DAILY TV GUIDE by Mort Walker MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1968 TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1968
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Monday. March 18 .1968 The Daily Banner. Greencastle. Indiana Page 5 THE DAILY BANNER DAILY TV GUIDE By Mort Walker MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1968 TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1968 Berni** Me-mon Sooniv. 1 ond 11 Poul Onon Cotit* Cvp Truater Be-nie He-mon Spanish I «. II Coffat Cup Theater Presents Presents Survivol 9 Survivol Conoid Camera Bewitched CondW Comero Bewitched Concentror:cn The Fugitive This Morning Beverly Hillbillies 10 Concentration The Fugitive This Morning Bevc-iy Hillbillies Personollfy Andy of Moyoerry Andy of Moybarry Hollywood Squores Dick Vaa Dyke :ll Dick Van Dyke The Little Show :M Hollywood Squares The Little Show 11 :4I JeoDordy Cartoons JB-Jtl CK* Love ot Ufa m Joopa-dy Cartoons 5O-S0 CK* Love of Lile Ji-l Gf-ord Sea-cfl Tomorrow ■if Jim Cerord Search Tomorrow Guiding Light :U Guiding. Light 12 :4l »Voody Woodoury News Woody Wtodbury News i •» Let's Voke a Ofri Dating Come As tne World Turns \'i Let's Make a Deal Doting Came As the World Turns By Bob Montana Doy of Cur Lives Newlywed Came Love is a Many Days of Our Lift Ntwlywod Game Love Is a Many ipliiHaiool Thing Splendored Thing Tie Doctors Hloh ond Wild Baby Com* House Party The Doctors World of Women Baby Came House Party Chinrens Doctor SORRY, Another World Gene al Hospital lIHe u.ucht.' General Hospltol To Tell the Truth Billie Bouctier Tell the Truth ■ ARCHIE/ (HOW ABOUT) A HURRY, You Don't Soy Dennis the Menace Dark Shodows Edge of Night !,J You Don't Soy Dennis the Menace Dork Shadows Edge of Night VERONICA'S \ I'M ON I A UFT? J ARCHIE/ 60NE?? SHE -0\AY WAV Match Ocrne Secret Storm Popeye Mine Douglas M Match Gome Popeye Mike Oougkis Sec-et Storm WAS GOUM& TO \ TO A Pot Boone Eorly Show Eorly Show ©IVE AAE A RIDE JBUSINESS) 4-~■ TO SCHOOL /^-^MEETING/ Fimtstones :M Flints tones II Mon From News JO Mon F-r-m U.NX.UE. U.M.CL.C. 5 41 BE: Eorly Report CM. 11 News McMales Navy Eorly Report AtC News McHoles Novy :1S NBC News Perry Mason 1 Love Lucy News :M NBC News Perry Mason 1 Love Lacy CBS News :*% Eorly Report Cn. 1 News News GiMlgons Island 7 mrev Early Report Cllllgon's Iskmd ■M •v.ontfees Truth or Cowboy In Africa Cunsmoke 1 Dream of Jeonnle Troth or Corrison's CorlMos Daktarl Consequences :4S Consequences Sm Cosoy Haiel :eS Jerry Lewis Haul :ll Olvoret Court Rat Patrol Lucy Shaw ■M Divorce Court If Tokos a Thief Rod Skotton 8 |4S Dc»y Tftomo* Merv «r»ffln Felony Squad Andy crittlth M Movie Merv Griffin M Buz Sawyer ® By Roy Crane Peyton Place Family Affair :>• N.Y.P.D. Coed Morning 9 Ml World i opy Big Valley Can! Burnett 100 The Invoders Who. What. When iH Where. Why News :M N#WS 10 MS Finel Report Alfred HltchcoeX New* News rod Final Report Alfred Hitchcock TV 1J Hows News Weother-Soorts :l* Woothor-SBOrts Lote Show Tonignt Adventures In Joey Bishop Late Show :JO Tonight Ski with Stein Joey Bishop Pnrodlse 11 MS Adv. In Parodfto TV PROFILE Just Call Him 'Uncle Charlie/ NEW YORK i UK i — NBC Bill Demurest Doesn 't Mind has set "Showcase '68" as a By VERNON SCOTT half-hour weekly series at 8 Every morning on the desert with his brothers in Ridge- I'PI Hollywood Correspondent the Demarests arise at 7 for a p.m. Tuesdays for a summer wood, N.J. He's been singing, run beginning June 11. This is HOLLYWOOD lUPI) —Bill dip in the pool. After that it's acting and hoofing ever since. a leisurely breakfast and then ® a cross-country talent search Demarest. the garrulous old "Now everybody's forgotten Johnny Hazard By Frank Robbins for young professional Ameri- goat of "My Three Sons." has they hop into their electric my real name," he says. "When golf carts and head for the can musical entertainers. The got it made in spades. I poke my head out on the first tee. program will be filmed in nine He works in the CBS-TV sit- street or go into a store every- After a game with such regional areas, with a panel of uation comedy five months a one calls me Uncle Charlie, the friends and fellow members as judges picking a semi-finalist year and enjoys a seven-month character I play in the show. Bob Hope, Chuck Connors or in each. On Sept. 3. the pro- vacation. And it doesn't bother me a bit. Jack Benny, Demarest flakes gram will be expanded to an But instead of remaining in I've been around too long." out by his pool and absorbs hour for selection of a grand his Hollywood home whittling Demarest follows the same winner from these nine. or trimming rose bushes, Dem- the warm rays of the sun and schedule on weekdays and • o • arest. who recently celebrated smog-free air. weekends when he is at the ABC promises to televize live his 76th birthday, heads for The Demarests entertain at Springs. But in Hollywood his and in color the world heavy- Palm Springs and his home small dinner parties, frequent weekends are devoted to study- weight championship fight be- there. desert restaurants, and are ing scripts. tween Jimmy Ellis and Jerry Demarest and his wife Lu- popular guests in the Palm "We really lead two different Quarry to be staged at 9:30 cille, married 28 years, are Springs social swirl. lives," he concludes. "In Hol- p.m. April 27 in a city not yet childless and own no pets. Demarest isn't certain that lywood we work and go to bed designated. The fight area will They like to come and go as television is here to stay. With early. Lucille is very good with be blacked out. they please without the tug of that in mind he frequently ceramics and I am busy with • • • dependents limiting their ac- takes his old cello out of the the show. But both of us look closet and goes through his an- forward every year to the won- Alan King stars in a special. tivities. "Comedy Is King." which will They own a four-bedroom, cient vaudeville act. deful month of November" Born in 1892. he made his be exposed on NBC at 7:30 p.m. four-bathroom home in the April 11. Connie Stevens and Hollywood Hills in which in- debut at the age of 5, singing Walt Disney's SCAMP Lisa Minnelli will participate. numerable cousins, nieces and 0 0 0 nephews have visited over the • Television's Bob Newhart has years. Demarest had the home DAILY CROSSWORD contracted for three films with built 28 years ago. bragging the ACROSS 43. Comfort 19. Nether- MGM through 1970. His first cost was only $3.80 per square 1. Approach 44. Dance lands 5. Mark of a measure role is in Hot Millions." The foot in those days. During the working season wound DOWN 21. Roman • comedian's contract specifies 9. One who L Cone- road that the films are for motion he reports to Desilu studios at stays by shaped 22. Cereal picture theaters and not for 8 a.m. and is through at 6 himself 2. At one goodies video. p.m. — five days a week. The 10. Residents time 25. Half 0 • o shooting schedule runs from of 3. Repaat ems Barbara Schultz has been June through October when Lublin 4. See 34 26. Rabbits' named executive producer for Palm Springs is too hot. 12. Peruvian across tails Indian 5. Exhaust 27. A Saturday'* Aiiwer "CBS Playhouse" after serving November Move Then in November Bill packs 13. Legisla- 6. Dooms Mexican 36. Mark on that program of original dra- tive 7. Wing food skin from ma specials as executive story up Lucille and the family cook body 8. Keep 28. Employed whip editor. and heads for his four-bed- 14. Christmas 9. Cant 29. Trial 37. Dexterous • • • room, three-bath home on the song 11. Aquatic 30. Doughy 39. Marshy CBS has added the collegiate fairways of Canyon Country 15. Finish mammals 32. Rugged meadow post-season Sun Bowl football club in the desert. 16. Rough 13. Observes mountain 42. Argent: game to its string of sports "It's contemporary architec- lava 18. Insect crest sym. events The long-term contract ture, compared to the colonial 17. Liquid T. measure: for this El Paso contest begins house in Hollywood," Demarest BARNEY GOOGLE and SNUFFY SMITH ® by Fred Lasiw.ll says. abbr. with the 1968 game next De- 18. Torment cember. The furniture and decor in 20. Hateful —Jack Gaver Palm Springs is modern, com- 23. Mountain: fortable and colorful. Lucille SIMMER DOWN, Latin PAW-I GOT TO has decorated their Hollywood 24. Children's The first president to be de- BE KEERFUL WHflR home in early American style, game picted on a U.S. coin, other I PUT OL' BULLET'S than commemorative, was Ab- including hooked rugs and a 25. Chemical dazzling collection of pewter. suffix FEEDIN' BOWL raham Lincoln 26. Let It Napoleon Followers stand 28. Take the Settled in Ala. plug out DEMOPOL1S, Ala. (UK) — 31. Body Voncastle This town on the white bluffs 33. Sun god of the Tombigbee River was 34. Hesitation FRI. SAT. SUN. settled by a band of exiled fol- syllable lowers of Napoleon in 1817. 35. Land measure 36. Rolls of money 38. Spoke 40. Incite Voncastle 41.Qlaae 1 Showing Only 42.