Non-Government Schools Per Capita Grant Rates (2020 and 2021)
Non-Government Schools Per Capita Grant Rates (2020 and 2021) Compulsory Compulsory Middle Middle Upper Upper Kindergarten Kindergarten State Primary Primary School School Secondary Secondary needs-based (4 sessions) (4 sessions) (PP-Y6) (PP-Y6) (Y7-Y10) (Y7-Y10) (Y11-Y12) (Y11-Y12) funding 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 category $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ A 2,497 2,428 1,664 1,619 2,446 2,379 2,527 2,457 B 2,877 2,798 1,917 1,864 2,818 2,741 3,108 3,022 C 2,889 2,809 1,927 1,874 2,831 2,753 3,183 3,095 D 2,980 2,898 1,987 1,932 2,921 2,840 3,278 3,188 E 3,126 3,040 2,083 2,026 3,062 2,977 3,422 3,327 F 3,260 3,170 2,172 2,112 3,193 3,105 3,533 3,436 G 3,363 3,270 2,242 2,180 3,296 3,205 3,661 3,560 GA 5,010 4,872 3,341 3,249 4,911 4,775 5,450 5,300 H - - - - 4,911 4,775 5,450 5,300 I 6,666 6,482 4,445 4,322 6,534 6,354 7,200 7,002 J - - 9,661 9,394 14,201 13,809 15,646 15,215 The above categories can be generally described as follows: A High-Fee Schools G, GA Very low fee, predominantly rural schools B, C, D Mid to high-fee schools H Curriculum and Re-Engagement Schools E Mid-fee schools I Remote, sole provider Aboriginal community schools F Low-fee schools J Agricultural Schools General and special per capita grants paid to Non-Government Schools in 2020-21 School Suburb State Average Average Average Average Total Payments funding Kindergarten Primary Middle Upper in 2020-21 category enrolment enrolment School Secondary enrolment enrolment Catholic Education Western Australia Limited Aquinas College Salter Point F 13 245 698 354 $ 4,101,529
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