Debaters Leave Cunningham Monday {Efje Batribstoman Arrives ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS Volume XXVIII. X-528 DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 Number 21 FredWaringToGive Forensic Men NEW PRESIDENT ODK Men Attend Start Annual Cup To Best Singers Debate Tours National Convention Barker, Summers, Thompson, La, Of Own Alma Mater Winn Leave Monday For At Baton Rouge, West and East. ' Waring Cap Is New Feature 9 Hs«iipv Hewes Parrish and J. R. Jones of Annual Inter-Fraternity Two Davidson debate teams, New Editorial Are Davidson Chapter Sing: Contest. one composedof Frank Barker and Bill Summers arid the <*>tli- Representatives. er of Drury Thompson and Al Staff Begins TROPHY IS ENGRAVED Winn. left Monday to make L. S. U. ACTS AS HOST extended debating tours intu Regular Duty Over 25 Colleges Holding Sim- the West and East, respective- Balfour Succeeds Norcross As ilar Competition. ly. New President. l'..trkt r and Summers nintori'd first ! Bob Garvey Becomes Assist- Editor; Legerton, A beautiful, gold-finished, to Danville, l\y.. where they t\v- ant Ru- I. Hewes "Shorty" Parrish bated :it Centre College. Today dolph Chosen. engraved trophy Ikis been of- atul 1. R. "( asoy" Imic- repre they arrived at Lexington, Kv . to fered by Frcrl Waring, well- si'titcil the Davidson chapter known band loader, to the fra- entei the N'ational Student Assem- l»oli Garvey, of VVinston-Sa- bly, which will last until Saturday, ol ihc OmiiTon Delta at ternity which is judged to sins Icm, \. C, who Ikis served for Kappa Then they will motor west and con- ilnir national convention nt best "Davidson Our Ahn.i Ma- h the year as one of the tend against Westnjinstcr | past ter" in the second annual Fra- ColleRc Louisiana State I'niversitv in the University Managing Editors of the Da- ternity sinsj which is to be 'tin! of Missouri. R.Vtoti Rouge on Matvh l.\ 14, Fred Waring andons of the trophies Barker was business 'manager of vidsonian,lias boon selected, as held on Mav 17. which he will present to the win- IS Waring the Wildcat Handbook, and Is var- the new introduced "Davidson ners of the inter-fraternity singing . Assistant L. S U Host. contests, *itv wrestling manager. Bk Editor. Our Alma Mater," which ho com- soon to be held in over 25 Summers B«^to__ liarvey will take >v<r tlic ilti- major colleges. l'v.iv circle of .()..1). K u.l- rep- posed, over :iir on Iiis Friday Various collegiate has hem very active in "V" work the groups will compete, all singing the , im : qj hi;, uptv officeat once. nni! in tin- Rod niul fttflTfe ll'Si'llll'll at the .nicrtintr WitH trfl nifrht "CoHcrc Smokers." alonp o'f.ci.il school song which Waring MaSlUUT". The position of Movie F.ditbi for with over fifty qther Alma Maters composed in response to their peti- Hoth are members of l'lii Gntnma exception of one The Alph.i Nn tions. The songs were first present- Helta social fraterhjly of the next year will be filled by Clar- and fight sonRS. This feature of and circle at I. S. l\ plavcd host to the ed on Waring's NBC Pleasure Time Legcrlon, how- his proRrams has been temporarily Forensic Council. eiice I.etlfierton. Bi'j tdfasts, heard Montfay-thro-jqh Thompson group. due to the APCAP Friday. and Winn motored ever, -vs.-ill not start work until next discontinued The members <>i th< convention contract negotiations. lirsi to H&mpilen-Sidney College,' year. V'irginta. After debating there they attended lectures atuMnlks for three 25 Schools I'.,i Rudolph will lake over the will debate at Havcxlprcl College, tlnys. The program boasted several Over twenty-five various schools Rutgers duties id a regular and University and Lchigh columnist \Vpll-known speak have made applications to enter ROTCGives and influential the University, on a two week trip. will wiiti the t olunin uhieh has contest, to date. school makes icl'S anioiiR whom were li tt'l H.tiltv Each Thompson is president of the Ett-I been furnished lor Ihc past year by its own rules, conccrninp the ship, Dr. John R. Cunningham hits now t;ikcn up his duties a* Acting Rranch, President of tin Davidson menean 1 itcrary Society and is a Tom Cauhle. Rudolph will begin appoints its own imlpes. and in Authorized captain in the U. <>. T. C. Winn is a| president of Davidson. He and hi-- family unveil into the prc&idcnt'ft Collegt Alumni; D,r. Coil, Land. most cases the school home on North Main Street yestrrday. 1hey moved from Winston- >\»irk in a week or two. mmic direc- member ..( the Y. M. (' A. and was! professor of philosophy at tin Uni tor is placed in charge of the com- recently elected president of the Salem, whereDr. Cunninghamhaft l>e«*n serving as pantor of the First There is no columnist t<> take petition. Presbyterian "Ilay's", pl,n"e. eon versity of Alabama and past presi- Deferment hndy next year. Church. r ; but "l':tv" will student for Both convention'; Many fraternities and sororities limit; to wiiit Ins column for the dent of the .ind Dr. are members of Beta Theta Pi so- For the past two month* Dr. Cunningham ha» litn-n visiting col- have formed staffing groups, many remainder of the year. Alfred II. I■.1111"- Chnuccllor of law cial fraternity and of the Forensic leges universities all over in for the . inspired .Colonel MacKenzieIssues War and America preparation com- Ihe Managing of them by Waring's Pleas- mencement his work five ICditors and at ilu University of Mississippi. Club, [ Department Council. of here. ure Time Glee and arc set- Bulletin About On April 10th the third team uf the Sports Kditor were rinnmmecd lh', ih, TJie theme of the convention was tincr dates for the contest to coin- Draft Act. the debating squad, Bill l..>llin aii(J. Extensive repairs have been nuidr on the presidential mansion, in last is-ue of paper. The <> I I'.rwin, woven around how h K. could cide with annual campus functions. i Fred Jlforton, will leave for the which caused a delay in the Cunninghams'plans for an e.irlicr arrival Managing ICditors are: ImI in Davidson. IJoe live, Jiiiinne lulcher. Bill I.y- help to initiate a new era of hrtti I Plans Made. Colonel MacKjsr&ic wishes t" an- southern tour. ;-' in, and II, ■in ! and better roller, lif, Plans are underway now for the the following War Dcpart- Mrlntti.sh In rollers nounce ■ S|...rls I litoi i- Iai v Mel Kin BaIfour President. fraternity competition which is to iiunt publication for the information 'The new Editor, Tony Darby, and j (i. -i.l, lie held here. Each fraternity is df tlio.se concerned Mi 1 Mnlfotir, pr. ni ni the Reporter ! ■ laff will lain ovei (heir dut.ii ■ striving to upon a plan Duo-Pianists If) was hit by which "The War Department issued the Interviews 1 I'a tin Jewelry comrtany. ifiiniediali ly. they may sincr the altna mater in iIn Williui "■■■ I following instructions on defer- t.iarvev snce<-eds Paul led to succeed Dr. the most original form. So far a MiunharKcr" cross, Dirkinsnn College profe^sofj of active duty of reserve of- - ■ i^'iit CAMERA EXHIBIT Misses Edith Steinmetz and a a- i-t.i tit eilit' t'r ol the |M"i Kood hit of practice has been given* pursue medical, law, MID-TERM GRADES .i- prcsidi'til ol i!if ei"iiv< nti.Mi, I5r ficers to or Dorothy Bechtel Gracious Garvcj i- .i ineriil,re c,i I'i K.ii'pa the sonp by each of the participat- Vorrnivs'suci-cpfli-d Mi K I In U post-graduate coursed At its meetirig last Wednesday Hengaveld I i:;! 1 \ " ing to Writer. Mr. ha. announced ' 'hi Sik 1 aternii iuiil hn served sun, r, irnits. - ' I);i\ ixlsnn roll.i im- tr< asiiri as "A reserve officer will noi be night the Davidson Camera Club that the niid s vnirr.Icr i*r;ijdrn .!■■ cxi baiijie idil f The Si ripts Waring will present trophies to [H i iifjoni of the *vnti\ iniion granted duty made platis for their annual pho- ■ 1 the winning group in each college, deferment of active By Mac Jrffrifs. will be eenl in the students' '\ Prank* fo| the past year. * per- tographic exhibit. during BO In; met for reasons which would not .'] was r|liiu- t oj linmt*s the and far. the idia with lure a r.»v.-il .m ■| !,i I.."*, ■ exemption un- The exhibit will be held on ' ' I e rffp Thi tali. very real enthusiasm mit his from training digraph fiends gathi ri'<] axniuul Spring holidays. No grades will among tin April 24, 25, s.i* !*-rI j stop ovei in New (Orleans, der the Selective Training and and 26 in Eu Hall. lift K«*nt out lu'fore tli.it lime. faculty members and various stu- I Miss Edith Si.irnn.i/ mul Mi s ""Y" It, h ways, !■.-■'. Service Acttjyere he noi S reserve,' It is to cover all phases of pho- All students who are taking dn- Teachers Vfiiii!' M \\ ben dent group's^ IDorothy Rct-Iitcl, after their con-! - enjoyed itn tography with fifty f sentatives themselves officer. forty or ft*rr ■d sxantl and r(" ex;ims may ■cert in Chamhers Auditorium Mon mi n . Iv prints. All members of the Club i any timt* '^Accordingly, a reserve officer ilny look Un mimiU.s nf net tlieir grades after — — expected contribute, ! nifllit.
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