Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-08-27
li,I943 ~ . ~ Ration Calendar :e~ls Cool SUGAR e •• pon .. expl ... oot.• 1 ; MEAT Ilamp. T. V. V .. nd W expire A.~. 31; PROOESSED 110008 coupon. expire Sap'. 2: 1; t'.nu" OIL per. G e.a,•• , . caUered showers &Dd ,,,.'f8, ."pl •• a.pl. lit; SUGAR Ilam,. ,15 aD' 18, ho.... THE DAI , L~' IOWAN CI •••ln" e:.:,lr. Oat. II f 8801£.8 damp I ••• plrel Oet. thunderstorms ~I' II; 'UEL OIL p'r. I ODU ..... 'fS·'U, exp.r. ".D... liidlteon. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper a concert = Ir O'ClOck: FIVE CENTS TB& A8S0ClATEP ••111 IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1943 ..a. AIiOCIATIlP pall I VOLUME XLIDNUMBER 279 OJ Old ram, COn. ',will ~ · 0" leleranol Bettin Cks, Burns Un er lice, was R9 lrector 01 ...., - :.,., ,., -', ,,"''"' '' -'-'--~ '" '' " '''' .... -r;··,-- ", RAF Attac~sMountbatt.en Discusses avy ban~ J; • In World lDnd Will {SUI and haillrolll , Plans- U.S. leaders Id repre. With Soviets Beat Down Enemy CounleraHacks, New -Eastern Asia Commander Gain Over Three Miles on Retreating Nazis I To Meel With China's Chiang LONDON, Friday (AP)- The raine plains, the daily communi of Iowa Soviet st ppe army pursuing Ger :8 houses que said, as the Russsians under WA. mNGTON (AP)-Tbe staff conferences which Lord man troops retreating toward the Gen. Ivan S. Konev broke inlo 10 PO lice. Dnieper river west of Kharknv Loui!; lfOllntbatten Ix'gan ye terday with hi!!,h -ranking American mplained g:lined three and one-hal( miles villages and reduced them in bit military I aders will be followed in the nenr future by similar in one of yesterday, wiping out 800 enemy te'!' street fighting.
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