A/73/705 General Assembly

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A/73/705 General Assembly United Nations A/73/705 General Assembly Distr.: General 11 January 2019 Original: English j Seventy-third session Agenda item 136 Programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019 Standards of accommodation for air travel Report of the Secretary-General* Summary The present report of the Secretary-General on the standards of accommodation for air travel is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 42/214, 45/248 A, 53/214, 63/268, 65/268, 67/254 A, 69/274 A, 71/272 B and 72/262 B, and decisions 44/442 and 46/450, as well as decision 57/589, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit his report to it on a biennial basis. The present report provides information on standards of accommodation for air travel for the two-year period ended 30 June 2018 and comparative statistics for the two-year period ended 30 June 2016, as well as trend analyses for the past 10 years. The report also provides information and proposals on specific matters relating to air travel pursuant to resolution 72/262 B. __________________ * The present report was submitted after the deadline as a result of unforeseen delays in obtaining travel data and input from selected entities/offices. 19-00483 (E) 290119 *1900483* A/73/705 I. Introduction 1. The United Nations standards of accommodation for air travel are governed by a series of General Assembly resolutions and decisions, including resolutions 42/214, 45/248 A, 53/214, 63/268, 65/268, 67/254 A, 69/274 A, 71/272 B and 72/262 B, and decisions 44/442, 46/450 and 57/589. The Under-Secretary-General for Management promulgated the administrative instruction on official travel (ST/AI/2013/3, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.3) for the purpose of implementing the various provisions of resolutions 67/254 A and 72/262 B relating to the standards of accommodation for air travel. 2. In the United Nations system, certain categories of exceptions to the standards of accommodation have been established, including, but not limited to, the following: travel of eminent persons; travel of prominent individuals; travel under circumstances that have been deemed to be arduous or under which, for medical reasons, it has been deemed appropriate to upgrade the accommodation for air travel; security officials travelling with the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and their spouses; security officials travelling with the President of the General Assembly; and travel under circumstances when the regular standard of accommodation is not available and it is considered prudent to authorize an upgrade. 3. In its resolution 67/254 A, the General Assembly decided that, for official travellers below the level of Assistant Secretary-General, the standard of accommodation for air travel would be business class if a single-leg journey was 9 hours or more, and, for a multi-leg journey, if the combined travel time of the journey was 11 hours or more, including a maximum of 2 hours of connection time, provided that the journey to the next destination resumed within 12 hours. The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to modify his administrative instructions on standards of accommodation for air travel so that the duration of a journey would be determined based on the most economical route available, provided that the total additional time of the whole journey did not exceed the most direct route by four hours, and established economy class as the standard of accommodation for air travel for consultants and individual contractors, unless determined otherwise by the Secretary-General, taking into account the circumstances of the traveller (e.g. health reasons and the interests of the Organization). In its resolution 72/262 B, the Assembly decided to eliminate the use of first-class travel of United Nations staff members for their official travel. That provision superseded paragraph 9 of section IV of resolution 65/268, in which the Assembly had extended to the Deputy Secretary- General the entitlements regarding official travel accorded to the Secretary-General in paragraph 2 of resolution 42/214. In this regard, the Under-Secretary-General for Management promulgated an administrative instruction on official travel and subsequent amendments (ST/AI/2013/3, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.3), which incorporated the decisions of the Assembly. In addition, the Secretary-General has been applying a strict analysis of every individual case presented for exception, considering only those cases described in paragraph 2, and taking into consideration the need to use the services of prominent persons who mostly donate their services to the Organization, as well as the need to preserve the convening capacity of the Secretariat. 4. In its resolution 72/262 B, the General Assembly also requested the Secretary- General to continue to limit the use of exceptions, to strengthen internal controls in this regard and to report thereon in his next report on standards of accommodation for air travel. Pursuant to that request, the Administration has continued to limit the use of exceptions to the standards of accommodation for air travel, and the overall number of requests decreased from 1,293 for the July 2014–June 2016 period to 1,204 for the July 2016–June 2018 period. 2/77 19-00483 A/73/705 5. Detailed analyses and explanations of the movements in the number of exceptions and related additional costs for the different categories are provided in sections II to IV of the present report. Section V presents Secretariat-wide travel statistics for the two-year period ended June 2018. 6. Also in its resolution 72/262 B, the General Assembly requested the Secretary- General: (a) to continue to monitor industry best practices in the area of frequent flyer miles and report to the Assembly on any new trends for making use of frequent flyer miles to improve the administration of travel; (b) to present the results of the comprehensive analysis by the Secretary-General of the implementation of the lump- sum payments option, including collection and analysis of Umoja travel information, as well as the rate of acceptance of the lump-sum option by staff; and (c) to include an analysis and recommendations concerning a single threshold for the use of business class by staff below the level of Assistant Secretary-General (and eligible family members) that should, in most years, be expected to maximize the use of limited travel budgets. The Secretary-General has reported on these matters in sections VI to VIII of the present report. II. Travel of delegations 7. In accordance with General Assembly resolution 42/214, payment of first-class accommodation for air travel is limited to the heads of delegations of the least developed countries travelling to the regular and special sessions of the Assembly. During the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018, 17 first-class trips were approved at a cost of $203,900, compared with 9 trips at a cost of $127,600 during the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016. 8. As shown in figure I, there was a decreasing trend in the number of trips and the related total cost for the travel of delegates to sessions of the General Assembly in the previous three bienniums. However, both the number of trips and the related total cost increased during the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018, as more travel requests were received for representatives of the least developed countries. Figure I First-class travel of delegates to sessions of the General Assembly: trend analysis of the number of trips and total cost 19-00483 3/77 A/73/705 9. As shown in figure II, there was an increasing trend in the average cost per trip for the previous three bienniums. However, it decreased from $14,178 for the July 2014–June 2016 period to $11,994 for the July 2016–June 2018 period. Figure II First-class travel of delegates to sessions of the General Assembly: trend analysis of the number of trips and average cost per trip III. Travel of the President of the General Assembly 10. To strengthen the ability of the President of the General Assembly to effectively and efficiently discharge the responsibilities of the Office of the President, the Assembly, by its resolution 53/214, decided that its President, consistent with the approved programme budget, should have full authority to use the funds provided in the budget for the Office. During the July 2016–June 2018 period, six first-class trips were taken at an estimated additional cost of $47,641, compared with one first-class trip at an additional cost of $3,534 during the two-year period ended 30 June 2016. Detailed information on the first-class travel authorized by the President of the General Assembly is provided in annex VI to the present report. 11. The first-class trips taken by the President of the General Assembly are funded from the regular budget and had a decreasing trend for the previous two bienniums but increased from one trip during the July 2014–June 2016 period to six during the July 2016–June 2018 period. The additional cost per trip during the reporting period ended 30 June 2018 also increased to $7,940, compared with the additional cost per trip of $3,534 during the previous reporting period. This can be attributed to the overall increase in the cost of first-class travel during the current reporting period (see figures III and IV).

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