
A v n u a a d a i u cuouLATioif for tiM Moatt tt hwgm, INI Oooenlly tair sal ilgMIy 5 . 1 5 4 •r toaifht oad ToMiogr. IlMBbW Of tto A n«t BONM ' of Wt OOOVO O f f (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THRSP CENTS Adrortfitag oa fa ft iOb) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1988. VOL. U L, NO. 804 FACTIONS IN CUBA Twjce Around The W orld—To ThiB! TRUCK DRIVERS STRIKE; STILL IN DEADLOCK] WHOLE STATE TIED UP President Gran Awaiti Arriv­ DR. DOLANS WORK Labor Official Eitimatoi al of Cuban Leader — Son TO RE aiRTAKEDI Local Trucking Firms 2,000 Tmeks Staii^ Declares Hii Father Not Have Autos Tied Up Idle — Employer! Say Against Government. imiot Wagner to Have Only 400 Men Quit But Tba general walkout of truokAStopped yesterday but wan allowed New Agency Settle Labor | driven throughout tba state, which to nturn Manchester. HtVUA, lopt. 26— (AP) —ItUl Psirett * Glenney are under con­ That They Had Stripped dtadleokcd with Ita polltioal oppoa* Dif putes fa) the State. occurred with startling suddenness tract with rhansy Brothers and tbe •Dti, tba fovtrnmoBt of lUmoB late last night, left local trucking three trucks bald in New Haven are Hnndreds of Others op O rtu Baa MarUn awaltad tba ar* ooncern- wondering what it was all carrying the silk firm’s merchan­ rival today of tba Habal laadar, Juan about, acooiding tc tbs reports from dise. company announced this WMblBfton, Bapt. 26— (AP) — 1 afternoon that bolding up of the Blaa Harmandaa, wbo waa axpaotad leading companies here, ell of whom the Reads. Banator Wagner, otaalrinan of tba| trucks does not conatituie a major to praaant blmaalt to offlciala. have trucks tied up In some part of Dlapatobaa from Camafuay aaid National Labor board, baa acted to delay In forwai'dlng of the goods Blaa Hamaadaa, wbo laat waak waa the state. but If indications point to further By AModxted Press stop Dr. Edward O. Dolan’a Intar- Christopher Glenney of Perrett A suspenrion of trucking activities, raportad up in arma agalnat tba vantlon in Connecticut labor dlffl- Four men were arrested today as govammant iaft for Havana, aajrlng Glanney, one of the largest local the company will not beatitate to na would appear before tba army oultlas. ^ , trucking cot.cerns, said today that ship their merchandise by express. police reported the first violence in Tba announcement that General William L. Fitzgerald, another general ataff. three of hie company't trucks are lie itrike of truck drivers which At Santa Clara, nowavar, bla aid- Jobnaon bad agreed to prohibit tba I being detalncl in New Haven and prominent local trucker, has two crippled motor truck transportation /.hmiftwati of u a state recovery will probabl" remain there until the trucks tied up In Hartford and Mr. aat eon, taken prlaoner two daya throughout Connecticut ago, aald bla father bad never re­ roarda from anoroacblng on tba strike has been settled. Mr. Glen­ Fitzgerald waa there today in an at­ belled but bad taken tbe field to Bat­ duties of tba agency beaded by ^ e ney also said that three trucks were tempt to obtain their release. A group of 80 pickets who police tle labor unreat. Oovemment troopa Senator, led to bdlef that Dr. Veteran of two hlatory-maklng 'round-the-world flights, without serious mishap, said were attempting to pull a driv* bad pursued and fired on blm, tbe Solan’s work m tbla direction, ‘nle Mae is shown here after it crashed Into trees near Quincy, 111., whe the engine failed. The er from hie truck in Stratford, were eon maintained, and Blaa' forcea would be transferred to a newj The left wing, sheared off, lies in the foreground. Post was scattered by policemen. Four were ency yet to be created. It la I plane was damaged almost beyond repair, scattered to avoid conflict. not seriously Injured. arrested and a search wae started pfanned, be said, to appoint region- VALDER RELEASED MOUNTAINEERS KILL for the 26 who fled. tf Hour Conference al Judicial agencies to handle labor | A six hour conference between Officers of the Eastern Motor conflicts. Freight Conference, meeting In New factions supporting and opposl^ In that case, Dr. Dolan, who has DIURSCHECASE RICH RAIL HEAD Haven, asserted tliey hsid received tbe government broke up laat night devot:'! a great deal of time to bis HORACE UfERlGHT, no demands, from the strikers. F. B. without an agreement, although terv^' tion in tbe silk mills the conferenees continued to express LEADERS IN CONFERENCE troubles in WllUmantic and the Crowther, business agent of the In- optim ism . dress and textile strikes in Norwich, PURUSHER, IS DEAD temationsd Brotherhood of Teanv Students backing Grau San Mar' Hartford and other cities, Kyould Courts Convinced That Twm Had Grudge Against Man stera, said however, that the strike tin were still Insisting that he re­ find his duties as chairman of the OVER EXTENDED CREDIT was called by the organization be­ main as President, while the opposi­ state board Umited to tbe organiza­ cause the men wanted shorter* houra tion waa represented as feeling that tion of the NRA connection in tbe City Suspect Was Not Becanse One Had Been increased wages and recognition Of the entire government must go If state. Discovered Many Famons their union. the way Is to be cleared for any Labor Oistorbanoea , John J. Egan, secretary of tiie peaceful solution to Cuba’s present President and His Cabinet Engaged in Plot. fined for Hnntmg. Meanwhile, Connecticut’s labor YALE OPENS DOORS Connecticut Federation of Labor re­ troubles. disturbances have had slight echoes Authors; Deserted Stock ported 2,000 trucks were standing A tense labor situation In the east here. The parades of Industrialists WiD Not Give Details of idle. Estimated of the number on continued serious, although no dis­ and labor representatives through FOR 232ND YEAR Oklsdioma City, Sept. 25.—(AP) Waynesville, N. C., Sept 25.— orders were reported over the week­ Market to Publish Books. strike varied. Labor leaders placed the labor board offices has included —Federal Judge. Edgar S. Vaught (A P )—^A mountain man’s smoulder­ the number at between 8,0()0 and end. the Program Perfected those hoping to solve the shoe strike today freed Peter Valder, one of ing grudge against the wealthy 5,000. Representatives of the East­ Students f^th Him in Brockton, Mass., silk and tmctile Bias Hernandez arrived this Easterner was blamed by officers ern Motor Freight Conference said strikes In New Jersey, coal mining New York, Sept. 25. — (AP) — the Twin Cities defendants in the morning In Santa Clara by automo­ Freshman Class of 837 Stu­ today for the slaying of Thomas about 400 drivers had gone on strike difficulties in Pennsylvania and at Meeting. Horace Liverlght, who deserted Charles F. Urschel kidnaping trial. bile from Florencla, Camaguey Price, 65 years old, rail executive of and that msmy more had been stop­ West Virginia, M d similar disputes bonds for books and became widely A defense demurrer against Valderis ped on the road. province. He was accompanied by indictment was sustained. New York. in other sections. dents Come from 34 known publisher of Belles-lettres, a group of students and was en- The only Connecticut disturbance Washington, Sept. 25—(AP) — A Riding horsehsusk along a trail on route, he said, to Havana, "to pay died yesterday of pneumonia In his The demurrer of Isador Blumen- New Haven. Sept 25.—(AP) — which the boud took any public new Idea today stimulated President bla 1200 acre estate near here with 50tt year. feld of Minneapolis was overruled. Grau a visit." cog;nizance was the strike of Willl- States and Six Countries. two mountaineers yesterday, the ’The threat of a complete tieup of He denied he had ever taken the Roosevelt’s campaign to provide With Albert BonI, he foimded the Judge Vaught declared, “there Is secretary of the Union Pacifle rail­ shipments by motor freight over field against the President and le- mantic silk workers, and that waa needed credit for NRA industries "Modem library” in 1917 and not sufficient evidence to find the regarded only as ar echo of the road was halted fay several men. In Connecticut highways loomed today clared government troops had watched it become one of the defendant Valder guilty beyond a New Jersey tUfflculties, a dispute and raise the farmer’s income to the the burst of g;un-flre wbl(±i follow­ as between 2,000 and 8,000 truck? sought him through an error. He In­ New Haven, Sept 26.—(AP) — world’s most popular aeries of ret reasonable doubt.” Ha did not re­ which was settled without action In price level of the things he -must ed Price was shot tr death and his men were to quit work. sisted he was not under arrest and Yale opened its doors today to a view the evidence against Blumen- Washington. buy. . (Continued on Page Three) friends were wounded. The strike, called after mass meet­ emphasized that if he thought he It was evolved at a White Hpuee freshman class of 837 students as it feld. Shortly afterward Dewey Potter, ings yesterday, already had reeulbMj were being arrested he would take, New Agency Senator W agne^ announcement conference attended by Mr. Roose­ b^an its 232nd academic year with Last Saturday the court freed 80, surrendered here and was quot­ in the stopping by pickets of scores tc the field and “open a real cam­ Charles Wolk, Minneapolis transfer has led to a dlscLisilon of the i>os- velt’s financial advisors, but none the inauguration of the residential ed as saying he shot His of loaded trucks, msmy of them paign against Grau." slbilities expected appointment of would disclose the elements of the man. Five of the Minneapolis and brother, Clarence, 85, and Brie Led­ The veteran who for two years college plan. bound through Connecticut from out plans agreed on. Secretaries THINKS NRA PLAN St. Paul defendants, alleged to have ford, 22, came to town with him and was a thorn in the side of former the regional Judicial ^ency. ' ’The new students came from 34 of state points, in Bridgeport, New The announcement made no men­ Woodin, Wallace and Attorney Gen­ handled a small psirt of the $200,- were also Jailed. Wayne Potter, Haven smd Hsurtford during the President Machado, said that he eral CJummings headed the group states, the District of Columbia, Ha­ 000 ransom paid for Urschei’s re­ hoped for a united and peacefiu tion of the organization of the Dewey’s 14-year-


VI • > K ~ • 7 MANOHESTEK BVBNTNQ HERALD, ^ANCHB8TBR, OOHN„UQNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,1985, , > A C W T W O - bind the bars to the Stratford lock­ FACTIONS IN CUBA VALDER RELEASED up, polios of that town were scour­ ASK TO CONTRACT GENERAL STUliES n u r s e DiDIGTEb ing the ooxnmunlty to search of the Talk of War Clouds 20 other pickets who lied as .toey S n U IN DEADLOCK DiURSCHECASE wt/tt tftktn into ths BtraSord eETNEWMlJIK police headquarters by Officer Fred­ P. 0 . STATION BIDS IN KIDNAP PLOT erick Knell. Stirs Lea^e Envoys (Oonttoned Om ) (Oontinned from Page One) Many of the tnioka were stranded to Bridgeport as drivers received said, because Cuba "is able to take Shannon, his wife Ora, and son Ar- first word of the strike caUed while care of herself.” Cannot SoD Anything Except mon. on whose Texas farm Urschel Geneva, Sept. 26.—(AP)— A^Assembly. He defeated Francisco Department Authorizes Snb- She and Gasoline Station passing through here. Dozens of the Castillo Najera of Mexico. was held prisoner, bemn the open­ trucks were puked to the circus lot warning by Premier Johan Mow- WILL HELP OTHERS The election of Najera, former ing statement for his clients. He on Fairfield avenue and to vacant Inckel of Norway that a possibility Post Office at Sooth End; Washington, Sept 26 — (AP)— Foodstuffs in Excess of told the Jury the Shannons would president of tl)e , League Cpimcil, Secretary Hull said today that not Attendant Threatened to lots to other parts of the city while of war hangs menacingly over the testify substantially to what they the drivers awaited word from the had generally been forecast since only Ainerlcans but Na^nala of worl(h-atartled the League of Na­ 40 Honrs. have already told to statements to employers’ conference. there was no other candidate imtil What Is Required. any other country would be wel­ Ahdnct Rich Girl Federal agents that the part they Under arrest to Stratford are tions Assembly today at its opening today when during a recess Soudl- come to avail themselves of the as­ ilayed to the kidnaping was forced Tony Manganello, 25, of East sessl "It is not reasonable to provide partner in the J. P. Morgan & Co^ As Sayers completed his state­ dated Motor Lines, Inc., on W ritinj station must be convenient to the public and must have sufficient In general, however, commanders unfair comi>etltion for local hard­ Kafiidwg house. ment Attorney James H. Mathers street. The strikers ue picketing space and sufficient clerical assist­ of the individual vess^ would :>e ware, dry goods, and other stores The threats were received by told the Jury that the notorious the station although they said they ABOUT TOWN I SAYS MAN LACKS BatcheO*>r while preparations were do not intend to cause any disturb­ ance. ’The bidders *must be prepar­ expected to take up with Rear Ad- by allow ^ general store employes Harvey Bailey went to the Shannon under way for a society church wed­ ed to handle aU postal supplies, such miitd Charles 8. Freeman, to com­ to sell other than foodstuff during farm for the first time to his life ance. ding for his daughter. As a result When a truck of a Waterbury Past Chief Daughters of Helen abhittivsee as stamps, registry, money orders mand of the naval units to Cuban a full forty-eight hour period," the ’’ of the threateniz^ notes, plana for on August 2—aft^ Urschel’s release company passed the plant today, the Davidson Lodge, Daughters of Scot­ and parcel post and must have beat, waters, any exigency which might orders read. ’The rultog, however, the wedding were changed and De­ —^that be had no prior knowledge driver was halted by the picketers ia, will hold their meeting post­ light and equipment, including a arise and receive from him detailed does not limit toe hours of opera­ partment of Justice agents attended of the kidnaping and that he who inquired whether he had heud poned from last week safe. Furthur information may be orders. tion of anj store to any way, ac­ •wouldn’t have stood for it,” if he ^ the wedding as witnesses at the of the strike declaration. He called night at the home of Mrs. Ellzabetb obtained from Mr. Crocker. The secretary explained the de­ cording to toe letter Batcheller home in Yonkers. had known: police headquarters and a policeman Cone, 418 East Middle Turnpike. Doesn’t Use Faculty of Peer­ When the new post office was partment depended on Admiral .Family Stores Caught In Trap Ht told Mrs. Shannon so when was sent to accompany him to bis erected at the Center, many com­ Freeman to make practical applica­ In toe case of family stores The Indictment was returned she complained about Urschel being destination, a local factory. The Hustlers’ group of the Wes­ plaints were made at the failure to tion of the general Instructions sent operating by a husband and wife, against James Medley, former gaso­ brought there,” said Mathers. AT A STANDSTILL leyan Circle will hold their first ing Below. Surface Says establish a contract station at the from here. the commission they would be con­ “That 1700 found on him was paid When asked concerning a report line station attendant, and Nicollna meeting Friday evening of this south end and the matter was taken sidered Joint owners, and aa such to Bailey by a nuui to Kansas City that a Brltlih war vessel was to the de Palma, registered nurse, who Hartford, Sept. 26--(AP) —Long week with Mrs. Gertrude Noren of up with Postmaster Crocker by the not subject to hour li^tatlon under on a debt He didn’t know it was Rev. L C. Harris. vicinity of Cuba, Secretary Hull were arrested as a result of a trap distance haulage of freight by Cambridge street Mrs. Grace Ir­ local Chamber of Commerce. the Blue Eagle. Other members of Urschel money." said he had not heard of any British laid by Federal officials and Yon­ trucks was reported to transporta­ win will assist the hostess. the family who work to toe store, kers p^ce last Friday night. R. G. Shannon was called to testi­ tion circles at 10 a. m., to be at a — vessel nearer than Trinidad. Rev. Leonard C. Hsurls, who came The secretary said there had been however, are governed by toe hours Five of the coimts in the indict­ fy as Mathers completed his state­ standstill, with about 300 teamsters Officers of Loyal Circle of King’s and wagea specified to the- Presi­ ment charged substantive acts, each m en t here recently to assume the pas­ MOTOR CAR TRADES nothing neu; from Cuba today ex­ and truck operators idle. Daughters held a meeting Friday dent’s agreement or to accepted aub- punishable by not more than 20 Among the strikers the comment afternoon at the home of the leader, torate of the South Methodist cept word that conferences were years imprisonment, or a total of was that the underl3dng motive to still going on among different Btitutions. Mrs. J. A. Hood of Chestnut street church, made his first appearance ADOPT NEW CODE A rultog from the Blue Skigle di­ 100 years. The sixth count charged TRUCK DRIVERS STRIKE; the strike is the alleged, refusal of to plan for the meeting of the In­ Cuban elemmts about problems of conspiracy and is punishable by a the employers to recognize the before the local Kiwanis club at its assuring a stable government. vision of toe NRA to Washington ternational Order of King’s Daugh­ ofhich may affect many Hartford maximum term of two years. union. ters and Sons to be held at the Cen­ weekly noon-day meeting at the Coun^ Club today, making a tine Henry Schaller To Act as Di­ concerns manufacturing Slue Stogie Quick Indlelment WHOLE STATE AFFECTED ter Congregational church here, Oc­ inqzression with an address in which rector— To Be Presented insignia, stamps, or other materials The indictment was voted in less STBIKB DISCUSSED tober 10 and 11. Ever Ready t>fw thirty minutes after Assistant Meriden, Sept. 26.—(AP)— A be . stated that the neatest trouble This W eek. beairing toe insignia, waa also issu­ (Oontinned from P age One) Circle, the oldest to town, is coop­ in the world today is the “lack of ADM. BRYD^ S U f ed today. All manufacturers must U. S. Attorney Alvin Sylvester en- group of interested speakers from erating and has appointed commit­ tored the Grand Jiuy room with throughout the state met at the man’s ability to -see.” The Motor Vehicle Retail Code obtain written consent Irom the hours, increased wages and recogni­ tees to have charge of the various Tells of Impressions NRA before they can uae toe Blue ' cc^ies of the letters and of steno­ Home Club here this noon to talk activities. Center Church Women's which has been undergoing a hear­ tion of their union. - Rev. Harris, who was Introduced STAR1S ON TItIP Stogie insignia, toe order stated. graphic records of admissions alle^^- over the situation arising as a result Federation will serve the luncheon ing at Washington before toe NRA Trucks passing through Cozmecti to the Klwanians by Lawrence “Many manufacturera have more ed to have been made by the prison­ of the strike of truck drivers and and dinner on Tuesday. Mrs. Administrator has been so far com­ ers in the Yonkers police headquar­ cut from out of state points, as well Case, also spoke of his experiences pleted that it will, undoubtedly, be or leas tonocently started the pro­ as local machines, were diawn up helpers. Harry Cahoon will have charge of to coming here from New Bedford, ters. (The true blU was received by presented to the President for duction of various objects such as along the sides of roads through William J. Wilcox of Meriden, music for that afternoon and eve­ Mass., relating the first Impressions Federal Judge Johnson Hayes, of acting as spokesman, stated that he ning. Mrs. William Kean will ar­ signature during this week. First of Two Vessels Leaves buttons, plaques, dresses, labels, North Carolina, during an intermis­ Bridgeport, New Haven and Hart­ he obtained on coming to Manches­ stickers, rubber stamps, casting, ford as pickets halted the drivers did not expect any definite action range for the decorations and Mrs. ter and the Impressions he left with Many of toe operators interested sion in the trial of U. S. Senator would be taken by the group. William Remig hospitality for over­ in the motor car trades met in Hart­ radiator caps, automobile tags, James J. Davis, of Pennsylvania, on and InformciB them of the walk­ people he has met. He said that he Boston Port on Jonmey handkerchiefs, mats, wash rags, night,, guests. A Joint meeting with was a member of the New Bedford ford last week and formed a new charges of transporting lottery o u t towels, candy, crackers, lolly-pops, N o H olence IN NEW LONDON the officers of Ever Ready Circle Rotary Club and has always ad­ trade association known as The tickets between states. Hartford County Automobile 'Trades and other novelties," toe letter stat­ Immediately after the indictment New Haven police said they had New London, Sept. 25.—(AP)— will be called soon. mired organizations such as the to Pole. Officials of trucking concerns here Association, Incorporated for toe ed. had been filed Sylvester had a tele­ received reports of intimidation of Rotary and Kiwanis. today said none oi their employees purpose of bettering toe business phone conversation with Edward J. many drivers, who had been forced Miss Emma Colver has returned He said the world was full of had responded to the call for a wreckers and that it was inspira­ conditions for the persons, firms Quirk, chief of police of Yonkers. to stop by the pickets, but the offi­ to her home, 58 Woodbridge street, Boston, Sept. 25.—(AP)— The S^vester said Chief Quirk express­ cers said there had been no violence. strike among Connecticut truck after spending the summer in Eu­ tional to know a group of men who and corporations interested to the have taken as their motto “We Bear, first of toe two ships which TAKING NO CHANCES ed rductance to surrender the pris­ William Laube, Jr.,‘ president of drivers. Some of the concerns re­ rope. Miss Colver made her head­ sale and service of automobiles, both Build.’’ He also brought out that, oners to Federal representatives. the Eastern Motor Freight Confer­ ported their trucks were stopped in quarters at Prague, CzechoSlavakla, new and used, and the sale of re- will carry Rear Admiral Richard E. ence, said: New Haven last night, but were with her brother-in-law. Rev. J. S. be was an admirer of Edwin Mark­ peiir parts and accessories. This new Byr&a second Anarctic expedition to WITH KIDNAP RING permitted to go ttoough with a ham, aged poet, whose spirit is al­ “There has been intimidation, and Porter and the family of her niece, association will work in conjunction toe south seas cleared port today that’s what all the Aoottojg; is Warning they not be allowed to pass the former Margaret Porter, who is ways youthful and who has the with the State Association in car­ faculty of infusing his tremendous amid the shouted farewells of well ESCAPES WITH BUMPS about. tonight. now married and makes her home rying out the purposes of the Na­ New York, Sept. 25— (AP)— In Unconfirmed reports here that itality in others. “The strikers have made no de­ there. Miss Colver traveled ex­ tional Motor Vehlclfc Retail Code wishers. Admiral Byrd himself was a courtroom guarded by a squad of Rhode Island state line would be Ability to See mands,’’ he insisted, “and we’re all tensively, and also took in the and will also assist in toe formation aboard and accompanied the old 15 detectives, an assistant district WHEN HIT BY AUTO patrolled by strikers to halt trucks In bringing out that men . lacked at sea. We don’t know yet what Prague International Sample Fair, ot the Local Trade Area Practices whaler as far as toe outer harbor. attorney today was granted a 48- they want. There are about four entering that state. held early this month and which the ability to see, the speaker said There was a last minute shift to that animals are giftod w*th perfect Code. This new association will have hour adjournment in the case operating companies tied up 100 per has prov^ a big success. in its membershin every branch of toe command of toe Bear, and Lieu against five men and two women ar­ cent, while the others are affected eyesight to look at things but can­ Intoxicated Man Run Down On not see beyond the surface of things, the business and its directors will tcsnant Robert A. F. English of toe rested aie suspects in connection only about 50 per cent A meeting of the Utilities com­ consist of representative meni from United States Navy had charge of with toe O’Coimell kidnaping case Tolland Turnpike But Is “We anticipate that by tomorrow CAPTAIN TELLS STORY a faculty that is possessed but little mittee of the Board of Selectmen used by man. ^ '' both toe new and used car business, toe vessel as it steamed out of toe and several murders and robb^es. S^rcely Hurt. night, there will be nothing left of and officials of Cheney Brothers will In closing. Rev. Harris said that the independent garages, battery harbor bound for Little America. Assistant District Attorney Wil­ the strike and that the men will OF STORM AT SEA be held in the Mimicipal buUdlng he was a member of the B. B. B. and tire stations and other affiliat- A disappointed captain Terrence liam Goldman notified toe court that have returned to work," Laube as­ this afternoon at 2:30 p. m. The While walking along Tolland Tum- Club—Brother Be Brief—and there­ ea Mnes, and toe association will be Keogh left toe Bear on a tug when toe evidence against the seven bad serted. meeting was called to acquaint the fore he would be Just that. managed by a board of fifteen di­ she reached Boston lightship. not rotmded out An attorney for piiu last night in an Intoxicatec Attempt To Unionize committee members with the details condition, Joseph Burdzil, 47, of 9 Baltimore, Sept. 25— (AP) —The The attendance prize, donated by rectors representing aU toe affiliat­ Due to toe rush of work to get­ toe prisoners protested ineffectively *Tt is an attempt to unionize," Ad- of management of the town’s utility Harold Cude, was won by Lawrence ting toe Bear ready for toe Wp, against toe adjournment to Wed­ Deming street, was struck by an ley said. “That’s all it is, and we’re battered Norwegian fruit ship ed trades. ’These trades have been companies. Case. represented at Washington in all Keogh was unable to take time to nesday. The bearing origliuUiy was automobile driven by Frank C. Pip­ ready to recognize that all men Smaragd docked to Baltimore today the hearings by Earle M. Taber of study for bis master’s sailing postponed from last Saturday. pin of Nelson Place, this town, re­ have a perfect right to choose their after Ming buffeted by seas de­ The Women of the Moose will ceiving minor injuries. Hartford, a member ot toe National papers. As a result he was forced to Goldman said warrants charging representatives." scribed by her captain, E. D. An­ hold their refular meeting Wednes­ remain in Boston while Englisn murder and robbery ageinst Leon­ P ip ^ was driving west on Tol Representatives of the conference DR. DOLAN’S WORK Administrative Committee. derson, as the worst be bad ex­ day evening at 7 o’clock at the took over command. ard Scarnicl, to whom more than a Turnpike and when a short estimated that its 24 members to perienced to bis 24 years of sailing. Home Club on Bratoard Place, to The President of the new associa­ distance past the home of Joseph tion is A. C. Hine of Hartford. The The heavy fog held the Bear at dozen murders have been attributed. New England employ 2,000 drivers. The vessel, carrying a cargo of allow time for the setbaok party to TO BE CURTAILED Anthony Reino and Charles Hersog Doyle, Burdzil, who was walking They asserted that although all but bananas from Cuba, bore the brunt vice-president is John A. Bouvler of her dock long after toe scheduled begin at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Albert Yost sailing time. The Bear will go to would be presented on Wednesday. along the highway in front, steppec one of their members were operating of the hurricane on September 15 beads the committee in charge, and Windsor, toe treasurer is Russell P. in front of the car. He was knocked (Continued from Page One) Taber of Hartford, all men well Bayoime, N. J., to take on oil and At toe same time, he said, a robbery under the NRA, about 400 drivers and 16. Her entire upper bridge playing will be open to all. charge agidnst the other four down by the front left fender of the had gone on strike and that many bulwark was carried away and the known in ,tbe automobile trades. then will proceed to toe Panama ear and when picked up was tmder A letter of recomm'^ndation was Canal where she will be Joined by would alsu be offered. more had been stopped on the bulwark and rail tom off the lower Mrs. MatLda Bolen of 179 Maple An invitation has been extended received by Dr. Dolan Saturday toe Jacob Ruppert, toe former The prisoners were seized last the body of the car. road. bridge; she bad an empty boat street has returned after a three to all those interested to every Pippin brought his car to a stop from Boaz Long, asistant to Gen­ Pacific Fir, toe supply ship of toe Tuesday in a series of raids in New They said they were unable to es­ davit, and was minus the starboard weeks’ stay in Coventry, and is branch of the automobile trade to within five feet, the police reported. eral Johnson, complimenting ihe expedition. The two vessels then York, Brooklyn and Mount Klscoe, timate the complete number of men shroud on the foremast. much improved in health. join the new association. Similar Burdzil called the police station and “The hurricane struck about 5 a. state board of its action in quick will go to Wellington, N. Z. N. Y., on a tip furnished by depart- on strike, but labor leaders said a county associations have already me.>t of Justice agents. Officer Joseph Prentice investigat­ check would show tiie number to be m. on the morning of Friday, settlement of eighteen strikes in been formed in other counties of toe ed. Burdzil was taken to the po­ Miss Mabel Williams, grand­ Connecticut. The letter stated that The crimes attributed by police to nearer 5,000 than three thousand. Sept. 16," said the captain. “Until daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wil­ state to carry out toe necessary lice station and Dr. LeVeme Holmes 11:80 we tried to sail into it, but methods of Dr. Dolan’s board of ROAD BUILDEBS MEET toe prisoners Include the abduction From their meeting place to the liams of Hudson street, left Friday work in conjunction with toe state of John J. O’Coimell, Jr., scion of called for examination, advised that Hotel Garde, the employers kept to we weren’t going ahead. We were which Walter J. Collopy is chair­ for her senior year .t Wellesley and national associations in operat­ Hartford, Sept. 25.—(AP) —The toe politically powerful O’Connell he be sent home for treatment for contact with the situation, by tele­ standing still, with^tbe engines nm- man, is followed throughout the College. Miss Williams is an honor ing under toe new NRA code. It is Connecticut Road Builders Associa­ family of Albany, N. Y., and toe a bump on bis bead and scratches phone, issuing orders to their sub­ ning ft& speed ahead. And thm coimtry by the recovery adminis­ student, a Durant Scholar,', and ma­ felt that these county associations tion at a meeting this afternoon to robbery of the Rienssauleur bank in about the body and legs. ordinates to keep as many trucks the force of the wind strengthened tration. ' and her head wouldn’t stay into it. jors to geology. will put new life into toe automobile toe old Senate chamber voted to re­ which a guard was slain and an­ rolling as possiblee. trades and put toe business on a quest toe state highway commis­ other person wounded. "We’re going to stay right here,” It was as though her rudder had been broken. Miss Emily H. Andrews, daugh­ firm foundation. sioner to issue contracts for state said Adley, spokesman for the con­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert F. An­ FLOODS IN MEXICO Henry Schaller, well known auto­ highway projects on toe basis of a McKEE, CANDIDATE, ference, "tmtil this thing is set­ “The men were splendid. They crept along the decks on hands and drews of 28 Benton street, left to­ mobile dealer of Manchester wiU 30-hour week. This was tabled by tled." day for Northampton, Mass., to be­ Mexico, D. F., Sept. 26.— (AP) — act as a director in toe association. toe association 'Arller this mimto, DANCEI Crowther said that the immediate knees or stuckro the engine room, FARLEY DECLARES gin her freshman year at Smith Martial law has been declared in and at today’s session the tirst vote cause of the walkout was long banging on to anything they cozild Given by the Junior Sons of Italy reach to kem from being thrown College. Miss Andrews who was Tampico where a tropical storm yes­ resulted in seventeen favoring the ^ a t toe hours, and that some drivers had graduated with th'- June class from terday was reported to have resulted shorter work week with sixteen to (Oeottoncd from Page One) been working as much as 115 hours into the enmes. We tied the man WETHERSFIELD WOMEN to the whed Manchester High school won a in the drowning of a large niimber opposition. A n>U call vote was or­ Roller Coaster Hall ft W66lc« "The wind, I think, reached 140 scholarship at Smith. of persons, Charles Drayton, pilot dered when toe result was doubted, papers that Edwud J. Flynn. This was denied by Laube, who of a Pan-American Airways plane this being recorded twenty-one in At KsMiey S t^ t Bronx Democratic leader and one lives in Naugatuck and is president miles an hour at times. It was the GOLF GUESTS TOMORROW worst I’ve seen in 24 years at sea." A setback party will be held at wirelessed from that city today. favor, against nineteen, with Presi­ of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s euliest of the Laubc-Interstate, toe., with SEPTEMBER 27 the home of Mrs. Edith Mahoney of "Large numbers were drowned,” dent Lewis Guyot reserving his vots supporters for the presidency, general offices to Waterbury. 48 Cedar street at 6 o’clock tonight, Drasrton’s message said, “and un­ Coming to Country Club Here for use to ease of tie. Music by the would lead the fight for McKee, E. J. Arbor, treasurer and gen­ under the auspices of the V.F.W. told damage and misery to the city for Golf, Lunchemi and A 30 hour week is now to use to ROYAL ARCADIANS non-Tammany Democrat, comes eral manager of the Consolidated HOSPITAL NOTES resulted from the storm, which au­ Connecticut on Federal aid Jobe and from the Bronx. Motor Lines, said his company em­ AmdUary. The public la invited to Bridge— AH Day E*rogram. Dancing From 8:80 to U:St> attend. thorities regard as the worst catas­ the proponents of today's measure The Herald-Tribune said today: ployed 525 drivers, and that they want state contracts to conform trophe to toe history of Tampico. Transportation Free From South “It is expected that chief among had been placed imder the Blue Martial law has been declared and Tomorrow, women’s day at toe with federal road work. Those op­ William Rudis of 480 North Mato A good-sized turn out was re­ End Termlniis. the critics of this daring movement Eagle, with a 20 per cent cut in salvage work and first aid is being Manchester Coimtry Club, toe w'o- posed favored the retention of the will be former Governor Alfred E. hours and a total weekly pay roll street, Jacob Wolfer of State street, ported at the first in k series of five men of toe Wethersfield club will Buseo Leave At 8 and 9 0*CIeda Hartford; Mrs. Jemma Dubaldo of curled on under toe direction of 48-hour week as at present. increaAe of 1129,000, A u g ^ 21. sittings of the setback tourney be guests. Mrs. Oswald Johnson, Smith X z X .” 59 Irving street, and Mrs. troops. Members ' several Bronx civic fmonsored by the Masonic Social chairm an o t toe women’s tourna­ Stevenson of 109 Foster street were "In addition to| toe damage caused and politicU organizations planned PICKETS ARRESTED Qub at the Masonic Temple Satur­ ment committee, has planned an admitted and Thomas Brennan, Jr., day night First prize Was won by by toe wind heavy rains caused toe to call vm McKee today to ask him Bridgeport, Sept. 25 — (AP) — Tamesi and Panuco rivers to over­ all-day program—golf ?r toe morn­ Four of SO alleged pickets who at­ of 46'School street, and Mrs. Ruth Ed S t ^ second by Joseph Canade ing, luncheon at noon, and bridge to to run. McKee was.president of the BoUes, of 39 Cottage street, were flow Inundating a vast area and boud of aldermen when Mayor tempted to pull a truck driver from and the door prize by Robert Ful^ trapping an undetermined number of toe afternoon. Prl^ will be the cab of his truck to Stratford admitted Saturday. ton. awarded toe winners at golf to toe James J. Walkei resigned. Henry Moyette, of 76 Gardiner persons, and forcing others to flee Love was her life Fights Tammany this morning after he had refused to without their possessions. forenoon, and at bridge toe aft­ street, Mrs. Eva Oakes of 80 Birch ‘ A demonstration of the voting ma­ Economy led to a clash with oth­ abandon the vehicle and Join the ernoon. street, Mrs. Elizabeth Grant of 37 chines will be made by the r^ia- The Story of a Woman’s er members cA the board of esti striking truckmen were \mder arrest ACTRESS IN LAW SUIT. Lancaster Road, and David R. trars Friday and Saturday morn­ mate. His program was voted down to Stratford today. It was the first Passionate Pilgrimage To Ditoas of 22 Foster street were ad­ ings from 9 a. m. imtil 8 p. m. each Bridgeport, Sept 25.—(AP)— and Tammany passed him over to violence to mark the strike of be­ mitted, and Mrs. Harold Burbank of GETS LIVE SOUVENIR Her Loye of Loves. tween. 2,000 and 8,000 Connecticut day. nominate O’Brien for the mayoral­ 66 Cambridge street and infant Betty Healy, also known as Elisa­ truckmen called lu t night by the beth Nash, an actress and wife of ty.. O’Brien won Jn an election to daughter were discharged. which McKee garnered 232,000 International Brotherhood of Team­ The Republican town committee Ted Healy, prominent New York FROM CHICAGO FAIR Mrs. Gertrude Lauterback of 168 will meet tonight at 7:80 to the of­ M arleiie write-in votes, 'the latter thm left sters, 'C^uffeurs and Stablemen, of stage comedian is named defendant Mato street was admitted and Mrs. fice of Judge of Probate W. B. H y^ \ politics to become an executive of A m erica. Lora Belkzuw of 6 Ridgewood street, to a foreclosure action filed here DIETRICH to the Municipal building. thiti afternoon to Superior Court. Miss Marlon Wright of Maple a little guarintee company. \ While the four pickets were be- Mrs. Ruth Bolles of 89 Cottage Ralph Sosnowits and Samuel Lot- Street Has Tiny Turtle— tm street, and Corinne O’Coyne of 486 The Manchester Building and East Middle Turnpike were dis­ stein, both of Stamford, seek to Came Parcels Post. Loan Association has sold a six- fOredosb on property on Hollow charged today. room bungalow on Keeney street to Tre# Ridge road to Stamford. They A daughter was bom*Sunday to m im Marlon Wright of 49 Maple * ^ H E 8 0 N O Emma McConviUe. The transfer ffiniwi 8be has fafied to pay a 6bi000 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sankey, of 288 street la showing her friends today Was made through the agency of Ar­ mortgage note. The United States OaUand street. thur A. 8toofia. a unique,souvenir,from toe “Century O F S O N G S * ’ government is d te d ^ a co-defend­ of Progress" exposition to Chicago. RANGE o n . ant because of a tax leto through A daughter was bom on Saturday The souvenir la a living reminder of Go-Feature: In Any Quantity. Prompt Delivery. TELDEN WHIPS OOOBBT her failure to pay |1,000 income tax. toe wonders of toe big fair. It is a at Mrs. Howe’s Maternity home on — I I —i^^^| III ^ V Leas intan 15 Gftllons, lO ^c gaL Over, SVtC Wadsworth street to Mr. and Mrs. live green turtle about an inch long. BQBADUNE SHOOTER Parto 8ept 25,—(AP)—William Levi Dewey, of Buckland. d e n i e s h e i s d e a d . Its shell has been beautifully enam­ T. Tilden n today defeated Henri eled and toe words “Century of Pro­ W ith Cochet to stralf^it sets 6-8, 6-4, 6-2 Doric lodge of Masons of Thomp- New Britain, Sept 26.—(AP)— gress” are lettered on toe ^^te WILUAM GARGON AND FRANCES DEE Superior Oil Service to i^ve the Uhltod States thfee sonvillb will be guests o f Manches­ John Abucewioz denied today that shelL The turtle came to Miaa m aizes and victory to a Franeo- ter lodge tomorrow night and will he is dead. He was reported to Wright via parcels post and was ^■i jBmto m TODAY AND Frands P. Qninn Amerlcan professional tennis series. confer the Master Mason dwree have been killed to a motor accident en route from Thursday until today. 6 Ridgewood Street Tel. 6219 It area the first meeting between Upon a Manchester candidate. There to Suffield Saturday night, but be Although but a little fellow toe the former Davis Cup.rivals since win be a special musical program told a reporter he was .not to an turtle ate .tiiree filekas soon as he STATE the Cup oampaign of I960. and reftoshsMDts will-fcUom ■/ accMent. or to Sufllald. , was released firom hisDoetol cage. /

' I y m w MANOHiBSTBR BVSN1N6 IOSU]J!>rlUj}OBBS119t. OOV^ 1 « K ■" \ • 1' X''' •- ■ ;.‘ ‘. ‘r v : ■ •. • . .•.•'• i:

thing almost anybody can do with eofts, material .eeets, preduptioB M. S tn ^ iCDtiba ' Wallihaa, IHM' J.' no other equipment than a long- High School World 'costa aU down tee line. HORACE U Y Q ilG Iir ,H ■Wo6wy of'Stam fiM . U AD ERSO i GiP^SmiKlNG, hmdled sho^ ahd an iron pan. A WhUe Ford, tee third largest John G. Duboo, Poqubnack. little canal is easy to dig and a few maker, has not signed the industoy’s , Edward R. Harvey of Seymour. bocuda and naUs wUl make a sluice code as yet, it is tedi^ht' here t^ t PUBLISHER, IS DEAD ; Edward C. Finn a t Shdton. .OmmENDEDCREDir' LUR^ THOUSANDSbox. TOBENRA MODELShe will be forced to fCQow its terms Kenneth W. Rogers of Sherman. A typical outfit coimlsts of a box hi tee long run... Ford was shoved (Oantlniied from Page One) Robert L. Keenqr, Jr., and Vffi- (Oonttoned from O ne) about she feet long, a foot wide and H. E S. L O S S OPENER into third {dace late tbis summer by Uam E. Keeney of Somerville. a few inches deep. A strip of car­ an uprush of prCductipn and profits prtots. He was called tee first pub­ Daniel W. Abercrombie,. HI, of study last night to exteango notsBi' pet is laid (m the bottom and over TO HARTFORD HIGH dnteepartof Chrysler. Gkmeral lisher to talte an active interest to Soutebury. It was todicatod teat methods of Army of Prospectors Scour- this are placed several pieces of ? Pliafaidite 'Seena Motors keeps in first place, of Eugene OTVeill, and he lent en­ Emanuel S. Knlshkowy and releasing funds to tee closed state coarse wire screen to cause little course, producing about h ^ of all couragement to Theodore Dreiser, G^ald R. Steinberg, South Norwalk. and National banks of rural com­ iug the Canyons of the riffles. Doomed b ; hdutiT ’s the automobUes xhade in this coun- Ernest Hemingway, Ben Hecht and FranclB P. Gallagher and Paul T. munities, furnished an important The box is set at a slight angle Strength of Hartford’s Line tiy . toany others. Rennell of Southport. * topic of tee White House discussion. to allow coarse particles to run Surprises SUghtly Favored. Can tee car manufacturers pro­ After early schooling in tee min­ Behind this lay tee three wetics down and out. A few shovelsful of Richard L Leeds of Stratford. West for Treasure. Red and White Team. Code. duce a car under tee new codes at ing town of Osceola Bills, Pa., he •Spencer Montgomery. Jr., of Suf- oir problem, tee banks to extend select gravel are placed in the box a. profit and not add glOO or so to became an office boy for a Philadel­ loans to commercial enterprises and washed down by water bailed field. ' the price even in tee medium and phia broker and later a successful Herbert Scoville, Jr., of Taconlc. operating under tee Blue Eagle... from the creek. Itm-price field? It seems imlike- securities executive to New York. Lead, S. D., Sept. 25.—^Although Manchester High School opened Detroit.-- When late September Lawrence Ciandolo of Torrington. It was learned authoritatively As the material rolls through the ly, .and this d ty is betting teat the But bis real passim.was litera­ the United Eltatee and most coun­ Its football season st Batterson William L Dougherty of Utoon- that tee late bight gathering di^-- box fine particles of gold are caught comes, and brings with it the first latter half of 19S2 -and early 1988 ture, and he tiinied to publishing. tries of the world axe off the gold vlUe. , cussed at length tee coordinating of;- in the riffles and settle in the car­ Field Saturday, by pjajdng against advance 1934-model automobile, saw more automobile bought for His rule about young authors, his standard, gold is more precious now Francis P. Granuccl and John B. four prime Federal agencies into -a-, pet, which is washed at the end of Hartford Higii School, vdxo defeat­ 81'than will ever be bought again. friends said, was arrays to give than ever before, and an army of the day to recover the gold. the public is going to see the great­ Stevens of Wallingford. systematic plan intended to release.' ed toem with a score of 12-0. Man­ est three^rlng circus presented by Producers who want to appeal to their first books a chance because men are ranging hills and valleys Robert T. Morse and Richard B. depqsits tied up in closed banks and!;[ the country’s biggest industry in tee 8500 class of buyers wUl have their second might be good. from the Dakotas to the deserts of chester High wa£. a little favored Snow of Washington. place banks already operating on a^ rears. to -find other answers. It may ■ Of recent years he devoted a sound basis.. ^ the southwest in feverish search for to win this game but was unpleas­ 3 George M. Beers, Morton H. BIG LOCAL DELEGATION Presentation of the 1984 cars mean smaller, lighter, cheaper cars large part of his interest to produc­ B. F. C. To Assist : the yellow metal. antly surprised by the <'trength of Greenblatt, Theodore H. Gregg, wUl.probably. be later tbla year than on tee Fhiropean model which so in g pla3TS and to 1980, t,evered bis Under this scheme, the R. F. C. This new and modem “gold rush” the Hartford High line and the connection with tee publishing firm Ralph B. Grierson, LeRoy Make­ rivals those of earlier years, and if AT ORANGE ANNIVERSARY clever work in the backfield. usual.' •'ibat is because ‘ demand mwy have tried to introduce here would rehabilitate a bank’s capital for the 1983 models has held up without success. It may mean sim­ 'of Liveright, In*. Among tee peace of Waterbuiy Lewis Cart­ structure by purchasing new issues, it lacks in picturesqueness, it out­ Hartford made their touchdowns plays he presented to tee New wright of West Cornwall; William does the frmzied treks of the ’40s in the second and thirc' quarters. much better than even the makers ply stripping off tee gadgets and cf preferred stock. The farm credit^ expected. Atigust, when demand extras, cutting down on materials York public were "an American R. Foote of Wilson. and ’60s in extensiveness. Busses and Private Cars Trans­ The first touchdown was due to a Tnwedy” and “Dracula.” and home loan administration^, tisnally begins to sladcen, is ex­ and inspection, in short, getting Robert W. Clark, Jr., of Windsor. would replace alow teal estate mort-^ The old-time prospector with his port Manchester Group to fumble by fancbestei on their 27 IM was a vigorous foe of censor­ packhorse or his burro has reap­ yard line. A Hartford man fen on pected to exceed 200,000 new ca ^ 'hack to essentials as Ford did to gage assets with their readily sale*' Bridgeport Celebration. the days of tee model T. It’s tithar ship and engaged to more than one peared. His ranks have been the baU and, after a few plays, the thi^ month in a row to beat skirmish with John S. Sumner of able bofids, and tee deposit guaran^ one of those things or 8200 or ^00 swelled by tens of thousands of made an effective run arotmd Man­ text naark. the Society for tee Suppression of CONFUSED IN TRAITIC, ty corporation would guarantee tb^ amateurs, mostly recruited from Three busses uu about 12 auto­ chester’s right end. The second The'reason is, of course that pmo- xnpre fo r tee car that 8500 buys to­ V ice. funds of new depositors. day. among the unemployed, who are mobiles were found necessary to touchdown was practicaUy '“pure ple realize that one of two things is Burial will be to Philadelphia, to­ Meanwhile the public works aid-^ seeking livelihood and maybe a for- convey the Manchester delegation luck” as a Hartford pass wa» goin g to luq;>pen to practicaUy aU .What seems almost is a m orrow. DAVID DYNES STRUCK ministration, promising renewed^ ttme in far places, armed with of Orangemen and Daughters of thrown, bounced o tt a group of cars next year. Either they wUl' terrific battle of engtoeiertog and pressure for greater cash expendi^ picks, shovels, pans and sluice Liberty to Bridgeport yesterday, Manchester players’ hands, and go up in cost or down in tee aum- manufacturiag skiU. A comi>etition times, announced it had approved; boxes. * where they were guests of Chosen landed in the arms of a Hartford ber of gadgets and -luauries provid­ to‘ selling genius and to service to Car Driven by Hector MacDon­ projects which would provide IfSOO^ Few L. O. 'L. No. 255 of that city. player, who was at the end of the ed. the buyer and user, a battle of tee YALE OPENS DOORS ald Runs Down Pedestrian— 000 man w’eeks of quick-direct em­ Famine in Gold Hartfo.'d, Chicopee, and Stamford field. Vast eSumsas Certain. merit of the product rather than Not Critically Hurt. ployment. It said 81,600,000,000 of Old mines are being reopened and The 1984 m o d £ wUl be N R A the battles of tee past over mur­ were all well represented. Shortly Although Hartford scored the its 83,300,000,000 bad been allotted old ciatTtm are being reworked for modelB. While the automobile code derous prices, competitive wage- FOR 232ND YEAR though only 859,189,756 has been,- after 10 o’clock the visiting Or- two touchdowns, Manchester did a While attempting to cross East the yellow dust that the earlier has not yet been approved by the cuts and profitless standards o t drawn from tee Treasury for real^ uigemen and affiliated lodges, to­ remarkable job at holding them Center street last night shortly af­ miners overlooked. And the regu­ gether with the Bridgeport mem­ president, it probably wUl be by gadgetry. expenditure. I larly producing mines owned by from reaching thdr two extra (Oonttoned from Page One) ter 7 o’clock, David R.-Dynes, 69, bers formed a parade through the tee time production begins. But teat isn’t all. The-used-car of 22 Foster street was knocked Baying Campaign great corporations are speeding up points. Manchester played a strong models themselves are already set­ principal streets c* the city and at­ situation, which has,been the de­ William Maxwell, Stewart L Mims, down by a car driven by Hector Simultaneously Hugh S. Johnson/ and enlarging their operations, one and interesting game from begin­ tled, so far as design gees ahd mak­ tended se vice at the West End spair of dealer and buyer alike, is Jr., Logan' Mimroe, Joseph W. S. MacDonald, of 779 East Middle NRA chief, planned a Blue Eagle spending millions to drive its shaft ning to end and lost no spirit al­ ers are in the process of installing Congregational church, where they to for an overhauling. The Na­ Piersop, Brendan G. Rafferty, Stew­ Turnpike. Dynes was removed to buying campaign. a almost a mile into the earth. though they did not receive the ing tee mlUitms of dollars worth of practically filled the spacioiu audi­ tional Automobile Dealers’ Associa­ ard Thome of Greenwich. tee Mancherter Memorial Hospital Johnson’s appeal to buy, as hei There are many reasons for this “breAks” and perhaps were hot new machinery required for every torium. The Rev. Vincent Daniels tion has submitted its Code. Hartford Students put it, “to buy to tee limit of pre^ new gold quest. C!hief among them quite quick enough for the “Blue change of model. suffering with a dislocated shoulder chose for his subject, “Following The association wants used car Joseph D. Feldman, Biiger G. and poii^ble internal injuries. ent needs,” has been 'delayed byr is the fact that while there is a sur­ and Whites” backfield. But nobody outtdde tee experi­ the Gleam.” He is an extremely appraisals standardized with price- Hermanson, William H. Huntting, MacDonald told police that he various circumstances within tes- plus of most of the world’s com­ During the entire game Hartford mental laboratories knows what young man, apparently not over 25, was penalized practically the entire cutting outlawed, to tee hope of Martin R. Katz, Malvto S. Katz, was going west on East Center NRA, notably the difficulty of com'*! modities, there is a famine in gold. they wUI be like. And not even Gold has remained high in pur­ but his earnest, eloquent discourse getting out from under the 850,- Harold A. Kautman, Joseph W. street at the jimction of Summit pleting the coal code. length of the field due to the shift. there do te^ know the prices. F or chasing power; the gold miner in commanded the closest attention of ’^ e line up of the two teams 006,000 loss that deatdrs have been Kenna, Morton B. Lewis. Julius M. street when the accident occurred. With reference to the impediment these 1984 models wUl be produced country, in fact, can now make the throng. were as follows: taking on' trade-ins each year re­ Lychteto, John T. Robinson,. Jr., Dynes, he said, attempted to cross of dragging farm prices, Secretaryr imder. NRA conditions, tee first ever 80 per cent more gold dollars than Supreme 'Srano Master Cecil Hartford High Maadiestor High cently. tee street, became confiued, and Weillace, before attending last" so. produced, and Detroit expects to Harcourt F. Schutz, David H. Smith he could during boom days. Taylor of Scotch Plains, N. J., gave Tine ...... Hutchinson Tliis code, if adopted, will tend of Hartfcnrd. then started to run. Dynes’s eye­ night’s White House meeting, said'' a short, inspirational address to le. see radicaUy-chahged cars to meet to prevent manufacturers from sight is poor. In an attempt to that unless there is an increase in:> radicaUy-changed conditions. Paul. Puquille of Hartland. ^Export Ban Lifted ^ the Orangemen and women. State P resti ...... M istretta forcing on their dealers imwanted Raymond J. Zagranfskl of Jewett avoid striking tee ager: pedestrian, world trade, 40,000,000 acres ofc The high value of gold has made Grand Master Rankin of New York It. Boyers ^ere “Paid” to Buy. new cars, and should eliminate a t y . MacDonald ^orned sharp right onto farm land must be withdrawn from' it profitable to operate minfis which was also present. J. Allbrio ...... Robinson The brutal fact of the matter is many unprofitable deals on used Ernest D. Clark Jr., and Archibald ter sidewEdk and while making tee cultivation. - had been abandoned, to work low- Following the service luncheon Ig- that practicaUy every automobile cars that simply had to be handled S. Ford of Litchfield. turn bis left rear fender knocked The conferees found that when' grade ore, and for the lone pros­ was served in the Mcose hall on Turner ...... E cabert sold in 1982 cost tee manufacturer to order to make any new car sales Dynes down. He was taken to tee tet National banking holiday was* pector to wash mough dust from Main street by the Orangemen of Charles J. Haidlng of Lyme. c. money. Some of tee makers are a t all. William B. Church Jr., Andrew hospital at once and was given concluded in last mid-March frozen, the sand or gravel of a stream to Chosen Few Lodgo and Daughters deposits totaled 82,200,774,000 or' Fasi ...... Row e emerging into tee black in this lat­ P. Ferretti, Alden L Kaschub, emergency treatment. pay him for his time." of Liberty. Those who cared to approximately 12 per cent of all de­ rg . ter half of 1933, but tee bitter les­ Claude G. Myers of Meriden MacDonald’s car traveled 65 feet The gold search was given new spend the afternoon in driving posits last January 1, and that* K ing ...... Shedd son of 1932 is not forgotten. Then, William J. H. Fischer, Jr., Jose^to along the highway after the acci­ impetus by the recent order of around the city and its parks, R. F. C. PUBUSHES meanwhile this percentage had be«i rt. manufacturers were just handing A. Foran, Thomas F. Maher, Jr., of dent the report states. With Mac­ President Roosevelt permitting the found the day perfect for the pur­ you perhaps 8200 of their mdney reduced to approxim ately 8747,000>- exportation from this coimtry of Ivers ...... Saimonds M ilford. Donald to the coupe at tee time pose, while others returned to town with every car you bought 000 less than four per cent of tee gold ore and gold concentrates, re. Julian C. Pease of New Britain. were Matthew and Aleda MacDon­ in the early evening. Ford lost 875,000,000 in that edu­ m AUGUST LOANS January 1, total. ; while the embargo remains on the Ventitozzi ...... M ozzer Bayard Dominick, H, Peter H. ald of 779 East Middle Turnpike. cational year of 1932, and Cjhiysler So far as last night’s conference* • shipment of refined gold itself. qb. (Continued from Page One) Dominick, Thomas B. Sharretts of probably more than 8U>000,000. DIVORCE ACTIONS was concerned, those attending said ' Formerly the gold miner in this NEW STYLE AUTO B attisto2ii ...... Judd New Canaan. General Motors came up with a B ridgeport, Sept. 25— (A P ) —In infiation of the currency was hard­ country had been selling his metal Ihb. 83.500.000 went to the secretary of William C. Foxx, Jr., and Daniel profit of some 8116,000. But Gen­ agriculture for cotton purchases; two divorce actions filed here today ly discussed. at 820.87 an ounce, while on the Eu­ Chicago, Sept. 25.— (AP)—John Hoben ...... Johnson D. Schwartz of New London. rhb eral Motors is much more than jiut 84.500.000 to the secretary of the desertion on the date of mzurriage is ropean markets Uie bullion was L. Ceriche.'. Virden, HI., chugged Edmund W. O’Brien, Niantic. ■4S Giardi ...... Smith. (Bob.) an automobUe-maker, and it is like­ Treasury to make pasrments on Fed­ alleged. bringing as high as 830 an ounce. along Michigan Boulevard in a coal Francis R. Cbarpentier and Ed­ fb . ly that its half-ownership of Etheyl eral home loan bai^ stocks; 83,200,- Irma Foster Price of Stamford AJl through the days following de­ burning automobile he built recent­ win M. Wigley of Norwa’k. parture from the gold standard, The substitutions for Manchester Gas Corporation, and its ownership 000 to the land bank commissioner claims that William J. Price, also of f^ildren's C olds ly- Norris R. Higgins of Norwich. miners were subjected to perpetual He said that he had it up to 58 were as follows: O’Leary for Mis­ of F’rigidaire and General. Motors to facilitate loans on farm mort­ Stamford left her on the date of Yield quicker to Nicholas T. Fictker, Jr., and John uncertainty. Now that imcertainty miles an hou’ on one occasion and tretta, Hutchinson for Rautenburg, .^ceptance Corporation helped wipe gages. their marriage, Dec. 24, 1928. double action of is removed and the miner may bene­ got 35 miles on a bushel of coal. Leone for Ecabert, Rautenburg for out a loss on actual manufactiure of The corporation sold 870,000,000 Roberts of Old Greenwich. A claim that Richard Wilson of fit from the new outlet. It was on this same street some Hutchinson, C. Smith for Judd, autbmobUes. in notes to the Treasury, making a Erling D. Sedergren of PlainvUle. Stamford left her on their wedding 4 decades ago that the driver of EI- Rautenburg for Hutchinson, and But 1933-34 is going to be a dif­ total of 81,690,000j)00 of notes out- Leonard E. Cohn, Rector T. Davol, night, Dec. 12, 1927, is made by V l f i S S Ctold Stocks Boom ferent story. The automobUe code -standing at tee close of business on Manfred W. Ehrich. Jr., Robert M. Norrie Coleman Wilson,' also of wood Haynes’ first “gas buggy” Comber for Robinson. vSlMNJ-ESS.now, if.you prefer Moreover, talk of inflation and of was arrested for bothering traflic. —Richard Alton ’34. when adopted, wUl increase labor August 31. Gillespie, Donald T. O’Cionner, John Stam ford. raising the price of g;old on the do­ mestic market, now being heard in Washington, has served to spur production. This has been reflected in sensational increases in the price of TH 1 goM stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. C NFW MFHhod:? A typical sign of the “gold boom” WAY is foimd here in this mile-high city at the mighty Homestake mine, where a shaft is being constructed which at its ultimate depth will penetrate some 5,000 feet below the Black Hills or almost to sea level, to tap rich veins of ore.

Big Scale Mining ,The shaft is said to be one of the latest developments of western gold mining. It will cost 82,000,000 to and now construct and in addition to the reg­ ular help taken from the ' mine, which employs 1700 men, will re- /quire the labor of 300 workmen. The shaft will be constructed of steel what about a q UI lS throughout. Steel cages, controlled by two hoists, will drop 2500 feet in a minute. * Oppo$i y 34* A nniversary sale /'A Right now the Homestake is the VACATION i ^ th Monaiester only place in the world where 20 railroads nm one on top of the other. These include the Chicago and Northwestern, the Chicago, Bur­ for your lington and Quincy and the Home- The Last Week To Buy Furniture at CASH PRICES with 34 Weeks To Pay stake tramway, and 17 parrow gauge railways at various depths undergroimd. CURTAINS? The ‘Homestake has just com­ pleted a 8250,000 addition to mill equipment, bringing the approxi­ mate amoimt spent for construction in recent weeks to 8650,000.

Schools Train Prospectors So large has been the influx of Not an expensive vacation—4nei«ly a few days prospectors — individuals and men SoviiMfs working for companies — that the at New Method’s stinlighted plant on Albany office of South Dakota’s state geol­ Avenue. ■ EKS TO PAY 9 ogist has preparfd a bulletin outlin­ CASH PRICES-34 WEEKS ing proper methods of placer min­ ing, and towns and cities in the hills They will come back to you with a new lease on have issued warnings against stream pollution. 0^ life, spotlessly clean—all that dusty, tired look Bedpoom Suites || Dining Room Suites Living Room Suites Similar conditions in Montana g(me—edges perfectly square, revive by ex­ ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 8-Pc. DIN­ 2-Po. LIVING ROOM BUTTE. .An at­ caused the opening? of schools dur­ 8-Pe. BEDROOM SUiTE including DrcM- tractive Suite. Large 8-aec. Sofa and big, perts who know Just how each curtain shouM er, ChMt and full lize Bed. Well made of ING ROOM SUITB. A n exceptionally lino ing the summer at Helena and Great Suite at low price. 60” Buffet, Oblong roomy Companion CAalr to match. Deaiga- Falls, and hundreds of men and gumwbod, richly flrilabed and attractively ed to a conventional st:^e and covered in draper-And the cqst is very little. deMgned. Extenalon Table with folding leaf, and 6 women were given elemental in­ I Cbalra with jacquard covered aeata. good quality tapestry. , Guaranteed con­ struction in placer mining. Many • OASSnOOB. struction. accumulated grubstakes and are in PRICES 0 CASH PBIOB. the hills prospecting with their • I6A0 DOWN. • CASH PRICE. Scrim '50c pair. Lace, fridged or mined 76e pair. 0 fl0.00 DOWN. pans. m $1M WeeUy tar • 84 WEEKS TO A recent survey of mining de­ Sash Curtains 30c pr. Cottage (% Isngth) 60c pr. S4 WMka. $ 3 9 -«« • 88.00 Weekly for PAY. velopments issued here showed va­ * 84 Weeka. $ 7 8 ' » » $ 6 5 ' 0 0 ried returns for the year’s labor Double Rnllle-ll inr. Crlmi Cbtiss $1.25 pr. from small operations. Some com­ Fancy Curtains $1.00 up. anniversary s p e c i a l . 8-P c. L IV - panies were paying out, earning as CAPE OOD BEDROOM SUITE. Suite 8-Pe. DINING ROOM SUITB todudlng ING ROOM SUITE. Davenport, Arm high as $760 daily as liant shovels toeludea good alaa Draaaar, maaalve 4-poat 60” Buget, Oblong Extenalon Table, and 6 and large Club Chaif. Covered in a scoop "pay dirt” from creek beds. Colonial Bed, and roomy Cheat of Drawara. Chain with brown t^ieatry aaata to toateb. good quality of worsted mohair. Guaran­ YOU’LL REALLY BE D E U G H T E n ^S T WHEN Early Colonial daaign. Made of aolld maple Made of combination walnut with decora­ teed construction. Spring filled cushion 100,000 Join in Quest with pegged jotota. tive carving and overlays to fancy veneers. seats with reverse side coveredlovered inin'moquette. moquetu. It has been estimated that more WOULD YOU LIKE OUR MAN TO CALL? than 100,000 individuals have found t CASH PRICE. • CASH PRICE. • CASH PBIOE. employmient in gold hunting in this • 81LS0 DOWN. • 811JM) DOWN. state, in Alaska, Califomui, Colo- • 84 WEEKS TO • $t.00 Weddy for PAY. • RLOO Weekly tor , rado and elsewhere. For most of 84 Weeka. $79-®® i 9 2 -5 « 84 W eeks. i 7 9 - » them it is purely a bread and but­ ter proposition, yielding from 50 Telephone Enterprise 1900 cents to 82 for a day’s labor. 8-Pc. DINING R(X)M SUITE—made ^ 2-Pc. UVINO ROOM SUTTBS. CJhol6a The amount of gold gathered by 8-Pc. BEDROOM BUTTE li/cludlng a hardwooda to combination with walnut va- o f several different styles. One of a kind. placer miners is a relatively small aiaa Draaaar, panal-end Bed,^aad Yan- neen w d toeludea 60” Buffet, Oblong SSx- Thee# Suites art well made, beau^uUy ^ part of the total produced. The M ada'of hardwooda to combination tenalon Table and 6 Chain to match. A signed and oovarad in diolce tiqpeatrlaa. All chance always remains, however, r with dlamoad niatchad walnut vanaets. quaU^ Suita and a rajd value. high gra^ , quality, sultea. that the gold panner who finds pay New Method Laundry gravel in a creek may stumble • CASH PBIOI. • Oaah Price. CASH PitCiL across the mother lode Just arotind HARTFORD • S4 WEEKS TO • H W ^ 14 WEEKS TO the bend and make a fori^e, so 1.00 ‘ PAT. the work is alluring and fascinating. -a complete laundering and dry clea^ng service FAY. » 9 8 '» to Pay. Placer BOnlng Sinmle Placer mtolng by hand Is som e- •u* •*' ■ * ■ . ! ' ‘ ■' ; r P A G E FOUB

•ad tallate ^ wlua the Uem sr* driven. Many c t tbam are badly Aanrlrriitpr lined te the proper point we stop ovarworked. Their calUag is a infiafhn’. We do not try to go on hardy and dangerous ona. They Enratng HpraUk Indefinitely running oiir ear on Hate. are, on the whole, a fine lot of Currency inflation Is fie definitely young men. But in the <^m"g of fcww atS **jiwTlSTI^ QOimiST. INC. contrcfllBlde ae the air punq>. this unwarned strike at this most IS BliMll 8tr«*t Bomnnr DDTCBBB to see that tHa^wloy of the Mftnctae«t«r, Cobb. Prealdeat Rooeereit must know unpropitlous o f tlmea they have, It WMblagtM Oerreependent ,^vee down its OM ^ nw e. T b ^ v . TBOMA8 7EBOTJSOM would leam, acted with fooUah reck- Oeaoral Kanacor Hla cloeeet advisers certainly ------. [be some "men only* eatopna. - . know tt» It woifld help matters leesness, with which the public will Sept, %. — What AU this, of oourse. only to ^ataa Founded October 1, IWI ■ * " - which permit aatooos. Published Every EveBlnc E w pt along tf some at the Washington not be tympathetle at alL Qeoaral Johnson hurl the Sundays and Holldaya Entered at the If the drivers had used their ooal oparators’ lettar cm the floor. Post Office at Uancbester, Conn, as news writers could also get It He was angry. He cursed and Insnrtog C. 8. VmpktySS < Second Class Mtiljtetter. through their heads. heads as effectively in dealing with eh an ^ an "toiwt to the president.” At least one larga. New Yortt We SUBSCRIPTION BATES Insurance company Js-ragtog at tha One Tear, by mall • aeoeaBe eJ*eOw their tronhlee and wages and boon The large non-union Appalachian Per Month, by mall -eO as they do in guiding their great rroun of mine owners had written Treasury Department. Sinsle copies ...... j -J* b u l k c o n t r o l . hto that they wouldn’t take any of i Tie treasury, taking out croup vehicles over the road they would insurance for its thousands of J^elivered, one year ...••■•••••••♦••oo Ilia code. An attack on the constitutional­ ployee — the premiums come out. (» MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED not have ti^ up motor transporta- But what made Johnson aapecially PRESS ity of the Milk Control bill, prom­ tUm w ithout, 80 to speak, blowing sore was the tettar’s aesertion that w ir pay — took the policy from the Sun Uf^ Insurance Company of. The Associated Press is exclusively ised ae a feature of an appeal from was "evldmit” that the code he entitled to the use for republleation their horn. had written contained provisions of all nerrs dispatches credited *to It the Milk Board’s action in revoking There are rules of the road in through which polltlcsal influence The American company aays^lt. or not otherwise credited In this offered a better policy at a bettof' paper and also the local news pub­ the license of a dairyman, bids fair business and economics just as well could be brought to bear to sway rate. lished herein. to stir up more interest than any as on the highways. ’Ihe truck dedsiona one way or the other. All rights of republleation of What they meant, oblefly. wae a special dispatches herein are-also re­ legal proceeding that has taken drivers iqtpear to have bulled ahead >rovislon that made Johnson arbiter Brand’s Dual Job served. place in this state In a long time. Into a wholly uiSieceasary' collision. >B the question as to what consti­ Among many new phenomena here are the b ^ b t men from todus- Full service client of K E A Ser- It Is possible, however, that the tuted a fair or unfair check-off from vice, Inc. \ the mtoera’ pay. (’The csheckoff is try who pop in as employes of the may be decided without the QUEER NEW YORK. the coal company's deduction from NRA or the Agricultural Adjust­ Fublisber’s Representative: The ment Administration for a month or Julius Mathews Special Agency—^New question of the statute’s constitu­ pay envelopes tor rent, powder and so, returning to their jobs after York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. tionality being passed upon by the Jbseph V. McKee, former presl-| other charges and to unionized mines includes the miner’s union working on and seeing the comple­ MEMBER AUIJT BUREAU OF dent of the Board of Aldermen. Is to courts. dues.) tion of the code or marketing agree­ CIRCULATIONS. run independently for mayor of ment affecting their own buslnem. - The fact that State’s Attorney The Herald Printing Company, Inc., New York, with, it is stated, the The Fntore Saloon It works the other way around. assumes no financial respoaplbillty H u^ M. Alcorn is counsel for the Charles J. Brand, who insists on be­ backing of the Roosevelt adminis­ What will saloons be like after re­ for typographical errors appearing in appellant adds to the toterest In the peal? Delegates to the convention ing called "eoadministrator” instead advertisements in the Manchester tration as represented by Postmas­ of "co-administrator.” of AAA, Evening Herald. case, because Mr. Alcorn’s activl- here of the U. S. Retail Beer and ter-General Farley, who has been stepped into the NRA fertilizer tiee, even apeul from bis duties as Liquor Dealers’ Asaociation — an MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. conferring with Democratic leaders organiaation revived after years of hearing and presented the fertilizer county prosecutor, are always sure coma — had some ideas. code to hla role as secretary-treas­ in the metropolis. of a large newspaper audience. But The best features of the speakr urer of the National Fertilizer Asso­ THAWING DEPOSITS. This would seem to outsiders to be ciation. Tart comment followed the Milk Control bill, of Itself, Is of easy will be retained. The feminine about as good a way as any of in­ touch will be noticeable to the trim­ Brand sometimes signs mall as A very large majority of this almost as much concern to the peo­ “Secretary-Treasurer, National Fer­ suring the continuance of Tammany mings and women will be given the newspaper’s readers will probably ple o f the state as the Uquor biU e of the bar as well as ta­ tilizer Association and Coadmtola- in power. McKee would probably trator. Agricultural Adjustment Ad» recall that they received from these It hasn’t too many friends. The bles. Ho free lunch. No drunks. draw many more votes from the FToprletora and bartenders will aim mlniatiratlon.” columns the first itit.iTna.tion that consumers resent it because It fusion LaGuardia ticket thM from the depositors of frozen banks makes them pay the highest price in the Tammany O’Brien set-up, and injury to household fabrics from might some day, and before very America for their milk. The pro­ Trojans to get rid of the peeta, but, not enough from both together to bleaching, and of tarnishing metal­ long, receive th^ ^nty | du^era aPP«" to be far from Infat- after each siege upon them, some defeat the ‘I’iger. m em ber at the family makes a lic surfaces. Most drug atorea ,the process of the federal govern­ uated with It since they frequently have a liquid preparation which can A sincere desire to unseat the *flad.’ Aa a result, we are all de­ ment taking over the assets of the indst that, while soaking the pub­ veloping bug complexes or some­ be sprayed into the cracks or con­ closed institutions. For many gang that has run New York Oty thing. Please help us!” cealment places and will usually do lic through Its operation, the law, presence of bile pigment aettilng in the work if it la used several times, months the Conunittee for the Na­ into its present mess might reason­ organa. The irritation may be is sufficient to act as a counter-ir­ Answer: It is usually possible to under the administration of the ritant to mrch the same way as the the skin because of aystemlo addo- fumigate a houae suffidently to de­ over a period of*a few months. The tion has been advocating such a ably be expected to impell the de­ due to congestion or may be due Control Board, does not allow them to a falling of tbs Intes^es and mustard plaster acts, but this irri­ sia. If you c.n increaae the alkalin­ stroy bedbugs, but the fumigation bedbug often stays concealed for cent Democrats there, of whom months at a time and unless the measure. Involving a definite meaa- as much for their product as they stomach, which exert a downward tating effect Is not desirable inside ity of the body by using the cor­ Boay have to be repeated several sure of controlled inflation, but for there are ihany. to concentrate on pressure. If the large intestine the stomairii or toteettoee. rect diet, these wW probably cease times, as the bedbug le a good spray -is repeated at intervals, they ought to get and cripples their mar' to form, and those preswit will dis­ are liable to come from their hiding reasons of their own or because the one candidate who could defeat is sluggish and overloaded with "faster” and can live as long as a ket into the bargain. waste, this may also Induce a appear as the skin sealiss off. year without food. The best fum- places after the effect of the poison they could not grasp the import of the cyBrien-Curry-McCooey ma­ (Brown Spots of AOddle Age) The case in bsuid is that of Kent pressure agalns' the other organs igating gas to use la hydrocyanic has worn off. chine. When it does not do so It Question: Mrs.' Pater J. asks: the proposal and its reasonableneas, of the pelviA, which to turn will (B edbugs.) acid, but thla is very dangerous to B. Stoddard, proprietor of the “ C u you teU me the - cause and Anybody who has followed the editors generally ignored the pro­ is not unfair to assume that these show itself b7’ the ache in the cure. If any, of the darl spots and Question: Mrs. William G. writes human beings and should be used Spring Brook Dairy In Newington, only by an expert fuinlgator who activities of -General Johnson and ject. The result now Is that the independent Democrats like McKee, back of the head and neck. freckles tbst appear on the face "We recently bought a lovely cot­ who persisted in selling milk to re can be foimd to any large city. Sul­ the NRA doesn’t have to read while they do not at all like the Another cause of pain in this and bemds after middle age?” tage and upon moving to were hor­ “Who’s Who in America" to leam announcement from Washington ^ a quart rified to find the place aMve with phur fumes may also be employed stench of Tammany rottenness, particular pmi: arises when the Answer: 'Hie spots such as you “Who’s Hugh in America.” that the administration is seriously Control Board had fixed 14 small bones of the upper spine bedbugs. We have worked like to advantage, but there is a risk of would rather put up with It than describe are usually caused by the considering this step as a matter cents. His license was revoked as slip out of place. When you find of the immediate future finds the see the government of the city a sore spot along the back of of October 16 next your neck that becomes tender if press almost as illy informed, on the turned over to a Republican. It would be unfortunate if the pressed with tht fingers, It is like­ subject as its readers. One conse­ It is a queer town and Ita citizens outcome of this case wefe to be the ly that you should have the neck quence of this is that most of the develop queer ideas. Here is Sam­ adjust^ by a doctor who under­ Invalidation of the Milk Control Bill Washington correspondents, and uel Untermeyer, tactical fiscal ad­ stands the correct method of mani­ through such a dedslon as would pulating these bones. If you ex­ some of those special writers who viser to the Tammany government, seriously question the whole prin­ perience A* ..oat Immediate relief pose as experts in such matters, declaring, in spite of a life long following the manipulative treat- ciple of price fixing. It is fairly seem to have very little Idea of reputation for high-mindedness, that I ment you I 'ay be sure toat you evident'that the milk Industry is In­ trou- what it is all about New York must retain its thou- have found the cause of the capable of satisfactorily regulating ble. We are told, for example, that the sands of superfluous job holders In itself and that in some sort of state In some cases where the neck E asy Terms President is resorting to this order to keep them off the bread control lies Its only chance of equit­ is very sore it may not be pos­ scheme of releasing frozen bank de­ lines. As though these ten ser- sible to adjust tbe neck properiy able readjustment. For a limited time only, you can posits as a means of ’’forestalling geants-at-arms of the Board of Al­ imless some way is foimd to relax the area which Is tensed. ’This re­ select either a BengaJ Dual Inflation.” It would be as sensible That the present law has worked dermen, the most perfecj example laxing treatment may be given R ^ge or Silent Glow, Jr. Range to say that a man jumped in the well few outside, perhaps, of the in the city of the political leech, by applying heat, such as tbe heat Oil Burner, or both, and pay in Tlvw to getting wet by tb. | could not be given de luxe quarters from a deep therapy lamp, after will admit. 'Whether that is the which the small vertebrae are easy weekly installments with­ rain. The deposit release plan Is in a de luxe alms house for a third fault of the law itself or of the easily put in place. Once to a long out extra charge for time pay­ an inflation plan, pure and slmplS. of what it costs to meet their pay- time, it will be found that too quality of the Board of Control ments! $1. weekly pays for the It is possibly the best inflation plan checks! much irritation is presuit and It la created under it or of the compara­ Silent Glow, Jr. $2.50 weekly that could be devised. And when And so the greatest city in the Inadvisable to try to treat the tively short time It has been In neck, and the beat plan is to wait places a Bengal Dual Range in Washington writers insist that it country rides gaily along toward operation, ISj the question. But until some a* the tenseness or ir­ your home . . both for only isn’t a currency inflation device but the day when there will be no ritation has -eft, at which time the whatever the cause It does not fol- $8.50 weekly! Bring your a scheme for the "expansion of money to pay anybody — and no neck may be adjusted. A skill­ 0 kitchen up to date with either credit” they merely babble. lovr that the industry and the peo­ ful treating doctor will be able to way of gettto^ any. give ju«t the right adjustment for or both of these labor saving, When Mr. Hoover, to the days of ple of the state can afford to lapse making the neck feel easier. A ■l comfort giving, kitchen necessi­ the gold standard and , into a condition of no control at all, HOPELESS ASPIRATION. gfood rule to remember is that ties. urged credit expansion as a remedy with the -dealers and the producers the right treatment does not hurt for the depression the advocacy fighting it out between themeelves The Manchester citizen who raid­ the patient. credit to his Intelligence, But a through milk strikes and ®t ed the fruits of a liquor raid stored To entirely correct that type 1 1 of ache wLich centers to the back Silent Glow, Jr. . .$27.50 tremendous amount of water has the expense of the-Yaat majority o T to the Police Station, helping him­ of tbe head and neck it le flrit gone under the bridge since then j the people of the commonwealth. self to a bottle of “evidence,” moved necessary to about 80 per cent of and Is Immensely richer this town along a notch to the race the eases tc turn the attention to Bengal Dual Range returning the pelvic organs to nor­ T1 1 in experiences. It has been con- for fame for cheeky crimes, but if J $148.50 NO SIGNAL, NO HORN. mal. This occurs more rapidly If dusively shown that it le impoael- he hoped to put bto bom« cototoUhityi The sudden, unwarned strike of the fast Is used as the fast aids ble to get the banka. Industry, agrl in the class with the big cities be to reduetog a mild Inflammation motortruck drivers In this state culture, transportation and gdieral aspired beyond his capacity. Tbe or Irritation. A treatment which came with suck a lack ef prelimin­ helps to cUeve the congestion business out of their morass of debt thief who many years ago skipped ary rumblings that the merits of through the pelvic organ is the by increasing their indebtedness. into the West Thirty-seventh Street hot eftz bath which may be the case are difficult to understand. For Mr. Hoover to depend on credit Police Station to New York and taken for fifteen minutes at a tlihe, One fawjt, however, stands out. The expansion was not only excusible, skipped out again with the desk three times a week. In case tbe union which appears to be the dom­ large ntesttoe is sluggish it 1s a It was reasonable. For Mr. Roose­ I sergeant’s typewriter—and . never inating Influence in the suddenly good plan to use a warm ene­ velt to do so would be to confess was caught—has always seemed to ma which usuaUy lessens the ache that he was incapable of learning P«dPltated war on the employees’ us to stand to a class by bimaeff- within twenty mitoutea, by cleans­ from the experiences of the past. "Ide to said to have been organized ing out the toteettoes and thereby removing pressure against the sen­ It is inconceivable, particularly “ recently aa August 17 sitive organs of ths pelvis. It is to view of the charaeter of hla ad- It to an historic fact that newly also helpful to taka ucerdses to visers, that the Pruddent to labor- organized trade unions are often Health and Diet strengthen the abdominal muscles Bengal Combination tog imder any such delusion as the possessed of ah uncontrollable itch but all exfvrdstog should be de­ layed if an'- Inflammation is noted, one that we can get rid of the de- to go on strike. It eeema to be . Advice until this baa been removed tity pression by burying It under a | the first thing that tyro trade unlon- By Dr' Prank McCoy the. fasting regimeh. All health- COAL and GAS Mount Everest of hew debt. It is I ists thjnit of. ’Their entry Into the building measures are of value In overeoming the tendency to this merely ludicrous for correspondents I field of labor organization excites a c h e i n 3ACk OF HBAD AND dlstiresstog ache and the patient Silent Glow to tell us that Mr. Roosevelt is try­ them. They scent an adventure— NECK win find that fresh air, outdoor ing to keep away from Inflation and I and they pile pell-mell Into conflict, relaxation, and daUy walks are dis­ When readers send toe letters in the very next breath tell us that it has happened a great many times. tinctly beneficial. and enclose drawings, “x” la used In the next two articles I wfll Oil Burner he Is consxilting with such people It has also happened, just about for one purpose and that is to explain tbe causes treatment as Felix Frankfurter and Prof. as many times, that these newly mark the spot where the pain of different kinds of backache. is. For escample, hundreds of peo­ George P. Warren—the former a formed bodies get soundly licked. ple send me Illustrations of the QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS liberal so pronounced as to fre­ You can’t run a successful labor region wbi> covers the back ef equals year-round convenience — com fort quently be described as a radical strike without preparation and with­ the head and back of the nock (Pus In the Blood) and the latter one of the most con- out a treasury; and it doesn’t make and if the entire area la affected, each picture,carries a large black vlnced and widely quoted inflation much difference whether your cause Qu^

-U: Dr. John B. Flaherty; secretai^, J. Four Generations Selliiifir Gase^e Andrew TiW ; Archie 0.*Hewltt, Ed­ Deaths Last Night BOSTON CARDINAL ward websTi' Leo Flaherfy, d a i^ ce R E M I i i a t Weber, ’Thcuhas Kaufman, Ekiward Connors, “Herb” .Barstow, ’Thomas Toronto, Ont. —Jnstiee W .' B. ON VISIT TO POPE F. Rady, Jr., ’Thomas Martley, Carl Raney of - the .Ontario Supreme o N s n c i u Meyers, WUliaun Felber, Kenneth Court. Little, Paul Roden, Lawrence M. Berlin— Ferdinand Bonn, 71, oa. 10 LDiirr FIXED DiUon and Norman Lennon.’ famous Gennan actor and a friend Resnlts of Stekes of the fOrmor Kaiser. Owners of M ark^ f t Pontiff T d k (PConneD That ON BIDS FOR P .O . JOB The results'" of'th e four Stakes YpsiliUiti, Miclu—Dr..Charies Me- were as f<^ows: Kenney, president emefltus of IBch- n Derby—"Seidler Trophy” : . igah state normal college ADow Slock Market t» | Lessons of Depresapn ___ it—“Oranoke Fill”, owned by Tenns of Federal Bulletin New York — George Francis Dr. Charles Beere, Waterbury, Conn. Crane, 81, senior warden of ’Trinity , Win Not Be Forgotten. Thought to Eliminate AH Second—^“.Don Fail .Tin”, owned church and a ^ce preMdent of a Start There. But Three Applicants. by John Fait, -White piaJns, N. Y. New York bank. Third—“I*equot Jeff”, owned by Baltimore, Md. — August Gross, After many days of waiting, defin­ Dr. David Gaylord, Torrington, Vatican City, Sept. 25.— (AP) — 86, famous coach maker. ' Ncwai*, N. J.. Sept 25.—(AP)— " ite information has at last arrived in Conn. Palo Alto, Cal.—^Professor Elverett Commissioner Anthony F. Mi^ni The hope that the lessons of the Ooen Ail Age Stake crisis will not soon be forgotten by Rockville about the RockviUe post- W. Smith, 57, head of the School announced today that Mayor Ellen- First—"Gratan Frank”, owned by of Journalism at Stanford Univer­ stein had informed him legal diffi^ the peoples of the world was ex­ inastership and a buUetin was post­ Lawrence Tucker, Lincoln, Mass. pressed by Pope Pius today in an sity. culties which threatened to bar the ed in the Rockville Post Office today Second—"Raybiwok Boy”, owned Stock Ehcchange from Newark were* audience with Cardinal O’Connell of by Postmaster George Dickinson, by Dr. H. C. Platstted, Manchester, Boston. "about to be settled amicably” arMi stating tlmt the receipt Of applica­ N. H. that the Center Market would be The Pontiff said he sincerely trusts tions wiU close on October 10, at Third—"Oranoke Mike”, owned by SALLY EILERS aOPES tup people of the future will be more turned over to the New Jersey Stock which tilde all appUcations must be Dr. Charles Beere, Waterbury, Conn. Elxchange. careful to preserve the fruits of filed with the CivU Service Conunis- Members’ Local Stake: prosperity, will avoid luxury, and WITH MOVIE DKECrOR The mayor has been in almost . sion Washington, D. C. First—“Buddy”, owned by Nor­ constant conference since 4 p. m. will accumstom themselves to pay The bulletin classes the appoint­ man Lemon, RrckvUle. as they go. yesterday with Atwood - C. 'Wolf, ment as one in the second class and Second—“Autacites Red”, owned Hollywood, Sept. 25.— (AP)—Sal­ counsel for the City Centre Corpor­ Pope Pius commented thus fol­ puts the revised salary at 12,800. At by Leo Flaherty, RockviUe. lowing the cardinal’s observations ly Elilers, screen actress, and Har­ ation, lessees of the Center Market. present it is 83,300. Third—"Plain Sport”, owned' by ry'Joe Bro'wn, film director, eloped This corporation had ^ obtained . an that the depression seemed to have It is stated in the bulletin. that Eldward Connors, Rockr^e. brought religion home to the Amer­ Not to make a long story short, but here you see four generations intensely Interested in the handling airplane Sunday afternoon to order for the dty to show cause the appointment is not imder the Amateur All Age Stake: Yuma, Ariz., the southwest’s Gretna why it should not remain in posses­ ican people as never before. Civil Service rules but is to be made First—“Don Falls Sue”, owned by of Gulf gasoline. At the Matthews Service Station; out near the . Ada, Texas, stop on highway No. 2, Following the audience, which resides this usual family. Mrs. B. H. Thatcher, 64, is the great-grandmother; Mrs. Andrew Abadie, 44, is Green. sion of the property. under an executive order issued on John Fail, White Plains, N. Y. Minisl, who is director of parks lasted an hour, the cardial not the grandmother: Mrs. Phil Matthews, 24, is the mother of Dorothy Ann, 4, and PhU, shown in tiiia pic­ The ceremony was performed by July 12, 1933. Second—“Duek Nugyn”, owned land public buildings/ said Elllenstein only said the Pope disclosed an aS' The bulletin practically eliminates ture. There are 20 years between each generation,'and Dorothy Ann is JLhe only daughter of an only Justice at the Peace E. A: Freeman. tnniBhing knowledge of conditions in by Dr. John E. Flaherty, RockviUe. A m ong the ■witnesses, all o f whom informed him the legal tangle ap­ several candidates since the educa­ Third—"Down”, owned by Johnny daughter of an only daughter of an only daughter. BeUeve it or not, Mr. Ripley! the United States but also of the were pledged to secrecy, were Ben peared ready for settlement. tion of a candidate will rate him Anderson, Monson. Mass. monetary situation. only 20 per cent whereas business Lyon; his wife, Bebe Daniels; Mr. ’The writ issued by Vice-Chancel­ Cardinal O’Connell gave the Pon­ N otes lor Fallon is returnable in the court experience and fitness will figure at bury, made a large birthday cake. and Mrs. Al. Rogell, Lew Cody. Mrs. tiff statistics showing an appreciable An Important meeting of the Com­ arranged by Chairman Morris of Vice Chancellor Alfred F. Stein. 80 per cent mon Council wiU be held on ’Tuesday E’r-eBcb. Mr. Maskiell attended the regpilar Marian Smith and Ralph Morgan. growth of the Catholic population NORTH COVENTRY Miss Elilers only four days ago re­ A hearing is scheduled^ in his court and activities in Boston. More than The appUcant must show that for evening, )sdth Mayor A. E. Waite, The vegetable collection prizes morning service at the Second Con­ at least three years he has been en- were awarded: First to Morris gregational church and ■was con­ vealed she had obtained a divorce today in which W olf will be required 125 new parishes were established presiding. to show cause why hearing on the gaged in occupations in which he The annual “RaUy Day” exercises Students of the North school. No. EYench, second to Lorraine Bowen. gratulated by many. in Mexico from Hoot Gibson, film during his tenure, he said, and there writ should not be advanced from has demonstrated abUity to organize were held at the Union Congrega­ 9, imder the direction of Miss Mary Indivldueil prizes were given to Miss Mary Martini, Miss Fran­ cowboy. At that time she said she are now 1,250,000 Catholics in the the initially scheduled date of Tues­ and to manage business affairs to tional church yesterday. The chU- Martini conducted an afternoon fair John Kingsbury, Jr., and Phyllis ces Lasca and Miss Minor, teachers would not marry again but would Boston area. day, October 3. Many new high schools and sev­ the extent required of a postmas­ dren attended a meeting in the last Friday. The plans were carried Gowdy. Several parents sent in of North Coventry schools, spent devote3^ all her time to her career. ter. school rooms at 9:30 o’clock and at­ out successfully by students of the vegetables and fruits to make a the week-end at th0ir respective She and Gibson were married in eral colleges have been built, he A corps of 60 servants is em­ There were originally eight candi­ tended the morning service at 10:30 fourth, fifty and sixth grades. They more complete e^ibit. homes. 1930. said. ployed at the White House. Cardinal O’Connell informeo His dates in the field for the appoint­ o ’clock. had classes in sewing, canning, A fine collection of art was dis­ Mrs. S. N. Loomis entertained a Miss Elilers met Bro'wn during a Holiness that eight different races ment but it is expected that the Rockville and surrounding com­ woodwork, art, vegetables and played by the children in boUi cre­ group of twenty-three (m Sunday in­ trans-Atlantic voyage when both were living harmoniously in Boston method of appointment wUl lower munities retiuned to Standard time flowers in which students of all ative and copied forms. John cluding her children, Edward Loomis were en route to London for film and asserted that the Massachusetts the Ust *0 either two or three. yesterday. grades and parents contributed. Kingsbury, Jr., was in charge of of Califomia; Percy Carver of work. It wau not until two days ago cit> and other American municipali­ ’The ctindidates now generally re­ A public whist party wUl be held In the sewing group. Miss M a^ the exhibit. Rockville; Mrs. Charles Smith of that the actress decided on mar­ d S T ® ties were responding with unemploy­ garded as standing a chance are on Thur^ay night at the Dobson- Bowen was superintendent. Miss Sperintendent of Schools Levi T. Manchester and Irving Loomis of riage, she disclosed to friends to­ Coventry and several of her grand­ ment relief such as never before in Maurice L. Spurling, treasurer of ville schoolhouse by the Vernon Civic Josephine Maceyka won first flag in Garrison, Assistant Silperintendent day. American history. the Democratic Town committee and Betterment Asspeiatioh. embroidery, John Kingsbury, Jr., Miss Dusmon and . .George Robinson children. Mrs. Alice Mackiell and Mrs. Brown has had a varied career as His Eminence found the Pope ex­ for 25 years agent for the Metropol­ Large shipments of wool are being first on a cross-stitch sampler, (fcairman of the . school bostrd, be- stage and screen actor, newspaper­ Josephine Maceyka first on a collec­ Edna Babcock spent Sunday with tremely busy with his calendar full itan Life Insiu^ce Company; received in RockvUle by the Hocka- mdes parents and ‘friends of the man, stage producer and Army Frederick G. Haftenstein, former tion of band sewing on a doll outfit, George Mackiell. for the day, but the Pontiff told the num Mills Company. chUdren. attended. Silver street officer. He was educated at Syra­ American that hp was feeling fit mayor of Rockville, and superin­ and Phyllis Goudy first on a sten­ school instructed by Miss Prances Mrs. Beulah Price and Miss EUsie The Polish-American Baseball cuse Univeririty and the University and not at all tired by the added tendent of the printing plant of T. club drfeated the fast basebaU team ciled crayoned napkin. Fasca, also attended the fair. 'The Beam ont ■visited Mr. and Mrs. H a n y duties of the Holy Tear. F. Rady & Co., for over 35 years; In the canning department super­ North school was divided into C. McKnight Sunday afternoon. of Michigan and holds the degree from the perks A. C. at the Henry of Bachelor of Law. He has been Many ragrimages John J. McKenna, bus driver for the Park diamond on Sunday afternoon intended by Mary Bowen the prizes teams, Blue and Red, which groups ’The Ladies’ Fragment Society will associated with the film industry The Pope was quoted as saying Connecticut Company, a letuler of by a score of 11 to 9. This was the were awarded as follows: Fruits, competed in a song contest, and in meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter S. Havens. Installa­ since 1920. that he is stimulated by the large the,Yoimg Guard. final game of the season. Helen Giesecke, Mary Bowen; vege­ various stunts. The Blue team pilgrimages to Vatican City. Car­ Senator Augustine Lonergan is a The Board of Selectmen wiU hold tables, Helen Giesecke, .^ohn Kings­ proved the ■winner.. Leon Reinault tion of officers will take place. Friday evening choir rehearsal dinal O’Connell was invited to ac­ close friend of Maurice L. Spurling. a meeting on Thesday evening with bury, Jr., Mary BoWen; pickles, did his accomplished feat of jug­ will be held at the Second church. company Pius to the basilica of St. A warning has also been posted First Selectman l^rancis J. Prichard Elizabeth Sheldon; jam, Elizabeth gling, balancing Miss Ruth Christen­ TRY THIS ’The regular Christian EJndeavor Mary Major October 11 when the at the ;-'ost office warning against presiding. Sheldon, Helen Giesecke. sen, a pupil of the North school, in [QUICK SAFE WAY Pontiff makes his final Holy Year “offering, promising, paying, solicit­ Miss Phyllis (5owdy was superin­ a chair on his chin. Mr. Relnaiilt’s business meeting emd 'social -will be ^ O U R pcnonel note b all Sample ballots have been received held at 8 o’clock. visit in order to obtain plenary in­ ing, or receiving any money or other tendent of the flower exhibit. The act was accompanied by Mrs.- Ernest TO RELIEVE " we require on loam up by Town (31erk John B. ’Thomas fo r Miss Helen Tomlinson and nephew dulgence. The Cardinal however, valuable thingr as a political contn thw coniihg town election to be held first awards of each class were Gowdy who played on her piano- ItCHING^KIK given to the following: Gladiolus. Rasnnond visited Mr. and Mrs. Her­ to $ 1 0 0 . will sail for home before that date. bution or otherwise, for use of influ­ early in October. accordian. Root beer was sold, the The cardinal presented to his Holi­ ence, or promise of support, in ob Morris French; dahlias, Morris proceeds to go to the purchase of bert Tomlinson, Jr., this week-end. ■Whether it is the re­ Larger loam up to $300 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ryan of ness Monsignor Joseph F. Mc- taining the appointment.” French: marigolds, Morris French; some school equipment. sult of stubborn ec­ A. O. H. OFFICERS New Haven spent Saturday with can be arranged on your fur* Glinchey of Lynn, Mass.; Father Investigate Accident asters, John Kingsbury, Jr.; zinnias, Friday evenmg the Coventry zema, some acid or Joseph Coppinger of Somerville, Phyllis Gowdy: wild flowers, Leo- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tomlinson. similar aggravacing se­ niture or an endorsed note. Police are still investigating the Shelton, Sept. 25—(AP) — John players gave “dd Acre Follm” at Mass.; his secretary, Father Fran­ accident at Leonard’s Comer on the cadia Gill; mixed bouquet, Phyllis the Wapping school. cretion, or just a minor The .only cost is a inonthly cis L. Pjelan, and Assistant Secre­ Fahey, of " Stanford was elected Gowdy. rash, apply Resinol Rockville and Crystal Lake road on Miss Betty Blackburn, a student RECXIMMENDS DIVIDEND. tary Jeremiah Minnihan. president of ■the FiUrfield county A. Master William Christiansen was Ointment to the itch­ charge of three per cent on Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Willimantic Normid school, Waterbury, Sept. 25.—(AP)— A Pius then ' imparted a blessing O. H. at the annual convention of in charge of the woodwork exhibit. ing spots and see how when an automobile occupied by an spent the week-end at tier home third 10 per cent dividend to the the unpaid balance. applicable to the entire archdiocese. the order held at St. Joseph’s school The awards were made to Louis quicxly the discom­ unidentified man and woman crash­ hftii here yesterday. Mrs. Jeanette here. Commercial depositors of the Mer­ fort is relieved. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE Cardinal O’Connell later declared ed into a stonewall and turned over Gill for an airplane, Alfred Kras- Park of, Bridgeport was chosen neka for an airplane, for a doorstop Miss Elva Koehler and Jeanette chants ’Trust Conqpany has been rec­ Use Reslaol freely aay- the audience was the finest he had The automobile was driven by the president of the Ladies Auxiliary. to John Kingsbury, Jr., and for a Heckler, spent the week-end at ommended by the receiver. Judge wfaere on the bodr~tK> had with any of the four Popes he woman who failed to make the turn ■has known. Others elect^ included John Keane table to William Christensen. their homes in Coventry. . Newell Jennings will. pass on the parts are too tenda, no which is practically at a right angle. of Stratford, ■vice president; Andrew A group of pets including George Maskiell celebrated his matter Friday at tae short c^endar surface TOO' irritated to re- P I N A N C I N O . ’i ’The Pope presented Cardinal Charles- H. Leonard, who resides ceive its soothina medica­ O’Connell a Holy Year gold medal. Conniff, Danbury, secretary; John chickens, dogs, kittens, cat, goat, 83rd birthday Sunday. Three of his session of superior court. No third ASSOCt ATI O Ni^ close to the scene of the accident, tion. Ask your druggist Quinn, Stamford, treasurer. guinea pig, duck, rabbits and pigs children and several g;randchildren dividend fo r the sa^vlngs depositors' today for Resinol Otnt. aas-assMrinSt mhow rendered first aid and helped right Over 200 delegates from all parts attracted much attention. spent the day at his home. His is planned at this time. About ment and Soap. Rabiuow SMt.-vPfcea* 7111 the automobile which was later tow­ of the county were in attendance. The vegetable exhibit was Viicely granddaughter. Miss Cora Kings­ $135/)00 will be distributed. ^ MANCHESTER WIDOW OF NOVELIST ed to Hartford for repairs before the police arrived. IS KILLED BY POISON This has been the scene 'of several fatal accidents in the past. Await Word From Railroad Bath, England, Sept. 25.— (AP)— Word is expected from New Ha­ Authorities today investigated the ven today relative to the petiUon of TO BE A death here last night o ' Mrs. A. M. the school officials of Rockville, Ver­ Williamson, widow and collaborator non and Ellington asking the New of the noted British novelist. York, New Haven and Hartford It was understood that a coro­ Railroad Company to continue their HEALTHY NERVES STEEPLEJACK ner’s jury may consider the ques­ bus service between Rockville and IT TAK tion whether shr may have died as Phelps’ Comer where connections a result of having taken accident-' are made for Springfield. The bus ally an overdose of >a sleeping also carries school children to El­ draught. lington and Broad Brook. Police are said to have taken pos­ A hearing will be held before the session of several sealed letters Connecticut Public Utilities Com­ found in her handbag. It was re­ mission on Thursday if the bus seiy- vealed today that she was discov­ ice is not to be continued. ered unconscious Saturday evening More than two thousand people in a Bath hotel room and died after attended the Elighth Annual Field doctors had wagec a battle for he? Trials of the Rockville Fish and life throughout the night and Sim- Game Club, held on Saturday and day. _ Sunday-at their big club grounds on Her husband, with whom she Mile Hill, Tolland, at which more ...... t* worked on many noveh, died here than 100 sportsmen from six differ­ c I ^ '-i: in 1920. She felt his loss keenly, ent states participated in one of the A.' and is 'leved to have come here largest fiedl trisds ever conducted in i esx>ecially for the t.nniversary of his Connecticut. death. She was a spiritualist Eind Many prominent sportsmen were said she had communicated with present including W. H. Foster, her husband since his death. editor of “Himting and Fishing” and “National Sportsman”, who was EIJlCnON WORKERS a guest judge. ACQUITTED. Mr. Foster complimented the offi­ cials of the Rockville Fish and Game Milford, Sept. 25.— (AP)— John Club on the success of their field men OP, SEVENTY STOMES C. McLean, Democratic registrar of trials saying that the event was one above^ tiie wtitet, where the voters and three of his deputies o f the best held in New Elnglsuid. slightest slip means certain death—here, if ever, nerves were acquitted today on charges of ’The attendance was so large that must be healthy. Listen to James J. Dwyer, famotu violating the election laws by Depu every room in the Rockville House steeplejack shovm.in these two pictures, “ Worry? Not ty Judge Amon Thomas in Milford was occupied, many doubling up and me. O f course Tm a smoker—and 1 smoke a lot. But 1 town court. extra guests were accommodated at The acquittal of McLean and the the Elks Club and the CJrystal Lake smoke Camels and my nerves ate OK.*’ deputies, Mrs. Werner Gutenberg, Hotel. Many others spent the MW ARE YQOR NBNES7 Does it upset you Mrs. Mae Mahoney and Mrs. Ber­ night with members of the Rock­ •to see someone in a dangerous position? nard Charter, ended another chap­ ville Fish and Game Club. PncYonrself in tihat place—tiien consider ter in the prolonged intra-party Instead of the usual three, four controversy among Milford Demo stake events were conducted tbis .-'J your nerves. But remember, no matter crats. year, including the Open Derby, how many ■yon smOke, CamePs costlier The four were arrested before the Open All Age, Members’ Local and tobaccos never upset your nerves* party primary on charges they had an Amateur All Age. ’The latter omitted 154 names from the prim­ stake was added this year and was ary list. open to all dogs which have not pre­ Judge Thomas said that in ac­ viously been entered iin Uie Rock­ quitting the defendants he had given ville Field ’Trials. them the benefit of the doubt wher­ A total of 71 entries were listed in ever there was any question over the four events. ’Ihe professional the interpretation of the election events on Sunday showed a reccard laws. He ^vised them that in the of 40 dogs. - future they neek the advice of coun­ The six states represented in the MATCH List sel before omitting names from the stakes were Maine, New Hampshire, lists. Connecticut, -Massachusetts, Ver­ NOT MANY OF US hate the Ivon nerveq neeeaaaiy I mean that no matter how many'I smoke they never mont and New York. • . 1 KILLED IN AUTO CRASH. The judges who officiated at the to be a New Ymrk steeplejaek. But we can all take a get on my-nerves. What do I think about iq> there ta events were: Open Derby and Open tip tram these dtm-devila whose veiry .lives depund the air? Not much of anything. Worry? Not me, I Suffield, Sept. 25.— (AP)—^ John All Age Stakes, W. H. Foster, of ■on healthy'ttBryes. smoke Oamels—and my nerves are OK.** Boston, editor of “New Ehigland Abuceivlcz, 168 West street. New Todli like Camels, too. Their costlier tobaccos, oer>' Britain, was killed and three other Sportsnum” and “Hunting and Fish­ JtuniM J. Dwyer tells it: “Tve-been climbmg for men were injured Saturday when ing”, and Daniel T. Walden, of Guil­ years and suoktag, dipuretteii ' evra longer. 1 picked tainly make a difference. In taste. In mfldneaa -Ahd the auto in which they were riding ford; Members’ Local and Amateur Camelabecaiiae tb ^ ’re mQder. And lAen 1 aay-milder tiim'never get on your nerves. crashed into a telegraph pole on the All Age Stakes, Dr. B. N.,Pennell, West Suffield road. AJex Kutin- of New London, and E. S. Donovan, sky, 21, Suffield, is critically hurt of Old Greenwich. and on the danger list at Spring- The star trophy of the "events was field hospital. William KaseUnous, the Seidler Trophy, conslstlilg of # West Suffield also is at tlu hospital. beautiful bronze sporting dog, pre- Joseph Zduzyk escaped with' sl^ht Mnted in memory

■it. . ..<-Yfi: A -r- 'm . - V . .-A Ml P A G E S IX •ADVBBTIBEiilBNT— I ADVmiTIBiaiBNT— FREEMH.Bi»U N. Y. StodcsLocal Stocks L 0 A D i G ( W ^ ^ GOLF UNAUSIS IMPROVE PHONE Brieh THE Adams Exp ...... 8H (Bfimlshed by Ftttnain A Oo.) **Comitrr Store,** C i^ n r Bar ’^ ^^ir ^teduc 108 Central Row, Hartfmrd, Conm rel Gonip -aiiid'AlV One (M:: Alaska Jun ...... 26^ . VOICE QUALITY N «w to A . Sept. K.— (A P )— An the F e a tu r e t ^ FteRty id BARGAIN HOUND ^LUegheny ...... 4^^ I P. M. Stooks - ' Former Wins W a; by Close AlUed Chem ...... 135% investment 1 silver metal amount­ Others.. ; A m Can ...... 90% Bank Stooks ing to $539,352 by the equity cor­ - . poration, an investmeut truet ia BreaMast, luncheon, dinner— No shrinking, no fading, and no Am For P o w ...... 10% Bid Asked "Main Street Fafr,".i9 o w o re d 89 Matches-^esnlb m the — S. N. L l Co. Has Installed disclosed.to toe company’s state­ what to have and how to prepare It short lived undies if you use Rob­ Am Rad St'S ...... 14 Cap Nat Bank A Trust 8 toe Mancheator f Jf.CJL, wlU opeZ A m Smelt ...... 45% ment aa ,of Jun* 80, iaeued today. quickly and wdl? Isn’t It the time ertson Sudsy Soap Chips. It's time Conn. River ...... 450 tomorrow «‘ ito one of toe mtgtiB Am Tel and T e l ...... 125% — The boldtnge 01 toe white metal element that bothers you the most? that you tried them. Champions Tonmey. First National ot Htfd. 90 lists of indoor attnmttoas ever A m Tob B ...... 86% 46 55 Ikoasands to Aid Trans­ Usted n t coat baye been, hedged by Think of the previous minutes wast­ Htfd. Conn. Trust .... In Manchester. The enrnlvn) Is be Am W at W k s ...... 21% Htfd. National B and T 11/ 17 sales of an equ^ amount of silver ed every day In beating and whip­ The eggplant is a rather strange ing held tf assist ki ItaiaBdiig tot Anaconda ...... 16% Phoenix St. B and T ... — 200 futof^- A bank oan at $470,000 ping and mixing and then think of food. It is half vegetable, half mission Over Rural Lines season’s activities.in thi new bolkf irtid Freeman, who has battled Atchisoa ...... 19% West Hartford Trust.. 176 has been set against the transac­ the convenience of having an elec­ fruit, with almost a "fowl" name. his way through tight matches in Auburn ...... 49 Insurance Stooks tion. The company la headed by tric mixer and beater ready to beat In spite of these handicaps, the •gg- The prlnrlpa* feature ot the p the “cracker barreT the prize dcnatec by President John Beth Steel, p f d ...... 57 Conn. General ...... 28 30 reporta that aales of qianufaetured breakfast. Eggplant may be fried, transmission s always high in. tele­ aa in bygone days. Several «Kce$ ers work. H. Hyde. The time for the match Borden ...... :... 23% Hartford ^ e ...... 48 45 and natural gaa iii August amount­ stuffed and baked, scallop^ or comr- phone exch.^nges where there is a lent booths hav been arranged bj has not b< «n set. Freeman won his Cai Pac ...... 14% National F ire ...... 48 45 ed to 77,896,700,000 cubic feet, an bined with other vegetables. concentrated population, such vis toe committee foi toe sale ot Chi* Painted walls are smarter than way to the finals by defeating Fred Case (J. I.) ...... 69 Hartford Steam Boiler 48 50 increase of 4.4 per cent over the no a'ways the case in the / rural nese curios and brlc-a'-hrae, SoutI papered ones unless you have furni­ Bendall one up^on the 19th hole and Cerro De Pasco ...... 36 Phoenix Fire ...... 67 59 corresponding month of 1932. This ture of a particular period which xnd suburban exchanges where Carolina poclery, and ut objeqta by defeating Austin Cheney one up Ches and O hio ...... 42% Travelers ...... 390 400 is toe first increase registered by there is a considerable distance be­ food, and even a fortune tdllns calls for wall paper of a certain de­ on the I8th hole. Chrysler ...... 43% Public Dtilltlee Stocks the Industry as a whole since April, Don’t throw away srour shoes just tween the subscribers’ telephones booth where "Madame Zabelle” w il sign. Brown suede is an entirely Champlenship Tonmey Coca Cola ...... 88 * Conn. EUec S e r v ...... 36 39 1980, the association states. new wall covering for a formal li­ because the soles are worn out Several matches in the cham- Col Gas ...... 15% Conn. Power ...... 34% 36% and the telephone exchange; and read toe past, present and futim when you can have them fixed to brary. And pale blue paper with ploni^p tcumament were played Col C a r b o n ...... 55 Greenwich, W AG, pfd. 60 60 this rural situation 'has been cor­ over her tea-cup. an all-over snake-skin design is look like new at the State Shoe Re­ over the week end at the club. Coml Solv ...... 35% Hartford E lec ...... 49 .51 rected by the Southern New Eng- One of the most po;ular spot! pairing Shop. Dial 8838. something new and novel for the Standings so far are: ' John Hyde Cons G a s ...... 42% Hartford Gas ....i.... 45 — lanr Telephone Company during (X 0R (X DALLAS MATHER, during the two-day carnival will bi guest room. beat Fred Bendall 6 and 5; Ray Cons O U ...... 13% do., p f d ...... i... 45 — the past few years with the Instal­ the “Main Strrat Lunch” when Lockets and ensdns are being Bowers beat Martin Alvord 2 and Cont C a n ...... 65% S N E T Co ...... 105 110 lation ol loading collr which pre- limcheons will be served at al' shown, and black enamel and pesurls 1; Joe Barr beat (Charles'Willetts Corn Prod ...... 88 Manufacturing Stocks A mt distortion uid loss of voice OF HARTFORD, IS DEAD hours. Special teas will be seired are frequently combined.' Pend­ 3 and 2; ''^arry Benson beat Andy Del L and Wn ...... 28% Am Hardware ...... 18 20 current. each afternoon and meals may b< ant eanings are bsu:k and they sue You will like your new bat better Brown 2 ant 1; Paul Ballsieper bbat Du P o n t ...... 76% Am Hosiery ...... 15 — While loading coils are used to purchase' sf nominal prices aftei longer than ever. o f than ever after you have your eye­ George Havens £ and 2; George Eastman Kodak ...... 80 Arrow H and H, com. 11 13 improve voice transmis)slon over Was Direct Descendant 5 o’clock each afternoon. brows tinted smd arched at the Brown beat Arthur Kn’ definite limits. With this ar- for dancing each night Grigsby Gnm ow ...... 2% Fafnir Bearings...... 40 . 50 American born preslduit ot Har­ of the fireplace. If not, use com­ r-ji’gement IJh® quality of the serv­ For savory celery and oysters se< Freeman by default; Carl Noren Hershey ...... 50% Fuller Brush, Class A. 5 10 vard college, and its flftb president, fortable chairs on either side. drew a bye; JCarl Ballsieper beat A. ice in outlying territories ap­ lect two cups diced celery, 1 cup Hudson Motors ...... 12 Gray Tel Pay Station 16% died at toe Hartford hospital to­ OLD COBIPOSITOB DIES 14% proaches the level of that furnished white sauce, 8 large oysters, 8 thin Rowland 4*^ and and Frank Int Harv ...... 38% Hart and Cooley .... 125 day. You’ll enthuse over the exquisite In the larger cities. Use of larger slices bacon. C ^ k celery imtil D ’Amico b e -1 John Lamenzo, 3 and Int Nick ...... 20 Hartmann Tob, com... 6 He was born on ipper Windsor New Canaan, Sept 26— (AP) — pottery at the Main Street Fadr at cable conductors is not economical tender, letting water cook away «ui 2. Int Tel and T e l ...... 14 do., pfd ...... 9 — avenue. May 2, 1845, a son of Elijah Edmon W . Chan, 80 years old, com­ the Y. M. C. A. And there’s an Ir these cases, so the company has much as possible. Drain and com­ Satorday Results Johns Manville ...... 49% Int Silver ...... 45 48 Mather and MeJvldb (Case) positor, whose boast it was that he art gallery, oriental bazaar, posy installed the loading coils horsed in bine with white sauce. Place in Ihere was no tournament yester­ Kennecott ...... 22% do., pfd ...... 58 61 Mather, and lived there imtil 20 had worked for newspapers In near­ mart, country store, and just every- metal cases that are fastened to the center of a deep platter and sur­ day but on Satiirday there was a Lehigh Val C oal...... 3% Landers, Frary A Clk. 31 33 years ago, when he removed to 17 ly every state in the union, died to­ the poles or placed In man holes. ing. Better go! round with oysters rolled in bacon blind nine hole tourney with half Lehigh Val R d ...... 17% New Brit. Men.' com.. 7 9 Hesmes street. For several years day in his room. These coils reduce Impairment of slices. To prepare oysters and ba­ handicaps. Joe Bart won it with L igg and Myers B ...... 06% do., pfd ...... I. 50 he was a brick manufacturer and Gay colored clothes bags, hat con drain oysters from liquor, 36- 5-31. The other scores were:Loew’s ...... '...... 31% Mann A Bow, Class A 4 the voice by retarding the attenua- farmer on Windsor avenue, and was stands, shoe bags ^ d shoe trees sprinkle with white pepper and lem' 37- 5-32; Martin Alvord 40-7-33;Lorillard ...... 21% do.. Class .B ...... MM 2 tior of the voice current which later a mall clerk at the Union which match do a lot to improve on Juice. Wrap each oyster in a Fred BendaU 40-7-33; and John McKeesp Tin : ...... 85% North and Judd ...... 16 18 noimaUy occurs when slectrlcal im­ railroad station 15 years. He re­ the appearance of your clothes slice of bacon fastening the bacon Hyde had the low gross score hit­ Mont W ard ...... 22% Niles, Bern P o n d ...... 9 12 pulses are pass 2d over an* ordinary tired thirty years ago. closets. W hy pot have pale green with small skewers of wooden tooth- ting a Y6. Nat Biscuit ...... Peck, Stow and Wilcox 2 telephone circuit of great length. He married Lizzie E. Root, who ones in a closet that has white died several years ago. Icks. Put into a CO LD iron fry- - Next Sunday, October 1, Bill Nat Cash R eg ...... 17% Russell Mfg ...... 14 20 The use cf l o a ^ g coils on walls? An even nicer idea, how­ ng pan and cook slowly until the Martin and lUcky Anderson will N at D a i r y ...... ^. 15% Scovill ...... 22 24 telephone exchange circuits is a Mr. Mather leaves brother, ever, is to have them match the S Thomas S. Mather of Windsor, five bacon is crisp, turning often and play an exhibition match against N at Pow and L t ...... 11% Stanley W orks ...... 20 22 comparatively recent dev''lopment r» .Ym «M bemw k** * < predominating color of the room nephews and two nieces. pouring off th6 fat as it cooks out. Alex Simpson and Phil Dempsey of N Y Central ...... 41Standud Screw ...... 46 in the science of telephony. The — VBSVfWRV MV PW I adjoining the closet. Springfield. The match will be open NY NH and H ...... 21% do., pfd., guar...... 100 first loading coil of this t ^ e was The funeral will be held Wednes­ MhMHf. !■■■■«. Noranda ...... 34% Smytoe Mfg Oo...... — day. Watkins ire showing for the first to the public with a small clfarge 28- placed in ^ Connecticut only six North A m ...... 18% Taylor and Fenn .... — time a modified Louis X V bedroom being made for the gallery. 125 years ago in 1927 as an experiment. Packard ...... 4 Torrlngton ...... set. It is in satinwood and is very 41% 43% Since then, the Sotifiiern N ew Eng- Persknii Fimnce Co. Penn ...... 31 Underwood M fg ...... 28 SO Makes Ton Forget If you want your prescriptions lovely. The wood is fine in texture lant Telephone C.k>mpany has R o a m S, State Theater Balieias Phila Rdg C and I ...... 5% Union Mfg Co...... — 10 You Have False Teeth 75S Mala 8t« MaBehcater filled satisfactorily and quickly, like mahogany but of a golden col< placed thousands of them on its ru­ Phil Pete ...... 15% U S Envelope, com .. 88 Don’t worry about your false teeth Opea Tharaday BTcnlasa Vatll Z P. M, take them to Hale’s drug depart­ or. It would make any bedroom ral and suburban circuits. LATEST STOCKS Pub Serv N J ...... 35% do., pfd ...... 78 _ rocking, illpplng or wabbling. Ph oae S430 ment. There are two registered unusually charming. You may see The oaly eharea la Radio ...... 7% Veeder Root ...... 14% 16% Fasteeth, a new improved powder pharmacists and two assistants here it in the window now. T h ree pereeat pe* and although the department is New York, Sept. 25,—(AP)— Reading ...... 47 Whitlock CoU Pipe . . . 10 If all the rain that fell on the holds them firm and comfortable all Moath ea aarnld very new it has already given much Financial markets were the prey of Rem iG m d ...... JH 8 .W il’ms Co. $10 par 35 40 earth during the course of a, year day. No gooey, pasty taste or feel­ •t o f lea a satisfaction. inferiority complexes today with in­ Ray Tob B ...... 50% could be gathered together at one ing. Eat, laugh and talk with com­ flationary and non-inflationary im­ Sears Roebuck ...... 40% time, it would cover the entire fort. Get Fasteeth from J. W. Hale Clips §nd buckles are being shown FEDERAL APPOINTMENT pulses giving price movements Socony V a c ...... 12% globe to an average depth o f 29.13 Co. Drug Dept.—or your druggist. Not all apples are ideal for both on shoes and many handbags have South P a c ...... 23% inches. Three sizes.— ^Advt. eating and cooking but the McIn­ highly erratic aj4;>earance. Washingtem, Sept 25.— (AP) — elaborately jeweled tops. Sou P Rlc S ...... *41% tosh seems to be. It is gpreen with Moderate declines were general The appointment of Thomas J in stocks, bonds and grains as most South Rwy ...... 25% close red striping but the effect is Rubinow’s offer double service in Dodd, Jr., of West Haven, to a legal traders, unable to form any definite St Brsmds ...... 24% softened by a soft grey bloom. Con­ their Swavel raincoats. They are post under Attorney Genereil Homer conclusions as to near-future trends St Gas and Elec ...... 11 cord and Tokay grapes are both plaid lined, have air vents tmder the S. Cummings has been annoimced in the light of the administration’s St Oil Cal ...... 42% plentiful and popular. Italian prunes sleeves and are in sizes 6-14. Lon­ by the Department of Justice. He implied fiscal policies, either sought •St Oil N J ...... 40% are now coming from Idaho. That don tan, blue and wine are the col­ has not yet been assigned to any safety on the side-lines or Uquidated Tex Corp ...... 26% delicious pear, the Bartlett, is still ors, and they are special at $2.85. particular bureau. plentiful and inexpensive, though portions of their holdings. ' After Timken Roller B e a r ...... 27% Dedd was graduated last June other varieties are beginning to the first hour stocks turned extreme­ Trans America ...... 6% from Yale law school. He was presi­ come into market. The only peach­ ly dull. Wheat dropped some Un TO TRADE TEST Uruguay, enjoying a brisk busi- smaUer amounts included Amei.i-i.i' nesr with Japan in wool and aides, Telephone; Allied Chemical, U. s. has sent a government emissary to Steel, Case, Dupont, Genera) Mo­ Buenos Aires (AP)—B o u t b study meat marketing opportuni- tors, Loew’s, Sears .'fioebuck,/We8t- inghouse. Western Union, Dome American Is looking to the Far t'.e; in Japan and China. To China minor attention also has been paid Mines, American Smelting, McIn­ Eas'k for new commercial opportu­ b/ Argentina, which recently sold tyre Porcupine, Cerro De Pasco, nities. there and in Japan the .first Argen­ Consolidated Gas, Santa Fe, Union With European and North Amer­ tine wheat ever sent to the Orient. Pacific, Chesapeake A Ohio aad ican markets glutted by surpluses Peru, shortb' before the Leticia Baltimore A Ohio, or walled off by quotas and tariffs, dispute with Columbia, sent a spe­ While the rally of the dollar was Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and cial navgl mission to Japan for in­ a little disconcerting to currency Peru have sent to the Orient trade struction and observation. Military Infiatlon proponents there was also a IGONOMVeUX emissaries and trial shipments of circles understand that Peru ob­ revival of recent nunors that some meat, wheat, wool, cotton and tained war matirials from Japan in sort of a "sound money’’ statement I bides. exchange for guano. might be forthcoming from Wash­ I f 66,000,000 Japanese, already ington. IB some financial quarters buying Argentine wool and Brazil­ it was thoufbi that such a state­ ian cotton, cor be induced to bal- ment probably would act as aa aid ancf with bread, beef and mutton CURB QUOTATIONS rather than a deterrent to the Nn* for TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY from the Pampas their ration of tlonal Recovery campaign. Brok­ fish and rice, the market will be a Amer Sup Pew ...... ' I H erage circles, however, were divid­ boon to a continent where produc­ B lur R i d g e ...... 8H ed as to the effect such a develop­ tion costs are among the lowest in ment might have at this tinoe. I Cent Pub Sve A ...... 1% the world. Cities Serv pfd ...* ...... 2% The conference of the President A. Trade between South American Eastern Utils Inv A ...... 18 w ith leading steel noen regardin g Rib Lamb Chops 1 countries and Japan is ' so new, Ford Limited ...... 1 7 ^ railway equipment purchases was I anc still so small, chat statistics do being watched closely hy market ; not portray the ascending Interest observers. Altbougn the carriers, Kidney Lamb Chops lb. 1 in it. They show that Argentina Segal Lock ...... %, it is understood, are in a^sition Where else can yon hny i sends to Japan less than one per Stand Oil In d ...... 20% and ready to buy some 600,dOO tons I cent of its exports, and buys from United Founders ...... of steel rails, the matter of prices * th at country only 2.2 per cent o f United Gas ...... i.... 8H stUl seems to be the prinoipm in> \ its imports. United Lt and Pow A ...... 8% pediment to thff^ closing cH con­ I This compared insignificantly Canadian M azoonl...... 8 tracts. With the Chief Executive R p n e l e s t MO MUCH tor 9 0 LITTLE? ; with the United Kingdom, which Mavis Bottling...... l^ in the role of aa arbiter, however, ( last year bought 80 per cent of A r hopes are being entertained of a ^ gentlne mipofts...... and sold her 39 price compromise which will be sat­ perir ceut of o f all a; Imports. isfactory to both the steel produc­ -^conyenienee, peace o£ mind, comfort, iccBritfe But the thickly peopled Islands ers and railway managsmentia P O T R O A S T of Japan offer an economic analogy with the British Isles, If Japan can U N D T l DC MOBOOW protection. A telephone In fonr home wlU run } be sold meat it can use frozen TROIANS , meats. Los A n geles, Sept. 26.—28.— (A P ) -— M oscow, i s p t 26.— ( A P ) — Colo­ yonr erranda, dp jonr ihopplng, keep.fon In These can be shipped any dis- University, of Soutoem Callfomla’i------nel Charles A; Lindberik aad bis > tance. but * must be eonsumed men of Troy, who increased______ththeli eir wife completed a filght from Lenin­ toneh with friends .and lored ones, bring yon within a day or two of their remov- unbroken string of victories to 22 grad this afternoon, bringing their »al from refrigerated bolds. Thus Saturday, are carrying on the foot­ plane down on the Moskava river. help quieklT in '^ es of emer|(^^. »they gr only to concentrated and ball wars this fall with the battering Several S< viet airplax.es met ^ SAVE AFl'ER s r-i ! populous m arkets. Ram rather than the catapult th ^ Lindberghs i~ the air as they were SEVEN A consortium of Argentine meat chief weapon on attack. coming in. Leading officials aad There should be a tdephone In your home-^and producers has been formed to de­ With msdaln for the fact his civil aiseraft representatives, as Lew eveeles M l velop the Ja<>anese m arket. A u in - team won its major games in the well as the Soviet aad the foreign elgbl MM iprlr yon can Imye one for less than 10 cents k day# ’'1 Mstry og agriculture mission t Jap­ defeatless season of 18l2 by the for­ press, weloomed the visitors at a M ell eeeiber m H« * ■ ' ti an has been ^oposed, Argentine ward pass. Coach Howard Harding water station near which the hy­ Sirloin Steak e«w ,Se mfim aww • i wool sales to Japan have grown 10 Jones proposes to g iv e this touch' droplane alighted. Where dse can yon bay so much for so iBilof er cent per annum since 1980. down gi ‘ m etood the j.)Id- 6dl aiM T r. M. fapanese fisheries ar^ negotiating shoulder in fivo r of the power ptay, lA M START BOMRINO MM ibeai IS% with Argentina for the right to ex­ ’We will have better blb l^ ' belM a d lM Send for fre^ llhistratlM booklet whleh tells how ploit fishing waters here, than last season,'MMon," spoke the P eip in g, Sept. 26.—l A P ) — T b a Frsfhly Ground^ Lean wlaiMeiMr n. J ra zll, which has 126,000 Japa- man today, "so we n ^ to jgo back first outbm k or bostilittss in con­ the telephone can sare yon time and money, lost oes colonists and is adm itting 26,- to the power plays. There isn’t the nection wltL Japan’s effort t" foros 900 more this year, has just iMat risk the pass oarriss with it " Chiness irregulars out of the Itortk Hamburg Steak lb. write yonr name and address on a one-eeiM poat Its first shipment o f raw cotton to ’Tm roreed to admit,” be said, China asttt^a. sons ecc*4frsd today Japan, It went at reduced freights "that we are in better shape than we when M Japaasse airplaas dropped card and mail h to The Sontbern New pranted by a steamship lino sub- were last season. Zt lodis as a bomb oumlds the hsadqysf tsrs cf ildized by the Tokyo.government. though Z’m OB the tpot. M ost 6 f General Fang Obsn-Wu. Telephone Company, Dept. 84, New Japan buys 700,000 tons o f raw the eoaohes whose teams we meet Apparently the pnrposs, of the A & P MEAT MARKETS totton a year, 48 per cent from the have made optimistic statements so bom i^ was to frighten the. rebst [Jnited States and 42 per cent I can't very well alibi about losing a A isf, who hflff esiablMbsd head" rad idirim iiv m m , KNdLASPi TMJDPM1I8/ 'tor India, Brazil will produoe this couple pf taddes aad aa sod off the quarters at Kwalju, about 86 milss rear 160,000 tens of eetten, and firrt teaak" ' i.PilftNf. ir t iN i » I ...... \ . -/


foot concrete box culvert and ap­ returned from fUeir annual vaeatloo proaches dn the Derby-Seymour SAYS NRA HELPS THOSE THHU) NEGRO LYNCHH) ^jpent in New York City. WhUe NRA ROAD PROJECTS Road. theie they took in several shows, at­ ju w s E ig tended a cmiference of dancing mas­ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM State* Aid Projects // Town of Meriden: About 7170 feet WHO HELP THEMSELVES BY MOB IN ALABAMA ters and fn a t to Radio City to see MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) ARE PUT UP FOR BD) of trap rock water bound macadam I •_____ the show and hear ACzs. Overhoits Not*—All programs to key and baslo chains or groups thereof unless speci­ on Paddock Avenue. sisters, “Do, Re, Ml,” brodcast. Mr. UONEL BARRYMORE Head of Williams Oil-O-Matic Tuscaloosa, Ala.,^ Sept 3 6 .-r(A P ) Overbolt, treasurer of the fund for fied: coast to coast (c to c) designation Includes all available stations. Town of-Pomfret: About 8868 — ^The second lynchlnf in Tuscslooss Programs subject to change. P. M/ CenL EasL the purchase of untforms for the feet of waterboimd macadam on the Corporation Says Unit Sales county within th e , past six weeks HERE ON WEDNESDAt NBC-WEAF NETWORK 6:30— 6:30—Mildred Bailey, 'Songt— ' Hampton-Abington Road. purchase of uniforms for the Boy, east: Jack Armstrong—mldw rpt Have Increased. was imder Investigation by the and Olri gcouts reports that the BASIC — East: weaf wlw weel wtlc 6:46— 6:46-K3eorge Scherban Orches. Two Recoyery Act Jobs in Town Aid Projects sheriff’s department today. ■wjar wtag wcsh wfl wilt wfbr wro wgy 6:00— 7KK>—Myrt and Marge—east fund has Increased 886.45 from the when' wcae wtam wwj wsal; Mid: ksd Town of Newtown: Two Armco Sheriff Sbamblin ordered the in­ Plays Role of Coontry Doctor 6:16— 7:15—Just Plain Bill — east; Multiplate Arch Bridges on the proceeds of a dance ran. under the ‘Wmaq wcfl woe who wow wdaf wkbf Salon Orch—Dixie; Rangers—weft . Bloomington, m., Sept„25.— ‘Th e quiry yesterday after the body of in **One Man’s Joafney” ‘NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj Seymour, Sonthbrnry and Huntington and Taunton Roads. auspices of the Men’s Social C9ub. 6:30— 7:30—Travelers’ QuarteW and helps those that help them­ D e n ^ Cross, negro imder bond on "wiba kstp webc wday kfyr cret cfcf Orch.—east; Winegar Orch.—Dixie; Town of Preston: About 11.7UU Mrs. Henry Mathleu and Mrs. Be Shown Two Dqrs. ^ SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wls wjax Dan Russo Orchestra—mldw selves”, Is the sentiment expressed a charge of assaulting a white wo­ wlla-waun wlod' .vsm wmc wsb wapl feet of rolled bank run gra/el, sur­ Daniel McCarthy, formerly of WlUl- 6:45- 7:45—BoakaXarter, Talk — ba­ Middletown; Other Ijlfork. man, was taken from hls home by ------1 wjdz wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre sic; Between the Bockends—west face treated, on the Old Jewett by officials of the Williams OU-O- mantlc but who now have p^mian- With its hero a fSmlHsr American men posing as officers and shot to woal ktbs kths .... y.-OO— 8:00—The Happy Bakers T r io - aty, Middle, and William Miller Matlc Heating Corporation of this ent tomes at the lake are expected type whoee record of aervlee is MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl east; Jack Baus sextet—mldweft; death. PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfi kgw komo Roads. home Thursday from a three w t.k s’ known to all humanity, “One Man's The Village Cholr^wesi only Highway Commissioner John A. city. OU-O-Matlc dealers’ unit Jehq kfsd ktar kgu 7:15— 8:15—Edwin C. Hill—basic; Or- Town of Redding: About 9619 feet H ie sheriff said he was fold the «u t o trip to the middle west during Jounley,” starring Lionel Barty* Macdcmald today asked for . con­ sales .for the month of August pro­ ICent. East. ' ganalitles—west: Pianist—Dixie of rolled bank run gravel on group of six or s e v ^ men appeared which they were going to visit .a more, which opens at tba Stata 4:00— 6:00—Valerie Bergere, Sketch 7:30— 8:30—CBS Plano Team—C to 0 tractors’ bids on the first two of the duced a 127.5 per cent Increase over 7:45- 8:45—Kate Smith, Songe-^ to o Aspetuck Valley, Doherty, Darragh, at the negro’s home and told Den­ Century of Progress *in Chicago. theater Wednesday, tMls the dramar 4:15— 5:15—Lucille Peterson, Soprano nineteen highway Improvement pro­ July, 1963. August, 1933, Ukewlse 4:30— 6:30—Tom Mix, Sketch—east 8:00— 9:00—Nat Shilkret’s Orchestra Gruman’s Hill, Lime Kiln, Thorn- nis It was necessaiy for him to go tic story of a count^ physician who 8:15— 9:16—To Be Announced jects which will be undertaken ‘^th shows a 48.08 per cent Increcuse over 4:45— 6:45—Wizard of Oz, Drama bush Hill Roads, and culverts on to 'Tuscaloosa and poet a bond larg­ achieves true greaoiess throngh 6:00— 6:05—Dinner Concert—also cst 8:30— 9:30—The Dig Shew—also cst C!onnecticut’s 82,865,000 share of the corresponding month of last 9:00—10:00—Kostelanetz Svmp.-to a Danwood Road. er than that required when he was what the world la wont to call fail­ 5:30— 6:30—To Be Announced—east; the National Industrial Recovery year. Orders already booked by the Tom Mix—mldw rpt 9:30—10:30—Little Jack Little—c to o Town of Woodbridge: About 8708 released on baU e week ago. ure. This country doctor role is 9:45—10:46—Barlow Symphony—basic; Act road fimds. factory fopr immediate shipment, In­ Overnight 6:00— 7:00—Sponccred Prog.—weal feet of trap rock waterbound maca­ The sUi3dng of Dennis followed rated one of the most sympathetic 6:15— 7:15— f4eytr Davis Orch.—to c Myrt and Marge—west repeat dicates that September wUl be right 10:15—11:16—Phil Regan, Tenor—to cat One of the NIRA Jobs calls for dam on Race Brook Road. by six weeks to the day the lynch­ ever played by Barrymore. 6:30— 7:30—Lum A Abner—east only in line with a greater voliune than 6:45— 7:45—The Qoldbergs, Serial Act 10:30—11:30—Glen Gray’s Orch.—o to c nearly three noiles of reinforced con­ ing of Dan Pippe, Jr., and A . T. A . P, News “One Man’s Journey" Is con-’’ 7:00— 8:00—Historical Sketches—east 11:00—12:00—Leon Belasco O rch.-to c September, 1932. 11:30—12:30—Barney Rapp Or.—c to e crete pavement on the Seymour- Harden, negroes under indictment sldered the Ideal* story vehicle for 7:30— 8:30—Floyd Gibbons A Orch. This was the meat of an optimis­ 12.00— 1:00—Dance Hour—wabc only Southbury Road and the other in­ on a charge of murdering the daugh­ Lione] Barrymore’s inimitable his­ 8:00— 9:00—Gypsies Concert Orches. tic business discussion carried on 8:30— 9:30—Ship of Joy—basic NBC-WJZ NETWORK volves the paving of Sqjith Main ter of a Tuscaloosa coimty farmer. Derby, Vermont—Robert Keat­ trionic talent. He is seen as a doc­ 9:00—10:00 — El Tango Romantico— WAPPING here today by C. U. Williams, Presi­ street, Middletown, with slightly Plppen and Harden were kUled and ing, 30, of (Jpringfield, V t , para­ tor who returns to practice In the east: Eastman Orchestra—basic BASIC — East: wls wbs-wbsa wbal dent of the Williams OU-O-Matic 9:30—10:30—Parade of. Melody—to cst wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wsyr wmal; more than a quarter mile of sheet SUinore Q ark, another negro, was chute lumper drowns in Derby pond rural community where he was Midwest: wcky kyw wenr wls kwk Heating Corporation, manufacturers after leapmg 1,900 feet from plane 10:05—11:00—Henry King’s Orchestra asphalt Mr. and Mrs. Albert P eU ^n of wounded by a grinip of masked born. 'Through the years he d ^ 10:15—11:16—Rogers Orchestra — east; kwer koil wren wmaq kao wkbf of Oil-O-Matic oU burners and Ice-O- during an air circus. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmJ A t the same time, Commissioner Wapping have had as their guests men who seized the prisoners from votes hls iriiole life to the service Lum A Abner—repeat for midwest Matic electric refrigeration. Mr. Mllfred, Mass.—Canadian Legion 10:30—11:30—Jack Denny A Orchestra wiba kstp webc wday kfyr cret cfcf Macdonald announced eight other for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Tuscaloosa county officers hurrying of others, a patient, plodding 11:00—12:00—Hollywood Stars — basic; SOUTH — wrva wptf wwnc wls wjax projects which will be undertaken Williams, who maintains a close of World War veterans form state wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmc wsb wapl liam Header imd two children from them to Birmingham for safekeep­ healer. Opportunities for study Floyd Glbbons-^st repeat by the highway department. These personal contact with . OU-O-Matlc organisation. 11:80—12:30—Benny Meroff Orchestra wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro Florida. ing. a.id the reaUsatlon of hls dearest woal ktbs ktbs Include two Trunk Line, two State business throughout the countiy, Concord, N. H.— ^Marriage of Dr. CBS-WABC NETWORK ambitions arise, Hnit he refusee MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl Aid and four Town Aid Jobs. One There was a meeting of the Pion­ summarizes his views as foUows: Alfred 81 Stearns, untiT recently BASIC— East: wabc wade woko wcao PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfi kgw komo them rather than forsake the hum­ of the Trunk Line projects is the eers, the young boys of the Y. M. “Our sales Increases have been headmaster of Philllps-Andover waab wnac wgr wkbw wkre whk cklw khq kfsd ktar C. A. held Friday evening at the Y. ble folk who have come to depend ■ wdro wcau wlp wjas wean wfbl wspd Cent. Fast. construction of a lOfi^oot encased realized with vlgoroiu application of Academy, to Mias Grace Clemons wjsv; Midwest: wbbm wgm wfbm kmbe M. C. A. rooms on the Parsonage SOUTH COVENTRY becomes known. upon him. 4:30— 6:30—The Singing Lady—east girder bridge on the new Fsurming- the foUowlng prime factors In mer­ The climax shows the obscure kmox wowo Whas 4:45— 6:45—Orphan Annie—east only grounds. EAST A CANADA — wpg whp wlbw ton cut-off, while the other is a chandising success: Dr. Sidney Aiken who recently “failure” winning a spectaculai whec wlbz wfea wore wico efrb ckac 6:00— 6:00—Richard Himber’s Ensem. culvert Job on the Derby-Seymour 'There was a good attendance of 6:30— 6:30—Three X Sisters — east; “(1) Additional man power has opened an office here, left Saturday TRIP TO S’TRATOSPHERE battle with death after the greatest DIXIE — wgst wsfa wbre wqam wdod Singing Lady—midwest repeat Road in Ansonia. MacsMlam paving the Federated Workers, which was klra wree wlac wdsu wtoc krld wrr intensified the sales activity of OU- morning by auto for Toronto, (Jan., modern aurgeone and physicians 6:46— 6:45—Lowell Thomas — east; in Meriden and Pomfret Is called held at the home of Mrs. Paul ktrh Ktsa waco koma wdbo wodx wbt Orphan Annie—mldw. rpL O-Matic dealers In aU of our major where he expects to spend the next Moscow, Sept. 25.— (A P )—Prep­ have failed, and receiving beetdea» wdae wblgwtar wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs for in the State Aid contracts. Sheldick last Friday aftemooQ. Mrs. MIDWEST — wcah wgl wmt wmbd 6:00— 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy—east only markets. two weeks at the home of hls par­ arations wen being completed .t^ the recognition xriilch comes with 6:15— 7:15—Baby RoselMarie—es. on. In bis notice to the contractors. Emma Alexander was the assistant wtaq wlsn wlbw kfh kfab wkbn wcco “(2) Each of our dealers Is being ents. This Is his first trip home In day for the'takeoff of a civil avia­ outstaniUng achievement. -Romantie. 6:30— 7:30—The Country Club—east Commissioner Macdonald called at­ hostess. wsbt 7:00— 8:00—The Nomads Orchestra sold on the Idea of augmenting hls three years. tion balloon to study the strato­ Interest figures importantly in the MOUNTAIN—kvor klz koh ksl tention to the. N IR A provisions cov­ The play entitled “Old Acre COAST—khj koln kgb kfro kol kfpy 7:30— 8:30—Potash and Porlmutter sales force In line with market po- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Standlsh ao- sphere. The craft la like the "U . S. story, and the drama la said to be 7:45— 8:45—Red Davis, Sketch—basic ering subletting or assigning con­ Folks”, which was presented at the kvi Kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb tkntlalltles.” oompanled by Mr. Standlsh’s mother S R.” of the Army, said to be the spiced with considerable droll hu­ 8:00— 9:00—Weekly Minstrels Show tracts and the use of domestlc^ma- Wapping School Hail imder the aus­ CenL East. 8:30— 9:30—Melody Moments A Vocal . The WUliams organization accepts Mrs. Nettie Standlsh, expects to largest In the world, which failed mor. terials; and to the wage scales pices of the Federated Workers, by 4:00— 6:00—Skippy, Sketch—east only 9:00—10:00—The Hour Glass—also cst the favorable showing of the past ieave Thursday for the latter’s One- of the most Impreostve casts 4:15— 5:16—Syracuse Orchestra—to c 10:00—11:00;—Leaders Male Trio—east; which require a minimum of sixty the Coventry Ladles Fragment' So­ to rise more than 20 feet, probably Amos ’n’ Andy—repeat for west few months as a healthy sign that home In Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Stan­ ever assembled by RKO-Radio 4:30— 6:30—Jack Armstrong—ea. only cents per hour for skilled labor and ciety last Friday evening was because of insufficient hydrogen, 4:45— 6:45—Mark Warner Orchestra 10:16—11:16—The Poet Prince—also cst there is stUl a premium on the ag­ dlsh has been making an extended provides Barrjrmore’a support In ^ 10:30—11:30—Southern Symphony—to c forty-five cents per hour for unskill­ thorougrhly enjoyed by all who at­ yesterday when three men sought 6:05— 6:00—Reis and Dunn — east gressiveness we aU regard as so visit at her son’s home. After a "One Man’s Journey." May Rob- only; Skippy, Sketch—rpt for mldw 11:05—12:00—Phil Harris and Orches. ed labor. With respect to the State tended. to make a ascent Into the upper ■:15— 6:15—The Rangers—east ouly 11:30—12:30—Wm. Scotti and Orches., typically American. short stay, in Lansing. Mr. Standlsh soL, Dorothy Jordan, Joel MeCrea, projects, he stated that contractors William Dwyer formerly of Wap­ regions. . Figures on a National OU-O-Matlc and wife expect to go on to Chicago Frances Dee, James Bush, Oscar will be required to give preference ping but who moved to Rye street campaign concluded duriqg August to visit a “(Jentruy of Progress” and Apfel, David Landau and Bam blues singer; double quartet; In employment to residents of the fast spring, was taken suddenly In-, fire heartening In their proof that then leave on a southern trip which CHINAMAN MURDERED idnto play principal parts. John Jeu:k Golden and his orcheetra. towns in which the work is being sane last Friday morning. C. Vin­ Oil-O-Matic success is not spotty but will take them as far south as Robertson dlrectiMl the picture 8:00— ^Nomads— ^Alex. Kiriloff’s Or­ performed, conditions of price and ton Benjamin was called and after a represents a greaL National awaken­ Florida. N ew York, Sept. 25.— (A P )— ^At from a story included In the 1932 chestra. efficiency being equal and provided thorough examination by Hartford wnc ing. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davidson first police feared a Tong waur when O’Brien collection of best short such laborers are not aliens. doctors he was taken to the Middle- Xisvelers Broadcasting Serrloe 8:30— Moe & NeU. “With two months of the National and daughter, Eleanor, who have they found Ihig Yee Shee, prominent stories of the year. fiealed bids on all ten projects will town asylum. He has a wife and Hartford, Oemn. 8:45— Red Davie— Curtlc Amall. Recovery Act In back of us, It Is evi­ been spending the summer at the on Leong Tong member, dead In bis bo received from contractors until three small daughters. S0.000 Wn 060 B. C., 282-8 H. 9:00— ^Minstrels— Gene Arnold, in­ dent,” continues Mr. WUUams, “that Overbold cottage have returned to Chinatown flat yesterday. A cleaver fB O T BANDITB 2:00 p. m. on Monday, October 9, at •The Evergreen Lodge of Masons, terlocutor; Chauncy ParetMis, the N. R. A. iB a road which we aU Hartford for the winter. had split hls skulL In typical the highway department head­ No. 114, A. F. and A. M. will meet tenor; male quartet: Bill Childs, should travel, rather than a vehicle Mr. and Mrs. Alva A. Roys left hatchet-man fashion. PUfit, Mich., Bept *5.— ( A P )— A Monday, Soptember 25, 1988 quarters In the State Office Build­ at their Temple at East Windsor Mac McCloud, Clifford Soubler, In which we aJl may ride. The N . R. Saturday by auto on a two weeks’ Later, they dlsmicsed that theory customer was shot and serlouMy ing, Hartford. HIU this evenings. This is their sec­ P.M. end men; bsmd, direction Harry A. Is helping establish confidence In trip during which they expect to and arrested Chin Lew Yee, a lodg­ wounded and 84,600 was sttflen by 4:00— ^Walter Dawley, organist. The Jobs which (^mmissloner ond meeting this fall. Kogen. the public mind, giving a bfKSk- visit a Century of Progress at Chi­ er In the flat and a member of the two robbers who held up a brandi 4:30— A1 Uberty, hiUbiUy songs. Macdonald listed for this letting Rev. Harry S. Martin, pastor of 9:30— Cascades Orchestra. ground for all activity. But to real­ cago. same Tong. They said he had sought office of the citizens commercial 4:45— Songs without words. total 11^ miles in length. They First Congregationsd church of 9:45— ^Beralde Ensemble. ize moat on this condition, each and Tom O. Overholt and wife have vainly to borrow money from Eng. and savings bank today. 5:00— Whispering Banjos and are brlefiy described as follows: South Windsor took for his sermon 10:00— ^The Hour Glass. every Industry and Its members Three Madhatters. National Recovery Highway Project subject yesterday morning “The 10:30— ^Metropolitan Platinum Syn- must put their, shoulders to the 6:15— Mildred Haley, soprano. Towns of Oxford and Southbury: Judge on Trial” Simday School and copators. wheel.** 6:80— ^Tom Mix. About 15,228 feet of reinforced con­ Christian Endeavor wlU begin next 10:45— News. The WilUams OU-O-Matlc Heating 5:45— ^Program from N ew York. crete pavement on the Seymour- Sunday, October 1. 11:00— Time, weather, temperature. Corporation anticipated the N . R. A. 6:00— ^Wrightville CHarlon. Southbury Road. code as early as July 14, when the 6:30— ^Rhythm Five — Len Ber­ 11:03— Sport* Review. Natkmal Recovery Municipal MnJTABY ORDERS 40-hour week and a ten per cent man, director. 11:15—RKO Midnight Frolic. Project wage Increase were declared in 6:45— ^Dave Burrows and his Five 11:45— Southern Symphonies. Town of Middletown: About-I960 Washington, Sept. 25 — (A P ) — effect throughout the plant. Sharps. 12:00— Hotel Biltmore Orchestra. feet of sheet asphalt pavement on Guy Leroy Colson, Jr., of 138 Con­ THIS N e w 6:58— ^Travelers News. A. M. South Main street. cord street, Waterbury, Conn., has 7:00— Charles Leland. 1:00— Time. Trunk line Pro jMte been promoted to first lieutenant In 7:15— Studio Program. 12:30— ^Village B am Orchestra. Town of Farmington: * A 106-foot the coast krtUlery reserve by the A,ptomobUe safety expert warns 7:45— ^Walter Hapgood on Sports. skew span encased girder bridge war department Edward E. Hullng drivers that pedestrians In our 8:00— Snow Village. * and approaches on the Farmington of East Haven, has been named sec­ cities are increasing by leaps and 8:30— ^Program from N ew York. Chit-Off. ond lieutenant In the quartermaster boimds. Apparently, that explains 9:00— The Gypsies. HlfestfndKIIISe 'W eukw Town of Ansonia: An 8-foot x 10- corps reserve. how they are doing It. 9:80— ^The Travelers Hour — or­ Queer Twists chestra direction (Jhiistlan Kiiens and Normtm Cloutier, with Mixed Chorus and Novelty Units. In Day*s News 10:30— Jules Lrande, Violinist. 11:00— ^Henry King’s Orchestra. THE GREATEST 11:15— ^Buddy Roger’s Orchestra. Salt Lake City— While his watch­ 11:30— ^Bulletins; Weather. man slept in cm adjoining room, C. 11:35— Jack Denny’s Orchestra. G. Taylor, grocer, was bound with SERVICE YOU 11:45— Gemige M. Cohan Inter- wire by three men and robbed of Vi6WGd, 833.70. After the robbers had es­ 13:00 M i^.—Mark Fisher’s Orches­ caped, Taylor msmaged to arouse .CAN OFFER tra. Tony Drakopolous, the watchman, A. M. who was still slumbering. 12:30— Terrace Gardens Orchestra. Byron, Calif.— ^The "klttlea” .which WOMEN 1:00— SUent Charlie Hohmsm trained for his pro­ posed cat race track certainly ran, but it was a scatteration rather than a race. At a tryout which Byron’s sports­ men had gathered to see, Tom AND WDRC « Smith, Just down from the hills, 225 Hartford Conn. 1380 opened a sack and deposited a wild­ cat right among those racing kitties. All bets were off. Mimday, Sept. 26, 1988 Cincinnati — Patrolman Frank ONLY 4:00 p. m. — G.A.R. Program. Duncan wanted a bottle in which to 4:15— ^Harriet Cruise and Orchestra. carry medicine home for his baby. 4:30— News Flashes. “You can have this one as soon as 4:35— Artist Recital. I drink the rest of the cough syrup 5:00— Skippy. out of it," said Sergeant Arlington 5:15— Syracuse Spotlight. Beebe. f 5:30— Jack Armstrong— All-Am er­ ' The sergeant gulped down .the re­ ican Boy. maining syrup, began coughing and 6:45— ^Mark W am ow ’s Novelty Or­ could not st(^. He lost conscious­ chestra. ness and physicians worked over 6:00— ^Reis and Dunn, songs. him several hours, before they suc­ 6:15— H-Bar-0 Rangers. ceeded in stopping the coughing 6:30— MUdred Bailey. spsism. Small Down Payment 6:45— ^Marvelous Melodies; Frank N ew York— Am Mary ' Roberts -Eaay Terms. Hazard, tenor; Brusllofl’s Orches­ Rinehart sees it,- it’s up to Ameri­ tra. can woiaen to “throttle the crime /• 7:00— ^M3h1 and Marge. situation.” ’The novelist said yes­ Millions Shift to 7:15 — Alfred^ Kettledon, tenor; terday: “Hand Jie Job over to the Louise Kuchta, pianist. women, now that men have had a 7:30— Jubilee Singers. chance, and once the women see 7:45— ^Heuold B. Smith, pianist. their responsibility they will 8:00— ^Harriet Lee; trio; Joe Green’s straighten out the situation.” In Two Short Years! T h e ^^(/estinghouse Standard ^^asher Orchestra. N ew York— ^Patrolman Williams 8:16— Edwin C. HiU. likes to give advice to the obese on Tired o f Substitute FueU-^weary o f extravagant claims^ home owners 8:30— ^Manhattan Serenaders. how to reduce. So when he saw a has extra large capacity.. .and speed; 8 pounds per load, 60 8:45— Fray and Braggiotti. man with a protuberance at the return to hard coal ju the safest, most dependable fuel 9:00— ^Kate Smith and her Swanee waist llnie, he stopped to give him a little speech about wrong vitamins pounds dry wei]?ht per hour. the exclusive, perfo­ Music. ommxas home ownert—won over of elean, even, dependable heat with 9:15— ^The Diplomats— ^Dance 'Tunes. or something. But it was a rope and a revolver, and the man, W il­ Cby promisei of greater eonvenienee id a e e o ^ —end save money besides. rated, four wing “Pari-Vane** agitator. Corrugated-tub te 9:30-«-Lulu McConnell, Gertrude and'economy — have experimented High.grade snthracite has been the Nisen, Isham Jones’ Orchestra. liam Tomoff, was arrested. The with ■abstitnte fneli. But they have H v o i^ fuel of thrifty home owners 10:00— Webster’s Old Tiiners. patrolmsin accused him of planning porcelain-enameled and rubber mounted. Cover has ajd^ a burglary. b ^ bitterly diMppointed attliefail> for generations. *blne coal* is the 10:30— ^N. R. A. Speaker. nre of thoM io tired casters. Rubber-covered Underwriter* a p p r o v ed WBZ-WBZA evolution. and bums so-slowly at another that it on zero mornings—gives steady, cozy, nace automatieatty from upstairs ■Koch last year brought home the cannot eomforiably heat year home? healthfnl heat all £iy long — banks and maintain an even, healdifal cord and soft rubber attachment plug. COME IN., .SE E Springfield — Boston now-famous four-legged fish. Why depend on fnel requiring me^ perfectly at night.,Don’t be “ bally- temperature day and night. It Regarding prospects of gold dis­ chanical firing devices which ar^ hoo5d" when buying fnoL Insist on ean be attached to yonr heating . IT...AND ' Monday, Sept. 25 coveries, the explorer said: “East liable to break down vdien yon need ‘bine coaT—and get fine, dependable plant for only 81&95, pins a small installation dba^e. -Aak 4:00— Radio Guide— "Hedda Gab- Greenland is no Klondike, although bMt most? Why gamble on any sub* anthracite every. time yon order. we actually found five grains of yonr ‘Mae eoaT doaler for deteilf* ler," direction Vernon Radcllffe •dtnte feel when you can be sura Phone yonr %liie coal’ SatltT today. pure gold.” 6:00—‘-Agricultural Markets. ARRANGE FOR A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION 6:15— ^Paul Ash and his Casino RUTH AS MANAGER Orchestra. 6:80— Kellog Singing Lady. Detroit,. Sept. 25.— (A P )— The 6:45— Little Orphan Annie. fans are putting Babe Ruth’s name 6:00— ^Essex House Ensemble. first these days when they talk 6:80— ^Tlme, temperature. about possible successes to Stanley 6:34—^^ports Review. 'blue coal’ R. (Bucky) Harris a* pilot of the Better heat— lets attention 6:40— ^Weather. Detroit Tigers- , 6:42— ^Famous Sayings. Frank J. Navln, president of the 6:46— ^Lowell Thomas. club, who accepted Harris’ resigna­ THE W. 6. GLENNEY CO. 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy. tion Saturday with regret, ty saying Ood, Lumber, Maeone* SuppUes, Paint 7:15— ibaby Rose Marie. nothing, except that Ruth and a' lot 7:80—Oraatland Rice; Mary Me- a t others good men been lug- 886 North Main St, Manehoster Coj. loprfiBo; Betty Bartbd, gsstsd to him.

■Jr/; .-.W' J *s V , .■'' ■ ■ ‘ ■' *». f I ;t» ■* ■ ?i- MANCHBSTBir mCRALD. BIANCHBfiTm'bbK^^ S®Plte8BR 26; P A G O B i o s r r ‘TADY LOU" SCORES IN ’THE RUFF ‘TdY H U C ^ AUFATS^AS Ailli SF*LOV€ ©LORIPYING SAYS PROUD MOTHHtVDP NRA Mrs. Johnson Once Wanted Son To Be Presid^t OF €V€ —^Npw Glad He Isn ’t. A T id a M E r tl : By Oiiwn Robnrts Barton ; # V’ % Sallowness is often due to poor “He is such a lovely boy, John. b e g in HlCItlC TODAl^ 1 do wlsh'you would give hito a BVE BATUSSS, pretty aaetstaat circulation. As is true of many to iRAitf.y. BAKNES, advertising: things—Remove the cause and you Job.” manager of Blxby’s department probably get rid of the fault V/ John evaded a direct answur. I t •tore, marries DICK BADEB« a iH: In the first place, don’t mistake wasn’t the first time his wife had oonstmotion superintendent. Dick a chronic case of sallowneas for begged him to place this young man to sent to take ohargfe of a oon- ^ i/ tan. Tan usually . fades away as 'friend of Margery’s on his staff. ’ stmetlon Job In the Adirondacks. It soon as you stop exposing your But be had been observing win require at least a year to com* skin to hot sim. It, the middle Tonight he would obswve him fur­ plete bnt Eve refuses to go with of the winter, you still look yel­ ther. The boy soon came in and lowish and tanned, the chances as usual the family stuck around a him. while before It poUtely withdrew. i MONA AI4LEN, copy writer, dls- rre ten to one • that yoinr skin is discolored and sallow. “What do you think of Mr. Black ‘ likes Eve and to constantly caosing for Senator?” asked John. ‘1 WiinV Itronble. She Is re^Mnsible for sev- 4-i ■■ I'-' r Aids Oircnlatton A strong bleaching ointment he’s a fine fellow.” jeral mistakes for which Eve is “So do I,” agreed the boy. *1 * blamed. Mona Is friendly with serves two purposes. It actually bleaches a discolored complexion wanted to en u st in the think I’ll vote for him.” THEBON REECE who forces nn> and, if it is the right kind, warms SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Mother looked at John in puz­ welcome attentions on Eve. the skin and stimulates circula­ 4' zled surprise. She knew what her Unknown to Dick, Eve has been tion. husband thought of the candidate. 'plasrlng the stock market, borrow- Usually the bleaching ointment Only a day ago she bad heard him 'mg money from her mother and sis­ must be used in conjiuction with speak of Black as an unscrupulous, ter. She loses this, as weU as aU her other preparations. One particu­ thie'vlng scoundrel who would pick own savings and $400 Dick left In larly good ointment requires mus­ pennies off a dead man’s eyes. the bank. cle oil and a skin-food cream to “Are you in favor of the new via­ ARLENE SMITH, stenographer be used with it. duct?” asked John. at Blxby’s, becomes engaged to First you cream your face. ’Then "What do you think?” SAM HOLERIDGE, advertising smear the ointment on your neck, T asked you.” iTtAii employed by another store. chin and forehead, avoiding the “1 haven’t made up my mind yet,” FoUowlng a misunderstanding at cheeks, lips and nose, which are said the boy cagUy. “It might be 'Christmas, several, weeks pass In 4 4 too sensitive to withstand the ef­ a good thing and again it might •which Eve has no word from Dick. fects of a rtrong bleach. not." 'iToo stubborn to admit thaflihe was Leave the ointment on for about Always Agreeable. In tiie wrong. Eve refuses to apolo­ five minutes. Remove it with mus­ John turned the talk to baseball. gize and begins to see herself as a cle oil and then apply a thick skin » “Looks like the series will go six noartyr. She works harder at the food. Because the skin is warmed 'Ihe Mae West (or Lady Lou, as the French call it) touch is seen in even the high-styled fashions this or seven games. But I’m laying ollloe, trying to forget her troubles. by the ointment, the skin food HUGH tlOHNSON WROTE. my money on the Giants.” autumn. To accompany a handsome black velvet dress, Suzanne Talbot creates some glamorous long black Irinka right into the pores, doing velvet gloves with niffs of black ostrich around their tops. She adds a ruff of the black ostrich to muffle THE DRAFT LAW. “That right, sir.” ^NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY no end of good. Always finish Again Mother looked at John in the throat. And the chic little black high-hat has a touch of black ostrich in the shape of a pompom in' with a skin tonic. Mrs. S. li. Johnson (above) calmly accepts the snccees of her famous mu. surprise while Margery burst out CHAPTER XLHI the back. General Hugh S. Johnson (lower left). with, “Why, Dad, you told Mr. Eve worked harder at the--office. When it comes to being beauti­ Brown you were nxrtlng for Wash­ She put in longer hours, often took ful, there are as many things you ington.” 'work home to finish and seemed to and cried with her, meanwhile tak­ orange marmalade Giat Esther sent ties, even with her mother, until shouldn’t do as there are those Okmulgee, Okla.-General Hugh<»n^^ vocations. Johubon complet- The boy aU this time had been ■walk, talk and breathe advertising. ing off Eve’s hat and coat and push­ you.” she had decided exactly what she which you should. Johnson, who heads the NRA at ed the four-year course in 18 moat polite. He was a sweet fel­ It was the only way she could keep ing her gently into Dick’s arm­ was going to do. Events were shap­ It may sound a little confusing, Washington, may be the second mbnttui, his 'toother say.i. low, and Mother was right He 'her thoughts from her personal wor­ chair by the fireside. ■ ‘Tell her it’s simply luscious,” ing more swiftly than she knew to but the really clever woman fig­ most outstanding person In the As the war progressed Pres­ was deferential and kind and a real ries. “But when did you come and why Eve said, sampling it “Isn’t it sur­ force her to this decision. ures out all the rules of the beauty United States today, b"t hia moth­ ident Wilson saw that it would be gentleman in every respect He “You’ll have a nervous break- didn’t you let me know? And prising, Mother, what a goou cook (To Be Oontlnaed) game and' then does only the er, Mrs. S. -I. Johnson, takes the necessary tr draft mer into the was immaculate and well-bred. He ‘down!’’ Arlene warned her. ‘The how—?’’ Eve caught herself just in Esther is now? She knew very lit­ things which add to her beauty success of her amous son. calmly, .service. Hugh Johnson wrote the was moat agreeable. tle about it when she was married.” and charm, avoiding all the factors aasring only that he has dOhe well. draft law which later was accepted The door-bell rang and In came Job Isn’t worth it. No job is. Honest­ time. She had been going to say. which might make her less attrac­ ly, Eve, I can’t see what’s coma over “How did you know I needed you “Why no, it doesn’t surprise me. “My Hughie will bring the coim- by Congress. In the Johnson fam­ the Other Fellow. Margery and tive. try out of the depression. I just ily no4r is ‘lie first written draft you. And there’s another thing you so!’’ I’ve noticed that any intelligent girl Daily Health For example, knowiing whore not Mother were co(fi. John was non­ shouldn’t overlook. Barnes is slated can learn to cook in a short time, know he will,” said the diminutive, of the original plan, with correc­ committal. The Boy was friendly “Well, we hadn’t heard from you to put rouge is about as important gray lady of 77 years who has liv­ tions written it by President Wil­ to leave soon; that’s Evident. He for more than a week and that once she gets interested in it and as knowing just where it should go. and polite. Service ed In Oklahoma for the past half- son. Before the law was passed, TTie Other Fellow was not over­ ATirt Mr. Bixby have been in confer­ worried me: I thought you might really tries.'' Do you like to cook. If the shape of your face profits by Johnson had set in motion, on hia ence nearly every day. But you may Hints on How to Keep Well by century. Mrs. Johnson’s age has burdened with manners. Oh, yes, be sick. So I just packeu up and Eve?” the placement of rough high on the not greatly dimmed he', memory, own reqsonslbllity, the machinery not get his place after all. Mr. Blx­ World Famed Authority cheekbones, don’t make the mistake he had some, but they didn’t ex­ came. No, you sit right where you Her mother’s voice was quiet and and she seemed glad tc recall the which made the national draft actly catch the eye. by’s old-fashioned, you know. He are! Supper is all ready to dish up." casual, yet Eve sensed that the of putting it up there one time and possible. may not like the idea of giving a down low the next Don’t put high points of Johnson’s early In a few minutes, ha and John Eve leaned back in delicious com­ question wad important She made career. “Hugh told me at the time tha^ were in a hea'vy argument about woman the managership. Lots of fort and watched her mother mov­ her voice casual, too. “I think I HEART DISEASE AND ANEMIA it on your ears. And don’t put it “Hughie was always a fighter,' if all the Information he had col­ men think a msuried woman’s in­ ing swiftly back and forth between MAY CAUSE SKIN TO on your chin unless some rdlable Senator Black. Also they took op­ might like it,” she answered, “if I authority has figured out that it Mrs. Johnsoi. confided. “When he lected and the material he had or­ posite sides about the viaduct and terests are sure to be divided. And the kitchen and the gateleg table were at home and had time to learn. TURN BLUE was 17 years old he wanted to en' dered were placed in boxes they there’s always the possibility that will be flattering to you. the fate of the World Series. Fin­ which she had set between two easy Since Dick’s gone I usually eat my Dlsoretion by Daj list In the Spanlsh-American war, would reach around the world,” ally Margery’s father pretended to you might leave the office flat on its chairs before the fireplace with its meals down town. I’m too tired Failure of Blood To Circulate but I discouraged him. I told him Mrs. Johnson said. back in a rush season cmd go off Through Lungs Leads To Cyano­ Don’t use too much eye makeup be “talked over", although both had cheerful blaze. when evening comes to come home in the daytime. Say what you will, that he was too young to go, and ■ Johnson has shown the same In­ been on the same side ^ the fmice to join that handsome husband. Of and cook.” sis; Severely Anemic Are Short that If he would stay at home bis itiative in taking over the NRA job course we all think the job is yours Savory odors orifted in from the On Hemoglobin. evening is really the time for it from the first kitchen and Eve sniffed ecstatically. “And when Dick was here?” Kaie Of course, if jmur brows and lashes father would go' him an appoint­ that he has In every undertaking, A DUtereotlal Yes-BIam for the taking but you ought to be Bayless persisted. ment to Wes. Point.” his mother believes. * planning what you will do if you “Smells sort of ChriStmasy!” she By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN are quite colorless, by all means use John and Mother withdrew and “When Dick were here he did the a little cosmetic dye on them. The anpointment was secured “When High was a little boy I, left Margery to solve the pusile of don’t get it.’’ ' said. Editor, Journal of the American like all othe" mothers, wanted him “That’s the roast chicken and cooking,” Eve confessed. She had Medical Association, and of Don’t dress your hair in an elab­ and this x*ac the turning point of two s t r i i ^ to Her bow tonight But Eve had not permitted herself to sage dressing, most likely,” her not told her mother this before. She orate, hard-to-keep-in-place coiffure young Hugh’s life, Mrs. Johnson to be president. Now that I have the Boy. who was so poUto, said Hygela, the Hesdth read of the hard work and long think of that. Now she saw the wis­ mother told her. “And the mince was ashamed to have her know. Magazine. when you go to the office. Save it believes. Following graduation he he would come back again and loft dom of Arlene’s advice. Suppose she pie. I bad a jar of mincemeat left “Not aU of it? ” Kate Bayless for evening or dress-up occasions entered active army se-vlce. where hours Hugh is putting in on this the field to the Other Fellow. Mar­ should come to the office some so I made ypu a mince pie. It’s plainly was shocked. and stick to a simple >'alr-drtss for he remained until February, 1929 job I have changed my mind. I gery was furious. morning and find a new manager in “Nearly all of it,” Eve said slow­ Whenever the skin and mucous business hours. Returning tc his home ^t Moline, slnoeraly hope tha' he never occu­ “John, do you give the Boy that thawing out in the oven. I wish pies the White House. Barnes’ place! That wcAld mean Dick was here to help us eat it. How membrane of the body . :rn blue, due Don’t wear pink rouge with or- m., he became vice-president anil Job?" • ly* to an insufficient amount of oxygen range lipstick. The tones of your general counsel for the Moline Etorly citizen- remember Hugh that she would probably have no is Dick?” Abruptly Kate Bayless changed “Never! He’s a *yes* man all more chance for advancement at in the blood, the condition is called rouge and lipstick should match. Plow Company. when his father was postmaster at the way through. 1 don’t want a “He—he’s well." If Kate Bayless the subject. Elye almost wished she cyanosis. In other words, 'et your own ‘The men of my family seem to Alva, and before the family moved Bixby’s. It would mean that she. had hadn’t. She tonged to speak of her bull-head, but I need a tough-fist­ sacrificed Dick’s wishes and comfort noted the hesih-^ion in her daugh­ In severe cases it may affect the good taste act as a check on your be natural born politicians,” Mrs to Okmulgee In 1900. When peo­ ed fellow with some ideas and the ter’s voice she gave no sign. husband; longed to cry out her entire body, but in mild cases will does in your choice of clothes, Johnson remarked with a smile ple e n te ^ the building Hugh and imperiled her health, that she heart in her mother’s arms and hear courage to back them, even trim ht d risked a break in her marriage “You got here at" exactly the be seen particularly on the akin over make-up ideas — the same as it “When we moved from Alva, would meet them and announce he’s wrong. Tm giving the Job to right time,” Kate said as she placed her mother assure her that Dick ^ e cheek bones, under the finger Okla., to Okmulgee my husbanc whether or not they had any mail all for nothing. It was, indeed, high still loved her. Yet that was the the Other Frilow. Tour chi^ has time to begin thinking about what the dish of fluffy mashed potatoes nails and in the mucous membranes was offered the position as first that day. no deciaion. He la too much afraid she should do in that event. on the table. “Another 10 minutes one thing she must not do. of the lips. There are other case.s 'mayor there. But I reminded him Young Job ison was 11 years old -of offending, in other woida, he'a Of coure she could go on work­ and th ^ e potatoes would have been Hours after her mother’s regu- ii. which merely the circulation of that he had promised to stay out when he, his two brothers. Mead too polite to think. He’a aven too spoiled.” Ir.r breathing told her that she was one part of the body is affected and fuotattons— of politics, so he refused the place. and Alexander, and his mother ing as an assistant but that did not came to Alva from Kansas to join polite to atay and grab bit g ^ for satisfy her ambition. She could .go “They’re perfect!” Eve declared. asleep. Eve lay, tense and dry-eyed, in which only that part wljl have the The temptation was too great for 1 hear the door closing bow?* elsewhere and begin over again to “Everything you cook always is.” and planned to fill the week so full peculiar blue color. him, however, and he served as Mr. Johnsc-, who had received the • • • work her way up in another office. “M-m—homemade rolls!” she ex­ of sight-seeing and entertainment The blue color is due to the fact Despite inherent difficulties, I second majror. After Oklahoma postipastershlp from President There’s something for parents te claimed a moment later, brea.king that there would be little time for the hemoglobin, or red coloring mat­ feel that with reasonable good­ had won statehood, he was a mem­ Cleveland. But she felt too tired and nervous ter of the blood, cannot be combined •“The town was little more than think about We have too Uttlo to face such a prospect. one open. confidences. She told herself that will and a spirit of accommodation ber of the legislature from his dis real poUteness, but bettar ao than “Yes, and here’s some grape and she must not discuss her difficul- with a sufficient amount of oxygen. on the part of principal nations, It^ trlct for eight years. My husband a > watering stop for the railroad, Another possibility would be to bbt the government had to estab­ breeding a cblla to the point where resign from Bixby’s and join her shall be possible to reach an a g z ^ was an atterney and one of Okla< he will forever stand to hia own way ment "that hdll bring peace and boma's ^oneer oil men. He die ^ ' —■ _ 1-... spaces and conditions in which the —Maurice Chevalier (when asked tf ways easy for him. a fr^ b t car that I witnessed tiie was no longer certain that Dick he borrowed a dollar from Bfarlene When the Worid War started, historical even'.. lo.ed her and wanted her to go to flow of blood in the lungs Is very ' rapid. Dietrich). Hugh made still another shift In ‘1 tied a simbonnet to a stake him. has career, this time studying law during the run and fua^ded my lot v; CS''- In some cases of congenital heart There was only one Major Cav­ At the time, the United States until I became exhausted, only tp MARYS It was with difficulty that she disease the blood passes directly anaugh. His ptoce never will be fill­ needed international lawjrers, so discover that I could not kMp the schooled herself to await the an- from the veins to the arteries ed. Johnson and three other West land because I was a *sooner.’ I noimcement of Barnes’ successor. without circulating through the —Dr. Edward J. O’Brien, famoos Pointers wen. sent to the Univer­ had entered the strip before it luul And Eve knew that Arlene’s warn­ »iC' lungs and fails to be oxygenated by football oflloiaL sity of California t» prepare for been officials opened.” KitcheR ing was based on sound sense. Mr proper passage through the lungs. Bixby was old-fashioned. He would There are other cases in which the By 818TBB BlABY ho doubt, prefer a man as advertis­ tissue of the body demand excess NBA Sendee Writer ing manager. Perhaps he had never amounts of oxygen, as in the pres­ .Book Oool mornlnga demand heartiar for one moment considered Eve for ence of severe over-exercise, in breakfasts than thoaa which hava the place. which blueness may result IDONOTLIKt BY^BBUOB OAITON been served, durtog the hot summer So tense did the strain become Br HELEN WnjHIMER A new ^tidn of John Chamber­ months. School children In partieup People who are severely anemic lar must have a nourishing meal to that Eve had to force herself to and who have a small amount of lain’s excellent study of the rise and eat. She left the office one evening, T DO nos Ues the unlDcpatoc twlUght... fall of political progresslvlsm, start the day. < hemoglobin in the blood, may de­ h fa mo fiUsd with whhpsrinp A substantial diah which oonw> too weary to remain down town velop the blueness of the skin. ’The "Farewell to Reform,” 1* now in the for dinner, too weary even to stop As thoogb M Aamlw dow4lapag Sstb sse ■ market; and the moet intereeting blnas both oareal and eggs for', blueness is in itself an excedlngly To rntdlmm en niilnsii, nriMy now. at the delicatessen for something important symptom and is always thing about It, right at this moment breakfast is a rice omalet Thto is already cooked. It was tc>wara the Hues wDcdi you mid, thon^ sooMdSMS hal$4ecfoatn, seems to be the prefhee Mr. Cham­ splendid f04 school cbildren, siBoS looked for ^ the physician. If it 8inf down dw bslb—your Mails dsttroYi dw pesos end of February—a blustering night is found, he attempts to explain it berlain has Written fbr It, surveying it’s hearty and a high food valua. Thst 1 hsvs ssnmd duou|h days of litds dudsa Served with a tomato sauce, the following a gray winter day. The by studjring varioiu tissues and or­ An aatklom which mark* sjduU rtUsM. the achievements to date of the sort of night. Eve mused, when one gans. Rooeevelt administration. whole furnishes all the elements should go home to a lighted home First the patient Is examined for ■you dww te nssr ■inmsrinmilddaklsss I iklsssvou- The new deal, for all its brave be- necessary for proper, nutrition. and a hot, savory dinner, with books the presence of abscess of the lung, ^ Rtsch out glad hsndfI whifaiwbUs 1 1grow.itrsnesiy idll» glniltogs, says Mr. Cbamberlaih, Crisp toast shoulo ba includad In and music afterwards before an diphtheria, foreign bodies which And twilight efaifte acsoti s bh|r of asss will not bring attainment of the the breakfast menu for the* sake open fire. And with the one you have'gottM into the breathing tube Slips down s btook, or blows acNH a hiU. goalp the Ubentis have dreamed of of the tecti] if for no other reason. loved beat to share the peace and obstructing it end disturbances of Night has dm stms and lasaps far ssriy for yeara. . The very tact that It Dentists tell us that tha teeth need comfort. S h» bad read once this the larynx, such as Inflammation or Ths dty hanp up s pelfahsd mn—why, will Dting ateat a rlang price level exercise quite as much as tha mua- brief definition of happiness—“Four paralysis. Museduskbsoomss void with prsyarJMibffaito 4rlll i n ^ t a w fOrto Mr. ^Rooeevelt cles of the body. feet on the fender." And it was true. YPbefiiBver these conditions are An Anfslnt to mar a 1 over to the Right, oompel the re- You wll) like to sarva a rioa She knew, now that it was perhaps present and associated with blue­ tireipeot of the "brain trust” and omelet because it’s easy to prapara too late, that it was true. ness a ^ asphyxiation, the physician congeal.capttaljsm fii a cumbersome and is very attractive.' The rioa The wind whipped sharply will endeavor to relieve the cyanosis and unwieldy tOma ' should be cooked the night before. around the corner as she climbed at once removing the obstruc­ Mr. Roosevelt, he cemtinues, has No extra time is requlrld la the the steps to the porch. Tears of tion. ______beeif con^ielled to eommit himself morning for the cooking of break­ aelf pity misted her eyes as she to a return to prdaperlty. If pros­ fast In as mucb as tks rioa otoalai fumbled for her latchkey. She wink­ perity doee return, be will be un­ cooks as quickly tw aay omalat and ed them back. If she permitted her­ able to prevent btt.buelneee from two dishes are oombtoed In one. self to cry she would be certain to m you KNOW that- usurping control o f the vast NRA JUOOOBMlci meet Dorothy McElhinney in the set-up. If it doiip’t, be will go the One cup oooked rice, 1 oup mllki Until June, 1927, there hadn’t r way of Mr. Hoover. entrance hall jmd she was determin­ And. labor? v t t finuit remain L>2 teaspoon salt, 1-fi taaspoon pap- ed that no one sbotild guess her un- been an eclipse of tbe'sun. In Eng­ per, 3 tabktopooBB buttto, 4 eggs. , land, since 1724 and. there win not eoDStant^ alert,“nye Mr. Chamber­ hm>pinees. lain. and .be prMhred to strike for Heat milk aad #dd ooekad.a^ f There was a light shining from be another until 1999. . We note from his ploture that shorter hours .afad ,hl|lMr p o y at tablespboaa butter aad aalt iad pan- the crack under the door opening Cuba’s ’now rresldent weirs one every technological "tn^wvement in per. Beat well and add tito w el . into her apartm ent Mrs. Brooks jnaaufaeturing prpt iH fr ff it to to beaten yollui of eggs. Fold la wldMto^ must have lighted a lire on the npHis youthful model is exeelleut for most any sheer or for any of of'those HitlOT mustachw, but be­ A *tia ing fair z^d ed we a n wilUng to eecape induatrlaliSerfdton. of eggs .Matin until adt ahd ^ . ^ hearth and p eih ^ put the teaket­ the new crepes. Stylish, yet so easily made, this design is avail­ The fhnnerr .He, to play- Melt remataing butter te a hot In s able in six sixes: 14, 16. 18 and 20 (with corresponding bust measuro> give him the benefit of the doubt tle on to boil, llie kindly woman Bear exposition and inventors’ Ipg fWr a prioe rtat^thi^lMl tn iM f spider or nfiWat pan. T u n pan until . sometimes made these thoughtful ments of 8IH. 16,86% and 18) and 40 and 48. Sise J6 requires 1% yardf eongreis nU' oonourrently in Ctovo- prinreut ’%ny RmdenBifnil change thoroughly ooatad wltb butter aad^ preparatlona for Eve’s return on of 85-inch material plus % yard, contrasting, for the collar and belt. iand reoentiy, but so fir as wo lifi the buslneae nMohintinici of the make sfiaMaa bote Euui • te umM .'. paitloularly disagreeable nights. But To secure a pattern and simple sewing chart of this model, tear out have observed nt'body has as yet try.” AxceaM redacticn plans mixture aau let oodkua top af dtovi M ora Eve’s numUed fingera could this sketch and mall it to Julia Boyd, 108 Park Avenue, Naw .York, invented an improved brand of ' i^llito w c K to to r e ^ for two Bdantii to broari tka.’faot find the right key the door was N. T„ together with 15 cents in coin. Be sore to enclose, on a sepa­ beer. oiltfkatliBi. tom. Then actok to a ket flung open and aha found herself in rate shM of papar, your name, full address, your sixe, the number Ghleago reports burglar broke . or. , ;satbcE4a gtodpDy well puffad l|d|fliitil to|f tha' her mother’s arms. of this pattern (No. 5687x), and mention the name.of this newspaper. Into a home and stole nothing but a find Fold aad tuili fkt la a kod saxaphone. Ptfiioe- are completely atinra with Eve laughed and cried in tleased •a year m in ia m Jolla Boy A baffled. *afi all the neighbors have raiisd nnd’ K ite Bagitoas m M l Ami Eoiv Yem, E. perfeot alibis.' the ( ' v*.. "li;. . .f. I ii.j, , ..

■ I >'*?■. 4 i ’ \ . UAN CH BSm BVENTNG BERALD, MANCHESTER, GONI^^ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 26.1988. WEAK FORWARD WALL CAUSES M. H. S. T. West Sides Top Bluefields, Then Tie Alpin^ ®eatin ^ BY HARTFORD HIGH, 124) CAPTURE 1ST TUT Hottand - • - Bissett Win Local Doubles Title IN GRID SEASON OPENER 2-1; SECOND GAME ;------LASTS 11 INNINGS McCluskey Wins Easily BEAT JESANIS AND Sharkey Faces Loughran Local Um Fades Before In 2”Mile Handicap Run BRinON IN THREE In Second Comeback Try Forions O nshi^ of Op- Spring Upset by Winning poeiiig EkTen; Fimlile m bis first start since his return, ever, he had to withstand the sprint SETS, 6-0,6-3,7-5 ~Now York. Sept 26.— (A P )—Ths< » Other major ahowa this waak wlU from a successful European tour,' ‘challenge from one o f the hanmeap first start of his comeback trail a be offered by Cleveland tosaorrow Joe McCluskey swept to an easy tri­ runners, Tom GUbridge, of S t An­ Labro Urbanetti, Maneheatw Homing Contest to Enter dismal faUure, Jack Sharkey, former night and by New York Saturday. Pkros Way for Rrst Tally, umph in the two-B^e handicap run selm’s. Gilbridge had a handicap of At aeveland, Freddie MUler, of High net ace, who reached the OwAip of the ISlst semi-annual' handicap 140 yards and was beaten off twelve heavyweight champion, wlU begin Clhctenati. Natimial Boxing Asso­ of the C. C L L. tennis tourney Finals Afternoon Game games of the New York Athletic yards in the rush for the tape. aU over again in a 16-round match ciation featherweight oheuMdon, Flaky PassBriags Secood with three victories Friday, waa dq- dub at Travers Island, New York, He finished second with Mundy with Tommy Lo.ughran at Pfailadal- meets Frankie WeiuaciB. of Cleve­ featod In tha finals Saturday morn­ Saturday afternoon. Starting from third. Meduskey and two others, phia, Wednesday night land, In a ten-round non-title bout Toachdown, ing by Cauurlea Harris of Bristol in CaDed by Darkness scratch, Meduskey romp^ off Zabala and Spitz, were the only tory; Losers Em Sharkey wia floored and dedaivaly In New York, BUly PetroUe, Duluth straight ssta, 6-1, 6-2 and 6-4. Bris­ with the event in the fair time of scratch men to win in the handles] whipped by King Levlnoky in Chi­ welterweight and Bep Van dav- tol won the title with 18 points, nine minutes. 32.4 seconds. testa, all three turning in outstanI Champs Won Every Set in cago the other night and may taka von , spe^y Hollimder, wiU stage Maneheater was seeond with thrsA The West Sides dominated the ’The National steeplechase cham­ ing performances. Zabala, Olympic imother beating ftom Loughran If their long delayed return match in The relentless attack of a marathon champion from the Ar* week-end piay in the iocal baseball pion had a bitter duel with his fel­ the clever PhUiadelpbUm can keep ths Uttle Ridgewood Grove areniu quartet of fast running, hard Although he entered the tourney, tournament for ^ town champion­ low scratch starter, Paul Mundy, of jentine, captured the six-mile run March to Finals. bis chin out of the way of tha Bos­ PetroUe won their first bout by a Philadelphia, former National' ten- ust about as he pleased, although hitting backs and a swift Paul Jesanis didn’t play a single ship, springing a surprising upset f; ton Sailor’s powerful right technical knockout match in the Heurtforo Coimty ten­ yesterday morning by defeating the mile champion. To the last lap they he gave handicaps up to 850 yards. charging forward wall brought were never more than live yards Spitz, intercollegiate high jump nis ehamplonahips. Due to hla work­ Bluefields in the third and deciding Walter “Ty” HoUand extended his Hartford High its fourth con­ ing hours he found it necessary to game of a series, 2-1, and then bat­ apart but Meduskey’s driving finish champ, cleared six feet, five Inches brought him to the tape first How­ in taking his event. loced tennis monopoly into the realm secutive triumph over Man­ default tling the Sub-Alpines to a 3-3 dead­ of doubles play yesterday afternoon lock in cm ll-inning encounter in chester High* in the opening when he pedred with Earl Bissell to Predictions that Bristol High was the afternoon, the first game of the aahex the doubles net champion­ Olympics Whip Rangers, contest ef the 1988 grid season hard hit by the graduation of its final series for the title. ship with a straight set victory over at Batterson Field in Hartford Any doubt that existed in any­ Paul Jesanis and James Britton on Saturday afternoon, the New- star athletM, seem to be proven by body’s mind as to which was the Bristol’s loss to New Britain High the High school courts. The scores ellmen adding an impressive best club was dispelled yesterday GIANTS SHOULD BE were 6-0, 6-8 and 7-5. The vic­ in the opening grid gams of the sesr morning, when the West Sides de­ Rec Booters Are Beaten 12-0 victory to a winning son Saturday. Bristol weu beaten torious duo played together perfect­ feated the Bluefields by the score of ly and their steadiness was in sharp string that deludes a 20-2 ver­ 14-0. W in d h ^ High, imother op­ S-1. The score does not do credit contrast to the wild, erratic play of ponent of Mucheetez High, turned to the manner in which the winners end at tha field Bimmona waa juat dict last year, 6-0 in 1981 and ta a 18-0 victory ovtr Stafford High. “ PEOPLE’ S CHOICE” the losers. as safe but did not get a fourth of 18-0 in 1980. ou ^ ayed their opponents inasmuch Local Joniors Defeat Has- HoDand Is Star the work Mcllroy did. Hla double as big Jack Godek set them down HoUand, six times^ local singles Tzcklee Weedi Link. There waa Uttla to ehaer about ta with two clean hits and one which save of a penalty kioh in the first It waa a disastrous emd surpris­ champion, was the outstanding play­ cos, 2-1, in Fast, Exciting half brought tremendous cheers ing debut for the Red and White, a Mimeheater High’s performance was very doubtful and the West er on the court, his amazing abU- against Hartford High Saturday, Side teazp as a unit played heads-up Hopes of Fans Will Be Large from the crowd. Th'- Olympic fuU- debut in which the brilliant pra-aea- ity to make returns, chalking up baeks generally had the measure of aon promiae of the eleven failed to but this department feels that the baseball every minute. p ^ t after point Bissell was also Game; Seniors Lose to team has posslbilitlea, being The Bluefields were plainly puz­ in fine form and backed up HoUand the opposing torwards and kept materiaUze. Hartford’a furioua zled by Godeks change of pace, first West Sides ly Wtk Small T om Boys them at a safe distance \foom goal. onslaught routed Manchester’s line mostly ta experience. However, we AB.R. H. PO. A. to perfection. Jesanis, who last feel that it is a psycholi^cal mis­ he earned strikes on a slow tantal­ year captured the doubles title with Chance-Vonght, 6-(^ Col­ A Peeultar Score emd baited the backfleld before it izing curve and the next pitch would Dowd, I f ...... 4 could go into eutiom The glaring take to meet an opponent of the Holland, c ...... 2 m World Series Both Bob Smith, couldn’t get started but AU three goals were scored in calibre of HeutiTora in the first geune. be a fast one and he retired nine by it was the many errors committed the first half. Withal the footbaU weidmeea of the tackle emd end po­ the strikeout route. He was especi­ McCann, s s ...... 8 lapse in Second Half. sitions warn the outstimding fiustor A victory Jn the opener would give Stavnltricy, lb . .4 by Britton that brought about the waa not ae good nor as exciting as the players a much-needed con­ ally effective against> Bob Smith Teams Hare B m Reor­ downfall. In the second. Hasco Rangers were in the defeat emd OoaA Tom Kelley who fanned three successive times. Burkhardt, cf ...4 will probably hava to resort to dras­ fidence, even if the opposition is Mikan, 2 b ...... 4 Steadiness Counts worthy of a goal yet none of their nothing more them a set-up. Dave McConkey again played b's The HoUand-Bissell combination Olympics 2,-Haaco Rangers 1. players scored nor did any part la tic measures In an effort to stren­ steady game at third and his sc- McConkey, 8b .. .4 ganized Bnt On Different gthen the line before the first C. C Hedlnnd, rf . . . . 8 went right to work with the open­ Chance Vaught 6. Manchester 0. the play which gave them the first tirate throws retired many runners ing serve and swiftly ran out the goal of the game. The baU was be­ L L. battle at Middletown Friday The Bluefields wlU hold am Im­ who had hit balls which were label- Godek, p ...... 8 By Ofwerver ifftemoom portant meeting tonight at the home putt, ...... 0 Basis. first set in six straight games, earn­ ing cleared from around the Ol3rm- ed base hits. ing points mainly through the errors Spectators at Charter Oak street, plo 18 yard Une. It went to Austin Batttotoni Stan. of Jack Struff at 166 McKee street. Stavnltsky Stars yesterday afternoon aav a fast and AU members lure urged to attend as Totals...... 81 2 7 27 4 1 of tteir opponents. Jesanis and who was about 40 srnrds out Fac­ Saturday’s game was played on a Big George Stavnltsky finally dis­ Britton raUied briefiy in the next set exciting game oetween two evenly ing midfield he attempted to hook water logged field that was soon most Important businees will be dis­ played his real hitting abiUly get­ Bhieflelds New York. Sept 25.—(AP) — matched teams in which the Olym­ cussed. Plans are being made for a AB.R.H.PO.A.B. and managed to pull out three the baU up 'he field while it was in churned into a quagmire, but it did ting 2 out of 4 and driving in both From most any angle that you may games but again the steady piay of pics tapped the Hasco Rangers the air. Instead he drove it stiraight not seem to hamper the activities of banquet at Osano’e cottage on Oct(v West Side runs. The only redeeming Brennen, If .... 4 1 2 0 0 from Hartford by 2 goals to 1 in her 7 and the committee In cheurge C. S. Smith, 2 b .. 2 0 1 2 4 consider the world series proposi­ HoUand and Bissell counted heavily back into his own goalmouth and Hartford’s bed] teasers, learnt of all feature of the Bluefields’ play was in their favor, the latter pair being junior league contest ,at the same Salmonson in attempting to head Oeno Battistoni, who from hie half­ desires to know how many wlU at­ the stellar work of “Chucky” Smith. Rautenberg, cf . . 8 0 0 0 0 tion, the rolUcking Giants should be hour the local senior eleven was re­ tend. R. S. Smith, rf . . 8 0 0 0 0 the "people’s choice” over the Sena­ content to let Jesanis and Britton clear had tiu misfortune to deflect back beAh, led Heurtford to its de­ Micky Milsan again starred around beat themselves. ceiving its quietera from the it through his own goal. The goaUe cisive triumph with a splendid ex­ second base as has been the case all E. Raguskus, lb . 4 0 0 9 0 tors. Chance Vought eleven at East A. Raguskus, 8b .8 0 0 1 4 MetropoUtan “wlse-mcmey” may Won Every Set had no possible chance to save i t hibition that emcounted for most of vert on a Une buck, despite the help year. The crowd was well satisfied ’The third and final set was the Hartford, 6-0. of a five yard penalty. with the game which settled for this Katkaveck, c . . . 4 0 0 9 0 favor the American League cham­ E-irioo Scores his team’s eleven first downs. Man­ closest and most exciting of aU, Defenie Reliable The Rangers goal woe scored in chester garnered five first downs in Pen^tlea Galore. year at least that the West Sides Kennedy, s s ...... 4 0 0 2 0 pions but from DolgevlUe, N, Y., the The Olympics were value for their Kovis, p ...... 2 0 0 0 0 home of Hal Sohm^her, to Meeker, going to deuce twice before HoUand the first 10 minutes and they en­ all, mostly near midfield and never In tbs first quarter, effter the carry a tiifie too much pimch for the and BisseU put on pressure and pull­ win yesterdp. afternoon. In midfield kickoff, which Mietretta took to Us Bluefields. Okla., where Carl Owen Hubbell joyed their lead for another 10 min­ threatened to score. ed it out of the fire to capture the work they were not just as nippy utes before the Olympica equalized. Lack Bnthnalaam. 38 yard Une. Manchester, could not The West Sides and Sub-Alpines Totals ...... 28 1 8 x28 8 2 raises pecans during the off-season, as the Hascr team but they were Score by innings: the hopes of the countryside will set and match. In winning the title, Enrico scored tho goal though Most surprising of edl was the gain emd Mozzer punted' to Heut- played 11 innings to a 3 to S tie. Holland-Bissell produced some of the more dangerous aroun'^ gold and Umpire Russell calling the game on Bluefields ...... 000 000 010—1 be largely with the smaU town boys much credit should be given to lack of pep and enthusiaBm oi the ford’e 22 yard Une. He^ord West S id e s...... 000 020 00x->-2 most brilliant tennis in the history their defense was more reliable. Hamilton for the well placed pass Red and White warriors. They started to advemce immediately, fine account of darkness at the end of 11 who have made goou in the big city The Hasco il backs were not able iimings which were played in the re­ xDowd out for bunting third of the tourney and marched right he gave. The Olympics had been seemed like Inemimate bowling pins blocking scattering the Red and to stand vp under the pressure in doing their share of the attacking. standing at the end at an aUey emd White’s forward wiOl with astound­ markably fast time of 2 hours strike. . baMball," U the second half and o»ve away minutes. “Bingo” Sturgeon, while XX—putt ran for Godek. ' med with the exploits ofL* an-n the out the loss of a set. They defeat- In one of their raids or the Rang­ awaiting the blow that would knock ing ease. Major penalties, how­ Two base hit: Stavnltsky; hits ed Nelson-Metcalf. 8-6, 6-2; Brozow- many corners. In goal however, ers goal the ball waa cleared. It them down. Only at rare inter­ ever, kept Hartford from scoring, hit hard, was stingy with the bases Washington regulars. ski and ^uldoon, 6-1, 6-4: and Har- IVicIlroy was superb and was un- despite four first downs. On reach­ occupied, and emerged on a ptur off, Godek 3 in 9 inningis, Kovis 7 in ’%oine Bred” Players went to Haiailtoi. about 80 yards vale did Manchester come through eight innings; sacrifice hits, C. ris-Harrls, 6-9, 6-3, topping this off heatable In the second half. He well out who was unmwke<*. Trapping with a fine bit of dtfensive or offen­ ing Manchester’s 33 yard line, Ho- with his opponent Frank Hewitt, You won’t find shortstop “Blondy’ deserved th<- applause for some of who gave only 6 hits to Sturgeon’s Smith; Stolen bases, Kovis, C, with a smashing triumph over the baU hr took it forward and sive play, these so few emd far be­ ben fumbled and Ecabert recovered. Ryan, outfielders Joe Moore and Jesanis-Britton. the saves he made. At the other tween as to make Uttle difference But Mozzer was forced to punt and 11. But Frank passed four men Smith; double plays, C. Smith,! E Homer Peel, or Pitchers Hal Scbul- plac;»l it behind the fuUbacka. En­ which kept him in trouble through Raguskus; left on bs«es. West Sides rico following up got to it first and in the eventual outcome. Hartford did likewise, when penal­ 7, Bluefields 8; bkse on balls off, macber, Roy Parmelee and Herman sUpped it through wide of the Fumble Brings TaUy. ties forced the latter back to its the game, combined with five West Bell in the latest edition of “Who’s Side errors due no doubt to the fact Godek 4, Kovis 8; hit by pitcher, J goaUe. At the en^ of a half-hour Ray Moszer's fumble in tiie sec­ own goal line. Godek, K. Smith, A. Raguskus Who,” but most of them will be the Olympics took the lead. A cor- ond quarter paved the way for After the second touchdown ta that they played 20 innings of ball located quite easily when the battle with only a short rest. struck out by, Gc^ek 9, K c ^ 5 Eagles Open Season neriklck was granted on the right. Hartford’s first touchdown. Fazi the. third quarter, Heurtford sent m time, 2 hours, umpires. Boggy Mul- starts at the Polo Grounds, a week J. Rooney took the kick and plaoeci recovered on the 20 yard strip, after its second stringers and Manchester Dave McConkey pulled one of his from tomenrow. many brilliant plays when be made doon, Donahue. It so acc-’ rately that the ball which Battistoni smewhed through started to look like a footbeUl team. a diving catch of a line drive anci Most of the Giant regulars are dropped almost on the goal line and for a first down i^two plays to the Bui. the change was short Uved as doubled a nmner off first. Flitt West Sides “home breds”. With the exception By Edging Spartans Mcllroy in attempting to kick clear 10 yard Une. Tnen Conway, sub­ the regulars soon returned. Chucky contributed a circus catch in right AB.R.H. PO.A.B. of Centerfielder George Davis, ae helped it through. stitute bemk, swept aroimd left end Smith, Leo Johnson, Mosser and field which saved a possible run. Mikan, 2b ...... 4 0 0 6 8 0 qulrsd from the Phillies, second Locals Step lively and across the fined marker, aided Bob Smith made some good gains "Ding” Farr and A1 Boggonl played p u tt r f ...... 8 0 2 0 0 baseman Hughey Critz, who came Hasco Rangers were weU served by. fine blocking that knocked Man­ at this time, but could not get a beautiful game at third and short McCann, ss .. .. 0 0 1 4 2 2 from .Cihciimati, and Gus Mancuso, By Score of 6 to 0 in goal and at half-back. The fuU- chester right out of t^e play. Hart­ steurted othMwise. ’The weetaneaa respectively, throwing runners out Stavnltsky, lb • • 1 8 9 0 0 the backstop obtained from St. backs were inclined to be flustered ford failed to convert on a line buck. of the Itae made it impoaslble to at first with tmcanny ability. Roy S. Hewitt, cf . • • 5 0 1 8 0 0 Louis, the lineup represents pro­ under pressure and the forwards Signs of Threat, judge the abiUty of the backfield as . . 8 0 1 0 0 0 Hartford edfted through ao rapidly Frazer at first for the Alpines play­ Falkowsky, If ducts of- John Mc(3raw’s develop' The Eagles football team ta-f kick to tiie 20 yard line whwe Dudlo whUe showing many clever touches Previous to Messer's fumbla, ed brilliantly making a number of McConkey, 8b • • *6 1 1 2 2 0 ment and Bill Terry’s smart band MitcheU, Eagle right halfback were inclined to overdo the p«—«*«g the baU carriers were stopped ta aughrated the 1988 season with a Manchester produced the only eigne their tracks. one handed catches ta retire run­ Hedlund, c ...... 4 1 1 8 0 1 ling or encouragement 6-0 win over the Spartans of Hart­ made one of his many fine rune particularly within the 18 yan F. Hewitt, p . . . 4 0 2 0 6 2 of an actual threat to score. In Intercepts Pass. ners. Both BMiganlzed ford yesterday afternoon at Hickey’s to the 35 srard line. MitcheU then area. Nevertheless they were dan- the last minute of the first period, The baseball fans will do well to Dowd, If ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 The Senatora also were reorganiz< Grove. The touchdown was scored picked up another 12 yards for Tha fined period waa unexcltiag, Burkhardt, cf 1 0 0 1 0 0 Gliudi punted to Manchester's 45 play being confined to midfield. Bob see the remaining games of this ed for the 1983 campaign, bnt on a by Bobby Ehtgleson on a line plimge first down, foUowing an unsuccess­ (Oonttaned on Page Ten) yard line, Judd running the kick final series, as the Sub-Alpines have vastly different basis. Where Terry from the three yard line, 40 seconds ful pass. After a losa of three Snnth tossed a pass waa inter­ T o ta ls...... 41 8 11 88 18 6 back to Himtford’s 85 yard .mark. cepted by Vantozsa on Hartford’s apparently been much imderrated. publicly announced and carried out before the half. The score was the yards MitcheU again picked up 1< A few yards ware added tqr buck­ Tliey played heads-up ball yesterday Sub Alpl a policy of rebuilding with youth result of a bad kick by the Hartford yards for another first down one. 28 yard Une, Gleurdi punted and AB.R.H. PO.A.E. ing the Une emd then Mosser heaved Chucky Sxnltb brought the baU to Ti;:Hiring the outcome doubtful at all and enthusiasm, Clark Griffith went quarterback, Flynn, to the 18 yard placed the baU ■ n Hartford’a 81 yand How They Staud a lateral to B. Smith that brought times. On the strength of this game Raynor, If ...... 6 1 0 4 0 0 out into the open market to engineer line. T W n g advantage of this the Une. Slaga, MitcheU and Tyler then midfield, where play was centered O’Leary, 2b . . . 4 0 0 2 5 0 added eleven yards for tha third the leather to the 28 yimd stripe. when the final whistle blew. it will be interesting to see the out­ a series of wholesale swaps for sea- Eagles brought the ball to the three YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Hartford held and tha locals lost Farr, 8 b ...... 6 0 1 1 0 0 str^ bt first down and also put the Saimonds, Rowe, .Ektab^ aad come of the next two as some think -smed, certified baseball talent w d line in three line thrusts by the baU inches from a first down. the fact that the West Sides were Eogginl, se ...... 4 0 1 8 8 0 ^ le r and Slaga. Eagleeon then team in another eoorlng position Robinson played weU on the 1 ^ for 0 0 In swinging trades for outfielders Amerloaa Leaoiia Shift Bothars tired after their morning game, and R. Frazier, lb • • *0 0 0 18 Fred Schulte and O o ^ Ooslin, took It over on the first down, Due to a fifteen yard penalty on Detroit 2, S t LoulslTlst) Maneheeter, whUe “Chucky” Saaifo Vince, e ...... 6 .0 1 1 0 0 On the next play. Battistoni raalad looked aran in the backfield. Tine, can take the Alphies under different Pitchers Bari WhltshlP and Wally fin t Quarter Soorelees Bronke for talking, this threat did Detroit 6, S t Louia 2 (2d.) eircumstancea. Tlie play of Sullivan SulUvim, at . . . .. 6 0 1 2 0 0 Ih the initial quarter Hartford not materialize.ItaA An exchange ef off a fifty yard run, twisting through Presi and Tumar ahona for Hart­ H. Fraqlet, rf ...4 2 1 2 0 0 Stewart and Catcher Luke Sewell, kicks ended the period. OUeago 8, davalaad T (1st) Msnehastor's shattorad Uaa to m ford, M did tka antira baokfiald. in center field was a feature of the last winter, Griffith considered he kicked to Mancheater's 20 yard line devsland If, Chleago 6 (2d.) Sub’s play as be eaiight a number Sturgeon, p .. .. 4 0 1 0 8 0 where D. Mitchell advanced It to Aided by two lueeeaelve first Rad and Whlto'a 8Q yard Une. GMardi Sununary: was running no risks, m effect he downs totalling 85 yimda Hartford Boston 10, N*w York 6. and Conway advimead to tha 16 Hartford High. Bfaaoliester O gh. of bard files and contributed a hard handed over a readymade, hand the 80. In two plays the Manches- Phlleulelphia 11, Wimhingten 4. Two-base bit The dates of the next T o ta ls...... 41 8 8 88 22 0 ter eleven nuule its first first down swept to the Eey;lea’ 85 yard Une, yard mark on a cutback Inslda right Tine ...... Hutchinson Boors by Innings: picked aggregation to M an^r Joe but lost the ball on a fumble on the the neiuast they were to get to the Nattcnol Lssgns end and a sptanar but a major pan* left end game will appear in these columna Cronin. at a later date. Sub-Alpines . . . 001 020 000 00—S third play. Hartford made a first goal, for they lost the ball on downs. Brooklyn 12, Phlladalphla 7 (s t ) alty halted tha march, or rather, Pteeti ...... MlatNttn West Sides .... 000 020 001 00—8 “We are making a subetantial in three plays. Pel Tyler, LaCoss emd Slaga picked up Brooklyn S, Philadelphia 2 (2nd) delayed it, as MaaehastOr'a fumble left tackle Two base hits, Stavnltsky; three investment In order to produce a It and Flynn doing the ball ten for a first down and then paesee (5) (darkness). followed on the next play. y. AUbrio...... Robtnaon base bit, Sullivan; bits off, F. pennant winning club,” remarked toting . On the next play Kipritis from Tyler to Swllka added imother. Chicago 7, CInctanati 1 (1 st) Hartford’s use of the baokfield left guard League Leader^ Hewitt, 6 in eleven innings. Stur­ Griffith a^ the time be was swing tiurew Stevens for a nve yard loss A long pass from Slaga to MitcheU Cincinnati 1, Chicago 0 (2nd.) shift seemed to bother Manchester Turner ...... , ...... Ecabert geon 11 in eleven innings; saerifics ing his big deals with St Louis and Immediately after Kovis, Man­ was unsuccessful and the geune New York 6, Boston 5 (1st 10). considerably. Tima and again the center (By Associated Press) bits, Mikan, Rasmor, S. Hewitt; and Detroit "I am satisfied we will chester tackle recovered a fumble ended with the ball in midfield In Boston 6, New York 8 (2d), (5), ends were puUed out at porition and Paai ...... Rows National League stolen bssss, H. Frazier, O’Leary, get what we want and beat the Yan- the Spartans. The teams eX' Hartford’s possession. (demkness). ths tackles arers neatly ^ a n out to right guard Batting— Klein, PhiUies, .872; McC!ann, Farr, Sturgeon, Vince; k668.'^ je d kicks and Manchester suf' Tyler and LaCoss did exoeUent St Louis 5, Pittsburgh 4 (1st), leave a clear path for the boU car­ King ...... Bhedd Davis, Phillies, .345. Rims, Martin, double pla^, McConkey-Stavnitsky, If he eared to, Griffith, might add fered a five yard penalty for an Il­ work on backing up tha Uns. whlla Pittsburgh 5. St Louis 4 (2d, 10). riers, making It neeeaaary for Man­ right timkla Cards, 119. Runs batted in, Klein, Bogglnl-O’LMry-Frazier; left on now: "Since we* whipped the Tan legal forward pass. 'Ihe quarter VeuTick at left qnd ior the Eagles chester's aaeondary to baar the Ivera ...... Balmonda PbUliea 118. Hits. Klein, PbiUles, bases. West 8 1 ^ 6, Sub-Alpines 9; kees, supposedly the most powerful ended wkh the jiall on the Eagles’ 85 also did weU. Flynn and Petrowald STANDOrOS bnmt of the defenstva work. right end base on balls, off F. Hewitt 4, Stur­ club in baseball, why ehoiudn’t we yard line in H utford's possession. carried the brunt of the Hartford Penalties kept Hartford from VentltoBsi ...... MoHsr 215. Doubles, Klein, PhUUes, 41. attack and Lesdala, Morlarty and Triples, Vaughan, Pirates, 19. Home geon 0; hit by pitcher. Sturgeon 1, beat the Giants?” In the second quarter the Hart­ Amerioaai League rolltag up a hsavF margin of first quarterback Plitt; strilhk out by, F. Hewitt 7, Hedge On Pltehen ford team waa penalized on the first Tomany did weU on the defensa. A W L. PC downs. Hartford waa■ pensliasd 115 Battiktoni...... Jlidd runs, Klein, PhiUies 28. play for baokfleld in motipn. Then fsif crowd witnessed the games end American League Sturgeon 0; time, 2 hours, 10 son.; That’s the conclusion most base­ W ashington...... 97 51 .600 girds, indudtag ftva 16 yard probably will he started in' the dou- tatsrqNrssd with two 10 yard pso- Burka for Xvan. SM ura for I score of 27 to 0. This was a prac­ two hits la first gaaM; latter pitoh- fiebeadef this Wednesday with the made his bad klok A d resulted ul­ Substltntea: Boston ...... T9 70 ed five hit-bell la second. timately in the guae for the Eagles. Batfsa - SwUka for BuUa; Ma­ Brooklyn ...... 88 84 altlsa and a fumhto that kwt SO nniftHni fnr KIim , fii' tice game to get read for their Phillies. Fitssimmona will be groom­ yarda in aU. After ths last pso- FasU Tnraar for Day. Battteteni for regular season which opens next Forest Jeneen, PIratee—Led at- ed to hurl his knuoldez in the third iDagles Force Play guire for Kovis; Nielioa for O. tailadolphla ...... 07 89 laok on Cardinals with triple and Ih tbs' second half the Eagles MltehslI; LaCoss for Tyler; J. Cincinnati ...... 82 alty,‘Hsrtford-was on Manehsator's K n ura. A. AUhrlo for J. AUtefok Sunday. Tbf touchdowns were wsU game, at Washington, Oot 6. Of 47 yard Una. Glaidl rinfod off It Jaokson for Prasti, Bag for spUt up between the backs, Olendsr two doubles. Cronin ana Griffith have not dls- kicked to Hartford's 22 vard line MitcheU for Dwyer; Lachappel for Q. Earl Averill,' Indians— Clouted and Flynn advanoed it 15 yards to MltchcU. TODAYVOAMBS yara with a rtabt itad'iwssp^ alter takUt. Wtaatea f o ------making one, Bidolla one, Daly one doeed thMr pitohlng p l i ^ Nhlok Maaehsftir snaarsd aseaiial m Bshwalblali. ^ and Stanlnrieb one. Kibolda mads temer in each game egelaat White tha 97 yard Una. Hartford then Hartford—OdUflan for ftuels; IK. fbowad a power attack, usins ' the Kaplan for Tomany; MIdura for Tca- Una tlaya. Thai Xagura toaaad a two extra points by rushing and The Weet Side juvenile soccer club daie; Carman for Morlarty; Cock# pqas. Tha ra e d m stood on tho Archlvy one. TLs team is holding a Charley Root, Cube, end Benny ffotre Dame shift and made a first for will bold a meeting at the West Side down ta three tries. Here the Eaglee for Russell. (No gamoi sohodul' AU Um but before he eouM saateh fior dutebtaemii sapnapBiv IM' h practice tonij^bt and every msmbor rrey, Reda—Root held Reds to five iee tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. mcklsd down and threw the Soar- OffleJals—Referee, Herb Wright; National■al ~Lsana he ban It was haoeksd down, tight must be on hand as they want to hits in opener; Frey blanked .Cube ItetttsBbsrr ~ Ilem ben are aaked to turn in thCir tass for a four yard loss ta three untalre, Earl Wright; head Uaesman, Brooklyn at PbUadwtala. tate ths hsadi of Buifea for thi for be In Una for neat Snsriagr. , with seven W s . Ickotf lor tho prlM Xsrtfori- 4sse deraed to ■ u w j(0MF StSM folia S k d V B M iM mm w- .J' 'am

/ - • ' 'V •'. ^ '* ■ ,. . w^‘ ' - * *^ ' ' ’ ' ’ ’ ' ‘ t‘ ^ ‘ •,•* ■ : ^ tfiUiteHBSTllR-."*^ PAGE TBK " " r - -"/^A Read the C la ssified Rental Proper^ Listing on this Pag

MOTORCYCLES— APARTMENTS—FLATS- BUSINESS LOCATIONS | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4| FOR RENT ' 64 Major Football Contests BICYCLES 111 TENBMBNTS 63 ICS Yvni] B irt, 8E!LL MO wehMH* u—0 I TOR RENT—6 ROOM flat, newly FOR RENT—OFFICES at 916 oan ftH makes and models. Armory FOR SALBl—SMALL b^cle, Main street (next to bank). Rent Are Scheduled This Week Qsrage, 60 Wella street Telepkone I 24 inch whMl, 18 inch frame. Phone renovated, all Improvements, cen­ trally located. Inquire 422 Bast very reasonable. Cal' Rocco Farr. 6150.______687A______Center street, telephone 7650. Phone 4767. Rec Booters Are Beaten 26—(AP) —♦back tost year. Meanwhile Pitt FOR SALE—ONg 1629 Ford pick- i f o r r e n t — s h o p on Charter New Y ork, Sept. upi A-1 condltioix. Call at 286 Ver> I MOVING—TRUCKING— f i v e r o o m f l a t , steam heat, StiU a bit shaken by developments face Washington and Jefferson Oak etreet, .lultable for stxiall busl- ______It sha______duel. (OontlBded from Page Nine) ' all well at Bait Hartford. Aftex non street Telephone 6721. doymstairs, all conveniences., 82 over toe week-end, football’e major at Pittsburgh in a homebred STORAGE 201 nesa. Phone 3862. ou tfit holding’ the Aviatorb to a tie eeore Clinton street Apply 34 Clinton coliege eleventi swing right into Eimsr Layden’sd( Duquesnequ gerous and the Olympics defense during the first half they eoUapeed I SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the street Phone 4814. TO RENT—OFFICES AT 865 Main ong series ffC IntersOononal and will attempt to make It two in a row over West Virginia’s mountaineers had to etep lively to keep them out. and had ^ chalked against them AUTO ACCESSORIES— accommodation ot their large Ue- street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed­ conference games this week. The ^ympli defense was In tip­ f o r r e n t — f o u r r o o m tene­ at Pittsburgh Friday night in toe second period. Two wore TIRES 6 Luxe DUB for lodge, party or team ward J. Holl. Tel. 4642 and 8026. Recollecting the disasters of tost top form. F'lmmone was very lafe tripe at ipedal rates. Phone 8068, ment, with modem Improvements, week when Southern Methodist m toe louth, Biff Jones’ Louisiana from penalty kicks. A now player, FOR RENT—LARUE ROOM 20x40, California and Virginia MlUtaty all State^TIgera and Tulano’i Green' in goal. Hit nandiing of toe ball Grant, gave a good display through­ USED TIRES: 8, 700-18; 2. 650-19; 8860, 886A______at 146 Bissell street garage if de­ when saving toe penalty kick suitable for business or club room, were beaten, and Virginia, Clemson yyave wU. take bei'' stand against out. He was >utstuidlng both in 8, 600-19: 1, 660-19; 8, 650-18; 2. sired. Inquire on premisdo. av/arded the Rangers waa a clever LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE real 829 Main street Apply G. B. and -'Misslssi^i' tied by teams of Southwest conference foes, Rice attack and 'iefense, has a fine left 525-18; 6. 475-19; 8, 500-19; 1, and Texas A. and M.. respectively piece of work. Both full-backs were moving, general urucklng, livery FIVE SUNNY rooms, lower, newly Keith Furniture Company, opposite lower rating, the'-Mg fellows are fac- foot and may be Just toe man to fit 600-18. Esso Station, Cor. Main Northwestern will meet Iowa In very lafe. Salmonson’* speed and eervloe. Uur affiliation with Umted decorated, garden, adults. 22 Roose­ ng the ^ture with lome apprehen- in beside Llndsaj at full-back. and Bissell streets. High schooL I toe openl^ big ten clash of toe powerful kicking made his work Vane Service meant lower ratea on velt street ■lon. The Olympic* will practice on furniture moving to dietant polnta Every section in the country will campaign while three other Western more spectacular thar that of Tuesday at 5:16 p. m. at West Side. Large modem trucks, experienced HOUSES FUR REN'I 66 offer one or mere major eonteits connrenee outfits, Illinois, Indiana Nichols. The lattei however, never MOTORCYCLES— FOR RENT—TWO MODERN six and Minnesota will make their Simmons ...... M cllroy men, prom pt eervloe, eJl goods in- this week, with the south and east faltered. He displayed excellent an­ BICYCLES 11 room rents, 6 Hudson street T«l®* RENTS OF EVERY Description initial starts against Lesser opposl Goal ■ured whUe In transit are Ceaturea tbe prlndpsl storm centere. Glenn ticipation which saved many steps phone 6678. and price. Singles, flats, tenements tion. and he was easily toe equal of hie Salmonson '...... Hughes FOR SALE—HARLEY Davidson offerea at no extra expense to you. S. (Pop) Warner wrlU make his de­ —no charge. Dial 8601. John F. Southern Methodist, trimmed by partner. At center half-back Dave RB motor cycle, 1925 model 880.00. Dally trips to New York, baggage but as Templs's head coach raday FOR RENT—CENTER STREET, Shannon, 79 Ruseell street night when tbe Owls face Seqth North Texas Teachers, tangles with Hamilton waa plUar ol strength. N ichols ...... Christsnson Robert Bridges, Andover, Conn. aallvered direct to eteamehip piers. room tenement with all improve­ TsxM Tech which beat toe Mus LB For further Information call 8068. Oaidlna of tbe Southern Confer- All his woik, both In defense and ments, and garage. Inquire 146 FOR RENT—7 ROOM single at 84 enoe at PhUadelphto. The foflow- tangs last year' six to nothing. In attack waa eooU> and neatly done. Tlemey, Johnson ...... M cGrory 8860. 8864. Perrett A Qlsnney. tne. Center street Lewie street •!! improvements, ing day Army and Navy will open the far west toe Padfle coast eon- Ho piled hie forwards so effectively RH Want Ad Information fine location, splendid condition, toielr‘ campaigns, toe Cadets agamst ferenee games sent Stanford against that they had to work hard. Boto H am ilton ...... Hardley PAINTING—PAPERING 211FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement furnished or unfurnished, rent very Mercer of Maoon, Ga., and toe University of Ctollforala at Los Johfiion and Henry were hampered CH with all Improvements, and ga­ low. Ovmer loavlhg town. Tele­ against William nnd Mary wwS Angeles, Washington against Idaho by injuries but they gave a good H enry ...... Ferguson Manchester and Oregon state agalns,t Montana. PAINTINQ, PAPER HANGING rage. Inquire 172 Charter Oak St phone 3876. handed toe midshipmen a 6-0 set- display as did Tierney when he ;.*e- LM Evening Herald and kalsomlning done at reason­ Ueved Johnson.. Henry waa slow to J. R ooney ...... M um ing TO RENT —SEVERAL desirable OR able prices. Estimate cheerfully FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ start. He found toe Rangers right CLASSIFIED given. TelephoM 6064. five, six and seven room houses, wing a little too clevei in toe first E nrico ...... M iller ment at 64 Birch utreet luquire at single and double; also heated IR ADVERTISEMENTS 47 Cottage street half but he revereed ma'ters In the Apartments. Apply Edward J. Hell BRIDGES AGAIN MISSES second when he practically bottled Austin ...... M cDonald Coant els aTsras* words to * lios. REPAIRING 23 Phone 4642 and 8026. them 0* of toe plctu.e. All the CF Isltlala numbers and abbrsviatlons I FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM down­ forwards played well. ’There was A . R ooney ...... M ackay saob oouBt as a word and oompound MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum stairs flat all improvements, rea- FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat IL words as two words Minimum cost Is oieaner, wasning mabnine, gun, less heaitauon In going for toe ball prios of thrss llnss sonkble rent. Inquire 86 Rusaell single house, all improvement!, NO-HU PITCHING FEAT and toe inside men, benefiting by Leslie, Sullivan .■.•••••••• Thorpe look repairing, key making. Braith- Lins rates per day for transient s tre e t garage If deslrid. 16 Homestead toe advice given in these columns, OL •6s ^ ___ walte, 62 Pearl street etreet. Telephone 7091. came back arr' harassed the oppos­ Goals for Manchester. Enrico, J. ■SeetlTe Manh iV, teat ^ FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, Caab Obarse I coat him a no-hlt gxme affalnit ing half-backs. ’ . ^ Rooney; for Rangers. Salmonson at- 689 Center street modem im­ WgihlBfton. 6 Consecutive Days ...| 7 eisi • ets COURSES AND CLASSES 27 The senlo elevens did not fare at (own goal). Rsferee J. Bardosa. t Conseoutlve Days ••I • oj* tJ JJ" provements and garage. Inquire LEGAL NOTICES 78 Hnrb Shntont Ball for Eight Jost Mieses Again BEAUTY CULTURE—Bam While 591 Center street All orders tor Irreaular Insertions AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Early this eeaeon he huried one will be obaraed at the one time rats learning. Details free. Hartford at Manoheat«r, within and for tha Inoingt, Then GWei Two hit conteati agaloit St. Louie and mile handicap run In New York A. Special rates tor lone term every Academy of Halrdreeslng, 698 Main FOR RENT—FOUR room tene­ District ot Manohestar, on tha tSd the Senators and yesterday he C. m eet. day advertising given upon request. ment, first floor, all improvements, Ads ordered tor three or els days etreet, Hartford.______day of Saptembar, A. D„ 1883. planked toe Browne again without Week End Sports and stopped before tbe tblrd or flttb at 170 Oak street, rent |20. Inquire Preaant WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Baq.. Siiiglos in 4th Attempt; a blow for 8 1-S Innlngi, before Sam day will be charged only tor the ac­ Maples Matumity Home. Judffo. Woat, too “vUlain’’ on a prevloua oc- By The A. P. BACKED BY LONEROAN. tual number ot times the ad appear­ BONDS—STOCKS— Estata ot Dennia J. McCarthy lata ot Manohastar, in latd Diatrict, da caalon, and Art Schareln found him ' Rfu^"g ed charging at the rate earned, but FOR RENT-THREE, FIVE and A’s Root Senators, Bo^ Washington, Sept 26.—(AP) — no allowance or refunds can be made MORTGAGES 811 oaaaed. for aliiglea. Tommy’a two bit hurl­ Havre De Grace, Md—Sun Archer six room tenemente, with all mod­ On motion of Mlnnla McCarthy Ths administration’s plans to spsnd on sis time ads stopped after the ing brought the Tigers a 2-1 vic­ wine Potomac handicap and 88,100 &tth day. WANTED TO OBTAIN loan of em improvements. Inquire at 147 executrix. ORDERED:—That alz month! from ton Tops Yanhs; (Sants tory in toe first game of a double- beating Swallow and (Jolden Way. 875,000,000 tq buy up surplus farm No “till forbids" i asplay lines not 83,000, amply secured by first East Center street or Phone 7864. the 23d day ot September, A. D.. 1938 header and they went on to cleanup G olf product, hogs, beef, produce and sold. mortgaige on real estate. Address Tbe Herald will not be reaponslbls be and the same are limited and al­ with a 5-2 triumph in the after- Areola, N. J.—Clare beato Good­ cotton, for distribution to toe unem­ tor more than one Incorrect Insertion FOUR ROOM TENEMENT; threu lowed for the eredltora within which leoe as Carl Fischer allowed oply Box X Y Z, Herald. Split With Braves. win at sixth extrf hole to capture ployed finds a firm supporter in ot any advertisement ordered tor room apartments, at 38 Mapid to bring In their claim; against aald ve blows. more than one tlms estate, and the said executrix la di­ S Arcela Invitation. . . Senator Lonergan. street. Six room tenement garage. The PhUadelpbla AtoleUcs had The Inadvertent omission ot inoor' HELP WANTED— rected to give public notice to tbe Baseball During bis term in toe House, he root publication ot advertising will be School etreet Telephone 6517. oredltore to bring In their clalme By HUGH S. FULLERTON, JR. romp at toe expense of A1 Crowder Detroit.—Bucky Harris resigns supported the plan to distribute rectified only by oanoellatlon of the FEMALE within said time allowed by posting and two successors and batted an charge made tor tbe service 'endered. a cop> of this order on the public A. P. Sports Wrttor M Detroit Hgers manager. farm board wheat through toe Red All advertisements must conform FOR RENT—LILLEY STREET, sign poet nearest to tha place where 11-4 victory over Wiuttilngton’i General Croea. Since entering toe senate WANTED— EXPERIENCED girl near Center, first floor modem five- Final returns on tbe Major Amerlcim league champions. The in style, copy and typography wltb the deceased last dwelt within aald Lob Angeles.—Perry retains Pa­ he has written the President and regulations enforced by tbe publish' for general housework. 101 Chest­ town and by publishing the aama In League baseball season won’t be in room apartment; outlet for electric Soaton Red Sox beat the second cific southwest tennis title, beating the secretary of agriculture eug- ers and they reserve the right to nut street or telephone 4971. stove; garage. Inquire 21 Biro. some newspaper having a circulation for another week but Yoimg Tommy >lace New York Yankees 10-8 In edit, revise or rejeot any copy con In said probate district, within ten Satoh, 6-4, 1-6, 6-3, 7-6. gesting such a program be carried Phone 5661. Bridges of toe Detroit Tigers has a game which produced 18 bits, nine sldared objeotlonabla days from the date of this order, and clinched toe crown as toe year’s New York—Seambla wins six o u t CLOSINQ HOURS—Classified ads to HELP WANTED— return make to this court of the no­ errors and 15 walks. be published same day must be re­ tice given. hard-luck | ^ ’ without further The Chicago White Sox and ceived by IS o'clock noon: Saturdays MALE OR FEMAJ^E IMODEIRN FIVE room lower flat at WILLIAM 8. HYDE argument. Bridges has made four Cleveland Indiana divided a twin- 10:80 a. m. Oak Place. Telephone 5556. Judge. lirallsuit efforts to add his name to H-i-25-38. bill, collecting a total of SO hits. The TELEPHONE YOUR WANTED— BY EXPERIsi^ED the list of no-hit pitobing notables Sox won the opener 8 to 7, and the W A N T AD S. woman, postion aa cook, or gen­ FOR RENT—4 ROOM TENEMENT AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD and each time ’las failed by the ;[ndians came back to hammer out a j m slimmest of margins. His troubles Ads are accepted ovei tbe telephone eral housework. References fur­ all Improvements, centrally locat­ at Manchester, within and for the 12-6 triumph. at the CHAKGR RATH given above nished. Write Herald, Box A B C ed. Available Oct. 1. Tel. 6854. Ap­ Plstrtct of Manohes.er, on the 13d started last year when a plnch-hlt Chicago 'and Cincinnati let the as a oonvenience to advertisers, but day of September, A. D., 193L by Dave Harris In toe ninth inning ply 701 Main street present WILLIAM 8. HYDE.'Efq., iltebers have their say for the Na- a tfswejj -,> a ' tbe CASH RATBb will be accepted as lonal league as they divided a pair FULL PAYMENT It paid at the busi­ SITUATIONS WANTED— Judge. G s a a G E - ness office on or before tbe seventh FOR RENT—TWO THREE and Estate of Adule Oerrard late of of games. Charley Root’s five hit day followl.ng tbe first insertion ot FE M A LE 38 four room furnished or unfumlehed Manchester, In said Dletrlet, deoeaa- LEGAL NOTICES 78 pitching led the Cubs to a 7-1 tri­ each ad otherwise the CHARGE ed. apartments. Manchester Construc- On motion of Henry Bengston umph in tbe opener and Cincinnati r a t e will be collected. No responsi­ MIDDLE AGED woman would like AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD bility for errors In telephoned ads Uon CM. Tel. 4131 or 4369. executor won 1-0. position as housekeeper. Prefers ORDERED:—That six months from at Manchester, within and for the will be assumed and their accuracy district pf Manobeeter. on the 28d Gianta Split Even cannot bo guaranteed. good home. Write Box O, Herald. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement on the 23d day ot September, A. D., 1938, New York’s Giants won their first be and the same are limited and al­ day of September. A. D., 1983. Wadsworth street, wltb garage. lowed for the creditors within which Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq.. game since they clinched the Na­ IN D E X OF Judge. ' . tional league title by scoring four POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 Adults. Tel. 4298. to bring In their claims against aald CLASSIFICATIONS estate, and the salt executor Is di­ Estate of Emily W. Pitkin late of runs in toe tenth inning of the first rected to give public notice to the Manchester In said district, deceased. Births • ••#•••• oAHO •••••••• o JM* • • AiXEN'S ROASTING ducka live TWO OF OUR BEST three room Upon application of Frederick W. game with Boston to beat a three fi••••• e ere s • « Shamrock Farm, 195 Spencer Company opposite High scbool. at Manchester, within and for the Dizzy Dean in toe second game. District of Manchester, on the 23d before September 26, 1983. and by Garages—Service—Storage street, telephone 6437. posting a copy of this order on the Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... rr FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM down­ day of September, A. D., 1938. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 18 Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Esq., public sign post in said Town of BnslBCSs sad Professional Ssrvlees stairs flat, wltb gaiage, all im­ Judge. Manchester, at least five deys before FUEL AND FEED 49-A Estate of Charlea O. Treat late of the day of said hearing, to appear If FOR RENT Business Services Offered ...... provements, 29 Walker street. they see cause at said time and place Household Services Offered....IS-A Telephone 8437. Manchester, In aald Diatrict,, dacaaa- Building—Contracting ...... 14 ? / 17 wood, cut to order. C. A. Stays. sections ot t^e town, modem five to thib Court for allowance, it la It win be worth your time to (BEAD THE STORY, ’ ’HEN COLOR THE PIOTUBB) Insurance ...... 16 Dial 3149. and six room tenemeuta from $18 ORDERED:—That the 80th day of H-9-25-33.______look at this house before renting. Millinery—Dressmaking ...... II September, A. D., 1938, at 9 o'clock, Six rooms, steam heat, new elec­ The wildcat jumped high in the nearest tree. With floppy’s hslp Moving—Trucking—Storage ..« ID per month up. Arthur A. Knofla. forenoon, at the Probate Office, In a t a COURT OF PROBATE HELD m boost you. You can sit out on Painting—Papering ...... wu - II Telephone 6440 or 4869. •aid Manchester, ba Snd tha same la at Manchester, within and for the tric light fixtures, floors like new, air and growled rw loudly. What Professional Services ...... 88 GARDEN—FARM^ assigned for a hearing on the allow­ diatrict of Manobfster, on the 83d newly papered and painted, new a scare it gave all of toe Tinlea. a limb. Repairing ______(••••••esses day of September. A. D., 1983. "Of course, toe wildcat too, can DAIRY PRODUCTS 60 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, ance of aald account with aald estate, Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Beq., shades, garage, centrally located. “Someone save me,’’ Dotty cried. Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning at 14 Edgerton street, all modem and this Court directs tha executors “1 am as frightened as can be. climb, but he will have an awful Toilet Goods and S erv ice...... sd to give public notice to all persona Judge. time. As soon as he gets near you, Wanted—Business Service 86 Improvements, five minutes to Trust Estate of* Lester W. White 826JH) P er M onth. n i bet he’s coi^hg'after me. Ob, interested therein to appear and ba u-w of Suaan J. Tryon late ot Man I will throw some rocks at him.” Bdneatlonal NATIVE GRAPES for sale. Call at mills. Telepbona 8801. heard thereon by publishing a copy g^, I wish there was a cave near­ • • • Courses sno Classes • • • • •• • 17 60 Oak street. of this order In soma newspaper hav' Chester In said district, deceasefi. by where I could bide.’’ Upon applIeaMoB ^ Estella JL E. T. McKinney Just then they heard a wee voice Prlvats Instruction ...... 88 FOR RENT—TWO 4 ROOM tene­ Ing a circulation In said District, on White, Trustee, prgylng that an al Then Scouty grabbed her by the Dsocing «'e«. . . «^. 8S-A ments, newly paintea inexpensive. or before September 25, 1988, and by Tel^hone 6280 shout "Hey, what’s too scramble Musical—Dramstio 39 posting a copy of thia order on tha lowance be granted out of eald «*t^* hxnri and shouted, "Goodness sakes, Wanted^^Instructlon .....••'«••« 80 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Apply 178 Spruce etreet for the support of said Leetar W. don't stand around like that. Run all about?" You Tlnymltes are public algn pcs' In tha Town where White as per application on file, It Is PlBaaelal the deceased last dwelt, five days be some place. I will help you all I 'fraldy cats. You’re eafe as safe 20 square FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS tenement ORDERED:—^hat tfie foregoing Bonds—Stocks—Mortgsgss • • • 81 FOR SALE—CHEAP, fore said day of hearing and return application be heard and determined can. as can be. Buslnsss Opportunltlss ...... 88 yards new Unoloum, green aad of four rooms, with all improve­ make to tble Court. at the Rrobate Office In Manobeeter “Tbe wildcat you are running Monsy to L o a n ...... 88 WILLIAM B. HYDE I’d fight tbe wildcat If 1 could, ivory block, In one piece, never ments. Apply 81 Birch street'or In said Dletrlet, on the ttHb day of FOR RENT but fighting him would do no good. from is emart but you are rather Uslp BBd gltBBttOBa Judge. September, A D., 1931, at 9 o'clock used. Call 5666. telephone 6806. H -9- l 6- 8t. He’s much too big.’’ Then off boto dumb. The beaat Is merely D o, “jy, Hslp Wanted—Femals 81 In tbe forenoon, and> that notie* b« 5-ROOM FLAT as you now can plainy see." Help Wanted—Mala • ••••sddd 86 DELMONT STREET, near Main, 6 given to all persone Interested In said be and little Dotty Tan. Salesmen Wanted ...... 86-A FOR SALE)—MEDIUM sixe cook •state of the pendency of . said appll- s e e Then Duncy took too wildcat’s Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 87 rooms, all Improvementa. Dial On Nttrih Dm Street range, condition. Apply 179 and the time and place of Seared Goldy was tbs next to bead off bis shoulders. ■ "Tbirei’’ Agents Wanted eeseeeeeddSdPPldd 87-A Main street, evenings. 4618. bearing thareon, by pubuehtng Situations Wsntsd—F em ale...... 88 Heat, Light and Garage Fur­ yell. Said she, “Won’t someone he'said, “1 dressed up just to scare copy or this order la semo you and you all fell for tbe trick.” Situations Wsntsd—Mala 88 HERE IS AN IDEAL flat for cou­ Thought haVlaz a eiroulatloB la said distrtet nished. Price Beasonzble. kindly tell me what to doT I can’t Employment Agsnelss ...... 60 oa er''before------Bepteatber If, llfl, aad run n r ’cause I am all tired out. Then old PoU Parrot cried, LIvs Stoek—Pets—PealtiT—’▼•hfeles MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 33 ple, women or men at very reason­ by posting.a e«py of this order on Cheaper Rents of 4 rooms and "Blame me! I gave the suit to Dogs^^Blrds^^Psts “If that eat keeps on dashing able price, five rooms, improve­ tne’ publie effa pest in eald' town of him you lee. The way it made LiV) Stock—Vsblclss ...... FOR BALE-UPRIGHT piano in ments at |18. In first class condi­ Manchester, at Isast five days before 6 rooms each, on Charter Oak ’xound, X know 111 flop down on toe Poultry and Supplies ...... What7 BtaaO we receive goad at yoj run, 1 g u ^ the stunt worked WaPtsd — Pats—Poultry—ftoek good condition. Inquire 146 Center tion. Call this evening, 91 So. Main the band of God. and ihaD we not the day o f ’ aald hearlas. to appear if street, near Main street ground. Perba^, though, I can s tre e t they see oause at aaid time and Place scare him If X just stand bars and out real sUck.' Fei Sale—MlsesUaaeeas a treet receive evil 7—Job, ftlO. and be heard relative thereto, and Articles tot Sals make return t ^ b l s ^ r t PHILIP LEWIS sh o u t” nleeat Boats and Accsssorlss ...... “Don’t take a ohanoe,” said (The Times meet the The history of aU tbe world tells WILLIAM'B. BTDS Phene 8860 er 8862 Building Materials ...... um* WANTED TO BUT 68 FOR RENT—FURNISHED room . us that Immoral msanr win si Judsa. Windy, “flee, try olimUng up toe of all In the n est story.) Dismonds—Watobss—Jewelry .. H-e-if-fi’ ' Elsotriea) Appllaaess—Radio ... WANTED TO BUY eleetrle wash-' ^ u ir e at 88 Pearl street Intsrespt good ends.—Colsridgs. Fuel and k'ssd ...... OardsB — Farm—Dairy Produdts 10 lag ntocblne sad Ironer; also fire Household Goods II place screens. Telephone 4267. Bj HAMLIN Machinery and Todls •8 The Kfais ’bumps Alley’s Acet Musloal Instrumsntf 18 WANTED ’TO BITT dell earrtof e, In ALLEY OOF Offlos aad ftors HqolpmoDt flpeelalB at tb« Iteres...... good condition. Write Box L..M. Herald, stating dae. weaiins Apparel—Fore ...... 19 ■h e v . f o o z y / ^ WasUo—To Bny ...... 88 ir * - ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 69 CnEREf/iooK euwtsersst WHRTTHCVOONETO Rooms Without Board 88 Bosrdsrs WMMd 88 WANTED—TWO gentlemen room­ ■DINMV WHILE VUE Ooustry Bosrd—R«sorts ers, centrally located. Telephone S ASUEEPjJf’ Hotels—R«ftoarasts • e s's'ssessee 81 Wasted—Rooms—Beard ■(.....•a II 4545. Real Betete Fsi Rest Apartmeste, Ftote, Tenemente 88 BOARDERS WANTED 69-A Bnslaefe Loeatlons for Rest . . . 14 Houses ter Rest ...r...... 88 TWO ROOMS, TBACHBRg or Bnborbsa for dBSSBBBBBBra 81 lummerBumuMf HomeHdmes^M Rent ..««.«• others, board or Utobsn privilsgss Wanted to Rent • • t stsimssseom 8 horns atmospbsrs, gangs. Tsrms rsasonabls. 19 Autumn. TSlsphbne Apaitaent Bnlldtng for 8 6766. ______' Inslneee Property for Bel. sad bmd for Bale for I—* for. BOJO Mi.r. APABTMKNTS—FLAT8- for Balo ■.*•««■ TBNBMBNT8 68

99 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tsnsmsnt with ill modsrn improvsmsnts aad IM II VflttoM If fBgifl. XBguln Mi Lfwls stnst. rf-y ^•:v^ llANOHBSrBB EVl^NTNO HBRALD^ MANCHBOTBRtCONN- MONDAY, 8BFTEMBER 26,1988. By Gene Ahm i Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE SENSE and NONSENSE FtEM PROPPYe THg LOCAL iNVCNTlOft*

BSA*D,SNUFFY-*-! JUST TOO LATE NOW, ^ Patronize your home town etoree. Romantic Young Manp—Darling, rrs Tour home owned etore has far rm simply dying to kiss you. Just HAPPENED TO THINK—YOU KNOW» ■BUT MY AWICETO A ' more Interezt in eeeing ^ jet you wait till we've finished oiur cig- I HAVENt -DONE ANY BUSINESS ^UY BUVIN' UP A vsluo received then doee e stranger arets. b u s i n e s s ,IS T O P IC K SINCE I TC?dK OVER THVS PET STORE, or a poet office addreee* The Fellow Who Is Always Rais­ WITH THE EYCEPTION OF THAT 12 . ONE HE CAN EAT, U M E ing Sand for Somebody to do Some­ Artist—n i sdl you that picture PARROT I SOUD TO OFFICER MADDEN V A 06LICATESSEN, JUST IN thing, is Too Busy Raising Sand fo r 160. CASE THINGS GO rUN Kr Village Playhoy—No you wont. to Do It Himself. . OUTSIDE O F THA^T, 1 HAVEhh’ EYEN I l e a r n e d T H A T But m give you $10 for the ad­ 60JD A TIN OFPVSH FOOD^-UW-M- dress o f the modeL Salesman—Can you tell me what ONE TIME .WHEN 1 kind of a suit your father wears? thA BBSINNINS TO WONDER IF Boy—I don’t know whether to h a d ASTCRE AN'^WAS The Trouble With a QooA Many THIS IS A GOOD BOSIHCSS FOR M& call it a black suit with white TO pov*" 4^\Z IN TWO WEEKS-HrA-M*. l e f t s t u c k WTTH BOO^ ICarriages Is That He Picked a Girl stripes or a wdilte suit with black Basy on the Eyes Instead of One SOAP DUBBLE PIPES/ stripes. Who Was Easy on the Ears. The fellow who thinks good f Teacner—Junior, give the prin­ times, good times and dreams cipal parts of the verb, ‘swim.’ llfood times is sure to have good Junior—Swim, swam, swum. imes most of the time. Teacher — All right. Now try, *Dim.’ Oldest Inhabitant (to visitor)—I Junior—Dim, damn,—say, are you am 94 and I haven’t an enemy in kidding me? the world. Visitor—That’s a most beautiful The Worm Didn’t Use His Hoad thought. and the Fish Did Not Keep His Oldest Inhabitant—Yes, Thank Mouth Shut. . . Both Got the Hook. Qod, all of them died a long time Before marriage a man declares ago. he will be master of his home or Invading Soldiers Always Find know the reason why. After mar­ Wives, So This Forestry Army of riage he knows the reason why. Prudent Roosevelt May Start a Lot of Now Family Trees, Too. , What EvMy Millionaire Knows lives of great men all remind us Wc stake our lives sublime Top score for ssife flying in the not paying income taxes, U. S. Navy during 1932 was at­ Tet be innocent of crime. tained by Marine Fighting Plane Squadron 10-M This squadron-was Tliough our wealth be in six figures. presented with the Herbert Schiff And our stocks and bonds increase. Memorial trophy award. There are wrays to show huge losses, Letting us live tax free in peace. lapper a n n y s a y s F —« u.a.pAT.ofr. F Let us then be v f and doing. n^‘ O Pile up fortunes with a wham; Then we’ll hide behind the law and By John C. Terry Thumb our nose at Uncle Sam. M DKCHY SMITH No Chanres Taken Some People’s Idea of Being Good PeCENfTHAPPeNlNGS - to Their Chlldrra Seems to be to Brag on Their Own Kids and Run fSkorcku (DtS ck ih Capsoit Everybody Ease’s Down. /oho» tk i tra il that ike H------I epoar Jnelm sm £trdaim DOWN, JAKE \ Y ' Jasper—1 once loved a girl who •DOWN I Jl 1 made a fool out of me. tiMu Talm ty hTjarnir Judith—What a lasting impres­ a i d a e t a v ^ sion some girls make. a t Hyde—^Too bad about Blaine ^copcJty oisepP€S a aHamn Long going blind. What will he do o P a w eS K . c , for a living? geek—Oh, he’s in Chicago now— yth ikifw ett^ d ^ , they on the police force. a yfot a Utpktng ftffitp e - Desk Sergeant—So you say you T eapiitg a tt outcpg ofakt' are a college student? ihe-H im Phaniir lea prts Prisoner—^I am, sir. Arresting Officer—^He can’t be. aiU nct Jtcfn. I didn’t find a single subscription By Williams blank on him. WASHINGTON TUBS H By Crane OUT OUR WAY A young married man refers to MOO . % r ^ '



CTR.WiLliAMS, a p p l e V WRAPP80 S A e ^ * ? P s h v r T.: R.CHEt^VBeR.THA'T UP, (AlC'LLBE ow OUR OOPMj SA h I \* ’ TVi'BK5-RAce.1 (OELU.J I (OANMA RUN OVER. ■Rd XH' «?CABL.6S AN’ SPY JUST THIS------REMEKABCR AW, RUBBISH ! THOSE FELLAS TA-TA To sons OF TH ^ THOSE TWO FELLAS ISCAREO BEAT rr OUT OF TOWN~aDMT MA<3s (Oe Ra c e d a s a in CT. Z J t i y A I'LU OUT IN AWAY,e^l' HOLLERING AND WE SEE THEM ON THAT FRElGHTl "PfOt/SfiA/O T h e y a r d I PRETENDIMG WE WERE A TRAIN, WHEN WE WERE SMAC/eWeS /A/ >.%KH OF POUCEMEN? WELL. COMING BACK THAT 'Tffvn. WHV couLoyr t h e y be th e MORNING ? Tk»VrSAM C(/OA/ SAMCTWO (Ai’Tfta 6Root^ MEN?. sumeparAMts u ^ u/t SAM m/o cPfipcmY o s- cjt>a TB A f/8s leae/A/s-


/• O iem p^Tpi iJSSVi r- . .. -<•'• -•i-~' i*^ ' ■* »>•■-••• ''.» A • 1 y-:: I!H' 1^.". vV._*- ''_■ ' fw'i-lV ''^ t ' - '/ ' ^Ww"i .- I jg . • ■

ifotm a l IsvilpraotioM Buddhiimwai iratsB tau|^ ■ A fX U B ir W^AM Mrs. JuM* Rogtrs of R uM RALLY DAY PROGRAM and dead; Bocratas F.ERKEST WATKINS m U stroot b u returned home after SCORNS $100 FINE S:A.ma]TlVES phy but j’eaus Christ *wo\ght FRA1E CARD PARH spendlog a week at Highland I«ke, revealing himself and g iy ^ Bridgeton, Me. Her daughter Mias AT SOUTH M.LCHDRCH WINS BIG TROPHY WEDMXSDAT, BUPT. ST Haael Rogeia, and Stuart Wells of AT RAUY HERE s ia s o n io TBBIFLB Henry atrae’ were week-end guesta. FOR 10 DATS m bridge, faith being Pwada 8 p< nkf Ftftjlnff StU. Mr. Rogers u d his. sons, Bai^ Piipib Are Promoted to Higher usm of a ball of twine attached to a Hi PriBM> BflfrMhmeati S8o. James and Kenneth, and R. J. Claaeee — Blblee Given Pri­ kite that was seat over thf Niagara D U 0081 for BeoervmtlMM. Smith and Richard Ruddell, will re­ Captores Toamaoent at main week at the lake for the mary Graduates. CoL William C. ArnoU Leads] Rsdolph K nnifat Ghren , , pulling a smaU rope^ larger ro^ fid iln g. Rally Day and Promotion Day ex- . Shawiee^Delaware for erolses were held at the . church Miss Christine Choice — Man Caiight Senesof completed l^ridge. Faith in the ABOmjOWN M a rr and school session of the Bquth Metho­ operation of the kite was respon­ Shop, for Hutchisonon oof f Pine street attended dist Episcopal church at 9:89 on sible. he said for the building of the Higb Cm Score. A cMnic will be held tA the thee wedding of their niece. Miss Stealing Liqner Evidence. Simday morning. A Rally Day Gtadd. Niagara river bridge. health center on Haynes street at 9 Frances Bradley Hutchison, to Ar­ Pageant “The Gateway to ’Tomor­ Orellet’B Convwsion o’clock tomorrow morning. The thur Clinton Tylex of Bridgeport, row’’ was presented, and the follow­ He told of Stephen Grellet when F. Ernest Watkins of 202 South jnntithiy chest clinic will be held at Saturday evenhig. ’The ceremony ing pupils were ptomoted: From Colonel William C. Arnold of New he was a dare-devil young man at­ street for many years Man­ “ Blue Given his choice between a ten- 9 o’clock Wednesday morning, in­ took place at the First Caiurch of the Beginners Department to the York, and Adjutant u d Mrs. Wil­ tached to the court of I^uis XVI at chester’s trap shooter was high gun Christ in Enfield, followed by a re­ day jail sentence and a flOO fine, Primary Department: Raymond stead of tomorrow. liam G. Harris of the Territorial the time when Royalists were hung Saturday at the Atlantic Indiana ception and sup]^r dance for 200 Rudolph Kurapkat of 251 Lydall Lewis, Charles Holman, Betty on convenient lampposts on the headquarters were the guests of the trapshooting tournament at Shaw­ The CJommunlty Flay,ers will Judd guests at the Greenfield Country street chose the former pe^ty Skewes, Shirley Perrett, Haden streets of Paris. With throe loaded nee-on-the - Delaware. Shooting their first fall business meeting and aub. The bride attended the Bum- Fuller, Chester Small, Charles Senk- local Salvation Army Corps during pistols in his pockets he said: “Let Eagle when tried in local Poiice Court this against both pros and amateurs he social this evening at 8 o’clock at ham school and Smith College. Mr. beU, Donna Boyd, Doris Wlganoski, the week-end rally of the corps them touch mo and I’ll plug them.’ took the 81.000 trophy * ^ e Signal ’Tyler was graduated from Wesley­ morning on a charge of driving Alice Plercy, ’ Eleanor Henderson their clubrooms in the Balch a xmder the infiuence of liquor. The wMch brought out one of the larg­ He survived and came to Philadel­ of Peace” which goes to the winner Brown building. ^ group of i an Universltj; and Yale Law school. and Shirley Warren. est attendances of the corps in re­ phia and read the book written by fact that he had only 88 in his pos­ From the Primary Department to of this event members of the OTastonbury session probably helped him to niake cent months. ’The series of meetings William Penn, “No Cross, No During the past several winters matlc club wiU be guesta lUss Mi«« Elsie Benge of New York the Junior Department: Robert begian Saturday evening with a Crown.’’ The book opened his eyes Specials” up his poind to accept conflnemenu Hamilton, Samuel Little, Robert Mr. Watkins has followed his hobby Ruth Smith, secMtary; President City spent the week-end with herj largely attended open air meeting and he. accepted Christ. He render­ on the Florida trapshooting ranges, mother, Mrs. Emma Bengs of Main Costs of court amoimted to 820.79, Hillman, Sydney Thrall, Charles Karl Keller, and Richard Owere, which will increase the sentence on Mitin street in which the band ed wonderful service in Philadelphia always finishing with the leaders in of the program commit­ street. Garrow, Wesley Keeney, Henry and corps nMmbers took an during the plague and later became tw enty days, Einless paid. Wittke, Norman Stevenson, Edward all events. / this week tee, are in charge. Kurapkat, who is employed on a important part' a missionary to Alaska, winning Captain Ruth Wadde of Sunset McManus, Willard Cole, Ernest During the street meeting Satur­ tobacco farm in Enfield, was ar­ Duke, Kenneth Ferguson, Chris­ thousands of souls. St Mary’s Girls’ Friendly society Rebekah drill team entertained the day night a stranger accost^ Band­ The principal address was given at Hale's members at her home Friday eve­ rested at 9:50 o’clock last mght on topher Glenney, Robert Gordon, will hold its regular meeting this Parker street by officer Raymond master David Addy, requesting the by Colonel Arnold who spoke from DR. O. M. PABfUBB ning. At a brief business meeting Gordon Gibson, Prances Gates, Shir­ evening at 7:80 in the parish house. Griffin. He pleaded guilty before leader to play a certain number. He the appropriate Tlianksgiving scrip­ DENTIST it was voted to organize and the ley Bidwell, Dorothy Chambers, Judge Raymond A. Johnson and his told the bandmaster that he bad ture, "Enter into His gates with relephone 54 Pratt Street following officers were elected Anna McKeown, Muriel Scranton, The meeting of the 4-H club. Orig­ attorney, George C. Lessner, made a been a deputy bandmaster of the Thanksgli^g, and His courts with 6-8498 Hartford, Ct inal Challengers, which was to have President, Ml— Emily Kissmann; Elsie Aspinwall, Eleanor Anderson, You Can Do YOUR| plea for leniency, pointing out the Shirley Webb, Gertrude Nealey, Savation Army in Kent, England. Praise.’’ He told of an old custom Dentistry that will please yon, been held tomorrow evenly, hM vice president. Miss Beatrice Clu< flniuinial predicament of his client. On Simday morning a parade of that is still observed in a mine in at a price yon can afford to pay. 'been advanced to tonight Itwm be low; secretsjy. Miss Geneva Pent- Ruth Beebe, Norma Brock, Ruth Swipes Wine From Lock-up Heritage, Dorothy Irwin, Nancy members of the Simday school, Calgary, Alberta. At the close of Part Under The held at 7:80 at the home of Miss land and treasurer. Miss Margaret To James Hall of Wadsworth headed by the band and attended by the day the miimrs emerge from Beattie. Games and a luncheon fol­ Hubbard, Grace Lewis, Priscilla Per­ Ruth Lussler of Spencer street street goes the palm for daring. Mr. ris, Betty Crawford, Dorothy some of thb senior members was their perilous laoors in the depths lowed. ’The team won first prize N R A By Hall being haled into court on - Keeney; Inez Hampton, Miriam held. There were 110 in line and the of the mine singing, “Nearer, My The Epworth League of the last year, and second this year in charge of stealing wine that has Moseley, Erie Porterfield, Ruth Sunday school which followed was God, to Thee,’’ and finishing with South Methodist church will meet field day contests with other Re­ been stored at the police station, Skewes, Virginia, Chadwick, Elsie composed of 167 pupils. “Praise God from whom all bless­ tonight at 7:45 with Miss Mae bekah teams. In recognition of pending the outcome of CarmeJo Wetherell, Ernestine Wilkie, Jean Speaks To Children ings flow.’’ Morlarty of 48 Hamlin street Mrs. Waddell’s efficient work as Lombardo’s appeal to the Superior Holmes, Beatrice Cole, Shirley Wor­ Following the Simday school par- . Commenting on the ingrratitude of ^buying NOW (and SAV-I captain, the young women present­ Court. Hall was caught when he den, Margaret McCormick. A Bible ace, Adjutant William G. Harris' of people who have plenty and still ING) as prices are Several of the members of ^ p - ed to her a* handsome bag and key entered the basement and took two was presented to eoich of these pu­ the New York staff spoke to the complain he quot^ St. Paul who bound to be higher due man Court went to Stamford t<^y case. children and gave them interesting said, “I have all things and abound, bottles of the liquor. His case was pils. to the new labor code| to attend the supper and “ eetog continued until tomorrow morning From the Junior Department to accounts oZ his experiences while ftian “ I have learned in w hatsoever T u e sd a y 's of the new court in that city, A special meeting of the Man­ on the petition of his attorney, the Intermediate Department: Alice serving as a Seilvation Army Inia- state I am therewith to be content” and working hours. occasion is the official visit of ttie chester Pipe Band has been called Juuge William S. Hyde. Barlow, Isabelle Heritage, Emma slonary in Java. He told the story Features of the meetings were Grand Royal Matron and her staff. for tonight at the Orange Hall at Booked on charges of theft, Uoyd Lou Kehler, Muriel McConkey, Edna of a dog and horse, two animals the fliie lyric tenor solos of Colonel S p ecia ls 7:80 p. m. All members of the Wilson, age 18, of Woodland street, Wuerdlg, Marjorie Inman, Anna Mae which had a natural hatred for one Arnold, the wonderful piano tech­ ^ buying at NRA stores. Ruth Malone of M t band are requested to be present. and Richard H. Black, age 17, of Krob, Dosothy Anderson, Barbara another. The dog had always scat­ nique displayed by Mrs. Harris and I N. Y., spent the week-end with Miss Cumberland street, had their case Ewen, EJvelyn Senkbell, D oris R oyce, tered the hay and grain in the man­ her exceUent voice, also the happy FREE! A one-pound package And buying as much as Ruth Behrend, of Walnut street Mrs. Ethel Wlckes, leader of the continued until tomorrow morning, Marlon McKeown, Ruth V. Smith, ger when he found the horse out in testimonies of Colonel Gerberich. of CONFECTIONERS’ Sugar YOU can with faith that Miss Malone and Miss Behrend were Amaranth drill team, has called a when Bleujk will be defended by Helen Colegrove, Alice Prey, Mar­ the fields, and on one occasion, Brigadier and Mrs. Bates of Hart­ with as the nation prospers | classmates at ’Tufts College. rehearsal for tomorrow evening at Judge Hyde. Black and Wilson guerite Cole, aara Fish, Shirley whgn the ofgcer had taken a long ford also took part in the meetings. 6 o’clock at the Temple. were arrested yesterday by Captain Robinson, Doris Wright, Nellie ride on horseback and had found the Tomorrow there will be two ses­ Hale’s Supreme so will you proqier. Memorial Temple, Pythian Sisters, Herman Schendel and Officer Burnham, Dorothy Read, Carl dog tired and a long way from the sions of Officer’s CouncUs and at will hold its regular meeting tomor­ A son, Donald Bror, was bom to Rudolph Wirtalla, after Mr. and Ackerman, John Hamilton, Theodore camp, attempted to pick up the night a large public meeting with row evening at 8 o’clock in Odd Fel­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Undberg of Robbins, Samuel ’Taggart, Frederick QOg and carry him back on the officers and soldiers from nearby COFFEE Mrs. Carl Herrick of Cumberland .buying NOW you can I low s hall. Brooklyn, N. Y., on ’Thursday, Sept street had notified police that close Waldo, Howard Wilson, Lester horse. The horse sensed his presence corps, with possibly a from 21. Mr. Undberg is the son of Mr. Lockwood, Sherwood Tedford, Har­ and would not move toward camp. New Haven taking part. The pub­ still take advantage of| Mrs. Richard Wright of 67 Pearl to 8100 worth of jewelry had been 2 9 * i b . and Mrs. S. A. Undberg of Myrtle stolen from their home while they old Gates, Robert McCormick, Mar­ Adjutant Harris used this illus­ lic is cordially invited to attend. low prices as many f street was pleasantly surprised dur­ s tre e t tin Ca^dy, Mervln Cole, Paul tration to show the boys and girls ing the week-end, by a number of were on vEicatlon. A most delectable blend of “Blue Eagle” specials I Watch Stolen Davis, Russell Duke, William Ford, how their lives might be spoiled by her friends from Hartford and this coffee for the most fastldions were purchased last I Mr. and Mrs. Herrick returned Earl Hxmt, Robert Salters, Earl Cal­ little animosities and urged them to Bz*r««a town, who held a party at her home vert. Kenneth Wigren, ’Theodore BOSTON lovers of the world’s miost pop­ summer before prices I LEGHHi AUXILIARY last Thursday and Mrs. Herrick dis­ be agreeable and pleasant in their Llnonaliiea to ular beverage. to celebrate her birthday. She re­ watch, valued at W oodward. dealings with one another. .• e Trlpo Ualjy advanced. ceived many beautiful and useful | From the Intermediate Depart­ In the Holiness meeting at 11 Round Trip SS.SO STAFF APPOINTED I »d co t ment to the Young People’s Depart­ Loam Center Country Roll g ifts. ____ JU1 ni 1 Mill IMS/ I missing. -PoUce sus­ o’clock. Colonel Arnold spoke on Travel Bn>ean pected Black and he was arrested at ment: Doris Little, Evelyn Borst, giving, not bit by bit, but unrer 488 Main St The Permanent Armistice Day I his home late yesterday afternoon. Alice Mason, Jane Sonniksen, Mil­ servedly, to the service of God. He Mnneheater Committee will hold the first meet­ TeL 7007 B u tter Mrs. Mary Brosnan, President Earlier he left a football game at dred Beebe, Florence Cordner, Elsie illustrated his subject by telling a ing of the year tomorrow night at of Hartford District, An the north end in a hurry when the Schaeffer, Ruth Woodward, Doris story of a young wonoan of his ac­ ETOSZtlTTCHiOIIBni 8 o’clock in the Army and Navy Whltehouse, Lucille Russell, Eloise nounces Her Assistants. police sought him there. quaintance who was a member of club. Plans for th" annual observ­ Black confessed to the theft and Duke, Blrglnia Ryan, Myrtle Lalne, ^e Corps in Toronto. She offered 2 lbs. 4 3 * Eleanor Gordon, Ruth Dowd, Earl ance of Armistice Day will be made implicated WUson in his story. The herself for missionary service any­ Mrs. Mary Brosnan, president of Hampton, Winslow McLoughlln at this meeting. John A. Holz- stolen watch had been smashed be­ where but China, but it so happened Good for table or cooking. helmer of 8^. Lilac street is chair- | the* Hartford District, American Le­ James Edwards, Earl Moore. Edwin gion Auxiliary, has appointed her yond repair and the other pieces of that to China she was sent. SCHALLER’S man of the committee. Gill, Malcolm Barlow, Earl Judd She went rather unwillingly to Large Size official staff for the ensuing year. jewelry were sold in Hartford for a Nelson Richmond, and Russell Len trifling sum. Both Black and Wil­ China, but one day as the boat on WINDOW St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Mrs. Minnie A. Carrington, of 15 non. ’Trumbull street, was appointed sec­ son were released under bond of which she was sailing to that for- CIDER MILL Members of , the Cradle Roll of Isabella, will meet tomorrow 8200 each, furnished by their par­ elgn land touched at a port on , the , R in se evening at 7:80 with Mrs. John retary, and Mrs. Olive M. Chartier, eligible for graduation were pro SHADES of 69 Starkweather street, was se­ ents. moted to the Beginners Department way, and as the boat was about .to OPEN TUBS., THURS. Fine Holland Shades, made to Lappen of 44 Cone street. A social . Daniel Krauss, of Hartford, who resume its voyage she Interpreted ' for the members will follow the lected as i^dac committee chairman. in June, and no promotions were order, and hong on your A The following committees were was arrested for reckless driving, the commands of the ship’s officers: AN D SAT. 2 pbgs. 3 7 * windows ooiqplete ...... made at the exercises on Sunday for business. ■ All is clear" and “AU is well” as a announced by President Mary. Bros­ following an accident at Center and that department. Lim it 8 packages to a ous- New Rollers, 16o Extra. Pine streets Friday night, was personal command to go on and do Sweet Cider For Sale The regular meeting of the aux­ nan, auxlUary, for the coming year: tom er. Send post card, we will oaD Secretary, Minnlng Carrington, granted a continuance until ’Thurs­ her best in the Orient. iliary to Anderson-Shes Post, V. F. At the Mill. wltii samples. Manchester; sergeant-at-arms, Mar­ day morning. Center Park Service W., will be held at tiie State Arm­ \m AND NAVY CLUB ’The afternoon service was held in Freab, Crisp ory tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock garet Palmer, East Hartford; color 352 W oodland Street CAPITOL bearer, E, Porker, New Britain! God’s own cathedral on the slopes sharp. A social time with refresh- APPLIES FOR SALT PORK of Center Park hiU. ’The band at " Telephone* 6432 WINDOW SHADE CO. menu will follow the business. memorials, Agnes Pander, Plain- ELECTS EDW. H. KEENEY SPINACH 46 Capon Street Hartford ville; music and uniforms, Emma this service was the largest seen advertisement — Ganner, ThompsonvUle; jfmior girls this season and a fine program of and community service, Ann Dunkel- FOR CHARin PURPOSES! Annual Meeting Held On Sat­ music was played during the after­ noon service. ’The Songsters brigade Mr. and Mrs. William Kronlok of berger, Wethersfield; Pidac, OUve urday Night — Clarence R. p * '- ’The WUrose Dress are on a two day Chartier, Manchester; constitution was also well represented and selec­ 15 * G. H. WaddeH Seeks Federal Martin Retires. buying trip to New York. and by-laws, Ruth Pfennig, Bristol; tions by the girls and the male Fresh, crisp Savoy spinadh. Allottment for Distribution quartet. Colonel Arnold spoke of the RehabUltation, Sophia Duffy, Hart­ Edward H. Keeney, of 440 KeenCy FILL.S FnU, S-pound peck. ford; unit activities, Agnes Hoffman, to Needy Families. beautiful surroundings and made street, insurance and real estate reference to the spot. DEVELOPED AND MANCHESTER New Britain; poppies, Marion Cox, agent, was elected president of the M dn tosh East Hartford; child welfare, Mary George H. Waddell, charity com­ After the evening open air meet­ PRINTED Army and Navy club at the annual ing at the post office, at which 100 Atlantic Rayolite Engstrom, West Hartford; trophies missioner for tiie town of Manches­ meeting of the club Saturday night. 24 HOUR SERVICE Y. M. C. A. and awards, Agnes Welles, Hart­ ter has made application for an al­ soldiers attended, a stirring march A p p le t Clarence Wetherell of 128 Wells brought the company to the citadel CordiaUy In^tee ford; national defense, Florence lotment of salt pork from the Fed­ street was re-elected vice-president, for the final meeting of the day. The Film Deposit Box At RANGE Laughlln, Simsbury; membership, eral government. ’The amount Peter Fry, ’Treasurer and Arthur Store Entrance. EVERYBODY Edwlna McCabe, Windsor; Ameri­ baU was fuU and the Songsters specified in the application was Keating, secretary. marched to their positions, two by To Drop Into canism, Ada Wollenberg, Farming- based on the monthly average con­ Clarence R. Martin, retiring presi­ 4 2 3 * two, down the aisles to the plat­ OIL ton; World War orphan education, sumption of meat by families on the dent of the club was given a rising Large size, sound apples. Full. form . Regular users of this oU claim Catherine King, Windsor Locks; charity list as of the month of vote of thanks by the assembled KEMP'S 4-qnart baskets. ChUdren love The Main Street tliey have foimd none better. Adjutant Harris in bis prelimin­ legislative, Jane Rogers, UnionvUle; August. club members having served effi­ them and they’re good for them, radio, Harriet Collins, Glastonbury; ary talk to the corps members, Under 15 gallons. .lOVzc gal. ciently for tin past two years. statefi that Hlndooism was full of tool ______Fair pubUclty, Besslo Edllson, Berlin. Two members of the Board of Over 15 gallons... 8VzC gaL Colonel WUUam C. Arnold of New York will be in charge of the Governors were elected for terms of Y. M. C. A. ADVERTISE3MBSNT— meeting this evening at 8 o’clock two years, Frank Cervlnl and ‘Health Market*' L T. WOOD CO. Order Cannel Coal for your fire­ at the Salvation Army citadel. Arthur McCann. Members of the North Main Stroet 51 BIlMU Street le l. 5495 place from G. E. Willis Sc Son, Inc. Many from this and other towns Membership comnoitteo elected were Electric Specials Tuesday, September 26, Tel. 5125. are expected. Otto Sonnickson, Robert Hathaway and William Keating; entertain' Refrigerator 5 to 11 Po M. ment committee, David Galligan, Wednesday, September 27, Ernest Ubert and Victor Bronke; For Expert auditors, James Wylie and R. D. PORK 8 on McCann. Service EARLY The club voted to eontributs CaU 5680 CHOPS DELIVERY 15.00 to the NRA expense account 8 A . M. P I N E H U R S T ■>•>• 4IS5 and 816 to the Manchester Public Health Nursing Association. Antboriisd Friglflalre 8«rv. Refreshments were served follow lod-Buui, with 10 year# WELCH’S ’WITAMIN PROTBCTED” praotloal sxparieiics. 1 5 * Pinehurst Ing the business xnsstlnf. Barash, toen pork chops from LAMB CHOPS T o m a t o J u ic e NRA SIGNERS KEMP*S,Ine. govenunsBt Inspsetod porkent Tbs addition of five slidfBsn over V ea l Stew pound A S ® bottle the wsek-snd brought tbs total number of local Blue Eagl# om- Tender Chops cat from DeLnxe Lsiiibs. 8 for 490. BiBde from mm-rlpeiied tomatoes. ploysrs to 685. Tbs latest signsrs lb. IV are: Albert W. Bobsndal, Hillman’s Wo havo bmehee for aU BUY typM of power motore f*®** Bsst qnaUty veoli Try Pinehurft PlBOhnrtt ahrajB buys the MUSHROOMS Taxidermy laboratory, B^swood VtOfbMt Fmlt and Vofota^ , fruit stand. Dr. Morris C. Fanober land can mi^e repaire without and Allen N. Kayes. RE-TREADED GROUND BEEF bloa STory day and dellvor 44c lb. delay. P ige l i v e r them to yon w ith aU thalr rua la Iha lowoat pcloa In months. NORTON flavor and orlspnoss saved by INTO THE BEYOND 25c TIRES ELECTRICAL Oreond fresh for year or­ eartihd handling. FEET HURT? I AT 9 * l b . der. APPLES i n s t r u m e n t CO. The last thing timt It lo possibis Boat Orado P1FF1N8 Delmar D. Aoitln lYssh tblpmsnt tor Tnssdayt ARTURO SAUCE FRESH SHNACH Foot Oorrootlen BpaetoUst Phoo.4040 ^ ^ to do fo r the loved one who haa For Your Meat Loaf, lOo. 16-qt basket 69c 1T4 Blaln Btraot, Manohotti BARLOW’S iHiUiardSt, Mancheeter gone is to armago a fonsral WHITE For AppolataiMrt Dial 4010 Tire Re-Treading Factory CAUUFLOWER lot that wUl fltthigly LAMB KIDNEYS TOMATO SOUR 695 Main St Phone 6404 the sstoem and afleottoe la w lM 2c each BEETS CARROTS OampbaU’a AU Siiee In Stock. they were hold. When sorvtose BUTTON BfUSHROOMS 4 cans 25c Reaeonnble Gnarantee. are hoU hero they have that NATIVE BAMOB Come In and See Them. ting oliwaetor and lasHtiy CALVES’ LIVER CBLERY LETTUCE / l ^ i » • dssiro so modi. And the oMt 'Is SUCED BACON CAULIFLOWER Have Ybnr Old Tirea Re-. SWEET POTATOES on. Treaded By Us. 28e-29e lb. TURNIPS PEPPERS 2 6 c e a d i FBOMPT DEUVEBT. Doable the Life'of Your S / u ef/ om e Range Oil f^ToiI • Wo haira v u j moo Preeent Worn ^Hree. Pioven Better by TMt w i m m a m laf, mekid- SUPERIOR OIL floto of Con ■pMsI On Largs 0 mm AO Oieee Pricei Right Let Ue Ask for ear free UMBsorlng sUok*. tnf Emimo. D lilE D B E E P 7UN6IM .C H A K t.- SERVICE dhow You Our Work. Drier * day or two botoro yeo’ro ont of 3980 StoTii^BM oU ASPARAGUS, 2te * 29e oU. 2lgN0IIMMMN$nEEr. W tm SH F . QMnm ATLANTIC RANGE OIL THE RACKUFFEOIL CQ. U4N0HE8iaj(»iiCnCir V GBEEN CABBAGE 2 cans 58c / T hitt 12e^uT8. 8 EMgtWM# Stosol

i'' :^ :v - i-V' V jt.is m - V. ^4- *:.i