has the final say on important "What is President Carter doing up takes his chances that he can win re- just let everyone have his say and "I don't see any tanks up here." budget matters at the University, it is tempting to have on there on the platform?" he wanted to election. Once the voters have spoken, then we select the person we want to "We never have tanks at a know. that's it." be our president for four vears." presidential inauguration. They make that board a student who would represent student interests. "He's watching the new president "You mean Reagan is not going to potholes in the streets. Pay attention, The temptation says that it may take a student to give the of the United States being sworn in." "It doesn't make any sense that a declare himself president for life.." you could learn something from this." trustees a better appreciation of the effect of a tuition "Isn't he under house arrest?" man in power would not have any "He cant. The Constitution won't "What good would it do? When I knowledge that the opposition was permit it." make a report to my government, no increase. That temptation says a student's vote is "NO, WE don't put our ex- planning a coup. What happened to "But surely he can change the one in the junta will believe me." necessary because it is the students who pay the bills here. presidents under house arrest," I told But that ignores the purpose behind the Board of him. "It's much more cruel to make them see their successor take over the Trustees. The trustees are supposed to oversee how this office." place is run and independently keep an eye on how state tax "How come there are no colonels up dollars are spent. on the platform?" "Why should there be colonels on While students pay part of the bills here, the state the platform?" taxpayer pays the rest pf them. The state agency appointed "We always give the colonels who by the governor to make sure the money goes to the right overthrow our government the best place is the board of trustees. seats." "Our colonels didn't overthrow the To put a student on the board would defeat that purpose. government. The president was The trustees recently told us why they were against the elected by the people." proposal, and most of those reasons were ludicrous. They "BUT DIDN'T you have the junta missed the point. A student could do a trustee's job oversee the elections?" effectively and even add another dimension to the board. "We had no junta. People just went But it also would be contradictory to the role of the board, to the polls and voted for the candidate they wanted." a role which is serving both the students and the taxpayer "How can you do that under martial adequately. law?" "We didn't have martial law," I said, patiently. "But if Carter knew that Reagan was going to overthrow his Letters government, why didn't he declare martial law and round up all the people who were supporting Apartment rent in BG outside of the university community Reagan?" average from $125 to $250 less than the outlandish, tyrannical prices quoted here. Surely the costs to "OUR SYSTEM is not that operate here are not that much higher Now that the annual ritual of to justify these scandalous prices. seeking housing for the next academic year has arrived, It seems obvious that once again the Carefully check merits of city housing code undoubtably many students are faced students have become victims of a with the next-to-impossible task of shafting, this time being rendered Recent news accounts regarding the city where they were to operate hour. It is less costly to share the finding an affordable place to live. courtesy of the avaricious landlords proposed changes in the city Housing under the terms of a negotiated services of a single corps of This task has been complicated in the Bowling Green Community. Code stir memories and prompt contract. inspectors than to maintain a further by the recent series of Now is the time to take a stand clarification. Except for minor Focus There are several clear advantages separate municipal office and to hire outlandish rent increases by virtually against these ridiculously inflated changes the current code and to this system. Adoption of a uniform inspectors whose jurisdiction ends at all off-campus housing prices and resist succumbing to the inspection procedures stem from Thomas Anderson code means that housing standards do the edge of town. In effect, establishments. demands of these unscrupulous proposals made in 1973 by the Otology profs not change at the city limits, a factor elimination of duplication of services With these increases come an all tyrants! Planning and Zoning Committee of of significance with respect to student reduces costs. Considering the state time intolerable high in housing rent City Council while I was chairman. housing. Use of the same inspectors of the economy in the early 1980s, that payments. It is hard to comprehend Michael GroH These proposals were made at a time in rural areas. This revision was both in and out of town furthers the element alone offers justification for why identical rental apartments SUE. Merry St when code changes comparable to accomplished cooperatively by objective of equal enforcement. continuation of the current county those now proposed were also members of the Planning and Zoning Access to the County Health Office contract system. considered, and rejected. Committee of Council and James Coy makes a greater number of Inspectors This account is not intended to It is interesting to read the lament of the Wood County Health available during periods of unusual suggest that no improvements in the The BG News that Bowling Green does not have its Department. demand in a given area. present system are possible, or even own code as do other small cities (e.g. Following approval of Inspectors Of particular importance is the fact needed. It does seem proper, Athens, Oxford, etc.). What is not from the Wood County Health Board that inspectors from the Health however, that debate concerning Vol.81 STAFF No. 49 stated is that this circumstance the revised code was to be enforced by Department normally are trained drastic change in the existing city results from deliberate plan, not from means of inspectors from the Wood professionals, often with experience Housing Code and inspection Editor Mary Dannemille. oversight. As far as is known the County Health Department. These in the building trades. Interns are not procedures should include careful Managing editor Paul O' Donnei I approach used here is unique In Ohio inspectors were to have jurisdiction involved; inspection for housing code evaluation of the merits of the one Assistant managing editor Kelfh Jameson and was intended, at least, to be an not only In the county but also within violations should not be amateur now in effect. Newsedllor John Lam mers improvement over past methods. Copy adltor Joa Hanak Opinions vary, of course, as to Wlra adltor Kathryn Coll DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Pholo adltor Tim Westhoven ' whether being different is worse or Sporti adltor Oava Lawandowtki better. My own (biased) view is that 7 Business manager LibOy K llmar the methods used here have more advantages than disadvantages, and Iffim w^ I DP UNTILTHe AFTBl- Tka »o New, It published dally Tuesday through Friday during the academic year aad W **^ HI, me/.' Hi.KAiii HXHf¥VeXMMVW.lOOK Tuosea*** weakly during summer sessions by students 01 Bowling Oreen State University. hence are better than those ATimmMONStrim/w CA/OOONGIS erf Opinion eiprataad by columnists do not necessarily relied the opinions of Tka BO News. elsewhere. Allow me to explain. FMKSNMM 60tN6TOTte Tka BO News and Bawling Green State University are equal opportunity employers and During 1973 the existing Wood da not discriminate In hiring practices. County Housing Code was Tka BO Now* will net accept advertising mat Is deemed discriminatory, degrading ar M- meticulously revised, word by word swtttng an the basts of race, sea ar national origin. All rights to material auMlsrted In The BO News are reserved. and comma by comma. The purpose was to arrive at a set of housing Editorial and Business Offices standards applicable both to urban IM University Hall and rural conditions. Where Bowling Oreen State University necessary, distinctions between the Bowling Oreen, Ohio 41*13 : (tiff J7I-JMI two were made. For example, outhouses were to be permitted only January 22,1M1 Tha M Naws S Effort to reduce enrollment causes early closing date Fall quarter admissions close early for freshmen

by Mary Allc* Hantgaa "It comes down to looking at the ALSO CONSIDERED was a request At one time, the University "tried to Prospective freshmen who missed attempt to cut enrollment in recent atalf raportar number of applications we have from the Ohio Board of Regents to establish an equal number of men and that deadline were either placed on a years. received and projecting forward to limit the University's enrollment to women it admitted," Eakin said, waiting list, enrolled for fall quarter A recent decision to stop accepting the number of applications we 15,000 full-time-equivalent students, adding that admissions for women at one of OSU's four regional WHILE APPLICATIONS received applications for the fall 1981 freshman expect," Eakin said. Eakin said. The University is 1,380 sometimes closed a month after they campuses or the Agricultural by Kent State University are "Just class on Jan. 30 marks the earliest The decision to cut off admissions is students over that limit this year, but were opened. Technical Institute in Wooster. slightly ahead of last year," Director cutoff date for admissions at the based on "the need to reduce the size will cut enrollment by 500 students Charles Schuler, director of of Admissions Bruce Riddle said KSU University in recent history, of the freshman class, as well as next fall in hopes of complying within Eakin said the number of admissions at Miami University in has no plans to dose admissions according to Dr. Richard Eakin, meeting some of the pressures we are three years. applications for admission this year Oxford, said Miami will accept early. executive vice provost for planning experiencing in the residence halls Applications for admission were has increased from those received applications until its traditional "We've remained open until mid- and budgeting. and classrooms," he added. accepted until April 15 last spring. last year. March 1 closing date. He added that August," Riddle said, adding that "My information is that indeed the school has not been forced to close KSU serves a "large community of admissions are generally up across admissions early in at least 15 years. adult part-time students" who usually the state, although ours is higher than do not apply until the summer most," he added. "We've had about an 8-percent months. Briefs. increase (in applications) above last "I think when unemployment is in dancing or helping out. Off enhauer will meet today at OHIO 8TATE UNIVERSITY year," Schuler said. high, enrollment generally maintains Women for Women film 7:30p.m. For more information call 372-2839. stopped accepting applications for its "We are at the level the Board of itself or Increases slightly above the Women for Women will sponsor a film and discussion Columbus campus on Jan. 9, the Regents has requested," Schuler previous year's enrollment,"Rlddle celebrating the eighth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme earliest cutoff in at least five years. said, adding that Miami has made no added. Court decision to legalize abortion today at 7:30 p.m. in Club sport meeting the Faculty Lounge, Union. There will be a club sport organizational meeting today at 8:30 p.m. in the Agnes Hooley Conference pag* 1 Room, Student Recreation Center. For more scheduling problems..- Financial aid workshop information call the Club Sport Office, 372-2876. "Even so, many students had to be anyway," he said. "But we will still traveling." The Student Development Program and the Financial turned away," he said. "With the have 10 uncovered sections on the THE COLLEGE OF Musical Arts, Aid Office will hold a financial aid workshop today from Last week for KEY photos number of part-time people we have schedule." however, is not facing scheduling 6:30-7:30 pan. in 115 Education Bldg. This is the last week for seniors to have their picture now, we will try to replace them with One part-time person was hired problems, Dean Kenneth Wendrich taken for the 1981 KEY, the University yearbook. full-time people next year." before the freeze to teach three of the said. Education sign-ups today Appointments are available from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. There The School of Art also is thinking sections this quarter, but more will be The faculty freeze did not affect is a $4 sitting fee and seniors can order reprints. For about precautions for next year, needed for spring, he added. contracts for their part-time help, he University Placement Services will bold education more information call the KEY office, 372-0086. Director Maurice Sevigny said. In the popular culture department, said. sign-ups today at 6 pan. in the second floor lobby, Students might be screened 1,000 students were turned away this The College of Health and Student Services Building. Labino exhibition extended according to grade point averages quarter, with 2,000 getting into Community Services also is not facing McFall Center Gallery has extended its showing of and majors to cut class enrollment. classes, according to Ray Browne, enrollment or faculty problems, Dean Dance marathon meetings the exhibit "Dominick Labino: The Man and His Art" AND COURSE selections have been chairman. Edward Morgan said. The sixth annual "Superdance for Superpeople" through March 27. It originally was scheduled to close cut in the department of mathematics "But our real cut has been in travel "We program our faculty around dance marathon will be held Feb. 6-7. Residence halls at the end of January. The gallery is open from 8 a .m. to and statistics for next fall quarter, expense," he said. "And this is a other colleges," he said, explaining will hold informational meetings for people interested 5p.m. weekdays. Chairman Wallace Terwilliger said. problem because of the nature of that 99 percent of its staff teach in the "Spring is usually a lighter quarter popular culture is to do some College of Arts and Sciences.

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VAN NESS LAMBERT KAY 1 AQUARIUM PRODUCTS EMPORIU COURBETTE FRITZ CHEMICAL CO. BILLY ROYAL RING ORVILLE TETRA WERKE MAGNADOR AQUARIUM PHARMACEUTICALS ! HOLIDAY W VORTEX PET 6 SADDLE SHOP EXCHANGE. BORDON h MARINELAND (Or How To Get Your College Ring For Less.) RAINBOW MEAL WORMS k SUPREME mi s. m SEALIFE MARINE EXHIBITS 3S2-MS3 GATEWAY CASUALS ^ MARINE ENTERPRISES J PENNPLAX Trade up. Trade in. And save. Because AQUARIUM SYSTEMS/INSTANT OCEON CARIB SEA CRUSHED CORAL J ArtCarved offers you the unique opportun- ity to trade in your 10K gold high school ring. ODELL FAVRIT k Northwestern Ohio's largest * most complsts pet store with You can save up to $90 on the college ring of 8 INI 4,000 gallons of tank space to otter you an unsurpassed selection OSCAR tj your choice. And ArtCarved offers twenty of freshwater tropicals, African clchllds snd marine fish. We carry different styles from which to choose. OASIS a complsts line of aquarium accessories IN STOCK. Aquariums FIEBING J from 2 v, gallons to 220 gallons IN STOCK. We take pride In hav- Get ready for The Great Ring Exchange. JAQER ing one of the largest selections of sxotlc parrots, macaws A FARNAM You can't afford to pass it up. cockatoos In ths mldwsst. Ws are always well-stocked with fin- s FRYE BOOTS £ SPOT ches, parakeets, cochatsils A convres. Our expanded small ADT animal A reptile section Includes: bsll pythons, Burmsss pythons, DURANGok gopher snakes, tsrsntulss, tokay A house geckos, ground, S-llne LETS A blus-tslled sklnks, chameleons, South American toads A LEWS W /IRK7IRVED Calmen. ^COLLEGE RINGS WECO WRANGLER ▼( Symbolizing your ability to achieve. HAQEN E'S PERMACOLOR W RAMCO LEATHERCRAFT £ UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE MARDEL WE CARRY EVERT HEED FOR EVERT FET! METAFRAME/LIVINQ WORLD i MARINE IMPORTS J STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING AOUALOQY FAMA Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. WARDLEYS COME TO OUI BOOTH IT TOT'S H. IM SALE HILL': Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. KORDON AT TIE kUSOlIC AUDITORIUM 01 HEATHERDOWIS. PB. 8,7,1 ZODIAC Artc.arvad RepraaeatatHe Hoara: LONQLIFE Monday-Friday, January 19-23 CIRCLE Y 10 a.m.-4 p.m. JUNGLE WMSmiDBE AT SOOTH 60% OFT LIST PRICE TRIUMPH GINGER BIRDS—AQUARIUMS—AQUARIUM ACC. STUNTS SUPER PET Deposit required. Master Charge or Visa accepted. © 1980 ArtCarved College Rinrt J NEKTONICS «*~*- — -«-»- -*a~0 AND MORE... j 4Th« BQ Nm January 22, 1M1 Today / Tomorrow.

D AIVI rUW! WAr ! The world of comic book heroes and villians invade the theaters

by Frank Car olio stamp of producer Dino De Installment!) is " - In This movie is so bad it makes the Laurentiis: it tries too hard to be the Center of the Earth." "" look good. "Pathetic Earthlings! Who can charming and ends up being merely A few characters appeared in a Starring in the title role is some little save you now..." silly. Trivia fans will want to note that series of movies, notably "Joe twerp named David Kory; he has "It's a bird! It's a plane ! No, it's.. the eminently forgettable Sam J. Palooka," with Joe Kirk wood (1947- been out of show business ever since. •* Jones stars as Flash and that the 1961) and "" with Penny And, believe me, rightfully so. "A flash of silver! The thunder of pompous rock group Queen is Singleton (1938-1948). These three films illustrate a basic mighty hooves! And a hearty..." responsible for the alleged musical Two first generation comic strip difference between comic strip "I yam what I yam - and that's all score. movies are good examples why films movies of the fine generation and the that I yam." of this genre should never take current vintage. Even at their silliest Well, old salt, not quite. You're no THESE MOVIES would never have themselves seriously. "Prince (""), most longer just a simple sailor who lives in seen the light of a projector were it Valiant" (1964) had a very young preposterous ("Barbarella") or moat a comic strip. You've become not for the success of ': The Robert Wagner running around in a lamely insipid ("Dondi"), they were Hollywood's latest gimmick. You've Movie" two years ago. That film page-boy wig that got into his eyes at least sincere in their effort to bring become . . . THE COMIC STRIP encouraged the resurgence of comic every time he turned his head. And in the comics to life. Based on MOVIE!! strip movies that we will soon be "Barbarella" (1968) it seemed as if "Superman" and "," enjoying Jane Fonda burst out of her clothes I'm not so sure the second generation THIS GENRE is not to be confused And so, in the coming months (or every time she moved her voluptuous of comic strip movies has any purpose with cartoons or other kinds of years, depending on production body. beyond making money and selling animated films. The comic strip schedules, temperamental stars, AND, FINALLY there is the merchandise. Just keep that in mind movie has human beings (I hesitate to special effects snafus or budget ultimate bad movie made from a if you bear anything about a use the words "real" or "live" in changes), we can expect to see comic strip character: Dondi" (1961). forthcoming "Hggy: The Film." connection with the actors in some of several major productions. Foremost these flicks) playing characters taken is "Superman II" with Christopher from comic strips appearing in Reeve repeating his role as the Man of 'Beatlemania'a mirror newspapers or comic books. Steel; this time, Lois Lane does get Using comic strips as the basis for her man. "The " will movies is not new. The film industry ride again. "little Orphan ," of latest Fab Four craze turned to the funny pages for based on the Broadway musical by Paul Fischer inspiration alsmost from the start. "Annie," will come to the screen for The touring company of the multi-media Broadway hit Beatlemania limped But what is new is the recent spate of the third time (the other versions them go at that. Virtually all of these The strips merely served as fodder into Toledo Masonic Auditorium recently. At least the multi-media did. The big-budget spectacles that have were made in 1932 and 1938). And films will have to become hits - for Hollywood's B-movie mill; the show suffered from technical difficulties which appeared to trap the sprouted from these modest pen-and- sword-and-sorcery adventure, in the perhaps even THE hit of the year - in flicks were churned out almost as performers onstage during the second act. This eliminated two costume ink drawings. person of muscleman Arnold order to turn a prof .t. regularly and shnplistically as the changes: long hair with beards, and later, white tuxedos. The background Just this holiday season we were Schwarzenegger, will finally make it Besides, having i hit movie makes comics themselves. visuals were also impaired through much of the show, but TOLEDO LOVED treated (or is it subjected?) to two to the big time in "Conan, The it easier to sell T-shirts, toys, There were the serials: "Buck IT. Folks these days just seem Beatles crazy. The volume of clapping, shouting such extravaganzas, "" and Barbarian." novelties and all tru other doodads Rogers" and the original "Flash and singing by the audience surprised this veteran of many rock concerts. "Flash Gordon." Neither movie has And that's just what's so intriguing that go into making a successful Gordon," both with the redoubtable Toward the end of the show, Lenie Colacino in the role of Paul McCartney, been a wild success, but at least about this crop of comic strip movies. media package these days. Buster Crabbe; "Mandrake the thanked the audience for one of the warmest receptions they'd ever received, "Popeye" has comedian Robin They're all aiming for the big time - magician;" "Jet Jackson, Flying and seemed to mean it. Richie Gomez as George Harrison was clearly the Williams in the title role, director which in show biz means big bucks. FOR STARK contrast, take the Commando;" and such stalwarts as stongest musician of the four, possessing a strong voice and playing authentic Robert Altman and writer Jules These movies aren't Just throwaways "first generation" of comic strip "," "Supperman," "The Beatle lead-guitar parts. Al Sapienzo as Richard Starkey made Ringo's head- Feiffer going for It. for Saturday afternoon kiddie shows. movies. These, I think, were (and still Lone Ranger" and "." But bobs and body movements his own, but Joe Pecorino looks far more like John "Flash" is not so lucky. This The studios have invested too much are) more enjoyable because they my favorite title of all (how I wish I Ritter of TV fame than John Lennon. The show is quite charming, though this concoction bears the unmistakable money and promotional effort to let carried no such financial baggage. had a chance to see even a single performance lacked a certain spark.

% "Upstoirs At The Longbronch" + J -PRE5ENTS- THE ? SORORITY SEXY LEGS Dcwmtcwin * CONTEST

BAR + * »IM Delta Zeto winners: (I i l< ii < ill Uptown) ^ 1st - Cindy Manning i I ill> I IISI MKIih 2nd - Lisa Lolonde TUESDAY- DRAFT BEER !6 price * Next Tuesday.- Alpha Phi WEDNESDAY- 2 for 1 on Everything J€ *********************

SINN-HI NIMT SPECIU THURSDAY. _1t HOT DOGS EVERY TMWSMV!! nvoorr* WITH from 6 p.m. -10 p.m. VAIrMnONUM FRI-SAT- 21 and OVER Cinema M OPEN at 7 p.m. NOW SHOWING EVENINGS AT 7:30 • » 20 PM SATURDAY AT 2 00 7 30 » »20 Thur. tUNDAY AT 2 3 SO 7:30.1:30 8:00 & 10:00 PM Gish Theater SOMETHING SPECIAL $1 w/sludent ID MV BODYGUARD EVERY NIGHT Frl & Sat. 8:00 5. 10:00 PM Main Aud. $1 w/sludent ID

Toledo Rocks A Renee's Rocks Toledo Rock Night Anniversary

20 SECONDS, Frl & Sat. TfouExplOdaj. Take the bull by the horns for the ride of your life! midnight Main Aud Tbote umgtti con kflH $1 w/student ID 6TH WILD WEEK Ladies pay no cover • Drink Specials EVENINGS AT 7:30 a t 30 P H I IflEISi; THF.tfF.| SATURDAY AT 2 7 30 t 30 P.M SUNDAY AT t* 7:30 t 30 PM *' Sunday Party FREE with a college ID -Draft specials 2, 7 & 9:30 PM Main Aud. Thanksgiving -College ID all night $1 w/student ID COMPLIMENTARY FWSS * Fl*t€Miy maww9at 9 wMaaafn Gentlemen p*y no cover - Drink specials ADMIT ONE - Clint, tastujood, Double your pleasure until 10:30 EXPIRES 2-12-81 cAny «Vfltfchj o o •1 Way ^otoCo#V3 o 1B32 S. Byrne Toledo 382 1876 Draught pitcher specials all night BG 55j)jjjU^fjj^^ Q00O_QO_OQ_0_O_OOOO0O00QO0Q00000OOOOO0QQO_O0_00Q0OQ0000Q0QQO0_0^ January 22,1981 Tho BG Now* f Today / Tomorrow. Medici Circle in search for Art School supporters

by ErlcPopp Art, the circle's major purpose is to and elementary schools of the. the Circle are the Students of Fine support the school. They advertise for northwest Ohio area," Sevigny Art, who are the student-support Children's art course set the school's activities, including art explained. group for the school. "This group is Interested in art, but don't know "Exploring the Wonders of Art with the ARTables" is the theme for this bow to get involved. Well, you might therapy in which art is used to help those who do not give money presently in the planning stages for a people who are no longer in the field in provide artwork for the school's major three-day spring arts festival quarter's children's art Glasses. These classes, which are sponsored by the be interested in the Medici Circle. University's Creative Arts Program, begin Jan. 24. "This is a newly formed group with order to "get older people Involved," permanent collection. "We Just in May," Sevigny said. Bryan explained. received 10 art prints from them" The "ARTable" theme for this eight-week program is based on the idea that the purpose of getting interested anything in art is "ARTable." This approach will let the children in the classes people in Bowling Green and 'The patrons of the group, those who Sevigny noted. are directly involved, provide Patrons also provide volunteer The group, Bryan adds, is led by a be creative and be their own inventors, according to Dr. Dale Fitzner, surrounding areas Involved in art," coordinator of the program. Dorothy Bryan, president of the financial support to the school "to support for the school's Art Resource well-qualified staff that includes Circle, says. provide for the expansion of Center, Fine Arts Gallery and Mary Wolf, a former school art Sue Garner and Susan Sterling, art specialists from Findlay and the Lake exhibition programs, for scholarhsips Children's Art Workshops. department member; Virginia School District, respectively, will be instructing the classes. University The group, that takes its name from for children to attend Saturday art Stranahan, a member of the school students Jeff Homan, Brent Borden and Zelda Weaver will be assisting them. the Italian family of art patrons who workshops on campus and for the The group also has "friends" who board of trustees; Marilyn Singleton, The "Artable" class for children 5-7 is entitled "ARTable animals." This lived in the ltth, 15th and 16th development of an art lecture series," receive the latest information on art who is active in city affairs; Jim class will focus on drawing, painting and three-dimensional media used in the Centuries, is getting the word out Sevigny said. and generally are lovers of the arts Hodge of the University Alumni and exploration of animals and their environments, both real and imaginary. and who want to stay updated. "We Development Office; Terri Sharp of Students, 8-10 years old, will investigate a variety of sculptural materials in through service groups, organizations the "SculpART" classes. and businesses. The group also is THEY ARE currently raising funds are currently on a friendship drive to News Services; and Gwen Lougheed, going to surrounding areas to get for "Project Van-Go" that "will increase membership, which is open Ann Pitkin and Barbara Webb. The "ARTploration of Clay" courses are for 9-to 13-year-olds interested in supporters. provide traveling exhibits of student to all interested persons," Bryan said. Persons who want to know more ceramics. Under the direction of Maurlee and faculty work and provide about membership in the Circle can All classes are held from 10-11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. The enrollment fee is Sevigny of the University School of outreach instruction in nursing homes WORKING AND cooperating with call the School of Art at 372-2788. $25 a pupil for eight sessions, plus a |5 registration fee. Registration for the classes can be completed by phone, or in person at the Creative Arts Office in the College of Musical Arts. SWG-A-L WANTS YOU TO SPEND YOUR FRL & SAT. NIGHT N Try your hand at our Gut-budtot! SPRING BREAK BY VISITING Chicken Cordon DM $4.95 Mon.-Thurv WASHINGTON D.C. AND CITY tawfeMM.-M.nj*; March 20th-29th : MM.-TWV US; H. 4 Sol $-11 (g^TwrSwrSwiUtl Date: Presidents Weekend, Sign-up in the UAO office (3rd Feb. 14-Feb. 16 Hoor—Union), Jan. 23rd-Feb. 20th $TBA $269 per person, for the time of your life! |Sign-up in the UAO Office, 3rd Floor-Union,| LIMITED TO 30 PEOPLE

ABORTION PffiMfflWOlfflffifflfflMMMl^^ TOLL FREE WINTER CLEARANCE And you 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. haven t had J^0CM38JJ03jj PRESENTS: aprocto WEEKEND FUN! PUN IN THE SNOW! SALE FRIDAY-SATURDAY MIDNIGHT MOVIEI FINAL WEEK ; lately? TOBAGGANING AND SALE ENDS 13181 ALL SEATS $1.00 Procto: an ADDITIONAL MARKDOWNS MXMIKI0r>n6ll.4Sr.M. CROSS COUNTRY SKIING everyday way of MOWTIMI, 1141 ML saying proctoscopic Date: Sunday, Feb. 1st 20% TO 50% OFF examination. Location: Pokagon State Park EVERYTHING IN THE STORE It's a simple in Angola, Indiana FINE TRADITIONAL AND diagnostic test for Time: 9 am (Leave Union Oval)— 7 pm cancer of the colon CLASSIC MEN'S AND LADIES and rectum. Sign-ups in the UAO office (3rd floor—Union), Woodhouse CLOTHING And it helps Jan. 22nd-Jan. 30th. $6 transportation PEDDLER'S ALLEY, WATERVILLE save more lives than fee, and additional fee for equipment rental Clothiers any other step in M-W 10-6 THSAT 10-8 8788388 the checkup. I NATURAL I evO0OO0000.OOJ)j)_QlQ_QMO-0Q0Q0Q00OOOOO0OO000QO000O0QO000^ So, if you're LAMPORNol over 40, you should have a procto as part of your health examination. 1 PHELTA THI W±\r Cancer Society Cmetna 1*2 MAOiUVPlAM SHOPPING (fNTIB SPRING BREAK IIM DAYTOIMA BEACH by the UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION

MARCH 20 - 29, 1981

S1Q1 4 PER ROOM 7 Nights at the Plaza!! Id Kper person) $1Q4 6 PER ROOM Cheaper than last year!! I O Kper person) Must Sign in Group of 6 TRIP INCLUDES

SIGN UP NOW AT THE UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES OFFICE (3rd floor student union) MOIM.-FRI. 9:30-12 and 1-4:30 p.m. — OR CALL 372-2343 6 The BQ News Jartuery 22, 18«I Complete Service for Imported Classifieds- py ?lst! Love. Jen SBRVICBS OFFERED ALPHA SIOMA PHI-ALPHA planning Si decision making. Goo Phoo Boos are psyched for a and Small Domestic Cars Emotional and/or materiel PHI . Responsibilities will Include NAVARKI super Bowling Tournament this pregnancy eld can be yours If you ALPHA PHI-ALPHA SIOMA handling local commercial ec Saturday ARE YOUT9? new! It. Conner EMPA 352 14M •N I counts Flexible hours, Eern STUDENT SPECIALS or 353-7041. Any Inff, wlven con- Custemlied T-Shlrts. Iers*rs I FLORIOAY FLING WATCH while you learn 352 35». tldentlel. sportswear. Group rates for date FOR ITI Professional nurses pt. a full parties, dorms, fraternity & pmi Brighten up your home or apt. L.I.F.E. Is coming to the Student time. Apply Wood County Nurs sorority. Low cost-fast delivery. Rec Center. Feb. *.7. Come to Ing Home. I 353*411. with an expert paint lob by Mike. Cell Tim 353 774* Free Estimates Fully Insured. L.I.F.E.! BG NEWS needs e leb assistant Low Rates. Call 351 4501. Winter Quarter 'S3 at New Men 2 FREE BASKETBALL for the Photo Dept. on a Ico Stete university? Why not? TYPING TICKETS Registe. weekly at volunteer basis. If Interested. EXPERT NMSU Is one of 54 stele unlver REASONABLE RATES Command Performance, The please cell 373 2*01. ask for Tim. sitles throughout the U.S. that Helrstyllng Piece, tor free Babysitter for prof. Some evee. 1972 VOLKSWAGEN 353 7305. participate In the National Stu- reserved seet home game Own car. Call 353 3035 or 372 2119. PERSONALS dent Exchange. Out of state tui- tickets. No obligation. Drawing 2-Door, sunroof, automatic, tion waived, courses transfer Go Go G Iris needed Mon. Toes, a TOO MANY CLASSES? Is your at 6:00 p.m. on preceding day. back to Bowling Green. Check Weds, nights from 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. course load interfering with get- 3539I5S. stereo w/cassette - out the details et the Ctr. for Cell 434 905* or 422 0103 or slop In ting your hair styled? Remember Creative gifts, unique home ec- Educ. Options. 331 Admin Bldg. et Gold Mine. 139 N. Main thet Command Performance, cents RUNS GREAT! 3730303. Findlay. The Helrstyllng Piece. Is open for your room or apt. Pt. time welters, waitresses. Same Day Service every weekday everting until 900 UPTOWN Happy Hours every Odd Amusements Must be even. Mon. Frl. nlte p.m. and 12:00 to 5:00 on Sun Friday 4-t. All drinks 3 far I. Perry's Landing offer 4 p.m. a. wkends. Apply $955.00 day. 3S2-9ISS. PI Kappa Phi Little Sis Rush. Perrysburg, OH 874 5091. Often Available -Phone First Corner K lichen. 1S3 S. Main. ALPHA SIOMA PHI-ALPHA January 33 at 531 E. Merry Apt. After you've finished partying P H I Oil. Suds N Stammers Come Friday night, be sure that you ALPHA PHI-ALPHA SIOMA loin the fun I sleep light because before you 352-7031 FOR SALE NAVARRE P H I FLORIDA FLINO IS COMINOI know. It'll be time to get up & go- • FLORIDA FLING-WATCH FOR FLORIDA FLINO IS COMINOI Goo Phoo Boos are reedy to roil 19*7 Monarch 3 bdrm. mobile OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC, Inc. ITI FLOeiDA FLINO IS COMINOI we'll be there welching you home. 13 x 65 turn. All new cur- tains, good cond. S x I shed. Ask 1013 N. Main 353-1241' L.I.F.E. Is coming to the Student bowl! Hey Peul & Key. Mr. Sweet Ing 14.090. 357 394*. Bowling Cmn Tol. 255-7073 Lobes. I personally wish you a Rec Center. Feb. 6.7. Come to Chi Omega's. Three more days most lovely birthday. Hugs. "J". L.I.F.E.I till we get wild & crazy on the ski Over 3000 comics, magazines All companies. Most 1975 1900. Some ********************* Congratulations to the KD's of Go Bananas at the AIpha Epsllon trip. Keppe Stgs. earlier. Call 353 1024 & ask for the week. Barb Lewis St Alice PI Jungle Petty, Jen. 3*th. t e.m. Attar*, after 5:30. * Hurt. Keep up that great scholar at MB ceiwwieas. WANTED F. needed to sublet apt. close to Yamaha receiver, 55 wefts, ex- * ship 4 spirit. Love. The Sisters. COOPERATIVE HAIRSTYL- campus. $115 mo. includ. utll. cell. cond.. S300. cell Tom BETAS Good Luck on rush. ING? Absolutely! Shampoo your * Avail. Immed. Cell 352-0955. 372 5493. r\ci TA Betes are the best!!! Your own hair before-hand; end Com- * Sweefheert. mend Performence. The 1 M. rmte. for wfr. & Spr. Qtrs. Mobile home for sale by owner. Jfcl f\ Helrstyllng Place, will precision SIH mo Call 352 42*7. 1971. 12 x 55. washer/dryer, Le>' L.L. 1 l\ i Sisters of the Bete Omicron * dishwasher, shed, carpet, excell. Chapter of Alpha Phi wish to cut and blow dry style it for lust F.rmte neededwtr. a. Spr.Qtrs. cond. Land contract possible sincerely welcome our field rep.. S10.0O! Blow-dry styling alone for S147 mo. & elec. own. bdrm & * with a small down pymt. Come to Michelle. Glad to meet you, iusf $5.00! (These special BGSU bathroom. Call 372 5225 Furn see any night 79 p.m. or call * Michelle! prices not eligible for usual 10% F rmte. needed sterling In Feb. student discount ) 353-915S. 352 6421, 214 Gypsy Lane Esteles. rrjA * REDUCED PRICES did you University village. 353 4914 btwn Offers between acceptable * know Command Performance. Chris Geib, Congratulations on 8:301 10 p.m. S5.000 6,000. t The Helrstyllng Place, has cut being chosen for Who's Who Rmte. needed to share house, A la>r 1 /A \ Dwnhll. skis w/bndgs. Knelsel ■ prices on permenents Si color Among Students in American * own bdrm 353 5091 or 352-MSS. 310's Hart 105's. Boots: Mns 12 & Ing? And haircuts are half-price Universities & Colleges The Phi 1 F. to sublet apt. Close to cam- 9W, Wms. 8 also poles. No * with eny perm? And $3.60 less Psi's. pus. Avail. Immed. Call after 6 reasonable oHer refused. Call with eny coloring? And you can WANTED: Netlve to teech p.m.. 352 2454. 352 0704 or 352 7534. Congratulates their New Officers now make appointments for Arabic. Call Diane et (41?) either perms or coloring? 447-3735. 2 F. rmtes. needed Spr. Qtr. Lute. Excell. cond. Call David CHEAPI Close to town. Call * 20% 3529150. The Gamma Phi's are psyched Hanson. 422-537*. or Lorl at 352-7341. ■ 372 6002. Dr. J., when you leese expect It- for their 3rd ennual Bowling President Butchle Sierra * I M. rmte. Spr. & Sum. Qtrs. Own expect It. Don. Tournament! "Space" some Old Magazines 1000's to 1900 for bdrm. Close to campus. 352-0951. collectors & researchers. 100,00 Rush Chairman: Val Lewis * SPJ PARTY! time for the Big Eventl In stock. Beetle Hems, Marilyn SPJ PARTYI CLEARANCE SALE. ALL WANTED Acoustic guitar. The Assistant Rush: Val Welsh * OFF cheaper the better. Call 3731751. Monroe. Sports, fan magazines. SPJ PARTYI JEANS. FLANNEL SHIRTS «. Call (419) 476 2079 now for more Pledge Educator Marianne James SATURDAYII VESTS REDUCED. FALCON Garage or similar shelter for car. * Info. Could It be so many Alpha Phis HOUSE. 140 E. WQOSTSR ST. Near campus. Call 372 10*9, ask Assistant Pledge: Janet Dunham Takamine 12 string acoustic + (and Klmmer too), are traveling FLORIDA FLINO IS COMINOI for Jim. guitar. Excell. cond. asking $320. Treasurer Sue Jordan * together to seek great weather? FLORIDA FLING IS COMING! Rmte needed to share house PERMS Jerry 353 4915. Assistant Treasurer Get psyched-only 7 more FLORIDA FLINO IS COMINOI with 2 others. Own room, SI05 & Becky Culp + utll. Call 354-1304. weehsl 11 DONUTS DELIVERED? SURE' Recording Secretary: Lorl Jones * Now thru Jan. 31st, allow Peulie, I'm gonna By the GETAWAY. Delivery F. rmte. needed to shore apt. Vi Corresponding Secretary: Carolyn Davis either one of our perm SOUEEEEEEEEEEZE you!! from 7:30-10 a.m. Mon. Fri.. S 10 blk. from campus Spr. Qtr. Call FOR RENT * Happy Birthday!! a.m. Sat., 91 p.m. Sun.Thur. 352 4925. specialists, Judy or Cathy Now leasing efficiencies. 1 bdrm. Social Chairman: Jill Morgan * FLORIDA FLINO IS COMING! Call 353 41*3. 2 F. rmtes. needed for Spr. Qtr. or 2 bdrm. turn, or unfurn. All to perform a free Assistant Social: Vlckl Schehl * FLORIDA FLING IS COMING! Superbowl Sunday at Sok-Me- Aprs on 3rd St. $97.50 mo. Call utll. pd. Meadowvlew Courts. 214 consultation on your hair 352 33*4. Napoleon Rd. 352 1195. House Chairman: FLORIDA FLING IS COMINOI Ouick. Lg. subs sold by ttte-lnch. Mary Steggeman * and save 20% OFF the Come on KD's get excited. Come 2 tor 1 draft 5 7. Watch the geme CAMPUS MANOR. Now renting * Historian: Deslree Suber + price of a permanent. Stop out & cheer on the team. KD's here Open 3 30 tor This event HELP WANTED for Summer. Special rates. Ph. Standard*: by or call todey end will roll into first place at the CASH PAID FOR GOLD CLASS Babysitter needed second shift 352-9302 or 353-73*5 eves. Lurs Lynn Lower * Bowling Tournament Saturday RINGS. Check other prices, then (3pm lam) In my home 5 days save! 11 AVAILABLE NOWI Activities: Mary Sue Anders * L.I.F.E. Is coming to the student call 352 4175 for the highest gold each week In Wayne, possibly to Brand new 2 bdrm. turn. apts. Rec Center. Feb. 6, 7. Come to prices offered. Ask for Steve live In. 1-200-3-3*. Gas heat. «15 Second St. Call Jr. Panhel Rep.: Judy Market * L.I.F.E.I Newlove Really, Inc 357 5)63 Hours: DELTA ZETAS JOBS IN ALASKA! Sr. Panhel Rep: Lorl DeSalvo Running gear a T-shirt imprin- We're getting psyched & so Summer/year-round. High pay, 031 7th St. 2 bdrm. furn for Fall. * Mon.- Thurs. 8 e.m. • 8 p.m. Scholarship: Sue Mabee tinf at the Falcon House. 1*0 E. should you cause the good times $0002000 monthly! All fields Call John Newlove Real Estate * Friday ■ 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. wooster Sf. are only a day away The Phi Parks, Fisheries. Oil Industry 352 4553 Chaplain: Teus. and morel 19S1 Employer Lori Salsmann + Sat. 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Good thru Here's a chance to get "pinned"! THURSTIN MANOR APTS. AC Philanthropy: Ellen Gardner Jan. 31st with Come to the Gamma Phi Beta IMPRINTED SPORTSWEAR listings. Information guide. S4. FULLY CARPETED, CABLE * Bowling Tourney-Jen. 24th n 30 IMPRINTED SPORTSWEAR Alasco, Box 9337. San Jose. CA TV, EFFICIENCIES, LAUN- this coupon only. 95157. Song Chairman: Karen Snyder * e.m.-In the Union's Buckeye EAST COURT. 117 E. Court. DRY FACILITIES. NOW LEAS Press Chairman: Jane Young * Room! ^_^ 352 10*7. PART TIME SALES ING FOR SUMMER i, FALL. 451 -tha Brad-1 know you're out to have Live Music-Live Music-Upstelrs $5.S0/hr. Profit Plen, Nat. Co. THURSTIN AVE. 352 5435. Courtesy Chairman: at The Longbranch-Thur. thru Call Doug after * p.m., 354 1009. Nancy Myers + some fun, cause you finally made Quiet, sound controlled furn. Volleyball Chairman: Chrlssa Otto It to the big TWO-ONE You know Saturday Doors open at 9:00 5 Intern positions available for studios with built-in bookcases, ARRANGEMENT what they say about reaching p.m.- Come early tor a good seat. lunlors or seniors, management attic storage & short term leases your prime, so what do you say Quality entertainment in BG's or advertising releted motors. avail. Grad students only. Call * 123 E. Court 382-4101 sweets, your place or mine? Hap- finest Nightclub! Experience available In group now 352 7*91. Appointments not always necessary. Thank you to the old officers for a * * job well done! * We use ond recommend »REDKENU,s * ¥•******************** »^«V*."»^V^«.- .^V^^^^O* PRE INVENTORYCLEARANCE ON NOW Savings up to 50% The Powder Puff \ 525 Ridge St.

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by Pal Kannady could not make up the deficit and the •tail raportar Huskies had the win. BG coach John Weinert said the Hie road has not been very friendly technical call was critical to the to the Falcon basketball team this game. season and the return to Anderson "The technical took the wind right Arena has been welcome relief. out of our sails," he said. "It's very That is, until last night. frustrating for a coach to have that The Huskies of Northern Illinois, happen. That came at a very key led by Allan Rayhorn's 18 points and point - we were making a run. All of 10 rebounds, took the lead late in the sudden, we're six points down. first half and held off a second half "They're (NIU) a fine team. They Bowling Green rally to break a nine- shot well. I thought the better team game BG home win streak and take a won tonight. We have a tendency to 65-56 Mid-American Conference win. play with emotion at times. I thought we made a great comeback." THE WIN left Northern on top of the NORTHERN COACH John MAC with a 4-1 record and 8-6 overall McDougal said his team's inside record, while BG dropped to 2-3,7-8. strength won the game for them, but Northern took the lead for good, 25- it was important to win on the road. 23, when Ray horn hit a lay up at the "Anytime you beat a team like this 3:02 mark of the first half and at home in their lair, it's great," he extended its lead to 31-27 at the half. said. "Psychologically our kids felt The second half looked as if it was that since we lost one at home, we had going to go the Huskies' way too, as to make it up. I don't think anyone can NIU extended its lead to 52-40 at the afford tro lose at home. If you stub 11:20 mark on an alley-oop dunk from your toe in your backyard, you're in Steve McCuiston to Shawn Thrower. trouble." But the Falcons rallied. Colin Irish, Weinert said the foul situation also who was whistled for three fouls in the hurt his team. first three minutes of the game, hit a jumper and a foul shot to pull Bowling "Knowing our kids, they have to Green to within nine, 52-43, at 8:50. have Colin in the game," he said. After Ray Rhone hit a layup, BG "They voted him MVP last year. I scored eight unanswered points, don't know if it (Irish playing) should capped by a steal and layup by Joe (have an effect), but I think it does. Faine, and trailed 54-51 with 4:13 left. There is a tendency to play a little tentative and emotionally that hurts. I BOTH teams battled to up the wonder what Northern would have score, but Northern's break came done if Rayhorn would have got the when Mike Miday was called for his fouls early. fifth foul and a technical at 2:54. The Falcons were paced in scoring McCuiston added the free throw and by David Greer and John Flowers Rayhorn's five-foot jumper at 2:34 with 12, while Irish added 11 in his 22 BG's Marcus Newbern dishes off to ■ teammate during last night'* dumped the Falcons, 66-56, dropping BQ's Mid-American Conference gave NIU a 57-51 lead. Bowling Green minutes of play. gam* in Anderson Arena against Northern Illinois. The Huskies record to 2-3. NIU upped Its conference mark to 4-1. Women's sports caught up in shuffle of NCAA voting Editor's note: This is the second of a athletic program. conflict. Unless AIAW says you're not tryout. The men can recruit off Q:. Did yon happen to find out at all and play Baylor with less than 50 two-part interview with Bowling Question: Will the NCAA sponsor playing under our rules, therefore you campus, but they're not allowed to why the whole question of freshman ballplayers. We'd have our Green Athletic Director Jim Lesiig women's championships? can't compete for our championships. have tryouts on campus. That could eligibility, that had so much publicity sophomore and junior class and concerning the recent NCAA Lessig: Now this was really Now that will be their decision to be a little bit of a hangup. And then going in, just never came up? that'll be it. meetings in Miami, Fla. make. the other would be things like grade Q: What happened to the proposal to interesting. After they voted in all this point average for eligibility. Lessig: No, I don't know why that governance, it came to Proposal 72 Q: Let's say Bowling Green declares wasn't an issue. Let me tell you. cut grants 25 percent across the by Ken Koppal board? staff reporter which was that the NCAA will sponsor AIAW rules. Can they schedule an Now I haven't sat down and talked There are two ways that things get on these sports in Division I and lost by opponent under NCAA? to Carole, by the way Carole Huston the agenda. One is if they are Lessig: They changed it. They're With 122 pieces of legislation to be one vote. (Associate Athletic Director )is totally proposed by the NCAA Council. all amendments to the constitution. voted on, not all the decision made by Now we're really in a bind. Now we Lessig: Yes. And that's one of the big in favor of the move into the NCAA, That's probably not the kind of thing So they amended the amendment. the delegates at the 75th annual got them in and no championships for complaints the women have and they but I don't know which rules we'll opt that the NCAA Council would propose. The original proposal was to cut National Collegiate Athletic them, and this was a big victory for may have a legitimate one there that for right now. They are more involved with things each sport, sport by sport 25 percent Association conference in Miami the people fighting against it. They there may be an unfairness in like calendar and recruiting which would have reduced it to 60 Beach, Fla., made headlines. thought they really won a victory, competition. The first year a lot of it will be regulations and that type of thing. total, but you had to do it sport by dictated by what the presidents sport. The dramatic decision to bring Let's say our presidents would have Their transfer rule is exactly Sometimes things don't get on women into the organization drew said we're not going to let them follow opposite of the men's right now. A decide and what they're going to have They amended that, cut it from 80to to do to be in the MAC. If the because somebody just fails to take 70 (excluding football and basketball) most of the attention at the three-day AIAW rules because we're going to be man can transfer, get a grant, but the initiative and I don't know meetings, but in another significant more restrictive. Then they could not cant play for a year. A woman can presidents say you're going to have to but did not dictate it sport by sport. transfer, can't get a grant, but can abide by MAC rules and University whether this is the case here. I will You could use them as you want up to move the delegates addressed the have competed for AIAW say this, it would had no chance to question of grant-in-aid allotments. championships and there wouldn't play immediately. That's one big rules, then they're going to have to go those (NCAA) maximums. So the have been any NCAA championships. difference. the NCAA route because that would pass because the majority of schools maximums didn't change, it's just Bowling Green Athletic Director put them in violation of the AIAW. rely too heavily on freshman. Jim Lessig spoke with the News, Q: So yon can compete in either The other is in recruiting. The that you have fewer grants to work offering his thoughts on the It's going to be interesting. I think If they would have made that with which means we can keep our NCAA or AIAW championships? women cannot recruit off campus, it'll work. It's like anything that's effective immediately, we graduate convention and how the decisions they can see the young lady play and hockey at 20 if we want to because we reached there affect the University Lessig: Or both, if they didn't new, it's going to take some time for 28 seniors off our football team, no were no where near the maximums bring her on campus and have a some hard feelings to go away. freshman and we'd have to go down anyway. 10% OFF W COUPON ON CUSTOM IMPRINTED Keep well informed SPORTSWEAR SUPER SALE On any quantity up Read The BG New: to eight dozen, You Will Find Something You Need LOW PRICES at the Locker Room Sporting Goods AND PROFESSIONAL 10 - 50% OFF SERVICE East Court Sportswear ♦ Swimming Suits 50% OFF 117 E. 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